The Seaforth News, 1940-07-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS n i u 11 , 11bt.--,,, WALTON tilts, Gent;ao walker, Tot•ontu, \1'. and Mrs. Jas. I:asson, Grimsby. Mr. and Mrs. John 11ntlntan and son George of C otterich, and Mrs. Wm. Bonit, .Hart) and Mary Elizabeth of Collingwood ,palet. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thee, William- son, when a family gathering was held with all the brothers and sisters present, Mr. George- Williamson is spending a sew clays with hie niece, Mrs. Jas. Hasson. of Grimsby. A good crowd attended the P.P. W.O. picnic last Thursday afternoon at Thos. Williamson'e bush and all enjoyed the afternoon of sports. A booth was on the grounds which was well patronized.. BLYTH Service in she \nglican-church was held u:7..41 •p.,, ,nt :Sauldla' avittt Re V. R. ,\l. i\\ eckes presiding: at the Unit- ed Church the services were ie charge of Rec. \. Sinclair, The suihiect of the 111 ruin - service -win "Tie Suc- re .iter Service," au,i the evening .ser- vice "Twelve 1;,tes." Rest Sunday Mr. Champion of Toronto' will speak at the mora ie, service. The evening services will he withdrawn '1 or four Suedays v. ilr the tractor is an his vacation. Mr and Mt•s. 1 1. Lockyer and daughter Patsy of Toronto were guests ,'f \17s. A. Fawcett on Sunday. •They erre accompanied Illy Mies Gladys Favee t also of Toronto: The c,.n loess of Mrs. James Scott is very crittca.. She is ut •(..lintnn hoc - pita:. Za le Cowan,who is taking a summer e ere e in London silent Sun- day. ,relit his parents, \Ir, and \les. t e rge Cowan, Myth citizens hand 400k.'part in the rally: in \\-in,gham on Sunday after- noon, BRODHAGEN. Over forty young persons attended the annual picnic of the Brodhagen Lutheran League which was held on Thursday at Port Stanley. The wee• ther was ideal and the event proved one of great success. Having assemb- led at the home of John Mogk the picnickers set off in automobiles at the early hour of eight o'clock. When they had thoroughly explored Port Stanley the hungry group assembled at the park where the contents of tate lunch boxes appeased remarkable appetites. The afternoon featured softball. swimming and amusements of almost every description. The sports committee took charge of the sports competition. After supper our group enjoyed the coal lake breezes until dusk when everyone was satis- fied to set out for home. Patriotic Society Formed in Brodhagen,— The ladies of tho village hell:- it meeting in G. Dlueiler:- hall for the ;,,rp,erganiziee eairiette tt Six !numbers of the \tote!1 n Soviet nue present and Mrs. Ers- litne reek charge of the meeting. She explained in detail the steps neces- sary to organize and work• done by the iIonkton society. The election of officers followed President Mrs. John Antstein; secretary, Mise Pearl Hillebrecht; treasurer, Mrs. L. G. Rock. By a unanimous vote it was decided to become a unit of the Monition Society. Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs.- Gloor exhibited articles which had been made, Mrs. Davidson gave an exhibition of the steps which have to he taken in staking and rolling bandages. Miss Wilson exhibited the socks, sweater's, scarves and helmets which bad been knitted. A quilt was matte on \\'cclnsday evening. Mr. and MI's. Edwin Rock, Betty Gwendolyn and Joanne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ford in Landon. Mr. \Viii. S. Mehl and Mr. and Mrs. I:cl. Ahrens spent Sunday in Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sehellenberget• of Clinton spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shnldice. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Querengesser cud Mr. cud Mrs, Orville MiNicholl of Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. John Arhnekle of Toronto and Miss Frieda MMtz of London with Mr. and tits. Albert Qnereugesaer. - Mrs, A. P. Querengesser returned to Toronto with Mi'. and Mrs. Ar- buckle to spend a week there. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Querengosser and Howard and lir. and Mrs. Rus- sell Sholdice and Gary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. i'rank Elligson to Stratford, - N1is.. Doreen Gollnitz of NM (hell Is holldaying with Miss (lakes Diego]. ;\t•. and Mrs. Rudolph Kleber of Belvedere, 111.. are spending their hot - td tys with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Iiieh- n, Sr. They motored to Toronto on Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Dykeman. The Brodhagen Banti ]tele another open air band concert on Sunday ev- ening. A very large crowd was in at- tendance. A enllection was held whioh amounted to $0.711 to be used tee buying more lnstrnntents. DUBLIN Mr. John Jordan. who has been visiting his family here. returned to Poppereliff on Monday. Mt•, and Mrs. Joseph McLeer and family, front Detroit. have been vis- iting at the !tome of his sister. Mrs, Pat Ryan. Mr. and Mrre Dan Creantan and Mrs. Matt Williams and Grace visit- ed friends in nubile over the week end. Mr. and Mrs I3i11 Riley and family visited friends in I-lnllett on Sunday. The exterior of St. Mary's Anglit'an church is being repainted this week. the congregation holding a bee for this purpose. U arty lS't. Patrick's Church Grounds DUBLIN TUESDAY EVENING JULY 30TH Games, Dance, Bingo and other Amusements Father Durand, St. Peter's Seutiu- ttrv, who spent !the pact few weeks with Father Ffouikes, is spending a month at Leamington 'substituting for- the orthe ;castor, iwhe-io ill. \I r. and \Irs, - fauces Hanle', Tor- . tto, are -v'acationitng avi111 • Mr. and \lrs, \V. 3. Manley, Some of our young pevple attended the ,.hotter held for- the bricle-to-be. !Miss Ella O'$atliiren. i)r. and f\Irs. Sturgis, Osha'w'a, vis- ited tvitlt 11r. and -.\II•:s, I'. Dill, \lrs..\!ideal Nagle caul ,\frs, Calh- arite Evan, entertained at five iiund- rc.i. NHS,: Edith Roney, Seaforth. Visited Icer parents: Mr. and Mrs. Alex., Ron- \Trs. G. Graham \iiss E. Graham, Itnu Graham, of \liteltcll, ,were visit- .'r- with \I r, and rMr-. !sane,. T. Mal- colm. .\1 r. awl .\Irs. Fred Preszeador, of Exeter. and ,\1 r. and Mrs. George Link, Utshen,od, with \ir, and \Irs. lei titer hleinfeh(t, Mr. and "Mrs. (Wood, Mr. and Mrs. 1larpet, Carlingford, with .\lr. and i\Irs. \Vet. t. Smith, - Dr. Luis Dill of Detroit, -visited this parent., \!r. and \IrS. P Dill. \its.s Kate O'Connell, London, with her sisters, Mrs. E. Brunner and iMiss TM liy O'Connell; Mr. and Mrs. \L-, Ackroyd, London with ,\Ir, and Nile:, •Joseph O'Rourke Miss Doris Flana- gan, Loudon, with her parents, -Mr, and i\frs. 'Joseph Flanagan; Miss Dor- othy Nolan, London, is visiting at the home of her parents. Mr, and Mrs lames \plan, u\1eKillop. i-Iusband (annoyed) — "Another new hat. Aren't you playing with our budget?" Wife ----"Why no, dear, You know the made a liberal allowance for overhead expenses," Send as the names .of your visitors. ST. COLUMBAN Miss U.vr'Iyit Meledy of London =pent Sunday at her home. .Mitis Loretta Holland, Kitchener is spending her vacation with her pari -tuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holland We are sorry to report that Mr. Patrick Flannery Is seriously ill in Scott Memorial Hospital, Searerib. The C.Y.O. of this parish are ar• ranging for a picnic to be held near Grand Bend this Sunday. Miss Mary O'Sullivan of London is holidaying at her Monte here, An afterttoou shower was held on Stmday at the home of Mr, and Mrs James O'Sullivan in honor of their daughter Ella, bride-to-be of this week. Many lovely and useful gifts were presented, Fergus Melady, London, visited his father recently. A number of friends of the bride - elect, Miss Ella O'Sullivan, stet at her home recently and presented her with a miscellaneous shower. A chin- ty lune!. was served and an enjoyable time spent by all, Misses Lorraine and Mary Cattier. ine Rowland spent last week with &1r, and Mrs, Ed Miller of Walton. Miss Loretto Holland of Kitchener spent the week end with her parents. Mrs. Fjl Rowland and children spent Sande). with Mr, and Mr's. Lawrence Ryan of Walton, Miss Lenore Holland spent last week with Mr, and Mrs, Toni Morris of Hibbert. STANLEY Pte, William Ooncull' of London spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, H. Penhale. Mrs James Black, near Seaforth. spent a day last week with her par. encs. Mr. and Mrs. Wum. Sc'otchnter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Penhale and fanc- ily visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Ruttier one day last week, Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas spent the ween end with Mr. and Mrs. H, Penhale, Miss Phyllis Elliott of Mitchell Is visiting withher sister Mrs, Bert Dunn Jr. Mr, M, H. Penhale and daughter Leta, also Mr, R. A. Penhale of St. Thomas, visited friends in this tonal- ity on Sunday. STAFFA Mrs. O. H. Kerslake Passes.