The Seaforth News, 1941-12-18, Page 6p 1x4.,4.
Many of then scouts ,1).d guides came into his wigwamo limping.
are desperate knaves; unci, like the Luckily. as it turned out, the great
.,r dt pe a e r,i 1. t
Quartermaster here :cine of them Delaware bad only halted to jerk
take pay of both sides. 1 hope I'm : some venison, and Was following on
r:otone of them. thlugh all occupa. Itny trail; and when he e;ut up he
'.ion: lead to teluc t ations. 1 hrieo � hod tive of the e,undrc•l s scalp
_aa'e 1 been sorely triea in my life. 1 hanging where they ought to be; so.
ts.1 once, 1 yielded a little.,. though I! yon .see.. northing urns lost by doing
tope it was tad in tit matte;• to dos -1 right, either in the way of honor or
r1' 0 man enscienc'e :11 bis last i in that of protit."
Lents. The first time vv -t,0 vvllea. 11 Cap grunted an :assent. ,hough
• i',sund in tile wends a 1,a::k of >ktns ; t1).' distinction,. in his +vlu11lnion'.-,
that 1 knowed b0Ioged to 0 1'renchear morality, it must be owned, were
-.vile was bunting on our sidc of the not exactly clear to his understand
'ines. where he had aro busines t0; itex, The two hat) occasionally mov..
rw.,nty St+, ,,: 11a111Am1" • n tverS:,.d t,,wi,rds the block a,'. shay ...on -
i,,,, ,,vor giadil1,ed human rye,. Weil • ro.1. and then ,),app, -.1 again Its
was t,•n1,tat'un.• fel' I n. ,.,t et'. ,ko r. ,.1.
;t-) .. 1 ,.th•v , i to ;t,s.ti.. Thai;
..,, tt . ,.t the Lot •.,, mild hitt'.:1 }seen :,}. , glnnte,t, iteolue'hl thele: to a halt,
• cci1il nee allinti _it it. w..:= ita.'i'liie Wet, gots .o n,.<fe the• hiildit .
. bens :. 11111 01 ,.1.. 1 , ,0,11.,1,,,- 1 nv,:'c,.1. 11)1)1 neither thotiehi:
,l.. t n.,i 11.0. 15>',1'; n, ,h , 1 ;-Lia The ;tat i •rt :ivy i'urtl0,r
4.1.o ,r,.; „-th11,;5'.) me lir,.: fair seri 0,, l , ., d 1.11. „it _co,: ,
. ser elfin n+._ :: h1.,. 1),...;i1 :r•,,1' , ,e1.. 5`tl'„':.,:,I;' 1,,tr,li::,n
1 cat,;,); ,., 1.. ,.; ...,, .
ale . 1 1.... skoisg.: I.) , t,
took the natural direetion; for if it
be true that death is the great level-
ler, in northing is it more true than
That it reduces all to the same views
of the vanity of life.
Pathfinder, though a man of pecu-
liar habits and opinions, was always
thoughtful, and disposed to view the
things around hon with a shade 'of
philosophy, as well as with serious-
uess. In him. therefore, the 50000 in
the blockhouse awakened no very
novel feelings, But the case was dif-
ferent with Cap: rude, opinionated,
dogmatical, and boisterous, the old
sailor was little accustomed to view
even death with any approach to the
gravity which its importance de-
mands; and notwithstanding all that
has passed, and his real regard for
his brother-in-law, lie now entered
the room of the dying man with
much of that callous unconcern
Which mita then fruit of long training
in „ school that, while it gives se
many lessons in the sublintest
troths. generally wastes its adnioni-
tions 00 scholars who are. little (Es -
posed 10
by them..
the warn,
t al :❑ i. ,...
