The Seaforth News, 1940-11-07, Page 6PAGE SIX
• �'�t�tii�?a ht 7�t ' fi"s
THE SHA1?'OI17I1. NEWS seta%*atli t. apt+
✓t''�'I , A itht t `'thi:,..,;; ATt-.l•4i','r"e".
11 \i'1'211 1
fete stuhlimi;c t'oiected tr its vast-
nes'is: familiar to e•cr-y-ty,i The lir
e.b-truce': the most ,lir-reachin.,
:;t)I, the tn,,a 'has%lit' l 4,. the poet',
crt,s,1 on tllt- 'uta, illation a,
l.t 2'Z - ir,:n tire depth- lint i11i9t-
.e void. Ttte eitl,•„ :'.u' ,n•eau
'•1 t„ „ell ''\' t!tP a•tit ii;-
.,nce: ani :'It „h .,en ht the
ande:n, a,. it ^cent- it!..epar.
rouu'. ^mat fa.1-
'0217-'.• \l itb
..drotration and a
alit'. -.stere rhe-!
..,ti:,l .-117 "-,:._ ^''te action
rah_ lila; ,;,tact i•Iu on 111
before them. Four:mesons in alit,
,41 r.t.11 ,ey,- -the) had manag-
e.: to ascend a _pile of trees, that: had
'igen u!,torn Iit_vtentq,e,t. to catch u
Pew of tlir object: the:; s;trronndc•d
1 :till the practice of she
et -sentry to call these ,trots windrows.
Ls 1e1t111,X ill 'tlle,. 'light o1 heaven upon
tc dark and 'damp recesses of the
oo,}, they form a sort ;.f oases in the
.4,1:01/111 cphseurity of the virgin forests
of America. The particular e ited-ren•
ce which we art writing lay on ,the
(brow of a gentle acclivity-: and though
mall. it had owned lite way i„r an
e�trnsit't' titer to these who mie h•
" insty hs tipper margin. a rare oc-
currence t+, the traveler in the .woods.
illtiltis,mhy has am yet le torus list the
'attr..1 the l+ ,eer that •'o :sten lays
desolate =pots of t'u, descrilp:ion:
.•ate a'cribin11 it to roti r', triad,
i:icIt rtrodnce trater,ptt- ,hit the
...caul tdlllit others :LIl71) illt•,lite it to
;lid violent sc: of
ani . the t-lretri fluid; hat the
the woods fatni:iar to
1 ear
upper nail' -.;4,.1 ':1 the
:lt`it'!e,• ]71',.,, ,,. .had ;tiled
--. tree, In .'lc't 1 n :neer 'Is had
C: en t'..1 .,t a.a3,.s f .,e
-f artist
• rc .,:,•n r:,:
,...`"1 ., it,:,end
e.. 1st:;' ...,
.�I •esti• , ',:,i ,t I, xi.
t ha't add-
,-.• •:}` :: .. :4,l Y'n-1 •.-' 1
h' cit o„ . tir.: in 'he
iI•-r full
rifleeterl the ft :.n;: .'i'b-
inat the scene t.•.. •,it art+i her
':ice t ,- e:wl .r.4, +d!l Co.
tt shit �t,lir't alt 1'1e';r
•1:11,,:•: t.l':
t1rt_.tnn tet of the it.t ea taus and
a natitr'.
etee.Plyt t0 impress li: !111t,itiattf,t'
tc '',e t ?tier„ Tr..-var,is tete ',reit, u
dirretion the i:ieaw of the 1 Irty
;ort- .'earned, the eye ranged over an
n�Fa11 tt1 leaves. tlorica, and rieh in
the varied and lively .t-erdlure of a gen-
,- 1.
