The Seaforth News, 1940-07-04, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
A ,pretty weddinlg was solemnized
on Saturday, at '5 ,p,m. at the United
sOhureh Manse, Egmondvi4le, when
Rev. Gandiner united in ,marriage
Anna Kathleen, youngest 'daughter
of Mr. and ,Mrs, Wm, MacGregor,
Klippen, and Edward James, son of
Mrs. 'Sarah •LcOlinchey, and the bee
Mr. Janes 'MoClinchey, of Hensa11.
The +bride looked channting in a floor
length gown of ,pink silk net over
'satin, 'picture hat of white .fi+bre lace,
'White 'gloves and shoes and carried a
shower bouquet .of orange 'blossoms.
Mrs. Manley Jinks• of Hensall, sister
of the groom, was bridesmaid. She
wore a street length 'dress of pale
+blue crepe, teeth white accessories and
carried a 'bouquet of orange 'blos-
soms. Mr. :Manley !Irak, was
groomsman. Following the ceremony
a 'wedding dinner '%was served at the
bride's home. The table was dec-
orated with pink and white stream-
ers, rosebuds and peonies and cent-
ered with the bride's cake. Later the
young eeouple left on a honeymoon
-rip to Niagara Falls and Toronto.
The 'bride donned a du+bonnet en-
semble with w'iite accessoriee for tra-
velling lepon their return they will
reside in Hensail.
Mr. and Mrs \V. Tidesw-ell spent
the week end at ;:Midland.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein ref
Detroit spent the week end with the
former's oarenl:e, Mr. and Nies. J. W.
Ortwein and members of the •family,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Harding and
Mrs. Ida Harding of London visited
on Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs, Fred
Mr. Jack Daniels of Brantford
spent the week end at the home of
his father'Mr. Wm. Daniels.
Kennelth ,Manns returned to
his duties at the T. Eaton ,Co., Tor-
onto after spending .the past two
,weeks with this mother. Mrs. Fred
Mrs, T. Souter (nee ,Miss 'Hazel
Coxwoe'th) of Montreal is visiting
her mother Mrs. A. Cosworth:
Mr. and lefrs. Harold Shepherd of
Toronto spent the week end with
relatives here.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Gus Voth returned to
their 'home in Detroit after spending
the past ,week with Mrs. R. Bont+hron
and Mrs. Lou Simpson.
Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of St. Marys
visited with relatives and friends
here last week.
Mrs. t Dr.7 Smith and children of
St. \dart' visited last week .with the
f,•rner. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
C. Petty.
Miss . Dor,ahy Brazier of London is
visiting with I)r. and Mrs, D. G.
Mr. and Mr.. Lester Fisher and
ianrly of .Windsor spent the -week
end with the nntr's p.trcnits, Mr.
Mr. anti Mr. Cornelius Cook and
Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Cook .of Te run-
ts, returned home atter a visit
ole!, t3toir fail tit Mr-. P. l L-e-le:v
1 \ t alifornja.
Mr an.1 \i^ 1 r1 i' nth .on en-
v e t -.!1, ,. r t ::, to Peter-
, , t�s,• t .utd and Barrie.
' i r v Mrs R t, -el 10,3e n 1 nn
spent the i. end
.,'. \]r 1., arca • Sir. and
Mr,. j. Mejlonell.
11' n, r R.\ Lend-
a fee ,Ites is -t ,eeek :;t lier
me here.
Mr. and 'sirs. j. \\'.I; t tltr:so stent
ezet elny with •friends in Godericit,
Messrs. Milt,at and 1.1..:‘,1 Or^grin
of London spent the week en,' with
the former'- parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Ortwein.
Annual Convention of W.C.T.U.—
The 43rd annual convention of Hu-
ron county IW:C.T.U. was held in the
,United Church, Hensa1i, on June 28.
The presidenit, 1Mra, Geo. Johnston,
occupied the chair. Devotional exer-
cises ,were conducted 'by Mrs. Phillips
assisted by 'Capt, Farmer. The roll
call of officers showed nine were pre-
sent and two absent. Dept, supts., ten
present and three absent. The 'C'hrist.
