The Seaforth News, 1924-09-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT II ENSALL NEWS ST, COLUMBAN. Mr. add Mr$.' J"oho Reid. 'ri1 t don visited ,ter the .,ea - tt ck cud w relatives •in town. :Miss Hazel "o - � r C a<wn th left Mond evening for Stratford where she w attend Normal. • r Mr. Webster 3'1eNau *limn 1 b Monday evening for London 'wive he will attend Normal, Rev. Dr: 13e11, of Toronto, ureao ed to large congregations here. Sunday in the interest of the Te perance movement. In the morel' he occupied the pulpit in the Pre byterian church and the \Methidi church in the evening. a r g. od at the ei each service took up a subscri pion in aid of the work. Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Cook and fat ily visited in Dutton on Sunday. A special meeting of the Comic was held on Monday evening tu" s the tax rate for the year. After col siderable discussion it watt •moved• b Councillor Higgins and seconded b Councillor Hudson that the rate b 32 mills Inc the year 1924 made t by village rate 9 mills, general tie benture rate 1 mill town hall1 6-1 9 , school ., public librat _, contact P ) • road 7 6-10 and the county rat 3 1-19 mills. The brick work on our new sch o building is nearly finished and create a. very ,favorable appearance. Al Welsh hopes to have the Suil lin ready fur use by November 15th, '-Mr. Robt. Higgins, the returnin officer Inc South Huron, is busy rid week posting the proclamations 10 the coaling election. • The street dance put 00 by th Board of Trade nn "Thursday evennt in aid of the skating rink` fundd was largely attended and much en joyed by all. The music was sup plied by the Cliutou orchestra. Th street was nicely' decorated wit Tights. A large number of dancer were in costume, some presenting very comical appearance The fur which was fast and furious, starte about 9 o'clock and ended about ane Mrs Tho.. Elston is visitin friend in Exeter this week. Mr. Richard P,atchford and Mr Andrew Johnson visited in Exeter ,x Tuesday. Quite a number from Hensall at tended the funeral of the late Walter Mclleath on Monday afternoon which took place from the home o his father in Stanley township. The `hod--• of the late Wm. Lattie, who died in Regina on Sunday, Sept. 14th, arrived here on 'Thursday even- ing and the funeral took place from the residence of his father-in-law n Friday afternoon to Bayfield ceme- tery. Mrs. Lattie accompanied the remains home from Regina. Mr. Alfred Smith visited relatives in London on Monday. • Mr, Reid Lewis, of. Lucan visited in town on Sunday. Mrs. Toho Passmore is visiting friends in T,oaudorn this week. Mr. and Mra. Roht. Higgins ; isited in Exeter on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd TTutlsan ar- rived home on Saturday from their wedding trip, and till Monday even- ing the boys around town gave then a tin pan reception. Quite a number front Hensall et - tended the fair at Seafarth 00 Fraley last, Next Sunday is rally ,lay and flower Sunday in the Methodist church. The children's cluair will lead in the service of song, The minister' will speak especially to rhe chil- dren. The service will begin at 15 'minutes to 10 and will', be held in the church, :\41 parents are urged to come. b`fi.. 1th ay ill eft re h- on tn- tg 5- st tad p- 11- it et 1- y y tp 0, e e ,1 s t•, g g 5 e g e h a • • g Field slay far the temperince forces was very auccessful last Sun- day, Rev. L R. Belt. of Toronto. ably presented the temperance arse to large congregations in anth churches. The offering for the cam- paign fund amounted to $125. The marriage of Mr. Orville Smith to Miss Lillian Broderick took place at the home of the bride on the Parr Line Wednesday at 5 nim. The ceremony was performe.l by Rev. A. Sinclair, of Hensel!. VARNA. The annual school fair nas held last Wednesday with a g.,o;l attend- ance. The exhibits were very good, considering that they were children's work. Varna as usual carried off the prize for the parade. Mrs. Hillis, of Detroit, Mrs. Jack Glenn and son Gerald and daughter Margaret, of Hensall, spent Friday with their cousin, Mrs. Jno. Beatty. Mr. George B. Woods, of Trinity College, Toronto, spent