The Seaforth News, 1956-04-05, Page 8ra17117
1111111[ .d
Choose from check tweeds.
slub effects, novelty design
tweeds, r,:agA wide range of
shades featuring grey, fawn,
brown, green, and blue ---
Also navy blazers in single or
double breasted styles --
We carry regular and tall
lengths in all sport coats in
both two button and the new
short lapel three button style.
Look over these smart new
Sport Jackets today and choose
yours at---
New Slacks
Gabardines, worsted flannels, pic n' pits,
troplcals, fine Venetians and slub effect
worsteds in all the best shades.
Priced at 5.95 to 17,95
Visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Dundas over the
Easter week end were Mr. and
Mrs. David Andrews, Mrs. Neale
Reid, Dennis and Eric, 4V Ir. and
Mrs. Frank Dundas, Dale, Darl-
een and Debby, all of Toronto,
and Mrs. Ruby Dundas, Eleanor,
Carolyn and Joyce of Glencoe.
Last Monday night .the East
Highway "Too Late Euchre
Club" held its annual closing
night dinner which consisted of
roast chicken with trimmings,
pie, ice cream and cake,. thus
ending up a very enjoyable
weekly get-together of the
winter months. Although at
times it was quite evident that
a little four -legged visitor
might crash the party, the play-
ers carried on with more vim
and vigor than ever. The mem-
bers are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
!Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Jinn
Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Leeming, Mr. Edwin and Miss
Bessie Davidson with Mr. and
Mrs. Torrance Dundas ably sup-
plying for anyone who could not
The prize winners for the sea-
son were ladies' high, Mrs, Thos.
Leeming; lone hands, Mrs. Ern-
est Stevens, !Consolation, Mrs.
Jim Clarke. ,Gent's high, Thos.
Leeming; lone hands, Edwin Da-
vidson; consolation, Ernest Ste-
The Store for Men
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Steckle of
Vineland, spent Easter weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Josiah Stec-
kle and family and Mr. and Mrs,
Emmerson Erb.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oeseh
were visited on Saturday by
friends from Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb
were visited by relatives who
were in the chorus of singers
who gave a program in 'bhe Am-
ish Mennonite Church on Thurs-
day evening.
Mrs. Elva Young and family
of Hamilton spent Easter week
with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manson
and family of Toronto spent
Easter weekend with Mrs. Man-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Newel
Geiger and family.
Measles are making their
rounds in this vicinity.
The W.M.S. and W. A. of
Duff's Church, McKillop, held
their March meeting at the
home of Mrs. David Muir, on
March 20th, with a good attend-
ance of members and visitors.
Mrs. James Kerr had charge of
the WMS. meeting. :Scripture les-
sons were read by Mrs. Aaron
Jaartzi. A two -minute silent
prayer was observed for the
late Rev. David Carswell. The
study book was given by Mrs.
Gordan E. Papplo. Invitations
were received from Walton and
--- RAGS
--- AUSPICES ---
Mr, Roy Wickie of Stratford
with his friend Lloyd Pfiefer.
r and
Mrs. Joh
Mr. and M n Fische
son Martin of Toronto with his
parents Revand Mrs. E..Fischer.
Mr. Carl Elligson and'.' Janet Of
Windsor with his mother Mrs.
Caroline Elligson.
Mr, and Mrs. Ad Pfeifer and
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer at-
tended the wedding of the forms-
er's son Lloyd to Miss Mildred
Marks at Brussels on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Bennewies
of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Bennewies for the week
end. Mr. Roy Heileman, who has
been home on a week's leave
from Edgar, who was also visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Bsnnewies and
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood _Smart in
Windsor, returned with them.
Mies Velma Pomrenke, Water-
loo College, visited friends here
over the week end.
Mr, Donald Ahrens, Hamilton,
with Mr. and Mrs_ Chas, .Ahrens.
Mr. Alvin Rose of Saa,'nia, with
Mr, and Mrs. Chris W. Leonardt,
Mrs, _Rose returning home with
him after spending the past
week here.
Mr, and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
spent Baster week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Hinz, ancl. Mr. and
Mrs. John Hinz Sr., Leamington.
Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Woodward
and giris of Toronto with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mrs.
Woodward, Donna ' and Gay, re-
mained for the week.
Mrs. Henry Weber returned to
her home after spending the win-
ter with her daughter Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Mikel, Fullerton,
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur' Morton,
Lynn and Colin of Oshawa.with
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks.' Lynn
and Colin remained Por the:Das.
ter holidays.
