The Seaforth News, 1941-12-18, Page 1HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 08, No. 50 SEAFORTF-I, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1941 SALMON FISH HALF OR WHOLE 16c ib. PEANUT CLUSTERS and Choco- late Mint, Per bag ..:..................29c SWEFIT ORANGES.— Per doz.. 1.96, 25e, 30c; 35c, 40e ROSE BRAND APPLE BUTTER-- Jar 28c APPLE and RAS1'BERR'Y JAM.— Jar 28c OLD. CHEESE. --Nippy Per Ib, 38ce CLEAR SALT BACON.— Per Ib. ... .. 22e BISTO.—For making gravy Pkg. ..,... _. 25e PURE MAPLE SYRUP.— Quart 60e SHERIFF JELLY PUDDING. - 3 for 25e LE\IA RAISINS. ----With seeds in lbs, 25c LOOSE SEEDED ]tAISINS.--- Lb, .. 15e PITTED DATES. -- Per Ih 1 e C THAN BLRR1ES.— Lb. 25e. M IN CE EAT.. - 1 lb pkg. 15e PIIILletl S )ABI' SOAP.- With comb, 1 cakes .._ 25e GARDENIA SOAP. --Special 3 cakes 1 5 ' 1'Ptil' 1VOIII SOAP... 5 rata_ 25e (l ASSIC CI I';ANSEII.— Tin 5e 111I;O!.1(' : OAP. eekPr 25e 11AS'I'E11 HOG 1'Otil'F.N'1'1(A'I'1?.— C. iew Phone 166 ft z E. L.• 1' Mt PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. I1. V. Workman, !Minister. 1.0 a.ln.. Sunday school. 11 a.m. Christntas Message. Sub- ject, "Gond Tidings of tlreat Joy." 7 pen. A Service of Christmas Mush.. combined eboirs in Anthems, Carols and Hymns of Praise. Welcome 10 these Sen i lees. First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Sabbath School, i o a.m. White Gift service. Morning subject, ''The Mirth of a King." Evening subject, "The Wisdom of the Shepherds." Christmas music by the choir at both services. St. Thomas' Church )lector. }rev. Dr. Hurford. 11 a.m., "Our Patron Saint ---St. 'Phomas." 7 p.m., Carol Service. "The Friendship of God." Sunday School at 10 a.m. Will you be at church on Sunday? St. Mary's Church, Dublin 2.25 p.m., Sunday School. 3 p,m., Christmas service. Egtnondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., "Following the Star" 7 p.m., "Our Need of Christ." The Salvation Army Lieut. Sharp. Special Christmas services: Sunday, 11 a.m., Holiness meet- ing; 7 p.m., Candle Light service. Saturday, 7.30 p.m., Christmas program and Santa Claus. Everyone welcome. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. H. Morrell of Sum- merhill announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Isobel Marg- aret Louise, to Gordon Emmerson Troyer, only son of Mrs. S. G. Troyer of Hensall and the late Mr. Troyer. The marriage to take place the lat- ter part of December. CLIFFORD HUNT IS DEPUTY DIRECTOR Clifford Charles Hunt, 11 66 Rich- mond street, London has been nam ed deputy regional director for the London division of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board • Mr. Hutt was born in McKillop, • son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hunt. He served in the-firiat Great War at mil- . itia headquarters in Ottawa. The new deputy director has had - •t cohsiderable business experience in Western Canada and in Ontario, hav- ing been associated with the Renting ton Typewriter Co. for many years. in 11180 he entered partnership with W.- D. Stevenson to form the Stevenson and ]lout insurance and Reel Estate Ilrokees firm, The S.S. entertainment will _ be held at Egmondvillc United Church on Friday night. Phone 34. 81 a year. Beautiful Program by North Side W. M. S. For Their Christmas Meeting. Offer Tribute to Officers and Members of Auxiliary The W.M.S. of North -side United Church had a very be uitiful pre_ grain t'or their Christmas meeting on 'Thursday, Doe. 11. The meeting was opened by singing ''Hark the Herald Angels Sing," and the pres- ident Mrs. Lawson lead in prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. Porteous and the. Glared approved. After the usual business was transacted the sleeting was turned - over to circle (i in charge of- their leader Mr's. Finlay- son. Mrs. Cuthill reported we have some quilt rovers on hand and Mrs. Lawson moved we give two to the Red Cross. This was seconded by Mrs. Pollard and clu•ried Unanim- ously, The