The Seaforth News, 1956-08-16, Page 5THE SEAPORT}( NEWS --Thursday, August 16, 1956 BEST BUY SPECIALS Jewell Shortening 1 1b Mfg. 27c MASON FRUIT JARS MIDGETS 1 doz. 1.27 LIBBYS ORANGE JUICE 48 oz. Tin 37c CHEERY MORN COFFEE, fresh ground.. 1 1b 99c KELLOGGS ALL BRAN Lge Pkg 25c FILLED COOKIES 24 biscuits to pkg, 25c QUAKER MUFFETTS 2 Pkgs. 33c MAR ENE MARGARINE TRIPLE SIZE BREEZE FREE BATH TOWEL 1 Tb Pkg. 35c SHIRRIFFS INSTANT PUDDINGS , .. 2 pkgs 17c Butterscotch, Chocolate, Vanilla MAPLE LEAF FCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON 73/1 oz Tin 47c 'WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES BUS TOUR TO SIMCOE COUNTY The Huron County, !Soil 'and !Crop Improvement Association .are planning a one -day bus tour to Simcoe (County on Friday, August 31st, for 'Huron 'County each passenger a day or two be - farmers and their wives. We fore the date of the trip. • have tentatively arranged for three 'buses to make this trip and passengers will be picked up along No. 4 Highway at de- signated points from Exeter to Wroxeter. •A letter stating the exact pickup points will be sent YOU'RE NOT A GOOD DRIVER .IF YOU HAVE THIS FAULT Bad judgment in passing is one of the most obvious faults of a bad driver. Never pull out to pass another vehicle unless you can see a clear road ahead. HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS? DEPARTMENT' OF HIGHWAYS—ONTARIO CAR BARGAINS 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1953 FORD % TON PICKUP 1952 CHEVROLET % tON PICKUP 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1950 FORD SEDAN 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1956 licenses for same on or before August 31st, 1956. Licenses will be issued from the Treas- urer's Office in the Town Hail, or from the Tax Collector, Harold Maloney. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborer: of dogs'not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags.. TOWN TOPICS Mr., Russel Ferguson and son George of Mon4real, Mrs, D, Lauchlin, 'and !Mrs, !D. W. Nadl- er, of Toronto were visitors with the !Misses Annie and (Maud Ferguson on Monday. Recent visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Allington were Mr. and Mrs. John Aidinlgton, (Margaret and Rose of Varna, Mrs. Wren. Houghton, of Crom- arty, Cromarty, (Mrs. Pay of Georgetown, and Mr. William Patrick of Wy-. onring. Recent visitors with !Mr. and (Mrs. John (Kellar were her aunt Mrs. W. E. Davis 'and Mr, Dav- is, `Pommy, Mary Margaret, and Linn 'of Weston, West Virginia. Mrs. Mary Lindsay of Flor- ence returned home on Monday after visiting !Mrs, John 0?ryce and other friends in this district 'Mr. 'and (Mrs, F. N. Faulkner, Mrs. W. J. Farrah and !Christ- ine of !Detroit and Mrs. J. Hock- ing oeking of Windsor spent a :few days 'at the home of Miss Lillian Faulkner. !Mr. and Mrs. Terry Atkinson and family are spending a week's holiday on a motor trip to North 'Bay, Ottawa and Mon- treal. Mr. and Mrs, Scott Halbkirk have returned from a motor trip to Greenwood, N.S. and Sud- bury, 'Ont. Mrs. Bertha Hab- kirk remained at Sudbury for a visit. (Mrs, J., D. Leslie of 'Leth- bridge spent the past week with Miss 'Galbraith and Mrs. Reid. Miss Helen Devereaux, Tor- onto, spent :the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Devereaux. Mrs. 'Charles Hagan and Miss !Many 'Hagan, Zurich, spent the weekend with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rumig, God- erich, spent Iti°lunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. H. Swan. Miss Julia Flanagan spent her vacation with friends in Sud- bury. Mr. and :Mrs. Rorbt. Willis and son, Akron, Ohio, spent their va- cation with Mrs. F. J. IBe'ehe'ly. Master ,Bernard 'Hotham is holidaying with Mr. 'and Mors. 'C. Laithwaite, Goderioh. Mr. 'Gordon McKindsey, of 'Churc'hill, is vacationing with his parents, Mr. and !Mrs. R. R. McKindsey. Mr. and !Mrs. David Brad- shaw, Ingersoll, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw this week. Mr. 