Steward. sept, Mrs. Johns, was ab-
sent but sent a full report of her
work which was read by Miss Mur-
ray; anti -narcotic and medical temp-
erance was taken by 'Mrs. Pearce.'
Miss Lewis. the Lktle White Ribbon-
'er satpt., desired reports from the local
union,. Medal contest Supt, Miss
.Murray, regretted that she 'was not
able ea get pupils together for a me-
dal contest ,but stressed the value of
the .work. 'Moral education .mothers
meetings was fully reported by the
nupt„ airs. Beavers. Parbncity and
social meetings were discussed and
re • s rted by the sent., Mr.. Phillips.
Mrs. Gook. press suet., presented a
-h,,rt report as the local unions 'tad
,forgotten to submit their reports.
Temperance inSturrlay School was
fully ,riven by Mins Murray. in the
county r I .prolan.?. wrote the temperance
exams, these papers ,being examined
,by Miss Murray, There were four
cases. ,, nior,., intermediate, juniors
and little juniors. Four of She het in
each olass were .forwarded to the
provincial temperance secretary. Six-
teen prizes were given for the 'hest es-
sa:'s. Mrs. .Crary, the smpt., reported
she had 'written to all the .principals
of the ,public anti high schools in the
county and had received only one re -
4 -3.1y, hut a were gratifying reply. Mrs.
Hewell, sapt. for the travellers' aid,
had little to report excepts the cards
were framed and bung in the stations
and that literature was always pres-
ent, Deplt. of .prisons and jail supt.,
'Mrs. 'Walters, reported eight Bibles
bad been ,distributed to prisoners and
25 ,pieces of literature. Capt. Farmer
of the Salvation Army, ,visited the
jail .monthly. The corresponding sec-
retary, Miss Murray, gave a full re-
port. There were three live unions,
Winghaan, Goderich, Exeter-Hensa)1.
There are 89 menilbers and theme ware
28 meetings held, The treasurer, ,Mrs,
'Walters, said $1149,411, had 'been raised,
$1123.07 +forwarded, dal., 0/118.64. 'Miss
Penrose, L.T.L. seotetary, gave a
splendid report of bhe rwomkthat has
(been done and said that the !prospects
star 'better 'work in the future looked
brighter. The .guest speaker, 1Mrs.
Ethel rGraw, of Seaforth,.editor 'off the
'White Riblbon Tidings, in a very tare -
est and capable manner, showed the
!waste of food stuff and 'manhood
caused by the war, opportunity of
tesseperan're fiances to do something in
'the interest of our nation and OUT
Empire and also in the interest of
'Christian civilization of the nvored.
S'lastLaren was !ire after-
noon soloist. She was accompanied by�:i\I/SS Florence Welsh. For the even-
ing session, Rev. R. A, Brook, pastor,
,presided der the devotional period,
;followed by a selection Iby the male
quartette, two minute addresses 'were
'given by 'the local president and the
best method of increasing 'member-
ship. etre, Lloyd suggested meeting
in the homes and having all take .part
in sentence prayers. Mrs. Phillips,
sociability, friendship and prayer;
Mrs, Hess, +prayer, ,preparation of pro -
.gram and punctuality. :Dr. Smillie
sang a solo accompanied by Miss
Gladys Luker. Guest speaker was
Rev. Dantean IMlarTayish, pastor of
Calvary United Church, London, and
1 :rutrr paster e*1 lane's street church,
Exeter, whose theme ,was. Temper-
artee, dealing with all phases of the
liquor ttaffit it evils and degrada-
tions. The following resaluaion was
made dry Mrs, Leavers of Exeter:
'1\\ he eas aur Empire is now facing
the greatest crisis in its history and
the tat. of our civilization is depen-
dent upon the outcome of .the struggle
and that the utmost efficiency is nec-
essary for the prosecution of this
struggle and that whereas *he use .of
ads ohalic beverages invp_airs efficiency
and diverts to' wasteful and injurious
purposes foodstuffs imperative to the
sustenance of human life and lowers
the morel and physical stamina of our
soldiers, ese do humbly ;petition the
government to enact immediately tete.]
