The Seaforth News, 1925-04-30, Page 3_-4
sem - -- _ ,__. __ __ _.-.,-.
Provincial Board 01 Health, Ontario. The 5nrest Way LO l$Clii ve St0If1
Dr. Middleton will bo glad to austver question's on Public Health niat '
When the etoniash ".1Si feeble and
tors through this 'column,. Address him at Spadtna House, Spadlna ash Trouble is Tltroggln Dr. '
Crescent, Toronto.
A professor at Cainhlldgo Univer o
sity honking -on the mysterious. aces•- 1
tory food factors er•'vitnminkss,'fed a 'I'
number' of rats on an artificial diet of 11
protein, starch and sugar. BY Care-
:ful'ly watching the animals he found
that they .ceased to grow although the
ainoutt of food they consumed was
adteally more than what was neces-
sary to maintain ;normel'growth, On
adding a small guantity'of milk to this
• t. marvellous
he health and growth' of the
meat in t
Scouts WIU Help Celebration.
h Toison TBoy atoll of the
f fresh, uncooked v g
rust 'f theywish to remain in per-
stomach an•il cause farinas- lnterfer• 110 Years of peace which will take But for the majority It is not pos..
i r some health. Itcontains
addition they. other 6 ons, especial- plane at that city this simmer. With
s.ible .to a ,nleasttt'e of toll unit
_ctly good' heI mem with the ,•-�'g P
must take food that contains the ]'y with .fire'a�tion o0tehe heart and luutdrecis of vcalors from all parts of want, 10 evadeial stress and sooiul burden,
aocess food factor :foundin le lntionungs. •These poisonous gases leave the continent ilia local Bennis will find zesp, oiitilnies and chsnppointments,
and butter. Now the reason ash vege- other 111 effects. They are abseiled many, opportunities for rendelinu see-
cr- Life; simplified hoe far, can only mean
milk and butter as well as fresh vase I and so weaken and cop- vice. C1rarite, Hayes,, a former Assist -
is because there is, by the bloodl klle that c -o are' leaving something to
tables and fruit U rept it .as to cause aches iii remote ant ScoutmRster of the 1s't.Belev
than one kind .of re throe• Up p
others that In self-respect wo are
more shadsrod and the formaEioii'T?'oo. and new Scoutmasterbt a troop o
till the present there are three 1 parts of the:le y phis bound co take wpan'ourse]ves. When
that are found to es unhealthy tiESAIe everywhere, Ex- in Watertmen, N.Y„ is bringing
ftl bt
I found byexpert t as the stomach. is celebl anion ..
'Scouts of BoII 110 Will
The Sin pie Li€e....
In all'ages roan clave sought some
isle of the blest or ]nappy valley where
there were no,sights oe Rounds, at war
with peace and where they night be
spared ilia rough and 'bvuising 'con•.
tests of the 'world's life and labor.
To seine extent, wealth:inityProvide
a cushion acid absorb a shook, And
they that,,, have no wealth but that of
runli'ght: gold andsefost]le- -oil might
live an easy, lazy life epee a fronded
fool hes in it undigested, ti e 1 southern seise and pass
k d � tables and raW' nus gases disatencl Cho ,Walls of the take a big plot in the ee'lebration of ttniegaraed.
improve -
diet, how ec er, ll
became evident. The professor'
came to the conclusion that in addi-
tion to the- protein, fat and sugar,.
some other esential factor is necessary
in food if normal 'health and growth
-is to be inaintainedi.
Science for a long tune believed that
the essential composition of health
maintaining food consisted of carbo-
• hydrates, fats and proteins with the
addition of mineral salts and water.
Modern research has shown, however,
that these' substances are insufficient.
Something :else must be present, al-
• though: perhaps- , infinitesimal in
amount and this something is known
as a vitamins.
As long as people have a sufficient,'
variety of foods, some of which are fol
their natural state, uncooked, there is �
little danger of any impairment to
e 'hese su s onset
these were discovered is perienee •shows °that these trouhies Watertown irroop to Belleville for' tike
exist. Ilow
interestin t was ' ounc •-I vanish, joys es soon t e s- o
Went that certain diseases'resulted.ifI;ivade' 9ti^ons `eiuounh to digest 'rho Helped Scoutthg in West.
