The Seaforth News, 1955-09-15, Page 1S.eafarth . .laws., .. .
AuthorIzed as Second Claes mail, Poet
WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 77 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY', SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 51.00 a Year Office Dept„ Ottawa
Snowdon Broq„ Publishers
Cannington Man
CNR Agent
Town Assumes More
Of Reunion Deficit
G. Muir to Coach
Junior B Hurons
Plans Complete For Winthrop Wins
Big Seaforth Fair 1 Stephenson Cup
41111111I 1 j'
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111 '
iF. W. Marshall, of [Canning-
ton, has been named C.N.R. sba-
tion agent at Seaforth, to' sue-
seed John T. Kaiser who leaves
on Monday to assume his duties
as Georgetown station agent to
(which he was recently appoint-
(Seaforth town council on
Monday evening voted an extra
$500 to the reunion 'committee,
raising the town's contribution
to $1500. Allmembers were
present for the regular (Sept.
moeting with Mayor Dr. Mc-
Master presiding.
Association known as the
The Assoc
(Seaforth 'Hockey Association,
formed to sponsor Jr. "B" and
Minor Hockey in Seaforth, wish
to emphasize to the public that
minor;hockey expenses are met
by receipts obtained by Jr B
Carrying out the Centennial
'theme—gold and purple --this
year's .Fall Fair (prize list is
quite attractive, Although the
'elasses for heavy and light
horses have been eliminated
from this year's livestock show,
additional classes, especially in
By a score of 2-0 Winthrop
defeated Ethel on Tuesday night
for their fourth warn -
for their fourth win in the Hur-
on Football finals. Thursday
night Winthrop won 4-0. The
series was best of seven games
and Winthrop is now winner of
i. •
�� ,
1. -aim.
r P -weep
�� ;'�
®, ®�.®�� o,
% ,
It is expected Mr. 'Marsha'll
in in
The motion to give the re-
Arrangements have b e e n
to Jr. "B" team
the junior division have been
added, to include 4-H club
the Stephenson Cup,
After the game lunch was
— 4
200 TO t : "�"
will arrive .Seaforth about
two weeks and in the meantime
a relief man will be in charge
Mr. Kaiser has bean station
agent here for fourteen years
union committee $500 in adds-
tion to the '$'1000 previously
paid over was sponsored by
'Councillors Leslie and 'Christie.
It was carried without discus -'Thomas,
evade enter a
under the name of the "Sea-
forth Hurons". The team will
play in a groupwith ,Sarhia, St.
London, as far as is
now known, with an interlock-
shows in swine, 'beef and dairy
calf, grain, poultry, (home-mak-
ing,garden club; and Junior In-
stitute competitions. Champion-
ship shows for swine and beef
served to the players at Win-
throp hall.
Members of the Winthrop
team are: Irwin Johnston, goal
Mac Bolton, Roy Dolmage, for
'Harry Johnston, Ross
_s 4 ��.�
i� $�00 a.
s, r°hr
and expects to be retired in two
'M'ayor 'McMaster suggested
list of (building lots for sale to-
the wanted
ing schedule with Waterloo;
Woo.dstocic, Burlington, Dundas,
• '
Owen Sound, New Hamburg
ealf, clubs and the junior show
manshiip petition for the
n. 'coon
:Senator Golding, trophy will also
M dClure, Don :McClure, half.
backs; forwards and utility,
? ;
XT 1. Plans For
Fall Fair
The S eaForth Women's In-
stitute held their regular month-
p ly meeting at the home of Mrs.
Earl Dapple on Sept. i8, at 8,30
7 in the evening with a (good et-
to ndance of members and visit-
ors. a president, Mrs.nzie presided. The Gordon roll
( MacKedrawn
Call was answered by "What
our community needs". It was
gether with price
should be kept at the town hall,
He said there had been a num-
her of inquiries for lots by peo-
pie nvis']ring to build houses, and
no one knew exactlywhat pro-
}aerlies were available. Town
Clerk Wilson said many of the
inquiries had been for low
priced lots.
(Councillor Al Close remarked
that he' had about ten loremarkedsome
on'East Williann street and most
of them on North,Coleman st.
and ISimcoe, which will mean
many new teams in the rink.
this year, 'Services of G. Muir
have been obtained as 'coach.