▪ .,•., r ti.),:;.1 t,t,:e .. it : e 7 l,-:. „t
-:,at 1 .. , +.sots:. Lt, `i �l ..;.,<a
trial When 1 r„1, r 111
tiiartiiinly tee ale tai,
the world That
a. e t - on at: surety -11 .1 1, 1
by the scene, for he had witnessed
the approach and victories of death
too often for that; but who felt the
full difference between his triumphs
in the excitement of battle and 10
the quiet of the domestic circle;
"and I make no question we shall
meet mein hereafter. Arrowhead
has gone his way, 'tis true; but it
can never tie the way of 0 just Ind-
ian, you've seen the last of him, for
his path cannot be the path of the
just. Reason is ag'in the thought in
his ease, as it is also, in my judg-
ment. You have bone your duty in
life; and when a man does that, he
may start on the longest ,tourney
with a Light heart and :n1 cultyvc'
"I hope so, lily friend; I've tried to
do my ditty.”
"Ay. ay." put in Cap; "intention is
half the battle; 1111)1 though you
would have done better; had you
hove•to in the offing and sent a cr'af't.
fit to feel how the land lay, things
might have tm•necl out differently.
no one here doubts that you meant
all for the best, and no nue anywhere
else. I should think, from what I've
seen o1' this world and read of
l'ot 'other."
•'1 did; yes. I, meant all for the
400)." -
"Father! O my beloved father!"
"Magnet is taken aback by this
hhnv, .Master Pathfinder, and can say
or do Ma little to carry her cal her
over the shoals; so we must try all
the bander to sere" 11m a friendly
turn overselves."
"111,1 you spen4. ' label?" Dunham
asked. turning hi= eyes in the dlt•hr-
iiem t1 111 ,lanl;hler, for 11,• was Ili -
ready 1 n' t',,e11' 1'' 1111.11 tai, hndy.
'rhe first proof that Cap gave of
his not entering so fully as those
around him into the solemnity of
the 10000111, was by commencing a
narration of the 10,0015 which 40(1
,oust lets to the death of 111tiir and
Arrowhead, 'loth trippell their an-
rchore in a hurry, brother Dunham,"
he concluded; '1)o l you have the
consolation of knowing that others
have gone before you in the 'great
Journey. and then. too. men whom
ynu'c, 110 particular reason to love:
which to me, were 1 placed in your
,t l:1 uti, w,,uld bo a otiree of very
r".ttratii,ifatition. 3.1y mother a1-
ways -,til, :1114:t1}• Pathfinder, thea
dying 1 tile's spirits should 1111 be.
d a ,lpe.i but fled they e110ht to I,
encouraged aur,, ed by .111 propel' nod 1,1.1 i
eni n•e',en„ ;,n,1 1,,, liewii will �i,e
1i•, 1..1.1' 11011un 11 .,:r1,11 I if 1—
.,,wards wards .}a i11 1 .1:_ ,, 1y.
}1 4i"fI'I; 1At; ori 151):, ! feel u y , a.11,.
arose ,if iii,s neelligeoce.
,ad ;less • .ir"ni 11 hlechlo'u"e eel]
i o 1)'o , a, crag-, 1 -, -1, p. 1hu,tr.11 hst, ln'nt
. ,l 14.1, ;1 v 1(1,01 ;1111,.. 1'r f 1. ,.1 '-
:i•• soul i t )c ',
., 3.. at'.„•0;1' 11 ;R t r•. ij e, 1'. my 10.1 5' 11111. 0t , 1,'41.'
-i,,` � .,, _, •.err „u; i1) tau. he 1111.1 really t n, _ •,1)1)1 1r) 0)111 , 11.
�i'� oh.nln ,•.
.11(nni m,th{air a''r Mum; Inn h
f 1 ,1 lt •.tel 1404 nl: for
it, 1 :-i tse' - '',•: i . 1)t %.uv r r.},.: il:r. tliesl
n. 1 ;r els v.:.
- •. ,..•t,ae• ex{,, --fan sin 'tn:. lip..
1 , n y .. ,�a-
;1; ,te ,.,.ak'�� .'i til dict l`l k=t at
▪ ,.. '.rh.,te .. , :nay {„ t1)•
°i ,i
r rr' ,r , 11) int. -Lt. ani.,•4. 'n 11 f„ ble voie - for l nt
donee. 1 he young (11,11 was immed,
• tely summoned. and 'iron orad, hi,
appoar ne• . The 1,.rir ant. ge ed :u
hire kitolly. and the expression ,s;ion ,1f
h}” ,:..5 was that of regret tar :he
injtr'y hes had done him in though!,
I hi part:, in the blockhouse lam
nn iste.l .,f 4'athlindrr, top, Mabel.