emus vegetation, and shaded by the
luxuriant tints which tbelon•g to the
forty-second decree of latitude. The
elan with its graceful and weeping top,
the rich varieties 'of the mantle, most
,ti the nrvh e oaks of the .\nlerican
poi ,, a'ir*h the ,broad -heave(( 'linden
ankno', n it :ht parlance of the coun-
try as tin. ltassaosel, their up'
•n .rt,, le.. .(,,lung one :ureal
and _oil:t it intent-n.t't3e carpet 4,o
: tc 1 tray t. wards
the tt bounded the
't. 111. :uw frith the clouds.
e tc:crc tug the -ky meet at the
ba -Lt o1 rite v t rat of heaven. Isere and
:here, by :iii ,tt•eident ,'f the tem -
;tests, or by caprice of nature, a irii1-
iti., i ee'tt 4,u itnott•.t these giant liteat-
liers c4, the fart -t r,ernctted an infer-
ior tree to stet pee 11;ttoird toward the
light, and so lift it modest head near-
ly- to a level n h':.he surrounding sur-
face of verhtre. Of this class were the
't3rrh, a tree of some account in reg-
ions 1 ,- favoured, the quivering asp-
en, various generous nut -woods, and
divers others which resembled the ig-
noble and vulgar, thrown by circum-
etances into the presence of the state-
ly and ,great. Here and there, too, the
tall straight trunk of the pine ,pierced
the vast field, rising thigh above it,
like some grand monument .reared by
art .:.n a plain of )cave..
k wars the aaslne-s of the view, the
nearly unbroken surface of verdure,
that contained the principle of grand-
eur. The beauty was to be traced in
the delicate tints relieved hay-gradua-
atkons of light and shade; while the
.olrfwt rrp+,.e induced the feeling a -l -
lied to awe.
" facie," said the wondering, !hut
vlea.ed stir'. addre;,in;g ller.. male
cottr,anion, who -e trio •he rather
t.mclit than loaned „t, 10 (N44)._4. her
a,t n light licit tirnt , ,otirrx. "this
like a t'iett- of the 'ocean you so much
lot -e1"
",1 nitt „r '_71'r't't e, and a sir'
iLt: tt., -..
1.. o• ,1, ed n, a',s tr ..iiis
ret 'I' •111 •-.,7,,
a:tt al . ',3 t ,: I ..' t, , . ., ,• n'•
lt.t.. a .,,.,k .•
\ 5"
o. .. , :;•: ea. , . 7.. 1 "..e mile-
44f.4. Ie,t,lit+., ',at
\i. t. ,r :cel n 1• . 4,p;
tfe•ttire'ht .-II,,tt
y •re•
of a . f red clotli.
si ,n "•' the lin'', -, m.'r,:•, lit _-
.. -a t, ., b'•' tt' it . • : i\\':err art
., ,:11''1 ••1- :slit' itl 1te usher,
-alit �',^, ak,•rs, t tar
tater stsolts. and
.11. n, if this it
,. a
'.1.1,1 .•*e :1re .ir tree,
:rtes i r, rr 'nraltiiiu1 5reen.
r:r.. 1 !hi!
irte preen
•r.;lt - `7'1, lie '- r,•e•1_t
1+ ' . -.mei is dm :sir
1 . ,test I 11 tr- .r
u4, rind ,.
-, ::ml and -leder ., 'it'll
- ,. in. ;au+= '•+ ::,;- .1,41 a4,
at h i-7 7
nvoilta . t7'•a•11 :•„ler tans' = tr
1 'cert t.rr: Leen te,n•,..t•:
siQ11- ,,1,-4111111 n- .'+inter
. , 101 1„ m f` -het,, are bc-
1 1 n h: n-t'ur'tc.i t)r:
nrIv. 4,,h „-:o',.r'•. 'de.n'rtati=m.
