The Seaforth News, 1941-11-13, Page 3THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1941
!ay ANNE A$b40a
Hydro Homo Evoot amts)
Hello Homemakers! Can you im•
agine eating porridge without milk
or er(:u? Well—it's almost as im-
portant to serve puddings accompan-
ied by a sauce. Every kitchen exoeu-
live should learn to make a variety
of dessert sauces. If she wank to
serve inexpensive, good meals. it's
such a gond way of stretching the
food dollar and conserving waste.
That bitor slightly dry cake eau be
re-oondition'd and served as mid -
ding --simply steam over a pot or
potatoes and drench with plenty of
hot chocolate or flavoured sauce.
k (1 * (1
Now a hard sauce should be a Heft
fluffy sauce; a custard sauce should
be smooth --not curdled and a fudge
sauce alfoul0 be heavy, not crystal-
line. For variation, if its a plain
apple pudding, dust a little nutmeg
into the syrup --and for a rich steam-
ed pudding try a burnt sugar sauce.
Once in a while for a little different
flavour note make a brown sugar
hard sauce or a fruit hard sauce,
Fold in pieces of left -Over fruit.
5 'a m 5
One of the most useful or all
-antes is the soft 00 boiled custard.
Von can .:e}•v(: ft. in a dozen different
ways hot or cold on plain or rich
desserts. Perhaps the most pennont-
iral of all deseerl toppings is the
Plain 0)4.;114•, A sprinkling of
;anon rn al or a dash of einnam0)
Boil 10 minutes on ('la•.c•ii•ie 1-b•
01)'))! 1 111111 n}('diutiI.
Hard Sauce
1/3 enp butter
1 cup confectioner's sugar
C.roam butter, add sugar gradual-
ly, creaming il. in well. 'l'he mixture
shouted have the consistency of thick
whipped cream. ('hill in electric re-
frigerator. Add flavouring just be-
fore serving. The flavouring may be:
One teaspoon vanilla and a grat-
ing of nutmeg; liquid spice, etc.
One teaspoonto one tableipoofn of
coloured flavourings, added slowly.
Hot Chocolate Sauce
1?6 4(llln'es unsweetened chocolate
14 cup milk
cup water
11,4 cups sugar
Dash of salt
3 tbs. corn syrup
1 ib. butter
l% tsps vanilla
Add chocolate to milk and water.
Bring to a boil over electric element
turned to low. Stir frequently. Add
sugar, salt and syrup and stir until
mixture boils with electric element
turned to high. Then turn to oil' and
let boiling continue 5 minutes. Add
butter and vanilla. Serve hot or cold.
Makes 11/2 cups sauce.
Custard Sauce
3 egg yolks, slightly beaten
3 tbs. sugar
11/4 cups 0111k, scalded
la Isp. vanilla
Dash of salt
Combine egg yolks, sugar and salt.
I31ix with 109111. 1'onk on electric ele-
ment turtted LOW until mixture
1:01111 a coating on a silver spoons.
Stir constantly. itettutve immediately
from the Na(u0epam. Add vanilla and
cool. Makes 11„ cups sauce,
1 cop brown "agar
op water
I 1 3,•13 31,11
11 t::p. t'Il nil}til
T1!1, SEA1'O1tTTrI NEWS.
— give the 'mportant job of relieving
miseries to the IMPROv1?D Vicks treat-
ment that takes only 3 minutes and
makes good old Vicks VapoRub give
bring relief . PENETRATES to upper
breathing passages with soothing me-
dicinal vapors . . . STIMULATES chest
and back surfaces like a warming poul-
tice , .. and WORKS FOR HOURS t0 ease
coughs, relieve muscular soreness or
tightness, and bring real comfort.
To get this improved treatment—
just massage VepoRub for 3 minutes
ON BACK as wellas
throat and chest, For Better Results
then spread a thick g} �w
layer on chest and %/WKS
cover with warmed VAPORue
cloth. Try itl
The Improved Way
The Women's Missionary Auxili-
ary met at the home of Mrs, William
Hamilton- and despite- the unfavor-
able weather there war; n large at-
tendance with seventeen members
and six visitors preemie, 'Phe script-
ure losson was read by Mrs, Hough-
ton. Mrs. William Hamilton, the pre.
*11 01, led in prayer. 'i'h.' (linut,•,4 of
last meeting were read by Mrs. 1:.
