The Seaforth News, 1940-02-15, Page 2PAGE TWO
They Make Delicious Tea
Mrs. William Pepper
Burled At Mitchell—
The death occurred Last week at
the residence of her son-in-law. James
Malcolm. concession 3. Hibbert town-
ship, of Janet Stark. widow of Will-
iam Pepper, She was in her 83rd year
and had been ill since December,
Mrs. Pepper was born in Tucker -
smith in 1857, daughter of the late
Thomas Stark and Margaret Prent-
iee She was married 03 years ago in
Tuckersnitli. her husband predeceas•
lag her in August, 1022. After their
reaeri _-. Mrs. Pepper resided in Hib-
bert for a few years, then moved to
lot 30, concession 1, Logan, the farts
new occupied by a son, George Pep -
They retired to Mitchell 23
ears Ran, Mrs. Pepper gave up her
h me six years ago, going to live with
t er son (leorge. in Logan town hip.
Site was a member of Zion tn-ted
Church. Hibbert. Surviving tare three
sons William and Janes of flood-
water, Sask., and George of Logan:
,.. daughters. Mrs. Samuel H.
Stinson 1Lizzie) of Regina: Mro- Al.
beet H. Yen Nellie) of Toronto; 9lrs.
James T. Malcolm (Mary) of Hibbert.
X. fourth daughter. Mrs. Isaac Jewell
(Maggiei predeceased her, On.• broth•
er, Adam Stark of SannmerIatrd. B.C..
also survives. and oue sister, Mrs. El-
len Britton of 'Windsor. The are L
grandchildren and four great grand-
children. One other great grandchild.
Glenna Jnyee Pepper, died on January
13, this year. The funeral was held
on Saturday from the home of her
son, George Pepper, Logan. Inter-
ment was at Mitchell. The pallbear-
ers were all neighbors: B. Barker.
N. Bnshfield. R. Aikens. Albert Roney.
E. I:leinfelt and E. Aunts. Friends
and relatives who attended from a
distance were Mr. and Mrs. William
Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pepper
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yeo and son
Bobby. all of Toronto: Mr and ants.
Frank Layton of Clinton: John and
l'elt+set. of Henaall: 'Roy and
Jack '• pp er of BrucefieltiMr 'Fred
Paemer o: S at n'th and
Batt t .•r of the lir .t.
Mrs. Norman Shleiis, Brussels—
ttununity was sleeked
last week to learn of the sadden
death of Mrs. Norman Shielis
Grace Iiellington) who passed' away
at her home in Brussels. Sita was in
her usual health earlier that morning
whoa she prepared her husband's
breakfast before he left for his work
in bush, bttt was found dead a
t•..;t haunt later by a neighbor. : he
terra; to mourn her demise, her hus-
band anti four young children. Nor-
te George. Donna and Pauline,
;tlse her fattier and mother, AIr, and
Mrs. Thomas Kellington, Ilrussel .
Th funeral was held last Wednesday
Gadsr cn Man Dies on Way
Home Fram. Work—
::carie cane with startling sudden-
aee it) Daniel McLeod of Goderich
.+r:c Sunday morning. He had climb-
ed tip tate steps from the harbor com-
ing Prom his work on the tug Forest.
savidontly the strain on his heart was
ton ::tech. and he was found dead at
the sop of the steps by Albert Webb,
a fellow employee, who was returning
to his home on the tug. Mr. McLeod
was in his 011th year. He was the son
of Norman and Mary McLeod who
settled near Ripley. He was a tugboat
engineer most of his life and worked
at carious ports. Surviving are his
widow, formerly Mary McLeod. of
Ripley. and two daughters, Gladys,
Toronto; onto; Aiarion. of Detroit, and three
sons.. John, Norman and Donald. all of
i7 •trait.
outting Equipment Floats
Aemy on lee-floe—
Opeeratioue of the annual ice harv-
est , . Lake Huron, south of the har-
-,-.r° ..ante to an abrupt ending Friday
When twenty -add workmen
ee.regei in. J. H. Graham's ice -cutting
npetatiot15 reported for work at 8
k there was no ice -saw. no
gas /lilt' engine, no pike -poles, shov-
el- tongs or other equipment to be
seen- And above all there was no les,
During the night a stiff northeasterly
gale had broken the ioe away from
the shore line, sntashed it up and
thriven 1t out into the lake for a dis-
tance of two miles. Something lied to
be done, and done smartly. So a row -
Witt 5V1%ti requisitioned ' - and carried
cover the ice between the piers to the
outer breakwater and launchedin
open tt'ittet'. lit 11 V0l'5 Douglas Gra-
ham, Bruce Volland, Frank Alton and
Carson Hoy. They started rowing 001'
a "speck" on the lake which looked
like a gasoline engine. The tempera-
ture was five above zero and a bitter
cold wind was blowing. Progress was
slow, as the men at points had to
break the ice with pike -poles. Half
an Inur after the departure of the
quartette Bert McDonald was told of
the expedition. He considered four
men in a rowboat tinder the existing
Conditions a bit too risky. So he
launched another boat and with. Har-
vey Johnston set out to join the oth-
ers. Finally they pulled up alongside
the block of ice holding the ice -cut-
ting equipment. They chopped it
down in size to about twenty-five feet
square, threw a line over the gaso-
line engine, frozen in the .ice, and
made for shore. It was a. tough job
rowing against the wind with a heavy
tow. They were borne off their course
and landed four miles down shore,
Later in the day a team picked up the
,equipment and two rowboats and
brought them to the harbor. The men
in the rowboats were chilled to the
marrow and took hours to thaw out.
