The Seaforth News, 1941-12-25, Page 70
it alio„ E8"'?'d
Chetstnnte eve.. C,,. t eye white
with tawirline snow Mime.
eler*a;]neita, keldnd the ecea;atera
of the Hy -sand -ton, poerect into
•:uo of the 19310 ten-, a t mirrors
tt wa % her bnvtaeee to sen.
aarionotie ba5.crying heeau
hoMero was rTanta
Clues. ]s. hlenrn
thrat ulny'thing »0e hated to go back
the tiny beeement flrt time oho
end mother awl Jhn railed lutists,
and Dell Jim the truth.
Jo. ort' Jimnny, ne M ,ria:+e' to
cettemye mailed (:lin, wan orlpp40.
a,fettonette. Insisted tl a; ?+e was
too flat, yet to know eholit Santa
Ohne% Pile hrei gone without her
lurch foe nays arty dos€+'led caved
bee" nt + le ane Mime t bey tIle
fillugu .1 moy iTStNti
That Yn- inorrin(.; aro nae' ewe:.
ca out to Week, Jr.=,ep;er.,oae ries-
foal tuc?itf awry in her l+urst•,
liar heart t:;1 hut, ]piping rtatlaud.
riltent > t;+'u the ,got of tt:n Sas,
nameono tag themotley crow
eompedme, ellew nr ! der payee
Sutra knee "• Jetta tics hand. elm,
fenottn th reit it, bet males,
t ls011 at ' " ad, thee rem atm:
oho ettratgi. (e e f tic: a stagy flux:',
: %no wits >dsiitia do otrore.,
"Ishint was - e her feet leegcaeel ¢.ta
her boanor:: s " way,
Bier $taut! I,A9 Moe' of the
temoment tee,tt the dlety toatf•-
Malt. hortao I a ¢ (tee «1va1d. ak..
netided a tee eetemore drr*;-1 m
ever ut the ve Sus en tee-ear:ie.
dreraod Italy eitir.e.'i:. Phowirm
pi:sluro fl eee'.este one e`oor am;
stopped ir.e+lc.
"Kollo, ate • .'.into:, ieme et Sir
telehtly,R''er, ^L atellete
elarione:to loShea; t c
Iaitt niy 'puree," vet mete to.
teener, "seine h1 i en,' ds it t -
nrorminyc, it Moiled. O lake to
raoCarty kill that c,otee to b
with 3lmry so nal, !.:.n
Met S oogtdn't bo eu:'
"1Jou't t':'y, e}111... • i. Laois.
raid. "we'll ntn3 t e.•t e e . t bo ._
')Moro was a kt.od: .I e, Clot, ',
wont to the door Stu:` speaod
'Photo stood the 1na«: of the Mr
autw+snobtle. her arms tried hit'.
wile packages.
'Is this where entney
"Teo ma'am.' Mrs. Clays:?
stopped 'sack "Won', you eon;:'
The lady etopptvi
:scoott stalling at Jimmy w lel:e e;+t
xore wide atnd bright.
"I met Santa Claus dawn tem
wtroot this afternoon, Jimmy," s:i•-.
t, "and be asked tf I *tome
bring these things to yfri!. lee •arid
he was gcirg to be re busy =o
Jimmy was "everiehiy teatime a'
tato package., which the 'lady hart
dr0ppod Into a big chair bese'
him. As his 14414.1'5 desires cies
fled froth loco. tiesel
,TinmY shoete 1 w .
Under cover of the ex, ;141:..-'
t6aslonetta drew neer the pet,!
Italy and whispered:
"Tell lite (sow yen knew &bail,
Jimmy 7"
'Why, my dear, it's such i-
istrange story! This morning I say
a tittle boy snatch a pure Ora
someone dropped, and when ho Ter..
away I bard my chauffeur follow
taint end bring hint back. to me.
Ho told rile he wanted to keep
the money to buy some toys for
Me *rippled friend whoso folks
Imo too poor to buy things for
lilso. I promised him I'd play
Vett:. Claus to Jimmy if heed pro
e1aee me to wait on that corner'Sor
f5ao girl who dropped, the purse,
every morning at the same hotir,
until/ he found her and gave it
heck to her."