'The name (Seaforth Hurons,
chosen to recognize the support
the Jr, B team has had from ru-
ral districts surrounding Sea-
forth and it is wished this teen
be known as a Seaforth District
To provide the youth of the
district with healthy outlets for
be on the •prograan the afternoon
of Sept, 23,
The high school and urban
and public schools plan `(bigger
and better than ever exhibits.
The ICharruber of (Commerce
are putting considerable time
and effort to have an outstamd-
irvg Merchants' display this year,
About 30 door prizes will be
for on Tursday evening,
Sept. 22, at which time a vari-
ety program of music and con-
DougKeys, Dick Dalton, Glen
Mciccure, Eric Anderson, Jimi;:
Axbmann, Ron McClure, Ken
McClure; John Alexander, 'Glen-
don Kerr. Laverne Godkin also
playa he iecleivede sa three knee injury.a
Leonard Ward, Ethel, was re
The consolation series be-
+ween Londesboro and Drayton
stands at 2 games to 1 for Lon
' . tt�
.l {a
c4 ?
g x
,�,k h
1 ip+,, , X11,,; � }^
1 ,
unanimously answered with,
",That our town needs a seat
room". It was decided to have
a 'benefit euchre and dance for
Um Lions swimming pool fund
late in October. It was decided
to have a pattern exchange at
,Past the high school. He had
sold two lots last year to the
eurlinlg rink, and another lot on
which a house was later built
Councillor Close, chairman of
the streets committee, reported
two new drains, one on Market
their energies we need your
support and co-operation, To
this end a Boaster Club'hasbeen
formed to help meet the prim-
wry expenses that organizing
hockey teams entails.
Booster Club membership sig-
edy will be presented.
J'ul1 displays and exhibits are
to be seen in the showahause,
arena and 'comanunity centre.
On the main day of the fair,
Fri., (Sept. 28, will be seen sea -g
ei•al features and special attrac-
tions. Get freak vehicle
Garr Smith �InS
$1497 in SChol rs�'nips
Garry Smith of Leaside High
''-SYIhool'e grandsonof o£ Sr. n ,
f 3 u s
3 �. J"$,
v � w "� ).-
t t �-- c, 4 p
a* -"
our fall and winter meetings.
Mrs, MacKenzie read our co'm-
mittees for our refreshment
booth at the fair.
street and the other on (Centre
(Councillors said a number of
dog licenses were unpaid. The
Town Clerk explained that the
nifies interest and support of
the Hockey Association and en-
titles you to preferential con-
sideration m purchasing resorv-
ed seats for »layoff games.
ready, ,boys and wren. Who
knows, you may win the $50
'prize offered. •Considerable in-
terost is being shown in the
has been awarded The Sir Ber-
tram Windle Scholarship for
'General Proficiency valued at
$1,107.00. Garry also has been
This was our Coanmunity
tivities and 'Public Relations
meeting in charge of Mrs. R. K.
(McFarlane. Mrs. McFarlane op-
list of those liable for dog tax
was made up as a separate tax
roll. The dog tax could not (be
Please remember that you are
supporting not only jr. B but
minor hockey as well.
Centennial Cake Conmpetition
with the winning cake to be auc-
tioned the afternoon of Sept.
awarded a $300.00 Canadian
Legion Scholarship for entrance
to University.
1847 ROG ER ;SRC-'✓
ened this part of the meeting by
singing a solo, "A song of Rain"
added to the regular tax bill
where dogs were kept by people
A landlord
Reports of the Association
will be made from time to time.
'23, at 4 o'clock. In addition o
the two Regional breed shows
on Friday, a calf race and a pro-
A former Seaforth resident
1VIxs. Ross Gordon introducedrenting
our guest speaker, Mrs. W. C.
Bennett, She gave a travel-
ogee of her trip to Europe, This
was much enjoyed. by all pica-
was not responsible for dog tax
owed to the town by his tenants,
Reeve Scorns reported that
some of the big tires on the
town grader were badly worn.
