The Seaforth News, 1940-07-04, Page 1There's a hill before you, climb it with a will, Though it's steep and rugged 'tis a sunny hill, Though the stones are many hidden M. the grass Here and there a flower greets you as you pass. Is it like a mountain reaching to the sky? You can climb it, Laddie, if you really try. ,e Seaforth Ne HURON COUNTY'S LEAD I !N G NEWSPAPER Ynu can scale the boulders, you can take your stand Where the sun -kissed summit over- looks the land. Do not be faint-hearted, bravely march along With a soul undaunted, with a happy song. Difficulties meeting, take them with a will, For the hill you're climbing is a hill. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 62, No. 26 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1940 !'hone 84. SALMON tails 2 Tins 25c E. D. SMITH'S CATSUP - 15c bottle SAGA, for quick puddings.: 2 lbs. 25c SAIR DATES 2 lbs. 19c CARNATION MILK....,. 2 cans 190 TUNA FISH FLAKES - 17c tin 4 Ib. pail 49c ,JELLY POWDER— 6 pack. 25c RICE, 4 lbs. - 25c AYLMER IRISH STEW. - 2 tins 29c INGERSOL MALTED CHEESE 15c pack. McLAREN FREEZE EASY - 10c pack McLAREN GELATINE 10c pack LEMON OIL, cleans and polishes 15c and 25c each LIFEBUOY SHAVING CREAM and 1 bar Lifebuoy Soap 25c TWO -IN -ONE WHITE SHOE CLEANER with 1 sample bottle all for 150 PEANUT BUTTER— CASTILE FLOOR WAX - 25c tin Master Growing Mash, $2.50 cwt. A. C. Rout e d .e Phone 166 *blue coal'4. THE; SOLO 50 1. FOR-SOLIDCOMiORT . E. L. BOX PHONE 43 UNION WAR . TIME PRAYER MEETING War Time Union Prayer meeting Thursday at 7.30 in Salvation Army Citadel. Union Services - Northside United and First Pres- byterian services during July in First Presbyterian Church. Morning, 11 a.m. Subject, "God at Work." Evening, 7 p.m. Subject, "Hindering or Helping God," 110 No midweek meeting, St. Thomas Church Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford. 11 a.m. "Confidence and Courage." 7 p.m. Rev. A. H. O'Neil, B.D. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Note: 77th Anniversary services, July 14. St. Mary's Church, Dublin 9.39 a.m. "The Holy Spirit. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., "The Longing for Lost Opportunities." 7 p.m., "Our Gospel." APPOINTED INSTRUCTOR Mr, Norman Jefferson, B.A., of To- ronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Jefferson, of Tuckersmith, has been appointed instructor in meteorology in the British Empire Air Training School. ALONE. Alone the sea-girt Island calmly stands, The flickering torch of ,Freedom in her hands, Willing to sacrifice, to do, or die, Strong-souled, alert, her sword girt on her thigh. Alone, the Champion of a war-torn world, That force and greed to the abyss have hurled, Ready to face and- fight the fiendish foe That laid the might of other nations low. Alone, sublime and splendid in her might, To raise the fallen and defend the right With her Dominions far across the sea Battling for life and love and liberty. Alone, not all the cruel hosts of hell Can the undying soul of Freedom quell; It sinks to ashes, but to rise again, Refined and glorified from out its pain. Alone, yet not alone, througheioud- rent skies The Great Shekinah Glory shall arise, And truth and righteousness go hand in hand; 1 God will not fail that little sea-girt land. H. ISABI1IL GRAHAM. Seaforth Collegiate Institute Results Promotions for Next Term An- nounced Following Examin- ations Grade XII The following pupils of Grade XII have obtained standing as indicated in the Middle School subjects after their names: 75-100%, I; 06-74%, 11; 60.65%, 111; 50-50%n, C; 10, failed. Certificates will be issued by the Department of Education and will give marks of failures. Baynes, Helen—AH, III; Pity, 0; LA, C; LC, III; FA, 11I; 100, C. Best, Barbara—AIS, III; Alg.