1 d
certain foodswere absolutely exp a food In other ivct'ds it needs a tonic •
Scoutmast r Rev. Carew Hal
Take fon example, lowed,
ed from the diet le• it to do the work of o 'le just
disease that is very tom- that will anal of the St, Thomas Troop, j
beri-beri, a h e back from Saskatchewan, where he
n in eastern countries where rice claegingethe food. into .nourishment.
101ms the' chief article of .diet, and Tho' tonic weed ought' to be. one that spent hTee months unaer'the auspices
as p
o ishe n this will agree' with the toast delicate .of the Canadian ("enema Council giv=
stomach and this is exactly what Dr.
where the 'rice i' h d I
form the rice consists of the kernel of
the grain with the husks, removed, and
in removing the husks the outer lin-
ing of the kernel, of iisilver skin" is
Ialso removed. This skincontains the
A type of disease niore common in
this country is infantile scurvy and
scurvy -rickets, believed to be due, td
the absence ,from or deficiency in a
diet of -a' viteet ine With. well-defined
anti -scurvy properties. Infants fed.
for long periods on condensed milk,
or preserved foods, sometimes suffer,
ti form of scurvy with hemorr
health as :au as. cliet is concerned. But from
when the yariety of foods is limited,hagas under the outer layer of the for a reteri-
couple of menthe, by which
or: their .natural qualities impaired or 'long bones, Where an-- infant is time every symptom of the troupe
changed through boiling, heating orlbrought up entirely on boiled or ih Bad disappeared, and there has not
Preserving, as is the case in canned:limed milk, a' small quantity of s since been the s'i•ightast symptom of
goods,then there is likelihood of'ire- /fruit juice preferably orange juice, Beall hi•e:: No est symptom
I oraiof
paired health and the occurrence of' -should be daily fed to the child. The stomach e. • Pills.''
ertain ailments or diseases Such areiinor0 we learn of vitaminet the more Dr. Vi lil'lams
,described as deficiency diseases. It is important -they ap•ear to bo as a neces- You can get these Pills from any
necessarytherefore for adults to takeIsary part of the diet' of every adult medicine ,deals?', or by mail at 60
in their regular diet a certain amount land every child. cents abox from The Dr. Williams'
a3— A4edicine Co., Brockville, Out,
The Map's Mind Spot. (— . >::►;:'� V
Williams' Pink Pills do.
Here is a bit of convincing proof
given by Mrs. Chas, Ladner, Ellen.-
llers.Ile, P.E,h, who `says:—"For some
years I was a sufferer from stomach
trouble. Everything I ate caused dis-
tress, sour stomeele and belching. i
could not oat meat or potatoes, and I
"grew weak and very nervone. No
medicine seemed to help ale until I
was persuaded to .take Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills',' and these simply worked
wonders, I took the pals faithfully
The "blind spot" on the map which
planes of the 'MacMillan expedition
are to survey holds fascinating possi-
bilities. It contains about a million
square miles, the area of Canada's
great northwest territories, which -ex-
tending beyond the indieation of their
name -•-reach from the Alaska border
to the Atlantic. In that area almost
anything in the way of meteorological
villainy can happen, and the study of
its weather may reveal the "fount and
origin" of many =storms which sweep
down upon: settled communities to the
southward. So that even if no Utopian.
continent 'Is discovered, exploration
will be fruitful.
The length of the Capitol at Wash-
ington is 751 feet and its width is 350
We supply cans and pay express
charges. We pay daily by express
money orders, which can be cashed
anywhere without any charge. •
To obtain the top price, Cream
must be free from bad flavors and
contain not less than 80 per cent.
Butter Fat. ,
Rouses Company Limited,
For references—Head Office, Toronto,
Bank of Montreal, or your local banker.
Established for over thirty years,
®tel Atlantic City
New Jersey
America's Smartest •
Resort Hotel.
Famous for: its Euro -.-
peon Atmosphere.
