The Seaforth News, 1941-12-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT l-' r` `^A`'io,Y•'y7, -o'"r'�-A�:Gna'a :G "n ? 'd"A<Pr".7 THEE SEAFORTH NEWS Regardless of world turmoil, one thing remains unchanged our Message of Good Will and Good Cheer and so to you we extend Greetings and Good Wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year "I, dT STEWART B;'OS, & STAFF,ononomo_mono.,gmtimonAgoAtgto HENSALL Stokes -Carlile - A quiet wedding was solemnized by Rev. H. T. Jones at St. Paul's United Church parsonage, Sussex, N.B., on Friday, December 12th, when be united in marriage Martha Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 13. W. Car- lile of Hensall, to Sgt. H. J. Stokes. CDC, 15th Canadian Field Ambulance RCAMO, son of Mi, and Mrs. W. L. Stokes of Loudon, Out. The bride chose a blue crepe dress, tunic style, with black accessories to match and wore a corsage of red roses, They were unattended. After the ceremony a luncheon was served and the happy couple left by train for Moncton and other points east. Gordon Campbell is assisting in the Post Office during the Christmas season. Miss Marie Bell of London spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, G. Bell. Mrs, Geo. Walker is spending a few days this week with her daugh- ter and sour-in-litw Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gould, in Clinton. Mr. William Cook of Vancouver, 13.C., is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Catharine Devlin, Mr. Lorne Elder of Galt is spend- ing the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and bars. John Elder. Miss Hazel Smillie of Atwood is holidaying at the llome of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs• Jas. Smillie. Mr. SM MacArthur has received the enntract as rural mail carrier on R. R. 2, Hensall, and will commence his duties January est. The winning ticket on thehooked mat donated to the Exeter-Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion by Mrs. Fred Bonthron, was sold to Miss (race Ortwein of Zurich by Mrs. Redden, and the feather pillows donated by Mrs. Wein of Crediton were won by Mr. John Willis, Exeter, Mrs. Wilfred Freeman, nee Isabell Saundereock. who has been confined to Byron Sanitarium for the past four years, is able to return to her home and has been visiting during the past two weeks with her mother Mrs. An- nie Saundercock. Anglican Church Supper and Christmas Tree - The Anglican Church members held a delicious supper in the school room of the church on Thursday evening after which Rev. M. A. Hunt was (lmirnran end numerous Christ - utas carols were sung accompanied by Miss Ethel Clark, Mrs• I1, H. Middleton favored with a vocal solo entitled The Six Little Foxes, ac- companied by Miss Ethel Clark, San- ta Clans arrived and distributed the gifts from the tree. W. C. T. U. Meets - Regular meeting of Exeter-Hensall ilranch of the W. C. T, U. was held en Thursday afternoon in the stehool room of the United Church with Mrs, Chas. Jinks in the ebalr and opened by singing Joy To The World; foll- owed by the Lord's prayer in unison - The scripture Matthew 2, 1-10, was read and devotional taken by Mrs. Brook. Prayers were offered by members. Mrs. Hedden favored with a vocal solo accompanied by Miss Irene Douglas at the piano, Miss Jean Murray presided over the busi- ness, after which Mrs. ,Ticks led in prayer. The meeting closed by sing- ing A Better Day is Coming. White Gift Service - A White Gift service was held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day Morning when The eltildren brought gifts for tete War Memorial Si(•k Children's hospital in London and the alder members of the pongee. station brought their donations far the British Children Christmas Fund. Al this service the following were presented with diplomas and seals: For m m- .v work. ifar n •t Carophell, ai ti For 1 r feet Sunday Seined a,- le:attare. Lila and betty Mon. Doll' 1111d, brandt, 1111 - brandt, Florence S hwnlm, Lois and 'Macon MacLaren. Maxine Purity. Billy ('nmrd,ell. Donald and Ronald McKinnon. Lois and Marion MarLnren were awarded seals for •t two year period of perfect church attend- :mre, The :wditnt9uns of the ehureli scan most beau); fully decorated for the service by Gordon Campbell