- 11; Chem. c; LA, c; LC, F; FA, F; PC, F. Broadfoot, Jas.—CH, II; AH, III; Alga, 'I; Chem, II; LA, IT; LC, I; FA. I; PC, Il. - Dunlop, Zetta—Alg., c; Chem. c; LA, 11'; LC, c; PA, c; FC, c. Ean+le, Gladys—AH, c; Alg., c; Phys. 'F; Chem. 10; LA, 10; LC, F; FA, III; FC, c. Eckert, Edna—AH, I1; Alg, c; Chem. III; LA, 1I; LO, 11; PA, I; PC, Il, Elgle, Frances— CH, 11I; AH, IiI; Alg. II; Phys. II; Chem. II; - LA, III; LC, iI; FA, II; PC, III, Finnigan, Gordon—Alga III; Chem. c; ,FA, e; PC, F. Gamble, Maureen—Phys. I; (:hem, Golding, l0rancis—Alg. c; Chem. 11; LA, III; LC, III; PA, III; PC, c. Grieve, David—AH, F; Chem. F; FA, P; PC, !F, Holmes, Carolyn—AH, a; Alg, F; Phys, c; Chem, c; LA, c; LC, II; FA, 11; FC, III. Joynt, Ruth—Alga II; Phys. 11. Keys. Gordon—Alg. II; Chem. c; LA, c; LC, F; PA, 1I; ,PC, c. McGavin, Lois—CH, ITI; Alg. c; Phys. 10; Chem. c; LA, c; LC, F; PA. II PC, a McIver, Teresa—CIT, II; AH, II Alg., I; CChem. I; LA, I; LC, I; FA, I; re, L Moffat, 1-Telen—AH, II; Alg. II; CChenn. II. 1I; LA, III; LO, III; PA, 1; FC, Murphy, Mildred—CH, c; AII, 1I; Alg. 1; Phys. c; Ch. III; LA, 11; LC, 1 PA, 1 P( 10 O'Connor, Geald Chem. II; LA. c; LC, r; PA, 10; 100, F. Regier, Doreen—AH, II; Alg. I; Client, I; LA, If; L(', 11; FA. 11; SSC 110. Sandford, bllizahelb—AH, c; Alg, 10; Chem, P; 1'A Ill; I00, F. Scott, Donald— 1l -T, II; Alg. F; Chem, 10; LA, e; LC, F; FA, I1; PC e. Stephenson, Ivan—AH, 1I; Alg. I; ('hent. 1; LA, III; LC, 111; FA, II; PC', III. Workman, Irene --Ploys. IIi; O.A. Ill, Pupils in the above group who have failed in three subjects will be required to register in Grade X11 again but will be permitted to take '(+Continued on Page 5)' FAMILY RECOVERING AFTER CROSSING ACCIDENT According to word received from St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, on Wednesday evening, the members of the Modeland family are doing as well as can be expected, and Mr. John Modeland intended returning home during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Modeland and Mr. and Mrs. John. Modeland have been in the hospital since Sunday af- ternoon as a result of a collision with a train at the level crossing at Baden at 12.40 o'clock. The .Modeland family, accompan- ied by Miss Mary Dolmage, employ- ed in their home, were on their way to Guelph to meet Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Henderson and two sons, of Toronto. It had been arranged that they would spend the afternoon together in the' parts at Guelph, and that Mr. and Mrs, Modeland Sr. would accompany' their daughter back to Toronto for ae couple of weeks' holidays. As the car approached the Baden crossing in a blinding rain, Mrs. John Modeland heard a train whistle and her husband applied the brakes to stop the car, but it skidded au the slippery pavement and stopped almost at the tracks, The engine stalled be- fore it could be backed up and the locomotive, coming from Kitchener, caught the front tip of the radiator, knocking the car about forty feet. The auto did not upset and no glass was broken except, in the windshield. The injuries 'were, Mrs. R. 11. Mod - eland, 77, both thighs fractured and severe head and body lacerations. R. H. Modeland, 82, severe lacerations and contusions on the head and right arm. John Modeland, son of the eld- erly couple, severe shock, concus- sion and lacerations of the face and scalp. Mrs. John Modeland, lacera- tions of the face, scalp and 5 fractur- ed ribs. Miss Mary Dolmage escaped