devotional period opened by singing "Angels -front the Realms of Glory," after which Mrs. Ful] 1y - son led in prayer. Following this the Magniticat Was repeated ,)ted in uni- son and then the members sang "0 Cone, all Ye Faithful The s, nice ill ths micsien'lr'y monthly wae car- ried out by (3 members of the circle, )0,1 in 110'11 lighting a ettmdle and dedieatine it to the memory •01' those who first 11( n! the Christian 1330(11 to the far earners of the world. being nu•r p reed with the lovely l hrist- inn= 1 uols, and Alts. 1''inlaesol lr•acl- ine in player and Mise J. Ferguson reading the ilible lessen. Just be - fere the riferinet 110 ree•eived Miss ' ewrenee s1/ seed we remember the 1(l.: ionau 1, n Jepurl end ('Erna in our prayers duritege these troulds oes inies. A fter sliming 0 Canada the. eteetieg elos,.d with the benediction. '1'11'• ',diew•ine are otlicves of the W. 11 S for 1 1119: lion. Presidents, MIS. Jas. Beattie and Mrs. 11'. A. Bremner. Past i'res., Mrs. I'1. V. Worl.rnau, Pres, Mrs. 1i. Lawson. let vice mese Miss a L.n v1'o ce; 2nd vlte, 111.. ,rel vice, Mrs. .1, ilinte1)1; 4th vice. Mrs. .1. C. I.:cin) Rec. see., MIS. A. L. Porte. ons• treasUrer, Miss, A. Ferguson. Christian steward. sec., Mrs. It. .Archibald; cot. see.,,Mrs. A. Cuthill, 1,itereturc sec,. Mrs. Harburn. Press sec., Miss M. Somerville. - 'l'emperance sec. Airs. C, 1'. Baine Miss, monthly sec., Miss J. I?erg- 115011 11111 131 I'S. W. Webster. Community Friendship sec., Mrs. .1('onsitt, Mrs, Finlayson. Associate Helpers coo., Mrs, Jas. Herron, Mrs. W. Free and. Mrs. H. Spence-. Watch tower, 3Ls. C. Grew. Pianist, Mrs, 1'. Barber. Supply mom., Ml's. .I. Simpson, Mrs. A. Cuthill, Mrs. Barron and Miss Bristow. Finance mem, Mrs. R. Archibald. Mfrs. R. Lawson, Miss A. Ferguson, 111's. J. Finlayson continued nil !'age tune MAE LANE AUXILIARY The Christmas meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held at the t home of Mrs. P. Moffat. White gifts were brought by the members to go to a Northern hospital. The meeting was opened by the loading of some Christmas poems by the late Miss Is- abel Graham Which were given by , Mrs. E. H. Close and Mr.. 1",, J. Be- chely. Mrs. F. Parsons led in prayer. Miss Fennell then took charge of the business of the meeting, the main items of Which were the annual re- ports from the various secretaries and the report of the nominating committee, Miss E. Lester, Mrs. G. Hoggarth, Miss E. Bremner, ))lass E. Lester read the report which includ- ed the following officers: Hon. Pres., MIl•s. H. V. Workman; , past president, Mrs. E. H. Close; j president, Miss R. Fennell; 1st vice president, Mrs. F. J. Bechely; 2nd vice president, Mrs. R. Savaitge; 3rd vice Pres., Mrs. P. Moffatt; recording sec., Miss S, Wood; corresponding sec., Mrs. Bradshaw; treasurer, Miss L:. Bremner; assist. treas., Mrs. J. Scott; Christian Stewardship sec., Miss E. .Lester; temperance sec., Mrs: A. Westcott; Missionary Mon- thly sec., Mrs. Brightrall; Baby Band sec., Mrs. Chamberlain; literature 1 sec., Miss J. McLean; bower sec., Mrs. H. Whittaker; press sec., Mrs. G. Hoggarth; assistant press sec., Mrs. J. Scott; community friendship, Mrs, E. H. Close; assist. com. fr. sec. • Mrs. I. H. Weedmark; supply con - eerier, Mrs J. Currie; Mission Band leaders, Mrs. W. Barber, Ml's. G. Hoggarth; social -convener, Mrs.I Weedniark; assist. 800. con., Mrs: F. J. Bechely, Mrs 14. Chamberlain; pianist, Miss Winnie Savauge; assist.' Mrs. B. Christie; • Circle captains, Mrs. F. Parsons, Mrs. B. Christie. Mrs. Snell Mrs. R. Savauge. 