:1, linty torte-. at 11I,ant
of '.t ,tyild al tan.;, •11o..11,1 fail it
ltn.1 yet •eve ',sass ern nolle r4,,
to frueltten a .sal, i du'ttt 34, tine
ro.:tr inland animals 'sill 'tartare
.,011:11 a lest' " shark,"
.'S: t.1'. . ec &inv rI lain::' niece, •ty'lu,
Active Co-operation of every Ontario
Farmer is Necessary to STAMP IT OUT
ONTARIO has a really serious outbreak of Hog Cholera. This deadly infectious
disease of swine has reached alarming proportions in the counties of Essex and
Kent, with smaller outbreaks in Lambton, Elgin, Norfolk' and Haldimand. If the
disease is not controlled it is certain to spread to neighbouring counties. Every
precaution must be taken. The Ontario Department of Agriculture is actively co-
operating with the Federal Department of Agriculture and farmers in their efforts
to stamp out this disease.
If the spread of Hog Cholera is not checked NOW, every pig raiser in Ontario
stands to lose. Only the immediate and wholehearted co-operation of every Ontario
farmer will stamp out this menace to the hog industry.
The Departments of Agriculture strongly
following precautions:
1 Confine all hogs to pens or yards that have
` been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
with an approved disinfectant.
2° In centres of heavy infection, if possible,
keep hogs away from straw stacks as this is
a place usually frequented by'birds such as
starlings, sparrows, and pigeons, which may
have come direct from an infected barnyard.
Destroy as many pigeons, sparrows and starlings
as possible,
3° Keep dogs out of the pig pea. Keep your
dog under control in the daytime and tied
up at night. Keep stray dogs off your farm.
4 Burn any dead pigs or bury them so deeply
that stray dogs will not dig them up.
5° Keep all doors closed and protect the win-
dows so that no dogs or birds can enter the
6 Do not visit neighbours' hog pens
nor allow neighbours to visit yours.
7° Always have a pan of strong disinfectant
solution just inside the dooz so that anyone
recommend every pig raiser to take the
entering the pen can disinfect his shoes, AND
8. Keep livestock trucks off your farm •- if you
have stock to ship, load up at the end of rite
lane. Disease -bearing refuse dropping from ti -n,
bottom of the truck might easily be carric.1 to
your hogs,
9° DO IATOT PURCIaASg"PEEL9Lit IV .XS" except front dependable souioes a
clean district,
10 Isolate newly purchasc-d bracdin + :
for at least three weeks bele e pe....11,f tr
them to run with hogs already en thtepatine ,t a,
11. In areas where hog cholera e-xta'-tr be
extremely careful about breeding ou' rte
sows with your boar.
12 Where hogs are serum treated, follow to
the letter instructions given by the Vet.
erinary Inspector of the Federal Department of
Agriculture. ,
13° Feed only carefully balanced rations.
Well-fed hogs have the strongest rests.
Lance to disease,
Hog Cholera is highly contagious and can spread very rapidly.
The above precautions, put into practice, TODAY, will do
much to prevent the spread of this deadly disease.
Hon, P, M, Dewan W. R Reek
Minister al Agriculture Deputy Minister.
'was more occupied with the .sublimity
-and iteauty t -1 the• to fullers wood"
than- vitt ht -r tach•'' argument,;
"yonder is a smoke curling over the
tops of the trees -can it conte front a
otv e'c.
\t. ac:.:itert' t leo]; ;,f ire:nan-
ie that aurin'," rt'•,treed the old
slap, "trlii,'lt i. :t',hrth a tlwu,atel
•sr,•=. 1 Inttst -how it o .\rrottht•ad,
It ti. tLzt' ;,r • nil:siilt'past a Port
,. ,;rt lens -avium it, it i< gin•„',v",'<
ere is a r.;t'ino,r, 'wetter,• there is a
\. 'a• ,.„,r '.0 4,,:h the :ter', ,Iter t' ,.