1',4' fruit ]0!uldinoc 1-r apple cider foe• -
dliu ,01414"c ntddiug nr.(k('ss ltiseoe, enea, 111 water, add salt. Scott aunt the urea u1( t'•' "e pot
'1'13 ! I boil 1 whittle on the (deeir'ir (4(•nle.•01. „ircn by ',qrs. 11111. 1Lo. 'f, Se.(11. Sr.
ibis 3.u,',, varied 411141 (b'le•clab!(
Add \ mill,. repeated the (111111 (hd11 's preyer. A
i'<•rea1 puddings 111'(• la .....1 top}:l<'i1+_ 11,11.1 1511 MINI 1 Il11.:A'1' SAUCE well prep nen paper o n "Faith" was
cop *1(043. given by AL,.. T. L. Scott.Mrs. Tier.
.vigil 1,031,11 aprieets or princes, focal- 1: crop wales liotherwcll, 91u Wits t.pei;t 'p1219('1'.
.:d itrl stiffly -semen egg whites or 1 imp mince at
tsp. Luvc'c brandy davra'itar: gave a very interesting address on
V,"11104111 ,ream• Talents." Mrs. T. Lain,_ pave an in-
n 5 5 n
lion ^,» I;ar g11d. twitternrirntt,s: 014
41104 lit. (knelt. Add nlinro11(3'al and teresting account of: the "Current
RECIPES flavoring. 1:.e nts.'
Raisin Sauce - 'Mee. Robert Chlttie.k. of Granton,
i cup seeded raisins. rlaipped tine and Mr. and Ahs, Charles Mills and
1?;, ,.ops ooh} water daughter, St. Marys, with Mrs. itoit-
1 cup sugar - ertson and John; 31is. Eleanor
1?,;; tbs. lemon juice.
Young and sister, I.illian. Granton,
Add raisins to water. Simmer (01
Iconic clenuat until soft. :Add ug- five returned to their home after
1413 lend nook 15minutes. Add lemon - ,:pending a few Weeks with their
jttic:'('. -
Marshmallow Sauce -
lb. Inar'sllnallow•11
1 cull confectioner's sngai'
1,s cul( boiling wane,
I. For 1430 Servings of apricot
same, allow (3141 --Roar((', of a carp of.
strained ap('ic(4ts for one-quarter' cup
whipped 0001031 or one beaten egg
2. If 011001( 11, to be substinnp,l for aunt, Miss 3114 ry Currie; Mr, and
one ounce of chocolate in a moire re- Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, Kipp011, with
rip.', use on'-gnart('4' cop 131(('01) and :firs. Houghton.
mix with corn starch and sugar. - .. ._ -.
:1, Use sweet 0(11«a' for gelatin
i'itt. InarsininlI11' into 1ni000s. oomph. for variation esperially this '1'11,• Baptist Ladies' Aid met. on
Ale)€ in totnet,pan etc sinal} electric „rider" month. Thursday' afternoon at the home of 1 144 11(3- rod. Thr 4:,1 1;Ili clew 4(
:141114711 turned to 109 or simmer. 4. When pies or biscuits look tau Mrs. John haithby with Mrs. Annie, driven on tie right 1111300, . 11
Dissolve i.ugar in b0111ng water• add pale after being taken (rent the oyoii. Walp,v' 111 ch1l090' Tho 111001(011111 driver s.. steering flit 4'0 1har Tiii
TO 11111r'11ma11091- Stir until 111endni, sprinkle a little sugar over tie• tap' 4,1.0(1d was taken 119' Mrs. '1'hennas shadow is 9911,4 net it 11.4,11' 1
Coffee Cream Sauce and put 130k l,1 the oven for two or . Mrtiali mei til,:. John McEnigl f. hand. '1110 third u.:1-^,(ti(1t it til.
eltllead -Camel's Foot." (31 loe p1't,:,-
(1r0. 011-1 :111,441 19,1 . w'1i,h '911(13
evolved 1y a (1,111'4; (.Slicer of 10(
Egyptian right ( ie 1'r,l('1,14' » few
yea's before 1Gr 914,. it -!r).'1, hind
Hutt the ('0140.1'1' 01a1 9',.' (11 110,1
etl'icieut tiling Io rt 'l.'1: a 11 .1(04-
11act )l, yielding soft!)' ''1 e1411nc1,
and by weighing a 8410144 of eameis
steel m' t:airing t11(1 -0be arrived
at the size of c'ot,9 41(137 }il -n. nee of
11''eeeee'y f1- eeoeide (141 wit!:
tyres tint. would ',,11 11, Iter (lee,: -.1
Arab theory. 91(ie11 is usually 001'.