These would cost $200 a piece,
Annual Cam e'1i n
p g
Starts For-•N.1"B•
The Canadian National Lists-
tuts for the Blind is conducting
gram of music and aerobatics
will be presented before the
Ontario's Lieutonant-Gover-
nor; Louis 0. Breithaupt will.
open this year's 110th FRIT Fair
passed away at Wallace(burg on
.Sept, 10th in the person of Mrs,
.Ada Meredith after an illness
of about a year. Born at Pinker-
ton, Brace County, she was mar-
vied in 18+96 to 'Wesley Mere-
Thrilling for you to open ... ,
discovering a gorgeous serving +'rr;
piece of FLAIR including one of
the following:
salad fork ...service spoon .. <•
Mrs. Bert Williams received a
telegrant Tuesday evening an-
nounciug the death of her silt
erin-law, Hattie Wiiliamns Kar-
...7, 8G. Mrs. Karkiflf lived in
untilhher marriage 55
years ago
ears a o when she moved to
Toronto She was Inc eldest lis-
ter of the late Wilbert James
(Councillor H'ablcirk estimated.
Two new ones will be obtained.
There was discussion about the
snowplow and -grader blade,ago.
which was left over to a later
Reeve •Seoins said Mr. Marsh-
all Smith reported a plague of
rats, and was unable to keep
Pigeons. The weeds were also
it's annual campaign to raise
funds Sept. 17th to •0'ct 1, Lo-
cal chairman is Mr. H. E. Smith
with G. C. Brightrall acting as
treasurer. If you are in syin-
pathy with the work of the
C:N.1.B„ please leave your do-
nations with Mi Smith or at
The Canadian Bank of (Com-
mer:ce, (Seaforth. Official re-
and a plaque will be unveiled
during the afternoon,
A dance in, the community
centre will wind. up this year
Garden Club
'Garden Club members are
asked toput in exhibits at the
fair if possible. See list under
Section T in fair book.
dith and lived in Seaforth until
moving to usband the in 190rs
f g
fres husband died in 1000.
Her sister, Mrs. Baughman,
Wallaceiburg, with whom she
made her home, is the last sur-
vivingmember of the family.
Mrs, Meredith took an active
,part in the work of the I:0 D.E.
at Wallaceburg. (She nvas an
cold meat fork ... sugar tongs , , , tea
pickle fork ... OR pie knife.
Hurry in today, be sure and ? t §
AT ? 4
s * ' ;
A G i .
Williams. Since the death of her
huspand she has been living in
Councillor Christie said the
fire was al-
ceipts for income fax purposes
will be provided.
Rebek hs Hold
aunt of Miss Hazel and
Mi D. L. Reid of Seaforth,
The funeral service was held
Jewellery - Gif'ts Fine China
+Preston with two of the re-
maining sisters ('Rosetta) Mrs,
new alarm system
most completely installed,
Councillor Scott said the old
Pot Luck Supper
at Wallaceburg on Monday and
largely attended. Rev.
Ray Dunlop, and (Ethel) M'rs.
Rev, H. C. Peckham. 'One broth-
house at the park had been soldJames
The weddin • took lace in St,
g p at
To commence the fall season
was very
James Fleming, animater of
er, Edmund Williams lives at
in Preston
to George Charters and remov
10.30 o'cicelc,ChurSaturdaortmorn
10th, Miss Lillian
of activities. Edelweiss
Lodge meld a • potluck supper
Knox Presbyterian Church, of
which she nvas a member, offs-
costume with ;matching assessor-
High School News
Brantford. Service
at (Stager Rass funeral parlors
at 8 o'clock on Wednesday ev-
Mayor McMaster ps h o w e d
'council a tonin ma of the
town prepared iby students of
Western University. It may !be
ing, (Sept. of
Ida .Soutlhgate, daughter of Mrs.
Wm. ISoutlhgate; (Seaforth, anti
the late Mr. Wsm (Southgate to
William Bruce Gahan, Seaforth
with more than 40 in .attend-
erne. (Sunshine pal gifts were
exchanged. Mrs. Scott Habkirlc,
'N• G'' Presided over the regular
;crated. Burial took glace in
(Maitlandbank :cemetery, Sea-
forth, with Rev, D. J. Lane of
,Clinton, and formerly o3 Wal-
res and corsage of Tea roses.
The bridegroom's mother assist -
ed wearing a teal blue taffeta
:'osis with matching accessories
FY OSh Initiations
'TI ' Week;
Mary R. Armstrong, wife of
FeMar Bullard, of Ti, ife of
and for many years a resident
placed on display in one of the
store windows.