-frc,m .'1:4...4.11. oat^he,i tit,
a ee is i.uh:u1. ,--a"h,h rya- ttrutrliu near
;l 1y ,,n tll, ,tlr+aidcr: anal
wit a thin ;'tit' tet"Vete
-''1 r: t' -':;dins ,a;y ,tett 0.1the
of leaves, :h, a digit Ili t,. ,T:
lit 'c. ;and
7:CM!, pt.!'n ,•rrthi, ,e rite 1 n
111i1 -10i1 its 1111
1'1,,ar„ra aa, oar tri th,,,e
1 ',:flit - t fret 1 , I, t' ttlet
n n in, n: a century -mer than :, -(lay ;
MIT .chile he Mid n iivalt-dlate-
ly yltit
the eodmistshe familiar
with ,heir alga , and et en with .'Leh .
:,p tn•l.!e, 't 'a?' .,. r litre. it .tat. of
tie LAU stranded' and ' t , !,' limits
„ 'hast. lief t,-,,. tint tad :h- „10
,•,rn:n4, •Lt. . ,.,•re'arse !Iasi tt 11
r. l ll;. else 1•-•1'111t lir lnai:c-
i' ,1 =n•:' 1 1 „ nntc'n e;tst:,nt•,1 tet
p n with 1, - „itis r. •'w .litf.r-
en1 .n.:i:•art , he h:1,1 frcq•r,.utehl
not cit nit i 'i•<tii,ut test lit- lir,-.t- t
nl anion ear Holy a -irh ,r,1!nate.
i'ol,etl, had .beret t'hr
1 r;,'• r, srt:, that t'llarles Cap,
„r ca- -,:t tact feta 'd, 4,u hi,
doomati ttl ,hr fa uti,4t, arrant
tt t -: urea', +l m :•t '7- t 1;:
in an intercou,e tyhtch hurl 1i, -+,t 1•t.':ed
mere titan a week. '1'h, :i thi o3 t'itt'
c:n•'In� .4,u 11...', ltt,w, re ]rut -truck
-t31e latter }3Li the tel,let, east'(
a --aid a• "a; Mel. for the first time
sheet they Hart, he yeetttr,.,1 1 , n'url'
• train, -deem rein cul. -
The (pick eye of the '1'tsearort in
,t lit':p ,';ttt.;ol ., n4,:.eiif ,: tette smoke;
reit far fall a itlinnte lie --stood.
le le raised +,ti tat toes 'with distend..
'1 le etril ., liter the near* that said,
0 •till) in Me air, and a t.ta%e to, T1','rrp-
as 4,11a1 1 r1 - trafiud pointer it'.tilc
lie waits 113+ tn;t-ter's clic; then ''131itttt
`lack ori Ittt fret, a to t- ext lant;ttion,
in a.hc snit tone:- that -form so singular
a contrast to its harsher cries in the
Indian warrior', r nee. teas lharel'y the• dunnage." - -
t,iI'i/I ; 'I tt ti.r, hr w•as aunliattrb-
d, lit, „ ttntrn,utrr ryas calm, ;altl
girt:!., ,Lail., oastt' eye mored twee
Iea.fy Panorama, a, if t,-, take i11
at a ,glance every circntttstaace tit;(:
might enlighten hi- mind. That flu
tonna t they had attempted
make this .Llll :1 trot 1 lielt .. wildu--
nt'-s ,vas neve„Intl' attended wit?(
dtnlger, both uncle sunt nitre (tell
kilt `',A 't''.IU t,'it 1te1•11er '-21't1 at oldie
detrrurur tvhetlIr `.etc ,44,11 Lha; 4,111..
era erre w their ti tilita e,la the liar,.
huer lir evil,
' I''.ere last,: Ott. (tncida• o, fuscar-
'rt- near rtes-lrrotthea,l:' said
uldrr„trot hi- Indian u,mn;ution - ut
4,, r, nyrn;i,,ltal lin'stli,lt n;tnt,: •''s 11
11 not '4,' 0t1! Ser resin etnitp;titt' ,tttlt
them, and get a ,'„mart 6,le i)erth
111, tii4ht its theircig.wltill"
X,' tri,,9a111 tier'." \-rnewli, ad
'n.1•,l,.rtd in hie ;tae„, ta,i rummer
"leo tench tree." -
' Il',: Indian- Hurst lt• there: per
114 „1 lit •,i.1 ft It hall'- „1 -vont'
,\/a ,et .\rr, ahead."