Perfect Cuisine and
;Single rooms - from $5,00
Double rooms from $3,00
European Plan
New Hydriatric, and
Electro - Therapeutic
May—"Madge seems to have lost
her popularity since she returned from
the 'beach."
Maud -"My dear, she Merely can't
wear a bathing suit in town"
Poor Advertistement.
Good advertising should look not
merely to the present but tq the future.
It must have been a. short-sighted
house painter that inserted the follow-
ing announcement in hie home news-
paper: "To the Public The reason
why I have hitherto been able to do
painting so much cheaper than any-
body sle'e is because I am a. bachelor
and do not need to make a profit for
the maintenance of a wife and child-
ren. 'Tis now. my duty to inform the
public that this advantage will shortly
be withdrawn, as I am about to be
married. You will therefore do well
to send in your orders at once for the
old rate,
Chinese Junks.
Canadian + uilding Stone.
Some local publicity has been given
to the fact that all of the stone, in-
cluding out, face and other stone, used
In the construction el a large apart-
ment house in Montreal, to the extent
d twenty car
we say of a roan that lie is waiting
In public spit'lt, we mean that be en-
joys a general beilefit..without paying
for it by any contribution of his own.
We all owe service -in some form to.
`the place in which we dwell and. to
the people who are out• contempor-
Our own plan for.. our own lives
ing Giilwell'\Vinter Training Courses might be simple, but it is complicated
for` the Scoutnraste•s of Moose Saw, for us by the fact that we cannot set
Regina and Saskatoon, Mr. Hallowell, up our own ]little ]cingdoms of self -
who .is a graduate of the lliboi' Baric will and self -rale. Wo must defer,
Giilwell Camp Claes of 1923, reported concede and reach adjustments. Men
that he' found Scouting well developed are honored' and valued not es they
in the West and exerting a powerful pile ,dollar and dollar for themseives,'
influence for good atnbng:young people win personal glory and trumpet their
of foreign birth as well as among' Cana- own glory, but as they fall into their.
dian, boys, places, whether rankers or command-
Presentation to Scoutmaster. ers, to advance a cause far greater
of tireu a ratan, And they wile serve in
Patents of boys, who are members this wa must exposey thenlseives to
the let North Bay Troop used the an- y p
anal banquet of the troop as the oc danger, They must sacrifice cantfod't,
presenting a beautiful lamedeny themselves, take Cup' a cross.
rasion forp g The simple life is not the highest
to Scoutmaster Harry Anderson and ideal that a ratan can .coelia For it
Cubmaster Mrs. Harry Anderson do may be a life of utter insignificance.
recognition of their splendid services The useful life is likely to be one be-
te the boyhood of North Bay, This sieged with complications and beset
troop is affiliated with the Methodist with difficulties which signify tha'tone
Cburch of North Bay, is livng to the full, out in the open,
Another Troop Builds Hut. not hiding In a, corner 00' t•unnieg
The 3rd I{enora Trapp, or the "vik- away from a field of battle-
ings," as they call themselves, are .� a
the latest troop to announce its inten-
tion to build' a Troop Iieadgnartet•s for
itself: It will take the form of a log
shanty to be built en property in the YOUNG CHILDREN
town which friends of the troop have
placed at its disposal for the purpose. •
\fOthets are quick to praise any -
of about two hundred an Mr, A. Gordon Medley, Scoutmaster of -
'loads, has been shipped from Mani. this. Troop, is probably the oldest ac- thing which brings, health and oam-
tive Scoutmaster in Ontario, He is 62
toba to the metropolis, Ode being, as fort to their little ones --any medicine
far as is known the first time that a -Years of age.
that will make the baby well and.