Mr. and Mrs, John Mueller and
Ruth Ann of Hamilton with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Aug, Hine -
A plant was placed in the
chancel of the church at the Eas-
ter Sunday service in memory of
Leslie Beuerman who passed
away 3 years ago, April 1, and his
brother Harry Beuerman who
died 2 year's ago, April 3rd. It was
placed there by their' wife and
Members of Milvertan Luther
League presented their play, Rag-
gity Ann in St, Peters Lutheran
church here on Tuesday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar- Riegel and
family of Detroit spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Riegel.
Mr. Russell Sholdice ueicler-
went an operation at the Shoidice
Surgery, Thornhill, this week,
Miss Grace Fischer and Miss
Carole Rose are holidaying in To-
oronto with Mr. and Mrs, John
Mrs. John Kahle and Irvin, Mr,
and Mrs. Chas. Johnson of Mill-
ford, Mich., and Mrs. James El-
liott, Listowel, with Mr. and Mrs.
Manuel Heileman and Mr. G.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cribb and
girls of Glencoe with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Smyth and Mr. and
Mrs. Ford Diekison,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Broughton
and family, Atwood, with her
Parents . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock,
Miss Audrey Hinz, Stratford,
with her parents Mr. and Mrs,
Dalton Hinz for the week end
Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leon-
hardt were surprised when broth-
ers and sisters and immediate
fancily were invited to the home
of their son Ross Leonhardt and
Mrs. Leonhardt for a. fowl dinner
on Friday, March 30th, on the oc-
casion of their- 35th wedding an-
niversary. In the evening nieces
and nephews gathered at tine
same home to celebrate with
them. They were presented with
a beautiful basket of flowers and
other gifts. The flowers were
placed in St. Peters Lutheran
church on Easter Sunday, of
which church the celebrants are
members. Mrs. Leonhardt was
the former Ella Mogk, daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Mogk, and Mr. Leonhardt is the
son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
George Leonhardt. They have
one sore Ross, RR1 Bornholm, on
the home farm and one grandson
Kim Leonhardt, Mr, and Mrs.
Leonhardt reside in the village.
Bethel societies to meet with
them in the near future. Both
invitations were 'accepted. Mns.
It. 1R. Scott and Mrs. G. Mac-
Kenzie are to be our delegates
to the Spring 'Presbytery in Ex-
eter. .Mrs, Ross Gordon looked
after the W. A. sleeting. Letters
of thanks were read from Mrs,
Alec Snaith and Mrs. George
Campbell. Mrs. D. Muir Was
presented with a gift from the
societies as they are moving to
their home shortly. Mrs. Eldon
Kerr gave a reading "Friends".
Mrs. James Keys offered her
home for a quilting. Dhe meet-
in- closed by all repeating' the
Mizpah Benediction,
Holiday visitors over the week
end were Mr. and Mrs. T. Pitt,
Miss Anne Ostrom, Miss Marg-
aret McGiymont, 1VIr, George
'Coleman, all of Toronto, Miss
Jean Keyes, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Webster of London, Mrs. R.
Webster of (Clinton.
Mr. Barry Taylor is spending
a couple of weeks in Florida.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Don Barker and
family of King returned hems
last week after spending a week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred McClymnont. Miss Joan Me-
Clymont accompanied them.
Easter services were well at-
tended in the United Church on
,Sunday +afternoon with the pas-
tor, 'Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge.
I wish to thank everyone who sent
cads while I was a patient in hospital.
Clem' m
—Mea, G Haase and baby
I wish to thank Dr. Stapleton, the
nurses of Scott Mcmorinl Hospital and
ell the friends, relatives and neighbors
cards,flowers and treats'
who sent mo
hite I was n patient In the hoseitid.
"Thank You" — To: my doctors and
nurses, the nmsier staff and their
helpers I wish to express a sincere word
of gr7atitude for their many acts of
thoughtfulness and kind consideration
during my stay at the Scott Memorial
Hospital. Also for the beautiful flowers
and cheery greeting cards,. Many, many
thanks. - W. J. 1)UNCAN'
2 Registered Hereford brills, very good
type, serviceable age. Phone 647r5 Sea-
forth, lllsin Nott
5 good young sheep due to. lamb Apr.
15. Also Hereford and Jersey heifer with
calf at foot. George Colclough, RR1
Clinton. Phone S13J8 Clinton
33 acres of good land to rent, Tucker.
smith. Suitable for any kind of, crop.