pry hi+hitian for the 'demotion of the
.war,' 'rhe 'following 'wits form tate
county officers for 11940-41'. Advisory
presidents, Mrs, R. J. Tyndall, Wing -
ham; Miss Jean S. •Murray, Hensall;
Slr. N. H. Lloyd. '1Vinghant; Mrs,
A. '1'. Cowper, 'Clinton; president,' Mrs
C. W. Christie, Exeter; vice presidents
Mrs. Beavers, Exeter; 'Mfrs. Pearce,
Exeter; Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Goder-
ic.h e r sec, Miss Jean Murray, Hen-
.ael; rec. sec„ Miss Annie Consitt,
Heneah: treas., Mrs, !\rafter Hearn,
lioderich: L.T.L.sec., Miss Eva Pen-
rooe, Exeter +prisosns and jails sec.,
Capt. Fanmer, S.A., Goderich.
,Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bell and Mr.
and 'Mrs. Ernest Chipchase of Kipper
,visited with Rev. and Mrs. J. Richard -
mu on Sunday lash.
Miss Mae McNaughton of Toronto
is 'spending a two weeks relation at
the prune of her ,brother, Mr. Peter
.Mc Naughton.
Mrs. Catherine Hedden visited in
Canton on Sunday laws with her dau-
ghter. Mrs. - Whitney Carter.
Rev. and Mrs. john Richardson,
oIsa hair been residents of the vill-
age for the part feta year., will be
eratle tnise,i by their friends. Rev.
\!r Rt hard on has re eeived a call t:s
the ! rl u.seil`e l'ni•e l Church and
e\j t- to move 1t; tit .tear future.
\! \t , \I ..t.t,zltt,vn .,i i ht cl-
111r holidaying with her ,once.
\I'- \i rX;l,taltt)tt.
\it \I'ma Hadden i•inu with
„•r ..r. Sir., \s'. l" rtvr ort Clinton.
Marie 1:+•11 01 London spent
t;r -ti ck -nd alta 'ir parent's, s1r.
,n:1 \Ir-. \Cit,. ti, Rrp,
Mr. :u,•1 'airs. Ford Spark and
'I ot;gii'sr of Lon -
dor r ,,• 1 , t ll.,telav with the for-
mer mother, Mrs. Marjorie Sparks.
mel Mrs. Neil Sparks of De -
!reit e
• nd Mr. 1.e-,nard Sparks, from
the. 'Il''•'.., - ,out. tate week erne] with
their 'father, \fr. :\lex. Sparks, .who
Mr. and Mrs, ,Ulcer Flynn of Lon -
,Ion spent tite 'week rod with the
lattir's parents, lir: and Pers, Jas.
Mr. Rnlht. Drysdale and ,Mr, and
Mr.. Forbes of Sandusky, Mich., vis-
ited on Sunday wi1`,h the 'former's bro-
t:lter, Mr. and Mr:. G. M. Drysdale,
and Mr. and Mrs. W, A. ,M'acLaren.
fMe. and Mrs. Kiemp, Mrs. Matt
and son Billy of Detroit visited on
Sunday with Mrs. Kemp's mother,
Mrs. Marjorie Sparks.
Mrs. Laramie and ;Miss Greta Lam-
mie attended the school of the Blind
reunion held Iasi week in 'Brantford.
iMiss Ante Lammie of iWindsor
spent the 'week end with her mother,
Mfrs. ,Laramie and sister, Miss Greta
,Mr, Lorne Ballantyne of Shelby,
,Ohio visited last week 'with his mo-
ther, Mrs. ,Carrie Ballantyne.
Mr, Rae Pfaff and daughter Sheila
of Delhi .visited nn Sunday with the
former's mother. Mrs. Alice Pfaff.
Mr. and Mrs, Dowd; and daughters
;Ieanette and Sue visited Mast week
with Miss Katie Scott and Mrs. 'Ball-
Mr. and Mrs. Brinlcholt and son
iIaroloi a.f Kitchener spent the 'week
end with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs.