Manitoba building stone has, been used LO:D.E. Presents Flag to Scouts. keep him well will always receive
in illonteeal. I-Iitherto the greater The. 2nd Wallaceburg Troop of Boy. hearty ..recommendation from the
part of the building stones used in the Scouts .(Chaff, Masefield, Scoutmaster); mother. That is why Baby's Own Tab -
construction of, large buildings in. this was recently presented with a fine new lets are se popular. Thousands of
section of the Dominion has been im- Union Sack by the members oL.the Sel- mothers, throughout the country, not
'Ported from the United States: The only use therm for their own little
ones but are always delighted to be
able to recommend them to other
Brothers, Thousands, of mothers have
to be
proved Baby's Own Tablets
without an equal in relieving their
little ones of any of the many minor
ailments which arise out; of a derange-
ment of. the stotna0h and bowels.
Baby's Own Tablets alio the ideal taxa-
Perhaps you are using good tea., We th ,ki`
"Red Rose" extra good.. WWn't You try it?
The same ` good tea for 30 years.
Pure Bred Sire Essential.
Back in the old days, when our au-
ceetors paiit,no attention to the keep-
eep g7
in of live stock, the native stock run• tl71
cling wild throughout the country, pt•o-
duref only enough milk for their
young. At -bale went on, however, me11rin o snow OUR eutonncTs To Tam
-discovered the value of milk as a ; farming 'trade, Must i,1,0 oar and the but
et � Pergonal qualities, bright, honest, and or good
L'ood for human enusamptiou and they appearance, 30 o 1
bc,gan to select the cows that gave
Classified Advertisements'
.nil: t,'A'rAl:OGUI's,
ASIRIISRY 1111511814. 0t,A»IOLite In;B,
Peony, Parley Dahlias and Barred hook Bugg.
Wright Perm, ilroal,vl110, ant,
Dmsf0Na'171ATOn \4ANS'SS])
kirk of Baldoon Chapter of the Iln-
Manitoila stone is, however, at the penial Order of the Daughters of the
vomit time being ehipped as far east Empire.
i used
it is hon
i wk 0Auto.
cCtg fired
as Quebec Y,o Extricate M
Scouts Q
for a church interior, and these de -
One of the numerous parties of tour-
veloptnents would s.oem to augur for tats who visit Kingsville in the spring
the domestic product a greater Well -
in order to see Jack Miner's wild
zation in the future as their relatively geese and the swans wlricli "stop over"
high quality comes to be more general -
1y known.
. The quarries from which this. stone
is being shipped are situated' about
thirty miles north-east of Winnipeg
near the stations of Gerson and Tyn-
dall on the Lac do Bonnet branel). of
the C,P.1t„ being connected with this
line by spurs. At thechiefcentre,
near Gerson, three large quarries are
In operation and a number of smaller
quarries or undeveloped prospects oc-
cur in the immediate neighborhood.
This is the most important source of
building stone in the Western pro- Snout William Childs of the let Gan- sweetheart to go to town with him on
vnoes. To the trades the 'stone is 'anomie Troop will be the first Ontario circus day. Tliey walked. the- five miles
known as Gerson or Tyndall stone and Sent to receive a life-saving decent- .from the small village where they
at more: distant points it is sometimes tion during 1925. He has been award- lived, she carrying her lunch, he carry- I •
termed Winnipeg stone, It is a soft ed the Silver Cress of the Boy Scouts ing his•„ They saw the circus parade,
limestone with a characteristic mo -Association •
there on their way to their northern
nesting grounds recently turned into
'lo wrong road and noon had their. car:tive—easy. to take but thorough in
hopelessly mired. Their plight came action. They banish constipation and
indigestion; breakup eolds and' simple
fevers; expel worms and make the
teething .period easy, The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or ,by
the largest quantities;
Thus we find that for many years
live stock -men have'studied their
horde, carefully selecting females that
possessed high producing qualities. .
These females were bred •to wires
whose dams had diselayed high pro-
ducing tendencies.
As time advanced breeders learned
to. ]seepredords of all the milk given,
as well as the feed consumed.
Tyle, result is that now we have
records of individual -cows giving over
30,000 itonnds• of paint In a year'.
What a debt we owe to those old
improvers of our breeds, we cannot
repay them, but we can continue to
carry on the work that they so nobly
In so doing' we will add greatly, not ,
only to our own intone, but we will
contribute to the revenue of Canada,
No farmer can afford to neglect his
live stock: in these days when feed
Prices are ,searing.
