The Seaforth News, 1940-11-21, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Car Due Thurso, Nov. 21st
Thomas Philips Fruit Store
Telephone 63
Council Meeting,—
Statutory meeting of the village
council was held an Friday, .Novetn-
,ber 115th at '8 p.m. in the council
chaneber with all members present ex-
cept Councillor D. Robinson. •Minutes
of the previous meeting were read and
adopted. R. J. Patterson, tax collec-
tor, reported having received $3:32,29
since last meeting and, a total of
$2.514.40 cash and $1,3JO in prepay-
ments, ;being a total of $3;11.4,40 on
the 1940 roll. J. A, Paterson, treasur
er, read the •financial report at Nov,
Ih, 1!940, and explained the same.
Horton and Cameron, that the tress-
nrer's report he accepted as read and
that 'sufficient copies be printed for
Nov. 22. Carried. Reeve R. E. Shad -
dick reported the rearrest .af Flight
Lieut. J. M. Roberts, R.C.4.F., •tor
the use of a room for the examination
of recruits. 'Sante granted also re-
ported re the equalization of the coun-
ty rate as applied to the ;village. Cor-
respondence read, 'Judge T. M. Cos-
tello. Dept. of 'Municipal Affairs,
-county treasurer. Satre filed: Horton
and Moir, that we now adjourn. Car-
ried. Jas. A. Paterson, Clerk
Young People Visit County Home—
The Young People's Union and
mentber. of the congregation motor-
ed to the county home at •Clinton on
•Monday evening and presented a
splendid program. Rev. R. A. Brook
was chairman for the evening and af-
ter a brief address all joined in a sing
song. The Happy Gang. namely Mary -
Goodwin. Elva 'McQueen, inne Saun-
dercock, Norma Cook, Dorothy Don-
•ga'll and Rnth Brock. were then Call-
ed upon and gave a selection, accom-
panied by Mie; Edna \Vaish at the
piano. Menses Ja e e Broderick. Betty
telickic and Eleanor .Cook Tare a
dance in costume. ,Mrs.- Ru e ell Brod-
erick accompanied at the piano. Little
Audrey Walsh sang a solo entitled.
"Carry On." Miss Gladys Luker fav-
ored with a 'erne instrnm nti • "The
,Old Ru _ed Cr,.. .1 vocal churl.
`+ou'.lt ni tht• Pt dvr:' a t' sang `ay
Mises Doris lltiihaaan and ,tun`
Kennedy, accompanied 5y r\!1. _Lary
,o dwm at the. elem.. Mr. Carty
loyal tit a de btt i -.1' Keep
fn, Hop,n—. aee,m, ni<d '< Miss
(ilaclys Luker at the Matto. The 11yde
trcitestra played several selections
and \I Joyce Yr lire•]. sang 51141
danced two number_. Y t t lie Sar -
Prised." and "If 1 Had My Way:' se-
companted by Mrs. Broderick at the
r,iano. Rev. 'Mr. Brook and Miss Ruth
Brook. sang a duet entitled "Ivory
Palaces All. Nice Girls Love A
Sailor" wae elm; by the Happy Gang.
Betty t:\Iickle and Eleanor Cook danc-
ed dressed in Dutch costume. Mrs.
Revbert Hese played a piano solo and
Mise Lenore Norminton favored with
a reading. Misses Ruth Hess and Ma-
bel Fatnburn sang • a duet entitled
'Ten Little Miles From Town." 'Mrs.
Hedden and M.S.Hes, sang a duet
-entitled "Have You Been In The
Garden !With Jesus." Mrs. Jacobs ex-
tended a hearty vote of thanks to the
entertainers. The program concluded
by singing "tAlbide With Me" and the
national anthem. The inmates were
treated with cantly and oranges by
the visitors The program 'was ar-
ranged by Misses Edna Saunderrock,
Mary Goodwin and Kolb Hess.