the past week visiting relatives and friends here, left Tuesday morning for his home in Listowel. Miss E. Logan and Miiss E. Clarke have returned from a trip to Nia- gara Falls, The Presbyterian church celebrated anniversary services last Sunday. Rev- Mr. Alp, of Auburn had charge of the service morning and vening with big congregation 'both times. He is a very able speaker. Miss Welch, of Ripley, spent the week -end with her sister here, Mr. Austin, of Blyth, is visiting his brother, Mr, Alf. Austin, Mrs. E. McAsh, of Exeter who has been visiting her son here, Inas re- turned home, Miss Ida Reid, of.Bayfield,'spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. Mac Naugton, Several from Bayfield attended an- niversary services here Sunday. Dr. Moffatt, of London. gave a Panty at his country home east of Varna to about 100 members of Acacia Lodge, A.F. & A.M. on Sat- urday afternoon noon and evening.A pleasant time was reported. Owing to the anniversary seaviees in the Presbyterian church there was no service held in the " Methodist church, Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50e lfr. T. J, Holland, St. Columban, 'li. W. L. Holland and Mr, Geo. E. dnllaud, Beechwood, and Mr. Toho 1 Iviin 'Uu'b'riri, mafbieP to: 1X rnd?pc' on Saturday to spend the Week -end visiting Mr. and Mrs, Thos. A. Hol- land, of Windsor, also friends in De- troit, Miss 3[ildred McGrath, of St. Clements, Ont„ visited over the week- end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, P. V. McGrath. Mr. and Mrs. Lends O'Reilly, of ITibbert, spent Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. John O'Reilly, S't. Columban school captured first prize in the rural sehool drill and second for rural schools in the parade at the Seaforth Fall Fair, Well done,• teachers and pupilsls Miss Gertrude McGrath has gone to Stratford to attend the Normal school for the ensuing term. Mr. M. V. -:McIntyre, B.A„ has re- signed the Principalship of the St, Columban fifth form school and has accepted.. a position' on 'tate- staff of St. Michael's College, Toronto., Alias Agnes Downey, gradaate nurse, who has been visiting her par- ent-. Mr. and Mrs. 'Michael Downey, St.n Columban, n h a a returned to 'Lon- don. Mr. Tobias Nash is confined to his hone through illness, We would sug- gest to tite people of the community that they give him a helping i>,and to ,,are his crop, which is all nut yet. The resurfacing of the Pray.,taial Highway is slowly proceeding and when finished and the crushed mater- ial finally consolidated, will make a good road. Remember! The dance in S . Col- umba': hall Friday night. Sept. 26th inst. Dancing begin- at 9 p.nt, and there will be good -music. Ladies in parish please bring lunch. 31r, Wm, O'Connor. of Detroit, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Patrick O'Connor. of Hibbert. Your Asthma, Too, The efficacy of 1)'. J. 11. Kellogg's Asthma Rem- edy is not snnnethuig that is merely to be hoped for; ; it is to be expected. It seldom fails to bring relief, and in your own individual zase it will do the same. So universal has been the success of this far-famed remedy that every nate afflicted with this disease owes it to himself to try it. DUBLIN. Mr, Leo Kenny, of •1'ornanto, Is spending his holidays at the home of Iris parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Ka,tny: Miss Ruth Hills has returned to resume her studies at London Uni- versity. Quite a number from town Ieft to attend Normal this year. Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Flannigan spent Sunday the guest of Mrs. T. Bairns, - "The annual school fair will he •held h1 our tillage on Thursday. Every- SEAFORTH FAIR, • Barred .Rocks' -Clot •erel r i' 1. aul,I Andrea Carter, ' \1'hite'Rbeks--t and •hen, Thos. Snowden; cock and ,pullet. L. Bateman, A.O.V. Cochin 'Bantams --Cock,. L. Bateman, A,.O.V. Bantams—Hen, L, Bateman. Minoreas — Coek,' Ren, cockerel, pullet, Wm, Terrebemry. Silver Laced Wyaratlottes—Cock hen. cockerel. and pullet, Peter Daley, Seaforth, 1 and 2; :White Wyanclottes —Cockerel and pullet, 1l m..i'Iason Gulden Laced \Wyandottes--Cock d y hen, 'cockerel end pullet, Peter Daley, 1 and 2, L'ruuzcc Turkeys—Torn and hen, Mr. 