The Seaforth News, 1940-04-11, Page 7THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1940 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Ileacfi d " �Vty' til Yi tt. wy vvp'r. it ments .amae023anm>ce�.r.11ao1m We can save you money on Bill and Charge Forms, standard sizes to fit Ledgers, white or colors. It will pay you to see our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index The Seaforth News PHONE 84 THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come' to your house ever`; day tl :roll: i1 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Gln international DuiA• Newspaper It records for you the world's clean. constructive donnas The ata. slot dove not exploit crape or sensation; neither doe. It Panne (1,:aa, bat deals correctively with then,. Future: for busy men and an -tree family, inelltdin the weekly hiaga:Hne 8,11)01. The Christiln Seterro Peblehner S,rl tt One, Norway Street, no.,ton M.r,,.arhu. eta; Please enter my suh.;rrlption to Tho Christian Sclenee Monitor ter a period of 1lastr 111.5) li ri a _k., 0.G4 11 month, 92.01 1. oo h 111111 Saturday issue, Imitudtn; Magazine 8„11100: 1 roar 82.61. a i.sues Pee Name Address S'awplc Cony on Itegm's( HURON NEWS Late A. H. Musgrove, Wingham An outstanding citizen of Wingham, Mr. Armstrong H. Musgrove, passed away at his hose on March 27, aged 86 yours. Mr. Musgrove, wtu born in Piekeriug 'Township in 1854 and mov- ed, When clone yrtllug. 10 Turnbor'ry Tots ]]ship, Iluron County. At the age Of 01 t e 11 V.01111c' obtained his teach- er's verlificate, and commenced teaching. In 1890 he because principal of \Vinghant public school, where he also was head of the continuation de- partment until the building of the High school. In 1988, he seas elected Conservative member for North Huron to the Ontario Legislature, and in 1518 he resigned to accept the postmastership at ' Wiugllam, wlticlt Position he held until his death. In 1881, he married Margaret. Simpson, of Culross, who survives hint, to- gether with three daughters: Wit's. W. J. Greer (Ethel) of Winghanl; EARN MONEY THIS EZ WAY Train for stenographer, Our way is the quickest, easiest way. Our system trains in abc characters. Easy to qualify at home inside of three months, You simply buy the books, and receive free criticism on examina- tions. Sample lesson FREE, CASSAN SYSTEMS 76 Evelyn Crst., TORONTO ,edrr .s,® D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Office — Commercial Hotel Electro Therapist -- Massage Hours—Mon. and Thurs. after- noons and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation—Sun-ray treatment. Phone 227, KEEPS SPIRITS HIGH, Earnscliffe, a member of the staff of the Buffalo General Hospital, Buffalo, N.Y.; and Mrs, Stanley S. Smith (Edna) of Guelph; also one brother, Ur. George Musgrove, Niagara Falls, Late Mrs. George Easterbrook— Nlrs, (;corgi: 1);asterbrook, lifelong 1011114 11. of Exeter, died theft• after hbortillu tis. Born in the Inane res- idence over 72 years ago, she was Mary Elizabeth :tweet, daughter of Mt anti Mrs. Willful]] 14 (el. On Mauch 4, 1886. she was married in 8110 Sallie hoose to (forge Luster- hcoolt and they took up residence with the bride's parents She was a life- long member of ,James Street United 01111111. She is surviveil by her husb- and and two daughters, Mrs Frank Lee, of Thorndale, and Miss Phoebe, al home; eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild, The ftu,eral was held on Tuesday. Named Organist at Exeter— Mrs. Y. J. Dore of Exeter liar been appointed organist and choir leader at the Main Street. United Church, Miss Evelyn Huston, who had the position for a number of years, has retired owing to poor health. FRENCH GOVERNMENT TO PURCHASE HORSES Thu Vomition Department of Agri- culture lits been advised by repre- sentatives of the French Govern- ment t111tt they expect to purchase horses in Canada. According to pre- sent' prospects, first inspections. will take placeduringthe second fort - 'tight of. May. The actual purchasing is espei•tetl to be done through French purchasing boards operating at the larger railroad centres in Eastern and Western Canada, Two types of horses are scanted: horses for cavalry Purposes, and horses n1' light draught. 