The Seaforth News, 1941-08-14, Page 3THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1941 THE MIXING HOW TIIE SEAFOttTH NEWS PAGE THREE and pectin. CONSERVATIVE PARTY HAYFIELD ,'<'oeh awl remove stents. (Do Teat A new br((11me now )1r-.ing mailed 'By Arthur 11. Ford, in the Lemke') ) peel or (''ore). to membere of the 1-lnlheiou Con- Frei• Presse If fruit is low In arid, add lemon s native As pealed) from Head- During the past two 1veees e' to the raw fruit. Adding six to eight qII 1 tors. 14o ee ellingtoa Street, <)t• Move been taking a ilrilday- at 1lie table1paons of 10111011 juice to a eel) 1awa, contains the 4iret official in- field. Bay livid is hot whet -s ea lice e of cut-up raw fruit, tweeted of adding formation relating to the (•)1l1111e11ce- papltlal' r1111111er resort. There .r 10111011 jn(ce, fruits may be used in meet of preparations looking to 1h1• none of the noes,:', the dencirg, '141 By ANNE ALLAN combination with ta more tart Trull, 'ammoniate of a DOM/111011 ConsoI'\il' exeitell10111, 1 11 111 Virile nr t11e pet clot, ' Hydro Home Ecorra(xtel e$„ ra4pberry with red currant, live Convention in 1942 for the eel- Helmets which go with so many •e;11,- JELLY MAKING HtraWbet•1•ies with gocsoberries, blue- action of a permanent leader of the cher resorts these days. which is the berries with rhubarb. Dominion Conservative Patty, says a reason we like Hayfield. There is me Hell Homemakers) Let's all make t'oolc the fruit with the rightstatement issued by officers. thing un ((o except play a little golf' more jellies, jams and preserves this amount. of water until very soft and A.cc0reiug to this 1)1(11hure the on a Nousewheal.our score (-11('oul- year. Nearly everyone has relatives 111118117.first steps will be taken at the gen- aged us twelt, think we wl e improving overseas, and we can all help the Moisten a jelly bag and pout' the ertil meeting of the executive of the as a player; go in bathing if you war victims who need these voltam- hot cooked trait into the hag. (A Dominion Conservative Assoc}anon have the ambition to climb the tete Mated energy fools. Make sure, too, jelly hag may be d tnuel, a clean to he }geld in Ottawa shortly before odd steps to Lake Haan --the Lanka that Your Own emergency shelves Huger hag or two thicknesses of file or after the reassembling of Partin- are high at Hayfield --watch the ghee will be stocked.cheese cloth). ment in November. To this sleeting .inns Maas unsets, read front the (14 1 7 14 ," * R. Let drip into a large container, at least 150 regularly accredited exe- well selected little library and grow Aboutfifteen years ago, neW and For good, clear jelly do not squeeze simple methods of jelly making were motive members will be called, increasingly lazy. the bag,_ use twowoodenspoons tea Tribute to tot) Brent C'mtndiens Nothing ever happens al icon discovered, and equipment brought lift the fruit. (As prevb1us15 s1 rated' 11 is one of these 111111 C7t.tarin , ..• into 11Se which simplifies the job. tate Hight Hon, lir joint A. Martian- fruits such as c•urraalfs, crabapples' aid, and the Right. thou. fie \"isrnlinl ages which once had :,nlltons ( ; There are several faro, which g°areherries, quinces,. can have two Howlett and an effective intr1)1411 • ing a big- city. It was pl 1 n411 o'er e extrta 1 of juices. Tilade from (1111ln• art• ritttetllest by 1 0444e1•riit141 H�Ia e' met10p01114 The `ilia( til•'r 111 ed help 110111tin' the right amount of Clarify the Paves by 4tr111nfng t11'• Leacher the Hou. R, B. Hanson, P.( .. C'auada Land Company engineer'eche tvatFr. With cord and black currants, jtlu , through t1 nu,ist jelly bag with Kee, are feailu•es or ti0 hrorhure, plotted the ride af. Stratford 1 a11e,a-'.t r„yet• the fruit with water. 44(Inecrzing• which is being sent to the several Guelph and the Town of >:fr�d -,.