injury. MUSIC EXAMS Pupils of Elizabeth Mills, A.T.C.M., who tried piano exams in Clinton dur- ing June, in connectionwith the Tor- onto Conservatory of Music, were successful in the following grades: Grade IV—Laurel Laughlin, first class honors; Irma Watt, honors. Grade II —Lois Grasby, honors. Grade I— Marie Raithby,- honors. Appointed Examining By• Chaplain the Bishop The Bishop of Huron has an - pointed the Rev. Dr. Hurford to be one of his examining. chaplains. MUSIC PUPILS SUCCESSFUL IN EXAMINATIONS The auntie pupils of 'St. .Joseph's Convent School of Music" are to be congratulated on their standing ob- tained in the recent examinations held here by the Western Ontario Conservatory- of Music. The following are the reeults: Piano Or. I (first. (:less honors), Jean McMaster, Mary Margaret Cleary. Piano Go, 01. (first class honors), Alice McIver. (Honors) Gcralda Flannery, Marjorie O'Neill, Piano Gr. IV (first class honors), Catherine Laudenbaeh. Piano Gr. V (honors) Theresa O'Neill, Beatrice Lane. Singing Gr. 1 (honors), Betty Moore. Singing Gr, III (first class honors), Mary Theresa Duncan, High School Entrance Results CLINTON CENTRE The following are the results of the high School Entrance examina- tions held at Clinton and Blyth. First and Second Class Honours are an- nounced: First Class Honour's means that 75% or more of the total marks was secured. Second Class Honours, that between 70 and 74% of the total narks was obtained. First Class Honour's -- Elizabeth Allan, Audrey Colquhoun, Prank Ellwood, Lucy Ellwood, Gerald El- liott, Gordon Hill, Donald Jervis, Aileen McCartney, Barry Nickle, Murray Roy, Genevieve Smith, Second Class Honours—Leon Case, Norma Collins, Ross Hitting, Lois ,Ferguson, Mervin Glazier, Harvey Kennedy, Ruth Lawson, John Mc- Intyre, Donald. Palmer, Helen Shadd0ck, Robert Steep, Donald Stephenson, Bruce Tyndall, .lack Tyndall. Pass—Joyce Aikenhead, Dean Ald- winckle, Joyce Carter, Maxwell Carter, Gerald Case, Lois Connell, Robert Currie. Douglas Farquhar, Marriott Fremlin, Beth Hayden, Lois Jamieson, Margaret Lockwood, Ste- wart MacDonald, Marianne Merrill, Pearl Miller, Robert Morgan, Clara Nediger, (Clete Potter, Isabel Riley. Albert Silver, Melba Taylor, Ross. 'l'rewartha BLYTH CENTRE - Fh'st Class H000000 --Billy Bogie, Audrey Bradburn, Iletty Campbell. Florence Garrett, Ivan Milburn, June Marsh. Mallon Mason, laddie Taylor. Violet Thuell. Second ('lass I-Tnours -_ Phyllis Cook, ;10101iy McDowell, Aubrey ma. Nichol, Myrtle White. Pass----Roxie Ball, Arnold Conk, Keith Ihmbnr, Gordon Elliott, Donald iIunking, Kenneth McDonald, Dorothy McVittle, Been Morris, Gordon Nicholson, Ralph Rodger, Margaret Shoebottom, Lloyd Tasker. Red Cross Notes '1'akt;n from the minutes of Ole National Executive meeting May 23rd: The chairman, Mr. Norman Summerville, read a long cable from Col, Nesmith regarding the situation overseas, and reporting the urgent need for food among prisoners of war and refugees. After discussion it was agreed that $100,000 should be allocated fm• purchase of food stuffs in Canada for shipment over- seas which should be available for distribution to prisoners of wax or for other purposes, upon the advice of the overseas advisory committee as the Executive Committee may from time to time determine. It was resolved that the need of the British Red Foss forambulances be made known to the people of Canada immediately and that, if de- sired, the name of the donor should be inscribed upon the ambulance. It was agreed that branches should not be allowed to allocate money from their funds for this purpose. (This appeal was