Apply to The News Office
Ten good pigs ready to wean. Also a
few Hags of potatoes. A. R. Davidson,
Seaforth 11122. Phone 667r3
One two section spring Methharrow,
and a 6 0. tandem disc. Both in Al
shape. W. E. Haney, phone 662-33
Protestant teacher for SS ##9 Me.-
FKiliop, enrolment of 12 pupils.,, Apply
stating qualifications and salary ex-
cta1 WAng
16, to W. Dennis,
House as eight rooms with electric
lights and water, with basement. Also e.
garden and garage. Immediate posses-
sion. MTS, James .Barron, telephone.
195 Rs eafo •th
Wanted to buy or rent, small limn,
,lith good hi/tidings. Apply to The News
A quantity ot timothy seed. Lewis
Belton, phone 840r22 Seaforth
For highest prices for fowl (hens or
roasters) contact Mel Dale or G. Me•
Llwain. Phone Seaforth 530W, or 841
r14 after 5 P.M.
Clearing auction Salle of farm,
farm stock, machinery and
household effects -a at dolt 27, 'con.
2, ,Stanley tn., 114 west, 1 mile
south of ICIanton R'ad'ar School
on Friday, April 13th at 12.30
Horses — Black -Plencheron
team (.1400 lbs.)
‘Cattle-Duvhanz cow due time
of 'sale; Durham ,cow 'clue in
June; .6Dunham cows fresh wetlh
calves 'at foot; Durham buil two
years old; 2 steers ready for
market; 1 'heifer ready Tor mar-
ket; 4 Hereford and Durham
steers rising 2 years 'old; '2 Dur-
ham heifers '(8,50 lbs) ; 15 Dur-
lnanr steers and heifers 1 year
Hogs—•2 York sows •lured 2
months; 20 York Chunks ,(90 lbs)
,Machinery-1O1iver 77 Stand-
ard tractor fully equipped (like
new) 'Oliver 2 -farrow plow; Mc-
Cormick; . Dleeriaig 3-duarow
plow John Deere tractor disk;
24 -inch Dion threshing machin
+(like new), .shredder and drive
belt; 'MldCoa'mick 15 -disk fertil-
izer drill !(like new), Manure
spreader on rubber; MoOoi'mick
Deering side rake (like new);
8: fit, mower; spring tooth culti-
vator; 3 drum, steel roller; 5 -sec-
tion diamondharrows; M. H. 74t
binder in good condition; M. H.
hay loader; Sulky rake; 6 -ft.
mower; 7.ft. Cocks'rhu'tt tractor
mower and power lift; rubber -
tired farm wagon, flat hay rack;
scuffler; set farm sleighs and
rack; set 'of scales; Renfrew
cream separator with anotor;
fanning mill with motor; Gehl
hammer mill (new) ; ,grain throw-
er and pipes '(new); extension
straw blower pipes; root pulper;
grain grinder with 3 ln:p. motor;
power emery; rip saw; circular
saw; aluminum wheel barrow
(new) ; quantity syrup equip -
anent; sap 'p'ails and pan; 'colony
house 12x12, new; 'broad,er;
quantity of used steel roofing;
new steel posts; Cedar posts;
steel water trough; 1500 feet of
1 inch hemlock lumber; quantity
1 and 2 inch elm; carpenter
tools and other tools.
Grain—Mixed grain suitable
Tor seed; 800 bales mixed hay;
some loose hay; timothy seed.
W'oo'd—Body' hard wood; limb
wood; pile of cedar rails.
(Household Effects --2 stoves;
Jewel range; daybed; 5 chairs;
1 armchair; cupboard; complete
dinner set; pillows; 2 (bedroom
suites; inner spring mattress;
toilet set; 'diningroom 'table;
Farm: At the same place the
fawn will be offered for sale 3
p.m. 150 acres, frame house with
all modern conveniences. New
2 -ear garage, IL bank barns with
hydro and water, good stabling.
180 acres suitable for crop and
pasture, 20 acres 'of 'hardwood
bush. Immediate possession. 10
per cent down, balance in 30
days, sold subject to reserve ibid.
Prop., Estate of late 'William
Aucit., ,Harold Jackson.
Auction Sale
'Clearing Auction Sale of
livestock and machinery 'alt lot
31, 'corn. 1.7,- Grey 'twp., 1 mile
south 'of M'oncrief or 5 miles
west of Monlfton on 'Wed., Apr.
11'bh at 12 o'clock.