•1, 'i'v ilei it boils. n;ash it, with a potato �[e ;hence the juicy and add tbr'• thntuaucl members of the Dominion laid out H1,)•tield: There is par for mashermai strain throttgit the hotel a ,e1 quantity of sugar—which will a civic c atre 1hiiit is allot clam strainer, It is perfectly safe to make 1 1 1 Conservative A 111115 tio.1 all morales be determined by the pectin test. Canada. It contains an interesting Gregor Marie Great will titre4l- a second extraction with the entrant jelly pulp: almost cover pulp with To obtain] the best results; use 1(140 ireatis1 cm the growth and develop- were laid oat u1 ,,very c,heclion. Al t0 six cups of juice ata time in a I nlent. of the practice OP. calling Con - one time the village lead en terga of water; 1er• bail; stirring occasionally large, fiat -bottom saueepan which fits Rervmtive conventions lo select ccs- over 1,700 acres. for several minutes, then strait. your electric element. The juice This will make two or three extra should haft up to at least twice its glasses. Fruits having more ictlao ooking gives a dark Goan pulp will not furnish any extra jelly w1111 poor flavor volume. (Slow coks and texture). jam. Grapes make a. 'very satisfactory Test 1118 jelly to know when to pulp as well d be attempted. juice. No secondex• remove front the electric range—lift traction shouldbespoonful of the liquid and allow it a >k * >k With such hard fruits as apples, to drop slowly to the edge of the spoon. As the liquid near the jellying and crabapples, the prepared fruit stage it will form distinct drops at should be covered with water as well the round oP the spoon edge, Test as with a lid: This is need8 true repeatedly so that it does not cook to the fruit n hard and needs to con- too long, and when two drops pull time woltbo' for some tine, B- together, the jelly is done and should using two bowl strainers and occas- be removed from the electric ele- i0nally lifting the fruit, the juice can ment at once, readily be obtained. If the crab- apple Let the mixture stand 30 seconds. rinsthe pulp `'thick ar cup of Remove sewn and pour into sterilized rinse the pulp with a half -cup of jelly glasses. water, shaking it around, and add to lit ocher that x17 air bubbles came the juice. I to the top let the jelly stand in the Apple or crab-apple pulp, if desir- glasses for a few minutes before a ed, may be rubbed through the few minutes before a thin layer of melted paraffin (or wax) is poured sieve and her teed for fruit butter, are also valuable or over the jelly. Another thin coating to h sauce.Tofruits of melted wax may be poured over elp otthher fruits jell. Mixed withe the jars o1 ihe next day,choke cherry or elderberry juice, a r r o n satisfactory jelly can be made. The RECIPES flavour of tate wild fruit remains die- Red and Black Currant Jelly tinct alp to 5pCo dilution, * '1 * w ; Wash currants well. Crush in a, The pr'opor'tion of pectin in fruits kettle and add a very little water-- ways, being higher about 11Fs cups to 1 quarts of em' - varies e several rants. Cook until fruit is very soft came years that others. choleJuice from and strain through a jelly bag. Bring ender -ripe O pe fruit jells better than •e is u•o o•, juice to a boil much gradually add mom over -ripe fruit. Thee propor- tionately p sugar', about '+4 cup sugar. to 1 cull tionately more pectin in small fruits juice. Boil until it sheets from Ole than large Of the same variety, as ¢]elan ;hent S to 151 minutes. Pour more pectin is found in shins and reeds that Directions for Making Good Jelly I Peach Conserve 2.1 large peaches The following fruits stake good ortluges juice and grated find jelly withoutadditional pectin: Sots I 2 lemons—juice aucl grated rind. apples. currants, cranberries, goose -1 314 pounds sugar ee 7 ceps berries, grapes, sour plums. blue-' 1 cup blanched almonds. berriee. oranges, sweet plums, peel and slice Peaches, acid sugar. quinces,mixtu rriea, i orange and lepton and le t stand Use a mixture tee of 11(10 and slightly overnight. Cook slowly until thick, underrfpe fruit in the proportion of adding the almonds after the mixture a cup of ripe fruit to two cups of has cooked 20 minutes. Pour