The Seaforth News, 1940-07-04, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1940.
4: SIM
CORN FLAKES, 8 oz. pkg. 2 pkg. 15c
Maxwell House Coffee, is per tin 47c
Quaker Puffed Wheat 3 pkg. 21c
Pearl White Naptha Soap, 5 bars
and pkg. Handy Ammonia 23c
Pineapple Finger Biscuits per lb. 17c
Golden Corn Kernels
CORN, Aylmer, 16 oz per tin 11c
Blue Boy Coffee
1 Ib. 35c
Welch's Grape Juice per pt. 27c
Baked Beans, Heinz Medium .. 2 tins 25c
1s 17c
per pkg. 39c
per pkg, 37c
Fry's Cocoa %s—try iced cocoa— per tin 21c
Rinso, small -10c; large -24c; giant 49c
Marmalade, Five Point, 16 oz. -18c; 32 oz, 29c
Monarch Pastry Flour, 7s -26c; 24s 69c
Old English Floor Wax, 1s per Ib. 53c
Old English No Rub Wax, pints per pt. 49c
Salmon, Fancy Pink Cascade, 1/2s -11c;
Salada Tea, special brown label y2s
yellow label, Vas
Summer Drinks
TOMATO JUICE, Libby's, 26 oz. 2 TINS 21c
12 oz. 2 TINS 25c
GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Golden Texas, 20 oz. -10c; 50 oz. 25c
Phillip's Orange and Grapefruit Juice blended, 20 oz 2 tins 29c
Pie Cherries, Aylmer, 12 oz. 2 tins
Infant's Delight Toilet Soap 3 cakes
Brunswick Sardines 2 tins
Keen's Mustard, 2 oz. -15c; 1•Cs-27c; V2s
Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls
Moody's Chloride of Lime, 15 per tin
Mazda Bulbs, 40, 60, 75 watt each
Salt, shaker, plain or iodized 2 ctn.
Chore Girl Scouring Pads each
Vanilla Extract, large 8 oz. btl. Ellmar each
Classic Cleaners
Kkovah Jelly Maker
per tin
per pkg.
Ross J. Sproat PHONE
Miss N. ,ryce
Holder of Government diploma
and licea.s,.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone o7
Highest Market Price
Delivered at Egmondville
Phone 3-w Seaforth
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any time by
See Dr. Harburn --Phone 105.
Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150
Mrs. J. 'I. Meaner, 'of 'Win'ds'or, who
Chas been spending several weeiks with
ibriencits in town and !vicinity, 'reeelved
!word that her sister, Mrs, Preston of
Cleveland, (who isipent aifeiw+ Iclwys with
Mrs. Merrier Oast 'week at .the home
of Mrs. Robert C'arnoc'han •in Tatdker-
smitih, Thad lbseen k1U4ed in. Detroit oh
Sunday. She Was 'on char way (house at
the time, IMms. Mernertleft ianatte'dfalte-
fly i6gr 'Cleveland.
Et is a problem, in selling used
cars, to know whether it is
better to sell a car "as is"
with no guarantee, or to
recondition and guarantee
the car.
Naturally if we sell the car
without even inspecting it,
we can advertise it at a very
attractive price. But are you
getting a bargain if, a week
later, you have to buy a new
battery or tire—or even need
an expensive engine over-
We have found, over a period
of years, that our policy of
putting our cars in good con-
dition results in our custom-
ers being really satisfied, even
though we must, of necessity,
ask a higher price.
The "as is" buyer too often
regrets his "bargain."
At the present time we have
a very attractive assortment
of reconditioned and guaran-
teed cars in stock. We would
be pleased to have you in-
spect them at any time.
Mr. Stewart. Geddes, London, spent
the week end with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. E. Geddes.
Mr. Keith Sharp, R.C.A.F.,. St.
Thomas, spent the week end with his
mother Mrs. Sharp.
Mr. and Mrs. John Grieve and
.David spent the week end in Buffalo
visiting friends.