and Bolt Cameron. The choir sang two anthem. "He shall Reign Forever" and "The Nativity Song." with Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Airs. Jas. Pat -t- enon singing the duet, Rev. Wm. Weir conducted the ser- vice and .spoke on the subject, "Christmas Gifts." At the evening service the choir sang two anthem, "The Song and the Star;" with Miss Margaret Dougall taking the obligate LIONS i LIONS & LEGION Fowl & Blanket 1 TUESDAY, DEC. 30 SEAFORTH ARMOURIES Taste your choice of hundreds of fine Chick- ens or Ducks or Heavy Flannelette Blankets IONTIRE PROCEEDS FOR WAR CHARITIES Special ! Several. New Year's Turkeys will be put up for 10c. Bingos throughout the night. 1 1 PLAY STARTS AT 8.15 SHARP Seating for 200, Well heated Ball No Admission Bingo So Game Come out and enjoy a good night of Bingo, and help these worthy organizations fn their war efforts, M. A. REID, Lions Pres. JOHN EARL, Legion Pres. The report of the purchasing cons-. torist sped away without- stopping. the meetarnet Boxes were also packe ntittee given by Miss K. Scott eon he buggy carried a reflector and for the sr dt-ins. Moethig closed with eteestevereetmeeseemetteeteeseeemseettememeetutmeseeretemettemeteetteteeveeeetemeeettainedthis information: 2213 yards. in on the react. prayer'„ solo, and "0 Holy Night", soloist Mise Irene I3oggartir ;and obligate ' duet by Misses Irene I3oggarth and Mabel Workman. Mr, Weir delivered all inspiring message on „Christmas in Time of War," Community Tree- A record crowd and a beautiful day greeted Santa Claus when he arrived at the Community Christmas Tree on Saturday afternoon. Following brief addressee by Reeve E, Shaddiek and Rev, Weir. Santa distributed bags of cantly and nuts to countless ,boys and girls, after which the children wero [rented to a picture show in the town hall featuring "Mickey's Utile] Capers," and Circus Days and Jungle Jitters. At five o'clock Reeve Shaddiek (crew the lucky tickets and the first prize, $5, was won by Mrs. John Anderson, IZippen; second ($4) by Mrs. A, Orr; third $(3) Mrs. Wm. Foster; fourth $2) MI's. Alvin Kers- lSakemith, , andKippers. fifth, $1, Mrs, Emerson White Gift Service In United Church - Christmas service was held Sunday meriting in the 'United Church when Rev. R, A. Brook delivered an inspir- ing sermon on the subject "The Full - nese of Time." The choir sang an anthem, There Were Shepherds, Dr, I. G. Smillie sung a solo, The Holy City. Miss Greta Lammie played a violin solo entitled Inter•me000. Soprano solo with violin obligate, "0 Little Tow of Bethlehem," soloist Mrs. Mande Redden; violinist MissGreta Latitude and Miss Mary Goodwin presided at the console. The church was beautifully decorated by Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Dr. L G. Smillie. A white gift service was held in the evening with the entire proceeds. being given. to the Evening Telegram for British Children's Christmas Fund. The processional hymn, "0 Come All Yo Faithful" was led by the choir and the teachers and pupils of the Sunday School marched d the chorus. ow of r news the ebur The ho ch r ill rCol chows. There's 4 Songrn The Air, was followed by a reading by Ross Ronnedy, "Through Tho Night. The Wise Men Cane." An exercise by four boys was foltorveti by nn address by Rev. R. A. Brook, after which the choir. one "Nosed Nowell." Miss May Coleman rend a selection .entitled "Legion of Cathay." Mr. Edison Lorest nave a rending entitled (Inc TnspitatIon, followed by nn anthem, Infant Holy, Infant. Lowly, After the legend of long ago, the seeretao'y Edison Forest presented the gifts and called the roll, fol- lowed by a quartette of dedication by Patsy McDonell, Gloria Twitchell. Marion Sang - aa• and Ruth Mess. The service enncl sded with the benediction andnational anthem. Miss. Lettie Love of Toronto is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Love. Will Celebrate 92nd Birthday Mr. J. W. Or•twein, one of Hensall's most prominent residents, will cele- brate bin 92nd birthday at his home err Hensall an Christmas Day" with his wife and members of his family. Mr. Ort well' is a pioneer merchant of the village and has been reeve of the village and a member of council. For 23 years he was Superintendent of the United Church Sunday School and at present has a large class of boys attending the Sabbath school and church services every Sunday. Mr. Ortwein is enjoying his usual good health and is very active at leis daily duties, He has four daughters. Mrs. J. Brittkholt, MItchener; Mrs. R. Lohr, Boswell, Pa.. Mrs. Sas. Pat - lemon and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, FTen- sall. and two sons, Alonzo, Detroit, and Milton, of London. W. M. S. Elects Officers - CHRISTMAS EUCHRE &DANCE SPONSORED .