"N" T wean •ra'--n„ 1 its Lida - no
Vtdet,t1; at' 1:e Art.."
Ih, 4ttt! n is! C\',ll,h\I mat. this
1t t se, t -eaman - I?hih. 1pht•: wt'.
lei ca-d,tgt can tell ,t 1!fl,lbtt s lie„
.treat a mat,', hammock: hut 1 do
Think .h; „14,'.admiral in itis
i,•s•t's eat c:n, tell it ling', smoky
ft , ;;ter'•.
Thr idea that human being evert• in
their tieinitc, in Met ocr:nt of wilder-
ness, had .leupened the flirt on !he
flat„mins; cheek anti br3.: homed the
f :h, fair areata'et his side:
1,, ,• , ,1te stem turned nidi a look of
taper,.• t.t her t'chtti.e, :otd said hes_
ittI ..v.',t, for '1,:,111 had „ftan adutirerl
tlu• 'lit'' 4,,.n-1'' 1:nowletlee, or, .ttv
!Melo alms •ay, tt•tin :i, - -
lire! , trot', atnele, 'he
'•alta ,, l.notc that?"'
"Ten day- .ince, eltild, t wottll
have •x.111 tf' 111 int' nosy i hardly
lir :r what to ivrlirtc•. 'Alar 1 take tits.
lt:,en:v e ,rlate'„ .\rro-ahead. 'ally
n faller' that matte, now, a pale-
face's smoke, and to; a. reel skin's.
"Wel .unset. ‘.\ tacit wet ---vouch
sntt'itt tinct water-n!,lac•k smoke,"
said the ,tart tor,
your t,arrhln, Master
:tt1nctel, the smoke is not black,
nor there touch n4, it. To nn• eyes
mew. 3t 3= as light and fanciful a
-trek,, as ever rose-1t'ctn :t captain's
tett kMrle, 'when nothing- teas left to
make tate fire ib•ttt a few chips trent
"'tion ntu,'li water," returned 1r-.
row'head, writ a slight nod of the
head: -Tuscarora too cunning 140
stake fire with water'. paste -face too
much Itnok, and tenet anything: enact
shook, little know."
" \\'ell, that's rtasona'l,h•, i atlott.'
said Cap. tv 2,4 tura: tit. detests; of
,varniirg: "llr 111 •lir• that a4, a !tit its
your reading:, 21antf • for the .'h2 -f
illi' sensible notions et :trines in h3.
own way. Ili' tar, nett. arrowitra 1.
do yo:t mala, :r, :'.y your calculation,
from the hit of a 4:n1,1 :!tat yOtt Cali
the treat lake, an.l trntarils witi,I,
Al! 11,t1't• 11a1411 t.,t 111:411y day, ,hapin„
rum' cone-,='
1-h,' Tescarora 1 , ' e ! :11 rite se:,
matt •o-Itlt titiiet superiority a: 11e alit:.
u .tvere.l, "Ontario, like 'heaven: one
sun, and ,the crreat traveller will-kn,
"\Cell, i het e ;wee a great lrrtteJ-
ler. 1 ':tnn.,t deny: hat of :21 my
_e, t n lass tn•,tl the longeet, the
t1 htati,,:oaf the 'thea 311...
heel. L this ?!rode of fresh mater is so
n,urt. \rru,s! tad. and so large, one
might think a pair cvf ,good eves
could titin it stt; for
everything within 'thirty utiles i, to
be seen from this look -out."-
"Look," said Arrowhead, 'tretchitt
an arnt 'hefot't stint with gatiet grace.
