The Seaforth News, 1925-06-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
t d !I V U NU EZUR5
J. F. SNOW/JON. Proprietor.
General Observations
The fair lady editor of the Clinton
News -Record wonders if the Earl of
Asquith and Oxford; gowly cre'a'ted
Knight of the Garter, will sometimes
let :!argot wear that garter with the
new short skirts. 'Tutf•tutl
Jane Session
County Council
All the members .of the Huron
County Council were pre'sen't at the
tin of the June session
opening meeting oe
Tuesday, June
with tt
h th
.caption of Mr. ,Mc]onal'd; deputy
reeve of Grey, and Mr, Joheetoit, of
Ashfield. In his opening "remarks
Warden Robertson expressed his
pleasure at .seeing all back ready for
a serious session. He was sorry Mr.
McDonald was not present, 'being
kept at home by an accident, Mr.
Johnston, he expected,' would be along
te next et day. As ';bar as he could
h d
see from the cori'espondenae .that
been g
comity Ito the clerk's office,
this was g'otug to be a very 'isnpor't-
ant session. Since the late ttle meeting
he and Messrs. 'Ma'cE:wan andg
had attended the meeting of .the
Good Roads Association and he
w'otdd give a '.report dater on
lin session.
Another matter ,which diad
n e
since been
session wa's the ;settlement of the
claim ,of the Police Magistrate for
payment of stenographer's services.
The, s'ol'icitor .had advised' that the
county could not very well contest the
claim. The council in a way sanc-
tioned the eppoiit'tmen't of the juven-
ile court office and it was thought
advisable to pay the claim, I't was
for the council to approve
of this action, lor 'other-
wise, The Good Roads Commission
of the County niet in March and
again in May and had gone over the
roads 'thoroughly and had gone to
the dvis-
It is surely ,adding to the torture
to ask one of those fair young girls
when has been waiting, say 'forty
years; to wait another three drays af-
ter the license is secured before the
ceremony can be performed, which
alalia. two
s n :harts one
the premises in good repair' 'exeept
one room at the shelter which needed
pa'perin'g which they recommended eo
done; 'thait Mr, Tait be paid the sura
of $25 es agreed upon'by the chairman
and clerk for furnishing 'plans and
specifications for rewiring the court
houe We visited the 'registry office
and found everyehing all right except
one room Mitch we recommend be
cleaned and kalsonnned,
The matter of a grant to the Plow-
men's Association was taken up at
the closing session and the feliowing
motion was adopted: Moved by
Messrs. Hays and Ginn that a
grant of $100 be made to the Huron
Plowmen's Association Ito be held in
the south of the •county this year
and at annual meeting a 'representa-
'be on
' dit
each >
i +e from p
the board.
A motion 'by Messrs. Geiger and
Baeker that incase of all inmates ad-
mitted to' the House of'Refuge .having
property or estate, advertisement
must 'first be inserted in our-iccotinty
papers that all claims of accounts
eu!t in 'oi
Hurst dies
tain date ,to, the inspector of the
house or such claims will not be
and that- this mo't'ion be
embodied in ,the house of refuge
rules. This motion was last on the
trate "being taken.
The estimates as put in were adopt-
ed and a levy of 3% tyles on 'the
dollar adopted,
The following bylaws were passed:
No. 8 levying the county rates on the
equalized assessment .on a 354 mill
basis, raising 'o'f ordinary expendi-
tures .tures $148,754.90. Bylaw No,levy-
ing 2 mills for highway purposes and
making special levies on certain 'mu
nicipahties if the bylaw is to be
found legal. Bylaw No, 10 -making
•special grants to the 'towns of Gode-
aieh and Clinton, the former for
work on the terrace hill and .the
latter to improve King and Albert
streets as connecting links. 'Bylaw
-No. 11 appr,opri'a!ting $110,000 for
construction and $120,000 for misin-
teeeanee purposes on the highways.
Moved by Messrs, Hayes and
Inglis that the 'Good 'Roads.' Commis-
sion, the warden, 'engineer and clerk
be instructed to go before the min-
ister of highways and ascertain the
legality,of special levies, if in their
opinion it is deemed advisable.