W.I. Presents 'Lecture. --
The 'South Huron Women's Insti-
l\''n. Weir, 'B,A,, in Carmel .Church
on 'Sunday. The choir sang Iwo an-
thems "Ho Everyone- that '1'hirst-
eth." soloist, Mir, Robert ,Cameron,
and "Sabbath Bells .are Sweetly, Ring-
The \ohe]o ,Class of thc L
,Church were ipte sintly -entertained
Pursuant to instructions of the
Council, 1 wish to give notice to
Electors of the Municipality of the
at the home of \Ir eve i Mrs, (Clarence Town of Seaforth, that The Local
Smillie on Friday evening, CGladys I Government Extension Act reeently
ale was played, Delbert
Miss Gladys passed by the Ontario Leg'telature
Luker end ,Mr, Dellhrrt ' efre;'er win- provides that all elected members of
nftrg the highest score. Refreshments municipal councils, boards and cone :served by the hostess, missions when eleeted at the next el -
To Conduct Young I ection shall hold office for two years,
People's Anniversary— - unless a majority vote of the qualified
electors deterin aces otherwise, Such
vote will be taken in Seaforth if five
percent of the electors petition the
Town Council to have such vote. The
petition must be presented on or be•
fore Wednesday, the fourth day of
December, 1940,
By Order,
Town Clerk.
The Young •People of •Carmel ,Pres-
tbrterttn Church will hold, their an-
nual a i versa ry services elm Sunday,
Nov. 24th when Mr. Andrew Mc-
Kenzie at linos .College, Toronto,
will Ibe the guest speaker. Andrew is
a member of the congregation and
well known: here and it is expected a
larg number of the young people in
the vicinity will endeavour to attend
these services. A younlg people's
chair are preparing special anusic. The•
anthems are "Victory Through
Grace," and "Go Forward." A mixed
7 tickep 5p1>tgth Electors •
quartet comprising Misses ]Lois and
Marion M'acLaren and ,Messrs. Rob-
ert Cameron and (Jim .Campbell and To the Ratepayers of Tuckerernith:
the soloist Miss Margaret Dougall The Council of Tuckeramith would
will sing special selections,appreciate an expression of opinion
Senior Institute Hear by the ratepayers of the Township
Address by Mrs. 'Kestle— by petition or otherwise by Dec. 7th
A lenge number .of the members of re submission of bylaw to vote on the
the Hensail Senior Institute meet at extension of term of office of council,
the home of Mrs. Thos, 'Sherrttt on as failure to submit a bylaw will
tutes sponsored a lecture on '"Light- 'Wednesday elvening. ,Miss 'er es.albel automatically extend the terns of
ing" in the town hall on eve- Workman, co -hostess, presided over office of council and other elected
ening. Mrs. Glen MacLean, president 'the •fallowing ,program which eves bodies by one year.
Of the Kippen East 'V,'!omen'5 Ilnsti- anost interesting. After singing the S. 10, WHITMORl7, Reeve.
lute, presided and ,gas's an address of Institute '011e all joined in singing
welcome followed by an interesting .,Flow Gently Sweet Afton," %1 -lowed I CLEARING
paper on "How \\e Can Help Win iby the Lords prayer in unison. The AUCTION SALE
This War," iby Mrs. B. I\\''. Cross• minutes of the previous meeting were Farm Stock, Implements and
Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Prueter of Zar- read and adopted. A report re the Grain. Lot 27, •Bayfleid Line, Gode•ich
kit,, favoured with a piano duetproceeds of the ploughing snatch Tp,, 114 miles north of Varna.
.vocal solo entitled "My Ain 1'oPk," was ,given. 'Phe roll Gehl was answered Tuesday, Nov, 20, at 1 p.m.
was rendered by Mrs, Hugh Cheney by 'Haw to Keep Peace in the Pam- Terms cash,
!r'' Dv." and some of the answers were F. G. Seotchmer, Proprietor'
of Seaforth accompanied by \AUCTiON SALE
John MacGregor at the piano. \l •
111". A. Macs Thos, Gundry, Auctioneer. •p.f 1''arm Stockand Ittixplenitents.