'Ten•e•berry.' Bremen Geese—, Gander and goose,. 1:. and R. Snow- Glen. Pekin Ducks—Drake and ducks, E. and It. Snowden. White T eghorns S.C.—Cock. J. F. Carlin; hen, Geo, Holland, 3, 1'. Carlin; cockerel, Geo. Holland, Mr. •Hoag; pullet, Geo, Holland, White Leghorn R.C..---Hen, •Geo. Holland. A.O.V. Leghorn ---Cock and lien,. Mrs. W. Tree. drake, 1 Mal - Thos. Docks- -Old r x S enduck; , no dei old culnl, ''Thos. w young cluck- and young drake Thos Snowden.1', Malcolm, Guinea F o,vl —Cock. E. and R. Snowden. Judge. \\'alter Rose, Brussels. Il O.R I 1 C'C'LTITRAL—SLC 1I, Apples—Collection; J. F. Carlin, Herbert Crich; hinter. Herbert Crich; Bakken's, H. Crich; King of 1 honipkins, H, Crich, \\',n. Cameron Sr.; ; Northern Spies, T. 'Malcolm, 1.1. Crich; Ribstou Pippins, \V. H. Jamie- son; Golden Russett. Is. Cni h, T. Malcolm, 'Westfield Seek -nn -further, Wealthy, Pewaukee, H. Crich: On- tario, H. C.rnth, '1Nlm, 'Terryberry:• Gravcuitei 1, 1:T. Crick; Duchess of Oldenburg, H. •Crich, W. H. Jamie- son; Cayuga Re'd Streak, Wm, 'terry- -berry,- 7..Malcolm; Fameuse or Snow apple, J. F, Carlin, J, J. Hugill; C'olvert, N. Carter, 3, J. Hugill; Mann, H. .'rich; Maiden P,lu4b, ;l. J.. Hugill, N, Carter; Crab, 3, E. Hugill Jr.; R. 1. Greening, H, Crich, 3, J .t•[ugili; Fa'llawatcr, H. Crich; Blenheim Pip- pin, and Fall Pippin, AWtu. Cammr, Sr.; St, Lawrence, N. Carter; Cana- dian Red, 1i. • rtc11, T. Malcolm; McIntosh Red. H. Crich; 'rennet' Sweet, \Vat. Terry terry. \\ m C:ant- eron Sr.; Fall Apple,.. lfui. Terry - berry, 11, Crich. Pears --\Winter, N, t'artcr, Herbert Crich; Fall N. Carter; Flemish Beau- ty Herbert Crich; Duchess of Agou- line, N. Carter, Herbert Crich; Beurre Clairgeau, H. Crich, N. Carter; Clapp's Favorite, W. I). Hoag, N. Carter Louis Bonne de jersey, N. Carter;. Bartlett, H. Crich. 11'. D. Hoag: Seckel, 1T, (rich: 13rure d' Anjou. N. Carter. • Peaches- Crawford, N. Carter, Plums—Imperial Gage, '1'. :Mal- colm. 3. E. Hugill 3r ; Lombards, 1I, c'ri'b, •1'. Malrnlm; Abundance, T. laicola'. `3. F. Carlin; Brutishaw•, 1'm, Henry,Mrs. 3 B. •Tyemnuuh; Q.V., Geo. Holland, Mrs. 3. it 1 y emnnan. Grapes- Xiagara and Concord, H. Crich, t \figg's Special) Snow Apples, W. T I Jamieson. Rt:1o'1'S. & VEGETABLES --SEC li Potatoes --- Irish Cobbler, \fm. ameron Sr., Joe. A, Murray; _A.O,V, 10. A. Murray, Wm. Cameron Sr, rent Albumen', 3, E. Hugill 3r., \V Smillie; A.O.V. late potatoes - r-, 11 Wright, N. Carter; winter nbage, Jou. A. Murray. Fall cabbage—Jno A. Murray, W. , Fotherngham; other cabbage, Mrs. ohs, A. Campbell, Wm. Cameron table p renips, J, J. Hugill, Jno, HE' SEAFORTH NEWS powder biscuits, j. L. Kerr, T. cam; tt; rolled oatmeal cookies, Geo, Brownlee, Mrs. J. 13, Tyei fried takes, Mrs, W. Free ; .. tiC uli€t„ Carle-, j•Aluuis c cat, \1r: FI. Jalifi otkl•3Ibs;"1\ 'Free;' 1311 .'cake "C:'tf et el \Mrs. 3. 13. 'Tyernnan; gitnger b N. Carter, Mrs.R. Wright; cake, T. Malcolm, airs. A, apple pie, Mrs. W. Nicholl, Mrs Free; pumpkin pie, Mrs, J. 13, man; N. Carter; meat loaf, N. C Mrs, W. Free; maple creanh Mrs, W. Nicholl, Mrs,,W. raspberries, Mrs 1: Kirk, N. Ca calmed cherries Mrs, ,A Ivirk, M. 13. Tyerntan; carded pears Canter, Mrs. A. Kirk; prese strawberries, Mr, A. Kirk, N. Ca preserved p111115, .Mrs. A, Kirk, .Carter; citron, Mrs, A. Kirk; pea Mrs. A. Kirk, Geo, Turnbull; currant jam, Mrs. A. 1Kirlc, Carter; native bruit lam, Mrs. Te berry; apple jelly. W. H. Jamie Mrs. J B. Tyerman; berry jelly. Carter Mrs. Tyerntan; currant j N, Carter, T. Malcolm; native jelly, Mrs, A. Kirk, Mrs. Tyer canned itomatoes, Mrs, A. Kirk, Carter; canned corn, Geo, Turn Mrs. A.Kirk; canned beans, \V Jamieson, 'Mrs, Kirk; vinegar e rel \l, a Tyeprinan, W. H, Janie mustard pickles, W. H. Jamie airs. Tyerntan; tomato catsup, H. Jainieson, Mrs, Nicholl; gr relish, Mrs. 11. Wright, W. Jamieson; red sauce, Mrs. A. K W. .I•I, ,lamieson; baking made 1 one hatch of dough, W. 11, Jamie N. Carter; collection, W. H. Jar son, Mrs. A. Kirk, ('Flaigla's spec homemade bread, Mrs, \V. II, Jai son, Judges, .,Mrs. J. 1', Reid, A Harry Charters. NEEDLECRAFT --SEC. .0, Quilt, 3lrs. Terryherry, \lason; comforter, Miss Livingsto bed spread, Thompson, Mrs, R Campbell; apron, Jean Elcoat, Howrie; house dress, Mrs. How pullover sweater, �blrs, Howrie, J Elcoat; socks, Mrs. Howrie, i Livingstone; Mitts, Miss Livingsto Mrs. Howrie; floor mat, Miss Livi storm, LADTES' WORK ---SEC. P.