County Clerk Holman was given
two weeks holidays on notion of
Messrs. ,Munnings and Baelcer.
sym'pa'thy With hini and ask that his
name be a
ced onth
Moved bY'Messrs McKibbon and
Hubbard that the attention of our.
county constables be 'drawn to the
non -enforcement of the county bylaw,
prohibiting the running at large of
cattle and either animals on the coun-
ty roads, 'thus becoming a 'menace to
life and 'property, Carried, The coun-
cil adjourned' for the afternoon in
honor of the ;Kings 'birthday, Mr,
Hanley brotight 'op the !matter of
building 'better protection for stock
connecting the guard fences of
the approaches to 'bridges with 'the
fence enclosing the property adjac-
ent to the approach fences.
Mr, Heyes brought up ,the matter
of the a'ppointmen't of a House of
Refuge solipltar at Clinton, as no by-
law had been passed by the council
of Refuge
House 0
1't hl any
a Pott g
solicitor, Mr, Middleton saidthe.
t his
matter would be
referred to u
report. Messrs, Neel), Iwenuedy,
Geiger and Beattie further discussed
the matter of an appointment.
'Moved by Mr. Geiger, second 'by
Mr. Hayes, that a grant of $500 be
made to the Children's Shelter of the
county for the balance of the year
and that after 'this year the county
council assume all management of
the Children's Shelter. Referred to
the executive committee. Mr. J. F,
Johnston asked 'whether anything had
been done in the way of securing a
interest. terest.
The e
rate of ut
said nothing had :been but inforniaTian
W'hy pay but more money, to con-
serve forests from fire, when Ontario
already ispaying more for fire rang-
ing than the wood is worth when
sold for export to the United States?
What Canada requires is such an em-
bargo as will compel the wood to be
manufactured in Canada and bring
eleven times the money.
Speaker Lemieux must have been
peeved by the !teat when he made
the statement that he would be sorry
that members should sit in the
House of Commons in shirt sleeves.
Does he make 'Miss McPhail wear a
coat also? He will be lucky if some
1 1 d t ppear, a' so many
Toronto to appear before
metra of withoreference
dse Aboutte seadjust, 23 per!wouley asked d he of the clerk had performed
I vent,
f the D
writ, of our comity roads system) tion duty
of imposed
Children's Shelterthe onstMr,
would be Gut off. The Good Roads
catnmissiort 'af the county, he'had 1•Iodman rise! the arrangement enter -
found, were a conscientious set of ed into at the ie institution
O1notf the
Sh y
men, The county must be prepared ter but said
great. increase ii the cost of inspected it because he •Iit tr'had been
time to
els a
education; in one year it had
increase e time ctid �'y juries and that further'
"�U U00 'There was also '
Monument Works
n ea�orth Ni
time ao y juries
ay she nes uo a , •
girls do now, with only a bathing suit, . in the cost of adntinistrato'u of croo-
n,inal justice, the increase being due to
•ons over which the -comity
lad no control.
of the
Some men are mourned after death, { assessment would probably be'some-
The matter of equalixaeion
others 'before death, The latter was thing to ire dealt with
hi seesior .
without any sleeves.
the rase with J. W. -Hoye,, the lore
onto promoter of the Ontario \Vest
Shore Railway, from Goderich to
Kincardine. who after securing guar-
antee of bonds.from these towns and
the Townships of .
to the extent of `several hundred
The toad pro be
serious. which the council would have
.to deal With, however. The Warden
closed by expressing tate hope that
the session would be es happy
harmonious as the January session.
Among bills presented -was tine
tunMrs, Griffin
salaryry 8
s jail
with salary from January to
b311 she presented
thousand dollars, left Canada for Cal- Jsrne added to air.
Jennie about eighteen years ago, in January. She spoke of handing
byh • islets cis of her claim to her solicitor for colleen
greatly mourned the t S ! ,tinn, but the. did not scare Reeve
the unfortunate municipalities. There Geiger, who called out, "Filed. This
was little mourning by these people I ;natter was (l -ported of at the Jan -
when his death was announced testi narysession," and the council con
curved in dins disposing of the tom
� t nn
i monies i
Sheriff Reynold tinder the jail
HURON NEWS. 1 rules, appointed Dr.A. H. Taylor
on as jail surgeon its -succession to ens.
rasher, the late Dr..1.. Taylor S. B. Stothers R. left on . dire to closed :the correspondence with the
agricupana• R. rS.e Duncan. Manch,tor1111 department in this connection Ap-
agricultural other
branch, l patently a •bylaw of the council is
obseand three outer representatives, to eg
Indianatf<m trip through the State oft if the council
confirming Nvisilttg the akingsent
• } •unci] tvislierl, or makings ,
Indiana. merit. cnanm
•Y the
would have been sup.
nus but if it was desired he .could give
a report with reference to statistics.
