The Seaforth News, 1955-09-22, Page 1The Seaforth News
Centennial Proposed
For Walton in 1956
A meeting will he held in the
Walton Public 'School on Mon-
day evening, Sept. 26th. at 8
o'clock to make plans for a Cen-
tennial Celebration to be held
in August 19'56, 'Please bring
names and addresses of former
pupils of U. S. S. No. d1, Wal-
ton. All are urgently requested
to attend.
LA miscellaneous shower in
honor of 'Miss Margaret Mc-
Arthur, bride -elect was held in
the school xoom of Duff's Unit-
ed 'Church on Friday evening,
1Septemiber 16th. Mrs. Frank
Walters, Mrs. Harvey Johnston
and 'Mrs. James .Armstrong were
joint hostesses for the occasion.
The room was beautifully dec-
orated with pink and white
streamers, large white bells and
bouquets of flowers. Piano mu-
sic was played Iby Doris John-
ston While the guests were ar-
riving. A short program consist-
ing of several vocal and duet
numbers by Marion and Bambara
Turnlbull and a solo by Marilyn
Johnston was (followed with a
grocery smelling contest, a
trousseau contest and a (bride's
house-cleaning contest conduct-
ed by Mrs. J. Armstrong. Mrs.
113merson Mitchell was in charge
of a humorous contest. The
bride-to-be was called to the
platform and seated in a taste-
fully decorated chair in colors
of pink and wlhite, Mrs. George
McArthur and !Mrs. Earl Som-
ers, mothers of the bride and
groom elect were also seated on
the platform. Conimiinity sing-
ing was led by Mrs. Nelson Reid,
Helen Johnson, Audrey Hack -
well and Ruth Anne Ennis with
Mrs. Harvey ,Brown at the
piano. All were attired in darkie
costumes singing southern songs
and ]raking humorous com-
ments. Seeing a shower was.
coming two of the [talkies hur-
ried to bring in the wash. A
large basket of gifts was then
placed before the bride -elect.
After the gifts had been un-
wrapped, Margaret thanked the
ladies and invited thein to her
trousseau tett. The ladies joined
in singing "For She's a Jolly
Good Fellow", after which a de -
lunch was served by girl
friends of the bride-to-be.
The death occurred in St. Jo-
seph's Hospital, London, on
Monday, Sept. 19, of Mr. Thom-
as Storey in his 78th year. Mr.
,Storey had been i11 for two
,mouths. Born at Winthrop, he
was married in 1915 to Miss
Catherine Healey, who survives.
Mr. Storey had lived in Seaforth
since boyhood. He was a town
employee until retiring in 1945,
,Besides his wife he is survived
by one daughter Martha, Mrs,
Alvin Logan of Brussels, also
one (brother and two sisters, Jo-
seph Storey of Preston, 1VIrs.
Thomas Broome, (Seaforth, and
Mrs. George Nicholson, Blyth.
The funeral will take place
",'-Thursday afternoon at 2 0' -
,clock from the Box Funeral
Hoare, High Street. Rev, W. E.
Milroy of Egmondville United
•C'hureh, will officiate and inter-
ment will be in Harpurhey'Cem-
TOTAL $1.000.00
The town's contribution to
the deficit of the Seaforth Old
'Boys' Reunion was increased to
$1,000.00, not $1500.00 as stat-
ed last week, we are informed
by town officials.
Linda Powell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Powell, broke -her
right arm near the shoulder in
a fall from the monkey bars
while playing in the public
school yard on Monday. Linda
is able to be back to school
again. •
Miss Carolyn Holmes has sold
her house on 'Goderich street
west to John Michels of Sea -
forth, who has been living in
apartments next door, Miss
Holmes plans to continue to live
in Seaforth..
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love,
R. R. 1, Zurich, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter Ellen Marie to Mr. Ro-
bert John 'Graham, R.IC.A.F.
Station, Clinton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Graham, ,Clover-
dale, (B.C. The marriage to take
place in the Protestant Chapel,
• RCAF. Station, Clinton, on the
afternoon of 'October 8, at 3 o' -
The engagement is announced
of Ursula Rose, daughter of Mr.
Frederick 3. Xampman, 217
iBreithhaupt St., and the late Mrs.
Kaampman to Mr. Edward Fran-
cis McIver, son of Mrs. (Sarah
Melver, Seaforth, and the late
Mr. 'Henry McIver. The wedding
to take place Oct. '1 at 10 oelook
at 'St. Jerome's College Chapel,
Kingsdale, Kitchener.