• Lace, Irish, Mrs, Howrie and; 1 filet, Miss Livingstone, Mrs, Nich lace knitted, Miss Livingstone, y Howrie; tatting, Miss Livingstone, Crich; drawn work, Miss Livi stone, Mrs. Howrie;centrepiece, V Cameron Jr., Miss I ivingstoue, Embroidery—Cross Stitch, Airs. Nicholl, Mrs. Howrie; hardanger, H, •lamieson, Miss Livingstone; c work, 'Mrs, •Howrie; Vulgarian, M Howrie, Miss Livingstone; mode alias Livingstone Mrs, Howrie, Dining Room Furnishings -- L' hroider•ed lunch set, Wm. Camaro airs. gmvrie; luncheon set Mrs, Kirk, \fes, Howrie; tea cloth, Mrs, 13. Tyerntan, alias Livingstone; tab mats. \liss Livingstone, Mrs, Howri table doyleys, Mrs, Tyernnan, Mi Livingstone; tray cloth, 3Trs, Howri centrepiece, 'fisc, Livingstone, Je Elcoat; serviettes, hiss Livingston Win, Cameron; table napkins, Mi Livingstone, Mrs. ITowrie; holde Nellie Duggan, Airs. T-Iowrie; buff .et. Mrs. Tyernaau, Jean Elcoat, • Bed Room Furnishings—Day slips, Mrs. Hnwriet embroidered pillow slips, Mise Livingstone, Mrs Howne; other slips, Jean Elcoat, W. J. Beattie; embroiderer- towels, Miss Livingstone, Jean Menet; other els, Jean Elcoat, Miss Livingstone; sheet, Miss Livingstone; dresser set, \\•m. Cameron, W. Thompson; run- ner, Miss T ivingstnne, W. J. Beattie; night robe embroidered, 7fiss Liv- iegstene, iVnt. Cameron; other night robe, Mrs, Tyernnan, Mrs, Flowrie: camisole, Miss Livingstone, W. Cam- eron; handkerchiefs, Geo. Turnbull, \lie Livingstone; bedroom slipper's, alas, Livingstone. 3frs, Howrie; bed- room siippers, Miss Livingstone, airs, Howrie, , Infant's Wear—Dress, hiss Livia-; stone. Mrs. Robt. McMichael; bon net and wool jacket, 3Miss Livia stone Mrs, Howrie. Table -lamer Miss Livingstone, Wt Ji Beattie centrepiece, W. J. Beattie, .Mrs. Tyer tnan: sofa pillow embroidered, othe handwork, Miss Livingstone, Mrs Howrie: Needlework, Jean Elcoat Miss Livingstone: -collection, 'Itis Livingstone, Nellie Duggan, Judge, Mrs. W. F. Clark, Goderich FINE ARTS—SECTION R. Oil Paintings—Landscape, Miss Livingstone, jean Elcoat; marine and animals, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Living- stone; still life, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie, Water Colors—Land- scape, marine, animals, flowers and inanimate, :Mrs. Howrie, Miss Liv- ingstone; vegetables, 3vfiss Living- stone. Crayon drawing, Miss Living- stone, Mrs. Howrie; pastel, Miss Livingstone, Win, Cameron; ;epic, Miss Livingstone, Wm. Cameron; pencil, Mrs. Howrie; poster, Mrs, R. Wright; basketry, Jean. Elcoat Miss Livingstone; art lvork, Mrs. Howrie, Jean Elcoat. Hand Painted China— Dresser set, Mrs. Howrie Jean El - coat; .vase and salad bowl, El - coat; cake plate, Mrs. Howrie, Jean Elcoat; cups andsaucers, Jean Elcoat, Mrs, Howrie. FLORAL EXHI13IT—SEC, S. Asters—Pink, Claire Meaner, Geo. Turnbull; white, J. J -Hugill, W. T. Fotheringham; mauve, W. T. Fothcr_ ingham, .1 and 2. Dahlias, Jno, A. Murray, W.D. Hoag; dianthus, Mrs, R. 13, Scott; gladioli, W. Hartry; col., W. Hartry; petunias, J. L. Kerr; petunias, double, Mrs, Tyerman, J. L. Kerr; .pansies, Mrs, R. B. Scott; roses, Mrs. 5, 'Rankin, W. D. Hoag; col., W. Hartry, 1 and, 2; stocks, Mrs, Tyernnan, C. Routledge; zinnias, Mrs. R. B. Scott, Geo. Tcarnbull; sweet peas, C. Routledge; collection, Mrs. R. B Scott, Mrs Ter man y eren- rials P Mrs. Tyei•man; basket, W. Hartry, Pot Plants—Begonias; Mrs. R. Mc- Michael; geraniums, Geo. Turnbull; hanging basket, jean ',Elcoat, Mrs, T. Hudson; house plant, T. Malcolm; col., Mrs. T. Hudson, Geo. Turnbull; zinnias, 'Geo. Turnbull; begonias tub- erous, „ W. Hartry; foliage plants, Mrs: 3, Dayman, Living D•f a 1- Airs. matt; esOh Capel•; read, layer Kirk; W. I'yer- atte r, andy, Free; rter; Mrs, , N. reed rter; ca N. )ilacic rry- son, elle, frtait man; N. bull, , des son; 5011, W. `nen H. irk, rola soft, 1 11'- ia1) 111e- 'lrs. \'nt, le; la, Mrs. rie; tan hss ne, ng ace on; [rs, H. 11g- Vm. W. W. tit- rs. 01, m - n, A. J. le e; ss e; an 55 r, et nt body carne anile help the children 1 to have a goal ince. Mr. and Mrs. T', Purcell called on friends in the village on Friday. Iter. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, of Mitchell. were visitors in our whinge aiming the week. Rev. Father McCrae, of Goderich, =pent \i onlay the guest of Rev, Father Whits. (' Mr, and Mrs, tkrrdon Jeffry, of 31 Stra ford, spent Sunday the guests of G Mr. .cut Mrs. Alex. Darling. R tTe Late for Last Week,) \i ca Mr. and Mrs, Brown, of the Stand- ard Bank. spent the week -end the T guests of London friends, R ter. of Mitchell.- were 'vests of Mr. A and \fr Alex. Darling on Sunday. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Tnit'1 Feeney spent 31 Sunday with -friends in Stratford, cc Mr. George Howard of the Stand -I 'T ard hank staff of Chatham is holiday- ni 12 i1 Jn .'e Mr. and AIt s, Gid Litt and Baugh- Sr , Murray. Carrots ---Stump rooted, \laicafm, \\ m. Mason; long, T. aleohn. N Carter; A.U.V., T.. Mai- a1n1, •l, J, Hugill, Beets—long blood, Malcolm, Tan, A. Murray; tar- p blood, T. Malcolm. J. 3. Hugill. et1 1-nmatues. 3na. A, Murray, Corn Sweet table, Wm. Mason, Wm, artry: fodder. Arthur L'urro,vs, o; A. Murray. Onions — From Cd. W. T. Fotheringhana, Geo. trnbull; from Dutch sets. W. R. Sritillie, Mrs Robt. A. Campbell; red, \fm, Cameron Sr.; white or yellow, W. 9.. Snlllfe. Geo, Turnbull; pickl- ing. \\'11. -'ameron Sr., W. R. Smillie, ,AItiskineluus. '.I', ''Malcolm. \Vm, Cameron Sr.; waternnelons, Jno. A. it ay ; citrons, Jno, A. Murray. mash" -Mammoth and table, Mrs. 13. Scott Tr..: hubbard, Mrs. R. 13. ,tt Jr., \V, T. Fotheringhain; mpkins Inc pies, Jno. A. Murray, mg at the home of his parents, Mr. Dan Castello will move in the up-to-date little i,uugaiow of Mr. 11. Nagle 00 Thursday. We wish Dan and his bride the hest of health. The C \V.L. held a meeting in the parish hail on Sunday which was well attended and arrangements are trade for a bazaar in November. This twill, ire one of the ,best of the district, The entertainment given by the Separate school children in the parish hall on Afonday evening was largely attended and the training of the little folks reflected great credit to the teacher. tilt Shagi Sec Cheapest of all Oils.—Considering pit the qualities of Dr, Thomas' Ec- \ lectric Oil it is the cheapest of all preparations offered •to the public. It is to be found in every drug store in Canada from coast to coast and all country merchants keep it for :sale. So, being easily ,procurable and ex- tremely moderate in price, no one Should he without a bottle of it. CHISELHURST, (Too Late for Last Week,) The farmers are busy threshing to get their beans in. Mr. and Mrs. James Turnbull are wearing bright smiles over their little baby daughter which came to bright- en up their home. Mr. Angus Robertson had the trils- fortune of being thrown into the ditch on Sunday and 'breaking his new sedan,. The . Methodist congregation of Chiselhurst intend holding a fowl supper in the near future. Mr, and Mrs, Ross McLean have gone back to Detroit again to resume his 'duties as conductors on the street railway. Miller's Worm Powders work so effectively that t no traces of worms can be - Bound. The pests pass away in t'he stools without being percepti- ble, They make an entire and clean sweep of the intestines and nothing in the shape of a worm can find lodgment there when these powders are in operation. Nothing could be more thorough' or desirable than their action,. \'. J. T3eattie; winter radish, T.Mal- colm; cucumbers, Vd. T. Fathering - ham, Jno. A. Murray; butter beans, Cleo. Turnbull, Mrs, A. Kirk; white beans, N. Carter, Wm. Cameron Sr.; sugar mangolds, Geo. Turnbull, W. R, .Smillie; red mangolds, W. R. Smillie; intermediate mangolds, Jno. A. Murray Swede turnips, Win. Cameron Sr., W. J. Beattie; white or yellow, carrots, Wm, Cameron Sr,; largest squash, Mrs. R. B. Scott Jr., Jno.A. Murray; largest pumpkin, W. J. Beattie, Jno, A. Murray; garden products, Mrs. R. 13. Scott