into loot underrfpe, to give good flavor, color sterilized glasses and seal at once. into clean lord glasses and seal with 1 in pulp, paraffin. deletes for Parliament mud pe'l'lllall- Thore were a few Years when Bay antleachers for the Conservative field prospered, This was after the Party in both Provincial anti Federal country had settled and before the Parliaments. Conservative Conven days of the railroads. Everything bad tine technique has been democratic, to 11e shipped by boat. Oldeemers ally established on the broad basis Can still recall the days when there of the rank and file of the party as - were lines of wagons for several soeiations in the ridings and prate1 miles waiting to unload thein wheat, inees. Bayfield had several elevators and The present programme to rebuild i warehouses, Hoven or eight hotels, the Conservative Party organization I and many stores and small MMus - has been making solid progress since tries, even including a brewery. its inception in October, 1940, Much There were three doctors at one ground work has been done. In the i time in Bayfield. There were visions interim, House Leader Hansonmuch of the village becoming a great lake Association President John R. Mac- port. 'Nichol, M,P., have visited all the pro- vinces, and at present Gordon Gray-) Then came the railway era. Hay- , field was passed by. The glory of don, M.P., national chairman Of the Bayfield was no more. It became a Conservative Party for Canada, is on little Ontario fishing village. Towns a tour which will take him right 39111111 had never been heard of in across Canada. He is now It the I the booming days or Bayfield sprung west. i into eacisten0e. It began to shrink 111An initial brochure sent out last Population until today it has even lost its standing as an incorporated village. Much of the 1,700 acres of Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERiGH District Agent CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE CUT FINE FOR CIGARETTES D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Office — Commercial Hotel Electra Therapist — Massage Hours—Mon. and Thurs. after- noons and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation—Sun-ray treatment, Phone 227. I Crab Apple Preserve 4 pounds crab apples 2 tablespoons whole cloves 4 cups water 4 pounds sugar Make a syrup of water and sugar. Add the crab apples, either whole or quartered and cored. Cook until the apples are tender, having the cloves tied in a small cotton bag. Fill into jars and seal while hot, August Conserve 1 pint diced carrots 1 pint diced tart apples 1 cup peaches S cups sugar Juice of 1 lemon Mix the ingredients and simmer themuntil Ole mixture is clear. Tarn into jelly glasses, and when cold cover with hot paraffin.;; Raspberry Jam Mix equal parts of raspberries and sugar and allow to stand 1 -hour. Heat slowly stirring often until it boils, Boil 10 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars and seal at once. Tomato Conserve 4 cups tomato pulp- (cooked strained through colander) 3 cups sugar 14 cup raisins 1 lemon 14 cup preserved ginger Mix all together and cook slowly until thick. 1 BUS . TIME TABLE f zs a sis pm Lea, oa 5enforth for and. 7.49 P.m San. and hol.. 1.Q5 p.m. sand Q.30, n.m: Connection at Strafford for Taranto, Hamilton, $nlfato, , Tavtatoek, Woodstock, lirontford Commercial, Leaves Senforth for Stratford: Daily 8. a.m. and . Goderich: Daily except Sunday and hot., 1.05 p.m - London Detroit, Agents: queens,. ommercia , Bick Houde fall, outlined the history of the Conservative Party. The current bro- chure contains several other inter` the nl'igiva] Bayfield has gone Lark esting features, ora at whiclt, under into Stanley Township. It has today the caption of the "Conservative abandoned hope of ever being tt big city or evert a big town, It is quite moment to be a peaceful summer resort. The youths of only tnubition in Iife leave us stinal as they reach Heel, School age. There have 144014 orlly of the tear. Another feature