's put in The meeting was chtu•e,e of Cilele 4 with Mrs. F. J. Bechely presiding. It was opened with 0 Come All Ye Faithful. and prayer by Mrs. . Close, The Scripture reading was react by -Mia E. Goodie. Mrs. James Stewart favored the group vt'itlea solo and Mrs, Ross Sa-- eauc,e rein) a Christmas shyly, "Why the Bolls Chime." The meeting cies- ed with Silent Night and the Mizpah benediction, The Christmas tree- was unloaded of its gifts and these were opened for the "roup to see. After 1 leech 11 went 011 appreciation was gi- 1 von Mrs, Moffat •for her generosity in opening' her 11(11111,. The meeting closed with the ,urging of the nation - el anthem. POSTAL INFORMATION Friends Honor Christmas cards for local delivery it handed in at -wicket now ties) 11)Nott bundles will he held until Dec. 24thHarvey before delivery. Parcel post. and stamp wickets will be kept open evenings, 111th, 20th, 22nd and 23rd, 8 to 9 pea. for the ' arc•ommadaliof) of the public. No general delivery will be, made at such time. RED CROSS NOTES The responme to the appeal for handkerchiefs was very generous, '!'here was a total or six hundred atui eight hundkerchit•fs with an es- timated value of $5.55. Those interested in forming an evening auxiliary met 00 Tuesday evening when the following officers were elected: -vice -pros„ Miss Rena Fennell; sec treas., Miss Sally Wood and conveners: knitting. Miss N, Jeff pry 3 sewingr, Loretta Bennett; .surgical supplies, glen. D. Wilson. The first meeting. of this new or - j ganizatian will he hold Tuesday, Jan. 1, at. 7.30 in the work room. The work reom will be closed um- DI Jan. 9115 when the finished work for December will he )received-. Plowing Match Com. To Meet Saturday To Hold Annual Meeting on December 20th in Clinton.— Consicler Recommendations Irl ltr,.,•tu nix 11:1ye heti) mad,. be th • , x,early' of 13(e ilurou Plough- 11,11.1, 'lough- 11 (1, h coonittottto eu: 1:eld the an total Im )tin' of ibis orfani?.:tivit. lir th Agricultural Office hoar) room). Clinton. on Sann'4uy ate -moon, lee 4'nlher :;'rill, at 2 11.111. in addition t' the e ballon I , tri.• el.,: ter the year 1111119, i1 1- .(1(104 pate,) to have present 11r.. .. .1 Ca.9'ell, e•rre.tal'y nonage)' of 111.' on telie l'In 1(v I,1„tl'14 Aar<eeitl 11011 :114,1 Il nmlll,1 of 016111111 (if 1.11;11 elt,euiza- t1"n to ^rive• Udv il•,• 1,nd eIS.41.Triiiii1 1011, to ibe 10)11 C0nurd11, 4'. 'The. 11.t,,,•' w'itit ell l(0 (teri receipts and expendi- tures will bepresented to the meet- ing by Ilugh Hill. A manlier of very important 1 ee. onumnmdat1on1 from the rxr entiv1 will be presented to the annual meet- ing. ret]tlg. 011e1] s. - I tl) Ilorse Show open to 11/ r. e owners of Moroi County only. to b,' staged on October 13th. t hl Request to stage a Huron Ofd Boys' iteunion on °Meti •r 13th. Ie) Thl' Earl of Athlone, Governor General of Canada, to be invited 0, visit the match on October 14th. (5) Inter County contests to he ',lager' on October 15th tel huge military display by air- men of local stations and also by the County militia units on Oot. ltith. to Monster banquet to se it 100e guests to be staged in Seaford for the final night at Which the present. alien of prices will he made to the winners. A guest speaker of inter- national reimWII will Le Seelleed. It is anticipated that the display of labor saving faros machinery and equipment will cover an area of over lit acres. Already manes local hotels have reserved their entire accommo- dation for the match period. The local ground work has been well done to date by the officers. It is hoped that the annual sleeting will give more inspiration and drive to the local committee. To this end. all interested farmers and representa- tives of organizations are invited to be present on Decenlber.20th. Mr. J. C. Shearer, Clinton, is secret- ary of the IInron Ploughing Match committee. "GO TO CHURCH" We should practise the habit of attending church at all seasons, but surely, if ever, at this time of the year, when tokens of Christmas are seen on every side. Blessed is the man, who can endure an hour and five minutes in a place of worship as well as two hours in a place of am- usement. Blessed is the man whose watch keeps church time as well as business time. Blessed is the man who loves his Own church enough to praise it. It isn't a smart preacher, or 0 rich congregation, or a good lo- cation, or