Northside United Church
Rev. John Stinson, Minister.
10 am. Church School and
Adult Bible Class.
4'1„ The Rev. Freed Stride
cf, Parkview United Church,
Toddlers' Group and Junior
7, Anniversary at 'Eg-
8 d1'5 p.en,, Y.'P.u.
McKillop School
Fair Winners
McKillop ISchool Fair was held
at S. S. 6 east of Winthrop on
Thursday afternoon and with
fine weather and a large crowd
it was a big success.
The fair was conducted by
an executive (headed by Kenneth
!Stewart, president, William
Boyd and Harold ]Pryce, vice
Horses and Calves
Dairy (Heifer 'Calif: Gloria
Boyd, Edith (Boyd, Joan 'Coyne;
Dairy ,Calf: Jimmy Coleman,
Gerald (Coleman; '1954 Senior:
Edith Boyd, Gloria Boyd;; 4-H
Junior Beef !Calf: James Sloan;
4411 Senior Beef 'Calves: Mar-
garet (Scott, (Leslie 'Campbell,
Geraldine Dennis; Beef run on cow:
James Sloan, Jean Moylan, Donald Ma-
ICercher,- Luella Moylan; Beef, on pail:
Donald Coyne, Elsie Regle; Judging on
Calves: Bill Campbell, Leslie Campbell,
Francis Hunt; Best Showmanship; Les -
Oe Campbell, Gloria Boyd, Edith Boyd.
Best Horse Drawn Vehicle( Joan Ma-
loney; Pony colt: Marjorie Smith, Vin-
incent Maloney; Draught colt: Donald
Coyne; Pony and saddle: Joan Malon-
ey, Marlorie Smith.
Pigs and Lambs
Market Lambs: Garry McNichol, Ron-
nie Driscoll, Donald McNichol, Gordon
Driscoll; Long Wool Lambe: Gordon
Driscoll, Donald McNichol, Ronnie Dr's -
eel, Garry McNichol; Long Wool: Barb
Driscoll, Donald McNichol, Ronnie Dris-
coll, Gordon Driscoll. Sow: Merle God -
kin, Leslie Campbell, Vincent Maloney,
John Coyne; 100 lbs and under; Leslie
Campbell, Garry McNichol, Mae Stew-
art, Elaine Somerville; Best Pali. Gilts:
Donald McNichol, Leslie Campbell,
cent Maloney; Under 50 lbs: Kenneth
Popple, Leslie Campbell, Bill Hender-
son, Gerrard Maloney i Under 40 lbs:
Leslie -Campbell, Lois Godkin, 1VIerle
Poultry and Pets
Geese: Ronnie Driscoll, Marguerite
Scott, Eileen Maloney, Kenneth Popple,
Joan Maloney, Joe Maloney ; Turkeye:
Elaine Beattie, Keith Scimon ; Ducks;
Bill Henderson, Kenny Ryan, Vincent
Maloney, Donna Murray, Gordon Drie-
cull, Fergus Maloney; White Rocket
Marjorie Campbell, Bill Henderson, Ro-
chelle Nesbitt; White Leghorn, Kenneth
"'apple, Stephen Eckert, Geraldine Den-
nis, Bill Henderson, Ann Malady, Mary
Lou Coyn; Heavy Hybeid: Jim Rapson,
Bonnie Stewart, Gordon Pryce, Eleanor
ICeyes, Dan Ryan, Michael Lane ; Light
hybrid: Geraldine Dennis,. Marion Ma-
Laeghtht Bantams: Barbara Coleman,
Jean Roe, Kenneth Dapple, Paul Bet -
tits, Elaine. Beattie, Jae Maloney; Pig-
eons: Kenneth Pnpple, Edward Camp-
bell, Douglas Boyd, Harvey Ryan, Ken-
neth Pnpple, Steven Eckert; Cats: Dyke
Little, Bill MoGeevin, Garry Little, Joyce
Lane, Donald McKercher, Joe Maloney ;
Doge: Joan Lane, John Boyd, Geraldine
Dennis, Roy Glanville, Brenda I•Iaegs,.