Mr. Graham was greatly pleased and
conslclered Itinteelf fortunate to get
his egniptnent, valued at nearly $780,
back.---Godorich Signal -Star.
Fire At M.P.P.'s Home—
Fire which broke out in the home
of C. A. Robertson, M.P.P., in Col-
t ars Inf
"—even Alexander Graham Bell could hardly
have visioned my amazing future—certainly not
on the evening of March 10th, 18'16, when the
human voice was first heard over a wire."
Four years later—April 1880—the Bell Tele-
phone Company of Canada was formed.
It was a new domain of public service but the
Company's founder, the late Charles Fleetford
Sise, was confident that a painstaking, cour-
teous service, always improving as new appa-
ratus and new methods evolved, would in time
develop into one of the major enterprises of
Canada. He saw that telephone service was
worth so much more than its cast to the user
that the future of the business csas assured.
The principle that Bell embodied in his first
crude telephone has persisted to this day. The
principles of Charles Fieecford Sise for the
conduct of a great public service are reflected
in the continuous progress of the Company he
Within these sixty rears she telephone has
broken down the barriers of space and time
and vastly promoted human understanding. In
Canada the telephone is used more than in any
other land.
The first telephone to carry
the human voice. Compared
to your modern streamlined
telephone — as code as a
buggy beside a motor car.
Miss E. M, Culi`
it takes ABILITY to earn rnoney
C A ACTS a t, , s V;e
Tragic are the "failures" who lack the character to save
the money their ability enabled them to earn.
Happiness and success are built on a sound financial basis
and there is no surer start on the road to financial security
than a Savings Account.
Follow a plan of regular saving. This Bank will gladly help
you and it also provides absolute security for your funds.
Trust Accounts may be opened for your children.
T ��t� Jyt BANK
E. C. Boswell - - Manager
borne township, last week. for, ,•11 the
removal of the ailing l sista:tor irotit
his bed to a place of safely while vol•
unteer fire-fighters fought the flames
which had broken out under tate dem
of his bedroom. Alr, Robertson was
later removed to the home of his
brother-in-law and physician. Dr. is.
Weir, at Auburn.
Forty Years Wedded—
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson. well
known and highly esteemed residt•tts
of Dungannon, on January Onth. ob-
served the fortieth anniversary of
their wedding. Mrs. Davidson was
Margaret McCluskey, youngest dt,uglt-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McClnsk,•y.
Goderieh township. at whose home
the wedding took place. Many friends
throughout Huron. county will join in
felicitations epee tate happy anni-
Agnes Macphail Nominated—
Mie, Agnes Alla: phatl addressed a
convention t•f her constituents at
Hanover on Saturday and again re-
ceived the r,F.O •Labor nomination
for the federal riding of Grey-Bruee.
No other nominations wer.- offered to
the convention. Three candidates have
been uoniinated for the GreyBruce
riding, Walter Harris. of Markdale
Liberal: Carl Iineehtel. ot Hanover.
for National Conservatives. and the
It;F.t).-Leber candidate, Miss Mac-
Former Clinton -Girl Passes—
A cllpplim from the Montreal Star
reeordine the burial ial of a former m _r (slut
ton g wit. rticeived h 1,n-!.ntlt
and te,u<fl, i) t -s: -Tho finial
S,...1-c•ira • of 1Mrs. Ashbel Ar, tittaht
holt s lie rn c." Chats was held on
Saturday efternook at 44 toad st
St. Lamb . t the home ot her son
Eldred J. Arr'hibalrl, ass,•eiatt editor
of the Montreal Star. Slt• died .tan.
nary 3301 in h--" .`Ittt ye-ar atter a
fete menthe' illness, F. B. Archibald.
of New c,.. -k: R. (Taut,, Macpherson.
of 3)ttaw..:r R. A, -Robertson. nt
Mintr.•a',. •lthews. anti. Dr. R. H.
coat'. +t c+*.taw a. brother o; Ales. Ar
cltibabl. were honorary pail 11,111'01.,,."
Alts. At.c Itiia:l,l will he remembered
by many of nth roaaol, as
Alta t'Kal-ot t'nat She was tilt- daughter
«,t tin. and AIary Coals
their 11--idence
]cert. e 1:d't a store. Clinton
Myers --- At Ah -manner; H •treitai.
Goderich en February anti. tc Dr.
arta Mrs. G. _.. :1I c•«;r=. a sou.
"I assn,
I'm always
removed promptly and efficiently,
Simply phone "COLLECT" to
-AVM 77 -Cr CaLe)7.-
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and .Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble, '
phone 179 and the will conte promptly
Electric Welding
Done by an Experienced Welder, Ken Campbell. starting Sept. 4th.
Work guaranteed. The portable welder can be taken any place with
or without Hydra
Alt Repairs Strictly Cash
We Aim To Please,