The Seaforth News, 1940-07-04, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTII NEWS rim ..... .... ...-....,. ..... _.,�.,..n,.:».....,,,..rK,,.e,�,e..a...«..�+«......•,.,.u®...d.w�.�+�....w.. ,.w• .n....,,: 11i i•..\i+t )h 1 l i \ Psis S I met with 0 ee iene accident when i.' VARNA WINTHROP u+sda tau,. t rt (,•... ': nil in the eye, We hop- le, w Houlton u Ili Airs;. J I.rrgusou '1'It+Monde and neighbors of Mr .� __.,.._ _ .... ...._ _..._ _. ..._ +.,alt 1"' belt'''. with 110 sedea'. - ---- - and little salt of `;udbury, Miss ;1+•an and Ails. ]Earl Papple gatherer! at WALTON • Miss Mauna Sanderson is .spending her holidays with her aunt Mrs. Jos- eph Storey at Clinton. • Shirley and Marie Bennett are spending a few weeks at St. Thomas with their aunt. Mrs.- D. Steins and Dolly spent last week In Kitchener. - Miss Edith Ennis and Mrs, M. Dtessel event the holiday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Ennis, Mt and Mrs. R. G. Parke of Sea - forth spent Monday afternoon with friends in Walton. Ross Bird is spending his holidays with friends in Kirkton. Miss Ern Baxter spout the holiday with friends at Carlow. Hiss Amy Love of Toronto visited her mother over the holiday. \\'e are glad to report Mrs. Love, who has been very ill, was able to go to her daughter's. Mrs. \V. R. Droarifoot, in Grey. on Monday. Walton•School Report - For yearly work, in order of merit. II. Honours. P, Pass. R, Recontntend• ed conditionally. F, Fall. Glade. 7.8. Jim Kelley P, John Steiss P. Grade 6-7. Nelson- Meeks P, Marian Steiss P. Grade 5.6• Elva Sholdic•e. H. Doreen Coutts H. Isabel Davidson P, Arnold Nichol 11, Kenneth -MacDonald F. Grade 3-4, Donald MacDonald H. Shirley Bennett P. Emma Sanderson. P. Marie Bennett R. Jim Cummings R. Grade 2.3, I3111ie Humphries P. • Grade 1.2. Helen Johnston P. May Jackson P. Grade 1. Gerald Dresel. Leona Johnston, Doris Patterson. leacher, Chas. S. Sellers. .lir. and Mrs. Hagan. Miss Bernice Hagan, Mrs, O'Neil and Mss Josie O'Neil of Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Bird on Sunday. Miss Eloise hivingston of London, and sister. are holidaying with their grandparents. Mr. mud firs. David Livingston. their homes here, The Varna Real Cross are sponsor. master Donald Wilson. London is Misses Ethel Seibcl and Ethel Dex• dog• a straWbea'ry social on Thursday holidaying with his grandparents. Mr. ter of Kitchener spent the holiday evening of this week. Rev. Mr, Mair and Mrs. R. W. Hoy. week end at the home of Mr, and of Thames Roach will be the special Mr. and Mrs. H. Last, Welland, and Mrs. Austin Dexter, speaker for the eveninge In case of Isattel' Bateman, Hamilton, spent The I\V.A. and-\W.M,S. wll'1 hold rain the supper will be held in • the Sunday with R. H. Hoy's.hci,r regular 01001101g in the lhasc•nrent township hall otherwise on the .firs. Joe Love is somewhat improv of the (-birth on Wednesday,;J'uay, 10. grounds neat at head. Come not and ed and hi spending a while with her Please take note of the change of help the muck needed rouse, • daughter Mrs. W. Broadfoot.date. 1L. and Mrs. Gordon Marks, of Hobert Holland. 16th con. Grey, has '1r. and Mrs, 'Clarence '\fontgom- Termite, spent the holiday with Mr, enlisted in London and is calling a ery and Mr. and 'Mrs, Erneet Adams and Mrs. Harold Connell. sale of lois fatal stock and imple- attended a camp meeting at 'Lon•don stents in the near future. 