Billy Henderson: Rabbits: Saundra Ben-
newies, Jaek McCall, Donny aMurrny,
Richard Riehl, Edward Cambell, Dyke
Little; Bpecial Pet: Joan Lane; Gouts:
Marie Strong, Gerald Coleman, Bill Hen-
White Eggs: R. W. Campbell, Joan
Coyne, Murray Henderson; Brown Eggs:
Jim Alexander, Janet McKercher, Jim
Grain and Vegetables
Corn:. Elsie Regale, Gwen Bauermnn,
Carlo Rose, Larry Lane, Kenneth Pap-
ple, Carle Rose; Wheat Sheaf: Geraldine
Dennie, Bort Dennis, Don Ryan; Barley
Sheaf: Geraldine Dennis, Bert Dennis,
Donnie Coyne; Oats Sheaf: Audrey Mc-
Michael, Ronnie Driscoll, Bert Dentis
Elaine Somerville,. Geraldine Dennis,
Sharon Somerville.
Pnmpkins; Sandra Bennewies. Gary
Betties. 13111 MeGavin, Witold Chomteki,
Carl Rock, Loretta Connoly ; 'Fable
Corn: Bert Dennis, Beatrice, Glanville,
Stanley Glanville; Wheat: Bill Camp-
bell, Douglas Boyd, Billy Henderson,
Earl Rock; Qt. Oats: Gary Betties,
Sharon Somerville, June Hiller, Mack
Stewart, Donnie Coyne, Ken Murray;
Qt. Barley: Earl Rock, Billie Campbell;
Qt Beans: Bill Hamilton, June Millen,
Paul Murray, Berbera Driscoll, Bernice
Glanville, Jimmie Bosman; Potatoes:
Irish Cobblers: Jean Petrick, Loretta
Connelly, Beatrice Rose, Paul Horan,
Earl Rose, Dianne, Kirkby; ICatadin:
Peter Eckert, Dylae Little, Fergus
Maloney. Marjorie Smith, Francis Ma-
loney, Gerard Maloney; Sebago: Louise.
O'Rourke„ Eileen O'Rourke, Earl Rock,
Raymond Moran, Gerald Rynn, Murray
McClure; Beets: Eleanor Keyes, Bobby
Pryce, Kathleen Doerr, Clu•ist.ina Pryce,
Billy Beuermam, Mary It,u'ray; Carrots:
Mary Lou Coyne, Bill MaGavtn, Sean
Patrick„ Eleanor Keys, Earl Rose, June
Hillen ; Cabbage: Mary Lou Coyne,
Gary Burch, Brenda Hoegy, Rosa Eva
Buuck, Bernice Rose; Tomatoes: Murray
McClure, Lynda Kerr, Rose Eva Buucic,
Jean Roe, ICaren Dolmage, Gordon
Pryeo: Onions: Raymond Horan, Paul
Horton, Kathleen Doerr, Lynda Kerr,
Mary Murray. Betty Dolmage.
Turnips: Mary Lou Coyyne, Joan Coyne,
Raymond Horan, Jack Flanagan, Bobby
Shannon, Keith Siemon, Earl Rose,
Francis Maloney, Lois Godkin, Terry
Ryan; Mnngels; Helen Maloney, Geeld
Maloney, Dale L'euerman, Sharon Beu-
crmen, Valerie ]3 uer,nat, Bert Dennis,
Fexms Maloney, Geraldine Dennis May
Poland, Don Ryan, Elsie Regale, Bey
Poland. Paul Horan; Spanish Onions:
G. Betties, Ray Horten, - Paul Horan,
Margaret Hillen, Gary Burch, Bill Mc -
Fall Apples: Danny O'Connor, Bent
Dennis, Earl Rock, Ronnie O'Connor,
Lois Beuerman, Geraldine Dennis; Win-
ter Apples: Bill McGavin, Jerry Cronin,
Bobby Shannon, Audrey McMichael, S.
Cronin, M. Bouorman ; Pears: Bill Me -
Gavin, Paul Betties, Audrey McMichael,
Bernice Glanville, Sandra Bennewies,
Joan Boyd; Plums: Marjorie Smith,
Gary Bottles, Eleanor Keys, Paul Bet -
Iles. -Earl Rock, Billy Ryan ; Citrons:
Billy Siemon, Keith Siemon, Bernice
Glanville, Jean Patrick, Gordon Pryce,
Christina Pryce, Joan Boyd, Joyce Ry-
an, Bill MeGavin, Ronnie Campbell;
Canned Strawberries: Joan Hamilton,
Grace Doig, Elsie Rogete, Elsie Doig;
Lois Godkin, Audrey McMichael; Can-
ned Cherries: Sharon McKenzie, Betty
Dolmage, Mary M. Flanagan, Roba
Doig, Dianne Dolmage, Patricia Man-
ley; Canned Raspberries: Betty Dol -
mage, Many M. Flannagan, Dianne Dol -
mage, Sharon McKenzie, Marlene Pep-
per, Barbara Driscoll.