Mrs W. C (taveaintk has s''iainerd
home afterspending two weeks in
Mrs. Frank Harrison (nee Grace
C/asentieri) and email son Roy, of
Hamilton, are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Govenlock.
Mr. Lloyd Hoggarth of the R.C,A.F.
at St. Thomas, spent the week end
Mr. Thos. (Muff of Toronto spent
the week end at his home.
Rev, and Mrs, H. V. Workman and
Irene left on Wednesday to spend the
holidays at Collins Bay.
Miss Margaret Dale is spending
some holidays at Blyth.
Attending the funeral of the late
William Trott were the following
from a distance, Mrs. Harry Bowen
ausl son Wallace of Blyth, Mrs, John
Hearn and son-in-law and grand-
daughter, Tiilsonhurg; Mrs. Charles
Prisddle, Tillsonburg; Mrs. William
Goetz, Waterford; 1VIr. and Mrs.
Frank Ullman, Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box, Miss Leona
and Me. Digit Box and Mr. G. S. Vallee
were in Waterloo Saturday evening
attending the annual musical festival
and band tattoo.
Mr. and Mrs. W, Charlesworth,
Grant and ,Tact. Charlesworth of Tor-
onto spent the weep encs with Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Govenlock.
Mrs, J. 9'. Snowdon and fancily
spent the week enol in Ottawa and
IVIr, and Mrs. W. G. Hart and two
children of Wroxeter were Sunday
guests of Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Hart.
Holiday guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Box were Mr. and Mrs.
H. Minett of Toronto and Mr. Graham
Vance of Kirkland Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Storey, Miss
Ethel Storey, Lorna and Wayne Ellis
spent the week enol in Midland with
Mr. and Mrs. Bryson McQuirter.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Carter of
Guelph were guests of their aunt Mrs.
Alex Gordon during the holiday week
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest L. Box were
in Guelph Saturday morning attend-
ing the funeral of the late T. J. Han-
nigan, secretary of the O.M.E.A.
Don Dale, 8.0.13., and Herb Beagle,
R.C.E., of London, accompanied by
their wives, spent the week end
with. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crozier
and Mrs, Dale, Huron Road west.
Mr. Raymond Gilnsiee and Rene of
Detroit were visitors last week at
the home or Mr. John Sprout.
Mrs. W. J. Morrow is visiting for
a few weeks with her mother Mrs.
James Sproat, after spending the
winter in Fergus with her daughter,
Miss Lois Morrow, who came with
her mother and spent the week end
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kerslake and
idr, Howard Purely spent the week
cud with hire. W. E, Kerslake. Mrs.
Purely and little daughter Ann; who
had been here for a few weeks, re-
turned with them.
14L'. and Mrs, Mex Lillico spent the
holiday at Entbro.
Miss Annie Moore is visiting at
Grand Bend,
Mr, and Nlrs. E, W. Edge and son
of Toronto spent the week end with
Mr.. Jarin,1 Murray of McKillop,
Mr. and Mrs, V. Gennaro and Mrs.
C. Ile'' ht,ff of Newark. N.J, and Mr.
and Mrs. H. Stalisi of Woodstock are
visitors with Mr. and Mrs Thomas
Mina Onalee Moore is spending the
week in Stratford.
Mrs. J. 'J. IJlliott, ifor fifty years an
esteemed resident of Seaforth, celeb-
rated Hie seventy-nintli anniversary oaf
,her birthday quietly at her Came on
West 'William street on Monday.
Emmanuel :AUDbrlghd, an ennp'loyee
at the Iioshart .factory, had the third
finger of his right hand severed in a
Shaper while at work on 'Saturday.
'(Continued from Page 1)
subjects in Grade XIII as the time
table will permit.
Grade XI
The following are the results of
Grade XI examinations. In this grade
a Departmental certificate will be
issued for the following subjects:
Audent History, Algebra and Phys.
les, 'P' after other subjects means
that the candidate has passed in that
subject: Pupils who have failed in
three subjects of Grade XI will be
required to register again in that
grade, hut will be permitted to take
some grade XII work as the time-
imetable permits.