The inap drawn on transpar-
ens Plastic, show ed the streets.
block colored
son of Mr. and Mrs, John Heiner
Gahan, Tweed. Rev. E. P. Weber
officiated. The church was des'
orated with pink and white glad-
meeting which followed.
tion of officers will be held at
next meeting. The charter was
draped in memory of Mrs. Se-
Lina Booth, a Rebekwh past pies-
lace/burg, 'condu'cting the ser-
.rice. Pallbearers were Frank
:Cuclmoxe, R. S. Box, D. L. Reid
and Reg. Reid.
and corsage,
Following a honeymoon trip
to Northern Ontario, Mr. and
Mrs. White will reside in Kin-
]cora. .,
Tlie first meeting of the Stud-
encs Council was held on Monday,
Sept. 12. The executive of the
Students Council was elected last
of Winthrop,ssed away at her
Irmo there Saturday. (Sept.
alter a long illness.
She was the daughter of the
Bach was variously
to show business, industrial,
school and other areas. The 00-
con an in letter said the col-
solus. Given in .marriage by her
brother, Mr. W. E. Southgate,
the bride wore an aquamarine
worsted suit with matching hat
ident..A euchre is planned in
aid of the Lions Club swimming
Mrs. Geo. McGavin presided
at the Sept. meeting of Inc W.
'The following were .guests at
the White-Bruxer wedding: Rev.
Frank White, Simcoe; Rev. .Si-
mon White, Aylmer; Mr. and
Fred -
spring and is as follows: Press-
clout, Bill Flanigan; secretary,
Dora Ann Stinson and treasurer,
Sally Nott, The first topic for dis-
late Mr, and Mrs. John Arm
strong and was `born in Bel-
grave E2 years ago. (She had also
lived in Wiarton and Thames-
ford, since leaving Winthrop 17
years ago, whore she had 'card-
ed since her marriage over 30
years age
Surviving besides her bus-
band is a daughter (Betty) Mrs.
Ralph McLeod of Thaniesford,
and a son, Jack, also of Thames-
ford, asister; Greta, Mrs. Mac
Teeter Of Detroit, and 5 grand-
or•inp all entirely cor-
rest as it had been done in a
hurry. The town will send a lei:
ter of thanks to tine students
for their eYiforbs.'Councillors ex
'eased the opinion that they
did not exactly know just what
immediate use could be made of
the masa,
(Councillor Leslie re orted on
the sewage work. Ani engineer
firam Toronto spent two weeks
here going over the repairs to
r er dame a (Settlements
been on all but two
and dark brown accessories. She
carried a nosegay of yellow cy-
(bridium and shattered chrysan-
bheanums and heather. The mat-
ion of honour was Mrs. Patricia
Troubbecdc who wore a matching
suit and hat in gold worsted
with black accessories. She car -Without
vied a nose a of yellow roses
g y
and turquoise moans. Organist
was Mrs. 'Aline Stiles and soloist,
Mrs. J. B. Higgins, Bayfield,
'who sang Ava Maria' and ` 0
Perifect Love." (Best man was
'The meeting of the Ladies ,
Aid of First Presbyterian
iChureb was in dharge of Mrs.
Butt and Mrs, Dorrance. A film
from the Red Cross was shown,
Warning”, and wasin.
,most interesting. Alice and Jean
Nixon deli, stir all with a duet,
accompanied by Mrs. Cardio.
cuse sed. Aton Nov. 5 was dis-
theclose od the meet-
ing .a social hour was enjoyed.
A. of iSt. Thomas' Anglican
Church, Seaforth; which was
held Tuesday p. m. in Inc parish
hall. Mrs. McGaiin opened the
meeting with scripture reading,
followed with secretary and
treas. reports given by Mrs.
O'Shea. Mrs. Ada Reid,so-
sial service worker reporteon
'Waits to shut-ins during the
sunnmer mon is. Miss (Marion
Kraft, of .Red Earth Reserve,
Carrot River, iSasic., wrote
thanking this branch of W. A.
Mrs. Joseph Bruxer, (Spokane,
Wash.; •Miss Margaret Bruxer,
Toronto; Mrs. Louis 'Gormley,
Kippen; Mr. and Mrs. Bannon,
Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. Charles
'O'Neil, Roseland; Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Blonde, ,Chatham; Mr. and
Mrs. George White and Mrs.