Glands: Joann Helen, Paul Battles, San-
dra Bennewies, Grace Doig, Rose Buuck ;
Marigolds; Bill MeGavin, Paul Betties,
Geraldine Dennis, Keith Siemon, Mary
Murray, Paul Horan; Phlox: Paul Bet -
Hes, Eleanor Keyes,Mary Beuermann,
Keith Siemon; Sweet Peas: Dianne
Kirkby, Jane Somerville; Asters: El-
eanor Keyes, Barbara Driscoll, ICaren
Dolmage, Geraldine Dennis, Witold Who-
micki, Loretta Connolly; Csmos: Bilk
MeGavin, Jane Somerville, Billy Siemon,.
Jean Maloney, Audrey McMichael, El-
eanor Keys; Dahlias: Janne Somerville,
Zaol, MoCall, Elsie Regale, Gary Bet-
ties, Roba Doig, Parl Betties; Zinnias:
Earl Rock, TeanRoe, Eileen Maloney,
Lynda Sometville, ;Betty Muraay, Rose
Beuenman ; Petunias: Donny Murrey,
Rose Eva Botta ; Snapdragons; Lynda
Somerville, Eleanor ICeyes, Betty Sie-
mon, Geraldine Dennis; Potted Plants:
ICaren Dolmage, Karen Dolmage, Marg-
aret Kerr, Jean Patrick, Roba Doig,
Betty Murray; Nasturtium: Margaret
Millen, Geraldine Dennis.
Race 1: Shirley Vock,Barbara Hamil-
ton, Bonnie Stewart, Jean Roo; Race 2:
Brian Melaaly, Ricky Hunt, Ronnie Mur-
ray, Murray Henderson, Dennis Heuer -
man; Race a: Joan Cronin, Sharon Mc-
Kenzie, . June Hillen, Doreen Donnelly,
Continued OR Page 4
Lieut. -Governor To Parachute Jump At
Arrive Friday A.M. Fair on Friday
(Lieutenant 'Governor Louis
0, Breithaupt will .be the •guest
of the direotors of Seaforth Ag-
ricultural .Society at a luncheon
at 'Northside United (Church on
Friday at 11.30 a,m. Members
of parliament and heads of mu-
nicipalities will also be present.
A Provincial Police escort will
aneet Lieutenant Governor at
Mitchell and accompany him to
The fair will be officially op-
ened by Lieut. 'Governor _Breit-
haupt at 2.30 pan. It is expected
that an official from the Fall
Fairs Branch of the Department
of Agriculture will be present
and take part in the unveiling
of a plaque commemorating the
140 years of service to the com-
munity of the fall fair, from
1845 to 1955. This plaque is
mounted in a stone pylon beside
the new speakers' and judges'
'A. grant of $1000 from tare
Department of Agriculture for
the centennial of the Agricultur-
al Society has been used to-
wards the cost of the pylon and
plaque and also the platform
and new judges stand. The
stone pylon is a credit to the
craftsmnanshtp of Mr. Gilbert
1Beolrtel of Seaforth, while the
cement work and 'finishing of the
stand etc. was expertly done by
Messrs. Stewart Dolmage and
(Earl Diok.
The space beneath the plat-
form is enclosed and divided in-
to -four rooms, suitable for an
office and dressing or utility
The first Home and School
meeting of the 1955-56 -season
was held Tuesday night, !Sept.
20th at the Seaforth Public
School with the new president,
Mrs. John Patterson in the
chair. The treasurer's report
showed a balance of over $50.
Two piano selections by Dora
Ann Stinson were well x'eceived.
Two films shown on 'Eye Care
were well explained by Mr. John
Longstaff. Mrs. W. Hodgert
was Mother of the month, being
the only mother at the meeting
sending her first child to school.
Mr. Talbot's class won the pie-
ture for this month having the
most parents present in his
An interesting program is
planned for the coming year and
it would be very nice to see
more parents out to the meet-
ings. Tea was served at the close
of the meeting.