!roved by Mesrs. Middleton and J.
F, Johnston+that in tete matter of in-
surance against liability for injuries
on the highways, no 'action be taken,
Carried. -
\loved by Messrs, Beattie and :Mc-
hibhou that we congratulate Mr,
MacEwan un his election as mayor
of Goderich. Carried.
The executive committee's report
as amended in committee mode the
. $2,500for.he
+in r
foil gg
to the Children's Shelter instead of
$1,500 as passed at 'the January ses-
sion; an addition of $100 to the Sal-
tation Army; 'th'at $50 be given to
the 'Huron County Fruit Show.
The education committee reported
recommending payment to St.
Marys Collegiate of $515.09: school
r iston High School, $
$64,54, as this county's and dshare Collegiate,
of attendance of 'Huron county
eJ L1111Ca
E. S. Livermore, only ;on of �lr, other appoint
and Nies. James Livermore, has tion from the Highways Department
stated that the amount of the Govern -
taken n., degree ate Torontogoo Lltiilell meat grant on work done and ap-
ifty. Ile. will enter Osgood;• Miall proved in 1024 Was $86,478.09, The
in the Fall Department intimated that they had
An interesting gathering teas held • of roach machinery
Unique and impressive
is what may be said of mon-
uments of most modern de-
sign, and will give the
most pleasing and lasting
satisfaction. Supplied b y
4�b Ill�lli'rli,..,„
J,„ Prop.
House to Rent
Newly papered. ComEorta'ble, Elec-
tric Lights. Hard and Soft water in-
doors. Garage and 'Earn: Lmmediate
Roads and Bridges,
The roads and bridges of the aun-
ty always accupy a large amount of
the attention of the county 'council
and this was as ,true of the
sessions last week as of any .previous'
session, and in addition the revision
.of the svatem by the Provincial Gov-
ernment whereby 100 miles have been
cut off the Huron county 'system,
was the subject of a 'lengthy discus-
sion and met with the disapproval of
the council.
The road and bridge committee re-
ported 'having met at Clinton, May
13th when they met Mr, H. Corey as
Farm Bargain. 1
To Close. an
100 acres
Brick house, good barns
40 acres in oats,. five buckwheat
18 acres hay, balance pasture
Farm and crop $5,250
Immediate possession
pupils, Re claim of I'xetet• high to his claim for damages fora 'horse
.chool, that only $7050 75 he paid; killed by 'going over the abutment of
aswe agree with .the motions lit- the county br+dge between the town -
chided !n recent report of educa'Gott ships of God•edich and Stanley. Not
committee, June, 1924, that accord- considering the county liable, the.
ing to estatute with regard to committee recommended no action
buildings used for High School pur- and requested .the chairman to notify
poses 'what we are it.,+' t •a Mr, Corey to disconnect his fence'
els of debenture deb' from the county guard rail and 'place
as claimed by the Exeter Board 01 his own fence where it properly be -
Education. longs. This had been done since.
The finance committee reported on The bridge on the east 'boundary of
a large number of accounts and called ilsborne opposite W. Christie's and J.