1111 Stmday. DUBLIN The Constance \V.M.S, held an op- en meeting in the school room of -the Mr. and Airs. Joseph Jordan spent The fourth annual Diegel reunion church t\'ednesday afternoon. Jenne 2(i. the weep end at Niagara Falls. was held at the home of Mr, and Airs, (Winthrop and Londes'boro auxiliaries Dr, and Mrs. Frank Canning, Hiss Henry E. Diegel near Rrodhageu nn were guests for the afternoon. -Mrs, Irene Canning and Hugh Canning of Alnnday. July lst. There were abnnt Lindsay, president, opened •the meet- Toronto visited here on Dominion 150 members present from Toronto, ilia with silent .prayer after which the Day and spent a few hours with their Rttttttord, 'Waterloo, North Bay, Pt. hymn,• "The \\orhl -Must Be Con- friend Mr. Frank McConnell. F.Igin Staffa, Mitchell. Broclhagen enered Jot- 1. Ihrist,' was sung. An ad- The supper given lust. week on the and 'nrruulin district. Besides re. dress •..1 welrnnte was given ' by Mrs. grounds of St. Mary's Anglican elle, ring (1111 Imes and feasting on lirirtan. Scripture lesson, 24th Psalm, Thereto was well patronized by the end things, there was the followingaas read by Airs. Hugif'. A piano.sel- villazers t»ul many from Senfortlu interesting program.: peanut scramble. eclat wds Uiven by Miss jean Pryce The !adios served a sumptotts re. Reseell Diegel, Bernice Hoppem•oth. eleitied ''1-1116 Beautiful Heaven Must past. including strawberries. Mrs. Dotty Hoppenroth. Helen Ahrens, ale," 1,111 Wed by t missionary read- Frank Snaith took chtuge of - the La 111, 1i. Leonhardt, Arlene Diego!. 114 by Mrs. E. .l dams. M.rs. Lindsay fumy booth, and Mrs. Collins of Mit- Gary Sboidice, Ronald Drager Girls'sang- a solo ,tinct Bless the Shores of e'hell the fish pond. Rev. Hurford race. 4 years and under, Laurette 1 aglard. \ unsaonary reading was Josh (home n1' the program, thanking Leonhardt. Doris Iloppenrotb: boys, given •by Miss Young of Lo ndes!horn, the ehilch•en of t public school for 4 years and muter, Ronald Drager. dlowed Cly a trio it Mrs Britton, their singing and readings Mildred Gary Sholdice: girls' race, 5•6 years, Nil's. Tre•ein and 111- Edith Britton Moore played three eonce1thta num- Pearl umPearl Drager. Wheel harrow race, entitled. Leach 'Ale to Pray." Sen- hers and accompanied the singing of Henry Diego! and Ruth Replete h•nee prayers were given by Mrs. Gori Save the Ring. Mr. Collins anal Potato race. girls over 14• Mrs. Geo. Aemirs. 'ins, Brielan. firs. Woods, his wile assisted in va•ions ways to Young; potato race. girls 14 and Mrs. E. Adams and -Mrs. Lindsay. make the event. pleasant for the under. Noma Steinbach; potato rare, Mrs, Roy Lawson, the guest speaker, many wino attended. boys over 14. Edwin Leonhardt: po- *ave a splendid talk, "Why We Dr. Frank Canning and family, To. tato race. boys under 14, Henry Should Be \\ 'LS. Workers." Hiss ronto, and has brother and sister Diegel. Ladies' kicking the slipper H t,h'kirk sang. "Wets That Somobody were callers on Dominion Day, taee, Mrs, Norman Ahrens. Throwing You" after which the collection 'was Lorne Cronin and wife Detroit the ball, women over 45. Mrs, Idora taken. Mrs. Hugh Alexander of Wine were the guests 01 Mrs. Mary Cronin. Diegel, Mrs. Fred Hoppenroth: throe and Mrs. Percy Manning of Mrs. Nagle returned from Dearborn, The oldest person was Mrs. John LondtJhoro thanked the ladies for the Visitors in our burg are delighted Lennbardt, Sr., age 83 years. The afternoon spent together. Lunch was with the flowers on the lawns of Dr. youngest person was Lillian Marie served. There nyere ninety ladies ,pre h1'nulkes and Dr, Murray, Haney, age two months, daughter