made by press and radio on June Ord and to June 17, 127 am- bulances have been donated). .lune Report: Refugee -11 quilts, 6 pr. socks, 2 pr. towels, 22 (tresses, 2 pr. panties 0 sweaters, 2 suits Pyjamas, 2 pr pillow Cases, 3 boys' suits, 1 coat, 2 night gowns. Surgical Dressings -0124 dressings, 304 flannelette bandages, 30 surgical masks. Knitting -191 socks, 25 sweaters 19 helmets, 1 pr. gloves, 1 pr. wrist- lets. Sewing—Dressing gowns 11 face cloths 17, gauze handkerchiefs 150, khaki handkerchiefs 229, paj• auras 41, personal property bags 1 hospital gowns 42, pillow cases 50 pneumonia jackets 25, surgical tow- els 112, doctors' gowns 8, doctors' caps 8. The Seaforth Branch of the Recl Cross has received 72 blankets up to date. Seaforth Public School Report Following are the promotions at the Seafortln Public School- based on the year's work and final June tests. The names are arranged in alphabet - teal order, surnames preceding, but not in order of merit. Promoted from' Grade VII to Oracle VIII T3synes Donna, Case Louise, Dun. lop Betty, Ferguson Doris, Gullop Edna, Hablsh•k Lenora, Hawkins Doucette, McKay. Donald, Munn Don- ald, Russell Harriet, Shaw June, Stt•ong Donald, Thorne Donald, Weaver Eleanor, Wilbee Joyce, Wil- son Gordon. Conditional Promnotion—Baker, Au- brey, Eller John, Hart Kenneth, Wood Annie—P. B: Moffat, Principal. Promoted to Grade VII Beattie Neil, Boswell Walter, Brug- get' Bill, Clarke Betty, Eisler Doris, Hopper Luella, Knight Harolcl, Little Jack, Makins Jack, MacKenzie Donald, McMaster Jean, O'Dell Helen, - Sav- auge Ronald, Smith Buddy, Smith Donald, Swan Kenneth, Tebbut Betty, Trapnell Peggy, Weelmark ,Fred. Conditional promotion to Grade VII—Dougall Noreen, Makins Marion, Mowbray Kenneth, Swan Fraser.— M. E. Turnbull. Grade V to Grade VI Brightrall Donald, Broome Doris, Currie Helen, Dupee Bruce, Hillis Donald, Hubert Archie, Hudson Jack, Knight Robert, MacKenzie John R., Munn Billie, Strong Robert, Willis. Peggy. Grade IV to Grade V Clarke Mae, Dunlop Maxine, Elliott Donald, Hoff Margaret, Hoggarth Lois, Nixon Sue, Pullman Ronald, Weedmark Jack, Conditional promotion to Grade. V. —Broome, George, Dupee, Anna, Ste- phenson, Mary,—Maude M. Ilart•y. Promoted to Grade IV Bennett Mona, Boswell Mary, Broome Lois, ('ase Jack, Praiser Jean, T•Iabkirk Jacqueline, I3opper Gladys, Jack William„ Knight Mar- t Continued on Page 5) WILLIAM DEVEREAUX SR. the iteral took plass Wednesday morning of ),!plant Devereatu Sr„ in St James' C but c h, Seaforth. Re- quiem Mess 1114celebrated by Rev.._ Esther T. P. Hussey. sey. he v. 1 tither.; Moran of 1)id et atvn ',was present in the nu-t+ciry and delivered the fun- eral _ inou. interment toads place. in S1. I ams.; cemetery. t y. '1. he pallbearers acre 1 1'. Dr1t 1.'- Dorsey-. D. Shanahan, J. A. lase, .A. O'Leary and Harry Fortune. • Mr, Devereaux passed away :(liter a eak's illness, at his residence on John Street. The deceased ,was a life - ;long resident of this vicinity, having been horn in 1E160, a son of the late IMr, and Mrs. Jobst Devereaux, pion- eer residents of the Heron road, about mile east of Scafonth. In 1189 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Dowty ey of St. +Colunnban, 'rimy resided on the Hurons highway east for Seaforth ,aintil six years ago ,when they retirer to lSc -forth. William Devereaux was highly esuteemed shy aril wile !knew him and was every popular with !both young and Old. He 'was closely iden- tified avi'th the work of St. James' Cathdlic Church and a devoted mem- ber of ate Holy Name Society and , 'League of the Sacred (Heart. Surviv-' I in+g are