The use of pure bred sires, careful
seleeticn of females,. with judicious
economical feedings,' together with
the keeping of records are essential
points that the farmer of to -day can-
not overlook and prosper.
Afraid of the Upkeep.
to the attention of a party of Scouts
of the 1st Kingsville Troop who were
hiking in the vicinity, and the boys at
once ran to the spot. Making use of mail at 26 conte a box from, The Dr.
some fence rails the Scouts cleverly \r,ilgiams' Medicine Co.,. Brockville,
extricated the big touring car and thus
earned the eternal gratitude of the
visitors. Good work, Kingsville!
Medal for Gananoque Snout.
Ont.' .
The End of a Perfect Day.
A young Scotchman invited his
One wonderful day a bunch of en-
thusiastic Scots' presented Harry
Lauder and George Tawde (of 'Bunny'
and Barrie fame) with a •copy of Burns
and a fountain pen apiece.
Said Tawde to Lauder: "Halrry,
Ah'm thinkin' this fountain pen is go-
ing to cost a deal of money."
"An' boo doe ye 'mak' that oot,
George?' said Lauder to Tawde.
"It'll want heepin' in ink."
"Hoot, mon!"—and the great Harry
laughed merrily—"ye can always fill it
up at the wee bit deskie at the post of-
fice, while ye preten to write a tele-
For Sore Throat Use Mlnard's Liniment
t 40•oars 0f .age, it you aro 010
right man your earning pelr0r rvllh un shoald 170
015 to 5100 par. lveek. Give 1ama1 references in Prot..
letter. tteidy to r,0. Bose Na. 1004, 110010eal,
One of.'the rarest birds in the world
is the grey -hooded pigeon, to be found
e island in the Pacific, The
on only on
Landon Zoo possesses the only living
specimen outside America.- -
�I Keeps EYES
} Beautiful
�lestr, Br�ht-grid'Be4x t fu
WrlreMurine Co Chuago,forEveC0re0ook
Don't suffer from lumbago, neural-
gla or other pains. Apply Minard's
to the aching spot and get guiok
Always keep it in t1111 house.
Brighten the Parts.
The parts of a radio set work best
when they are bright. A dull surface
usually means that corroalon has
taken Mace, which offer's resistance to
high-frequeney radio currents. As
radio eutrents travel on the Surface it
may Tay to brighten the parts of the
set occasionally.
The Petroleum Output.
The output of petroleum this year
averaged 1,000,000 barrels' snore, than
the output for last year,
Chinese Junks, at least those of the t for his successful effort then sat down near a public drinking •
Yellow Sea, are thought to be the old- tling In dark colors. Two types are in saving the life of a companion who fountain and had their meal. A tour I
est sea -going vessels In world. The
recognized—a buff variety and a blue broke through the ice on the St, Law- of all the show windows in town fol -
junks are highly decorated and have variety. Both ctut be quarried in large ranee ltdver, The •rescue was accomp- lowed. This took all afterneo'n..
tall props and rounded sides "A Nee," blocks ;and are capable of being dress- listed with considerable difficulty and •They x are coming Clown Main Street
says an English writer, "will not heave ed and carved with ease, -- not without a great deal of personal just at dusk when Sandy discovered
to, and, Sohn Chinaman is fully aware Previously this stone was extensive- riskto the rescuer. A special letter something that he had been looking
OP it. He doesn't try; he 1 t his hal- moving -picture used in the construction of the more of congratulation bas been sent to for all day. It was an electric sign in
yards go with a run, and the s¢' important buildings in Western Cana- Scout Childs by Dr, James W. Robert- front of a oving-picture theatre. and 1
11 is off da and even in Eastern Ontario. Some son, Chief Commissioner for Canada. it reach: "The Woman Pays:"
his vessel in a moment. The big
poop acts as a riding mizzen Mud
brings him dead to wind; the low bow
prevents him from 'falling off the wind.