The regular meeting of the
Ladies' Guild of 1St. Phomas'
!Church was held on Thursday
evening, ,Sept. 15, in the parish
hall. The president, Miss Parke,
presided. The meeting opened
with the scripture reading, the
Gospel for the 14th Sunday af-
ter Trinity, read by Rev. James.
Prayers dor the parish were fol-
lowed by the 'Lord's Prayer. The
secretary's and treasurer's re-
port were read and approved.
In the business discussion mem-
Seers were reminded of the an-
nual bazaar (being held on Nov.
23. After the collection was re-
ceived and dedicated the meet-
ing adjourned.
The funeral of the late Mrs.
!Catherine Flannery was held at
St. Janes' !Church on Saturday
at 9.30 a.m, with Rev. Fr. We-
ber conducting the service. The
pallbearers were Peter Melver,
Louis McGrath, John Walsh,
Gordon Reynolds, Mervyn Lane,
Leon Bannon. Interment was in
'St. Janes' Cemetery.
The following from out of
town attended the funeral:
Mr. and '!Mrs, L. J. Flannery)
Birmingham, Mich., Mr, and
Mrs. J. P. Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. 'Cyril Flannery, Dearborn,
Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ben-
ninger and Miss Theresa Flan-
nery, Guelph, Mr. James Flan-
nery, Kitchener; Dr. and Mrs.
Leonard Dolan, Port Elgin, N.
B., Mrs. Ann Flannery, Mrs. E.
Van Oast, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Flannery, and Mr. Urban Cur-
tin, Dearborn, Mich,, Dr. and
Mrs. L. J. Matthews, East De-
troit; 10115. Walter Bohn, De-
troit, Mr. James Hughes, Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. R. Roach and
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mailleaux, Tor-
onto; Miss Mae Sullivan, Galt;
Mr. and Mrs. P. (Doherty and
'Mrs. Marie 'Beaulieu, Detroit;
Mrs. Brown, Stratford; Mrs. W.
J. Cassels, Dearborn, Mich.
Mrs. Mabel • Leona Knapp,
formerly of lLangarth ,St., Lon-
don, died 'Wednesday at the
home of her son, Lyle F. Knapp,
at Niagara Falls. Mrs. 'Knapp
and her husband, Joseph E.
Knapp, moved to Niagara Falls
just over a year. ago.
IShe was born in 'Hensel], a
daughter of the late. Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Bolton, and resided
hi London and .district for about
35 years. She was a member of
the United Church.
(Surviving besides her husband
and son, are a -daughter, Mrs. T
B. Ray Miriam, of 'Tucahoe, N
Y., and a sister, Mrs. Netta Col-
bert, of Seaforth; also 3 grand-
children. Funeral 'Services were
conducted on 'Saturday wibh in-
terment in Forest Lawn Mem-
orial 'Gardens. '
A. parachute jump will take
place at 'Sea:forth fair grounds
at 4 o'clock on Friday after-
noon, according to arrangements
completed this week by fair of-
ficials. The jump will be made
by Mr. Lucas of 'Goderich, He
will circle the fair grounds at
4 o'clook in a small yellow plane
before making the jump.
, As far as known this is the
first time a parachute jump has
ever been made at the Seaforth
Lair and it is expected to prove
an attraction.
The Carter Shows, with ferric
wheel and other' rides, will be on
'hand for the fail(, besides other
attractions including Swiss mu-
sicians with saxophone and clar-
A dance with a popular or-
chestra on Friday evening will
wind up the fair.
Peanuts Grown Here
Are Novelty
Miss Joan Bach on 'Saturday
toolc up a peanut plant which
she has grown in a flower bed
here this summner. It is low and
spreading, the leaves somewhat
reseamibliug clover. The nuts do
not grow on the roots like pota-
toes, but form at the end of
spurs thrust down into the
ground /roan stems which look
like ground runners. It was.
grown from eanroastecl peanuts
Planted this spring.
Joan had seen 'peanuts grow-
ing in the southern states when
she accompanied her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Bach, on a
trip to Florida. Peanuts grow
therein light soil, are harvested
with a special puller, and thresh-
ed in a combine or threshing
machine. She was anxious to
see how they would grow in
this climate. Peanuts are grown
by the cotton farmers as a rota-
tion crop with 'cotton which is
hard on the land.
Joan put her novel plant in
a jar of water and had it on dis-
play in her father's store.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace,
Keith and Kenneth, Carlingford,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mr's. John Wallace and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig
visited during the weekend with
friends at Fergus.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning
and children, Mitchell, visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. K,
IMcKellar. .
