The Seaforth News, 1925-01-01, Page 5'7ilE UESDA11', JANUARY 1; 1925, We Wish You IlaPPY New Year s STEWART Matin Street PHONE 58. CENTRAL - EleS STRA`rF8;1Flq; ONT..f WINTER TERM from Jan. 5th, Commercial life offers great- er opportunities than does any other calling. Central graduates secure good positions, We re- ceive more calls for trained help than we have students graduate. Write the college at once and get its free catalogue. It may interest you. Seaforth. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. A THe.SEAF0RrH NIS aceselmaisaereitemausereamuscetouesessaaseereseve A Hay New Year to All Our Customers Ws M. S 1 i F1 ART Phone 77 Seaforth 61026=WSSanteenannonlenenntalienaaalnnSOInea W. J. Welker & San UNDERTAKING —and— EMBA,LriIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. i, WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone_ 67. l tI4as Been Said that there is no sentiment in business, We do not agree with this at any time, but particularly at this season, we be- lieve that the man without sentiment is to be pitied. We wish therefore, to assure you of the sincerity of our sentiments when we ex- press the wish that you may enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, Or, D. H. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, fr- Monday and Thursday novas in future. Diseases E jlyllr kinds success- (mitt' 1® 1CS r o $ti�nn�an..�nit�•••ua..�u,.m.,wgl -Watch night service was held in St, Thomas' church commencing at 11.30 Wednesday night. Large con-. gregations always attend this annual service;. Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Reid and little son, of Stratford, are visiting Mr. and, Mrs. J. Grimoldby. Miss Anna Atkinson, Detroit, was a visitor at her home here. Mr. Leonard Hudson has returned to Windsor. Mr. Warren Ament, Detroit, was a visitor at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Ament. Dr. Russel Bristow, .Detroit, is a holiday visitor at his home here. Special Christmas services were held in the churches el the different denominations w it h appropriate music last Sunday. Dr. Harvey Burrows, of 'St. Cath- erines, is spending a few days with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. • F. J: Burrows. Mr. and Mrs. H. tyre, of Sarna, are guests at the home of Mr, and Mts. W. Bristow: Misses Clara and Mabel Pinkney are spending New Year's Day with friends in Stratford, Miss Jean Govenlock, of Midland Collegiate staff, is spending the''toli- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Govenlock. Dr. R. N. Hill, New York, wisp a holiday guest of Isis brother, Mr, W. Hill.. Mr. D. H. Wilson, of Brampton, was 'a Yuletide guest of his parents, Mr, and. Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Dr. Garnet Chapman, Bridgeburg, spent Christmas at, his hone here. The, annual business meeting of the Huron Presbyterial Society will be held in Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday, Jan. 13th,. at 11 o'clock. Miss Beulah Sandrick, of Ingersoll, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, John lvlac-. Tavish. Mrs. 3. Stewant, of Goderieh, spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs, A. 5, Westcott, ton, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Miss Gertrude Cardno,.of Milver- .,,..e® Mrs. G. P. Cerdno. Mr. and Mrs, G. Seip were in Kitchener on Saturday attending the funeral of Mrs. Seip's brother, Mr. J• F. Katzenmeier. Mr. W. Aberhart, of Toronto Medical College, is. spending the va cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Aberhart. Miss Alva Graves has returned from Detroit, She was accompanied by her nephew, Mr. Jack Weston. Mrs. Nation, of Detroit; - and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hays and little sen Stanley, are guests at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. R. S. Hays. The Misses Ryan of Chicago, arc visiting their sister, Mrs. M. Broder- ick, who is ill. Miss Alice Corbett, of Guelph, is home for the holidays. Miss Marjorie Brown spent Christ- mas ttaith her parents, Rev. and Mrs. T, H. Brown, at the Rectory. Mr. Thomas Grieve returned front Bridgeburg recently suffering from a compound fracture in his leg. Mr. Bachus spent Christmas in To- ronto. Mr. Angus Kennedy is home front Detroit. Mr. J. Shaw, London, was a week- end visitor at the home of Mr. James Watson. Miss Madge Stewart, Stratford, spent , Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mr..). J. Huggard spent the holiday in Toronto. Miss Alma Dalton has returned to Toronto after spending the Christ- mas holidays with her mother, lvfrs. Dalton, East William street. Mrs. G, D. Haigh and Mary are visiting friends in Lucknow. Mr. W. Scott, of London, is a visitor at the hone of i\fr. and Mrs. J• J. u Mr.Clanff.d Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son Billy have returned to Galt. Mrs. H. C. Box is visiting her parents in Strathroy. 