of sent, Mrs. Hunter, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haney of Sea- • her sister Miss Beale left for her ST. COLUMBAN forth. The following officers were CROMARTY home in Toronto on Wednesday, lit'. a»d Mi•s, Joe Moylan and baby elected for year 1941 reunion to he Reg' (1c)rdoi, Toronto is the guest of Kitchener visited relatives over held on July 1st at the home of Mr. 11"' anniversary _:cn,ces in from- of his aunt, Mrs. A. Darling. - - the holiday, and tins. Reuben Rapien: Hono'lilT arty Prr..irytr_riau idnrrrh •Wert $aid Mr. and 'Erns Joseph Longeway of Mr, and MIS. Wnt. Reynolds of e silents. \1rs..Juo. Lenndun•dt, Jho. '11 di Rey. R. A. Tran•_ton• B..\., of i{etltticott, MGs. Julia Detout•cy, Kin- held spent the week end with the I-ii.:eI and Gen. Diegel. President. \iellan1 Pte hytteritn Chmch,. poke. kora. I111. and Mrs, \ m. ITniae. were farmer's father. yCsn. Diez' -d; see.-treas.. Russell 51111• the e•eoiet e.1 Mrs. Mains: ,1t Bruce- t, party to motor to Mount Carmel Mips Elizabeth !loath of Kitrhenel du • ; spurts rnnuu.. 24115, C. A. Tenn. hel, - on Sunday last to visit. the eldest spent Dominion Day with Mr. and 1b 1lartin Ihr el. Mrs. lis ! Ir • d! t $e.,'1ar clan Hitt at the' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Longeway. Mrs, J, Roach. elnlrlire, Mrs. Hy. I.. Di.ge.1 Mrs G. 1 ane or Mr. and Mr.. Thos. Scott Mr. Leonard is now in the employ with relative's present from Carling et the Dublin creamery. Bias J. Cronin visited friends in F.isdc•r and air. Fd 1'. Ier. As there Kitchener recently. •„ .e. ,,,...._ ford. Hensall. Seaforih. Clinton and Mr. and Aire. Fergus Stapleton Mr, and Mrs. J. Mcllhargey and welts. 1 \lossap, Detroit. Alt•, and 111. Lay - fir, 1_. Sall 11141 o1 rag" spalls r.itc' dant and little son in company week end 'e'itlt Ate. and Mee. H. F. with 41iss Beatty, of Lonilou; Mrs. Berry. i.i.,i nild of IVtuxeter. Brucetield Red Cross report, Juno 22nd: 24 pr, socks, 6 suite Pyj:inias 4 hospital bent gowns. For refugees 12 quilts, 2 aril) quilts, 13 women's house dresses, 20 children's pantie d Beattie. boys' suits, 6 children's rompers, 1 111', and Mrs. A. McRounell in com- po, boys' coveralls, 2 children's flan- I lilnty with friends, motored to Pitts- burg to speed the week end with jamas, 4 pr. ehildreu's panties, relatives. gills' junipers, 1. baby's sweater cap The 1\'.r1, of St, John's Church roar and bootees, s, 1 child's slip. It hand I Thursday at the home of Mrs. M. G. kerchiefs, 2 pr. children's wool slip -Beatty, There was a good attend- ee rs, 1 boy's sweater and pants, n suits girls' underwear, ear, 1 pr. boy's `thee' e, :Serge pants, 3 boys •wearers: 2. girl:. Mrs.. S. Helens and Mrs. H. Woods sweaters, etaters, 2 pr. women's stockings; ,•�, of St. Helens in company with Mrs. knitted bed jackets, 16 cakes soap,' Tyson and ,11,1r. cony Woods of Sttsvatoile• 6 pr. children's barrettes, 3 woolen's wan. called Saturday on •inh'.'as . night gowns; 1 :suit boy's pyjamas. Mrs. Fl tchevguest of London Was the 5 p1'. boys' drawers, 1 man's cap, .1 week' end guest of Mrs. Alt Ings. child's wool cups 2 women's aprons. MM. G. II, Beatty and children 7 bath towns, 14 men's shirts. 11 K. spent. a few days .with relatives and mel', overalls, 5 pr. boy's running friends in Toronto. shoes, 22 pr. children's wool stock. Rev. Jolts Graham gave a vary' fit. lugs. 14 pr. children's socks. 