The Rally Day service which
was held in ,Cromarty Church on
Sunday 'vas well attended. The
children of the Sunday School
with their teachers occupied the
centre pews and a junior choir
led in the singing of the hymns.
They also provided a special
number. A splendid address on
the theme "The Bilble Speaks
Today" was given by Rev. S.
Kerr:. !Several of the children
were presented with diplomas
'for memorizing scripture.
ICO,nnnunion Service will be
observed next Sunday with pre-
paratory service on. Thursday
The W. A. met in the school-
room of the church on Tuesday,
Sept. 6 with 26 members re-
sent. Miss'Dewey and Mrs. Wil-
son had oharge of the Devotion-
al exercises. The business part
off the meeting followed. Plans
for our bazaar were discussed
and it was .decided to hold it on
Nov. 2. Further plans to be
:made at our October meeting.
The W. A. hymn and ]prayer
brought this part of our meeting
to a close. Group 4 then took
charge of the program and
lunch, and also held a baking
Mrs. Albert Harrison enter-
tained the ladies of the 'McKillop
•Branch of the WNIIS. at the Sep-
tember mieeting. Mrs. Helen Mc-
Millan aliened the meeting with
prayer. 'Hymn 592 was sung.
The minutes of the August
meeting were adopted as read
with 18 members and 3 visitors.
An invitation was accepted to
attend the Fall Thankoffering
nneeting to be held in Duff's Un-
ited 'Church, October 6 at 2.30
pan. Renewal of the Glad Tid-
ings is to be given to Mrs. Ro-
bert ,Smith at the !October meet-
ing. Miss Jean Scott then took
over the meeting, using as much
as she could of the Presbyterial
meeting held in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, 'Clinton,
on Tuesday, Sept. 13. The scrip-
ture lesson was read by Miss
Esther 'Hacking, Ruffians II,
'chap. 12. Mrs. J. F. !Scott gave
thoughts on the scripture lesson
ston. prepared Mrs. D. Glenn (Campbell
gave a very inspiring talk, her
theme being "Recommitment to
(Service". 'Tine scripture verse,
"Thou shalt remenaber all the
way which the Lord thy God
led Thee", (Dent. 8: 2. Mrs. John
(Garter and Mrs. E. F. McMillan
gave a well rendered duet ac-
companied by Mrs. Helen Mc-
Millan. (Mrs. J. W. Thompson
gave a report of the Presbyter-
ial meeting of the morning ses-
sion and Mrs. J. L. Sell, the .af-
ternoon session. 1VIrs. James
Aitcheson gave the !Glad 'Tiding
Prayer. (Hymn 570 was sung,
The meeting closed with all re-
peating the Lord's Prayer in un-
ison. A delicious lunch was en-
Represent Huron
At Chicago
Lavern Godkin, R. R. 2, Wal-
ton, who has been active in 4d1
and Junior Farmer work in the
County and Who has had the
highest standing in the Junior
Farmer Seed and Livestock
Judging Competition in 1954
and 1965 in Baron County has
been selected to represent Hur-
on County at the National 4-H
Club Congress at the Chicago
Livestock Exposition.
('rank Alton, No. 7, Luoknow,
who also has been active in 4-H
and Junior Farmer work
who had the second highest
standing in the IColwanosh Jun-
ior Farmer's Livestock and Seed
Judging Colmpatations in 1954
and 1955, in Huron County is
the other winner of the Junior
Farmer 'Bus Tour to Eastern
Ontario and the Province of
Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leon-
hardt accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
George Jacob of Kitchener to
Port Sandfield, Muskoka and
Iroquois Falls, to visit Mr. Chas.
Mr. Jim Riehl of Mitchell is
visiting with his daughter, Mrs.
Harry Tait and Mr. Tait.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer
and son Martin of Toronto,
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Rev, and Mrs. E. Fischer.
Mr. Fred I-Iollatz of near
Monkton is spending this week
with his sister Mrs. Rosina Mil-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel
and family and Geo. Diegel
spent Sunday with M s. Diegel's
mother, Mrs. Ida Brunner, Se-
Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz Sr.
and Mr, and Mrs. Michael Con-
olly of Sebiingville with Mr.
and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe on Sun -
Mr. Ralph 'Scherbarth of De-
troit spent the weekend- with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. - Ed
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennewies
spent Sunday with their son
Harvey and Mrs. Bennewies in
Mrs. Schilbe of Exeter and
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson
and children of Hensall with
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hodgert
an Sunday.