Bolton's was looked over and the
committee. .recommended that the
engineer make arrangements with
Mr. Bolton to -have the dirt front the
municipal drain on his property used
in widening the approach to said
bridge. The arch bridge on the east
boundary of Ushorne on the Gore
road straight east of Exeter was
visited and it was found that the
railing on one side was completely
gone and the committee recommend-
ecl that the engineer see to the re -
piecing of -the sante They recom-
mended the approach to Mud Creek
beidge and of the Turner bridge be
widened: that a guard line be placed
on the approaches to tI a Sauble
bridge between Stephen and McGilli-
vray; that•new floor be placed on
Ball's bridge (it would require 10,500
feet) ; that $336.80, Huron county's
share of bridge between 'Greannand
Lima built in 1023 be paid. Reeve
McTbibban met the chainman of the
road and <bridge committee of 'Perth
coutrty council May 18th at Stratford
to let con't'act for a 12 foot bridge on
the east boundary of Us'borne and
T-IS'lbert, This 'bridge vas being
built about 100 feet east of the oid
bridge. Con't'act for filling the old
bridge site and widening the road
was let to J, Hunkins, of Exeter, for
A second report of the road and
bridge committee recommended that
the county engineer examine joist on
the Exeter bridge and if necessary
have same repadr:ed; that la grant
e made to the town of Clinton for
See our complete list of Town and
Farm property for sale at reduced
A, D. Sutherland,
that tired look and "ragged"
feeling out of your face,
Say Bonilla Facial" to
your barber and come up
smiling with a new appear-
ance of vim and fitness. Be
one of the "Imllion'a week.'
(Just Around the Corner)
DR, H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England Speoial
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence. Phone 106.
Office and residence Goderich street
east of the Methodist church. Cor-
oner for
or-oner:for the County' of Huron. Tele-
phone No. 40.
DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay,
honor graduade of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER.—Ey Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden •Square Throat `Hob'-
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth .
Monday in'each ,
third M Y
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m, 53 Waterloo
street south, Stratford. Phone 267,
i l Ite'"ar me 1 far
a quantity attention to the mcr.easntg cost of
at the hose of \lr. and Mrs. John H. ;ale au
invited the county to snake r the administration of justice in the
11rtr-;van of the second of Manley Ir •anon for ivitatever they night r comity, it 'having risen from $8,890.55
nr art
'Wednesday. June 3rcl, the occasion app
being the celebration .,f the golden equ;,•e• The Ontario Bridge
tated they had
Ewaut'g parents,
rof afro moo sale very cheap. One ut the
1 nub's y, ni Mr. and Mrs. George ,,,veil ori suggested it Wright be pns-
theL Stanbury, ni Clinton,aformerly of ible to get a bargain, its a new
the. London road. Mr. and \Srs• itr3de for y.
Smithery weir married at the home \tgthe openBainfieldg meeting :•f the June
of the bride, his was .Mary Lands $.,:ion of the county council Cmtt-
borough, daughter of the' late Rob d s t Heard of the Salvation
in 1923 to S153)17,61 in 191.4:
increase of nearly SO per' cent, This
appears to your committee as tt-
justifiable in view of the .fact that we
were informed that with the ap-
pointment of -a police magistrate and
juvenile court bcofficer nsiderably e coat wouldeonside ablydecreased.
hest Taand•sh•,rnuglr, Tuckersmith, on
June 3rd, 1575, the late Rev. John
Ross, of Brucefield conducting the
ceremony. They then settled on the
London road anti there they con-
tinued to reside until they moved
man a t for
Army made an eloquent appeal
increased assistance 'towards their
rescue home and to help meet a de-
epirt from this e dDepartuentyear.
A rel ,
Education gave :the following state-
ment of grants to tete public and sep-
The House of Refuge conruiittee
reported approval of "the resolution
prepared by Mr. Brydone for the ad-
mission of inmates 'protecting reeves
front litigation, the clerk. to send the
sante to the provincial secretary, that
into Clintonhaeabout ten years ago, the chairman of the committee, the
inspector and the manager let the
have a fanti]r of two wauglt scats scli,ol Fubhe schools $ nark of deepening the well at $';Ise
ters, Mrs. SfcCiwan and 3,. W. J. (18,,.o,: - ,carate sehnnls, $93:30atntal per foot, The committee expressed
falconer. both of Stanley e grease .tr NO 96 etc approval of tlsn. cccellen expressed
and eight granddahiiilren. The greater ,1 en the council convened •• on which he home u k , l
number of those who witnessed the
marriage ceremony fifty years ago laml's birthday, the con
havegone over the great divide, Mr. ,be proceedings by singing the Na-
' r¢il Anthem. The Warden gave a
t rt• and cam li
\Wednesday morning, this b•eing
merited the management on the same,
.rfecting great credit on the in' situ-
tion and 'the" county and in-
spection of the 'house was made and
everything was found in good order,'
very neat and clean. The committee
decided to leave the purchase of cos
supply for:the next winter to the in-
spector and manager and since then
two carloads of hard coal had been
ourchascd at $ per ton on C.N,
R, track, Clinton: The decona'tion of
several front rooms had been co
pleted at a cost of $133, which waste•he
much needed improvemT
team at the House of Refuge had been
changed at a cost .of $135, been"' un-
able to carry on the work. The Sup-
plying of groceries for the •coarsing.