Jr., T. Malcolm, Judges, jos. Atkinson, W. S. Broad - foot. DAIRY PRODUCTS—SEC, M. Butter—Crock, W. H. Jamieson, Mrs, Robt, A. Campbell .prints, Mrs R. B. Scott Jr., J J. Hugill, W. H. Jamieson; pats, W. H. Jamieson, 3. J, !Hugill; best butter sown, W. H. Jamieson: 1 -lb prints (Hutchison. Spacial), J. L, Kerr. Honey—In comb„Wim. Hartry, Mr, Hoag; extracted, Wm. Hartry, Mr, Hoag; display, Wm. Hartry. Hen's Eggs—White, Geo, Holland, Thos, Dale; brown, N. Curtin, W. H Jamieson. Dres • ' Dressed, h C ickeu-N . Carter, W. H. Jamieson, son Judges -Mrs J. F. Reid, Mrs, Harry Charters, DOMESTIC SCIENCE—SEC, N. • White bread, W. H. ` Jamieson, T. Malcolm, Mas. Geo. Brownlee, Jr.; graham,bread, T. Malcolm, N. Carter; nut bread, W. H. Jamieson, Mrs, J. 13. Tyermap;:.raised buns, Mrs. R B. Sce•tt, Mrs. Geo. Brownlee; baking r • • LD'IEN'S DEPARTMENT. Vegetables—Swede tdrri t Ps,'..'Jiiv. hotheritlgliani; No. 3' Tnck. I'salmi Cita era0 :'19.ot 7 Tuck: 1\lildred ':Pur j- ibull SotfdIta; ai ( ii j'' 'F t g ten caltot;t Acsd_ Po hcl'ing'hanny'lsabet Caiiiei•on,Aitd- rey Carter, No, 6 Tuck; sugar beets, Ruth Hugill No. 1 130111th Wilfred Freeman, No. 1 [Iuldett; 'harry' Free- man, No. 1 Iluliett; yellow. intermed- iates, No ,Name (301); parsnips, :Ruth Iltigill, Jno, ['otberinghttall, Geo. Taylor, No. 7 afeK,; garnets beats, Ruth Hugill, Chas. Dale No. 1 .kdul- lett; Isabel Eaton, No, 10 McK,; onions, No Name (300), Jana Foth- eriu gpant Isabel elEaton; citrons, Chas, Wright, No. 1 Hallett, Wilfred Freennan;. cabbages, Isabel Cameron, Geo. Taylor, Mildred Turnbull; potatoes, Claude 13lowes,; No. 10 Tuck., Dorene Hudson, Seaforth, Clarence la gill; col. .garclen vege- tables, Ruth f-fttgill, Audrey Carter, Geo. Taylor, l°lowers --• Nasturtiums, Edward' Rankin, Seaforth, Leonard ' Brown, Seaforth; pansies, Leonard Brown; asters, Jno. botheringham, Eleanor ,Burrows. Seafm h Premium, re i an unt, ns ens, Edward Rankin sweet peas, T un- ard .Brown; bouquet,- Chas, Dale, Dorene Hudson; .Premium, Margaret Freeman, No. 1 flultett; snap dragon, Eleanor Burrows, Juo, Fotht eringhan; petunias, Edward Rankin; dahlias, Edward Rankin, Cooking --Tea biscuits, Isabel Cant- exon; cookies, Isabel Cameron; Light cake, Isabel Cameron, Mabel Wright, Hazel Freeman; apple pie, Isabel Cameron, Mabel Freeman, Art Work -- 3rd class ' Eugene n Ducan, Seaforth, Ignatius O'Leary, Seaforth, Isabel Eaton; 4th class, Harry Freeman, Walter Dale, Marg- aret Pethick No. 10 iicK,; 1st class— Clarence Freeman, Chas, Wright, No. 1 Hallett; 2nd class, C. Oke, No. 3 Tuck.; Jessie Dale, No. 1 Mullett; Evelyn McMichael, Hullett, Maps—Township (Savauge Specal), Margaret Ross No. 1 Hallett, Ruth Hugill, Margaret a atsorl, No. 3 Tuckersntith; Huron, Stewart Dale, Wilfred Freeman, 'Mabel Wright; Ontario, , Hazel Freeman,' Austin Zypfe, Margaret Pethick, Writing ---1st book, J. Watson, Chas, Dale, Eileen Maur; gild book, Evelyn Mclfichael, Margaret. Ross, Rutin Hugill; 3rd 'book, Clau:ie Blowes, Ethel Ross, Harry Freeman; 4th book, Willie Williams, Seafart•11; Hazel Freeman, 2 and 3. Collections --Noxious weeds, Stew- art Dale, Douglas Freeman, Frank Reynolds, Seaforth. Injurious Trisects, Olive Wright, No. 1, Mullett, Leaves, Hazel Freeman, Chas, Dale. Sewing—Buttonholes 111 cotton, A(; - nes Wright, livelyn Dale. Hand- made apron. Agnes Wright. Darning, Evelyn Dale. Handkerchief, Agnes Wright. .Best Dressed Doll—Stewart Dale, Irene Strong, .Egmondville, 'Margar- et Strong. Dressed Fowl --Ruth klugill, Isabel Cameron, Andrey Carter. Sweepstake for school taking !erg: t est number1. uof prizes, No.rlullett. Sweepstake for school making laig- est number of entries, No. 1, Hullett. Luncheon set, Mildred Turnbull. Best school exhiht, No, 1, Mullett. Judges -- Ethel al. Beattie, lel. Thompson. Best appearing school in parade-- Seaforth Public School. Best appearing rural school in oar- ade--No. 7, Tuckersntith, St. Coltmin- ban and No. 2, McKillop, 2nd. BOYS' RACES, 8 years and under—Jou, Flannery. Norn1, McQuad, 10 years and under—Max 'Hudson, Robt. Aberhart, 12 years and under—J: McQuaid, Francis Hart. 15 years and under Tack Cudinore, Joe Hart , GIRL` RACES. 