3 Moe ting address Sunday night in St. nellette blankets, td wool blankets, C John's Churdh to the members Of the pr. boys' Wool golf hese, 7 pr. men's Orange- Order. wool. socks, 1 boy's coat and vest. We are sorry to. report Mrs. John There were also 37 wool blankets Rothwell is not enjoying good .eat when the call came for Lham. stealth, but we hope for some int• resses 12 children's dresses 14 Pts. Harold Elliott, of Kitchener. who has joined the colors, is now training in Stratford. Mrs. R. McBride of Blake spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. S. - pt'ovement. CONSTANCE I Mrs, Annie McNaughton of London hiss .teen Wakefield spear the hot called en relatives end friends re- Miss With friends in 'Wroxeter. • tenth'. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson and The Reid amily hr Chair annualG Ie -union nt Jowett's Grove, BayOald, fancily attended the Knox reunion at on Saturday, June 29th. 101110nds :\twocd on Monday. were present from Toronto, Detroit, MIiss Stella Armstrong has taken Flint, Windsor and Exeter. a position at the Scott Memorial Hiss Aline. Silk of Mitchell has Hospital. been engaged as teacher of S.S. No. Donald Stephenson. Lorne Dale,7 Stanley, for the coating year. Betty Dale and LoisJamieson triad ('1sttnrs over the week end with their entrance examinations in Clin• Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid included Mr. ten last week, and Mrs, Paul Jahn, Mr, and Mrs. Miss Edna Armstrong and Miss JonReid, 11t•, L. Saunders and Olive Grimoldby are holidaying at (anti! BRODHAGEN. the Onange Hall in Winthrop one 1110111 to honor them on their remelt marriage. The first part of the even- ing was spent in dancing. After lunch Mr. and Mrs. Papple were called to the platform and the following ad. dress Was react by Muriel Dolinage: Dear Olive and Earl: We, your friends and neighbors, have gathered here this evening to wish you hap• piaess and prosperity throughout your wedded life, We realize, Olive that your bright and cheery disposi- tion will be very mach missed in our community, You have always been so willing to give your help where it has been needed. To you; Earl. We say congratulations. There is an old saying, "Pott may live without friends, ('on may live without books, But civilized sten! Can not liven without conks." As a small token or our heartiest eonglalnitlt.ions we ask you to accept this gift. not for its value but for the sincere good wishes which ac- company it. Again may we wish you a life fall of health, happiness and prosperity. Signed on behalf or neighbors and friends. A beautiful studio couch was presented by Marg. time Habkh'k, Scott Kerr and Leslie ?levee, Mr. Papple made a fitting reply. After a programme of songs by Mrs. A. Stephens, step dancing by Mr. Sant Pethick, Mr, Frank John stun and Miss Edna Papple, the rest of the evening was spent in dancing. A reception was held In the hall lest Friday night hi honer of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Papple. About 150 of their friends and neighbor's presented them with a studio couch..A very good time was spent in dancing. Mrs, Joann Glities spent a few days in Owen Sound with Mr. Gillies, who is sailing the Lakes. Mr, and Mrs. Al Stone and family of Norwich spent the holidays with Mr. iuul bars. Sol Shannon, IVliss Isabel Betties, nurse of Lon- don, is speeding a few holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Betties. The Ladies' Aid Circle stet at the !tome of Mrs, Irwin Trewitrtha last Thursday and spent the afternoon sewing for the Red Cross. lar, and Mrs. Archie Campbell of Toronto spent the week end with friends in the burg. Holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Eaton, Mr. and Mrs, Kenny An- dersen and son Ronnie of Niagara Falls, Mr. Andrew Anderson and Alda of London, Mrs. Ferg Bullard and Jackie and Mr. John Armstrong of Kintot'e; Mr, and Mrs. Foster Ben- nett, Mona. and Billie, Mr, John Ben- nett of \Wiugham, Mr. Mel Merriam of London. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Larry and Keith, and Mr, Bill Tt•ewartha. Lance Corporal Peng Bullard sent a cable 00 the 17th of June saying he hail been in France, but got hack sale to England. Ferg has received a stripe since going to England. HILLSGREEN Mr. John Baker and 11r, Cooper of the London road made a business trip to Sarnia recently. The many friends of Miss Peggy Puswill be g!atl to know elle is re- covering nicely after an operation in Clinton hospital. We are sorry to report Mr, Russell Consilt bad the misfortune to injure his knee while attending the school picnic at Bayfield. Mr. John Barclay of Stratford and daughters, Edythe and Phyllis are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. \Wet, Dav- idson. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Davidson at• tended the Salter -Davidson wedding in Stratford Saturday, !try it was voted that the sum of five dollars be donated to Mitchell and District Patrintic Society. Mrs. Mary Dittmer and son Vincent of Termite) with her mother Mrs. Marry' Prueter. BRUCEFIELD 1', 'h have moved into their new hone a_e en, •!1 r. R (1...MacKay and 11rs. Mae- near St. Patrick's Church. Kay, . f Irince :Miert, with Mr. and Miss Nis -mica Byrne has 'returned Mrsjanles Srott; Alr, and \Irs. hntne from 'Detroit; Rev, John Me - 1n nuts Scott, who µere ntarcrie:ct re- Connell, N1.11„ who has -spent the ,past curtly at the bride's western home, two years on the secretarial staff at el enc sere; r. t e ^ atrcan amt is y en its a ' e - • Inhn Barr Stratford .11r and ;Mrs. 'weeks with this'parents 414,. and MM'rs have taken up re ' i 1 M h \' , R p d g 'f 5.5. No. 3, Tuckersmith- Granted Entrance without trying, •Betty Allan, Genevieve Smith, 'Gor- don Hill. Tried entrance, :Mellba Tay- lor, Ross Dilling. Promoted to Grade 'g---Rohedt Addan, K-athleen Siliery, bfarian Wilson. Promoted to Grade 7 -Edna Papple, Tack McDonald. Kenneth Scott, Billie Lane. Pro'mot- e'd to Grade 5 -Madeline IWrlson, Mary Lane, R'u'th Scott. Recom- mended, Fred Taylor. Promoted to Grade 4 -Marion Hill, Lois Richard - Sen. Verna Taylor, Recommended, 1fareare'@ (Wright. Promoted to Grade 2 Senior - Stuart Wilson, Eleanor 'McCartney, Francis Lane, \ddan Wright, Reginald Finlayson; 'Billie Wright. Promoted 'to Grade 2 'Tenter - Andrew Davidson, Laird Ficrlayson, Gordon Thompson, Pupils maned in order -of standing. - M. Fthf'l McMaster, Teacher. .1•Iiss trona Snider of London and Melvin Snider of Clinton spent the holiday at their home here. Mr. end Mrs. C. Halstead and son of Stretford visited Mr. and Mrs, T H. Wheeler. Pte. Bob Dalrymple. Pte. J. Burdge and Pte, Ross Grainger of London anent the week end at their homes here. Miss Marearet Aikenhearl of Lore icon spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhearl. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright and Miss Dorothy Swan spent the holiday at Chatham, Privates Abe Zapfe and Percy Har• rison of London spent the holidays at their homes here. We are sorry to report -that Wally McBeath while at work on Saturday Fulton, Murray \1cCi'Ll• Mitchell, evith David McConnell. He has been ,ap- 'Mr. and Mrs. Duncan 'McKellar; Mr. 