The Seaforth News, 1940-04-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR. .®w=q 100M WOES 1.4GO..,. CHO10ETERIA GH1Cli STARTER O.A.Q. I FORMULA 2% CEREAL GRASS EA gPCq vt E. S WA I & sowS CII ICETE Chick Start r The First Step to Poultry Profits A Complete Line of Poultry and Hog Feeds kept in stock at Scott's Poultry Farm Per cwt, Chick Starter $2.75 O.A.C. Growing Mash $2.35 O.A.G. Lay Mash $2,35 O.A.C. Lay Mash (Cereal Grass)2.45 Laying Concentrate 3.35 Pig Starter 2,45 Pig Grower 2.00 Hog Concentrate , . , , 100 SEE YOUR DEALER Jas. M. Scott SEAFORTH E. S. WATT & SONS THE SEAFORTH NEWS Sainted, n urns., I a f h e: WALTON drys, \V. t', Aicgachern of Killeen station, who has been spending the past week in Craubrook with Mende and Hiss Mina Baker al C'ranbrook called on 1r101th; in Walton on her way home. Miss Baker accompanied herr home for a visit. Mrs. John Dougherty and Mrs. Wm. Thue11 of Blyth 0tie11011 the einem! of the hate Eail lloy on Monday and also visited .Mr-. Hugh Fulton. Mrs. Wnt. Andersou is spending a few days in Mullett with her daugh- ter Mrs. Dougan. Mrs. Wm. Deacnff has returned to Toronto after visiting her parents. Worts has been received here of the promotion of Lance Corporal John Campbell Drager of Toronto, son of Mrs. Charles Drager, who has been made a sergeant. Sergeant Dra• ger expects to go to Aldershot, Eng- land, as a P.T. instructor in the hold• ing company. Mr. Joseph Backwell spent Sunday M Stratford with friends. Mrs, Peter McTaggart is spending a few days at her home in Walton. Mrs. David Watson has returned to Walton after spending several weeks at the homes of her daughters In Hullett Township. Mrs. Andrew Bruce has returned to her home on the 17th of Grey, after spending several months with her daughter, Mrs, Wni. Cardiff. Misses Helen and Norma Steiss of Kitchener spent the week with their norther. Mrs. Lawson Graham arrived home Monday from Prince Albert, Nasse, to anvil(' the funeral of her brother. the hate George F. Kelley. which took place on Tuesday afternoon from his late home. Sth litre, Mortis, to thus - 'i -1 cemetery. Mrs. Malcolm and son of Gilt at tended the tun cal of the late George r'. Kelley. Mrs. Elizabeth \Will. of London i- p, nditlg a few days with her eeneht. Hiss Margaret Kelley, t;th iiee Morris township The { F.\\ et nue thet W—WaS 11.411 at thr 110111, of Mrs. Louis I ow -1 ,nd nr April 1 t11 with e 10(1 ettettdtnce. Mrs. James Smith gave a splendid talk on "Mother's Place fn the Hoare." Mrs. W. Leeucitig gave a very interesting demonstration on a her bed and window boxes. The next meeting will be hell nu May 15 at the home of 111's. Wilbur Turnbull. Mrs. Harold Spiers of Brussels is ex- pected to give an address. There will else be a plant exchange at this meeting. Mr. Joseph Haekwell spent Sunday with his sister. Mrs. J. S. Buehauan of Stratford. Mr. Wallace Shannon of London and Mr. Melvin Shannon are spending the week with their parents. Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Shannon of McKillop. Miss' Mtuy Buchanan of Stratford spent Sunday evening with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Somers of Brus- sels spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphries. Palmerston APRIL 25, 1940 THF-, SEAFORTH MEWS THURSDAY, �.� �.Y,94`"".." HENSALL 1 iivates Donald • \\alker, Roy Druck and l tt yd Noakes of Toronto spout the wed: k end at their respet't• We homes here. Mrs. Henry Hineteen and daughter of Termite visited last week at the house of their parents, 1141'. anti Airs. Fred Deters. Mrs. Rumble of Clinton spent a few days reeently visiting with- her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Renuie. Detroit r .nt tate MtDosWothofDetl se I week end here. Mrs \ oth and Gwen who have been visiting kor the past two weeks s with Airs Robt, Bonthrou returned to their home to Detroit, Miss Gladys Stone of -Exeter Spent the week end at the home of her sis- ter Alt's. Roy Bell, Mrs. Fra.,k Farquhar and Mrs. Hugh MacMnrtrie spent the week cud its Toronto visiting AIr. and Mrs. Norman Jart'ott. • - Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Gould of Clinton visited on Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Air, and. Mrs, Geo. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tideswell spent the week end visiting its Sarnia. Mrs. Taylor of Toronto is the guest or Iter brother•in-law and sister, Rev. and Airs. \Vru. Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn of London spent the week end at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Junes Parkins. Mr. Robs, Passmore, who is attend ing college in Toronto, spent the week end at the home of his parents. 11r. and Mr's. John. Passmore, Mrs. Lou. Sinlpstnr• who has spent the winter in Arizona returned to her home here on Saturday. Mr. John Coleman et London vis. itt',l on Sunday with his brother. Mr. Wesley Coleman. :lir. and Mrs. llaclutyre tnee Hiss (label Sparks) from Detroit, are vis. 11ing with Air,. and ,sins. Win. Daniels. lhr. and Mrs. Harty- Abray and c111Ilten of London visited over the -week end .with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hodson, Miss Mildred Forest, R.N. of Fer- gus, is holidaying with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Win. Forest, STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnston and Mr. and Ml.. Elmore Stephcnsoit spent Sun- day with Rev, A. A. azul Mrs. Pouliot' and son George of Straft'ot'dville, Mrs. Robt, 111. Robinson and son Douglas spent the week end with relatives in Toronto, Me. Nelson Keys spent a few days last week with his son Elmore and Ml's, Keys, Babylon Line. Miss Kay Scotchmer of Toronto spent a couple of days at the home of her parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Will Scotchmer, Miss Irene Scotcltmer of London spent the week end with her parents on the Bronson line. STANLEY— ii p G Mrs, John Bohner and Walter Hornier from near Clinton spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Frank NM Clhichey: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barber, Helen and Douglas of St. Marys, visited with friends on Sunday. Mr, Will Cando who spent two months at London and St. Marys, re, turned home with them. braced some 145 telephones at the end of 1009. when Miss Belie McKay, ch'tf operator, succeeded tilt. Fear as manager. Ou April 1. 191,1. the tele phone office was rated first class by the 11e11 Company. which meant that II4-hour serviee was inaugurated. The. May 1911 issue of the Telephone elazette carried the following item: -'ti tfert1t—lt is expected that Bpe work k of moving our exchange to the sideudid new- pl'eutises in rho ('arduo 111oek will be ranrpleie'1 before tilt' end of this month. Seaforth will theta have Min of the most cotttniodiotts and best equipped telephone ex changts in this section of eottiltry. ` Hiss McKay resigned, in 1911. and was succeeded by Miss Loretta Mc• Cormack, Seaforth's 20011t telephone was installed in 1920. Three years later, when Aliss M. B. Hahldrk tools nver the managerial reins from Miss McCormack there were just over 225 instruments in service. The present Local Representative of the Bell Company is Miss E. M, Cluff, who took charge in the autumn of 193S, Miss Cluff was keenly inter ested and played a part during the months of co-ordinated effort by all departments of the Bell Company which were required to bring about the change to the new telephone sys- tem, in September last. The problem is in such conversions to cut over froth the old to the new system with• out any appreciable interruption to telephone traffic. According to Miss Cluff, there were 320 telephones in service here ou December 31st last, Each one of these instruments in normal times cal: LU connected to any one of some lii3Ouo,ulto.others in about 80 countries et territoriee throughout the world. The world has indeed become a neighborhood. "There are now no earthly limits to human r'peecll." TELEPHONE THBIL'EE Continued from Page One subscribers, prominent in social and business circles 55 years ago: Armi• tage, A., grain merchant, Main st.; Coleman, T. T., salt manufacturer. Main St.; Coleman, T. T„ residence. Huron road; Dancey,-L. E„ barrister. Main st.; Grand Trunk Railway, Freight Office; Gray, Young & Snarl- ing, salt manuf'rs. Main st,; Great North-Western Telegraph Co.. Main st.; Huron Expositor, printing office. Main st.; Papst. C. W., bookseller and :stationer, Main St.; Sun Printing Of lice, Main st.; \Wilson, D. D.. egg dealer, Main st.; Wilson, D.D., resid- eure, James st. In 1902. a druggist. I. V. Fear, sue' seeded Mr. Pepst. as Weal Bell man- ager. The exchange was moved to Mr. Fear's store where he sold drugs. stationery and chinaware. There were Mat under 1010 telephones here then. The local telephone network em' SEVEN GENERATIONS ,,nt n e 'r , 1 Pa 4,, 11a, of theC.P.R.line wes at Moosejew. Th.rq was no station at Winnipeg, ba;;t;.e being jilt piled up be•slie• the track; he sweets had hoard walks and mild. Mr. Houston WaS Bi years nee 0. Mary Atm Harrison daughter r t 11r. and Mrs. William Harrison of Hayfield. They lived at Listowel for a short while, Mr. Houston being en- gagee in carpentering work, and then te•rurned to Bayfield. They have two sons and a Baugh ter: Carl. of the Blue'water Highway. south of Bayfield; John. of Woodrow. Sask.. and Mrs. William Moran. 