The Seaforth News, 1917-02-01, Page 2Tea is an Every, -clay Luxury
Black, Mixed or Natural Greene
The Sri,Fe's Na :;e
Or, The Adventures of Captain Fraser
CHAPTER XIV.--(Cont'd).
"All places. are alike to me" re-
plied the old man, dismally, } only
want to get away, that's all. She en'
Mrs. Banks are sure to have a turn
and try and drag me into it."
Ile clasped his hands behind his
back, and, pausing at a turn of the
road, looked down upen the little quay
below, Out in the river two or three
small craft rode at anchor, while a
babble of Cheerful voices from a dis-
tant boat only served to emphasise
the stillness of the evening,
"Looks quiet," said Captain Nib-
letts, after watching him for some
"I'm thinking of my nevy," said
Captain Barber, slowly, "I remem-
ber me an' my sister bringing 'im here
when he was three years old, and I 'ad
to carry him all the way back. He
put his arms round my neck, and I can
smell peppermint -ball now. mate Captain Nibletts, who did not ate
follow hint, attributed the outrage to
a young couple who had just passed.
I'm all alone now," continued Cap-
tain Barber, unheeding, "but I don't
want to marry. • Why not? 'Cos I'm
too old, and because it's like beginning
where other people Ieave off."
"Well, make up your mind and tell
her so," said the other.
"It wouldn't do any good," said Bar-
ber, dolefully.
"Tell her tu-night " said Nibletts.
Come into the 'Thorn' and have
a glass, just so as to warm
You up to it, and then get it
Captain Barber macre no reply, but
turning round led the way slowly
back to the inn, and after acknowl-
edging the respectful salutations of
the crew of the schooner who were in
the bar by ordering the landlady to
fill their pots again, led the way into
the parlor and began to charge himself
for the interview.
That he did not; underestimate the
difficulties of the ordeal was evident
by the extent of his orders, and Cap-
tain Nibletts noted with satisfaction
as the evening wore on that the old
man's spirits were improving consid.
erably. Twice he sent out instructions
to the bar to have the men's mugs
replenished, a proceeding which led
to Mr. William Green being sent by
the grateful crew to express then'
feelings in a neat little speech.
"A very nice -spoken young fel-
low," said Captain Barber, approving-
IyHe hacl some more whiskey, and at
the sounds of a step -dance on the
brick floor of the adjoining tap -room
took up his glees, and, followed by
Nibletts watched the proceedings from I
the doorway. Mr. William Green,1
who worshipped wealth and position,
sidled up to him, and with much defer-
enee discussed the dancing.
He made such a favorable impres-
sion that Captain Barber, who was in
a semi -maudlin mood, took him by the;
arm to the now deserted parlor, and
ensconcing him in a corner, told him 1
all his troubles and warned him of 1
the pitfalls which beset the feet of 1
good-looking bachelors Mr. Green 1
was sympathy itself, and for some 1
time sat silently evolving various
Neatly allour tninorailmcnts, and many
of the serioue,ones, toe, are traceable to
some disorder of the stomach, liver, and
bowels. If you wish to avoid the mis-
eries of indigestion, acidity, heartburn,
flatulence, headaches, constipation, and
a host of other distressing aihnents, you
must see to it that your elomach, Liver
and bowels are equal to
TRYthe work they have to
do. 1t le a simple matter
to take 30 drops ,,1 Mother Seigel's Syrup
daily, after meals, yet thousands of fonder
sufferers have banished indigestion, bil-
iousness, Constipation, and all their dis•
tressing consequences in jest this simple
way. Profit be their experience, As a
digestive tonic and stamaclrtc remedy,
Mother Seigefs Syrup le unsurpassed,
r,TH�; 2lis
UN's RaW1 eeSiza CoNrttss 1 NOM 50 11000
de Ta ?Inst. Olza 0040 p150c pent earns,
scht'nlon for the deliverance of his
Captain Nibletts returning to. the
parlor a little later found them in close
eonenlation. A ray of hopeIlluminat-
ed the somewhat heavy features of the
old man, and, retelling sight of - the
captain, the beckoned him to his side.
"Me an' this young man have
thought, of something," he said, in a
voice rendered husky with excitement.
Nibletts waited.
"He's goin' to call at my place,"
continued the other, "and tell Mrs.
Church that I've been tools unwell at
the 'Cauliflower' at Mapleden, and
want to see her,- and he's to bring ]ler
there at once. • Atter they've started
I go in and get to bed, and earth-
quakes wouldn't wake Nie, let alone a
knncic at the doer. D'ye see?"