ICituttle — 1 Roan !Shorthorn
bull 2 years old t(Jdan Smith's
(breed); '2 red and white farrow
cows, 5 years old 2 black cows
fresh; 3 red 'cows fresh; Regist-
ered .Sdioalbhorn cow; Hereford
cow fresh; Registered' red :cow;
2 Hereford cows due time of
sale; 2 red Heifers due in May;
6 yearling steers; 6 yearling
heifers; 2 (purebred +Shoribhorn
calves; 2 Durham calves; 8 Hol-
stein calves; 1.25 to 200 lbs.
,Pigs -1 York hog; 3 sows
with litters; 2 sows bred; 2 sorws
bred 4' to 10 weeks; 20,chunks.
(Sheep -3 'Registered 'Suffolk
ewes; 2 lambs,
Implements — W. D. 'Allis-
Chalmers tractor, dive power
takeoff hydraulic cultivator,
Allis Ch'ahners combine, andel
60, ell crop. equipped wtbh'anotor,
filar rolls and pickup used three
seasons; International 'Harvests
er tractor Super tC, 3 yrs. old;
Heat Houser; umbrella; 3 -furrow
Fleury iBissel1 ]plow on rubber;
Cockshutt one-way disc. 6 blade;
rubber tired 'wagon; 16 It. (flat
rack '(like new); 7 11. power
plower (nearly new); 'tractor
spreader; 4 -section M'cCormick-
Deering drag cultivator; 7 -ft. M.
E. 'power binder; 13 disc M. H.
seed drill; 6 ft. 'MclCormick-
Deen ing p .a c k e r; McCormick
Deering siderake; McCormick -
Deering drop herd hay loader;
4 section harrows; Allis-sCihalan-
ens sub soider; set of scales; 12
foot grain auger; 3 range shelt-
ers chicken equipment; stone
boat; gas barrels, qu'anti'ty of
grain; fele feet of ensilage.
Prop., Leonard Machan,
Aust., Harold Jackson.
Mrs. Verne Alderdice was
hostess to the Kippen East W. I.
Mrs. E. Whitehouse was co -host-
ess. Mrs, 'Campbe'll presided.
Mrs. Elgin McKinley gave an in-
teresting talk on the topic of
Agriculture and Canadian Indus-
tries. 'NIrs. A. 'Finlayson gave
the motto, "Put your talents to
work for the W.I. and watch the
way they multiply". Eche said
each one of us has a talent for
something and if we try and
share those talents with others
no matter how small 'they may
be, we will be surprised to see
that with ordinary talent and ex
traordnnary perseverance most
things, are attainable, Mrs. ,Chas.
Eyre reviewed current events
and Mrs. Eldon Jarrett contri-
buted a poem. Quilts and pYjaan-
as were c'onnpletted to be for -
Warded to the War Memorial
Mhildren's .Hospital, London,
rs. J. Drunvmond conducted
Contests. Mrs. J. McNaughton
thanked the speaker and those
taking part in the program. The
lunch was served by the hostess
and committee.
Mrs. Fred Eckert is spending
a week in Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzc'r
and family, North' Bay, with rel-
,Mr. and Mrs. 'Kahue and
daughter o8 !Chatham with Mrs.
Mrs. M. Coyne.
'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pugh and
Glenn at .Clairmont.
Mrs. Norma Aslin and Paul in
Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gollins,
Gail and Judy with Mrs. 'Collins
,at Tara.
lMrsp Loretta. Molyneaux in
Kitchener 'with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Smuck.
Mrs. Eleanor McCauhey, of
London, with Mr. Jack Mc-
Mr. Joseph Carpenter, Chat-
ham, with Mrs. Theresa 'Carpen-
Mr. Pat Woods of Torontc
spent the weekend rwith friends.
Mr. Kenny' Stapleton, Mr. Fer-
gus Kelly, Kitchener, at their
Miss Beatrice Murray, 'Chat-
ham, 'with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Frappier
and daughter, Susanne, of Tor-
onto, with Mr. and Mrs. George
Misses Beatrice 'Murray, Re -
gene Bowman, Mary Morrison
and 'Atphonsine Meagher are
spending their Easter vacation
in New York.
Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Wilson,
Kitchener, Miss Mary Margaret
Ryan, Kitchener, Miss Theresa
erine Ryan.