L W. Ortwein,
Mitchell Family Reunion.—
eunion—'Che Mitchell funiiy rennien .was
,held on Saturday at the home Of Mr.
and Mr-. Alex. Crerar with fifty at-
tending From 'Toronto, St. Catharines,
Mt. Elgin, 'Listowel, IWinghant, Ing-
er.oll. Milverton and Mount Forest.
The 'sports 'were directed by MTs.
Csi per c,i Mt. Elgin. Baseball games
were ,;stayed. An impromptu program
concluded the afternoon. Refresh-
ments were served in the 'house the
tables'being Ibeautifuily 'decorated with
,peonies and summer {hewers. The fol-
edlowing officers were elected: Presid-
ent, John Campbell. Listowel; secre-
tary -'treasurer, Mabel Campbell, List-
owel; convener sports, Stewart .Cre-
ear, Hensall; convener program; C.
Krug, fChesley. The reunion next year
is to he held in •Cheeley.
Ortwein Family Reunion—
The Orewein t1antidy reunion was
held 'on Monday at the home .of Roar.
and Mrs. J. W..Ortwein with Itwenty-
two 'present, Those ,wino attended
were' Mrs. R. Lohr, Johnstown, Penn.,
and 'daugthter, Mrs. D. Thomas and
son of Altoona, Pa., Mr. and 'Mfrs. Al-
onzo Ortwein, Detroit, IMT. and 'Mrs.
Brinkhollt and son Harold, 'Kitchener,
Messrs. Milton and Lloyd Ortwein,
Miss Vera ,MatiVicar and 'Mies Mar-
garet Billings, 'Lon'don, 'Me. and Mrs.
G. M. Drysdale .and 'family and Mr.
.and Mrs, Jas. A. Patterson, 'Hensall.
'Rev. Wm, 'Weir conducted services
In 'Carmel Chasrclt on Sunday. The
choir sang two ibeautietl anthems,
+Great God of (Nations," and ''.Son of
Sly Soul," Rev. Mr. 'Weir was soloist.
Service ,will Inc+held in 'the evening
only during July as Rev. .lir. Weir
will conduct senvice in Cavan 'Church,
Exeter, in the morning.
Rev. John Richardson 'preached a
very fine sermon in the 'United 'Church
on Sunday morning, In the evening
Rev. R. A. Brook spoke on 'tate sulb-
ject "Cisrt tian•ity on the +Mat'ch," The
rhour sang '+O 'Lion Haste, and '0
God ithe Rook of Ages,'
Mr, and elrs, Harold Hilliard of
Kingsville are visiting with friends,
\fr. and Mrs. Ferris ,Cante+lon and
'family of Schomberg are holidaying
vc(t'h tate ,former's mother, 11rs, Kate
C uttelon,
Miss Helen Glenn of London spent
the eeek end with her parents, Mr.
and 11rs. Geo. Glenn.
\ reIttgce tea .was held in the Red'
Cross .work room: in the fawn hall on
Saturday evening '%•plop received a
o ntlerfs,1 response. Refreshments
wore served.
Sirs. II Connie). and daughter, Mrs.
Donald Ferguson and children, Geos' -
gees and Donald, of Winnipeg are
visiting Math the ,fotnier's ?brother and
sister-in-law-, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
'Mrs, Harbwiok of Kincardine is vis-
itint, w•iltlt 'her ,grandparents, \ir, and
Mrs. ;Wm. Cansitt,
\lasses Edith and 'Lilly -McEwen of
Kitchener are holidaying .with ,Mr.
and .MIN. (John E. McEwen,
Pte. Wesley .Coleman of London
spent the week end with relatives and
friends here,
,Mr. and Mrs. Rose MacLean, Don-
olda and Jack, of Detroit, are visiting
%tial her mother, 'Mrs. Jackson and
ntetiShers of the family,
Mfr. Alex. Sparks is confined to his
moot owing to illness,
Mr. and ifrs. J. eee. Bontheon spent
Saturday with the letter's mother,
Mrs.-Yetasigb')uttt in Kitchener.
Miss Irene Douglas, vele) ender -
went an operation in Scott .Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday, is doing
as well as can be expected.
The members of ole .Marathon
Bridge Club were very pleasantly ent-
etttaned at the home of Mrs, G. M.