• BY THE HIP1°EN W. 1. IN HENSALL TOWN HALL MONDAY, DEC. 29 8.36 P. 14. PRIZES MURDOCH'S OMCIl. - - ADMISSION 30c (AS Ladles please provide lunch) Proceeds for Wark Work ANNUAL MEETING TOWN OF SEAFORTH The Annual Meeting of the Rate- payers of the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday, December 30, 1941, at 7.80 o'clock for the consideration of the financial report and other busi- ness, D. H. WILSON, Clerk. of material have been bought [luring the past year, besides lee bolts of sheeting. The cutting committee pre- sented by Mrs. Luker stated that 1451 articles of clothing had been cut in that department, Miss Buch- anan, R,N , of the hospital supply committee reported that 143 articles, specifically hospital goods, had been made during the year. The hospital committee and the sewing Commitee co-operate to a large degree in their work, and when the quota of hospital supplies is mat the members of the committtee join in with the sewing committee. The sewing committee report was presented by Mrs. C, Cook and 1414 articles were reported as completed during the year. The knit- ting nitting committee report was presented by Mrs. W. 0, Goodwin. 18knitted tuitted articles have been completed during the year. This is an increase over last year of 469 articles: The follow- ing summary is worthy of hearty con- gratulations: 1053 pairs of socks, 56 turtle neck sweaters, 196 scarves, army and navy, 276 pairs of mitts. The auditors appointed for the year 1941 were Mr. W. B. Cross and Mr. Mark Drysdale., Mrs. Cook also rep- orted for the Inspection department, slating that all the goods shipped from the rooms had been carefully inspected and had met specifications. Na complaintshad been received. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1941 NumuriagemminspestammananavannaalaM.uniumalumAIMMICIMAM Fox' kind thoughts for loyal support. , , for your co-operation , , , for hope of a continuance of the pleasant relations now existing between us ...for all of the courtesies extended to us during the past year, we thanlie, rou sincerely, MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS BE JOYFUL AND YOUR NEW YEAR PROSPEROUS. J anr,:,nma,agy ,sm�.. VARNA The many friends oe Mrs. George, Clark will be sorry to know thele is little hope held out for her recovery. Mrs. A. McConnell received word from the Canadian West that her nephew, son of Mr. Allen Easier, had met death in a motor accident. Two bales of clothing packed by the W.A. of St. John's Anglican Church were sent to London W. A. to be forwarded to the Western Relief. The concert sponsored by the pupils of S. S. No. 6, Wednesday aft- ernoon was well attended and every one enjoyed it. The children denied themselves presents and donated $6.50, and $5.5O from Miss Easter, 6 collection from thecon- cert, 10.7 calla $ P 2 begivento Dart all told 2 75 to $ the children of British War Victims, and $2 from Mrs. Robin McAllister. The Red Cross Society held the last meeting of the year last Thurs- day. There was a splendid response to the request for handkerchiefs for Britain. Our knitting convener, Miss Edith Beatty, would like a check-up on all yarn out at the end of the year. Would all knitters kindly re- port to Miss Beatty what they have on hand. The annual meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held in the township hall, Mon., Jan. 5, at 8 from Headquarters about any of the P.m. Come out and show your int - work or any work returned since our creat in the work. The Red Cross Branch has been organized. A great needs you. Rev Mr. Bremner of Seaforth will have charge of the services in the United Church next Sunday. Miss Hcrn will spend the holidays with her parents at Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. Stelck