"What good's that goin' to do?" in-
quired the astonishait listener,
"Next day,".said Barber, in thrilling
tunes, as he placed his fore -finger on
the other's arm, "I refuse to believe
her story, Green, here, denies' of it,
too, and sez 'e saw her at the gate
anmd ,"asks 1101' to go fur a walk with
Captain Nibletts fingered his beard.
"It don't seem to be the sort of trick
to play on a woman," he expostulat-
ed; "an' it's four miles to Mapleden.
What's she goin' to do?"
"That's 'er look -cut," observed Cap-
tain Barber, with much composure,
"All I know is she won't wake me. I
dare say she'll come on to your place.
Wimmen wot sets their caps at men
wot don't want 'em set at 'em must
put tip with the consequences."
"You give me half an hour, sir,"
said Mr. Green, impressively, "and
then you can come on as soon as you
you'll find the coast clear by
He bit off the end of the cigar pees-
ented by Captain Barber, and, thank-
ing him effusively as he struck a
match for him, quitted the inn. The
two captains waited restlessly for the
time specified, and then, finishing their
drinks, went outside, and standing in
the light which streamed from the
windows and doorway of the "Thorn,"
gazed at the dark road beyond.
"It looks all right," said Barber,
shaking hands. "Good -night."
"Good luck," .said Nibletts,
The other, not without a little trep-
idation, walked towards his house, and
opening the door after a little diffi-
culty stood safely inside. The house
was quiet and in darkness except for
the lamp which stood on the parlor
table, and after a moment's survey he
proceeded to shut up for the night.
As a rule Ile was careless about such
matters, but to -night no gaoler saw
to 'his bolts and bars more carefully
than he did. He returned to the par-
lor, having made all secure, and light-
ing his tripe for a few final whiffs be-
fore retiring winked at himself sole-
mnly in the glass. Then fearful that
the housekeeper might return sooner
than was expected, he blew nut the
lamp and smoked in the dark.
He knocked out his pipe at last, and
walked slowly and ponderously up -1 IIe grinned again as he pass-
ed the door of the housekeeper's room,
and then, with a catch in his breath,
clutched heavily at the banister as a
soft female voice bade him "Good-
Captain Barber, surprised beyond
all measure, was unable to speak.
"I thought you'd got lost again,"
said the voice, playfully, "Good-
"Coo(( -night," rejoined the other ]n
hollow tones "Mrs. Banks stay
long?" the inquired, pasuing at his
"She went just about half an hour
before you came in," replied the
housekeeper. ""Elizabeth went soon
after you did, but her mother stop-
ped on, She went very suddenly
when she did go, and was very my-
sterious about it Not that 1 want to
know her business."
"Mysterious?" faltered the captain,
"Solite young man came to the
door," continued the innocent woman,
"and they were talking in a low voice.
I don't know who it was, because Mrs.
Bunk let me see quite plainly that
she didn't want me to know. Then
she just called out 'Good -night,' wild
went off as fast as you please,"
Captain Barber supported himself
for a moment by the handle of his
door, and then in , dazed way blund-1 into his room. He was a good-
hearted man in a way, and pushing
open the little casement he thrust out
his head and sighed with genuine feel-
ing as he thought of his poor old
friend plodding slowly to bhrpleden,
Incidentally he felt a little bit sorry for
Mr, William Green. •
He was awaited next morning, after
:t somewhat reetlees night, by the
;uunde of a,1 nuwOnted noise down-
stairt, and lay to amazement listen.
to e hum of caroted voices below,
Knuckles rapped on his door, anci the
yoke of •1frs. Church, much agitated,
reeeyested hon to rise ami attire him -
He eves out of bed at that and
lool.irlg from the window. A small
group of children stood in the road
outside the house, while Joe and the
cook With their arms on the fence
were staring hard at his parlor win-
dow, occasionally varying the proceed-
ings by a little conversation with the
Pleating 'frees to Shelter Crops:
In order that soil may do its best
for the average farm crop it is nenes-
sary that it contain about hull of the
water that it is possible for It to Bold.
When saturated a heavy clay soil will
hull 40 pounds of water, and it is
generally agreed that 18 per cent, of
water in sail is more favorable to
plant growth, A practical farmer
needs no measure or sealer to tell
him when his land is in fit condition
for sowing, but many a one fails to
attach sufficient importance to the
necessity for this fit condition, and as
a result much good grain and other
seed is sown in mud that allowed it
no Aimee o•f developing into satis-
factory crop.