Jasper.'. and the dying man. A'Vtih
the esreptio)1 of 1ho d.1'a itt"r. all
riood around the r='.,Lt's
n care nd r,r'• uta hi last moments,
Mabel kneeled sled at his side. now
pressing. a elanruy hand to her
head. now applying moisture to the
parched lips of her 1ath.•1
•'Your ease will shortly he own,
hc•rgeant," .aid 1'athtioder. who
,•cold hardly he sa}cl 11, b '*vveatrurk
1).,'t, lien •,1
t ! 1 ,
1.11,•11 .t.d l nt:,. o*
f n t, t t,_
11 a - . 1. , - t .; t •-"-'"."-t-, nt•
1 ., , r 1)i u.,inn, minimum
vats„ +-' lr tt 1,,- is but the-
I i10.14. tl at le„ttl
▪ o . } i i t, vtlt r, t Loot,;, -.1 t n,. bet v en t) i, and..... Q; .t1) t.,.l ...•„I 0- e1. .1,•4 st;,)' "f
11t -r(-
;la - Pathicmped tee 110117.1g, Sorg:-
efatt. Dunham was a 1(1111e titan; Ind.. .:l?. , itl
t « . departing +m u
a uznt.ry in
y•r n: on h,- -un-, resolution ,uu}d avail him roc
vwithh was s -h.
t anal to r:;vtu•=1 '1,. i . "Weil, thin; and as he felt himself frradu-
r,-rt 31)•• dev;6 Srom the rasp the
;re hardest then: 1)i;; and that "11Y 10"'"'""1 eai of
world. 1).n then its anit ferlin"s
t1-7„,,,,,1 •a:rR1. •1,^a=•fitly upon 0
,-.dip of six Wages :asleep in the
•,vu,ls, with their „rugs sold horn, pi1-
•.1i 141 1,, vvay that enabled me to get
>05=0x5()0 cf tfl'1' 11l11irnt waking
miscreant of them ,d1. What an
,:prortutnty :ha:t. '101111 have been
.. (a .., xrirl,nt, r:1)±, would l:)1•11:e $11 -
ti th.'yn, one 01 dnotiam,
isis k t r,.,. .:0e cm; ti .15
at 110 r .- , •,)",:at tite
- - 1,4">'ble te 1,11 cit 1),''
esa t:c:', 0 v(.1,:,;:f ...
(1("ittn.rachf.toets. . c
and .,.;
,.V... ruhei rely uti nothing t•eu
it.,ce ,ton' for y nns,'•1f for nine( y awl
eialcntion: irn-.1 anitiVet.he*r ill 114'
isle -- :,'i Mediation of the son 1'l'
-The Omni:tin hes t ,1,1 us ' ons,
n. 'Phe d+1)r
hotel ern•. t,,, •10111.”
1•4,. ay, that's de,cIl1)11 ,rtlt. .11
11 -1111 4, • , u, Nr i1), . :11,11
11.1,`10- Ili,' lot: 1,11.,1, of OM. 111,4
fA 1"e') 11)' m 1,11 ;t), ;11 the bast day.
.end 1^i• -n 011 011,1 h- ,lone nett pled
win: lee ,inn, 111. 1 do 4,1105, llahel
4, 1 itt111 11111 111011 1'111 a 'd 1111 11
, ,ti• 1t ,i is 11) bunt int' ;,cunnrn
ha< hien fairly 1.'pt "'
^1'1dearest fal11•1'• 1/11i: 1' a
51)1)1 1111ts1,14 Oh. - plac'• 111 your
!rail in 1 h Ineat:010n of lois Holy
1b•dorm:•r1 14;1.,, c0ut 1)01 often felt
Von). "wta ,)cath d,.nev tee offiw•t yl,ttr
OW/1 n 1 :h'•" in the l'omlI11Ie";1
11,1)11r . 111)11 hot1 ,•nu 71)0 intogitio
11111 'lf. by your nvcn ;sets, x',111)110
refs,• 1141 a frail and x11,1+111>1111re intf-
ie i, ntly to he reeeiie.1 into the pre-
., 1 .d' pcvie, t purity? There is no
pop.. far ,any but in the mr•dmtien et
"Tikb, is what 111., 31„t•ut•ia ns 'used
10 telt n•." said Ptahrfnd,.r to 1'att in
is low 1nietti "rely on it. Mabel
"11ileht entomb. friend Pathfinder.