;;len MacLean ,gave a report 0 the Laren ' favored with two vocal solos:
a•ariotts Institutes having made one ,.You Can Savile. Any Time Any WANTED Harold (Jackson, auctioneer, has re -
and a half tons of jam and jelly for \Where," and ''Dear ;Canada," accom.; A girl for general housework. 2 ccived instructions from the under -
the s,:ddicrs uierseas. Mre. Prank panted ,hy i\l es Florence Welsh at , signed to sell
127eh, small family. Apply to Box by ;public auction at
Kling of Seaforth sang a solo, entitled the piano. Miss Beryl Phaff (presided 127, The Seaforth News. Lot '4, 'Con. h 'Stanley mile
"The land OSClad To-;\Morraty;' ac- over the 'business, The collection was LOST north of Kip.pcn, 00 EigIr ay, on
contpanied by ,Mrs. J. MacGregor at taken and all joined in singing A rug, dark color, between Sclat• 'Friday, Dec.:bth, at t;310 Ip.111.- ..There'll Always be an 'England." errs Coal Yard and Mrs. Way's house, Horses ---1 bay driver, 1 team gray
the piano. (Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Preut
er favored with a piano duet, Miss Lite .tnotto `"How 1 'Can Help Win;;pgmondville: Finder Please. leave P�Cattlenl Durham •cow with calf at
Slider from the Department of Agri- This (\War" was prepared and very with Mr. R. IvIeMame, Egmondvilie,
enteric, Toronto, gave an illustrated ably ,given by- :Mie, W. 5. Cross, or at the News Office. 'foot, ,h (black cow ;with calf at 'toot, 3
lecture o0 lighting, the slides being Mrs. E L. tMickle also pt••epared the black heifers, 2 years _old, 3 black
motto was given by Mrs. Ken FOR SALE Steens, 2 years old, •2I steers 1 year old,
shown on the screen by \Mr.'Roylilac- ,yr,o
Laren. The meeting closed with the i Hicks and was ;very interesting. Miss 100 Leghorn pullets, Ready to lay motnths old I' Hereford bull, B [bull,
stational anthem. Greta Laramie favored with a violin Milton Stewart, phone 8521.11, Sea -
The Chamber of Commerce are selection accompaniedby^ Hiss forth, old, e black Hereford heifer 7 nnontits
sponsoring a euchre and Glance m the Gladys Luker at the piano, Mrs. of -i, 2 sprang calves.
town hall here on \\'ednesdas even- lames Patterson ,gave a very interest- • FOR SALE Five lock gigs around 70 llbs.
Mg. Nov. 27th. proceeds 'for the an- ing report of the Women's Institute 13 pigs, 2 months old. Earl Mills, lntplement .--\\'aikinq .plough, 'gar -
town hall
Christmas tree. Murdoch's orch-' convention' which she attended in phone 843+33, Seaforth. •den scuffle+, set of Itght sleighs, -cut-
Onestra will 'furnish the music. Every; � Ho:v1 1-ondcm in October, The dem- HOUSE FOR SALE ter, buggy, light magas, slave (boat,
one is cordially incited to attend tlx on.,tratton on "`1'ttr e as it Stands,"
pig crate, wheelbarrow, tittleoop 2rll
euchre and dance :o that every Ihoy tP North , lig tweet, flacon house, `Ai�i fence
steel gate, iron kettle, shovel, calls
* 01 candy Bu'tt`es t�ei.vtn by i'Iiss SafFy Manson incl eight rooms, lights. hard and soft of fence ;vire each twenty rods lung,
and girl will receive a (bar was eery interesting and beneficial. water, good cellar, furnace, only half
the Christmas tree. The guest speaker for the evening a block from Goderich st. Apply to 1 ,wire feed dtaskct, slot( s, crntdbars,
Messrs. - Thos, Lavender and lura was ;Mrs. Rufus Nestle who was in-
Phone 830r12, Seaforth. p I I�afsy thorn \o.:3, es +,f single har-
t nes, and (hell;, 1 set claulble harness.
•£till line of canpenter and garden
tools, 3 steel oil drums and tips, 50 -
gal. 'gasoline tank with tap, 20t -foot
extension holder, crosscut saw, hack-
saw. egg cases. chicken crates, other
New Citron Peel, lb. - 28c
New Lemon Peel; 1b. 25c
New Orange Peel, Ib, 25e
New Currants, 2 lbs. 25c
Seedless !Raisins. 2 lbs. ..., 23c
Pitted Dates, 2 lbs, 35c
Pure Lard, 2 lbs. 19c
Pastry Flour, 24 lbs: ... , 69c
Toy 'Laundry Soap, 10 cakes 29c
Pearl White Soap, 5 calces and
1 pkg. Ammonia 25c
English Style Carbolic Soap,
5 cakes 25c
Castile Soav, 10 cakes 23c
4 Cakes Surprise Soap and 2 salt
and pepper shatters ,23c
450 in Trade only, for Grade A Large Eggs
W J. Finnigan
In Memoriam
STEPHENSON—'In loving memory of
Robert Stephenson, who passed away
November 20th, 1939.
—Greatly missed by his wife and
family. -
Card of Thanks
The family of the late Joseph
McGrath wish to thank the manY
friends and neighbors for kindness
and sympathy in their bereavement.
Card of Thanks
Mrs. John Petltiok and family wish
to thank their friends and neighbors
for the many acts of kindness shown
during their recent bereavement, also
those who sent flowers and those who
kindly loaned cats.