his ,wife, one sister, %MJohn 1,MclDlonattl, OF Riverside, 'Windsor, and `two )brothers games and Robert, of Sea+forth, the amesti-ving members of a lifamily of six sons and two daughters. Among those from a -distance who attended the funeral were fors, John McDonald and son, John, and +:htrs. ILaing, all of Windsor; Mrs. John Downey, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cassidy, of , Delimit, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Neville and Miss Mary Neville, of Sarnia, Miss I\Vay, -of Stratford. KERR FAMILY REUNION - HELD IN McKILLOP The annual reunion of the Herr family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Shannon, eon. 5. Mr-, Killop, on July 1st with 85 guests in • attendance from Stratford. Toronto. Chicago, Pretoria, Mitchell, Monkton and Milverton. Words of welcome were given by the president. Mrs. W. Shannon. The afternoon was pleas- antly spent in softball, games, tug of war, races and contests. Daring the afternoon, ice cream and lemonade • were enjoyed by all. After a light re- past prizes were given to the largest. won by D. Scott; those coming the • greatest distance, Mrs. Jane Arm- . strong, Chicago; the youngest child, Raymond Kerr; oldest gentleman, Adam Herr; guessing contest, Mrs. Stephenson; lucky number ticket, Mrs. Whitney Thompson; graceful. walking, Mr. and Mrs. W. Shannon. Short addresses were given by other Kerr, Stratford; John Douglas, Stat - ford; Dr. J. Artli.nr Drummond, Pre- toria, C. Weston, Reginald McCloy. - Di'.John Drummond gave a fine talk on Conditions Of today on his trip through Germany and Europe, A short business meeting was held and the following offices elected: Pres., H. Herr, Brunner; seatreas., Mrs. S. 1 Roulstoan, Milverton; sports Conn.. Mrs, John Doxon , Milverton, Miss Jean McCloy, Miss Isobel Drumnnond, f It was decided to present Wallace - Herr of London with a small gift be- . fore going overseas. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr, and Mrs. W. Shannon for the use of their home. The next reunion will be held in Mil- , verton in 1'1141. The affair closed with the national anthem.. The work rooms will be open on Thursday evenings for anyone wish ing to help make surgical dressings. W.I. TO MEET Tlie Junior Women's Institute will meet on Wednesday, July 10, at the home of Mrs. Hugh Chesney. Rol call will be, Short Cuts to Household Efficiency. An address will be given by Mrs. J. P. Manning. An exhibit o handwork, made or owned by mennb ers, will be a feature of the meeting Small prizes will be given for the fol lowing articles, piece or applique quilts; antique quilt; any type of handmade rugs; knitting of all kinds and articles crocheted in wool. $1 a year, EOMONDVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT The following isthe grading of the pupils it kagmondville Public School for the tern' starling in September: Grade VIII --Kenneth Doig, Orval Elliot, Mary Shade. Fred Stanbury, Ruth Vincent. Grade VII—Alun Pret- ty. \Vallee° Hogg, George Earl, Ray ('o !!ibis. Grade VI -Catharine Green, Wesley ('oomhes. Gr'ade, V,—Betty Me('linchey, Roderick Doig; Alan Green. Margaret Chesney, Eugene Cools. Grade IV ---Phyllis Pretty, Billy Brown, Fergus Coornbes, Bert Mus- grove. Grade III—Eva Vincent, Wilba Pretty, Jack McClinchey, Jack Vin- eent.. Grade II—Audrey Cook, Freddie Elliot, Robert Delg, Billy McClincb- ey, Jimmy McNairn, Dorothy Ches- ney. Kenneth Vincent, Kenneth Moore, Margaret Moore. Grade I -- Jacqueline Brown. Russell McCuaig Dies From Injuries Aircraftsman Struck by Car at Port Stanley — Attended School Here The death oceurred at the