'n the distances, but wrong in the
course. I'm afraid the child will get
ho Sergeant adrift, at the very mile
neat when we had him in the best.
of the water and in the plainest part
of the channel."
Being Built More Quickly With
New 21 'Ib. Tool
A tricky problem of aircraft pro-
duction has been solved by a new
portable tool weighing only 21 Ms:
On all )modern aircraft, thousands
of nut plates are used for securing
cowlings, fairing strips, inspection
panels, instruments, and control
runs, Formerly, for every one of
these nut plates, three rivet ]toles
had to be marked otr and drilled 01"
jlarately, a slow and tedious busi-
ness. To -day in one swift and simple'
operation, the new portable tool
drills two holes, accurately spared
and centred.
This novel two -spindle portable
drill, designed in Britain, is power-
ed by the "Mighty Atom" pneumatic
motor, Many thousands of which are
o ries of
•1)f factories h aircraft f
.•e, i the a
i use n
Britain, the Emigre countries, anti
the United States,
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M,B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of
University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern xray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. J. 11, Forster, Specialist In
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 4 to
2 pini.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Celebrates a Century of Empire
Today' 0,11111 5,000,000 plants are
irlassitied and filed in the herbarium
of the wood', most 1'1101111)5 hotani-
cal gardens now celebrating their
centenary in the midst of the war,
The Royal llataa10111 Gardens at
Kew, covering 290 ares near i1ieh-
tramil on the Thames, sprang from
a 0)111)11 private lrard,•n belonging to
(;01.1'!1'i• the Third's mother which
had already sent. out expeditions roe
,p1,5nnen0 to }tolp ., rdttltul,, t;1 i1)
he Empire's early day.,. One .rf
thet-ie tho 11110 a voy g'e of
Copt _un 11111,1 1%101 1'0111 ot]' to the
Smith Semi 1)r -, 1orb 111 the bread-
fruit tree, Lha 'v.p, iit,ou 0)1111, 111
tin' Mutiny of he c I1.w and 1 lr.-il
111,1.11,• cr'y tt,• of ,400 chiles i1) 0'
,111#,11 bo:et
Tilt, aim of flic 114iyal lloluurnl
Gardens, which first open -(1 their
z•ate, to is he public• ns ,April 12.
1:+41, era' the Empire ,c•velnpment
of reeds. sn.I ;Aunts 111'4
im} i t.anrc.
r" ' . „1 a•x-
It n:: , t I dow, 1
211)1411,, n'hieh Sent 1.111 111 1 11414 r11,
1.111111a plaints grown from euttinits
colbeted 111 Smith .America for qui -
,tine to relieve malaria. 'Today the
cinehnua is grown in plantations
owned. by the Indian Goc„r(doent
and fa,•tor'1es extract it, quinine and
other alkaloid,.
:1 few year,: after the cinchona
ccntnre the inU'wiuction ol” rubbor
plants was hii1i11151 by the Govern.
11x.111 111' India. Although some of the
sp,:cnmu5 11111 secured by Kew
from south America were unsuited
for plantation production, the rub-
ber ,mlusl0,' not only o1• Soutl,eru
India but of :Malaya and Ceylon has
b,•or, the direct result of the enter:
prise shown by the Itoyal Botanical
Gardens of lien•,
.-11. what .. !•4,: r10.4 1,,.,. 1111
Ala:=te t 1 th'a'n 11:._
. •: 1+- 4 Caja. who began gan to 0' int.. 1
d n the result; "it .eons to!
you had made either a very
ky. or a very unlucky landfall.,'
-' 'Twas lucky, and 'twos un -
a ky, .lf you ''80 understand that.