has returned to our deal of credit for this worthy record is due to the various conveners of the departments, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs, T. Sherrltt, Mrs. McKaig, Mrs, R. Dick, Miss Johnstone and Miss Buch- anan, for careful inspection of the work when it is handed in. Correct- i village after spending a couple of ions if necessary are attended tot months with Mrs. Geo. Foster at._ without delay and in this way' the Windso. shipping department is not hindered Mrs. J. W. Johnston spent a few In its work, A shipment of goods is t clays last week with her sister, Mrs, made approximately every month Evans of Oshawa. from the work rooms. 3435 articles 1 The ladies of Go:+hen line have have been shipped this year, Special organized to do Red Cross work hi mention war made of the co -opera -I their homes and are working with lion of the railway officials', the bus- mass men and the ]adios of the work the Varna branch. rooms and all who aided in any way to make this department function ef- flcientiy, and due thanks expressed Wo The annual meeting of the 'W ilt.' to all, an re molting held United Farm Women met at after thee publicis meeting The nting plans were " of Carmol Presbyterian Church was laid to hold a meeting of the execnt- the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Snider held in the schoolroom of the i:ve and the advisory council to e:ont on Wednesday, Dec. 17th. The meet- church on Thursday at 3 p.m. with prate the e•ganisatlon for 11142. Thus ing opened with singing "Silent the president Mrs, C. Hudson presto- meeting met Tuesday evening, Dee. Night Holy Night" followed by the ing. After singing "Joy to the 14. Ihalegates were also ;trrpninted to Lord's prayer. After roll call and World," Mrs. Hudson led 1n prayer. attend the Red cross provincial cot- , huslness Mrs. 'Buchanan read a lets The scripture Tsahalr 11, was read by emitter) to le. held t•;u•ly its the new ter, re the 0. A. C. short course on Mrs, Jas. Patterson. The roll ealI. year at Tot onto. The following were co-operation Dec, 29-,Tan3. Mrs.Catrns was answered with Joy as a text chosen: Miss A. Reynolds, Miss ;A, r hat] charge of the questionnaire. The word. Following the singing of MAY Consitt or Rev, William Weir. , topic was on vegetables; in the ale Night, Silent Night, letters of thanks The lemenrber meeting of the Lad-' sense of Mrs. L. Eyre her paper was for gifts emu them ware read front les' Aid of Carmel Church was hold read by Mrs. Addison. Mrs. Clifton Donald Walker and Jim Campbell., on Tuesday with 1Irs. Jas. Patterson read MIs McPhail s article nn Nutri - Nebo ,ire serving overseas. Eneaur ig• presiding. A dialogue was presented tiara Education important, A reading, ing reports were given from the vin'- by Miss Margaret Dougall and Miss "The Night After Christmas,' was low seerutaries, Rev, Weir °templed Doreen Campbell. The business wee given by Miss Eva Stackhouse. Sirs. the chair for the eleetien of officers `discussed and the treasurer's report Snider rear] Christmas and Canadian Hon. tires.. Mrs. H. Arnold; presid- given. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall favored history telling when Christmas was ant, Mrs. C. Hudsnn: let vire. Mrs. with a plane solo and the hymn Holy first observed in Canada. We then R. V. MacLaren; 2nd viee, Mrs. Night, Silent Night, was sung, after had an exettangr. of Christmas gifts. Jean Teta-neon; 3rd viers , Mrs. J. whit -It Sirs. R. Cameron presided for The next meeting will be held at Danes; sec,. Mrs. Geo. Walker: the election of officers with the foil- Miss E. Waldron's on 'Wednesday, treasurer. Mrs. A. IL Me'Llwoni sup- owing group leaders: Group 1, :Vers. ani. 1.1 at 2 o'clock. This will be a ply sec.. Miss Minnie Reid; welcome Jean Manson and Miss Minnie Reid; joint meeting of the men and worsen. and welfare. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron Group 2, Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. The reports of the provincial con - glad tidings, Mrs. Donald McKinnon; Farquhar. Group :3, Mrs. John E. Me- ventiou will be given. The meeting literature and library, Mrs. W. A. Ewen and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. closed with "God Save the King." MacLaren; home helpers, Mrs. Annie Group 4. Mrs. Earl Campbell, Mrs, bunch was served by hostess and Logan, assistant, Mrs. W. Weir; stu- dents see., Mrs. R. Y, MacLaren; pi- anist, Mrs. W. A. MacLaren. Rev. Wm. Weir gave a helpful address an the subject, Living One Day at a S.S. 10 Hay Present Concert- sant co tlueen ac, unrcea (muren• ru- Time. Tha meeting closed by singing The annual Christmas concert was ronto, on Monday. held on Wednesday evening at S. S. Miss Margaret Watson of Toronto 10, Hay, when a splendid program and Miss Janet Watson of Blackstock was presented by the pupils under are spending the Christmas holidays the leadership of the teacher, Miss at their home here, Esther McIllwain. The musical in: Mrs. A. McTavish, Seaforth, is structor Mr, Sam Rennie, led the visiting at the home of her nephew, singing and Mr. Gei, .Armstrong was Mr. L. Eyre. chairman for the evening. Pr.gram Nine quilts were tied or 1111 ..ed be includeda welcome by Davey ingram, the Red Cross last week. Marion Tinney, Jean Armstrong, Mrs. A Zapfe spent :Friday in Jean Ingram, Ross Corbett, Neil Tay- London. tor, Shirley Chapman; highland fling,' Delphine Jackson, Evelyn Taylor, Ai- GHISELHURST leen Munn; dialogue, Audrey Elder, Mra. John Tremeer is Made A Ai - Jean Ingram, Orvie Taylor, Drill by Ross Corbett:, Neil Taylor, Marion Life Member of W.M.S,-- The regular monthly meeting of STAFFA the W.M.S. of Chiselhurst United of r M. and Mrs. Kenneth Drake in ix Churcharl Kinsman,washeld whichatthe washom.ewell Miit- s. Kitchener with their daughter, Isa- tended, with Mrs. Earl Rinsman in bel• BRUCi•`lfl' Percy Campbell and Mis, E. Mune, friends. Group 5. Mrs. J. Cairns and Mrs, W Last. Sunday was white gift Sun - Douglas. Secretary, Mrs. W. A. Mac- day. A large number of gifts were Laren; treasurer, Mrs, Davidson. , brought to the church, These were Jesus The 'Very Thought of Thee, af- ter which Rev. weir led in prayer. Miss Edith Parkins of St. Cathar- ines spent week end at the home of her parents, M,r. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Red Cress Notes - Since the last report was made from the Hensall Branch of the Red Cross Society one other contribution toward the Blanket Fund has been received, namely Miss A. Moore $2, bring the total to date of 8130. Again we thank all triose who have given blankets, quilts or money. Membership fees are slowly arriv- ing, and once again we would urge former members to renew their fees, if possible, before Dec. 31. We had last year 430 members, This year to date we have 185. Your response to this urgent appeal will save the exe- outive a great deal of time in organ- izing for a house to house canvass, and incidentally gasoline will be saved by eliminating the need of canvassers using gasoline to can. Please co-operate in this matter and show your interest and loyally to Red Cross work. Some of the following facts which were revealed at the annual meeting of the Hensall Branch of the Rech Cross may he of interest to many people. Our. campaign for Red Cross clnnations in 1939 produced a revenue of $971,25. The campaign in 1940 re- sulted in e revenue of 51188.27. O,iu• total is from since al 1 sources s n our organization was started, have been $5442.63. Our total expenditures $4659.73. Certain percentages of our ,receipts have to be forwarded direct to Toronto. We have remitted to headquarters, "including the Blanket fund, $1192. We have also spent on wool $1699; hospital supplies $930, and relief supplies $638, Miss Audra Southampton, the chair. Opening hymn, .prayer by Y> P and Mrs. Kinsman. Christmas readings Harry Dinnin, Guelph, with their were given. The Scripture was raid parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Din- by rev. 1t. A. Brook. Mr's. John 'lie- nal. meet was made a life member, An Mr. and Mrs, James llowe and address was read by Mrs. 1). Chap - Alice of Tuckersmith with Mr. and pet, Mrs. Earl Treffry presented the Mrs. A. W. Norris, certificate and membership pin. The Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Malloy and officers for the coming year are as Muriel, of St, Thomas, and Mr, and 'follows: Mrs. H. FTannon, Mr's, McVey of President, Mrs. Joseph Fergusiin;. Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs William 1st vice president Mre:. 