a paid choir, that makes a successful church. It is the church members always being there that counts. Oliver Wendell Holmes was once asked why he troubled to attend a small church where the preacherrswas a most ordinary man with no origin-' elity as a thinker. Dr. Holmes gave this fine reply, "I go because I have a little plant called Reverence, and I must needs water it once a week or it will die." There are other and deeper reasons why we should go to a place o£ worship regulaiy, to con- fess out sins to ask God's pardon, to praise Hon or His goodness, to encourage one another in our most holy faith, But there is also need to water the little plant caked Rever- ence," which soon fades and dies un- less we remember it It least once a week by assem'Itling together for God's worship. Early, Next.-. Week Rec'loee of the holiday,. news and advertising intended for next week's issue of The. Seaforth News should be sent in to reach'this. office not toter than Tuesday noon. Large Gathering at Livingston School in Htlllett Thursday Evening Last. Tlun'sday evening the t'rieinls. end neighbors of Harvey Noll. son ref Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nott, rf the_. misted concession of linnet t. tee sembled at the school -house of S. S. 31, Milieu, to PUSS 11 pleasant (rv,•n• Mg with him before his departure to foie the Navy. Bert. Irwin was appointed as eh,ir- 111a11 an(1 a s110rt. imjrrarnp (1 pr<rgrem was a•ranged, consisting of c0nt- tenuity singing, musical nnanbc-rs, ducts and recitations. '1'he following local talent took Part, Eimer Dale, Marie Holland. Mr. and Mrs F. Fowler. 111's. Noble 11-ol- 1and. Mrs. B. Irwin. Mr. and airs. E. Nott, hobby Irwin, Nobir' Holland. At the emielusiren of the program llarvey was. asked 110 coma, forward and Wm. FTolland. with a few well ehoswr worels. presented hint with a yetemin mt(1nlatie Parker pen and pFrieil Se1.. Harvey responded. expressing his he•ut1elt flood.., and appreciation for lit 4r good vviohes 1111(1 thirlighlfel-. nc,s1. Ultnwhlg that mother world e) -- 1110e kiln now ff she did not receive her iseenl n letter. After engine. ` IIr a a li r 00,3 1 e:ll nr," the matins rl 4171 11 1 ':r• 111130 114(1 all ,li 1 er ,:d, the )48)11) of far':w 11 i, tu,r7 ill tai- u, -•r; work: WILI.iAM BRINE 11 ',dime [eine, ,nt ,t 111.'t: In (.e .•,1 'et ay .,t to I ,,, •4 , t 11.11 c, et eetly 11.tedey el r, Urine had be, in for seine Melte. init 4.'.n., :,bout until 11 ,001.1111 w"'e urrti ni`d 111 3(114 htene. lila, l it,i,' w'a,1 hurl: 731 y''''' (1 Ile cote ,14 .111S,1,11 1'. 1:01110 1/111 Jat.e He travelled exteesit ete til,l.ab"e- the een11411')' 3,311 (01' wortied with 111,, 1'tr ,L:.:c \ t , -:'• itaiiways In 'I'oront, .11,1 ,4311,_ 1 l 13 - ti( returning t, at'nr'th ..4.1(1411 tett years ago, Ile'. 1:1•11a. was .: neottbe.•1' or tin• Hinton 140 1. (.)leen- lo. liantilton,. besides Belo )let, 1„ 1110 I ritarmia Masonic nom, and Masonic ('lulpter, and tile• t ';01:,..d4,11 1.0gloll, hat ing bw n 311 1.11 ia1n: With the 184th Batt:dion in 113 t;-1:. He tuns also 11 mon'dre'r We 1116 Piet I'resbyterian Chtn•rh. Surviving are two sisie•r". 1(10)) Jame and H81111011. Frances, both a,t hrane. A )lasonic funeral 101114 heel oft 1,Vedilesday at 2 p.m. free, residence. !lee. Hugh Jack "f the First }'r esbyternn Church c0talto i ed the service. Interment in Hacrl,ar- 110v venie'tcry. The pallbea-rers Wilfrid Whyte, W. A. Wright lie", 3Ic Grego•, D. H Wil' -on. 11 w:.. Scott, W. H. (30151113, 11.1'. DEATH OF MISS A. 8. MURRAY Many friends will regret to 144-8, of the dead) of Miss Annie B. th- ea)', which took place in Scott 3lem nr101 Hospital last. •Sunday me,rid;e. Although Miss Murray had not he, la very well for the last few veers. nee one expected her sudden passing. sing• Miss Murray was born at St. Cath - mines, coming to Seaforth .0 an early age and had spent almoe,t her whole life in Seaforth. Miss Murray received her education at the public and high schools