Anne Wftnite, Gadshill; Mr, and
Mrs. Joseph Bruxer, Stratford;
Miss Mary Catharine Stapleton,
Kitchener; Miss Madeline Dillon
of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
ald White, London; Austin
cession was Initiation for grade
nine on Thursday and Friday of
this week. BOYS are to wear
short skirts above their knees,
odd shoes and knee socks. They
must wear a good (Sunday) shirt
and bow tie and must wear make
up neatly. Boys with longhair are
to wear a ribbon in it and those
with brush cuts a ribbon tied
under their chin. They must carry
dolls. GIRLS are to wear roll -
ed -up pyjama bottoms and shorts
over them. They are to wear a
(children. Two sisters and two
brothers predeceased her,
A service undo' the auspices
of the L.OB.A. was held at the
Carothers Funeral Halve in
Spiane made
,cases. Councillor Leslie said 'he
'hoped that f next meeting
g pro-
jec detail of the
ed awe nd
7edt would 'be y
Mr• Lorne Gehan, Tweed. Mr.
Paul La Faure,Ottawa,was ush-
er. A receptiowas held at
Colonial Inn, Exeter. The bride's
another wore gray taffeta with
(Some farmers report that the
ground is very dry at (present,
The dryness extends to a con-
(for Inc bale of used clothing
sent to her in June. Talent
(money was raised by each mem-White,
'ter durin the summer' and reup.
at this meeting. The
White, Aylmer; Dan White of
Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Leo
epWhte iStMiabfoidr. � Mrs
short'sleeved blouse, odd shoes
and socks. Girls with long hair
short barmust er r arettolwear ribbo es and those lan
it. They will not wear make
Thamesford on Tuesday evening
at 8 p.m, Several members of
The disposal plant was work-
ing very satisfactorily, Mr. Les-
p ink and blank accessories and
heartcorsagroses. Thee of a &groom'snd ptmothe depth. It is almost im-
ossible to di oat holes. Plow-
mg is very difficult as the plows
meeting closed with the benedic-
Both boys and girls are to carry
their books in a bran sack, aroweaund
toothr becks, s a stringes around
(Seaforth L.O:B.A. also attend-
ed. Funeral Services were held
Wed. Sept. 7 at 2 pen. in the
lie said Two tanks o 160 lbs ofwill
0hlorine had been used. Almost
of chlorine a day is
wore dusty rose crepe and
matching hat and wore a 'cor-
not stay in the soil but come
uP and ride on top.
Standards of white gladioli
The death occurred about
noon on Wednesday, Sept. 14th,
Mrs. John Flannery, follow-
their necks, sunglasses when out
side and placards on their backs
Thamesford Anglican 'Church.
Interment was in the adjoining
cemetery. The Glergy: Rev. C.
lii. James, Rev. C. W. (Semple,
Rev. R. W Rawles,
16 Pounds
fed into the plant.
Courvcillors discussed the op-
erasion of the plant. It was de-
sided to name fI. (Maloney as
foreman of the plant and he
sage of pale 'blue baby mums.
The (bride and groom left on a
wedding trip to the Eastern
States. Mr. and Mrs. Gehan will
reside in Seaforth.
During the severe thunder
storm 'Saturday evening'Mrs.'110-
ger Andrews, of the Mill road,
Tucker -smith, had an unpleasant
and ferns and tall lighted cand-
les formed the setting for the
marriage of (Marie Bruxer, eld-
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Bruxer, -Dublin, to Mr.
ingan extended illness, the
past year having been a patient
at the Muir Nursing Home. For-
merry Catherine Walsh, death-
ter of Inc late Mr. and Mrs. Pat-
bearing their names, address, tel -
ophone •number, age, weight,
height ahcl shoe size. Grade nin-
ers must carry the books of those
in grade 13, bow to them and
open all doors for theist.
:Mrs, Mary E. Feeney wishes
to announce the engagement of
her daughter Theresa Mary, to
Fred David Overdulve, son of
(Mr. and Mrs. • Neil Overdulve,
would adjust the flow of chlor-
ire. A. Bushie will go to the
plant morning and •1Jfternoon,
check to see everything is work-
i ,and do any raking.
ng properly
Councillor Leslie said an en-
from the 'department had
A quiet wedding was soler-
nized m- the United Church
Manse, iSeaforbh, when Laura,
youngest daughter of Mr. Wm'.