16r. and Mrs, D. F. Buck and chil- dren tr Christmas in Mt spent e t Miss Helen Becheley, of Hamilton, is a visitor at the hone of her brother, Ur. Becheley. . Miss Elects Downey ' and Mr, Brock Barrie, of Mitchell, were guests at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. M, Broderick. Miss ,Frances Winters is home from Toronto for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. Becheley, of Windsor, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy. Mr, Dobson spent Christmas day in Toronto. Ivir. W. Laing, Brownsville, is a guest of his parents, Mr, .and Mrs. J. C. Laing. Mr, J. Baxter, Stratford, ' visited friends in town. Mr. Harold Stark, Kitchener, was home for the holiday. Mr. P. C. Calder,, Toronto, was a town visitor: Mr. . and Mrs. George Warner, of Kingston are guests of Miss Jessie Bethune who has recently returned front spending some months in Ver- non; B, C. Air. Arthur Deem homefrom is Toronto. Mrs. (Dr.) ,Glanfield, of Wallace - town, is a guest at the 'home of her father, Mr, W. Elcoat Iviiss )'anet Chesney, • R.N., who spent Christmas with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Chesney, return- ed in .Saturday to Toronto, Mr. George Bethune 'has returned to spend the winter months at home. Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve are home from the West. Miss Clara McKinley, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Arm- strong. Miss Jessie. Scott, of Winnipeg. is a holiday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott. Miss Gertrude Ryan, of Windsor, her aunt 'a test at the home of c ns gt , Mrs, M. Broderick. Mr. J, M. 'Wilson has . returned from spendinz Christmas with his daughter in ;Owen Sound. Just a word of appreciation for the very generous patronage accorded this store, and wishing everyone a Happy New Year S IN N Opposite Commercial Hotel; Seaforth Ammusinaucooluvotom 1 A cantata, "The' Light Eternal," will be given by the choir at the evening service in the Seaforth Pres- byterian church next Sunday. Mr. Frani: E. Storey, of Crystal City, Man„ is visiting relatives .n McKillop. Mr, Wnt. Somerville, of Toronto, is spending New Years with his sis- ters in town. Miss Margaret McIntosh, of To- ronto, is.visittng her aunt, Mrs. Jno. Henderson. Miss Gladys Thompson, of Niagara Falls, and Miss Ruth 'Thompson, of Tillsoiburg( are visiting their par- ents, areats, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Thompson.. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cowan, of- Sar- nia, arnia, are visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. James Cowan. Messrs. James and Douglas Sleeth, of Sarnia, are here attending the funeral of their aunt, Miss Sleeth. , Mr, J. 3, Merrier was itt Windsor OraiigeS lit all prices tomeet your needs in the holiday season, from 20c to 60c doz. MIXED NUTS 20c Per lb,.,., ...... SHELLED ALMONDS 05 CPer lb. SHELLED WALNUTS SOC Per, ib. CALIFORNIA WALNUTS Asc in the shell, per Ib. , , TABLE RAISINS FRESH OYSTERS HEADELERYUCE. SWEET POTATOES CRANBERRIES CATJLI TOES ERS TOMATOES FIGS III 15.0.3. to 'Assist Hospitals, The annual At-IIomp of the Huron Old Boys' Association of 'Toronro, will be held in Sovereign Hall, Dovercourt Road', on Thursday -wan- ing, January15tlt. In order to bake this reunion popular with every man, woman and child from the county of Huron, the executive have decided to place the tickets at the low price of 75 .cents and dancing, euchre and bridge will be the order of the evening. The objectsavitl .be more orless of a charitable nature, as the net proceeds -will be devoted towards making •grants to the -.'four Huron hosp'i'tals A strong campaign. "Budget" committee has been ap- pointed with Mr. Bert:'MeCreath as convener, and a whirlwind canvass will be made of every., Httronite in the city, if possible, for the purpose of raising a fund, from which to make, sttbstantial grants to the hos- pitals at Goderieh, Clinton; Sea -forth" and Wingham. The' committee will commence the campaign -immediately after tate beginning of the new year. A Prime Dressing for ,Vtroutrds — hs i workshops : ries and .t? S In 'some facto carbolic acid Is kept for use in cauter- izing wounds and cuts, sustained by the.