Memor- ial Hospital, St. Thomas, Ont„ on Monday, July 1st, of Aircraftsman Russell K. McCuaig, only son of Russell T. and Dolena Wilson Me- Cuaig, formerly of Seaforth, and grandson of Mr. John A, Wilson, of town. Mussell attended public school here some years ago and was a visitor in town a week ago. He was a graduate of the University of Sask- atchewan and was a chartered ac- countant. A military service was held at tine funeral chapel in London on Wednesday afternoon, and an escort OF sixty ai'craftsmen from the Air School accompanied the body to the C.N.R. station. The funeral will be held at Biggar, Sask., on Saturday. The remains were accompanied to the West by his mother Mrs. Me. Cuaig. and Miss I•Ielen Wilson, of Toronto. Attending the service on Wednesday from Seaforth were 11r. J. A. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Wil- son, and Mrs. E. M. Little, of Quebec. A newspaper repot of the accident follows: Aictal'tsnnan Russell McCuaig, al- legedly victiut of a hit -anti -run motor car driver on Highway No. 4 In the Village of Port Stanley, diad in Motu oriel Hospital, St. Themes. on Mon - clay afternoon. 1lis condition had been crit.ieel since the accident on Friday at mid- night. bat there appeared to be unlit.. Wilmsthan lir• tv:+s holding his oven' Siuniaty- night and cnrtier Monday. There will be no inquest sinoe (TIM - Mal charges have already hem: pre- ferred again Plight Sergt. Alfred W. (1. Simpson. R.A.F., London, Fng., who is alleged to have been the dri- ver of the car that struck McCuaig and Ms companion, A. C. Narborough. Simpson is an instructor at the Teclmieal Training Centre of the RC.A.F., near St. Thomas, where McCuaig was a trainee, as is Narbor- ough, i The present charges against Simp- son are those of leaving the scene of an accident and dangerous driving. Simpson was on bail to senior offic- ers of the R.A.F. attached to the Technical Training Centre. McCuaig and Narborough had visit- ed Port Stanley on Friday evening and were evidently attempting to hitch -hike back to the school when' struck. The car was later claimed to be identified by a d broken headlight and was said to belong to T. Simpson. Police say that a second car follow -1 ing Simpson also ran over at least) one of the young men. Narborough's injuries were not serious, but Mc- Cuaig had a severe injury to the side of his head and internal injuries. Aircraftsman McCuaig comes from Biggar, Sask. His mother was visiting at Seaforth and went immediately to St. Thomas to be: with her son after the accident. The body was taken Monday afternoon to Logan's funeral parlors in London. The death of Aircraftsman Me- ('ueig, was the seeond motor cru' mishap fatality among students at the 5t. Thomas air school within two days. Sunday morning Aircraftsman John E. Gantlet, from St. Nicholas, P.E.I., was instantly, killed when a cin' in which be was a passonger left the Highway near the training centre and crashed Into a tree. MARRIED AT WINNIPEG The marriage of Florence Victory• youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. Exchange, to Mr. Orville Wallace, sot of Mr. and Mrs. A. McLennan, 30 Cobourg Ave., Winnipeg. took place Snturday, June 15111 at St. Cuthbert's Chureh, Winnipeg, Rev, R. E. Par'lc officiating. Mr, E. -G. Bland presided at the organ playing the bridal march from Lobengriu. Given in marriage by her father, the bride looked charming in a powder bine triple sheet dress with white accessories and wore a corsage of Talisman roses. The bride was attended by her sister, Mary, who chose lilac printed sheer dress with white accessories wore a