Members of the Ladies' Aid
of St. Peter's Lutheran Church
attended a Ladies' Aicl Rally at
Tavistock on Wednesday.
Mr. Harold Wardell is con-
fined to Stratford Hospital alt-
erebeing injured in a tractor ac-
cident near his home.
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe has been
with her daughter, Mrs. Dick
Watson, Exeter, this week. Mrs.
Watson fell and received back
Brenda Ruth, infant daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Eicls-
nteir was: baptizedafter the ser-
vice in St. Peter's Lutheran
Church by Rev. E. Fischer. Mr.
and Mrs. John Vock were spon-
sors along 'with the parents,
The Brodhagen Band played
at the :McKillop School Fair last
Harvest Thanksgiving Ser-
vice was (held at St. Peter's Lu-
theran !Church on ,Sunday morn-
ing. The Chancel was beautifully
decorated for the occasion with
flowers, grain, vegetables and
fruit and 10 girls and 10 boys
of the beginners class of the
Sunday School carried fruit,
vegetables, flowers,- grain into
the church; those taking part
were: grain—Mary Beuernnann,
Ruth Ann Diegel, Freddie Elck-
heir, Glen McNaughton; Ap-
ples—Linda Dietz, Joanne Ellig-
son, Donald Elligson, Howard
Morena; Potatoes --Joan Rapien,
Sharon Dietz, Jimmy and Billy
Henderson; Grapes: -Bonita Hoe-
ey, Beverley .Sholdiee, Alvin
Hicks, Eric ,Bennewies; ,Flow-
ers—(Sheila Dietz, Audrey - Hod-
gert, Gary Dietz, Jimmy Diegel.
The Senior Choir sang sever-
al anthems and Rev. Fischer
preaohed the sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Sie-
mon are erecting a new home
on their 50 -acre farm on Con -
10, Logan.
Mr. and Mrs. August Scher -
berth, Mr. and Mrs. Harold El-
ligson have been on a trip to
the East coast, Buffalo and
other points.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuer-
rnan have been visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. John Kahle and 'Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Johnston at
Milford, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gordner of
near. Mitchell spent Sunday ,with
their daughter, ' (Mrs. Edward
'Bennewies and Mr. Bennewies.
The WIVIIS. of St. Andrew's
United (Church met on Wednes-
day evening at the home of
1VIrs. Bert Faber with 'Mrs. Al.
lan Johnson as !Co -(Hostess. Mrs.
Emerson Kyle opened the meet-
ing with hymn 187. MTS. Alec
Hyde read the scripture and led
in !prayer. Mrs. -Ralph Turner
gave the report for Inc visiting
committee stating she and M•rs.
Ross Love had called on several
shutins. The visiting committee
for Inc next month are Mrs. R.
M. Peck and Mrs. Edgar Me -
Bride. 'Group 2 were asked to
be Tor next month. A good num-
ber answered the roll call with
the name of their first !Sunday
'School teacher. A much remem-
bered name was [mentioned in
many eases in the person of the
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ate Mrs. Monteith. The Section-
al meeting of Inc 'Huron Presby-
terial to be held at Grand Bend
on Sept. 27 was discussed. _Mrs.
M. Oesch of Zurich accompanied
a ladies' quartette, namely; Mrs.
D. 'Breen, Mrs. Harold Rader,
Mrs. K. .L'reakey and lefts, A.
Mallick, who favored with two
very pleasing numbers. Mrs.
John 'Sinclair gave the study.
Mr's. McLeod gave a reading on
!Christian 'Stewardship. Mrs. Em-
erson Kyle extended thanks to
all who tool: part and Mrs. Mor-
ley Cooper thanked the hostess
and co -hostess.
Mrs. Harold Jones conducted
a short business .meeting of the
W.A. at which time it was de-
cided to hold the annual bazaar
on Nov, 19. Lunch was served
by Circle 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor of
Exeter visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell.
Mr. Archie Parsons met with a
very painful accident on 'Satur-
day evening while attending to
his horses, in some manner they
turned and in so doing broke
Mr. Parsons' nose.
Rev. and Mrs. McLeod and
P,ud spent Friday last in Lon-
Sunday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Cudmnre were 11r.