year had been given to W. T. O'Neil,
of meat to S. Castles at 10y 'fore
quarter and 'the 'suply of 'bread to
Dan Schantz at $5:50 per owt,; that
the insurance on the 'House of Refuge
be liaised from $23,000 to $40,000, A.
D. Strtherlandi of 'Seaforth, to be
given the 'bus Hess. Re MTS. Abre-
ham's claim against the county in
'connection with Mrs. 'McKay's estate
that no action be t£lccn a's the claim
had notbeen proven; that the ac-
count of Mr. Brydone, ju'dge's fees
and legal advice for the comity home
amounting to $78.55 be paid.
The caunty -property committee
recommended as .fol'lo'ws: That the
oresen•t flag pole be painted and ten
.feet be acl.ded to . She tap srolion and
erected aboaft 25.`feet to the north &f
r,f the present looatioin that the cost
more filing space :for. Mr,
of adding would be about
\47i5dads office the res-
1475 Incfor addding a_ story to p
"nt vault; but this would save space
in other .parts of the 'ronin, that the
tender of Mr. 'Frank Shannon for
wiring the court .hou'se las pet plans
and specifications for the sum 'of $.00
be accepted, that tthey'had,visi'ted ;he5
fail and children's shelter and 'found
Stanbury being the last member of
his fetidly. :firs. Statib'ury has two
brothers and three sisters: Mr, John
Landsborough of the Peace River
district; W. C. Landsborough of
Port Credit; Mrs. Geo. E, Clark of
Groten, N. D'ak., 'Mrs. James Mc-
Queen of Brucefield and Miss Annie
Landsborough who resides with Mrs.
Stanbury. The latter two were pres-
ent at the celebration. Mr. and Mrs.
Stanbury are esteemed residents of
Clinton and their friends here hearti-
ly congratulate them on the attain-
ment 01 this interesting anniversary
and wish them continued health and
Miss Edna Pridhatn, B,:1„ daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pridhatn,
of Goderich, has graduated from Col-.
um'bia University ,with the degree of'
M.A. She will go to Europe in
July on a tour.
The hofne of Messrs. Wyles, Re-
gent street, was struck by lightning,
causing a fire ,which was esstingtti-sh-
ed by .the firemen.
William !Wilson was fined $10 and
costs 'for -reckless driving on the
Huron road and his license was
taken away for a month.
The wedding 'thole place o1i May
25th of Gladys Evelyn Werner, only
'daughter of Mr. and Mrs, David H.
Warner, and Reginald George :Sower -
by, eldest son of Mr. and,Mrs. Geo.
Sawet^by,•lath of Goderich township.
It Bids Pain Begone.—When twee -
algia racks the nerves or lumbago
cripples the back is the time to test
the virtues of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil. Well rubbed in it will still .the
pain and 'produce a sensation of ease
and rest. A trial of it will establish
faith in it, .
tin t.
report of the work of hattended
oadsAssociation, which he , Psi -
and Mr. Ingles, County Engineer
terson, ;Mr. MacEwan and County
ClerkClerkHolman also spoke briefly
ie lyeoof
the engineer's and Good Roads ds
vection,, which they also attended.
Moved by IMMcssrs. A. E. Johnston
•arcs! :Middleton that the council place
nt-. record its appreciation of �t-bensa-
ner in which the Warden acquitted
himself at the Good Roads con
held 5.t Toronto. Car
A deputation, consisting of Rev, J.