corsage of token roses. Mr. Neil McLennan, brother of the bride groom, was best man. During the signing of the register, Rev. R. E. Park presented the bride and grooyn with a beautiful Bible, while Mr. E. G. Bland played, "0 Perfect Love." The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, 253 Gordon Ave. They will reside in Winnipeg. The bridegroom's mother was fo•- nnerly Miss Olive Allan of Egniond• ill Come in and select your favorite Community Plate design in one of these new, beautiful Bridal Chests—tarnish- proof . , , attractively lined in Burgundy Red. You make a big saving by purchasing the com- plete Service for Six or Eight—Budget terms. 37 PCE. SERVICE FOR 8 32 PCE. SERVICE FOR 6-$3975 Select Your Pattern From 6 Designs SHOP AT avausES IT PAYS SUNDAY HAIL STORM CAUSES MUCH DAMAGE Farm Crops and Vegetables De- stroyed on 2nd, Con., Tuokersmith About two o'clock Sunday after- noon a severe hail storm swept over this district causing nnueh damage to farm craps and gardens, particularly in the area between Seaforth and ('linter along the second concession of Tuckersmith, It was the worst storm of its kind in the recollection 01 old residents. Some idea of the destructive force of the hail was seen in some samples of ruined plants brought to town on Wednesday from the farm of Fred Cook, about five miles west of Sea - forth. Potatoes which had been in bloom were reduced to battered stalks, rhubarb was stripped of leaves, onion tops broken off, hay and grain beaten into tangled masses; in fact there had been scarcely a leaf left on any plant or tree on the farm. Some of the heaviest losers are those with fields of beans. The hail lay on the ground to a depth of two inches in places, while other farms across the road got hardly any. SNELL REUNION The Snell Reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggart on Saturday, June 29th, with about 125 in attendance. The after - Root was spent in baseball and foot ball and races, then the programme. 141r. Edgar Snell of Wingham acted as chairman. Miss Thelma Snell re- cited, 1)onuld McNeil and Kenneth Woods played the guitar, iVIr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce with guitar and violin, Misses Elva, Ruth and Bar- bara Stnell sang in the Old Dutch Gar- den. Then came the bridal pageant in costumes, Mrs. Ephriam Snell wearing the oldest and Mrs. Weldon Tyndall wearing the latest. Those tak- ing part were Mrs. E, Snell. Clinton. Miss Vera Hoggart, Londesboro. Mrs. Fred Boyce, Brucefield, Mrs. Charles Smith, Belgrave. Mrs. Murray Ferg- uson of Exeter, Mrs, Raymond Townsend, Tuclsersniith, Mrs. Harry Watkins. Summerhill, Mrs. Robert Welch, Bayfield, Miss Barbara Snell, Clinton. Mrs. Carmen McPherson, Mitchell, Mrs. Weldon Tyndall, God- er•icli Tp. The Rev. Harold Snell gave a speech after the supper was serv- ed. ereed. The reunion is to be held at the hone of Edward Yungblutt of Lond- esboro next year. Friends were pres- ent from Port Albert, Hamilton, Hay- field, ayfield, Belgrave, Wingham, Clinton, Toronto, Brampton, Chicago, Blyth, Seaforth, Staffa and Exeter. BRIDE -TO -.BE HlONICYRFtD On '.Wednesday afternoon, 'July ard, a shower was ;given by the neighbors in !honor of Mists Anna rLove at tine home olf Mrs. .Sydney Gemmel. 'Sev- eral contests were conducted 'by 'Miss Helen Houston. Misses Iranielt Hand- ley and Helen 'Houston ;brought in a Ibox (well filled with 'kitchen utensils. Mrs. Teter Simpson read an ad'dres:s. to which Anna. 'snitaiblly repllied- anti tlnanIriesl the 'ladies. A sumptuous lunch was served. A Iheaultilfaully decor- ated bride's cslke centred the table.