ret!, Is that.. after the first southerly
gale, w110ll will ao<'ur some gime. in
Aprld, similar galr-R nosy blow up at
441' intervals during the next fifty
clays. 'Phis year the }tilt sand-etorme
began th"ir fifty days' (•eu/se at the
littler part 0 April, and, . judging
from the war. ('0m nmaiquee, our re -
emit Hush 911413! of 90111310 coittuided
9111 what may prnvn to 1e 11(4' last
gale. The drawback to the etn}rloy-
mettt of motorized vtidelt.s in l lir•
desertin **Sris the impossibility et
enne('allllenl *1101 en 1.11, 111001- oW--
lug to the onlrmlles of ,hist they (ais1',
11 is possible to look oft front high
ground across the desert lulls to sou
distinctly wi111 t1':' naked ,'yo at a
dist110)0 of i10e miles or more a
small dens'' 00110 rd' (1110( Itv1/e11i1g
like a 8111111'' acro0* 41'' don-('olorcd
waste. 10111, if this is the result of
((n1- small patrol -car moving, the
liege column of ;haat(} raised by a
tome of any size. andeotllpoeeli 141
1111101 heavier t11(1(4(14, can easily
11e imagined.
Movement by night without lead
lamps, except: on mare roads, is 114a
possible, unless it is curried out at 11
wanking pace over a roost carefuily
reconnoitred route.
Car work in the African desad•t ur
day has poen facilitated by three in-
ventions, two of which were .=volved
citirilig the last war in the: desert,
and which wore afterwards forgotten.
One of these coin -erns filo water in
the radiator. and the consnnllnhu(
on 0 hot day with 1) followi3; wind
w,ill1(i is. Pao/111011s. 13(4for a 011(13)''
001101' naafi,, 1y a tiew Zealand('(' for
101, pat l'01 (111('i11g 3111' 1100 tvtrr.
and re0i;,roce red 1111 4100- ibr 4111*. lt'
cots rite of if liing. 1hit. 011.4131 nine
ih.i( na,t-d into the tteIr tne
N)d ,;,bled to 0 4H 00.811,,1, it^t col
(,i, un Ifni ininlid, Whet. the'
wiihir in 111. 1.:.14411.l, ;44 (1. U i• .0. i$11.
113(„13. (10t Tiw tape ie. 11-` tin
unp u i tricool-,, on .1(01 in, 01,
ii.ri;,u•,r , 111,inoar
tort-( 1111111 d:31,•'13 »(k' (1 1 l; int r
1111- 1301st . 0041.1 111'1' 1 r,in,i i�.
100'11(fo 3, 'tl. ',ul 011, l t•.•u.:ic GERMAN BABIES' DEAT 4 RATE
going in ('cut 1,...i/ 1)1 11(4011, 'o1:.
1(110111 a Ilial 1,r f( .b Wale/ 'lu:ir((; 3 Vitality of infant "Herrenvalk" is
day's 11414. Not Impressive
Another it a 30(33(1 1s til 114(11 t TI, stir late o', (i u(. tl .€-1310
steering c otl,d *o^, also y it w;(:- etill mime atchttr 11,3n
the +1111, New Zealander of €10('n(i- the Int,1t11 t11C.rt3i1113 F1311 111 1.'1'.'1,1:
11VC ye (1313 ago. 'l'las oo11'ist., of 0 romp rum the :tames 111,
round di,, i(1 lite middle of tt-i(i.•lt 11:11 large towns with (, .1141.3. 1i1W1i,
Were f0 a siun't strr0 rod; 0411 tate hln-ing .: papula1l(3l1 of (13'er lot more
filer! of 110 disc there is 1' movable
hand that ran la detained into sen!,'
position by 111 small hand nut, anti to
operate it one lois merely to take 1
shot with a }141(1.- t compass.- : to d
11e ear into ttie 1 (141 't ,114-
and (lamp the 11o...00' hand >;1< that
it is e'oyel(=t4 1,1." 1 l ,,111,11'9 1111.44w11
is proportionately (i!1'9''1'. These
(11,,4.1, enable a. motorcar to *ratio!
rate of about 91t 1(.11.11. over
;4(147. Sa71d, 111 W11101 all erdius1'y
m1001 would sink to in- 1xles ill 110
first ten yards.
....... .....
Are Hidden Away in Britain's Secret
Britain's lighting forces and the
10111 a110 womel on civil d(fenee are
ronsari1i119 a very larger proportion of
the c' 0.lFlo.etei o1 teeme now being
imported coach year from the Weld
('oast of Africa.