.uo'lrti N 1
"Why," cried Marionette. "Did
,Co. ever hear anything to like •11
f..try tale? That was u, 4 puree,
and it really was Je ty McCarty,
motber! There was steel a crowd
!:o couldn't,
5 a hittn,rS.
I Pa.
f $ed never irtve:go/en-but it
i'ie.11t ttestling. And Stagy• to think
that a mina i t ego I Ives iloinbting;
tiro Christie/on saint:"
The lady laughed, Thee, .,in that
clear voice she said:
"Well just in- male yea weal
mord sure of him, I'm gothic to
bring n fantails doctor to nee Jim-
my the day - after tomorrow, and
""m going to have hint lake Jimmy
to a hospital and ease that bad
leg of his. The good Christmas
saint doesn't. want to find biro
crippled when he montes back next
The Cock Crowed
Why does the cool: seen to crow
8.1111 unusual persiwtence •luring
December? Our ancestors bellev-
od it was to scare away evil spir-
its from the holy; season. They
cherished many legends which
made a hero of Chanticleer at
Christmas time, although they
ooetinued to eat hien with see'.
The mart widely cieculated
story concerned the bird's behavi-
our in Herod's' palace on the flret
Christmas morning,
The king had observed rho Ione
ell?' star of Iiethlehere in the Sky,
and asked his steward to inter-
pret its meaning. "It la a sign,"
said the steward, "that a greeter
then Herod is born."
"Nonsense," commented the
ng. l
would sooner believe
that the cock on my platter could
crew," Whereupon the well-
dles'red fowl, lying on the rey'a1
plate, atretri_eai forth a bony ne:k
and ceewed d,.aily.
Simple Games For
M►. .T i -J„ ..e_a_ 1s. Party
t.ew e eartiee . rewe:ys
tvm bnt at•etn,'- a new lire
11;3 it,s, .Cts 1+ Risen.) new games
01.3 Melee' 1 with the old favorites,
0'c:11 g anti grie=isht,g eon•
tests l..t•.� .,•en payed tee many
-ecr3 bye e, Jew imele.11 varla•
dors o! ...e , i garnet t. reake
then mere x• tri tier thee. ever.
Spelt sdrawtecnE . .. en1 tt _ t.hably
bo tuire' when a good old-fash-
loved 5tc1.i:•.- bt--e is 01100nced.
ilef,;10 the ee (1e is 0.t'., 40WC%00,
h,rn mat'118 slit i(neb:tit:J. la -Won&
trit:;y if they e -.Er knew L•ow to
vee i ntt } the Icel,1.4. in this
nitite, t nor be slu tr-,1 hack-
A little eelli1 tial'. ass ealiten
•`.-:e gime,arrange tit; guests
into two ".'vaui lien tell
teemthat to save Amino ri stent
e words will all be eimele ones.
Ea."1 tOIet el"Ift will he h111inat-
Id Y vui t u w :. , makes
010 seron(I n• ,„ and the fi.nit team
to be evened dawn loses the tame.
After a ar.ra(lij Shinto In ing that
Ike words must be spelled back-
wards and with Ile eeme ltd chance"
if a wrong start is made, start the
game going with simple: words
saes ae dog, eat, boy and -so on.
'when the players have caught
on, stake the wards ine,easingly
ditil.ult. To keep the -gang moving
and to dispel any possible sus-
picion of favoritism it is best to
read the words front a Mit pre-
pared In advance.
Guessing Time
Anybody car. estimate the length
of a second, but few people know
how long two or three minutes
will last.
Have the guests sit in a circle
around the 'moat and announce
that you ere . oalg is ash them
to estimate the amount of time
11 tat es Ire four minntea to pass,
Vit'•+K,-4-fig 4N -a -u -c
The Nativity
1St, lathe 311
4t And ihe.te: t tie in the not:,
f countlt Wien:write t..tai,' . tr 10
pV t0e field keeping watch u8
their flu. h by night.
fi And, lo. the onkel of it,e
Lord came mina them, and Die
glory of the Lord d ht", a .. a roma
o i
about them: Fna. they we,.c,
sere afraid.