The season of 1110 was proof of the
fact that in the matter of command-
ing moisture supply, two points have
to he considered, namely, dispersion
and retentioaaof moisture. -To attain
both ends drainage and mulching have
to be practiced, and it is a question
if anything more or better than drain-
age can be made use of or the removal
of excess moisture from the suit, but
in the matter of retraining moisture or
supplying it there are other -means
than cultivation of the top soil, pos-
sible of being used: irrigation is one
of these, and another not very often
considered, is the provision of tree
belts that will help to retain a cer-
tain amount of moisture in the atmos-
phere an so affect the soil beneficially
in times of drought.
In sub -tropical countries, where the
people are more concerned in prevent-
ing the evaporation of moisture than
in its conservation In the soil, it is re-
cognized that there inc•two ways by
which loss of water from the soli hap-
pens, In the first place the water
absorbed by the root diffused through
the cell system of stems and leaves,
and evaporates through the breathing
pores of the leaf. In the next place
water is also lost by evaporation,
from the surface of the soil. Both
kinds of evaporation are increased by
high temperature, dryness of the at-
mosphere or a high wind. In short,
evaporation is most rapid in hot, dry
weather, and on a windy day, and is
slowest in cool, moist •weather and
calm air.
In order to overcome the loss of
water through diffusion through stems
and leaves of the plants, the advant-
age of shelter belts in the form of
trees, is pointed out by scientists, the
tree belts obviously cooling and moist-
ening the air and breaking its force.
The total removing of forest trees,
from a country that is naturally wood-
ed is a mistake from more than one
point of view, and is a sign of too
much desire for immediate cash re-
turns through cultivated drops, on the
part of the farmers, without consid-
eration for the future, There- are few
people that prefer a treeless stretch
of country, as a place to live in but,
nearly all, wish to have the benefit of
the presence of trees within view, et
the expense of a neighbor.
The planting of wind breaks is be-
coming more general in the North-
West because farmers in that section
recognize, at Least, the comfort that
people next door, who were standing
m their front garden. In a-stateof
considerable agitation he hurriedly
dressed himself and went downstairs.
His sitting -room was full. Mrs.
Banks, looking very tired, was sit-
ting in the arm -chair taking smell-
ing -salts at intervals, and st:.ring
fiercely at Mr, William Green, who
was huddled in 0 corner smiling
sheepishly behind Captain Nibletts
and Ben.
"What's all this?" demanded Cap-
tain Barbet', in a trembling voice, tis
his eye met Mr, Green's.
Several of Mrs. Banks's relatives
began speaking at once, assisted by
some of the neigghbors. The substance
of their remarks was that a man,
whose polite tongue hid the falseness
of his heart, had lured Mrs. Banks for
a four -mile walk to Mapleden late the
preceding night under the pretence
that Captain Barber, who was evident-
ly hale and hearty, was lying i11 at
the "Cauliflower." • They demanded
his immediate dismissal from the ship
and his exemplary punishment by the
„What 'ave you got to say to this?"
demanded Captain. Barber of the vil-
lain, in tones of righteous indigna-
tion tempered by fear.
"It isn't true, sir," said Mr. Green,
respectfully. "I didn't say anything
of the kind."
"Wot did you say then?" inquired
Captain Barber, in a voice which the
company thought far too mild for the
"Slee was standing at the door as
I nil I d " said
r to reen, nervously,
go Tor a walk
with me."
"1.awk-a-mussy lnel" screamed the
horrified Mrs. Banks.
"We went for a nice little stroll,"
continued the graceless Ili'. Green,
"and then I s'pose she found it was
later than she thought, and she be-
gan to make a fuss.'
"Me, at my time o' life?" demand-
ed the indignant Mrs. P,anits of the
"You did make a fuss," said Mr.
"0' course I made a fuss when
found out how I had. been deceived,
Yon were here when be came, Mrs,
Church, Weren't you ?"
"I would rather not say anything
about it," said the housekeeper,.