8 years and under, Lillian Reeves, Margaret Ross. 10 years and under -Mabel Hilde- brand, Edith Hiller, 12 years and under—Bernce Dor- ranee, Edith Rice. 15 years and under—Agnes Wright, Mona Hughes, Bicycle Race Carl Ament, Leon- ard Brown. HORSE RACES. 2:25 Trot or Pace. Billy Bingen (Geo Gray) 1 1 1 Queenie, Smith (Gordon 'Hunter)3 2 2 May Wright (G. McNal) 2 ;i 3 2:17 Trot or Pace ”' • Jimmy Moore (Ed Fawn) 1 1 1 Lucy Thomson (P. S. Riddell) 2 2 Lady Wilkes (C. Copeland)3 3 3 Dog Race—Pearson Chanters SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, Sept, 24th. Wheat, per bushel $L15 Oats, per bushel 45c Barley, per bushel 70c Buckwheat, per bushel .70 Peas, per bushel. $1.25 to $1.40 Shorts, per cwt $1.60 Bran, per cwt. 1.50 Flour, per bag $3.35 to 3.75 Butter, per 1b. 32e Eggs 30c -32c Potatoes $1,00 Hogs, per cwt, $9 25 MARRIED. HOW - b y DALT N -In Seafqnh Rev, R. Fulton Irwin; on Friday, Sept. '19th, Harry F. Howe, of the Bank of ,Commerce, Seaforth, to Gladys Maud" Dalton, also of Sea - forth. DIED. SHAN•AHAN,-In Clinton, on Sat„ Sept. 20th, '1924, Miss Ellen Shana- han, aged 62 years. Simple and Sure, --.Dr. 'Thomas' Ec- leetric Oil is so simple 'it p a application that a child can .understand the in-. 'Ytructions, Used as a liniment the Only nae cti?en is. • o , ru.), and whe used as a 'dhessijg'10 l • 1 ", a - g nn y The di- rections are so plain and unmistak- able that they are readily understood by, young or old. The �G Ontario r o Votars9 isl Act, 1922, 2' a ad Amendments And The Ontario Temperance Act, ranee Act, 1924. Electoral District of T HURON TAKE NOTICE that Sittings the Revising Officer:, for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals1 regard to the Voters' Lists Ward to be used at the Voting under the Ontario Temperance Act, 1924, pending for the Electoral District of CENTRE HURON will be held at the follow- ing tirttes and places, namely, AT THE COURT I30'USIi, GOD- ERICH, on the 25th, 26th and 27th clay of Sept„ 1924, to hear complaints as to the lists of voters for all the polling sub -divisions for tite Town of Goderich ancl that C. Seager, Gode- rich, will he the Revising Officer, and his Clerk will be L, L. Knox, ,whose address is Goderich, THURSDAY, SEPT. 25, 1924. AND FURTHER TAKE NO TICS Clint any voter 'ev1i4 desfrhsi to conlpk(in that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on the said" lists 'has been omitted from the sante or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been catered tlnereoti+ may, not. less than two clear Clays before the days fixed for holding the above sittings, apply, complain or appeal to have his' name or the names of any other person entered on or removed d te n from alae -lists. AND FUR'' , 'TAKE HI✓R NO- TICE a 1 1at such a cal 111 notice in writing in the preseribed form signed by the'complainant in duplicate and given to the Clerk of the Revising. Officer; or left for hint. at his address as stated above. appeals The' laste days for tleliverin such. aras follows; Goderioh, Sept, 23 ' 1924. Brussels, Sept 221924 Grey, ,Sept.29, 11924, Seaforth, Se t Sept. 22, 1924. Colborne, Sept. 22, 1924. Mc[Ciilop, Sept. 23, 1924, of AT THE TOWN HALL, BRUS- SELS, on 'the 24th day of Sept„ 1924, to hear complaints es to the lists of Voters for 411 the polling sub -divi- sions for the Village of Brussels, and that His Honor judge Lewis, Gode- rich, will be the Revising Officer, and his Clerk will be A, H. McDonald, whose address is Brussels, AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL ETI•IEL, on the 1st day of Oct., 1924, to hear complaints as to the lists of voters for all the polling sub- divisions for the Township of Grey, and that His Honor Judge Lewis, Goderich, will be the Revising Ot- flcer, and his Clerk will be 3, H. Fear, whose address is Ethel. HALL, SEA - FORTH, of Sept„,is as to the palling sub- divisions Seaforth, s, Godersch Officer, and his • whose ad ALL, -CAR- LOW, Sept., .1924 the '.ists`o sub-diviious Colborne and ,will be the s Clerk will whose Goderich. of McKillop, and that P a Reynolds, Goderich. ficer, and his Clerk will be John MCNay, w•Itose address is R. R. 2, Seaforth, AT THE TOWN FORTH, on the 24th 1924, to hear complain lists of voters for all -the divisions for the Town and that R. G. Reynold will be the Revising Of s Clerk will be J. A. Wilson, dress is Seaforth, AT TOWNSHIP H LOW, on tate 24th clay to hear complaints as tof voters for all the polling for the Township of C 1 that C. Seager, Goderich Revising Officer, and his be Mrs. G. J Hetherington, address is R, 11. 