The Seaforth News, 1924-09-18, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 46. SEAFO TI -Y. ONTARIO, rDURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1924 ISSUE No. 33. F r fair Week-. Willard's Special Fork dipped ehoe.h[ 'S. lat . Strictly Fresh r f. 35cts,t i er lb , a Confectionery and ''°estaurant HUTCHISON'S for GROCERIES VINEGAR,-1+"or years we have macre a specialty of vinegar. It is important. p tart, We have had exceptionally good vinegar trade. There was a reason. BEST RED SOCKEYE SALMON.—Three brands that aswere 45c to clear at TULIP CHEWING TOBACCO. --A good tree. one at a reasonable price 10c or 3 for 25c WEDGEWOOD CLOVER LEAF DISHES.—We have just re- ceived a crate, We think them the finest we have seen and the prices not higher than for ordinary quality. JARDINIERES: --1\'e- have just received some beef du design,' interesting in price, uses, attractive DINNER SET SPE CIAL •-• 97i p sa es, lso, $,31.00 for $25 a00 This is an open stock pattern also, so that if a piece is broken, it can he replaced. CUCUMBERS. --A large deliveryexpected for Friday (Fair Day) at from 30c up for 11 quart basket. FR UIT — S. Secure your supplies of PEACHES, PEARS, PLUMS, 3a CRA DA1 i LES, etc., now as prices and quality are. not likely to bebetter later. TEAS.—Besides our regular lines which have attained such popularity, we have added CERTONA GUNPOWDER MONARCH BLACK and a superior CEYLON HYSON. All high grate teas, at per pound,,,.._., ► Hutchison PHONE 166 fair SpecUds We have some splendid values to offer for the Fair. Ladies' High Cut cushion sole Shoes and rubber heel - ... $4.00, $4.50, $6.00 Ladies' Goodyear Welt cushion sole Oxford, andQ wp rubber heel , . 3 W Boys' Special School Shoes - $3.00, $3;50, $4.00 Men's Tan and :Black Goodyear Welt Shoes, rubber heel $5.00 and $6.00 Special clearing lines in Ladies' Shoes. Reg. $5.00 and $6.00 lines. , . $3.49 and $2.99 Children's Strap Slippers and Sandals at very low prices. FrerlW. Wigg SETAF©RT1-11 CHURCH CARD• Seaforth Methodist Church.—Sab- bath services 11 a,m„ and 7 p.m. Sun- day school 2:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin. The pastor a t b oth services. Official opening of the organ. Special music by the choir. CARDINAL BEGIN GIVES THE FACTS, AND }IE KNOWS. In a pastoral 'lettei! dated Quebec, December 16th, 1923, Cardinal. Begin, Arohl>ishop of Quebee speaks right out regarding the conditions in the "Government control Province: "You know what a vigorous battle has been fought for- the virtue of temperance in our diocese by ottr beloved coadjutor and •the group 'of ecclesiastical and lay apostles who aided in his efforts. After` .about fifteen years of wdrk, they irad al- most -conquered the enemy and we were overjoyed in seeing the end of the destruction caused by the excess of alcohol. But,alas, there is now ;spreading everywllierethe intolerable abuse which.w,- denounce and in particular the surreptitious fabrications of an alcohol more harmful than any other' to.'•the hearth of the body and smile; Asthma Brings rungs 'Misery, but Dr:. J. D. Kellogg's Asthina Remedy will re- place the misery with welcome relief. Inhaled as smoke or vapor it reaches the Very i-ipemnost recesses of the 'bronchial!dassages and soothes Ihem, Restriction, passes and easy breathing returns. If you knew as well how this remedy would help yen. a do thousands of grateful user: there] would be a package in your home to- night. Try it. NEW ORGAN, The organ in the Methodist Seaforth, which has been construction by a London` fi 1)owney Organ Co., for th three months, has now .-been pleted, and many important and improvements are noted new instrument: Some of th of the old organ which were excellent in Mone quality .hav utilice d -'in the new instrument wise the organ is entirelyne in actionworkand accessorie is tir C 1 u to Y P d to i a never til. Y a The case, work o k of the organ is of selected quarter -cut oak of classic clesigtt, and gilt pipes, The keyboard. church, under rrn, the e ,past cum - changes in the e pipes found e been E. J. WHITTAKER KILLED Mrs. Mary Whittaker received the sad news of the death of her son; Mr. Edward Whittaker, on Sunday, and left on Monday for Ottawa to attend the funeral