'and Mrs. !Charles 'Reeves and family have returned from a holiday spent in 'Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Hauck, Water- loo, were weekend guests with friends. Mrs. J. Dorsey and Miss E. Williams returned after two weeks spent in Bayfield. Mr. 'and Mars. T. D. Morris, of Mount Forest, spent the week- end with relatives. Misses a2. and B. Weber, of London, were weekend guests of their brother, Rev. E. P. Welber. (Mrs. A. Flynn, of Toronto, spent last week with Mrs. E. •Bannon. Mr. 'and Mrs. A. Bedoar and family, Goderioh, were weekend guests of !Mrs. 0'. Maloney. CROP REPORT Rain storms oeucrring last Saturday, Aug. 4th and through this weak :have damaged the late grain crops in the County considerably. Many excellent fields of oats have been nearly flattened by the stories. This of course makes harvesting diffi- cult and reduces the yields. Ap- proximately one-half of the wheat crop in the southern 'half of the !County has been thresh- ed, While there are still a few farmers finishing haying oper- ations. Hay aftermath and past- ure continued to make rapid growth. RECEPTION AND DANCE For Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jordan (Bernadette Barry) in Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, AUG. 17 Good Orchestra - Lunch served Everybody Welcome Brownie's DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON Newt to the 'Community Park THURSDAY and FRIDAY August 16 and 17 "MARTY" (Academy Award Winner) Ernest Borgnine Betsy Blair (TWO GAIRTOONS) SATURDAY and MONDAY August 18 and 20 "KHYBER PATROL" ((Colour) Richard Egan Dawn Addams Featurette: Mau Mau .(ICARTO!01V) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY August 21 and 22 "NIGHT OF THE HUNTER" Robert 'Mitchum Shelly Winters '(!TWO !CARTOONS) CHURCH SERVICE EVERY SUNDAY EVENING AT 8 PM Auspices: Clinton MinisterialAeisoc'n BOX ORRIICE OPENS AT 8 AM'. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Cain►r-UNDEHIPW -CARS' It Sewer Extension Again Fails to Pass "To clear the alt" councillors agreed to ,another vote on the second reading of (bylaw 583, the sewer bylaw. The result was as noted previously. "It is up to the people," 'Councillor Kellar remarked. "If council can't do what is proper, kick us out at the end of the year," Mayor (McMaster said he was impressed with Mr. Drew, man- ager of the !Midwestern Develop- ment Association, and expected he would 'meet councils soon. The Mayor suggested a rock- and-roll dance to raise funds for the (hockey deficit. Councillors thought it a good idea, but said the association with 415 in the (bank and '$•21500 deficit, :was in no position to back such a venture. Mr. 'Longstaff had informed council that (hockey debt had been reduced from • $2,789 to $2,5,94, with a bank balance of $16.78 remaining. Five local men are on the !committee and had 'been threatened with suit if some of the accounts were not paid. When it was suggested the committee put on' benefit events Mr. ILongstaff replied three or- ganizations !had been unable to supply five helpers for n recent bingo and it seemed impossible to get anyone interested. A lob of time, effort and per- sonal 'money had been donated by the 'committee without any cost to the !town, Mr. Langstaff said. Bingo results were! poor and the committee is not func- tioning too well now. Faced with a four -mill tax in- crease, and critical of Detroit hockey club having not only given ,Seaforth no support but taking away their star coach, council hoisted further discus- sion of hockey relief for a month. Mayor !McMaster called atten- tion to a question in the Muni- cipal World, sent by Seafoi'th for information as to the legal- ity of issuing a debenture to pay off the arena debt. Frank Kling showed council drawings of proposekl stairs for the town hall. This might use space allotted dor rest rooms, but he thought the town hall was not a suitable place for public washrooms. The work will be done by lo- cal men under supervision of Frank Kling. Reeve' Scoins said there might be 'dissension if work were