Miss Helen Horan, Brantford,
with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan,
Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Smith and
son of London with Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Burnsa
Mrs. Jack Lanniu and children,
Mrs. Al Young and children of
Toronto with Mrs. Mary O'-
Rourke and Frank,
Mr. and Mrs. \Kenneth Burns
and children, Windsor, Mr. anis
Mrs. Harry Burns and Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Kenny, Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. Dan, Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane, Lon-
don, with Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Phonsine Meagher, Miss
Mary Morrison, Miss Regina
Bowman, Miss Beatrice Murray
spent the week end in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. William Staple-
ton have returned home after
spending the past six weeks in
St, Petersburg, Florida.
Private Paul Kramers of Wool-
sey Barracks, London, at his
Services for the late John
Krauskopf, who stied in Detroit,
was held at St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, Thursday morning, at
10 o'clock. Pall bearers Were
Richard McCaul, Leonard Kraus-
kopf, John Krauskopf, Joseph
Hassin, Alvin Pomaville, all of
Detroit, and Wilfred Krauskopf of
Dublin. Interment took place in
St. Columban Cemetery. Attend-
ing the funeral were Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick Crowley, Mr. and
Mrs, Harry Krauskopf, Mr. mid
Mrs, Mac McCaul, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Pomaville, Miss Catherine
Anne McCaul, Mr. and Mrs. Jolnn
Krauskopf, Jack, Joseph and
Donna Hassin, all of Detroit,
Mr. Joseph O'Connor, Toronto,
Mrs. Dave Falconer, Waterdown.
,Mr. and 'Mrs. pied Ove' delve
'of Hamilton, with (Mrs. Mac
Mr. and 'Mrs. Pete .Grosech
and children, 1VIrs. Ken Wickens,
Miss Patricia Costello of Lon-
don, Mr. .Gorden 'Costello, King-
ston with Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Mr. and ,Mrs, Jinn Newcombe
and Jimmie, Port tOredit, Dr. and
Mrs. Frank ',Statplebon, Galt, with
Miss Kathleen ;Stapleton.
:Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly,
Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. 'Winfred
Duffy and 'children, Woodstock,
Mr. Maurice Dillon, Stratford,
(Miss Madeline Dillon, Clinton,
wea'e weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs.' Louis Dillon.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Ron Butters of
ISebrin,gville, Mr. Allan Batters
of Port Severn wbbh 'Mr. and
Ryan, London, with Mr. and Mrs, 'Mrs. Tom Butters.
Patrick Ryan. Miss Joanne Evans, teachers'
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ryan and College, London, 'Miss' Joan Me
Bobbie, Weston, with 'Mrs. Cath- Laughlin, Teachers' College,,
Thursday, April 5, 1956
Funeral Service
Prompt and Careful Attention
,Hospital Bed
Flowers for all occasions
Phones: Day 43 Night 595W
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 90 Seaforth
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 5-W Seaforth
E. A. McMaster B.A., M.D., Internist
P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon
Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily
except Wednesday and Sunday
Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
urday only 7-0 p.m,
Appointments made in advance are
desirable •
J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S.
W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S.
Main St. Seaforth
Phone 105
Auction Sale
'Clearing Auction Sale of
fare stock, (machinery and
household effects at lot 15, con,
12, Grey Twp. at the village of
Cranbro'ok on Thursday, April
12, 12:30 p.m.
'Clattle-49 head. of •cattle, ail
TB tested 'an'd vaccinated; Poll -
Hereford Registered bull, 14
months old; Shorthorn cow,
fresh; 4 'Holstein tonus, fresh; 2
Ayrshire cows, fresh; (Shorthorn
heifer, 2 yrs, old, fresh; Short-
horn farrow tow; 2 'Shorthorn
cows ,due in May Shorthorn hei-
fer !due in May; 2 !Shorthorn hei-
fers with calf 'at foot; 3 Short-
horn cows w'ibh calf ,at foot; Hol-
stein cow with calf at foot; 5
Spring calves; 1 steer; 2 heifers
2 yrs. old; yearling steers and
300 Sussex -Red pullets, nine
weeks old.
Machinery—Full line of farm
machinery, including Allis- Ch'al-
rners W. D. 45 tractor, terms
one-half cash; 'Allis-Chalmers 3 -
furrow plow, disc and cultivator
(like new) ; Minneapolis 'Moline
tractor manure sprea'd'er; Fair-
banks -Morse hammer mill; In-
ternational siderake; Intterna-
tional mower ,(all nearly new);
Cockshultlt 13 -run grain and fer-
tilizer drill; M. 'H. drophead hay
loader; 'M, H. grain swarther; 4 -
section .drag harrows; rubber
tired wagon with ro'llin'g ra'cic;
steel 'wagon with 1'25 -bushel
,grain box; 1,200 -db. set scales;
Allis ,Gheslnn,ers'combine; fanning
mill :with anotor; De Dave ,cream
separator with motor; 100 feet
endless drive belt.