Leiper, Londesboro and the late
experience. She was running
water out of the kitchen tap
'When it appeared to her that a
(ball of fire jumped from the
tap to a nearby electric light
bulb 'blowing it all to pieces.
g p
(Clarence White, son of Mrs.
'George (White and the late Mr.
'White, S�inkora, on (Saturday,
'September 3 at IEt. +Patrick's
IClnncb, Dublin. Rev. J. B.
Ffoulkes, ,D:C.L. officiated at
the ceremony and the Nuptial
rich Walsh, she was (born in
1884 in McKillop ivficre she
lived until her marriage in 13304
when she carne to the Huron
(Road, near :Seaforth and about
40 years ago (moved bo Seaforth
where .has since resided
There is to be an initiation
dance -Friday night to which all
rade nine's are compelled to
conte. A court will start at eight
o'clock and dancing will start at
nine. Lunch will be served.
Rugby startel last
(Chatham, Ont. The marriage to
take lace Oct, 8th in ISt. Pat-
risk's Catholic Chinch, Dublin.
been here and was satisfied the
disposal •plant was operating
.100 per cent.
Mrs. Leiper was united in mar-
ri a to Gordon Murray, son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Murray, Walton. Rev. J. W.
The monthly meeting of the
C.W.L.01tewee held in the basement
'High Mass. Mrs. William Lane
was the or anist and Mrs,
Bruxer was the soloist.
Given in :marriage by her fa-
with the .exception of six years
in •Guelph. Surviving (besides
her husband are four sons and
Monday for those who were int -
crested and there was a large
Mr. and Mrs. George McAr•
thur, Walton, wish to announce
the engagement of their only
daughter,' Margaret Louise, O
Mr. Leslie said the work on
the manholes was 'completed.
(Stock racks at the foundry
which had been knocked down
during the sewage work had
been replaced.inglone
Stinson performed the doubts-
ring :ceremony. The ibridetdho1e
a dress of romance pink atch-(Sec'y,
ya bolero. Herl hat with ni purse
M the Church with the (President
Mrs. Jos. Kale, presiding, The
minutes were road bq the Rec.
Mrs. Albert Cronin and
correspondence by Mrs. Jos. Ma-
First Vice Pres. reported
thee, the bride wore a cfloor-
length gown of traditional white
satin ,appliqued !with IGhalltill3
lace and rhinestone trim. Mier
finger tip veil of illusion was
four Louis Flannery,
;Bunn Birmingham Mich.; Mrs. Ray
Benninger (Catherine), Guelph;
Mrs, J. P. Miller ('Martha),
Dearborn, Mich.; John F., Sea-
forth; Cyril, Dearborn; James,
ase honored this year
have four new teachers and they
are as follows: 0Iiss Kelley, Mr.
Manse, Mr. Greeusicles and Mr.
I Mr. Paul 'Somers, son of Mr. and
(Mrs. Earl `(Somers, (Brussels,
Ontario. The (marc%a 'e will take
lace earl in October at Duff's
'United Church, Walton, (Ont.
(Councillors said the Walden
n J3roadfootgas station would
soon be resurfaced and 1110
town would get the sidewalk
alongside done at fiche same
were Inc same shade, trimmed
with navy and navy accessories,
A corsage of yellow roses con-
plated her costume. 'Alter a
trip to Toronto, Niagara and
other points, Mr. and Mrs. Mut,
107 members. Two packages of
literature and a box of clothing
were sent ltl Father OJ s. Srba-
m ,Port William. Mrs, s
pleton and Mrs. James °'Con-
for the
held in place by a coronet of
orange blossoms. She carried a
brides id red roses. Her two
bridesmaids were lVliss MaryeP
Shea, Dublin, and Miss Joan
MdLawgihlm, Walton, cousins of
Kitdheneif; Theresa, Guelph;
114rs. Leonard Dolan (three sis-
ters, Mrrt s, J. Cassell and Mrs.