not let by tender. However, council decided they wanted to do job piecemeal, and to call for tenders meant having detailed specifications. !Councillor !Christie insisted the property committee chair- nnan be consulted about every move. The town still owns the building. You would be ,giving 240,000 away for every !tont, dick and harry to fool with, he said. John (Holland, president of ,Seaforbh branch of the Canadian Legion, asked •council to provide a clear title to the property at corner of Main and Huron streets, given to legion some years ago for a hall. The Legion now !plans to build a hall. The (building size is tentatively 40 x 80' same as 'Clinton's and would he an asset to the town and a credit to Main street. It would be used for banquets and social events: Bob !Smith also spoke for the Legion. ;Bowlers on the council were assured that access to rohe bowl- ing green would not be Shut off. !Councillors Kellar and (Christ- ie kept after the Mayor why the sewer was not engineered to the end of West •Goderioh st. The Mayor said the engineer claimed a seven -foot drop in the last two :blocks. !Councillor !Christie said the engineer must be mistaken. 'S'tanding at the church corner, one could still see the bumper of a oar 'clear (beyond the town limits. !Minutes of a •court of revi- sion held Aug. 10.th showed one appeal. Assessment of J. J. Cleary set at 43,340, a reduc- tion of !$1,000 on !building. Finance Report of Town Council The report of the Finance 'Committee is as follows: (Receiver General of Canada, x$11:50; :P130, •$47.26; N. West - colt, $9; A. !Miller, $8'9.40: Miss Beth "M•cEwing, $27.00; Treas. Ontario, P/:P, $1,107:66; D. H. Wilson, $233.31; 'H. (Maloney, 1$208.32; A. Price, '$175.00; J. !Cummings, $20.00; Bell Tele- phone, $57.60; Received General of Canada, rent, $10.00; Relief, $15.00; 'County of (Huron, $275.- 88; Canadian 'National Rlys,, $5.00; Baker's •Greenhouse, '69.- 50; Johnnie ,Blue, 41.95; Geo. F. !Elliott, $694.00; 'Baldwin Hardware, $14.82; C. ICoosnlbs, $712.11; Walden and Broadfoot, !$8.120; Seaforbh Motors, 43.00; Dominion (Rona Machinery !Sales 'Co,. 426.20; E. Boyce, $23.00; C. C. 'Paving, $2,8,96.25; Sea - forth Lumber Ltd., $6:25; Sea- forbh Machine (Shop, $1.00; !M. E. Clarke, $3.40; Geo. H. Miller, $5.19; Steffen Plumbing and. 'Heating, $9.00; A. Miller, •$13.; P. Kling, x$64.50; S eaf o nth News, $8.00; Buren. Expositor, $177.80; R. S. H'abkirk, !$54.04;. A. McLean, 4112.00; Receiver. General of Canada, 42.00; Geo. A. Sills •& Sons., $6645; John Bach, $59:89; Miss Beth Ma'k:'vd thrg; •$t8:a0; A. Willie, 41131.156. EGMONDVILLE The August meeting of the Pugmondville W.M.S..' and W. A. Societies was held on Wednes- day, !Aug, let 'at Mrs. !Leonard ,Strong': home with over 60 members ,present. The ,meeting was opened with the singing of the W. A. theme song. Mrs. Durst, W.A. Presi- dent read a poem, "Tread The Path of the Master", and also led in (prayer. The hymn, "The Lord's My (Life and Saving Health", was sung. (Mrs. R. Tyndall read Psalm 27 for the scripture reading. The W. A. topic, "Tlhe Secret of His Pre- sence", was given by Mrs. Tre 'ser, who also led in prayer. Nancy Pepper sang a very love- ly solo, "How Great Thou Art", During the business period for the W. A. the minutes were read, and the roll call was an- swered by a verse of scripture containing the word joy. Mrs. Bay the W. A, Treasurer re- ported a substantial sum had been raised to the end of June, (Mrs. Brown who has :been in oharge of the sale of cards was given a hearty rote of thanks for her help, and our support was asked dor the new conven- er, :Mrs. Norman Mcl.,ean. It. was decided that a fowl supper would Ibe held on Tues. Oct. 2 in connection with the 121st Anniversary of our !church. Dr. and Mrs. (Semple were welcomed to our societies. Dr. Semple thanked the ladies for • their welcome and spoke !briefly about the coming anniversary and the long •church history we have had. Mrs. A. !Pepper, 'Pres. of the W.M.S. 