— A highly esteemed resident of Staffa, in the person of \Irs O. H, Kerslake aged 70 years, died on Wednesday, jally 17th at her hoose there. She had Ibsen in .failing 'health for about a year. She was a member of the Cromarty Presbyterian 'Church and prior to her :marriage was Maggie \\'hi c'head. She is survived thy three sons George of Kincardine, Harold, of 1 illson'burg, and Roy, at !some, The funeral was 'held on Friday after- noon and was largely attended, Rev. ).fr, Jamieson of Cromarty, assisted by Rev, :Nit-. MacKay of Edmonton, officiated. The floral trihutes ,were nu - THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1940 411151ingeRteeHlieSigieZzeifiailiereaMIZSESSIIIMINIMEMitielfielfale ENT IEATR E Seaforth NOW SHOWING JAMES CAGNEY PAT O'BRIEN GEORGE BRENT "The Fighting 69th" Mon. Tues. Wed. NEXT THUR. FRI. SAT "ROY AOGEAS'. nteems' and 'heavtifn'l. The gailibear- rrs were W. Davis, \V. Fell, T. Davis, - 1). Chappell, F. 1-iamlhay and J. Hili. intermentt-tookk place in Stadia ceme- tery, Visitor,' with Mr. and ,Mrs. A. 11.V, Norris on Sunday were Clarence Nor- i is and \I i Kerr of Toronto, and Nnnvil,Norris of Montreal, -Nfis end ,\Ir F, Dale and Mr. and •Mt.. -Backus of Sl, Catharines and \I r. and Mr. Nelson Baker and Mr, and \frs, T. Marshall of Fnillarton; Mr. and 1\ir.. cls \V, Reed in London; Mrs. C'. —McVey returned hoarse on Finlay after .pending two weeks with •Mr. and iMrs. \\•idliam Jeffery; Refit Roles of Niagara Falls, .with Mr. and \Irs, .\, Smtale. Holmesville Man Drowned— Searchers shortly after 111.30 pan. on Tuesday night located the body of Mr. J. Brogden McMath. 45 year old residentof Holmesville, who three hours earlier slipped from sight in the deep waters of the Maitland River near Forster's bridge In Colborne township, where he and Inc wife had gone to seek relief from the hetet. The remains were recovered about fifty feet from where Mr. McMath had gone bathing. The only other eye witness of the tragedy was Gordon Stock, a neighbor who had gene swimming to the popular spot before the McMaths had arrived. He said he was not aware there was any trouble until he saw his friend with his hands in the air, He swam to his assistance and had grabbed a hold, but In the next instant Mr. McMath had gout down in about twenty feet of water, 1411's, McMtuth was sitting at the edge of the water when the fatality took !dace. An alarm was immediately sounded and a large group of neigh- bors and others organized in drag- ging that section of the river. It was ostiutatecl the: ac.oident took place aitout 7.1111 o'clock. Dragging opera- tions were in charge of Fire Chief George Beacom of Goderioh, and some of the Goderieh firemen were among the volunteers. It was und- erstood duet N1t•. Mc'Matli did not know how to swim and had gone to the riverto seeks relief from the haat. \Word of his death caste as a great shock to the district, as lie was well known as a war veteran, and oper- ated a large bee apiary at Holmes - elite, on No. 8 highway, He was a native of the district and is sm'vived by his wife. Mr. MacMath was a member et the United Church. The body was removed to Clinton, and it was not immediately decided whether an inquest would be held. "Tramp—"I've asked for money, and I've begged for money, and I've cried for money, mum." Lady—"Have you ever thought of working for it, my man?" Tramp—"No, mum; you see, I'm going through the alphabet and I haven't got t0 W yet," Wain and For Sale Ads, 1 week iFe NITURE at Smashing L 'aces. Walker's Furniture Store Offers Unheard of Bargains in all Lines of House Furnishings SELLING OUT COMPr:'t � � J :'�', „i Yld � f V a �4 ., r � i ry l k irsL After Thirty -Three Years in Business in Seaforth we are Selling Out. Our Entire Stock is Offered at Clearing out Prices Take Advantage of This Opportunity to Get Some New Furniture, Mattresses and Springs. You Have Our Wonderful Stock to Choose From. LAMPS GALORE STUDIO COUCHES CEDAR CHESTS NOVELTIES PI BEDROOM SUITES SPRINGS MATTRESSES 3 Breakfast Room Suites DINING ROOM SUITES 1 PIANO, good as new Everything in the store must go nit SEAFORTH