Anderson, Hazel—EC. P; EL, P;
AH. c; Alg. c; Phy, III; Lat. P. Fr, P.
Box, Richard—EC, P: EL, F; AH,
F; Alg. Ill; Phys. III; Fr. F.
Casson, Frank—EC, P; EL, P; AH
F; Alg. F; Phys. c; Fr, F.
Coutts, Ross—EC, P; EL, F; AH.
III; Alg. 11; Lat, P; Fr. P; Phy. I.
Doig, Hugh—EC, P; EL. F; AH, c;
Alg. II; Phys. 11; Lat. P; Fr. P.
Dolntage, Thelma—EC, 'P; EL, P;
AH, c; Alg, c; Phy. III; Lat. P; Fr. P.
Duncan, Mary—EC, P; EL, P; AH
c; Alg. II; Lat. P; Fr. P; Phys. II.
Eller, Leonore—EC, P; EL, F; AH
F; Alg. C; Phys. F; Lat. P.
Dorothy—EC, P; - EL. P;
AH, 1I; Alg. c; Phys. ITT; Lat. P.
Hudson, Margaret—EC, P; EL, F;
AH, F; Alg. 'II; Phys. c; Lat. P.
Jamieson, Jas.—EC, P; EL, P; AH
II; Alg. II; Phys. I; Lat. P; Fr. P.
Lawson, Marion—EC, F; EL, P;
AN, III; Aig• F; Phys. c; Lat. P; Fr.
McDaid Margaret—EC, P; EL, P:
AH, F; Phys. 'F; Lat. F: Fr. P.
McGavin, Audrey—EC, F; EL, F;
All, c; Alg. c; Phys. c; Lat. P.
McIver, Edward—EC, P; EL, P;
AH, c; Alg. II; Phys. e; Lat.. P.
McKellar, Isobel --EC. P; EL, P;
AH, Ill; Aig, c; Phys: III; Let. F.
McMillan, Neville F.(`. P; EL, P:
AH. c; Alg. e; Phys. c; Lat. F: Fr,
Matthews. Elizabeth --EC, P; EL,
P; AIH Ii; Alg. III; Lat. P; Fr. P:
Phys. 111,
Patrick, John—E('. F; 101.. P; Ali
Ill; lg. r; Phys. III; Lat. F.
Phillips. Franc-is—EC, F; EL. F:
1H e; Alg. F; Phys. c; Lai. F.
Rivers. Evelyn—EC, F; EL, P; AII•
111; Alg. c; Phys. c; Lat. F.
Russell, A\'inulfiwd—EC, P; EL, P;
AII. i; Aig. 1; Phys. I; Lat. P: Fr.
1'; Gen P,
Sclater. Marion—EC. P: 1=.I.. 11;
A11, 1.; Alg. 11; Phys. c: Lat. P; Fr.
Ms father Mr. H. B. Edge. P.
Mr. Jack Arnold of Brussels spent Watson, Anna—EC, P; EL. P; AII.
the week and in town. iII; Alg. F; Phys. III; Lat. P; Fr. P.
Mr. and Mrs. George Love of Tor- Watson, Mayme-Phys, II.
onto spent the week end with the Wilson, Hazel --EC, P; EL, P; AH
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. c; Alg. III; Phys. II; Fr. P.
Scott, Wright, Bruce—EC, P; EL, F; AH.