'was in !charge of this part of the ,meeting,' which was opened by the hymn, "Sing to the Lord of the Harvest". Mrs. E. !Cameron read 'Psalm 15 and also two poems, "You can never tell" and "My !Creed". Mrs. Lindsay Temperance Secretary, read an article written .by Mrs. Eaton. `W.M.S. Cocktail Parties under Fire", which stated that women drinkers :were increas- ing. Mrs. J. Aikenhead, 'C'hrist- ian, Stewardship Convenor, in her report, stated that we can do work for Christ by giving our money to (places where our feet can never go. !Mrs. Strong welcomed us to her home by reading a suitable poem, "Sugar in your Tea". Mrs, Eva Stephenson reported 22 calls had 'been made on sick and shutin people. Mrs. !McMil- lan in her treasurer's report said !that $100 had been sent to Presbyterial Treasurer up to June 30. The minutes of the previous .meeting were read and approved during the !business period. A substantial offering was received and an announce - anent about the !School for lead- ers to be held at Alma !College, Aug. 27-31 was anade. An effort will ,be anade to have someone from our society attend. mfrs. M. Haney gave some interesting facts about the work among the Indians in 'Quebec. It is a privil- ege for our W.M.S. to be able to rectify some of the injustice done to the Indians in that pro - vine. Presbyterians and Mebho- diet ministers helped in the early work. Tlhel establishment of Indian Residential Schools has done a great deal to help educate the younger Indians. Indians are still pagan, but those who have become Christ- ian are good church workers. After singing the hymn, "We have heard a joyful (Sound", Dr. Semple closed the meeting with prayer. A social 'time was spent with lunch served by group 4 in charge of Mrs. Forsyth, A hearty vote of thanks was given to Mrs. ''Strong, TWILIGHT MEETING The Second Huron !County Fruit Growers' Twilight meet- ing will be held at Mr. !Bill Mc- Kenzie's Orchard, Exeter, on Thursday, August 30th at 7 p.m, sharp (D.S.T.). A'I.l fruit growers, their wives and famil- ies are invited to attend this function. Everyone is asked to meet at the Exeter Arena at 7 p.m, and the tour of the Orchard will start from there. (Prof, Ii. W. Goble, Provincial Entomologist, from the 'O.A.C. will discuss fruit insects and their control. • Prof. C. B. Kelly, of the Bot- any Department, D.A.C. will dis- cuss fruit diseases and their control. IMr. B. 3, 'Teskey, of the Hor- ticulture Department, '0.A.0. will discuss mouse and rabbit control in orchards. lMr. J. 3. Johnson, Supervis- ing Inspector, Canada Depart - meat of Agriculture, London; Mr. Russell !Chard, Fruit and Vegetable Fieldman and Mr. Bill Babbitt, bruit and Vegeta- ble Fieldman, St. 'Thomas, will be on 'hand to answer any quest- ions (that the growers may !have about local problems. 9.30 p.m. (D.S.T.) A special entertainment program is (being arranged, CONSTANCE There will be service 'held in Constance United IChure& on Sunday, Aug. 19. Rev. Mr. Moore of Toronto will be the speaker representing the .Bible Society. Always Fresh Available At Cleary's IG Seaforth '.. 1.01023107111.1103 PRIDE TALK SINCE 1946 the average price of Canadian steel rolling mill prodttcts has gone up a bit more than 70 per cent. But the price of scrap, a vital raw material for the steelmaker, went up 181 per cent in the same period; and the price of labour in the primary iron and steel industry by 130 per cent. Nearly all other prices, including the price of labour, have risen higher and faster than have steel prices in the post-war period. THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOWJE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO ® • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • for a three or 014 A four year term • • TICE HURON & ERIE. RTO.AGE CORPORATION RURU5 & ERIE - GRAM TRUST CANADA TRUST . -I coamANY • • • • Head Office - London, Ont. District Representatives F. G. Bonthron, Hensall — Watson & Reid, Seaforth i; • !, '� s..•' . , ,r•.i 4P!'',& • • le,t• 0:.;a, , • 11::14 0 0 0 • • • •,. *i: , k I I