10 And the angel sato 403
theta, Pear not: for, be 1 ti i, 7
bring yea good tidings of C *A,t :
joy, which 5111111 be to rill
do-a,+.-arosow a'ae-o-ow Sawa-'.c.o-a-t'4,4
l s;. unto you ki born tesla a
dey ie too City cd David a
111 vu,i', which is Chriet the
11 erot. this elenl be a nig11
i t
vete t z
: a shall end the t3:d'lie
rt 4 , .,: 1n awaddling eltoberi, 8
leleg gI n 11 manger.
G<d suddenly there watt
a. tee
An eta multitude of
iso ] seely hoot praising God,
trod F.47 3 inn.
14 I, i.',, y to God in the bigh-
sto and on earth peace. good
w 11 t i Sol men.
o--e-sw�+-air•w••-a�o-o . s�.ct'
Clam your Bands w'lu'n the folic -
minutes is to atart To prove -,.
tbo gnestti from 1101111,1110 eels
time to themselves pass arot:l"Rl
sone more refreshments, oe at
unlen1e can play the piano, 511]8
a song they all know.. This alit
not last more than to miu11ie ter
two, and it will throw the play» s:
completely of count. Then sit
site ore, Tarnish for the time - .
pass. Soou the guests will b,ee.:
01111114 oft "four minutes" ani:
gram there on the game will tare
care of itself.
Tho "secret of success" at a pet-
ty of this kind 15 to play este
game only a short time heft, e
banging to a new ganef. No 01.33•
tre bow much the roosts are e-:
Soying ty game, it le advisable to
atop the game after a few min., erg
and chnuge to something fire.
Mothers' Night
The oldest English name fee
Christmas is Moddra Night, e,-
Mothers' Night. In the eax'1y
days, when our Sason furofathext,
had just settled down in the sour,
try that was to leo England, the
day of December 25th was giver:
over to feasting, but the night was
dedicated to the special honour elf
mothers. They occupied the seats:
of honour, and eve's ue br,ii,-
them gifts. Sons and daughtme
who had gone- out into the weracl
strove to be at home w.. tt:nt two
alight in the year.
A little later the name Yule not.
given to C1 ist.oa>, and the re-
joicings of the day were peelmee
ed into night, w11011 1hell sung sea)
told eteries sitting round ;1'4
cheerful blase of the Tule lug.
• The *13 custoing of Mother'
Night gradually died out. t1ne018,
they still survive in a few parte
of the country. Its place 1010 beet:
taken to some extent by Mother-
ing Sunday in the North of Eng-
land. OA that day everyone utet
can do so still ln1111001 a pilgrim.
Cage homewards,. and the nuatl r
recthea the homage of her fee:-
Add Gay Colors
To Y>ulle Candles
,8 i -turas candles for gifts or
tabic: eteeorations can be made at
k.woe from bite of discarded cava-
dles, and the whole family n]ay
have fun doing it.
There is no limit to the 5hai,e
moo 13;x5 of mold to he used. Card.
hoard boxes such es salt packages
&'rice create carton are Very sat-
isfeleimey. The cartons in which
buttermilk Le sometimes sold are
semi for the tapered candles.
(hoed results have even been re-
po to r :cith fancy gelatin moldtt
of emeein types and with jelly
g,ae es.
Tee wick may be ta01011 d
kltrol.erls a hole in the bottom of
the cardboard containers, but in
smooth -bottomed molds, it must be
kept in piaea by pouring in a little
0ax at a time around it, and their
ore:m6tty it to harden.
Arrange two 5731411 sticks at
riche angles at the top of the mold
and tie the wick in the centre so
thy' avill be held securely in
place during the whole process.
:atonnen string, the wick from
an cid candle, or commercial
cos .ilc wicking gold at variety
Mere. or !n needlework depart.
oat may all be used for the
ee . a acre candles
Dipped Candles
1-,:; Wan to be used in a single
''Odle should be melted in file
'sntee container, as -it is difficult
to menth colors. 1Vux crayons
are 7o'3d coloring matter, and
soma m;t1n have used lipstick
Ra! ;','e,as, As the wax .cools
in the hold, a hole. will be formed
dome ihe centre. Enough woe of
the, .e color should be saved to
f li tug, hole.