If the blow. is likely to last, he lays
out a sea anchor. IIis next procedure
is to burn a joss-stickand probably a
few pieces of paper to his household
Frac to Stockmen
80,000 ono 1101100 bottles of Dr. Bell's' VOterinarY
Median! Wonder. ' Cannot be gl?en mann to
sick anhnnt;.. -Small doses very endive, no
drenching. Send 20 cents to cover mailing and
1,001,015. • AgOnts wanted,
0a. BELL, 1(1855055,ONT. •
Stook owners' blend. for • over 05 years.
O tori i Sheep reeders
won at Chicago in 1924111 the classes in which they
63% of ,all list prizes.
55% of all championships
62% of all reserve championships;.: f,
done?—•By usipg the best breeding stock,
How eitheras t careful atten-
home bred or impel -led, giving etc. 1
dipping, docking,
;.,lion ;to selection, feeding, pp g,
Result -A wonderful- demand for Ontario bred sheep.
Are you following these practices? It pays, no
of the more important erections in e "Hoot, lassie, said he, , his eyes
which it has been utilized are the An Improved Telescope. alight; "we'll sae in here."
Parliament Buildings at Winnipeg and
Regina, the Law' Courts at Winnipeg, A telescope has been invented
which, although only live inches long, A [nusiness'Ccal.
and other buildings in the Manitoba will magnify four -and -a -half times... An Aberdonian and a Yorlcshiremt
capital city as well as Fort William, met at a horse fair and adjourned to
Sault Ste. Marie, and Toronto, Ont, Such Targe magnification, combined with a short focal length, has bean a near -by tavern. After several &bake
the Aberdonian suggested that they
For the filet time it is being used in aohievecl by the lens grinding
Quebec in preference to importedand perfect mounting.should exchange ponies.
stone, continuing its widening of the The border of prismatic nolo. in The Yorkshireman demurred; but
scope of its utilization. most expensive field glass bas been after more liquid refreshment, decided
There is _ still a good glee].of room avoided by a now •combination of glass-
dl "You know; Bill," said the man from
for extendng the use of. Canadian' es andtheaangement of apertures
t 1 - Aberdeen, when the transaction was
building stones, in Canadian construc—
tion. The Tyndall limestone is de -lin, objective lops with oonfe crown completed, "I think I've got the best of
clued by authorities to be [lune as i and a double concave flint eye -piece.
good as' stone which al the present is
being imported in large qua,ntilies Are All Germs and Bacteria Harmful.
from ' Ohio incl other parts of rho { All erm,s.and`baeteria are not harm
United States.. - Laporte of the more g Man "Well,'so's mine, and I've taken
important building stones into Canada . AIL There are many that are very use- its shoes are
in 1024 aggregated about $075,000, and'I fns to life. Thorn are -hien many that
this was not a particularly active year have no known value or •harm. There
in. the „uilding trades. In the pre- are only about ee or •,40 out of 2,700
vious year the same item totalled. near- Into\vn germs anti bacteria that' are
er $600,000. really dangerous to barium beings. The
souring of milk and the making of
cheese are brought about by the aid
Statistics decently published put the of certain bacteria. If it were not for
total` needier of telephones in use at bacteria, decay would not 'take place.
22,937,000, this figure being made up It this ilia not take piece, the earth
as follows: America, 16,340,000; -Sur- would soon be covered by dead bodies
ape, 5,903,000; Asia, 683,000; Austral- 02 plants' ant animals. Plants; called
a sic, 330,.000, and Africa, 122,000. legumes require bacteria in oiler to
gather nitrogen from the air. Scion -
Floored by a Name. lists think digestion is aided by some
ds of bactera.
PolicemanPoliceman (Producing notebook) — kin
"Your name, please?', iTIn -eight thousand tons of steel
Motorist -`Ale sius Alastair —
were used to the construction: of the.
t"Jail, don't ale catch you again.' were cotcenirate would make a block: of metal 1150 feet
Miriard's Limbi\bnr fcr'`Colds. long; 30 feet wide, and 30 feet High.
he bargain,"
"How's that?"'asked his 201811d,,
"Well, my pony's death'
"Is that so?" said the Yorkshire.
World's Telephones.