Drysdale on Frrnlay evening. The
cluh':s proceeds go to the Red Crass
Society and up to date they hare made
a tattclseme donation.
Bride and Groom Honored.—
The town hall .was filled to capacity
on Friday evening when a wedding.
reception was held in honor of Mr,
and •\irs, Jack !Mann, During the ev-
ening site bride and groom were
presented with a 'beautiful chester-
field suite. The address was read by
Mr. lint iii Elven. The groan made
a very suitable reply. A)1 joined in
singing "For They Are Jolly Good
eellowe." Dancing .was enjoyed to
the strains of Mnrdeck'e orchestra
and Mr. 1\'m, Hay -r. floor manager.
Plunkett Dinner Served. -
erved —
I 'enkett dinner was served In
c ern ' Church m Thursday - day evenin.g
at 1 u =port—.3.d Ity the 1'an-
ola Bread c a foil, ,cine the dinner
h•- '.l :,cot. s;unt,lr prize, wcrs giv-
en ,e51: i;trtit 1 iv. is Mabel Work..
team f'resi l nt r,f 1.,_ hes' kid, Sfrs,
Frank i'arquhar: spinster, Miss \Iat
1•:1-t h.t'Itelors, Me-st's. Charles
Ve van ler and James .isle -tor f w ed -
h n,', t sr•,. •Air. .rn,l Mrs. r1, M.
Drysdale; engagement. nt ef iss Irene
Hoe'garth; mother of l n Best f a oily,
Mr.'. Earl Campbell: coming longest
di -(-n,,•. \ir,, it ht. L,,hr, A']aoona,
Sir. and \fns. H. O. Dayman anti
Sir. and \ir-. Card Passmore spent the
w eek end at Meaford,
(Miss Veea MacVicar of London
was a seek end guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. G. AL Drysdale.
Miss ,Afayis Spencer and friend of
Toronto spent the ,week end ,with the
former's parents, ,Mr, and Mrs. Aub-
ert Spencer.
;Mrs, Ed. 1,fcAsh of London is
spt•neing a .few days 'with ;ter'broth-
er, Mr. George Douglas.
'Miss Margaret Kilpatrick of ,Strath.
roy ,who has been assistant teacher at
the continualtion school here for the
,past law years has resigned her posi-
tion and has !been engaged for the
continuation school in Wyoming,
,Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Priest of Port
Hmrnn spent Sunday 'with the rform-
er's parents, tl'Ir. and Mrs. Jas.
Priest. Mi.s ,Mina McEwen accom-
panied them 'home after a ,very !pleas-
ant visit.
Miss Vera ;%Velsb of Toronto spent
the past rweek visiting ,With Jiis's An-
nie le. Consist.
Urs. Raba. Lehr, airs. Donald' Tho- Seaforth R.R.5. Phone 46r12, Dublin
1 Oliver 2 -horse Souffles, like new.
Fully guaranteed, for less than half
price. Speed up your scuffling when
the time comes, as these heavy rains
pack the soil, excluding the air,
causing heavy loss. A scufflor like
this will pay for itself in a few days,
N,S.—A Closed Delivery Wagon
equipped with car ohassis, Cost $150.
Will sell for $40. Apply to
(On Highway 8)
Phone 34616
mas and son Donald Of Altoona, Pa„
are visiting with Mr, and 'Mrs. J. W.
Ortwein, Mr, and rlIrs. Jas. Patter-
son and ,Mr. and Mrs. G, M. 'Drysdale.
.Miss Joyce Scranton of Toronto
spent the week end with her mother,
Mrs, A, !Scnut•on,
•SI r Rae Patterson of Toronto is
spending his vacation +width his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson,
Sirs. Verne Smith of Exeter ,visited
on 'Tuesday with her mother, Mrs.
Annie Samndercock.
War Time Committee Formed.—
A well attended meeting was held
in the town Iha411, ,Hensall, on Tuesday
evening when a war 410e .committee
was formed. The speakers were tMr.