'poinded a ,professor et -a college in and -Mee. Stoskop4 Sebringt•ille, with Washington and nwill bogin this teach- NORTH McKILLOP -Mr. and Airs. 'John Scott; ;Mrs. A. 'C ing in September.•Miss Anne Kintner has returned to Russell, George Russell, Avonton, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. •Michael Mc- • her home in Waterloo after reeding with Mrs. Tiufford and Miss '14. B, ,Carthy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs• her sister Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Currie; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of elichael McCarthy; M'r. and Mrs. F. Thornton. Stratford, with les. S. >11ller; Mr. 'White, St. Marys, with Mrs. 'Gather- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chase and son of and Mrs. Twaddle 'Berrie, with Mrs. ine Evans; 'Miss. 'Robe.'MeGonmick Detroit are visiting with Mr. and McKoy: Mr. .and •Airs. James •Scott, ,returned to Detroit; Miss Mary Rue -Mrs. Charles Munn over the holiday. Brodtha'gen. with Mr. and ,Mrs. Thos. cell with her sister in Stafa: Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John Kistner and Scott end 'Gordon Scott. Father Ruth, 'C R., and !Joseph Ruth, Jeanie of Waterloo spent the holiday Kitchener, with Mrs. C.'Bennin'ger, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton. TUCKERSM1TH Malaboµ, Thomas McGrath 'died in Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regale and family Mrs, Andrew Kirk is visiting her :Ottawa on (Lune Med in his 77th year. spent Saturday evening with Mr, and son AVL•. Oliver Kirk, Birmingham. 'Rom near nu'blin, Ont., the was the Mrs. Thomas Storey, Mich.. and her daughter, Mrs. F. L. eldest Von Of the date IM'r. and 'Mee. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Waynlan, Mari - Creighton, Detroit. Pa -trick 'McGrath. He 'lived In .1s/itch- lyn and Dorothy of Brantford spent Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Kirk of Birm• ell and London prior to going 110 0t- the week end visiting with Mr. and Ingham, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft of White- tawa 2-6 years ago 'where he was in Mrs. Ed Boyce and other friends. church, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyon tile ;Secretary's Branch, Delp-artment Mrs: Nellie Munn spent Sunday of Londeshoro called at the 1101118 of of Public R'oaks, Mr. 'McGrath re- with her daughter Mrs, Ed Boyne. Mrs. Andrew Kirk last week, tired 115 years ago owing to ill health. Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Storey 'and Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle and A deoaut Roman !Catholic, the alttend- family spent Sunday with Mr. and family of Hensel] spent Sunday with ed St. Patrick's C'hu'rch, He 'was a Mrs, George Thornton and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Landsbo'ough. member of the Holy Name 'Satiety Mrs. Joseph Holmes. Mrs. Thos. Coleman left to -clay to and the League of the Sacred Heart, spend a few rlays in Toronto with His 'wife, the 'former Mary McCarty, 1STAFFA relatives. � edecea era .biro a year Left Ito' mourn t The hail stol'ni Sunday did a great children of Liman visited Mrs. Ed Rowland on Tuesday. Miss Anne Ryan of London spent the holiday with friends here. Miss Loretto Holland of Kitchener spent the holiday with her parents. Miss Lois Hogg of Winthrop is spending this week with her cousin.. Miss Doreen Murray. p' C. A. Norris, Toronto, W, Bain, are a'hrnflier, Tohn McGrath, of 'Dub- I deal of damage to wisps and gardens. 