in town. tinishilig at the London Normal, after which she taught school for ten years. in- cluding schools at Molerief. Dash- wood and Thedfotd. She returned home to take care of her mother, who was i11 a number of years. Miss Murray was a. member of the united Church, also the Missionary Society. Four brothers are left to mourn the loss of a devoted sister, Thomas, of Sacramento, John of Preston, Ernest of Regina. and Walter at home; also two nieces and a nephew. The funeral was held on Thursday at 2 p.m. at her home. Burial tools place in the family plot in the Mait- land Bank Cemetery. The servit•e was in charge of her minister. the Rev. Mr. Workman. The pallbearers are A. L. Porteous. A. W. Dunlop, W. Teall• Frank La- mont, W. H. Golding, M.P.. Dr. F. Harburn. MacLACHLAN-ROSS The United Church manse at Hen - was the scene of a pretty •wedd. ing at two p.m., Saturday; Decem- ber 13th. Res, R. A. Brook united in marriage Rhea S. E., daughter of Mrs. Emily C. Ross and the late Al- lred Ross of Tuckersmith, to Earl 1 Mich. C.MacLachlan, ofFortHuit 1i< . The brides attendant WO, her sister. •Miss Peal} Iva hors and Eos E. Ross RCAF, twin -brother of 31)4.1 bride supported the (11•oom.• The - i.r313e looked charming -in her floor l uetl'I white taffeta emelt Hee oil 11 - Ille 111. was 1111 onyx 111111111'7Sem- By heirloom. Her (ride. w'lls yellow and white 1(1111:1:•. .After the r O1'01110111 n -ods din Set' vyaa served to thirty at the home of the bride. Later Me and Mrs. 5. r - Lachlan len 01) 1 til)) 170,1 i (te- lean, the bridle teat Ili n ' 1 :r end gold ensemble v lth rosebuds. - They will t r <ld Tluvon. Mich, 3 a.. i :k 0" Ilan 3w LADIES' WINGS i 511 up BOY SWALLOWED PIN WHILE TAKING A DRINK While getting a drink of w(Iter during school hours on Thursday, Reg Heeselwmnd. x year old son of Mr, and 31 re. John Hesselwood, Hallett, swallowed a pin which lodg- ed in his throut. He was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, and after treatment the pin passed safely into his stomach the same night and he is now able to be back to school. Reg did not see the pin in the drinking cup as It w'as straight pin with large head lilt. a poppy pin. FARM FORUM CONFERENCE Two delegates from each of ten Farm Radio Forums Ln the Seaforth district. Diet in the council chantherw in Seaforth on Saturday night to decide which two the four action projects, suggested by the radio forum headquarters, would he stud - led in the dtstriet this winter. K. E. Jackson was appointed chairman of the meeting with R. S. McKercher acting as se'eretary, After a lengthy discussion a vote was taken. each delegate voting according to the pre- ference of his or her forum. It was unanimously decided to study Co- operative Purchasing with the mutt - vital doeto• system Tieing the second choice. Robert McMillan was ap- pointed as 'district key man for the study of co-operative purchasing, be- ginning Jan. 111. Mr. McMillan in- tends to attend the short course on co-operation to be held at the O.A.C. Dee. 24 to Jan. "rd. The key -man for the project on the municipal doctor system beginning Feb. 16 is to be Samuel Scott. It was decided to carry on a study of the other two projects if possible at a later date. After a discussion on Federation of Agriculture activities, the meeting was adjourned. SOCIAL EVENING A social evening was held by the Young People's of First Presbyter- ian Church on Monday evening at home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling, Goderich st. During the evening a Christmas fowl was presented - to Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Jack by 13011 McMillan and an address was read by Miss Alice Reid. PROCLAMATION "BOX 1,y- re uhrtion of the Council, 1 hereh3' proclaim A PUBLIC HOLIDAY FOR THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26Ti E 1941 And request the Men-leants Anel ('i111(e11s to duly (1beervtl iht' 0811)1' "(:t)1) SAVE 'rut: KIN&V' tgaekl...C., JOHN J. CLUFF, Mayor