Tho Royal Navy, which ti0st toil(
TO (414(41) a itentu19 ago, absorbs 9,011
tuns of it. They (11,0.' theft' own toa..
dilioiuil method of preparing the
beans whirs are gleaned. 4(41,31110,
3rnsllecl, and made into big slabs in
their own liftelens, Ti,o meas, or
"hi- as they call 11 on the• lower
docks, is werllped down front 11,,'*"
:(labii in the cook's galley for liquid
nee and on the night watches both
ofhlers land men think it round 1110
guns and torpedo tubes.
1)uring the battle of the Plate gall-
cy staffs kept up a supply of 1101
coemi throughout the, ('bole 1-1-11,,14
01141 While 1'ret' was being (iv(401(1.
(-.41 1111111-1. heavy bonlbardrn1nt (('o1)
land and air the galley staff of one
warship sent a 1'011141111/ (3, 9 Of c0c00
10 11101'1 Mall (1nn51101 (tet,:
The convoy service also a1111)11s
1;(1(01110 gftirnl1131'v i11(1 caret( anppOW6
I it IV w=li oil eh• Army diet
0141 for: :14pp'•)'. I1 t I:n.4lteb'xl. ire.
every 4(411(•31 sent 133 (3lcisb }nisnn-
's of Wer ;led (1(rin„ the Hal 1It, Of
4.11•10/i :Ilei OW b,nn}l:ne „1: 13rith14
1341 3 3 ' i), oii' )r,1( zb'.. ,1-1,
i. t r 1
lI, IU Ir i i)! i (' civil n1.41!Ilf'd iu a 141,1 11, 713 r. gen, t d 0,3
I i l t h t• li
sew artiiic•ial legs 1'141 Ore^ a (01(9,114
of ne1ebaulicall efficiency. Behind the
(pliet 1141-1141 rooms lame workshops
limn with 0(11111(9 Machines, saw.
mills, lathes, and presses at which
3((34 c r'lft(1nei7 work in wood. leather
and n,enli.
Since 14131, the workshops have
made- 1(11 theartificiallegs. supplie0
to, the public he the 0. K. Ministry
of Pensions. 111d they send out conn-
panevlt parts 10 the 1)eniinlons 111411
the, ratted States. Tho tartest crr9-
enisetten of its .kind in the world. it
owes its origin to a ('ol..1. E. lla»ger
who. ',oino his leg fighting for tbe
800th in 3111 Ann -Helm Civil War,
had the idea, of making 1171 artificial
tsg tin' itfnes,lf. Malty t}aoenan]1' of
people' 3113(1, 1(1111(9 walki0g 0 14 0 1 0101 4
again 013 legs built in Britail( tante
1!Il b}' his sne('ee1ot's.
Not all of them have the bounds
leso vitality of Lader, who, legless
as to 303(4, won 1)11, 1) S.A. by leading
a. Canadian squadron of Bul•riram,s
which dived straight into a tightly
}lacked foen,a(t.ion of 7(i to 1014 raid-
ers and brought. eleVea of them down.
But. many of these legless. men send
women will again be able 10 <yele.
plat tenni- of golf, ride on horses
MicJ drive a eat'. pilot an aeroplane
or ever! to dance.
Fitting an artificial leg is a d1ffi-
0143) ,toll made easier by the 00-optira-
tion of the patient. Wing-('ommander
Iiador, who c0111d turn 0 (P111 41 sone
1'r,ault, was Away, e'ag"r to try out
new 110131 es and to uil'er Nnggcsti0110.
((33)3 11 fortnight (,l,,,,' be halo,/ 0(11
in }•")uric'', b^- inns in Il, ter, xnake(-s'
alti„' ,);('hili ling '311111 he 'would 110
13 ter 1,44,41,1 it n'l''''01147' 4'1 (teseend
he, emneloite T. ....void ,('erring the
1-t+,t, , d it 4:1004;,3 o ,. ,0' 4,4 :.� d„n. 1431, 1,-, ,•111-,,X14, of 141.., 1 'g: 1-,e
(' l U r
r. (- Flan. f• � tri 1 t»encu i:o:r,1
lto-,n ul, _3-(11134. 1.•,,;F, l p..
1:0,1 ih, 1111, 1.1,9 t ,. 11:11L.17,
1 1-11
2 eggs. ,slightly brat"n.
4 tbs. sug:n'
tsp. salt
1 cup 001d coffee
i 314 c•up cream, beaten
rlo'.''• minutes. 11'rayer was conducted by111tH. ('has.
5. To prevent your food chopper 1 A. Howson and 31rs. Wolper, and
from slipping; 14,0141111 when fastened readings were given by Mrs. John
on an enamelled twirl(. },lace several M('Kni};