5'trl Iiins- Jeffery. man; 2nd vice pr es Mrs Earl Tref- Mr. and Mrs.: 0. W. Reed hi )`Jon- tory', 3rd vice pies„.' Mfrs. David don. Chappel; rec. secretary; Mrs. Tlhorn- Alphonsus Cronin, St. Columbair, as Bruits -tell; tyeasurcr, Mrs. Cart suffered a fractured nose and cheek- Stoneman, corr, sec., lens. John bone on Sunday night about tt 8 o' -Glenn'• pianist,MA'S. R. Kin s- clock when the buggy in whichhe man; temperance sac., airs. Howard Was riding, was struck by a bit and Wright Christian Stewardship and run driver on No. 8 highway bet- Finance, Mrs. C. Ryckman; liter'a- ween St. Columban and Dublin. ture,and press sec,; Mr:, Wm, Lrint- My,, Cronin was driving east when Bell;. Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs, the unknown motorist travelling in le. A. McDonald; fiovier committee, the same direction, struck the buggy Mrs. G. Dalrymple, ales. G. Wren, in the rear, sending it into the ditch. Mrs. S. Sararas. Rev.' R, A. Brook The buggy was smashed and the mo- presided over the business part of McLONNELL & ,[AVS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHt3MBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Jffice in the Dominion dank Build) ng, Seaforth. Office hours:- r uesday, 'Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m, to 5p.rn. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. In Memoriam HO'GG•-Lt memory of Joseph Hogg Sr. who died three years ago. 86th or December. Iiia weary hours and are past, pain,. ndls troubled nighs its k And In our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last --Sadly missed by wife and sons and .families.. in Memoriam In loving =moil of Joseph Hogg, who. died on Dee. 26th„ 11158, 1n our hearts his memory lingers, But we know lel -.aim to weep,... Tears of Love coir never wake him I''rom his Ion and peaceful sleep. Loving angels r4,.' and took him But we'll meet ham up above, One of Jesus hrerinua jewels Token of His vondrous love. -Ever tonten,beret by wife and family. Card of Thanks HENRY --Mr. Wa. R. Henry ,Awishes to thank hie many 1dends and neighbors for the kindness all ymr'athy shownhim dur- ing his recentm. bereavement, also thanks to the Rev. G. 1e Atkinson, and to those who as kindly touted their cars. Garage mG James Si., Soafoith. for rent; or for winter storage, Close to. Blain street. Mrs. Will McDonald. Notice We have „n hand a quantity of il , arced. for feeding purposes. We are also sulplying a number of farmerswith our Flax Shiver r for bedding, Far Information and prima en the above articles pull Heaky I•t P. Ltd., Mono 74, Seaorth. FOR SALE Pure-bred Rouen ducks and drakes, good <oleu r and deep keels off Exhibition stook, aaa+o t 012. Seaforth. 2(' heck pullets, just started to ley, Hec- tor Chesney, phone 682 r 21, Seaforth, BEAN GROWERS' ATTENTION MEETING Saturday; Deo. 27, at 2 P.M. IN ITENSALL TOWN HALL Report of Beau situation to be' pre- sented and consideration to be Seven to naming of representative *row- els' Contmittee for 1942. ELGIN ROWCLIFFE JAS. McALLII'VER MAN WANTED Reliable man for general farm work. by the year. Apply to' A. 13. Bell, 8,112, Kippen, 93r2, Hensall. DOG FOR SALE Fox hound, excellent worker. Ap- ply Mrs. N. J. Nicholls, Jolm street. PIGS FOR SALE 11 pigs 7 weeks old Apply Ted Brown. 665x24. HORSE FOR SALE Driving horse 0 years old. Single or double. Excellent horse for mail route, Sound and right every way. Ross Love, phone 1001-16, Heneall. WANTED A housekeeper to take charge of a. farm home. Apply at News Office. ANNUAL MEETING 1, Township of McKillop The Annual Meeting of the rate- payers of the Township of McKillop will be held at Winthrop Hall on Monday, December 29111, 1941, at two o'clock in the afternoon for the con- sideration of the financial report and other business. JOHN MeNAY, Clerk. oseerowsuracreaccravasmaronefto MOTOR VEHICLE Licenses & Operator's Permits FOR 1942 NOW AVAILABLE. at new issuing office in Seaforth A. Wnign Issuer Goderich Street - Seaforth I v a:1 UA E Life. Fire,' Auto, Sickness arAceii. ,et.Windstorm & guarantee bond;. Rates reasonable, All risks placid in first class companies. Information cheerfully given F. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSUR.ANCR. : AGENCIES