F.; 'Ford, chair3nan; Sheriff Reynolds,
treasurer, and G. M. Elliott, increas-
made a request for .. incieay-
edgrant to the Children's Aid Society. Statheagricul-
S. p representative,
dtaddressed the
tura! 'speaking pr ,of the
council !sneaking principally
natter .of putting on a county ex -
t at Toronto exhibition to ad-,
• ise all branches of theindustries
tiF teMr. Stothers ap-
teldrto County ale'fora grant to help carry this
• 'ectotit and also appealed for help
for the .Huron County frumtilhotvand
ivfoved by Messrs. Munnig .the
ton that the 'council accept•
Middleton or McEwal1 of
invitation 'of May i picnic of
Codgrich, that the annus families
City c runcil_witht their
and 'friends, be held at Goderich : this
• -•tr, •ata date to be fixed later:
• ori, The Warden, 'lite clerk, the
• the county •engineer an
+ri•a�sttt•e' int
,t •,. lfamnings, Moser and. C'
, e of app 4' committee to
., ,t a'ited a
i,vikr all necessary arrangements for
the picnic. w E.
Beattie an J
Movedt .this °pencil -learns lvi�th
rregret of>the this f' Mr. Thos. NIc-
Deltoi the dines o
ld deputy reeve of Grey, whiff
hr tra
nrcvents •his atrendanGe at'thf'stn ere
ing and would express !their•
iinpravement ,of its connecting link
and an agreement be entered into
between the 'town and county; that
credit balance due 'Egm'ottdvtlle on
oiling in 1923 be refunded to the
treasurer of Tuckensmftlt; that
bridge south of Bayfield be re-
built; that the M N.aut 'brid'ge, Ash-
field, he rebuilt, providing' Ashfield
enter into' an agreement satisfactory
to 'the 'council; re request of Reeve
McKibbin, of Wingham, to_'revis.c
the special levy of ,1925 amount-
inga to $3,940.16 owing to the con -
decking links, requiring no expen•di-
teres,.arrears and and-ouarty levies
acctlniulati•ne, . Win•gham's surplus at
'the end of '1925 (bein'g upwards of $6,-
000; that rthe special levy. of 1925
atn'ouirtin'g to $3,940.16. be praid out of
snrrpltus •to the credit of Winghatrr'iIl
the ''county road funds;, that 'the
county engineer look in -to the claim
of Alex, x, Broadfoot for $20 'damages
•th crop owing to c•epair •o'F drain, than
the bridge on !the road south of Varna
he fixed. ;
The_Good Road's Commission re-,
nonted ias'feitbws: Met in Goderich
end -4th. Re 'arnruty Reeve)R,a,.. on en 3rr1 ar r;i,,,,,sshps farm, [Is'barne..we
have instructed, the county enginleer
to have this land released back to,
Richard Dix
Maas4. Mia
General Fire, Life,
eccident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing • Machines
James Watson
North Mato St. SEAFORTH, ONT,
Mutual Fire Insurance Co0
James Connolly, Goderich; Alex.
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth,
Sec, -Treasurer,
Wits Rion, No , 2, Seaforth; Jobs
Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans,
Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton;
Broadfoob, Nomes Cotton, c
. 3, S aro tlich i; ;Alex.J.G.
e Ferr'
Rob rt to
HarloeN0.4, Walton;ak; George McCartney, No. S.
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield,
Alex. Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; E.
Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R
R. No;* 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo,
Holmesville; R. G. Jarinouth, Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Goven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or tranacst other tusiness will be
promptly attended to by application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postofisces,
Jacqueline Logan, George Seigman and
Gunboat smith
The story of i?I young nlillionare who went
honking for trouble
From Jeffrey AEarnot's novel, •',fir Definite Obs
ject" directed by R. H. Burnside, creator of
t heN•Y. Hippodrome spectacles.
--Also Showing ---
LARRY SEL4SON 2 reel comedy
MON„ TUES., and WED.
EOLT( NE E l in Forbidden Paradise
from the stage play The Czarina
directed by Ernest Labitsch
sante to prevent litigation. The com-
mission instructed the-road1'superin-
tendent to 'purchase 'thirty-eight
heuavy plows from the Dominion Road
Machinery Co to be distributed to
patrolmen for snow plowing and
working on ,county Toads, the pur-
chase price being x/48. "Re Bayfield
bridge, your committee, while
admitting that this bridge has not
required width of roadway, it is a
very substantial structure, that a
new •structure would cost in the.