'Twas unlucky, for it proved a des-
perate trial; and yet 'twas lucky, all
i:'ngs considered, in the ind. I did
touch a hair of their heads, for
.: white man has no nat'ral gifts to
scalps; nor did 'I :even snake.
atw of one of their rifles. I distrust -
myself, knowing that a Mingo
s no favorite in my nwxt 03100."
'As for the scalps, I think you
were right enough, my worthy
frietal; but, as for the armament and
the stores, they would have been
condemned by any prizeseourt in
,- ltristendom'"
"That they would, that they
,would; but then the 41ingos would'
t',.lve gone clear, seeing that a white
risen can no more attack an unarmed
than a. ,sleeping jollity. No. no. I did
and m;' (Arm, rind my re-
":igion too, grea}ter justice, 41 waived
t 11 their nap vee etas, and they
,1111 on their warliath t01,An; and,
y arnbe 1lirg them 1.11:" and Yank -
them t11'' T ::1),T,1rs1i tlir"
.,,,•lssuard:= , like' ,'Pa-
tirdot r r1 asiari )111 1):,i n; 0 fine
rd 'fit a ti;' 8040)515", 111'! used
• ,. Wale 5a1i 10Iv , 'that only 0,n,
r 'got bask to h: t ilia r,, art he
eP "°!Selling Quality Books
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily.
All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You
Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order.
Physiciau and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6J
Eye, Ear Noso and Throat
Graduate in Medicine,
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefiold's Eye, and Gulden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eug. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -613 Waterloo
St., Stratford, Telephone 267.
Auctioneer fur the Comity of 11uron.
Arrangements can he made for Sale
Date al the Seaforth News, or by
writing Gordon M. Grant, Godtricla
Charges modi4•ale and slitisl,anri:
4' 11'. 1,11RENS, Li •ens„1l -Auction
ter for Peril) and 13nron t,1).t.,s
1-.+21110 Solielted. 'rents s eat AFj•lic,.ti.,21
Farm W,to'!( chattels and real a„1•,tt
prep y. 1t. li. No. 4, Mitcbial
Phone 1;24 r 6. Apply at this (dm,
I,ic_eused in Huron and Perth ''.111)-
priees reasonable; satisfactimi
For • n ,;
t;u:tt;areed P, t information, writ
or phone Harold Jackson, phone 14
on 1161; 11.14.4, Seaforth.
Auctioneer for Huron. Correspond.
MUT!, promptly answered. Immediate
arrangetllents call be matte for Salo
Date by calling Thum• 21(11. Clinton.
Charges moderate and satisfactfnl,
Watson & Reid
[Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect
ed at lowest rates in rest-C1aa,s
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co,
President, Wm. Knox, Lendesboro
Vice President, Si'. R. Archibald
S atorth; Secretary Treasurer, M. A
Ttrnl, Seaforth.
F. ;<1eIiereher, R. I1.,1, Dublin; Joht
E. Pepper. R, 11. 1. Brueefield; .i. F
Prneter, Brodbagen; James Watt
111714; Aldred Yeo, ITolmesville.
Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William
Knox, Londesboro; Claris I,eonhardt,
Dublin; E. S. Trewartha, Clinton;
Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. It
Archibald, Seafortb; Alex McEwing
Blyth; Prank McGregor, Clinton}
Hugh Alexander, Walton.
Parties desirous to effect insurance.
or transact other business, will ba
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
A farmer, visiting his son's college
and wandering into the chemistry
class, saw some students experi-
"What are you trying to do?” he
"We'r'e endeavoring replied one
of the students, ''to discover or in-
vent a universal 14017011t.”
"What's that?"
"A liquid that will dissolve any-
That's a great idea,' agreed the
farmer. When you.iind it what are
you going to keep it in,''
Wife --"You told nue before ' we
were married Matyou were well off,"
1lusband---"Yes, I know but I
didit't 411010 how well off I was,"