James Flannery, both of Dear-
born, and Mrs. J. J. Cleary, of
The September meeting of the
Northside. Couples' Club was
held on Monday; 'Sept. 12. The
Northside United (Church
Rev. John Stinson, Minister.
time. The sidewalk will be
ed by a white strip. The town
wi11 pay for its share of the
ray 'en make their bane in
nor volunteered to care
altars for October. Final plans
were made dor our hamar which
the bride, who were identically
gowned in embroidered net
dresses over
(Seaforth; also 14 grandchildren.
It is expected the funeral will
opening sing -song was led by
Edna (Bell. The devotional con -
of a by Edna
10 a.m. Church School and
• Adult Bible Class.
11 a.m., Sermon Thome,
"Who is my Neighbor?"
o ]ers' Groupand Junior
T dd
The follovrin building per-
'nits were Confirmed; T. Atkin-
son, garage $1000; G. aVl'. ,Smith,
bottle on Go'derich st: West,
The Seaforth Peewees lost at
Wheatley in the O.B,A. semi-finals
after battling all Inc way. This
is to be held Oct. 19 and bingo
O:ct. 2'1. The Entrau'ee (pupils
were presented with class pins.
;T,he meeting adjourned and eros-
ed •avith prayer.
waltz -length pale
blue satin, and matchiug ban-
`deans and laves. The Junior
bridesmaid was Miss Helen
Bruxer, sister of the bride and
take ,place morning
from St. Janes' Church, Sea-
Interment will be in St.'
James' Cemetery.
silted reading
Bell followed by a reading by
Gor d Ferris on The Ten Com-
mandments for Modern Par-
ants". Hymds 568 and 488 were
7 pm., Annual (Camp Ser-
vice. "What Camp Meant to
Me." By campers.
811.5 p.m., Y.•P.U,
i$7000; 'Seaforth 'Clinic, addition
The Chamber of, 'Commerce
suggested placing a bis cls path
y P
brings baseball to an enol for the
season. The Peewees are 1055 WO
AA champions, and give promise
of some real good baseball again
next year.
H. and S. Club Will
Meet on 'Tuesda
ng y thef
wore a (gown of /periwinkle
satin with pink bandeau. Their
flowers were nosegays of yellow
roses. The best mean was Mr.
The September meeting of
the Alert Mission Band was
sung. Scripture was read
'Winn Ferris; it closed with a
prayer. by Edna Bell.
Rev. John Stinson then show -
ed beautifully coloured pictures
trip to Banff
Egmondville United Church
Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister
10 a.m., /Sunday ;School and
Adult !Class.
' 11, Rally Day Service,
Sunday School and Church unit-'
ingfor worship and rally pro-
rni including a iflannelgraph
,w ora, "Phe Whosoever Horse".
on Goderich street east.
decided to lay the matter over
until next spring when the road-
way may be rebuilt.
'Connell considered, new regu-
lotions governing the shoring up
of trenches in which men are
working, as provided by statute.
It was decided to lay the platter
ova, until a later meeting and
see how other municipalities
handled this ntatter.
,Council approved a new light
on Csmalk Street opposite the
transformer station. Councillor
J. Kellar, who is McKillop line-
,man, humorously pointed out'
that Inc light is placed on a
.note. not a "post".
The monthly meets aE
Home and School Club will beers
held at the (Seaforth Public
IScihool on Tuesday, Sept. 20 at
8.1(5 pen. John Longs'taff will.
speak on "The (Care Of the
For the coming year the meet-
ings'will be held on the third
Tuesday of each math.
of the lrrxdegz'ooml and
were 1VIr. Frank Bruxer, of
Dublin, and Mrs. Sylvester Ry-
an, Kinkora.
A wedding dinner Was served
at Shakespeare Inn, and later
a reception was (held at the
Thome of the bride's parents. For
receiving he guests the. bride's
mother wore an aluminum gray
held after school on Sept.
Ellen Connell read the scrip
tore. Nancy Berger favored all
with a piano solo. (Collection
was then received. A chapter a
Fig Tree Village was therm read
by Mrs. H. Connell. A work per -;Ferris.
iod was enjoyed by all. Happy
Birthday was sung to Lynda
o their recent and
Jasper, Alberta. The numerous
slides illustrated the beauty of
the Canadian Rockies:
'Games then f o 11 o w e d in
charge of Neil, Bell and Gordon
Lunch was then served
by the hosts for the evening,
The meeting closed with the
singing of `Taps."