Mr; Whittake- was a briddiant graduate of Seaforth Col- legiate, and frequently visited his, mother here. Mrs, INeuttaker has the deepest sympathy of ala in her sa'1 bereavement, other -t The Ottawa Jd'ttrnal, dated Mon - w, and! day. September 15th, has the 'fol - s ' - lowing: en wm g The tragic c death of Mr: Edward .r. sv. z18 J. Whittaker, aged 32 years of 18 Renfrew avenue, Ottawa, well- known palaeontologist of the Victoria organ Museum, of ]lis summer home at Hist is Tenaga, Quebec, on 'the Gatineau S;ten river 15 miles fromm here, through a n-udern fall finny a tree in which he was gathering butternuts• was a local an is fatality over the we - ek end. Mr, Whit - is is an taker was killed at tineas yesterday supply (Sunday), c lova Mr, \\rbi'ttaLer, with his wife and ectric- a party of friends, was spending the I week -end at Tenaga near Krk• ward from the .main about six feet, so that the orga in front of the choir, a ad opted in almost every 1 organ installation. The action work of the org electric throughput There electric blower and •motor to the wind power and„•:electri voltage generator to supply el ity for the key action. The cey- board is connected to the main organ by hundreds of fine electric wires. The action'is very quick, and the tone of the organ throughout is very line. The organ `has two keyboards of five octaves each and pedal board. There are approximately 700 speaking pipes, t'arying in size from 12 feet in .length to the smallest, which is about the size of an ordinary ' nary }rod pencil. cul. HURON FLAX MILLS TRIAL, Seaforth was a lawyer's 3fecc •t'h nrsria • and nl y I+ttda•` • y of last during the hearing before Magi's Reid, of Goderieh, of charges eg Mr. Fred Lukes and Mr, Louis L n' t Toronto. on charges of per and - conspiracy, Crown Atte Seager, assisted by Crown •Attu Middleton, of Owen ' ound, and Rogers, of the Provincial, 'Dep meat, Toronto. conducted the pr cution, while Col. Grier, Mr, Co and \lr. Stott, of Toronto, acted defendants. The charge of perjury against 1 our' Lukes occupied the first d and a large number of witnesses w heard, At the concfision the ;.uta trate said there was 00 evidem e convict, and dismissed the case. Friday was taken up with charge of conspiracy against Me Lukes c, o using m the g Huron � Com a tr Flax 1 yen company a P as s•• a screen to def their credince a tbat, although Mr,•Lukes-haciwahfarir. -the company, all 'transactions w. courluctetl by himself or his broth and that the sum of $265,000 had be deposited in the Dominion Ban Seaforth, during the years 19191,:,1 Me. Louis Lukes, either in ca i!1 \r urn •' r bonds; ds• 1 t lfl nese was turned over to tthe the by him he hander) to the compe the entire crop of 1921, besides 53 0011 surplus from 1919; and receive in return $20,000 worth of stuck in th company, The evidence showed th some witnesses thought they w e doing business s'itit ttfr. Lukes an others thought they were dealing wit the company. There was uiuc crossfirin • between the lega-1- light Severer alledaandl rtmuch ofes ront the vtidence to wen to show that Messrs. Lukes had Ida_ over $200,000 by their flax operaa,1n The Magisteate committed them t appear at the next. assizes in God rich.- - FISHER=IVIacDO WELL, A very pretty wedding -took place, on Wednesday, September '17th, at Kirkconnell Lee Farm, McKillop, the. home of M. and' Mrs John L. Mac - Dowell, when •their daughter, Isabel: Hamilton lefeDowell, was united in marriage to Mr. Sanford Emerson Fisher, of Draytor,;,,Ont. The cere- mony was perforated by Rev, F. I:I, Larkin, 1).D.,in the presence of the. immediate 'relatives of the young couple. The bride looked lovely in ageorgette d• res s and t four-year-old „ar- of y d Gerayclute Richards, niece of the groom was lower girl. The wed- ding march was played by Mrs, John McMillan, At the close of •the ceremony a delicious wedding break- fast was served and the 'bride re- ceived many fine presents Mr, and Mrs. Fisher left by motor for a trip to l astern cities, the bride travelling in a taupe coat with hat to :match, They take with them the good wishes of the community to their hone in Drayton, where the grooms Is postmaster, Ferry, Sunday at noon while out' Whittaker, COLLEGIATE for a walk