Mrs. L. T. DeLacey returned dur- F; Alg. F; Phys. Ir; Fr. F.
ing the week end from Toronto to Wright, Lois—EO, P: EL. P; AH.
spend the summer at her home. Dr. II; Alg. I; Phys, I; Lat. P; Fr, P,
and Mrs. Hodgins and Mr, and Mrs. Grade X
E. Francis of Toronto spent the week The rollowing pupils of Grade
end with Mrs. DeLacey. have been promoted to Grade Ki and
Dr. Reid Edmunds, Brantford, spent will be granted Intermediate Ceti•
the week end with Ms mother, Mrs. tirates by the Department of Educe -
W. Edmunds. tion. A subject after a name means
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edmunds and a failure in that subject. Such eandi•
daughter Mary of Hamilton are states have sufficient other subjects
spending two weeks' holidays here. to be given an Intermediate Certifl-
Mr. James McKinley of Winnipeg (rue. Mildred Aitoheson (Latin);
is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Fergus Bell; Keith Dale; Helen Dee -
Mrs. A. D. Scott. e•eaux: Teresa Eckert; Wilma Hay
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Mole and family (Honours); Miles McMillan; Jail,
attended decoration services at Ball's IdeSpadien: Janie Moffat; Ahyvonnc
cemetery on Sunday and also visited Moore (Math.); Shirley Olddeld
his brother Mr. W. Mole at Dun- (Math,); Beatrtx Sandford: Elizabeth HAUCK-WILLIAMS
amnion. Smalldon; Kenneth Thompson 1 Fr. ); van pretty w, d lin.; was solemn -
Mildred Finnigan is speeding Clarence 1 c",be'ott. heed in t. _lames' iso.. 1 •Chunk.
three weeks in Sarnia with her sister The following pupils of Wade X he rforth, at `). n') Saturday morning -
told brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. will be permitted to register in then Madeline .\nue, d.utsitror or lir-
Rollins. Grade XI, They have failed in the
Miss Helen rinkbeiner of Is,itcheuer iubjecls after their tames and will and lir o4'ni, n Williamswas unit -
spent the week end here. have great difficulty with these sub• r(1 in marriage ,to Wilfred Louis
William Sclater celebrated jests unless extra time and effort is liani:k, son of Ili r. and Mrs. Henry
her 90th birthday on July 1st, put on then, Intermediate certificates Hanel:. of Waterloo, Ror Father T.
• , ated and
\Ir , Prank
Thomas and Russell Grieve of will granted when subjects in l Hussey efit i
Windsor are holidaying with their brackethave been passed. Devereaux. church organa t played
grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Norma, Dexter (Latin, Can. Hist.); the ,weddin music. The bride, (given
Grieve. Mary Doyle (Geog. Math.); Madeline in marriage by her Mathes dodked
Mr. and Mrs, Eric Campbell and Fortune (Math, French); Clair Ham charming in a ;gown of (white silk net
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McDonald of Exe- ey (Lit. Can. Hist.); Keith Harrison over taffeta.with .full skirt, sw'edt-
ter spent Monday visiting Mr. and (Latin, French); Scott Kerr (Geog.); heart neckline and embroidered hot -
Mrs. J. Ellis. Dorothy Mackenzie (Geog.) Ruth cru jacket. She swore a silk emlbroid-
Mr. R. R. MoKindsey spent part of Pretty (Math., French); Jean Rap• crest veli bold in place with orange
last week at Lambeth. son (French); Frank Ryan (French blossoms and carried a 'shower hou-
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Coates and 3 Math,); Harry Scott (Matic„ Latin); q.uet of =talisman roses, forget -me -
children of Pickering spent the end Kenneth Southgate (Math., Latin) ; nots and ,ferns. Miss Genevieve Allen
of the week with their mother, Mrs. Lillian Southgate (Lit., Can. Hist.); of Port Huron, wearing punk (taffeta
R. E. Coates. Stuart Wigg (Lit., Math.); Kenneth and carrying a nosegay of 'pink mases,
Mrs. George Davidson, Brussels, Keating (Latin, French). forget-me-nots and ferns was .maid of