Charles Cudtnore and Barbara
of Kitchener, Mr. Beverly Cud -
more of - The Royal ,Canadian
Navy, Halifax, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Cudmore and Lorne and
also their daughter and Non -in-
law, hi]'. and :Sire. Cliff Green,
all of London.
Mr. Bud McLeod left on Sun-
day for Toronto where he Inas
accepted a position.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert of
Clifford visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Dickert.
'Mrs. Robt. McBride left on
the weekend for a visit with here
daughter and son-in-law Mr. and
Mrs. 'Edgar ,Schnell in Camrose,
Alberta, a Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Mc-
Bride, Mrs. Stewart' Beattie, Mr.
Edgar McBride accompanied
Mrs. McBride to Melton Air
Port where she boarded the Air-
Miss Donna McBride, nurse -
in -training at Stratford Hospit-
al spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mc-
Clinton Man In Crash, Dies
Willard Lee, 68, Clinton, died
in Clinton Public Hospital Mon-
day night from injuries received
when his car crashed - on No. 8
H'ig'hway, a mile west of here,
earlier in the evening.
When first .admitted to Clin-
ton Public Hospital his injuries
were not considered serious, a
hospital authority said. He was
one of three people injured in
the crash. Two others escaped
unhurt. The 'crash occurred
when Mr. Lee missed a detour
in the road, crashed through a
barricade, and ran into abridge
that Ryas under construction.
Also injured was Miss Laura
Jervis, about 60, reported in
deep shock, with severe head in-
juries and lacerations of Inc
tight leg.
Injured and in critical condi-
tion .as a result of the crash was
Jahn Harnweli, 87, 'Goderich,
who received a (fractured hip and
multiple lacerations to the face
and head. He was taken to
'Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
!Mics. Ella Woolvin, sister of
the driver, and another passen-
ger, were unhurt.
Damage to the car was esti-
mated at 5600.
!Constable H. ,Snell, Seaforth
detachment, Ontario Provincial
Police, investigated,
Mrs. A. McDougall and baby
son returned to London after
spending a week with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Jordan.
Miss Mary Atkinson, Toronto,
is vacationing with her mother,
Mrs. Joseph Atkinson and Mr.
and Mrs. George Coyne.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. F eerie,,
London, with Patrick Feeney.
Mr. and airs. Philip Flanagan
and daughter, Betty, of Toronto
with Mrs. !Catherine Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpent-
er, Chatham, with Mrs. Teresa
Miss Nora Kelly and Leo Kel-
ly, 'Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
seph E. Feeney.
Edward Molynneaux has re-
turned to his hone in Florida
after spending three weeks with
Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Feeney,
M'h'. and Mrs. Gerald Feeney.
Kitehener, Michael Feeney, Pet-
awatva, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Hickman and Donna, London,.
with Mr, and 'ails. Mae Feeney.
L.A.C. and Mrs. Don Brews-
ter and family have left Dublin
for St. Hubert, Que.. where he
has been transferred.
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Mclady and
family have returned home from
their cottage near Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlon Kenster,
Billy and Carol, Brantford and
Mr. and Mrs. John Frost. Dun-
das, with fair. and Mrs. Joseph
Miss Joan Evans has enrolled
at Teachers' College, London.
Mrs. Davin .McConnell accom-
panied her sister, Mrs. Wm.
!Devereaux to spend a week in
Detroit and Chicago.
Miss Joan McLaughlin is at-
tending Teachers' College at
Janes Montrose, Florida, with
Mrs. Joseph Atkinson and other
Mr. and Mrs. James Kr•aus-
kopf and Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Krauskapf in London.
!Thomas J. Jordan, of London,
died Saturday at St, Joseph's
Hospital He was 82. Mr. Jordan
was :born at St. IColuanban. He
lived in London for the past 39
years. He attended 'St. Michael's
Church and was a (member of
the Holy Name !Society, League
of the !Sacred Heart, Society for
the Propagation of the Faith,
and tine 'Cont;raternity of the .
Blessed Sacrament. 'Surviving
aro his wife, the forn'ter Anna
Theresa Dewan, and a daughter,
Mrs. W. J, (Elizabeth Murray)
Muldoon, of (Detroit. Rev. 'Sister
M. Alma and Bev. 'Sister 1M. -
Theresa, of 1St. Joseph's Com-
munity, are nieces, and Rev. Fa-
ther John L. Jordan, of St. Clair
Shores, Mich., is a nephew. In-
terment was in '8t., (Patrick's
Cemetery. -