'1 )Itittrio!" -
L'nclr, vett lir,' accustomed its try
'Land Iter!" ,hit: not "Water hu!' :111:1
yon do not u•e it," cried the niece.
laughing, as girlls will laugh at their
,earn stilt r:,ncrit
'Ilett 1.a', dtit stet! dost upprta
that 1 ,h1rtitldn't knntc an terriser• t=let
1114.711, if it were in siplti?'
"iint Ontario is not - your native.
element, dear +utrle; for yott cont
;rout 4,a11 water, while this i
'•'I'ha.t tni:rht. nta'lce some difference
to yttttr voting' mariner. ;hurt none t,
the old :roe, f-ilotlil l:n„tc rite,•',
d•h31d, :'ve•re I ft, ser it in Chinn."
"Ontario.," ro.11tate4 :Arr,,,sltead,
w•itlt ttiniha is, ,;-Litt strotrbit i his
bland towards the north -`unset
looked at the Tuscarora, for
the Br • tint' tince ,,herr acquaint-
ance, :with ennethirt like' an stir' of
-,anenti,t, tit'itt he (i!tl not 1111 10
follow 'flhr '1irt,', i< t of the chi't's syr
1111 in••nt, :befit t'f ,which were directed
towards a vacant point 311 the heav-
en-, a short distance winter the plain
of leaves. -
ere Ito Continued.)
THURSDAY, NOV, 7, 1940
Dr. E. A, McMaster, M,D„ Graduate
of University of Toronto.
J. D. Colquhoun, M.D„ C.M., Grad-
uate of Dalhousie University, Halifax.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
un'to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. T. it, Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 4 to
6 p.m,
.Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every mouth from 1 to 2 P.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H. -Rose' office. Phone 5J
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square
throat' hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday iu each month from 2 to
4 pail. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each mouth. --53 \Vaterloa
St., Stratford. Telephone 207.
Auctioneer for the County of Iluron.
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at the Seaforth News, or by
writing Gordon M. Grant, Goderich.
Charges moderate and satisfaction
F. W. ATTRENS, Licensed Auction-
eer for Perth and Huron Counties.
Sales Solicited. Terms on Application,
Farm Stock, chattels and real estate
property. R. R. No. 4, Mitchell,
Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office.
Licensed in Huron and Perlia Coun•
ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction
guaranteed. For information, write or
phone- Harold Jackson, 65$1'12, Sea -
forth central; Bruceileld R 14.1.
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Clan'
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Wm, Iittox, Lottdesboro,
Vico President, W, R. Archibald,
Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, M. A,
Reid. Seaforth. -
F. MIKereber, I2.I±,1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper. 11,R:,1, liruceflelcl; J, F.
Prttetr.r,; J;tntes \Vatl
Blyth; \Vat. Sen, Holnlesville,
Alex llroadfoot, Seaforth; William
Iinox, Lnntiesbero; Chris Leonhardt,
Dublin; James Connolly, Goderich;
Thomas -Moylan, Seaforth; W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing,
Myth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexander, Walton.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post'
"Talking of starting with nothing
and staking a fortune," said the talk-
ative paset•itgct', "see that old chap
reading a paper Well, he came t
illi:, town tie yetu's ago with bine-
pence in his pocket; he bought a tin
of blacking unci a wooden- box and
,ttairted ;1S a bootbiaelc it11Itr getting
a set of brushes of tiek. What do
yore 41111111 lee's worth reel ty?"
"Oh. about ;+itl,tttul," a listener sttg-
:'You're wrong: he's not worth tt
Ire nn. and Inst still owed ;or Lite
ht•ul hes." -
Admiral Byrd, while at the Naval
Academy, waa stalled ttpoit to cottduot
11 ;,hart course. olio 'horning his
fellowil, 1u t k
t I wrote on the black-
"Hail to thee., blithe spirit;
Bird thou never writ,"
Two minutes later Byrd stalked in,
stared 1t the blackboard, glared at
his class, anti strapped, "Who wrote.
Twenty handswent up and twenty
voices replied: "Please sir, Shelley!"