1 Ruth I who recently moved from London to Woodstock. Mr. Houston is the last sur• vivor of the brothers and sisters. The eldest of the family, James Alex- ander. died in Vancouver; Agnes was married in the West and died there; William John's death occurred from burns at the age of four; Andy died near Brandon, Man.; Mary was mar. sled in the West and died there; Tillie, who married James McIntyre of the Babylon Line, near Bayfield. died in the West, and Eliza Jane who married a minister of the Pres' byterian Church in the West, Rev William Fortune, lived at Craiibrook B.C., for many years before her death Mr. Houston was the only one of the family born in Canada. He was the fourth member of the family, and the three older children were born in. Ireland and the younger ones were born after the family returned to Ireland. The seven generations which Mi•. Houston has lived to see, are in the following order: Airs. Boyd, great - grandmother; grandfather. James Boyd; mother Eliza J. Honstcu; Sam C. Houston; son. John A. Houston; his daughter. Beulah Anderson. and her son, John G. Anderson. EUCHRE! C-tider auspices of Girls' Branch of of W.A. will be held FRIDAY, APRIL 26 In the Parish Hall St. Thomas Church, Seaforth FRIDAY, APRII. 26th: 8.30 sharp D' COMPANY ARMORIES, SEAFORTH WELFARE BRANCH, CANADIAN LEGION. DOOR PRIZE Prizes Galore. Blankets, Fowl, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. CROMARTY Miss Velma Wallace spent last week with her brother at Avonton, Miss Mae Quante is visiting her sis• ter at Harrington. Miss Olive Speare who spent the past month In Toronto has returned to her home here. A number of the young people of the Presbyterian Church drove to Avonton on Friday evening and were pleasantly entertained by the young people al the church there. Mr, Kenneth McKellar of Strathroy spent the week end at' his home here. Air. and Mrs. Joe Nigh of Sudbury called on friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jory of Exeter visited Mt', and Airs. Keith McLaren on Sun' day. Miss Grace Chalmers of Stratford spent the weep end with friends here —sisyszamosamamasomm—m. T THEATRE Seaforth NOW PLAYING NANCY KELLY TYRONE POWER "Jesse James" HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. James Leiper and William were among the guests at Alt. and Mrs. Wnt, Carter's golden wedding celebration one day last week. We Wish to extend congratula- lions to Mr. and Mrs. Carter. We ere vol•y sorry that A4rs, slob' eft Beal tic, is rd pt'c'seut laid tip but hope she will soon be feeling better. Mr. Leslie' Beattie, tuho has been as slsting Alt'. siert Beacom. was culled stoner on account of his mother's sick' nes S. Air. and Airs. Isaac Rapson iu company with Mr, salt tilts, Warren Gibblugs and children spent Sunday at the iloure or Mr. and Mrs. John T. Knox and Eileen in \V'inghaut. Mr. and Mrs. Time. Appleby,- Rosa- mond and Pierson. spent Sunday al •the scone of Mr's. ,Jennie and Air. and Airs. Ernest Knox. Messrs. Ernest Knox aid Frank McGregor pulled the spires on Mon- day after making a nice lot of syrup, although it has not been a very good syrup season. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Vodden of neat' Londesboro recently spent Sunday at tite home of the latter's brother, Mr. Reece Ferris. Mr, and Mrs, James Scott and chis• dren of Toronto motored up, spend- ing the week end at the homes of his sister Mrs. and Mr. John Falrservice near Blyth, and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Simon MoVittie and sisters and brother. REG a MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "Little Old New York" ALICE FAY FRED MacMURRAY RICHARD GREENE NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "Kentucky" LORETTA YOUNG RICHARD GREENE WALTER BRENNAN COMING - 110111111112. "Gone With The Wind" JUNE 5-6 TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. Addison of Hullett vis ited with Mr, and Mrs. L. Tebbutt one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Whitmore and son Fletcher spent last Sunday after• coon with Air. and Mrs. Gordon El- hiott, Mr. and Mrs. Second AlcBrien visit• ed tit Mr. Jas, Landsborough's one day recently. Mr. Will Landsborouglt of Huron Road west visited with this mother, Mrs, Will Lanclsbo'ough last Sunday. MAN LEY Pte, Fergus McKay of Listowel spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tltos, AleKay. The Fine weather has made the fan niers busy getting ready .for seeding operations. By all appearances some seeding will begin for the week end. \Vo are pleased to learn that Mr, Fergus Horan is able to be around. again. Quite 11 number from here attended the spring fair in Seaforth as it 11115 an ideal clay with a lot of good horses. BRUCEFIELD Vir. Rini Mc('owau Is sporting a new Farmall triu01'. Airs, Tom Campbell and Air. and Airs, Victor Taylor and family spent Friday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Ar- VARNA ihnr McQueen s. Mt', and Airs. George Connell, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Connell of Varna family, and Ml's. Norman Baird and attended the golden wedding of Mt'. family spent Sunday with AIr. and and Mrs, Will Carter of Hullett on Mrs. Sant Hendrick of Grand Bend, Wednesday', April 17111, ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES May 3 and 4 from Seaforth To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge, Lindsay Peterbor'o, Campbellford, Newmarket, Collingwood, Meaford, Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreot and West to Beardmore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGowan spent the week end in Toronto, Mr, Kea McCowan is running a new Dodge car. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Taylor, and Mr, and Mrs. Win. Caldwell spent Monday at Loudon, EGMONDVILLE The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Tuesday everting. Hymu 568 was sung as opening hymn. We an repeated the Lord's prayer in uni- son. Dtu'ing the business period we decided to give $00 to the church treasurer. Plans were made for the Young People's anniversary, Murray Williams then took up the collection, Mayne Watson took the missionary period on lndin, Harold Finnigan then took the citizenship period, after 1111ielr Air. Gardiner took charge of the games___.. -_ P. M. TRAINS MAY 3 ALL TRAINS MAY 4 To TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Godetbch, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Strat- ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. See handbills for complete list of destinations ,For Fares, Return Limits. Train Information, Tickets, etc„ consult nearest Agent. T121A CANADIAN NATIONAL First two games played FI;SE. Admission 10c �`i • \ u1.. :, . '"3� .:i1:x ... ?six: v . � ` S: w. �:}3 .'.� o ,1joua 000D U$ED 4p. A SPRING x 01 IO G GARS Big Stock of all popular models and makes! ,111 WE want our decks kept dear for new car business, so are selling a fine group of R&G—reconditioned and guar- anteed—cars of all favoured models and makes. We've cut prices for quick action. Under the present outlook you may have to pay more for the same makes and models later on. So buy now — and save! All R&G cars carry a 2 -day money -back guar- antee and 50/50 30 -day warranty against mechanical defects! Get off to a good motoring start with an R & G bargain car! '39 Mercury 8 Sedan in splendid running condition, Wide, roomy, interiors. I4eater and radio, a big saving. Was $1050 Now $900 '35 FORD V-8 COUPE Ideal car for the business or profes- sional man, Heater and tumble seat. A really good buy. Was $425 Now $375 '36 FORD V-8 SEDAN This sedan is a bargain you'll enjoy for many years to come. You're sure to buy. Was $525 Now $450 '35 FORD V-8 SEDAN :tinothei' special R&G value (renewed cud guaranteed). All mechanical parts in excellent shape. Was $475 Now $400 '31 FORD 'A' COACH Hurry for this one. As good a value as, any on the lot. Was $190 Now $150 DALY'S Garage FORD- MERCURY DEALER Phone 102 Seaforth ',1•110MMIIMINT IRISH TYPE FORDSON TRACTOR Governor, pulley, Bosch magneto. fenders, impulse starter; also tractor plow. SEE THIS ONE ! FORDSON TRACTOR With Pulley. Also Tractor Plow. A Real Bargain 1 '29 FORD A PICKUP Just the light truck for dight Work Was $125 Now $90