I insist edea you speaking," plaid
the old lady, getting very red in the
('1'o be (ontinued.)
wir:: ,
results from such shelter, while Chose
who take note of the results of such
practice see that their crops benefit
from the presence of the trees, Shelf.
wring belts of trees tiro NOW needed
h1 many parts of Old Ontario, and in
order to maintain comfortable and
safe farming conditions the land o0'1i-'
era should steel planting as SOON rte
The Furnace's home,
A. letter from a farmer appeared in
a recent issue of a .farm paper. He
asked whether farmers have not the
right to rernovo to town to take life
a little easier, and that their wives
may have some of the convenieuees
and facilities -that are not available on
the farms, Surely, the farmer has
as much right to ell the modern
household conveniences as has any
person, and if his object in moving to
town 10 to make life easy for leis wit's
he is to be commended. But there
are several phases of the subject that
are not to be passed over so lightly,
for the community has an interest in
the matter that the retired farmer
seems (Imposed to overlook entirely.
To begin at the beginning, the farm-
er has not made the most of his op-
portunities on his farm, or it would
have all the facilities that are avail-
able to him in town. If he has
reached the period of retirement with
money enough to live on leis income
while availing himself of all the con-
veniences of the modern village or
city, he surely has enough money to
provide his farm house with heat,
light, and water systems, to displace
the old oil lamp, the woman -killing
pump and the back -breaking coal
stove and kitchen range. This would
mean that in the kitchen would be
found hot and cold water available at
faucets, and a sink for dishwashing,
and, in another part of the house or a
detached building, laundry tubs, with
power -operated washing machine,
mangle and gas iron, power -operated'
cream separator and churn; and, in the
house, a bath -room with lavatory and
sanitary closet, All these he could
place in the farm home for less cost
than to buy or build and equip a honkie
in the nearby village.—American
Tramp the Snow Around the Trees.
If no protection has been afforded
the young trees against mice and ver-
min of this kind, it would be well from
this on to keep the snow firmly tramp-
ed around the trunks. Towards
spring when the nliee began to get
quite active and burrow through the
snow lung distances in search of foot,
the bask of the- young tree is very
likely to suffer if it happens to come
in their way. When the snow is
tramped about the Stem, the mice are :
more inclined to divert their channels
where the burrowing is easier, and the
tree is spared. It would be a good
pian after every snowfall to take a
trip through the young orchard and
make the snow firm about the trunks
of the trees. Watch for injury
wrought by rabbits also. Sometimes
a few fresh twigs cut frum the
branches and left on the ground •will
attract the rabbit and spare the tree.
—Farmer's Advocate.
Canadiano wanted for the, Rotel Naval Canadian Volunteer
Reserve for immediate overseas service. Only then of good
character and good physique accepted,
Fey $1,10 Minimum per day—Free 101.
$20,00 per Montle Separation Allowance.
Experienced men from 38 to 45, and boys from
15 to 18 inceppted for service le the CANADIAN
NAVAL PATROLS for defence of the Censis.
Naval Recruiting Offices, Ontario Aron
103 Hey Street, TORONTO, or
N. Dept. of tits Naval Sorriest
error Tells How To Strengthen
Eyesight ht 50 per cent In
1 ':
sSy ps
Weeks Time In Many Inst aces
A Free Prescription You Can Have
Filled and Use at Home,
London.—Do you wear alaosco? Are you a
victim of eye strain or other oyo weaknesses?
11 00, 500 will ba glad to know that according to
Dr. Lewin there is real hopo for you. Mews
whose eyed were failing say they have had their
oyes, restored through the principle of tido won-
derful free prescription. Ono mea enys, after
trying it: "I woe almost blind; could not see to
read at all. Now can rend everything will,out any
glasses and my eye() do not water any more. At
night they would pain dreadfully; bow they feel
fine all the limo. 111 0055 like a mimics to mo."
A lady who used it says: 'The atmoepbere roamed
busy with or without glasses, but "(ter using this
prescription for fifteen doys everything enema
elan, I can even read tine print without glasses."
It is helivved that thousands who wear glossae
min now discard them in a reasonable time and
multitudes more will bo obis to atreagthen their
eyes 00 as to be spared the trouble and expense
of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many
descriptionsmay be wonderfully benefited by
following tbr
o simple rules. Bore is the proscrip-
tion: tto to any active drug store and get a
bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto
tablet in a fourth of a, glees of water and alter(
to dlaeolvo, with true liquid bathe the eyes
two to four times dally. You about(' notice your
twee clear up perceptibly right from the start and
intlammal;on will quickly disappear. If your
eyes are bothering you, even a little, take steps
to envie them now before it is too lath. Many
hopelessly blind might have been saved if they
had carred for their eyes iu time.