and Mrs. John Gillies and Miss Verna Pupils whose names do not appear honor. The two ‘bridesmaids, Miss
Storey spent the week end in Port have failed and will be regained to il(artgaret 1W.ihtiams, sister of the
Colborne, Niagara Falls and Crystal repeat their year. bride, and Miss Dorothy Hauck, wore
Beach. The highest pupil in Grade Kis similar gowns of rsibin egg iblwe
Miss Helen Hamilton of Toronto Wilma Hay. satin with ;Plied: and white accessories
spent the week end the guest of Dr. Grade IX and carried nosegays of pink roses,
and Mrs. J. A. Gorwill. The following pupils of Grade IK fanjet me-n'dts and Ferns. The 'flower
Misses Annie and Janet Govenioek have been promoted to Grade X. e girl. Lunn "Millis, niece of The bride,
or Weston spent the end of the week subject or subjects after a name looked street in a floor1en(gth 'fridk
the guests of Mies Belle Smith, North means that the pupil has failed ill of (pink ;satin !wearing a nr•rcarli and
Main Bt, that subject or subjects. The high,viug a basket of nnixisl Flowers.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth on est pupil in Grade IX is Marguerite Cyalvcste1' Hauck and ;tial: Williams'
Wednesday attended the Elle•y and Westcott. were the ls;s'ocsn suet, Plot:
Stone iceman picnic at Edward Mary Devereauxot Dale (Math. Bus.Prart.); tttvtit',' iw.ore navy French crepe with
Stone's, Izirieton, Whish was a great (Math., let )= puttee
w'hitt accessories and corsage of ,iiivk
success, cion Dnpe.e (Spell.); .Violet Dupee, roses and It1' Ihttdcgromns mother
A silver tea in aisl of the Red Cross (Cr., Math.); Dorothy Forrester WAS Wearing eta, t 'heti with 'white
will be given by the ladies of St. (Math., FrJ ; Janet T•Iandley ; Jin, tt AS Weis and corsage of pink rases.
Thomas' Church on Tuesday, July 1.6, Henderson (Math., Fren.); Geo Mild•
Daring the .signing of the register,
from 3,30 to 6.30 on the parish ebrand (Lit Fr.); Alvin Hoff (Bus. ,Miss 'Ltt11 Flanagan ant? On This
grounds. Pr., Lit.); Neil Hoppers (Honours); Day i0 'Beantifarl \ioihtr. Following
Miss Hilda Kennedy spent the hal- Kathleen Golding' Jeanne Ilutte•d; the •careutwiiFl the sng.breakfast
iday with her mother and aunt, Law ren Golding' (Spelt.); Maxine .tile s.e10 ,B l utifnirty oto ucslbs at She
Mr. George Pryce of Winthrop las Lawrence; Donald MacLean .(Eng.); Ionone rs the ithe wedding parents; . East
Purchased the street,
Govenlock house on Rose McIver; Mary McKay; Stephen .Geslerirlt street, and dee mice eat the
North Main street, and gets posses- McKay (Bus. P1 )( Arthur Morph T_ of the room rvt ,pink pari color
sion September 1st. Ross Nicholson ( (Math. Ft.), M ' bride's table t, and
ten@red with the
Mrs. 1}. M. Little and daughter forte O'Neil (Math, Art); Jas. Quin- b a ire, the
Mary of Quebec City ars spending tan (Lit. Fr.); Kenneth Reid (Math. nvesklinlg 'cak'e 'wht•ch ova. dt
this week with her father Mi J. A. Litt; John Rice (Hist.); Dorothy tiast'h ipini ras'dliards, 'k4'n and '1Grs.
Wilson, who will accompany then oa Sniitic (Math. Spell.); William fraud: (loft 'later on a wedding true m
their return on Friday to spend the Smith; Mildred Swan. (Math., , Bus. Midland the bride travailing in a navy
stunner at Quebec Pr.); Doris Venuss (Home E., Br. t•tidared Suit iwith white fiat and ac -
Miss Adelaide Murray of Toronto is Hist.); Marguerite Westcott (Hon. cessories. On their return they twill
holidaying with her parents, Mr. and ours); Robert Wallace (Spell. Condi.) 1 reside in Bridgeport.
s hummer Coat 1
The backward summer
with cool nights makes
Summer Coats a dire
necessity this year.
See these new polo cloth,
flannel, and brush rayon
fabrics in the popular
swagger type summer
coats. Come in short, three
quarter, and full lengths.