J. D. Thomas •o.f Goderinh and lir. R.
E. Pooley of \Vistcheiisea, Rev. IWIm.
Weir and Rev. R. A. Brook also
spoke. The ,falldw'ing officers were
elected President, Dr. A. R. Camp-
bell; vice presidents, Dr. Bryce, Zur-
ich; Mr. Sant Dougall, Hensa)l, and
Rev. E. F..Chandler, Kippen; secret-
ary, Mr, Welter S'p'encer; treasurer,
\ir, INV. B. ,Cross; execultive, Reeve
Shaddick, Rev. ,Brook, 'Miss •Beeyl'
Pfaff, ,\ir•. Glen MacLean, Mrs, T.
Zurich, Mr, LeRoy O'Brien,
Mr, A. Kalb'fleiech, Dr, R. J. O'Dwy-
or,.Zurich. A number of resolutions .
were passed and the meeting ,c+losed
with "Goal Save the Icing."
Peter ?an Peas, 2 tins 19c
Shortening, 2 lbs. 25c
Schneider's "Pure Lard, 2 lb19c
Icing .Sugar, 3 lbs, 25c
Parowax, 2 lbs. 25c
Robinhood Flour, 98 lb. bag 2.69
etWith $1 Grocery Order)
King Bug Killer, 5 lbs, 33c
King Bug Killer, 10 lbs. . , ,63c
Puffed Wheat, large pkg....23c
Bee Hive Syrup, 5 ib. tin. , 39c
10 ib, tin 69c
Salads Tea with Beautiful Glass
34 lb. pkg. 33c
Stockade Cattle Spray,
large tin 95c
Rex Fly Spray, large tin....25c
Small tin 15c
20c in Trade for Gracie A Large
i n n i ,,jj�
The family of the ]ate William
Trott wish to thank those who loaned
cars, the' neighbors, the pallbearers,
!those who sent wreaths and for the
maxi). kind expressions of sympathy
during their bereavement.
CAMPBELL—In loving memory of
Mr. Robert A. Campbell, who
passed away four years ago, Jitly
5th, 1986.
And while he lies in peaceful sleep,
His memory we shall always keep.
—Sadly missed by his family.
Little pigs for sale, Lot 12, Con.
3, Tuckersntith, Ed Boyes, Seaforth,
R. R. 3,
HIBBERT 1 heifer calf, 7 months old;; also 1
Mr. Joseph ,Coyne and 'Air. Frank heifer calf, 3 months old, both from
Doyle spent the holiday in ,Mount good stook, Joseph Colclough, Eg
Forest with ,friend's.
•\liss Marx O'Connor of Kitchener,
Miss efary Murphy of Port Lanrb'ton
and' ef•iss 'Martgaret i.Gurpliy of Lon-
don are 'holidaying at their Ihames
Miss •clary Atkinson, Toronto,
.pent the Wreck end with her parents,
SI r, and •Mrs. Jos. Atkinson,
Mr, and Mrs. Vincent ,M,ciMalton, of
Detroit, and d -r. and Sirs. Aldan Brant
of 'Toronto. and Miss fetargaret O'-
Reilly visited last week in Pembroke,
Misses Marion Mclvor and Rita
r ,y ne, of Chatham at their (homes.
111x. Alex Mit eh ell itas (templet ed
his custom sawing work,
11r. ,mann A. Eckert is malting his
rounds cutting wood.
The farmers n'e wearing a smile
sines the weather man began fnvor-
ing them.
A lot of late potatoes have been
damaged with the hate snuthuted
w•ei Beat iter.
liay making will he the order of
the day, and i1' the line weather eon
tinttes tis re will be stili a lot iof
good crop. 1
Congratulations 10 Misses linty,
and 5isiten 11eIetry on passing their'
exams ul the collegiate institute at
gest flit'+il,
Rev, Charles Currie was inducted
into the ministry sof St. Andrew's Un-
ited Church at Bayfield Thursday last
at a service before a large congre,g'a-
ltion. The induction was ,conducted by
Rev, M'r. Lane .of 'Goderioh assisted
Iby Rev, ,Mr. Peters of 'Varna. Special
music was .supplied by the choir, Fol-
lowing the service sapper was served.