Note: Another prominent Phyelelan to whom the
abort, article wag ruUmltttd, said: ••Boterlpto re a
very remarkable 0050. to constituent U,Trwllents
ere well known to eminent eye epcelalrtie and rudely
preacrlbed by them, Tho mnnuftoturera guarantee It
to etrengthen eycal0bt 00 per rent an one melee liars
In Many twit/meal or rotund the money. it east be
obtained from any aeon drp 11(01 and le one 01 the
very tent bruparall0ne 1 reel altould Ue kapp en Band
(05 0001100 bee In 0nn0at 3005,1' f,mll7 • 't'rm ynlmar
8(3(0 (`.o., afore 4, 4'ermine, wlh all your orders 11
your deugg,t cannot.
Bigger Yields, Better Crops and
increased Prd'fls
" The big reason for the growth in the consumption of fertilizers
lies in the fact that commercial fertilizers increase profits wherever
properly used," says a. government bulletin. If your land is losing
its available fertility you can easily build it tip and increase your
profits by using
They will give your crops a good start, stimulate growth and
increase the yields. E'en If you are gelating good results from your
lands, Harab-Llavies fertilizers will produce still bigger and better
crops. They are prepared from blood, bones, trimmings, etc., in just
the right proportions to supply the plant food your soil larks, Let
our experts help you select the correct fertilizer for your own par-
ticular needs. Write for our free fertilizer booklet and bulletins.
Ontario Fertilizers, Limited, West Toronto.
('!IttRRMS 'CHA'C (:ultE. one may buy sealed bottles of mercury
in dainty wash -leather cases as "cures
Curious Health Superstition Current.l•for rheumatism."
In ()Id Lamcl. Blue beads, not for personal adorn -
"I 1 . The C 1 tV as Inside ment, but to wart] off bronchitis, are
1 d ne o t r , pile would almost thnik that the
Several years ago there were re- superstitions age had passed, but the
mote mountain districts where meter many races of mankind that we now
cels were not only never seen, but harbor in England have, probably,
had never even been heard of. One been partially responsible for a revival
clay a resident in such a district was in health charms and amulets, says
very much astonished to see a Inrge
touring -car go be- without and visible
means of locomotion. His eyes al-
most started, out of his head, how-
ever when a motor cycle followed 'Wear a little strip of eatskin 'swath
closely in its wake and disappeared your coat end, so says the Belgian,
like a flesh round a bend in the road. you will become immune from gout
"Great Scott!" he said, turning to his or rheumatic pains. Flints for gout
son, "Who'd 'a' s'posed that thing and bones for neuritis are among their
had a colt?" "health cures."
A well-known Old English remedy
Jails Can Make llyes• for rheumatism is to carry a roar
The Belgians have introduced a
vary queer remedy• for - the relief of
rheumatism to our British chemist.
Japanese manufacturers have made
themselves independent of German
dye producer's. Dye users suffered
after the war began, and many fac-
tories were built to make colors, Now,
it is declared, there is an over -supply
and manufacturers are seeking to
potato ,in your pocket, but this latter
belief really has something to be said
in its favor, for the potato plant con-
tains properties which are distinctly
beneficial to clam, and these benefits
can be absorbed through the shin.
Even the rich do not escape the
have an export ban removed so that fascination of health charms, At the
any surplus may be sold abroad, high-class chemist's shops in London
seen on many a pretty girl.
But perhaps, of all health supersti-
tions, the acorn theory is the moat
amusing and incredulous. An acorn
belt, so a customer was solemnly as-
sured the other clay, would protect him
from attacks of indigestion and the
like! It was to be worn next to the
slain, round the waist,
Whether the acorn had its virtues
put to the test is not recorded,
A Loyal Lad.
Office Boy—De boss ]cin see no
caller's dis mornin'.
Insistent Visitors—,Say, I'll give you
a quarter to take this card in to hint.
Office Boy—Aw•, shucks! He gives
me higher wages for not dein' it.
No Use For One. •
He saw her stepping from the ear
And up to her 11e sped.
"May I not help you to alight?"
1 do not smoke," she said.
Front "Ye Olde Sugar Lode" of grandlnathel''s day,
to the sparkling"Extra Granulated" in your own cut -glass
bowl, Redpath ugar has appeared three times daily, for over
half a century, on thousands of Canadian tables.
'"Let Redpath Sweeten it." y
ne grade only the highest
2 and 5 lb. Ca tons—
.. 50 and 100 lb. Bags. Made °
Occurrences In the Land That
Reigns Supreme in the Com.
morcial World.