Willer; returned hoarse from Medoc trodnced by ('Miss \\'orkman; .'iris•
after a pleasant hunting trip, tacit 1 Kestle spoke on 'The •Dett tion of FOR SALE
shoaling a deer.
The nomination meeting for the ,ttQueengF.elizaalte'tlt,very 'flue
to hernt i\\'an"adr \Werk," 15 choice York pigs ready to wean.
avinterest- Two litters, 10 and 5. Apply to Jas,
purpose of se'.ectin:g and nominating td nig address. The meeting closed by Landsbmaugh, Phone 6051.10.
a reeve and councillors for tine eat - 1 sin_ing the national anthem. Re-' articles het numcr;mts en men hon.
Mg. vett, mill he held in the town hall 6eslunents were served. 1 Shake,tearc, when a ear ahiven by '' ''
on Friday evening, Ncn. _.nil. � Mr. and Mrs. F. Hayton of Dellis I pair of ,Move, 'ilouy hnusc 1 `+ii
Thos. Pryde Addresses Y.P.— , were Sunday visitors with Miss E. Frau'k Holley, 23, R C..4,P„ callidcti 1 pair of Buse,
The regular meeting o{ the YoungJohnston. ,;with a heavy transport on Friday vv- Perms on stock -0 mouths credit
People n£ ('Brun] Presbyterian i Mose Greta Laramie spent a fete ening near the train intersection, Two on furnishing bankable note., lmple-
1 1 girls Misses Beatrice Mill- unents anti other articles, cash.
Church was- held on :'londay eveningdays recently with her sister Miss i'avistock o esrrer as everything must she
and , oened with a hymn followed :by ' Amy Laramie, in Windsor. legion and Edna Hammer were ser- l \ r
prayer Sty Miss 'Hannah \Murray'. Miss Margaret MacGregor visited utnsly injured. The sympathy of this- sold. to ca;e of ,bred weather, trill be I ' cure lessnn,'Psalmi 14:1: was S Sgt..hell tinder etawer.
fhe rg{ over the week end with relatives and community t. r, wh,, to o iels'
thorpv's mother, who •was• tnrtrieYly IJ no. 1•L. Hyde,;\irs. Alga, \lonteith,
read by Herald Campbell. The roll
call Iva- answered. Miss Violet Hyde
read a poem entitled, ''Trees," Miss
Margaret Dougall favored with a solo
entitled "Rest Comrade ' Mr. Thos.
Pryde of Exeter was the ';nest speak-
er and delivered an interesting ad-
dress on "Canada's Empire Training
Scheele.'.' The meeting closed by sing -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
ing "Lord of the Land," followed lhy ' Tudor,
the thenedicti,nt by Rev, Wm. Weir. I Mr. Geo. Douglas and Miss Irene
Mr. and Mrs. Jantes Parkins •visit- • Douglas left on Monday for London
ed on Sunday with their rot -in-law where they will spend the winter
and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Klinemonths.
Flynn in London. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Dougall visited
Services were conducted by Rev, on Saturday with relatives in
friends in Toronto,
Frank Hedden of St. Catharines vis.
Mr.. Lloyd Hedden, bit'. and Mrs, ;bit Jean Dick, of HensalL I'ropric'tnrs: Harald ,Tac"kson. .\air
Miss Crozier of Brantford is visit- tintit•er, -
ited over the week end with Mrs. ting with Mr. and .Mis. ;Chas, Couper, t
Lloyd Hedden and Mrs. Catharine Mrs. A. L. Case underwent an op-
Hedden. eratiott on her throat in Toronto (ie- FOR SALE
Miss Margaret Tudor of Hamilton neral Hospital on Tuesday. Her many Two 2 -wheel trailers, priced $25
visited over the week end with her 'friends hope for a speedy recovery. and $10. Apply to Jack Verbeem, Iiip-
Mrs. D. Walks and Mrs. A.jt Iters- ft. Phone , 057+11Seafort.h
Kip -
lake were !r o, t sses at an aiernonn Pe
tea at their home on Thursday after-
noon'when the members of Mrs, ,Geo. FOR SALE
'Walker's and Mrs. Win. Davidson's I Overland motor mounted on trucks
,,grotty of the Ladies Association were equipped with governor and pulleys.
very pleasantly entertained. 'Readings In good working order. Wm. T,
were given by I\lrs. Jas, Patterson, Fotheringhan, Seaforth R. R. 3.