Limiting enough old candles, to
maks' the large ones now sol porno -
Jar, tallow candles min be made
freiv these proportions: 10 ounces
of tallow, be ounce of camphor, C
4)10 :1 of beeswax and 2 ounces
of alum. Melted paraffin, which
is ointtLms used, is hard to d;;e
oral iii, aka easily.
Te matte dipped candles, one
end of the wick is fastened to a
stick er pencil, and the wick dip -
338 tii3to the -melted wax for a
sheet time. ,As • Many candles ao
rani be fully immersed at each
din ani-lamay be made at one time.
if the surrounding air is cool, it
is riot necessary to dip the candles
in cold water. -
Fee a clear bright red candle,
it is hest not to use such dark
colors as. blue and ;!:4071 candles
in the Molting down process. liow-
ever, very often the layer of color
is just on the outside, and it can
he scraped off and the rest of
the ;candle used.
Christmas Carols
The singing of Christmas carols
originated in England. According
to tradition, this is the chorus of
the very first: "Glory to God in
the Highest, and on Earth, Peace,
Good will toward Men."
,A Ren
P d
* R � to grey:
rapping Sorntib Gifts
t%8 4 ., Way to 151441 14 dem-
tt c,
Crr f Pd .,wJ.lft ' :a 14.
e W t raw 48 to be
given 6. a good-alzed Cluistmee
boz is to tuck. each ono In an can-
P010pe 71.Ede of dither plebe red,
holly, tllver or gold paper. Y ra,:ti
eecb gift fIrst Sn Piero wh! o tia-
ras paper, folded kn ee'vel ,)
style nod emit the 1is:ps of both.
they in :e, and cuter enveloped with
oontrestitg coals, Vattern& for tee
envelope' ten be cut from ordlo•
wry etvel pee by teet'bg one apart
fwd either 5.ulargieg ou it r r trim•
ming 11 100 n.
Christmas Special.
A ial,t; a crust Gets off a color-
ful frult pie. It's made with Stripa
of dough twisted or Nabi slat
acre's the pie at right angles,
Root atrip abould be ntoietened
whore it meets the rim of pantry.
Another trick to show -off the fill -
fake, and at the game time make
the pie a Christmas special, is to
cut out little trees and tars from
the pie dough, prick with a fork,
dust with nutmeg rind granulated
sugar, a:ld bake in e, hot oven at
few minutes until lightly browned.
Then a:•renge the pastry mit-outs
en the cooked pie.
Fist Christmas Tree
In Strassb.:rr,T Germany, in
1704, tee, C'hrixttr,sa tree ap-
pear% in literature. It is thought
that the eustom of :(sing Christ."
note trees 01 ('sernlaa y spread from
When Queen Victoria married
Prince ne Air c. ,, he introduced the
C 1trksitti.,- tree custom into Eng-
• leieer the early ,migrants of
Geiratt ty asst England was derived
the cu -tuna of the Chei,t:maa tree
in .Amrriea,
Accidents Offer
Threat To Gaiety
11044,8:11'-011 spoil the festive gai-
ety of a Christmas celebration
more completely than a fire or ac-
cident. 4 i the borne. There are sev-
eral essential precautions which
0111 help 10 55sur8 a truly Merry
Don't male using frayed cords
and broken plugs.
Don't. handle ,1:e31ieal applian-
tee with fret bands.
Mee ..".lee at card, or run them
under rags,
D0 t target to Lave insulated
5taple4 01, nand for stein t log cards
Don't overload your burse cir-
cuit. 1'snally 1,000 watts is as
much as any one siren!) will
Ilon't neglect providing plenty
of ent re. lamp hnlhs of the %arfons
sizes ono colors you're using for
Chris)nlas ,,beer, so y0.1 rail re-
place burned out ones.
Dor'r pat 'levities In a blown -
out tnse..4.3)1(1(4'11 7US•+ rat a waea.
Don't !tare highwattagelade
bulbs near fancy inflammable or-
naments,. Synthetic materials, pa-
per or mitten. Watch out about
using candle, too near draperies,
wall paper or woodwwork.