ncigh'borhbod of $30,0001 and as
there are many more dangerous
bridges and 'culverts on the Lake
Shore road that !iced innnedia'te atf=
ten'tion and that .the amount needed
to construct the Bayfield bridge
would , o a long way in abridge and
culvert construction and resatrfacing
oat our county 'roads avid parltioularly
on .the ;lake shore Toad, we recent -
mend nil action re building bridge
this year, e for village and
Re caicijun chloride
!Hamlet streets on county road system
we recommend that the!county
su'periutenelent or'd'er the same :for
dis'tribu'tion on the -sante basis as las
year, namely .40 per cent, grtan't, vil-
lages buying thea` ownolit .to be pa
>cr-cent. grant also,
40 t Mission its t
Ou 1[vlay Soh ribs !aolftnt
For five-day tour of the 'county road
s ti• They reported 'that t^oads'
hadone through; th:e winter and
� in fair .shape owing to the
to the
sli ,ht rainfall; butt owing
among of gravel and crushed
stall aroads
s'tane:.placed on 'our ' county ,
`t miles
n '.9the• years 1923 wild 1924. many
mil u ges were Beteri'orating on account
ofelmmaintenance, as
therrteci of proper
the is no m'a'terial .on miles ,of our
-roads to drag and give an even and
smooth surface.
Re bridge at the foot of Dickie's
hill, road No. 21, we reeonnnend that
a :new arch culvert, 66 feet long, be
built this year, that the hill ,cutting
be left til over next I avirnter, We
recontineed that 'half utile of grading
and resurfacing -be completed lour
miles east -of Lucknow on ;road 21
and that .crusher is moved to road
No. 27.
-Roach No. 27 between Lttclinow and
Belfast is narrow an•d rotted. We
recommend that this road be widen-
ed and resurfaced. for 2/ miles and
that So'well's hill be Rile drained on
-'both sides of the i'oadbed•
Duff's :bridge is narrow and dan-
gerous roadway and approaches, We
recommend that this 'bridge be ex-
tended to regula'ti'on tdidth, ap-:
Broaches widened and new ` guard
fenee erected. Alex. Young's culvert
is in 'dangerous candition Iantl we
recommend a -new 4 by 4 foot cul-
vert 34 feet long, to replace the. old
culvert. -
Re Saltford hill. This is a very
dangerotts curve and will take a
large expenditure to make a good,
safe road. We -would recommend
that ;a concrete retaining wall be
built•, ifor.. about 300 feet in 'length
Dsi't t'ar ow
«s.5i d Y ni r lD d
Carpets Away
Theymake new ravar-
ible "Velvetes" Rugs,
Send for Velvdtex Folder v
Highest prices paid. Max Wolsh
phone 178,,Seaforth.
i 4
- Ey EMI ■
1•1t,Aber'hart's Drug Store
the Fingers.
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain i
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corna.or
eny kind oi a elite can shortly be
3f ted right out with the fingers it you
:,ill apply directly upon the corn a few
drops, of freezone, says a Cincinnati&
It is claimed that at•small cost lana.
can get a quarter of an ounce of trees -
one at any drug store, which is suffi-
cient to rid, one's feet of every cora
or calluswithoutpain or eorene5 or
the danger of infection.
This new dreg fa an ether compound,
and while sticky, dries the moment it -
is applied and does' not inflame or even
irritate the surrounding tissue. 51
•Thla announcement wi11 Interest
many women here, for It is said that
the present high -heel footwear 1s put-
ting corns on practically evert
Woman's feet,
with 'buttresses 'tc reinforce the wall
frof$ the hillside at intervals' of ten
or twelve feet: Retaining wall would
need to be of varying height and to
be placed about twenty feet at, the
outer :point of curve. This' work
$would, mean 'thee removal of a great
amount f earth ,frOne t to di1ld :face' to
allow df hate new wall ;being placed
Continued on page 5
Millers Worm_ Powder's are a
prompt' relief from the caSlacics of
worms in children. 'Tiley are pow-
erful in their aotion, and, while leav-
ing nothingto be desired as 'a ,worm
expellant, have an'iirrigorla•ting ef-
fect upon the youthful syste'm, re-
medying -fever, biliousness, Ines'of an-
petite, sleeplessness, and other ail-
ments that follow disorders .caused 'by
worms in, -the stomach and bowels.