The New Rapid Easy Manure
Spreader. Made in Ontario by Fleury -
Bissell Ltd., makers of the famous
Fleury Plows, Disc Harrows, etc.
This spreader is heavier in con•
struction, lighter in draft, yet lower
in price than other makes.
Your local agent also has Plows.
Disc Harrows, for horse and tractor.
Scufflers, Grain Grinders, Hammer
Mills, and all tillage tools in stock.
See them before you buy.
le guaranteed by our company for 100,000 miles against defects in
material or workmanship and will save you enough money In gasoline,
oil and repairs over any car selling over 31,000 to fully pay for itself
in that 100,000 miles. Why, we can put a license on our ear for 5
years, for the $10.00 it costs you on any other car today.
And talk about power and speed, this 1940 Willys Car is the most
wonderful car the Overland people ever built in their 37 Years of car
We have a 1940 DeLux Sedan Demonstrator at a saving to you of
$150,00 over today's prices
J. E. HUGILL & SONS, Agents
3 miles west of Seaforth on Highway 8
In Hibbert Township, 50 acres,
Lear church and school, Apply ai
News Office.
1 A young girl wants light work in
town or country. Apply at the News.
I Steel cot, suitable for child up to
four years old. Apply to Phone f, on
844, Seaforth.
I ant retiring from the form and
have given instructions to sell all
stork and implements as well its
farm itself and these will be offered
by public auction on the premises ars
Saturday, July lith. commencing at 1
pm.: Real Property _-Lot 8, Conees-
s4, Tttc•kersmh, H.R,S„ gond
farm on Bnylloid river, with one•
storey brick house; barn 55 x 90 with
goniond stabli00; di'tit,'t' shc,ri, poultry°
'souse. windmill. 3 wells, Ilydro in
arouse and hare. To sold subject
to reser\' bid. Implements—Full liar
of usual implements. Live Stock_.
Roar ;Mich cows; 2 calves 2 sows;
7 pigs; '2 horses; 25 hens; 200 hash.
els tats. Farm his 9 arres fall wheal
to acres hPall a 23 acres oats , 5
acres barley, 27 teres mixed clover
alfalfa and timothy; 9 acres summer
fellow, 15 acres pasture, 1 acre old
orchard, 1 acre new orchard.
Terms: Stork and Chattels—Cash.
Real Property ---Terms will be ar.
ranged. For further particulars apply
to William Riley, Owner; George FI.
Elliott, Auctioneer.
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Jury 4th, 5th, 6th, including brown
steel bed, cable springs, Simmons in-
ner spring mattress, dresser and
chiffonier, six piece dinette suite.
walnut finish; inlaid mahogany
settee and two chairs, R.C.A. mantle
radio, folding card table in quarter
cut oak, floor lamps, cabinet sewing
machine; desk and swivel chair.
Hoover sweeper, folding beneb
wringer, copper boiler and tubs.
large oven and other household
goods. Mrs. E. Yoes, Royal Apts.
over Ferguson's Hardware Store.
Terms cash.
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors Etc,
Patrick D. DecConneI, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build.
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.310 p.m. to 5 p.m, Saturday
evening, 7;30 p. m. to 9 p. m.
3 pure bred Hereford bulls, 10
months, Also feed grain (Oats and
Barley). Fred H. Carbert, Staffa,
lot 9, con. 7, Hibbert, Dublin phone.
House to rent, Also a colony house.
Hay for sale. C. G. Fewster, R. 3,
Stratford, Ont. (St. Mary's Highway,)
For sale. Pickers wanted. 0. B.
Pentam, Winthrop..
Rubber Goods, Sundries, etc., mailed
postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper,
80% less than retail. Write for mail.
order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co.,
Dept, D-24, Box 01, Hamilton, Ont.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Re arn Car Parking
g arn g
Victoria Park will be lighted and available for
parking on Saturday nights for the balance of
the summer. Shoppers and visitors are welcome
to use these parking facilities and avoid congestion
on Main Street.
Police will supervise as far as possible but
motorists are requested to lock their cars, as the
municipality will not be responsible for any hissing
F. S. SILLS, Chairman