'lin; a sister, Miss Bridget 'McGrath, Selhriagvihle, Mr, and Mrs. B. Dunn, 1 and \f F Goodwin, T-- _.._ _ _- of Stratford, and a nephew, ?aim B'aylleld, .3n. r. tic win, BORN lirorlerirk of the Department of Puiv. Toronitn, 1✓. N. FrenchMitcholl, with BOLTON- At Scott Memorial iiospi' lie 'Works. . situ lived with hint. The 1 11, and 4Yfrs, A W. Norris, tat, on Thursday, Julie 27, 1140to 111neral was 'held frons •his residence, 'Visitors at the home :of Rev, and Mr, and Mrs, Harry Bolton, Sea 2111 ,\toean Si..Ottawa, -nn Tuesday, .Mrs, ,AiFdeetorth were .-Mr. anti 'Mors, forth, a daughter. lithe 215th. at 84for solemn Hugh Pryde, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs, T. WHYARD-At Scott Memorial Hos-, bass at St. Patrick's 'Oh,urch. The Pryde, North Bay; ,Mr. and [Mira. pital, on Monday, July 1, 1940, to remains were taken to London for Yates, tSarnia 'with Mr. and Mrs, A. Mr. and Mr's. A. C. Whyard, Sea- ibatriai in the family plot following Snata; Rev. and Mrs,A4dnvorth arc Porti, a -daughter, Rcgauem High Mass at St. •Peters. talking thetr holidays this month; Miss MoDONALD-At' Scott Memorial Hos- Calthedral at '8 o"cloo'k on Thursday Jean Senate, Sea6orth, twibh her spar - vital, on Monday. July 1, 1940, to ,en'orning. cots, Mr. and Mrs, Burton McDonald, I C'i•ot'c^rty, a daughter, Want and For Sale Ads, 11 week 25c Want ;and, For Sale Ads, 31 •weellas '50c THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1940, manolgoavanlossIMMatei Gene Autry gielEeLTireatEMINVEMBeetke ) Seaforth NOW SHOWING "Shooting High" Jane Withers MON. TUES. WED. NEAGLELMILLAND ROLAND YOUNG • ALAN MARSHAL MAY ROBSON • BILLIE BURKE ARTHUR TREACHER Roo RABte Pletere Reduced and directed by HERBERT WILCOX Screen play by Alice h Dur Miller, From the musical comedy, IRENE. Book by James H, Monlgome , Music anal l• • by„lierry Tierney en4 Joseph McC NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT, THE BUMSTEADS' NNIEST ADVENTURE! Based apo,, the tomb strip created by CHIC YOUNG A COLUMBIA P I CTU R ld Also Charles Starrett, Atm Doran "R!0 GRANDE" Action and thrills with the music of "Sone of The Pioneers" COMING- "TOO MANY HUSBANDS" eillEtainelleCiSinge KIPPEN 11r. Clarence McLean of London spent the week end with his mother Mr's, 5, B. McLean, Mr, and Mrs. Waller of Peterhorn are visiting the latter's brothers, Messes. Henry and William lvison, Mrs. Mina Love is visiting her sis- ter-in-law Mrs. I. Jaerott, Mr. and Airs. 1'. Blanchard and fanily, Mr. and Mrs. ,Joseph Stacey 01 Exeter and Mr, James Ferguson of Toronto spent Monday with the ltt.t• ter's sister Mr. apd Mrs. W. Harney, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and Gerald spent Sunday with Mt'. and Mrs, Joseph Linden of Denfield. Miss Sean Pybus otZurich spent a few days with her grandmother Mrs. I -I. Ricker recently, Miss Isabelle Alexander, school teacher of Maple, is spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander, Miss It•nta Ferguson attended the Whiteford-I-Ierchnan nuptials in Elinn- ville on Saturday last. Mt'. Arthur Finlayson is spending a week's holidays in Timmins tend Por- cupine. Mr. and Mrs, Wes Hayter and sou of Detroit spent the holiday with lar. and Mrs. James Finlayson, Robe. J. Cooper made a business trip to Toronto last week. 241r. and Mrs. Edward Daley and Miss 141ltel Daley of Walkerton sten! the week end with Mrs. Susan Workman. Mr. James Reid of Toronto Spent Domielon Day with 11I, ani! M's. Edgar ihltt. Alf. 111111 firs, Gordon