1'olicent1ll -(putting book away)— d
yprfan—» Forth Bridge. If this quantity of steel
in a single mass it
Say "Bayer"- Insist!
For Colds Headache
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Pain
Accept. only a
Bayer package
which contains proven directions
Handy "Bayer" boxes of. 12, tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 -Druggists
...Aspirin la the trade marc. (registered to
Canada) of Payer Nanpfocture of 31050-
aeetienoidester of Salkylicaold.
To Cain Weight
We guarantee B1tro•Phosphate to re-
build shattered nerves;. t0 replace
weainess with. strength; to add body
weight to thin folks and rekindle am-
bition in tired -out people. Price 31 per
pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front
St, East, Toronto, Ont.
On Forehead,Cheeks and
Chin. Cuticura Heals.
" My face began breaking out
with pimples, , first my forehead,
then cheeks and chin, and it was
an awful looking sight. The pim-
ples were hard and red and after a
time came to a head and scaled
over. Tbey were very painful at
times and the trouble lasted about
three months,
" I tried different remedies with-
out any benefit. I began using Cu-
ticura Soap and Ointment and I
was completely healed after using
three cakes of Cuticura Soap and
one box of Cuticura Ointment."
(SignedMcCord, Wis., Aug Lundgren,
12, 924.
Use Cuticura for all toiletpurpoees.
scopic knelt Seco is Mal, Addrose Canadian
Depot: 5tcaheoeo, r ta. gentrear rrice.5080
2. Ointment ti and 50e Talcum 25e.
*,t^'. Cuticura Shaving Sties 25c.
Read Alberta Woman's Ex- ,
perience with Lydia E. Pin1S-
hain's Vegetable Compound
Provost,Alberta.-" Perhaps you will
remember sending me one of your books
a year ago I was in a bad condition
and would suffer awful pains at times
and could not do anything 'The doctor
said I could not have children unless I
went under an operation. I read testi-
m•Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-.
of Y
ble Compound in thio papers and afriend
recommended me to tako it. After tak-
ing three bottles I became much better
and now I have a bonny baby girl four
�� O S I elptah l tlo with th ha ocssev b 0t8 0m
a mend the Vegetable Compound to my
Safe Kidney orad Liver Rel�,t fly friends and rem willing for you to use
, 2 r e -
A reliable remedy for the. treatment this testimonial letter-"— Mrs. A. A.
of derangement of the Kidneys and ADAMS, Box 54, Provost, Alberta. -
Bladder. For fifty years it llas proved •Pains in Left Side
a panacea to sufferers, all over the Lachine, Quebec.—" I took .Lydia E.
Don.'t neglect the thstsyniptoms but Pinitham's VegetablehCompound.
m :left
use this famous remedy. Neglect wilt cause T suffered w p y
soon have serious troubles slowly de- other and troubles k and
of eashave. I'
I veW1 When
I was this way about six months. I saw
r • +. 's. +tom r` pS °' _, \\hen you have backache; unusual Vegetable Compnand advertised in
I desire to micturate, with scalding sen- the
the 'Montreal Standard,' and I 'have:
satkon, fluttering ar Pains in the head, taken four bottles of it, Ives a very
1 1''n shortness of t I
"Stamina�o" Growing Mash
MIXTURE tate world produces.
Tho Feed Which Raised the Winner of
the Ontario Egg -Laying Contest, 1024.
Write for booklet and name of STAMI-
NAX Agent. The Motherwell Grain
Co., Limited, Dundee, Ont.
ir1•itating and ury. skim - actin womah and I feel so tnttch but er.
breathing, fickle appetite,,: you may would not be Without it. I also use
know that the Kidneys
e deranged
igooe' Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I
and must Ue relieved recommend the medicines to myriends
constitutional disease is caused. and 1 am wtlhng;OOT you to use my'let
Sold by all druggists.. Price 31.25 ter as a testimonial."=Mrs,M.W.RoSD*
per: bottle. Warner's Sate Remedies 080 Notre Dame St., Lachine, Quebec,
Co„ Toronto, Ontario,
ISSUT No, 18—'25.
szv..-eo. akrrrncaa