1, AT CARNEGIE LIB RARY HALL, SEAFORTH, on the 25th day of Sept.. 1924. to hear complaints as to .lists of voters for all the poll- ing sub -divisions for the Township to R.eynolc s, Clinton, Sept. 27, 1924. Hullet, Sept, 27, 1924, E. N, LEWIS, Chairman of the Election Board Inc for the County of Huron. DATED this 10th dayof Sept„ 1924, HOUSE FOR SALE. For sale on East William street, a. frame house, 8 rooms, hard and soft water in house, good cellar under all, good garden, good:' chicken house and run, House good as new, one block "fromi Collegiate, Apply to ADAM HAYS, Seaforth, tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the Estate of ELIZABETH JANE; GALES, deceased. Pursuant to the Statute in that be- half, all persons having any claim. against the estate of Elizabeth Jane Gales, late of the Town of Seaforth, who died' 011 or about the 19th day of August, 1924, are required to deliver particulars of same duly verified to William Smithers, Seaforth, Executor of the will of said Elizabeth Jane Gales or to his Solicitor on or before the 1st day of October, 1924. After the said date the said Exec- utor will proceed to distribute the Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of which he shall have ' re- ceived notice. Seafortln, September 5th, 1924, F. HOLMESTED, 30 Solicitor for the Seaforth. said Executor. FARM ,FOR SALE. 150 acres of good land, being lot 2, cots. 13, Township of Hullctt, on which is erected a barn 42 x 86, 22 ft. posts; straw shed 24' s 44 on stone foundation, cement 'throughout; poultry house 16 x 26; galvanised drive shed 24 x 50; double basement buff brick house with verandah and balcony, equipped with Delco -light. These buildings are practically all new. The farm is well the drainedand fenced. For further particulars apply to T, H, WHEATL EY, R.R. 1, Blyth, Ont. 44 wall be tate Revising Of- PIGS! AT THE TOWN HALL, CLIN- TON, on the 29th day of Sept., 1924, to hear complaints as to the lists of voters for all the polling sub- divisions for the Town of Clinton, and that C. Seager, Goderich, will be the Revising Officer, and 'his Clerk will be D. L. McPherson, whose ad- dress is Clinton. AT COMMUNITY HALL, LON- DESBORO, on the 29th day of Sept,, 1924, to hear complaints as to the lists of voters for all the polling sub Vdivisions for the Township of Hul- det, and that Win, Coats, Goderich, will he the Revising Officer, and his Clerk will be J Fingland, whose ad- dress is Londesboro, EACH SITTING will commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon and will continue until 12 o'clock noon, or until the appeals have been disposed of. PIGSI Purebred Yorkshire sows. 5 bred for second litters; if taken this week will sell for $35.00. Also have. 20 chunk, will sell at $5,00 each, Aiso Saw with 9 pigswill offer for $60,00. For particulars apply to ABRAII.AM TH'GILL, 3 miles west of Seaforth. Phone 13-616. COW FOR SALE. :\ good cow due to freshen, Apply to CON. ECKART, Seaforth, PUBLIC NOTICE. .4 public meeting of members of the Conservative party will be held in the Council Chamber on Thursday evening, Sept. 25th at 8 'p.m. A full attendance is desired as important business is to be transacted. U, F. O. MEETING. T.T. F. O. meeting at the Carnegie Library, Wednesday, October 1st, at 8 o'clock. All members requested to be present as important business will be discussed. BERT IRWIN, sec. SPECIAL In Pianos and Milkers this Week With every piano I cell before October first I will includeei- ther a 2 unip McCartney Milker value $100 or a Phonograph You -do not have' to answer any fake. Just write me sayin you will be in the market for a piano this Fall or see me at Seaforth;Fair and learn what will do. J.E.Hugill District Representative Phone, 616013