Fowler of Tctooto spent the week end with Mr. and Bits. Earl Sproat. Mrs. Frances Landon from 0110111 gait is visiting with her brother Ar- thus Anderson, Alias Margaret Cooper of Toronto spent the holiday with her mother Mrs. Alice Cooper. Air, (('ut, Moore is in Ingersoll vis• Ring with his daughter and son -11P 18111 Ml•. and Mrs. John Witconlbe. Mr. and Mrs. James MoClymont are enjoying a visit with relatives in De- troit, Mr, Thos. Butt spent the week end visiting with his brother John Butt 111 Flint, Miele Mr. and Mrs, Maurice McConnell and son Miller McConnel of Detroit visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robs. Dinsdale. Mrs. Mis- date and granddaughter Patricia Tay- lr returned with them to Detroit for a two weeks' vacation. Sunday visitors \with Mr. and MIs. Edgar Butt were Mrs. P. Bridgemat and son Cecil Bridgeman of \S'etaski- win, Alta., Mr. and !fns. G. HiIis, Miss Rio Hills. Mrs. J. :McGregor and Miss F. Me('loy of Egnondville. ITaying is in full swing since 111e> Weather Illus turned better, Mrs. Sullivan of Toronto is spend. ing a month with 1h'. and Mrs. R. J. Dayntan. Mr. Abe Forsyth has not been en- joying his usual health told all hope to see him around soon. The Kdepen East \\1',L held a very successful strawberry social at the Red Tavern school on Wednesday evening when a large crowd gather- ed to enjoy a very fine supper with plenty of strawberries and then with Murdoeh's orchestra supplying th,t. music 10 enjoy several hours of out door dancing, FRUIT ,GIROWERS' ASSN WILL HOLD FIELD DAY The second annual field day and pic- nic et the I-Lnron County Frltit :Ges ors' .\ssociation'e^ill -be ,held at'S1oarovn- Crest 'farm owned Ihy 1Ir. and '11rs. D. A. 'Slnitllt, 'Dayfueld, 'Wednesday, July 24th. The order of the 1prograin i 'ls follows: 2.11(1 pan., Observation trip through the orchard, Prof, J. E. Howitt, head of the. Botany departments, O.A.C., Guelph, and Gordon Blair, Niagara 'Brand Spray Co. Bu'rling'ton, in. charge, 3 to 4.30 pm., Moving picture; regarding spraying operations to Ibe shr+mn in the apple shed. 4.30 to '5.31) p.m., Sports under eche chairmanship of Wesley Joytrt, Lnicknaw, '5,30 to 6.30, 'picnic lunch, 6.30 pan„ Prog- ram of music and 'brief addresses with the following speakers: George Feag- 'un, \\' I-rden of Huron; Ben Rathw'elt, Reeve of Goderich tweeL. 1~, 'Card- ifT,1L1'., North Huron; J. J. Johnson. 'Dominion Fratit Inspector, London. leering the eveai.ing bingo and other games will be field m ith -the net pl•e1- ceeds to the used for patriotic per ipose.. The day will finish with a dance. 'ars, 1). :1. Smith is president zn 1 4110 Mr. J, .C, Shearer is secretary of C1• Frail Graders' Asociatinn, Anionamigamonamiummunamax BIG SATURDAY NITE JAMBOREE AT THE RENDEZVOUS ON THE LAKE BAYFIELD SAT., JULY 6 Jack Evans and his Swing Band -SPECIALS- Balloon Dance Jitter Bug Contest Spot Dances Novelty Nite Adnlissiou: 35e. Dancing Free C'. Watson, Manag-•i• BARN DANCE One Mile South of Dublin at Roland Kleinfeldt's FRIDAY, JULY 5TH Booth on grounds Good Music ADMISSION 25c ATTENTION ! POULTRY RAISERS AND FARMERS A FEW CHOICE R.O.P. PULLETS 2 to 4 Weeks OTd. Mostly Leghorns PRICED TO SELL Remember, only a few left act quickly Sunnyvale Poultry Farm ANDREW A. MOORE. Phone 666 r 3, Seaforth NOTICE RE: EVACUATED CHILDREN FROM GREAT BRITAIN luimeamemagfilmememaSEI All those who desire to take children, for the duration of the war, into their homes are requested to register at the Town Clerk's office at once.