,Feed. ---5 tions mixed baled
hay; 300 bus, mixed 'grain:
,Miscellaneous: 50 cedar posts;
leg vise; bench vise; 2 electric
fencers; emery and saw ;with
motor; 12 x 28 heavy !tractor
chains; timothy seed; 18 -inch
hydraulic 'cylinder with hose;
square timber 34 -ft. long; new
electric chicken brooder; chicken
feeders; half (barrel ,molasses; 2
logging chains; forks, shovels,
Stan 'Campbell, 'Prop.
Harold Jackson, And.
Phony 491. Main St., Seaforth.
Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 t
5.80; Wed. 0 AM to 12.80 PM; Clinton
-McLarens Studio, Mon. 5 to 5.90 _ ,.
Watson & Reid
A11 kinds of Insurance risks et-
fected at lowest rates in First -
Class Companies
o Fire
o Auto
• Accident
• Liability
• Weather
Complete Coverages
W. E. Southgate
Agent for Manufacturers
Life Assurance' Co.
Phone 334 Res. 540
'blue a ,, al'
the solid fuel for solid comfort
Phone 573 or 332-R
Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w
Don't waste money on minerelkfr,ar
land does not need. We will, without
charge to you, take samples of the
earth in your fields and bare tier
Topnotch Feeds Limited
Phone 15 or 976, Seafarth
Hygienic Suppl80 NAies (rubber g000ds)
mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope
with price list, 6 samples 25e; 24 sam-
ples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov -
Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont.
Some baled hOR aay, timothy seed and bea-
ver oats. Phone 583r31. Jolin W.
Thompson •
Plant Huro,a ccmmty OR s most profitable
grain crop. Be sura you use the best seed
corn .available for either grain crop or
ensilage. Phone 655r23 Seaforth for your
supply of Funk's G. Hybrid seed corn.
W. A. Haugh. & Sons, Brumfield, exclu-
sive dealers for Tuckersmith
A first Mortgage of 56300 at 8k%
or a second Mortgage of 52000 at 6%
on choice residential property In Sea -
forth. (Corms of repayment to suit Mort-
gagee. Apply—McConnell & Hays, Sea -
Stratford, at their homes.
Mr. and 'els. Jerome Nichol-
son, ]London, Mr, and Mrs. ,Louis
Krauskopf and Bill, Ferndale,,
Mich.. NIrs. Robert McCormick
and 'Bill, Detroit, with Mr. and
'Mrs. James Krau.slfo'pf.
Ma. ,and Mrs. 'Frank Flanagan
of Kitchener, ,Miss Geraldine'
'Connelly of London, •Mr. Ed'
Dwyer , of ISebringvilde with Mr.
Mr: and. Mrs. Prank Bruxer.
Quantity of good clean timothy seed
$5 per bus Also Larain seed oats $1.25
per bus. Wilfred. Maloney, phone 401113
Beaver seed oats. Phone 840r41 Sea -
forth. Russell Bolton.
We silecialize in sharpening, overhaul
parts and repair service on all makes
of lawn mowers and small engines.
Crown Hardware, phone 797
Floor polishers, , garden roto tillers,
lawn sweepers, building Sacks, for rent
from Crown Hardware Rental Service,
phone 797
The superior RBOdAliaa,n eeetusg white water
paint, won't peal or rub off: for Poultry
houses, cellars, milk rooms, etc. See it
at Crown Hdwe, phone 797
Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed
radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at
Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth
Viking Cream Separators. All electric
models and gear type modals. Repairs
for all models. Authorized dealer For dis-
trict of Seaforth, Clinton and Brumfield.
Allowance made for used Separators.
Basil O'Rourke, Brecefleld. 634r21 Clinton
Repairs. for Otaco, Fleury Bisset impl's
Surge Dealer, Winglum,. Phone 658.
Can solve your milking. problems. Con-
tact for faster, safer, more. complete
milking. More farmers switch to Surge
Earn 575, and more weekly. Sell -guar-
anteed household necessities in your, sur-
roundings. Wherever you May live there
is an opening for you. Familex, Station
0, Montreal
Hudson Sterling
Phone 47