is no three enlistments }it Bayfield. Not messages from the provincial Con- because they are not patriotic. Tiler, eervat1ve presidents which indicate are 440 boys of military cage 1eft. As the unity in the Conservative ranks all across Canada. Large-scale national rehabilitation will he necessary after the win•, end the Conservative Party is already wrapping a programme. Mr. Hanson, as House Leader, has made a tour of the west and a flying visit to the Yukon, and President MacNichol leaves in August for a long fact- finding journey through the valleys of the Peace, Athabaska, Slave and MacKenzie rivers which, with their great lakes, drain an Empire of 1,- 000,000 :000,000 square miles, Mr. MarNichol proposes surveying land settlement possibilities of the Peace area and the coal resources of northern Brit- ish Columbia; the oil, gas, power and mineral resources from Water- ways north in the MacKenzie water- shed and the necessity for improved transportation facilities in those great areas. Party in Opposition,” includes brief pertinent extracts, dealing with spe- ofte subjects, from speeches of mem- bers of the official Opposition. Brief as the extracts are, they clearly in- dicate the potent infinenee of the Conservative Party on the conduct. and The World Has Waited 7 Years For These Pictures 1941's Greatest pictorial attraction —"The "The Dionne Quintuplet Family Reunited"... The first and ONLY group photographs of all 12 Dionne children, their mother and father, will appear in The Detroit Sunday Times. Watch for a full page in the August 17 issue,. .and another full page in August 24 issue. DETECTIVE RAY 'Imitation sapphires can novo be -de- tected in a 'few seconds by the elect- ric "eye" known to the eclentiet as the cathode ray tulbe. The eomnlerd'cia'l use of the eppar- acus for this penpase is the result of the research 'work of Dr. IW'. D.'Cool- idge in the 1a'boratory of the General Electric !Company, London, 'tvho themtselvcs ,use more than 1000,000 sapphires which 'rank nest -to dia- morc4s in hardiness, as jewels for (bearings in meters and other delicate electrical instruments. II'mitation sapphires are easily det- ected. Trays 'carrying 'both real and ,false are exiposed in a dark room for a few elements to the ,powerful rays from the t'u'be. 3t shoots out electrons at the rate of '1'50,000 miles -a second. .Ad1 the jewels glow or 'radiate col- ours while exposed to the rays. When 'the rays are tuned oif the natural stones cannot lbe seen; the synthetic 'keep on 'glowing. The rays even help to detect where the natural ear 'factory made ,getns. conte from. "HERE'S HOW," SAYS CANADIAN Pte. H. N. Morris, stationed at a cross-roads post, as his C:enti'al Ontario infantry battalion takes up a position during practice manoeuvres of the 2nd Canadian Division, pauses a moment to show an English youngster how a tommy-gun operates. of old people. The census returnse when they are made, will show a surprising percentage of people over. 75. To add to the tribulations of Bayfield the fish have disappeared this season. Very etirly there were to few large catches and then the fish suddenly left, A 100 -pound catch is about all the fishermen get in a Clay. where they should secure a thousand pounds. It is pretty tough on the fishermen who have all their capital tied tip in fishing boats and nets. No one seems to know whether this is -:t passing feature or the lake has (101.11 fished out, long ago as 1117 when 03aydelrl was in its infamy, 15 youths joined the Huron Tract Regiment which was noised to put down the rebellion. They never saw any fighting, but ate cording In tradition had much ex- citement before they returned lo Hayfield. In the last war the village senta lot of boys to France. most of whom had never been farther than (loderieh. Fightof them lost their lives 111 Flanders Fields, A 1110mt- ment in Clan Gregor Park erected by the villagers themselves, not by any city architect, tells the story of their sacrifice for their country. It touches