Tl1e Clfrr ani h
ran agr'oumlunard durirong aPdensenrlo3.oa,g,whichas
been refloated,
A. hundred cases of typhus fever
are reported at Fiume, and the die -
ease is spreading,
,Tames Gr•imtlitch, the oldest war-
der in Cheshire, has retired after
nearly forty years' service,
England's oldest volunteer, in the
person of Major John Onside Gart,
died recently at the age of 100 ,years.
James II, Hargreaves has been
hanged at Manchester for the murder
of Caroline McGhee on Auguet 9th
The boilermalters of Liverpool have
returned to work, on condition that
their grievances will be considered
A thousand lockers for the Edmon-
ton Military Hospital have been sup -
Plied by' the school boys of Woodgreen
1'Vtu• badges are to be withdrawn
from voluntarily attested and unat-
tested men in certain colliery dis-
tricts in England.
The north part of England has
been visited by a very severe snow-
stor'm. Some snow fell also as far
south as London.
Lord Robert Cecil, Minister of
Blockade, has appointed Leverton
Harris, M.P., for East Worcester-
shire, hes under-secretary.
Powis Lomas, of Isleworth, died re-
cently from pneumonia. For many
years he was secretary and comp-
troller of the G. E. Railway.
Boner Law has announced. that
it is not the intention of the Govern-
ment to do anything this session in
regard to votes for soldiers.
Spencer House, the property of
Earl Spencer,`las been placed at the
disposal of the Government, rent
free, until the close ei the war.
At a West Kent tribunal, an objec-
tor stated that he had taken an oath
ten years ago not to shave, cut hair
or take life, and that he had kept it.
The proprietor of the Empire Cine-
ma was fined 1100 at the Thanes Po-
lice Court for not defacing entertain-
ment tax stamps. Harry Greenberg
was fined 130 for admitting people to
his theatre without paying the duty.
Destroyed or Interred to Avoid An
Ignominious End.
Regimental flags aro sometimes
cremated, The ceremony is perform-
ed with great pomp and circumstance,
and the ashes are afterwards pre-
served with the most scrupulous care
in a box,
They are sometimes buried, too—.
and buried with full military honors.
This fate has befallen sets belonging
to—among others—the King's Own
Scottish Borderers and the 2nd Bat-
talion Worcestershire Regiment, says
London Answers.
Why those cremations and burials?
The reason is not far to seek. Britain
is the only country in the world which
permits its historical flags to find
their way to the "pop -shop," or the
auction -room; and flags are con-
sequently occasionally destroyed or in-
terred in order that they may avoid
this ignominious end.
Some time ago the lst Battalion
Gloucestershire Regiment recovered
from a pawnbroker in far -distant
York no fewer than four flags, which
it had borne with great honor and dis-
tinction for fifteen years through the
Egyptian and Peninsular Campaigns.
And if you should chance to visit the
parish church at Kendal, you will
there find a pair of the old colors of
the 2nd Battalion Border Regiment,
They were rescued by Lord Archibald
Campbell from an upholsterer in Lon-
don, who had put them up for sale
with no more respect than 11e would
have had for a pair of old window -
But even this fate is preferable to
that which befell a flag which for
three years waved above the 39th Foot
during the famous siege of Gibraltar,
and which was riot long ago found
covering the sofa -cushions of a trades-
man's back peeler!
Jolly Fine, Too.
`It's a pity to put his overcoat on,"
exclaimed the fond parent,, es elle
gazed admiringly at her young hope-
ful attired for a party iu a, new vol•
veteen suit, with lace collar and cuffs,
"Oh, it won't rain!" said Master
Ignoring the remark, ma gazed ap-
prehensively out of the window,
"Look here, Montagu," sire said,
"lake this quartos., and if it rains
when you come out of Mrs. Pinfoot's,
take a cab home."
"Right, ma," remarked young Mon-
Three hours later it was raining
cats and clogs, and the fond ma bless.
ed her forethought. But Monty re-
tained wet to the skin, with the vel-
veteens clinging to hila like a bath-
ing molt.
"Didn't you ecmo bnek in a cab as
I told you?" indignantly demanded
the 'nether, surveying the spectacle
with anger.
'Come e I did, ma," came the ex-
e't. , n.ver "It was jells/4111c, tool
l rot. 1:1 the oox 1 y the (b'iverl"