Colors, white, sand, yellow,
navy, green, rose. All sizes
$5.75 $10.50
House Frocks
Crisp new colorful prints,
floral percales, cool lnuslins
and voiles. Stylish slub
fabrics and the popular
new pique voiles.
Every imaginable shade
anti design is here, and in
sizes to fit anyone.
1.00 1.59 1.95
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at the Presbyterian manse, Listowel
on Saturday, June 29th, when Rae
daughter- of Angus Nicholson and
the late Mrs. Nicholson of Belfast
was united in marriage to Charles
John, sort of Mr. and Mrs, Robert
\Vi'ight. Seaforth. Rev. Kelly official
ed. The attendants were Met .and
Mrs. E. Karges or Winghant. Tin
bride was charming in a blue chiffon
dress with white accessories to
match. Her corsage was roses, esu'
nations and maiden hair fern. Suppe'i
w•n+ served in Listowel by friends.
Mr. and firs. Wright wilt reside it
IContinued front Page 1)
jorie. Meir Jerry, Muir Beth. Rivers
Muriel Russell Barbara. Stott
Phyllis, Shaw Bert, Stevens Leona,
Strong Joyce, Thorn Doris, Weed -
nark Betty, Weir Howard, Wilbee
Ruth. Conditional promotion—Knight
Ronald, Venuss Charlie.—M. M. Bell.
Promoted to Grade 111
Baker Garfield, Bechely Michael.
Bolton Keith, Broome Ronald. Dale
Donald. Doltiage Ronald, Dupee Elva,
Iloltues Kenneth, Langford Betty.
McKiudsey Gordon, McKiudsey
Janes, Muir David, Muir Donald.
Nixon Glen. Pullman Doris. Regale
\\'alter. Snell June. Sproule Bobby
Stevens Margaret. Trapnell Billy.
('ssudltnontilly promoted. Baker.
William. E. H. Elder.
Promoted to Grade 11
Ballantyne Jean. Bragger Patsy
Ann. Burk Joseph. Dolmage Bernice.
Eisler Marjorie, Ellis Lorna, Goudie
Lorne, Hillis Marilyn, Meir Patricia,
Rennie Ronalth, Riley \Vinnitred.
mark George, Elaine, Westcott Blanche,
Wright Barbara. Conditional prong•
tion—Fraises• Billy, Muir Jack. Ste-
phenson Berna.—R. S. Thompson,
Mrs. Samuel Jeffrey, a highly re-
spected resident of Seaforth for
many years, passed away on Wed-
nesday afternoon, July 3, about 5,30.
o'clock. The deceased, who suffered
a stroke in March of this year• was
removed to the hospital about nine
weeks ago and last week her condi-
tion grew more serious.
Formerly Sarah Currie, she was a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
John Currie of Parkhill, where she
was born on Feb. 27, 1370, She was
united in marriage to Thomas
Pullman of Hibbert in March, 1900,
and lived a year In Chiselhurst be-
fore they moved to Seaforth where
she remained a resident until her
death, Mr. Pullman's death occurred
on Feb, 20, 1920. The deceased was
married In November, 1932. to Edr.
Sant Jeffrey of Seaforth, who sur-,
vives. Mr's. ,Teiirey was held in high
esteem by a wide circle of friends.
Two sons, Messrs. John A. Pulman
and Sidney Pullman of Seaforth,
survive; naso three grandchildren.
Doris. Ronald and Gordon Pullman.
Two sisters, Mts. Robert Crawford
of Arktina, and Mrs. Robert Lumhy
of Detroit, are the surviving memb-
ers of the C'nrrie 'family of 12 sisters
and one brother. Mrs. Jeffrey was
the youngest of the family.
A private funeral will take place
from her late residence, West. \Vill-
iam. Street, on Friday, July 5th, at 2
p,tni. Rev. Hugh ,lack' of First Presby.
terian Church, of which the deceased
was a member, will officiate. Inter -
Ment will take place in Maitland
Bank cemetery.