Mn,) GIATE NOTES, man, weighing n,a big the attendance at the Collegiate is g g 20 pounds, climbed again quite large, 246 having register.. a tree in search of butternuts, slipped; ed to date, Ultimately the number and plunged to the ground before the eyes of his wife and •severaf will exceed nus friends, He lighted upon his feet, The students, s, whenever they can but then fell backwards, strikingIsis of Fclasord ses and from the usual routine Ing classes and homework,old are pichais head upon a rock, and fracturing the Mase of his 'skull. Death 'was al- tofor the annual clayfield.which is most instantaneous. Dr. A S \i to be held this year an Friday after Elroy, of gttaiva, rtislred,'to 'Gena a • noon, Septa 26th. During the noon B hour and after 4 o'clock the play- in response to a ca11, but death had occurred before. his arrival grounds arc crowded with boys cu- deavoring to perfect themselves in some br n. a ah of the field events, Vaulting, putting the shot and the various jumps are the kinds most in evidence.- The .boy's haseball team and the girl's basketball team +re in training to meet • teams from the Clinton Collegiate. In order to pre- pare for these. events the Boy's Ath- letic Society and the Girl's Athletic Society have been organized. The of- ficers cif the Girl's Society are: Pres., B. Beatty; et-treas., J. Chrff; Form representatives, J. Finigan, E. Mc- Lean, A. Archibald, E, Godk•n. E. Fee. Those of the Boy's Society are: Pres.; D. Kerslake; vice pros W. Sutherland; sec: trees,; S. Habkirlc, baseball captain. 1), Kerslake; ,rack, captain. A. hale; hockey captain, Wm, Hart; soft -ball captain, t;, F•Iut Alison; volley -ban captain, R. Willis; Fcrrni representatives, C, Trutt, C. Knight, F. Willis, W. Baiber, E. Daly, F. Crich, r tett Scott. c ort The e. field c • la will 3 be h e]1 t at true Fair grounds and all are welcome. YOUNG PEOPL'S LEAGUE. On Tuesday evening the. Young \Arhiftaker was born at To- a on' lr> cn to in ore l reek! most of his youth at lSeaf Seaforth, spent trate where his mother still resides Ia ainst ekes rjury rney rney Mr. art- 055 - Wan for Mn. ay, ere gris- t.. ris-t.' the Sat,. tv L ud ten ed ere .r, 511 by or si- ny O. - at : <1 at l•e d s. h 11 s. ew FAULKNER-HOCKING. (Border Cities Star.) A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Adolphus church. Windsor. at 9.30 Wednesday morning, Sept, 10th; when Miss ,Marjory Rocking, laugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hocking. was. united in marnxge>to Fradericic N. Faulkner, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Faulkner, of Seaforth The ceremony was performed by the Very Rev. Dean Downey. The bride who was .given away by her father, was at- tractively gowned in a creation of all- eviate silk crepe made en bouffant and heavily trimmed with -.French lace. She wore a large white bouquet of white .roses and lilies of the valley: Miss Loretta Faulkner, acting as. bridesmaid, was becomingly attired in Rile green georgette, heavily beaded, and Ierge black picture 'hat. ' She carried sunburst roses. Dr, R. J. Coyle of. Windsor, attended the groom, Mr, B. Beckler and Mr. E. Rochford acted as ushers. The gift to the bridesmaid was an ivory boudoir lamp and to: the best man, white gold cuff 'links. Immediately following the cere- mony, ;the guests proceeded to the Elmcourt Country Club where riin- ner was served, covers being laid for about fifty Thecolor scheme ryas carried out in pink, and profus- ions of gladioli brightened the rooms, the same /lovely flowers decorating the tables. Mrs. J. C. Hocking, smother of the 'bricle, was attractively gowned ed in !heavily boa ded peach rgeorgette with large black hat while Mrs Faulkner, mother of the grooms, wore a 'smart frock of blue cannon' crepe, heavily beaded with hat to ma'tc'h. Mr, and Mrs. Faulkner left late in the afternoon for Lake of Bays, the latter wearing a smart -travelling suit of grey, email grey hat and martin stole, !the gift of the groom, Oeteof- ltown 'guests were present from .To- a nomto, Haan ltonetroit, New York, t St. Maryst )',,..ondodr$nd Seaforth. entered the University of Toronto in 1907, graduating with the degree of ALA. forty years later, with dis- tinction 11 ' re- ceived a