one a little to stand before that sim- ple cairn and read the names of the village boys evil() went on the long adveuture. Two weather - beaten wreaths pay tribute to somebody's grief. Two of the flames are from one household. This time Bayfield has not sept many. Times have changed. There are few to answer the call. Bayfield —that is the Bayfield apart from the summer resort people—is a village "What are those Cops watching?" "That revolving door. It's been around 'with the Wrong people." Send us the names of your visitors, restfulness and eve like the people and their kindly hearts. You hear stories of the neigbbors cutting wood all winter for aged sick people, of caring for them in illness. Incident- ally on July 12, the Orange flute band of the Bayfield Lodge, before it left for the celebration of the Glori- ous Twelfth, marched to the home of an 0111 lady who was too ill to take in the day and played the "Protest- ant Boys" and all their repertoire. However, tbat is Hayfield. But as Raty11e111 declined ore ar tott-11 it developed as a sunnier resort. People. who Want a reel- re•1 love 13aytlel4. They soots emelt the May geld atnlnaphere; they finally become pert of the village, 1 number e,f slimmer resorters have, ileconit the -year-round resident They share the pleasures, the bill'., the 40114-f.e and the sorrows of the real H yl1o1d residenty. 13117.11:11:1 reminds 1114 of a 1111.11 Eng- lish village more than may crus11.1' pluc tvc know, We attended al gate den 44141'ty 111 the Rectory... Uut ids• of the garden partsthe chief eac•it'-- uurut while etre were there was an alleticil sale Everyone goes to t sale in Hayfield. The summer resoltmee go with - the hope of picking up some piece of antique china or glass or old furniture, the villagers to find cheap some needed household utilities. The village has been so combed for au- tigtnes by Americans for years that there Ls littlelett at sales. but there is always the lingering hope of the antique hunter that some stray piece may be found. A sale generally means the end of the road for some ol<t-tinter or old family in Hayfield -- another vacant house. There is some- thing sad about it all to see the old household effects, after generations in a family, being knocked c10w0 at auction. We like Bayfield with its peaceful GROWING TOLL OF BRITAIN'S CHURCHES Utfici 0 figures eaf the damage clothe by Nazi homlacre to Church primerty u k n laud and Wales fomes on the heele of. the affirmation of the Hitler creed in a home hroadcaet to German youth, "This." the enneeneer declared, •.,. the .reed ,,..rate time: (We 1Iclfere Hitler. incl .twat u= the old 'Creeds' The scriptt,:ee rcre dead. We need no fairy-taleto-day. helit:ving, we en- trust our destiny to our Fuhrer," 1s a -practical contribution 10 the Nazi point of view, their 'honeleers have now destroyed or damaged 2,6.59 churches of all denominations in Eng- land and 'Wales, apart fromvicarages, convents, church halls and manses. Among the 7414 -which have' been com- pletely destroyed or seriously dam- aged are the cathedrals of Coventry, Llandaff and St. Paul's (although the main 'fabric of the latter remains 'un- touched.) Westminster Aiblbey, West- minster Cathedral, and the Deanery of Canterbury have all scars to show the meaning of "-kultur." No fewer than 1013 vicarages, 304 church halls, em church schools, and 316 convents have all 'been wrecked. The fart that this Nazi attitude to Christianity is not shared by -all ev1to live within the Reich may be inferred 'from much bigger attendance report- ed at Catholic and Protestant C11orch- es and the increasing smile ;of 'the Bible to Germans, other than 'Nazis. G0 50/St.WITH OU -W.- GHTING ^-f IRCES REMEMBER: The slower your drive, the more you setae! Gas burned up while standing still totals a staggering gallonage. So never leave your car -even for a few minutes—with the mbtor running, ht's just as easy to switch_ it off and save gasoline.- Remember .your 60/50 Pledge: dont let your motor idle.