1ype. Horses If eawah'y type shouldhe hetweon the ages of 5 and 10 wears, standing 15 hands 1 inch to 16 hands, close to the ground, with good neck. short Molt. deep ahonide's and high with- ers, well sprang ribs, good legs. and trent, good action, and weighing from 97a to 1,100 pounds. Ilorses ul light drauglll, 1)1 light 'wanner type should be well ln'ukeu, between the ages of 5 and in years, ~funding 15hands to 15 hands 2 1801 - es in height, with short harp, strong charters, plenty of hone, true aetiuu, capable of palling a big weight dg' PAGE SEVEN rough or broken ground, and weigh- ing from 1,700 to 1,200 pounds. The desired proportions of the two types are 60 per cent cavalry and 40 pe)' cent light rh'aug1N. MAY HOLD SEED GRAIN FOR SEVERAL YEARS The a11'twel' ]o the question regard- ing the germinating power of seed which has been field over on the ftirnt for two years or more may be found in the following expetdtne.ut eondnct' .ed ut Ottawa and at experiment. sta- tions 1u United S1(11(1s, England and Denmark, ul determine the vitality of the seeds of cereals, plovers and thnotby, when stored in dry storage for different, periods of lime, says ,John D. MacLeod .seed expert of the Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. Wheal and barley retained their vitality almost unimpaired for five years after harvest. Oats showed little loss of vitality until after the ninth year. The germ of the wheat was practically dead at the end of the fifteenth year but after the same length of time oats st.111 gave a fair- ly high germination. This was prob. ably slue to the protection o1' the oat hull. Grain which is held over would need to be ripe when threshed so that it would not heat in storage and the place 111 which it is stored would need to be perfectly dry. The vitality of timothy seed i11 dry storage was weli.retained until after the fourth year while red clover, al- sii(e and white clover showed little reduction in germinating power dur- ing the first three years. These ex periuu'nts show that it is possible to hold seed grain, clover and grass seed over 0 short period of years without seriously injnrhlg Its germ - huffing power. Crain and seed from tilt• previous ypitr'a crop May be of better quality and is frequently held over with a view to trreirillg het) or paces and all assurance that. good Heed will be available for seeding pul•posr'8. ht view of the information made avail• able as a result of the above experi- ments it would appear that th • farm- ers would be playing sale. However, iu view of the very Short time and 20111111 expense involved. 11 is re(•onr mended that a representative so triple of the bulk be germinated in order thatone may be ah0(1111 ly sarc duct seed capable of germinating and pre- amble strong plaits is shown. T HOME AND ABROAD Despite the heavy demands made by soldiers in training.in Canada and overseas, the Y” does not neglect its peace time job as witness (1(110 happy faces. TVs nice to be able to leave barracks behind and step into the Y,M.C,A, Centre in Montreal, where are allthe com- forts of hone and a girl opponent at Chinese Checkers. For those who like the modern dance and the com- panionship of wholesome girls the "V" arranges a dance night at Montreal, Those too old for the army can still absorb Y.M.C.A, fellowship 'n the gymnasium,: as part of thereplan program still kept up in spite of war demands. tbali,Iht't b fru, 1.(otrldn'0 lett-1, at .M 0.AS�dj ��pl utgeh�p K'1 NIGHT HING CM OFTEN E1E TED Yet r child's coughing at night— crtu5cd by throat "tickle" or ir- ritation, mouth breathing, or a cold—can often be prevented by rubbing his throat and chest with plenty of Vicks VapoRub at bed- time. VapoRub's swift poultice - and -vapor action loosens phlegm, relieves irritation; clears air pas- sages, tends to stop mouth breath- ing. reads him1" helps him relax into � 'MKS healing sleep, 7%.t,aoRus MAKE A HALO OF YOUR HAIR! Few woolen give their hair suffic- ient brushing, yet vigorous brushing is lhe ati8wer to most hair problems. U_e a brush with strong bristles, Don't worry if you lose a few strands, for every head sheds a few stairs every (iay. Brush away from the parting. right down to the ends. A good thing for a greasy head is a permanent wave. This tends to dry up the surplus oil and generally ef- 1(11s much improvement, If you have dry hair, massage it ocettaionally with warm olive oil. Dress it with brilliantine to impart 0. glass. Dandruff is obnoxious and embar- rassing. With consistent care it can be eared. Get a good hair tonic and massage the scalp two or three tines a week. How many women fail to keep their stair clean! 'flip 11011 should be sham- pooed O least Duce a week. There is a 1014'15'- 110w shampoo that is equally good for normal, oily or dry -looking half and it makes the hair radiantly clean, leaving no dulling film. Halo shampoo is simple to use, too. There 10 114' 0x19150, 1100', 101' ally woman ie have dull, greasy -looking hair. Don't forget to give your hair an extra hard brushing before washing. And .don't ever dry your lair close ce an open fire 0r a stove; the heat is likely to *weaken and break the hair. My booklet. on Beauty ('are tells you more about this and many other beauty problems. Send four one•c'.ent stamps for a copy and ask about. tour 111111 ln'0b1enis, 1110. Address: Miss Barbara Lynn, Box 75, Station B,. Montreal, Que. CUTS COSTS YOU PAY LESS YOU USE LESS SURER "j BUTS