DOn't plan to bare :t row 01
candles too close to a. mirror or
the heat may hawk it,
And above 011, don't burn real
candles on your Christmas tree
salsas It 11; first here , hit' n;7 0341
DRehn't i.. /aril; 1018 1. roel 1,1.;71
Jnat. 'La tt,t f," 1._. 137
little F,11 (ce 0.7,.(i 7,•
the rte t t ii -dr ,try
"Ab. the./ r 11 i
i ]
You pl (14 ,1 It+ rl f 1
teamed? 1 e 45,11,. r f e;
ktokln', ja r t .rt;;k(t a a' ;' a r t
yointc,41 G: a se •i „' 313141 10.
p181813!' ,:7•(1404 the - elk • an ,t'e•
Etle3w w i d, yi - "That's : 1':41
Cl11,u3 has picked ett : me!' ..
J,00311te's eye,• 511 1,41.
near 33183:3- t1 -ettards .. .
looked 01rions.y
children. An •L:.e --oats nt.s wife
Imaachir,lg, the chili -tat, e.artseT rtn,
blit not before be a the
say to his sister, "Pa ro',e r .,,.
Ming aryti,ing this emir.
Meg doesn't evert -actio a ellitrOdett
for Santa to crawl 47:•8,•8, a ?(e
probably 40851, 1 ee r w
daddy and mother 8 r. t `l.
MOM". and his trove
Tee men taut
1rb0 had ;last readier:.... t ,
hook ca Met window."
But her voice was,s
hyeterlc l grief, at r. .
"011, PhE7. 1 ear t
�too'ys. Ton
'.•u:�w: l d ..
Rade $n d bed and r r
be.srnake Ciri`(nn
"Butt, RIa3.>thco
meat. We have -
21 Christmas for,
there, 11st 11.icon,;•
rare They are 1,te
Ton, 0141 t;i_:` . .. . ,
hili&.i in that _fa r:e-
monttt. T-h-y'ro it nt 1, th
aunt, wale, already
dreg ^± 31o' 01ST, ;,,1±e'7
the fire Ile F,
031'.70: 1175 !t;''•
to 4.1.4, of tee
pleat are...
"We'll do it:
"1 .,ta i,l them
what 11147 w•anie, .
,i,'b i t!i? were
have al auto nr
of to e- . Anl.,
have a
go Tome 'v:d;; u;tn
there, wror they leto
the!_ -+ . one !7.474.1i,;'.
1484137' has. -i a
tri r ole and tr tr 31
aee0h4V, tale a ret 1 . or
Me mei ; ;Mess fro
mat.; her eyes s lt.,• with
'1011'7 it:;7;iyte,
h . C.
ink; - after tt:• ,
key aim rtraotwery SOA, _ : i.• ._.
the 7)11:117., We. ":3:33 t: 3t ., .,
dent We, Phil,'
l.i t to 10 1
little (,y grc
Phil Vicars replied,0 s
smile on his face. 1 1;,,.-;+•;',:,,•4.L
under .lis breath, ata,i0 44:8-
wife a mighty hug: ,s a
Chriet.004 Madge. 1 Mad t'
wag ,dels,y -of rood. ,et .1115'.
Thee- .:dies are each
All ....ger-tippeu ones '.:migll:
They give the mellow '833111811
I -like; on Christmas nicht.
So 1 have lighted so -tali real saes
Upon the waiting t_'ete:
Tall -green ones on' 131 ma;ete;
To show the room to one.
But. this so slender, silver O.tes
Much beauty rhea ey pricedem
I bought to marls my window sill
With the halo of 1;,' (1tui;:,
And -lu•p;lord-til:e. t t
Wabc TIlavh
It 0111tcr in9(1211 :;0100across1111131 ,,).
Of peace ----•and 011 ,glow)
Poinsettia. Lacks
Yule Tr clition
Thu poinsettia has no ('Briers, c,
tradition, Possessing brri.itiful tea,
and green leaves I thy, flowers
themselves hfing• the smelt 3'rllety
centres), and being' available ,41I
this season, the '1brilliance atxl.
color of this plant add much to
Christmas dd cin•atiot(s• The plant
is Ilative. lo Central America and
Mexico and was athp3'd smote
year' r,17o lo ;':ilii', ution lac =1r.
Pains. it of. CI1arleseon, S. C. It is
d11tinelly modern and Aane'h'111.1.