11 h ;'ere much enjoyed Phone 628r11, Clinton central.
the Gift -Watch supreme
for "Over There"
GIVE him the watch that's
specially built fox Canada's
fighting forces ... The smart,
accurate 15 -jewelled Bulova
"Commander"... Absolutely
water-cite—built to stand
the gaff — priced for un•
equalled Bulova value!
Chooss now. We will hold any Gift until Christmas
Phone 218 SEAFORTH, ONT.
Ross Corbett spent Sunday visiting
with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and
bit's. Wesley Jones near Cromarty.
Mr. Isaac Jackson Jr. of High
itiver, Alberta, is visiting with his
grandmother Mrs. Jackson, anti untie
Mr. Robert Jackson. and other rela-
The many friends of Mrs. Laird
Nikki*?regret hearing that she is
still confined to her room owing to
Rcv. R. A, 13rook conducted serv-
ices in the United Church on Sunday
I and bliss Mary Goodwin presided at
the console of the organ in the ab-
encc' of the organist. Miss Greta
Lammie. The choir sang two anth-
ems, "Thine Is the Glory," and "Be.
noath the Cross of Jesus," the latter
Mn and Mrs. Alfred Hankin, Wilf-
red and Eleanor of Thames Road, and
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Macteath of
Brucefleld visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell.
Arnold Circle Hold
Croquinole Party--
arty-A very enjoyable evening was
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mac Dougall on Friday when the
Arnold Circle members and friends
were entertained at a ot•oquinole
party. The ladies' first prize was won
by Miss Violet Hyde and the consol-
ation was won by Mies Hannah Mur-
ray. The gent's first was won by Mr.
Roy MacLaren and the consolation
was won by Mr. James Mustard Jr
Refreshments were served at the
Red Cross Note—
The Pansy quilt made by the
school girls of S. S. No. 10, Hay,
was won by Mr. Albert Geddes. The
{ proceeds of the sale of tickets
I amounting to $14.70 was divided
equally between the Hensall bratteh
of the Red Cross and the Junior Red
I Cross.
1 iMrs, Bertha Bell received the sal
news on Saturday of the death of her
nephew, Sgt. Roibert Cawthorpe, age
25, Highland Light Infantry of (Can-
ada. son of ,Mrs. P. 3, •Cawthorpe and
the late Dr. Cawthonpe of Tavistock,
who -lied following a motor accident
Mrs. 'W. A. 'McLaren has - Iheen
eonfincd to her room daring the past
w•ec,k oaring 1e illness. •
A mixed quartette comprising .hiss
Florence Welsh, hr,, Geo: Hess, Mr..
1W. O. Goodwin and Mr. \V A. Mac -
Larva motored to Grand Mend of
Tuesday evening and favored with
ttcti,ms at the lions Clnh banquet
held in the Brenner hotel. •
L d' ' A ' ti Meets —
a les ssocta on .
The Ladies' Assoniation of Carmel forth.
Presbyterian ,Church feet on 'Tuesday FOR SALE
evening with .the president, Mrs. F.'
I ,irclnhar• gore, iding and apctted Thy Equipment for butcher shop, c•ot-
ii ging atter whish \1rs: Farq.nitard sisting of scales. saws, knives;; also
led in t•1'hc montes were reawindlass, two stoves, dining room
and adooppteed.d. Kcmredt Cainp,btl'l ,guvc
a reading of welcome. Miss Eileen table, cupboard, odd table. Apply at
Munn sang a solo entitled "An Apple the residence of the late Joseph
For The Teacher," accompanied by McGrath, Dublin.
Mrs. \•1111101 at the piano. Mrs. 'Weir - gave the treasurer's report in the alb-, WANTED
sence of Mess. Davidson. This report Dublin lady looking for warm
was most Breading l and was Farqurespohar,
house with lady companion. Call at
cel to thy a reading iby Mrs. Farquhar,
,Misses Audrey Campbell and (Marion the News Office.
Trielbner sang a duet and -Miss Eileen FOR SALE
tMiuen (played a piano solo. Miss Ahad-
ry ,Camplbeil ,favored with a reading. Young canaries in full song. Apply
A ,Pian'° solo (played 'by Miss Mang- to Mrs, Wes Nichols, Chalk St., Sea-
aret Dougall was much enjoyed. The forth. Phone 222.
Misses Andre 'Campbell and ,Marion
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Purebred Scotch Shorthorn hull
from a heavy milking strain. Priced
reasonable. • Harry Norris. Kipper.