-workrnee,' Far better .• to keep Seaforth Phone 63 oil Hasid a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Ec- elcctric "Oil.; I1 is Just as quick in ilinfinlilliatallOgrallillielNIMONIMMISI adtiots acid does not scar the skin• or burn the ffesh,;. New Year s Greetings J. J. Broderick and rus We will be prepared to do chopping and crushing, after January 1st, 1925 arid mill be glad to have an op- portunity . to serve any who will give us their patronage. Flour and 'eed an'hand• at prices that are reasonable. Highest Cash Prices Paid for All Kinds of,Orain. tree Flaur �s - Limited Electrical Supplies Miss Jessie Wilson is home from Kitchener.(([ Mr. and Mrs. Percy ;`fanning, of THE RADIO SHOP Londesboro, spent Christmas with iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Howatt, Miss Gladys Cosens, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of her uncle, Mr. William Wilson. Mr. John Currie, of Toronto, was a Yule -tide guest of Mr. and Mrs. P, M. Chesney. Miss Evelyn Adams is hone from Loudon for the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Partridge; of To- ronto, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr. Mrs. Jean Frederick, of London, was the guest of Miss Helen French over the holiday. • Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Somers of Brussels, visited his sister, Mrs. R. J. French, who ,has been quite 311. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. VanEgmond. spent Christmas in Stratford. Lieut. Lieut. Carl Pinkney has returned to Chapleau after spending the Christ- i mas holidays with his grandparents, Mr..and Mrs. R. L. Clark.' -Mr. Sant Jackson, of C•hesley, spent Christmas with his sister, Miss Belle Jackson. 'Miss Sparks spent Christmas in Stratford. Mrs. Dungey and little' , daughter Jean were Mitchell Visitors on Christmas, Mr. Jas. Watson and daughter, Miss'Ivfarion, were Clinton visitors. 'Miss Belle, Beattie, of Clinton, spent: Christmas with - Mr. and Mrs; John Beattie, of Main street, '.Mr. M. Broderick was a Mitchell visitor on Christmas Day. Mr. ,:'Chas Stodgill, of 'Toronto, was a;weck end,.visitor. Wind- sorChas: Clark has returned to Wuras sor after. spending his Chr s with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1;, L. CIask. Mr. Tolut Moray, of tf3uffalo, is vis- sting his father, Mr..Peter McKay, Tuckersnlith• Mr. Reg. Fowler has rented Mr. S, Little's residence, Goderich street west ATWATER HENT i" RADIO Think of What Is Back of It Mr. George Reinke and Mrs. •John Reinke and ;daughter. Dorothy. spent Clyristmascwith relatives in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wallace Archibald ore stn ding•Ne,Vr *Year's :with his ? aarents, ivIt, .and Mrs, Andrew 'Archi !bal'd. • + . Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c Whether it is tone quality, distance, selectivity, or volume you want in the radio you buy, you. will find it in the -highest degree in our line of AT - WATER KENT equipment. There is an Atwater, Kent instrument: — receiving set or loud speaker at a size and price to suit your preference. To fully appreciate the real, beauty and splendid workman- ship of these instruments, you must actually examine them. Come in today and see the real value you can get in ,AT - WATER KENT Radio Receiv- ing Sets and Loud Speakers. DALY'S GARAGE: SEAFORTH Hydro Lamps are built to a standard -- Not to a price. There can be no second grade Hydro Lampe at a lower price. HYDRO LAMPS Quality First and Always! All Hydro Lamps before being passed by our experts and labelled with the Hydro label of quality must come up to the Hydro standard of efficiency and life. No others will be accepted. No others can bear the Hydro label. Seaforth Public Utilities Clerk's Office, Town Hall This lobo, is your guaran- tee of first quality. Look for ft. Ask for it, ore She Lampe you buy, 1 BEN4ILJR- The Svecial Miluertorr. Aigt Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings Chop of 7111 Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER • PHONE- 25 Wishing you all a - Year Yea Ha New Happy nounc�n Vin g the.New Maxwell Good 30 Miles to the Gallon rr .h its 8 se 58 Miles per hour., . 5 to .,3111 p What about your, battery for winter storage or repairs? will call for the battery, V O N PHONE ,167W. •