Phone 358x4, Seaforth.
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hay.
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build.
ing, Seaforth, Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p.m. to 5 pan, Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m.
With hard and soft water, lights
and garage. Possession given right
away. Apply to W, 0. Barron, Gode-
rich St. East, Seaforth,
SPY, King, Tatman Sweet, Green-
ing, Russet, Baldwin, and Cider
apples. Phone Clinton 022.24. erred
McOlyraont, Varna.
Large wicker reversible baby car,
ringe. cream and brown, Price reason'
able for quick sale. Phone 0822, Sett -
Will make cider and apple butter,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri•
day of each week during October and
November. Cider mill located on the
street leading to the golf course,
West Ward, Mitchell. Fred Hennick
Proprietor. Terms cash. Telephone
181, Mitchell.
Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is
not necessary. Use RUMACAPS at
once- for quick relief. MCKhldsey's
Drug Store.
Make from $10 to $15 a week by
selling to an established clientele,
relatives, and friends, well-known
FAM]LEX PRODi.1CTS. Everyone
spends money for toilet articles
cooking requisites, cleaners, etc:
Every FAMILEX custotiner is a SAT.
hen's a day, benefit by our experi-
ence and you will succeed. NO RISK
—profits assured by working, Let tis
help you. Write at once WITHOUT
OBLIGATION, for our illustrated
FREE catalogue to Miss St -George.
570 51, clement Street, MONTREAL.
Trielbner sang a duet. ,Mrs. Percy
Campbell and (Mrs. Earl Catnplhel'1's
group were responsible for tie .pre -
gram. Refreshments were served.
(Mrs. ;Jahn 113 tatchferd. .formerly of
Heatsall and now of .Shedden. Ont., FOR SALE
,recently made a short visit with her A line bunch of '10 young pigs.
re'1atises in town including Mrs. Geo..
Brown, her sister in-law. (Mrs: Match- good: shape for 010. Apply to J. 1L'.
Lord is in her 94th year and is looking 'Fluent & Sons, Willys Car Dealer.
(tale and hearty. P.S.—Place your order now for 1941
ears. The most ]^alae Overland ever
built in 37 years.
And prevent disease by disinfecting
and whitewashing your stabling now
before your herds and flocks are
housed. Charges moderate. All work
guaranteed, Only modern methods
used. Bruce Berry, Brumfield.
120 acres, mile east of Walton,
Lots 4 and 5, 1StIt Concession Town-
ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame
house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to
The Seaforth News.
Reliable young married man aper
for a steady job, in towp pret'nrred.
Apply at News Office.
Also a Happy Thought cools stove in
Lot, 35, Con. 3, Gest Wawauosh, 200
acres. Hilly pasture. two flowing
springs, some bush. Price $2800.
Lot 16, Con. 17, Grey, 1011 acres.
Stone house, two barns and impie-
meat shed. Good well with windmill.
Price, $3750. Ianntediate possession.
Part Lots 27 & 28, Con. 14, Hallett.
233 acres. Pasture, good well with.
windmill, also flowing spying, some
bush, fair house, no barn, part of
farm suitable for cultivation. Price.
Suitable terms can be arranged.
Apply—James McFadzean, Brussels.
Ontario; or, Fred Moloy, Thedford,
A presentation to the newlyweds,
Mr, and Mrs. Harry - Rapson, tools
place on Tuesday evening by the
Caven Y. P, S.
Larry, 3 year old son of Mr. and
Mrs: Tim Eaton, has his right leg in
a cast these' days after breaking it
just above the ankle in a fail on the
stairs last Thursday. -
Brown driving mare, blitarl of an
eye, strayed away front Wm, Cud.
more's stable, Seaforth. I{intily call
109, Seaforth. W. Cucitnore.
Ten choice stockers. Apply to
Mrs. George McClinchey; Varna.
Phone 6231.4, Clinton.
Notice is hereby given pursuant
to The Change of Name Act, 1039,
Ontario, that the application of
Elizabeth Nettie McLeod, of the
Town or Seaforth, in the County of
Huron, to change her name to
Margaret Campbell McLennan, will
be heard before His Honour Judge
T. M. Costello, at his Chambers in
the Court House in the Town of God-
erieb, on Tuesday, the 10th day of
December, 1240, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon, Or so soon
thereafter as the application may be
heard. y
I3; G. MEIR,
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Applicant
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
m first class companies.
Information cheerfully given