rdegreel�of doctor he il' oeophy in science from Yale Lhih ver sity, In Aue married i- Miss \Winaifred Robertson, daughter of Mrs, J, 'E), Robertson, 119 Fourth avenue, and has since resided in Ottawa. Since 1911 :ifr. Whittaker was a member nf, the .geological surveys at Ottawa, its the service. of which he conducted explorations in -the 'Mackenzie River region and various other parts of Canada. Though still a young nran, he also had made valuable contributions to geological science.. Endowed as he was with excep- tional ability and deep 'enthusiast, for his work, a splendid physique and robust health, a brilliant future has been anticipated for Ale. Whit- taker by his associates at Ottawa and by scientists elsewhere in Can- ada z and the United States, and ,t is er retard • g felt t th z ,t a brilliant was cut short by his tragic death. eyi Combined with these qualities, a lovable disposition had won for Trim a great number of friends in Ot- tawa and other Canadian cities wito will mourn deeply :tris untimely passing Surviving :\Ir. Whittaker are his rtife. his mother, of Seaforth, Ont„ tun sisters-in-law, Airs. Jack H. Roberts, 121 Fourth avenue, and if:ss. Irene Robertson, 119 Fourth avenue. 3f r. Whittaker was a Presbyterian and a well known and esteemed member of Glebe church, The funeral wi1) be held an Tues- day at 2 o'clock from 18 Renfrew avenue to Beechwood cemetery, Revs T. J. Thnnrpsmi, of C4ebe Presbyter- ian church, will conduct the service.. LAWN BOWLING. The Scotch Doubles Elimination Contest for the Club Championship for 1024 was brought t, a ccmclnsion nn Monday afternoon: In the Sen- ior series. R. F. Jones and W. G. Willis (skip), and Dr•,- Grieve and Oscar Neil (skip). , th p, a two had not lost a pairs who clashed in thefinal nine this season es and Willis won after gan welle. icontested game. In the Junior series, the final game between Chas. Sills and W. J. Duncan, (slcip) and Walter Robinson and Will Bright (skip), was close and exciting, the former pair drawing down the long end of the score. A chicken tourney is being played on Wednesday afternoon as The News goes to press, NEW POSTMASTER. An entirely new postoffice staff is now •111 charge at the. local office. On Thursday. last Inspector Murray installed Mr. C. P. Sills as postmaster of- Seaforth, The staff now consists of Miss Rena Pickett formerly of d the Clinton postofffce, who has had several years' experience in the work and had fuel full charge of the office' th there for a time; Miss Margaret eY Ashton, who has'been connected with the postoffice in .Gorrie for. some w time and who is a Normal school graduate; and Mr, Dawson Reid of Seaforth, who holds a first class r teacher's oertifica�te. This makes an an exc e ti U , at P ~, stron nun staff ff and they are every clay becoming more tb ef- ficient in their tiew duties, Postmaster Sills will: be pleased to de receive instructions regarding cle- ivery of maid which may have been given the former staff, VERDU 1NI MINSTRELS, Verdun Mins�treis Shots, Real 1924 Colored Comics, will entertain - you t Cardno's Hail on Fair night, Sep- emberl9,th, If you can't laugh, stay here is .,ase mar' for your hand No' matter how you write you, can find a Wahl Fountain Pen that just suits you. Theold points, t' g 8 s, upped with irid- ium, write smoothly and surely. Wahl pens are handsome, too. The barrel designs are created by artists and the pens are produced by skilled artisans. Come into the store. and choose one for YOUR hand, Prez,S.Savauge. Jeweler G Optometrist WAJJL PEN %e+�ures rass%rnisr ,asseerearzasa�ritimze essnevarn.+• _end Miss Florence Bennett. N. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard and baby Betty spent Sunday wth Mr. and Airs. John Armstrong, of Blyth. Miss Grace spent true week end Scarlett, r npa, par- ents, .Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Scarlett Mr. and Mrs, Ray Bennett, of Wal- ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett. Miss Jennie Calder, nurse. of Strat- ford, visited her parents over the week -end, r. d Mrs. called on nr11r, and .Stone. Mrs. S Shannon on Sunday, Miss Mary Calder left for Fergus this week, where she is going in training as a nurse in Fergus hos- pital. We wish her every success. The family of Mr. Reuben Hart gathered at his home on Sunday in honor• of his 57th birthday, Those present were Mr, and Mrs. W. Sundercock and family, of Sullen; \fr. . and < Mrs, Angus us Carmichael .mlc• heel of Grey township; Afr, and Iv Ira.A i lona Sperling and family, of McKillop. and Mrs. Hanna and Afiss Annie, of Sea - forth, and Messrs, William, Harry and Harold, who reside at home; They presented him with a geld ring °with the Orange order emblem ter which they all returned, mime, wishing their father Many happy Returns of the Day.” The infant ' t o sn of Mr, and A4 on Wilson Sunderoock was operated on at Seaforth hospital at 2 o'clock Wednesday morning and is doing as well as can be expected: �, 1 i . Sgt We do all kinds of autoatobile repair work, All work guaranteed, We handle U.S.L. BATTERIES, FIRESTONE . And GOODBRICH SILVERTOWN CORD TIRES Also a Good line of all accessories, BRITISH AMERICAN N. GASOLINE IN AND OILS, Automatic Air Service Day.or Night PHONE If. • set tit reel enamel. After spending Bruce Phillips Clinton. were entertained by the local the afternoon in social chat they all C in ton president Miss Eva P 1 r —.-- Pen s e, .e P ane of 01 . Fr Ontario o ..tie et • . Society. The -chair was taken by sat down to a sumptuous slipper,1 y a the Clin af- SEAFORTH. Carter. The >rn r t . g ammc onsist- eateseemesmaireeeneteaseetoweeeeeeteawateemestammatteceteet ing of musical selections and read- ings, and a splendid topic, received hearty applause. All were them, divid- ed into groups, when lunch was serv- ed and a very pleasant social evening was brought to a close. WINTHROP. The \1., M. S. who had charge of the Y. P. S. meeting on Sunday even-' lnb were greeter] by a large 'rttend-� attce. The meeting opened by sing ing 1 'hymn and all repeating the 23rd Psalm. Mrs, C. Hillen presded.� The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs J. Bennett, followed by P area by lira. H. Blanchard and a well rendatel sol, wa, given by Miss F.1 Saunders. A very interesting le tare out the 'W. M. S, work in all the Prov•1 inces throughout the Damihs:.mn in i !connection with churches. schools, 1 hospitals and boarding schools, was given by Mrs, J. H. Morrison. In the northern Provinces some very trying times are experienced hy doc- tors nurses. e„ ministers teachers .eacllers who are nursing and teaching these many classes of people our ways of living, A great work has been done by the W.M.C. and there are still many calls for help in these lines. We hope everyone will do all they tan in the future to 'help those in distress. Mrs. Govenlock gave the report of the W.M.S. convention held in Hamilton, which she had attended as delegate from this society. We gert- a very interesting report of the ,vcirk being done. The meeting .closed by singing a hymn and all repeating the Lord's prayer. The president of the YP.S. moved a vote' of thanks to the W.MS. for their splendid perform - rice, The temperance meeting held in Cavan church Monday evening was well represented front each sub= ivision. Rev. J. A. Ferguson acted as chairman and Rev. 'Mr. 'Robinson, of Walton, was appointed secretary for e evening, After appointing' • an xecutive, several, Brien and women ere put ion committees to do the work that is necessary in each polling ivision, Mr. Robt. McMillan, of eaforth, .Has called.uppn for a few emarks in connection with this work, d:af ter several vera] bu 'nes si ss discussions s ssi u Dns e tree i t n clo ed' g s by 'Mr. Robin - on leadingin Rev We Rliope eryone will do prayer. 1 tey San in con ection with this work: The time it getting near and we hope 'everyone will do his or her part at such an. important time. Miss Edna Campbell,'who teaches school at Benmiller, spent the week- end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Bennett and Miss B. Mason .motored to London last Friday and spent the , veelc-site(" with Mr., end Mn.d-3eeeph'Davidson assay See thp;ppstees at is tattar.adate, Seaforth 1 Thursday and Friday September & 19 pedal os a , ns HORSE 2.25 2.17 RaneEs Pace or trot Pace or trot purse $150 purse $150 Dog Races, dogs to be hitched to wagon 1st 3:00; 2nd 2.00; 3rd 1.00 Foot Races Boys ages 8, 10, 12, 12 value 75 and 50c Girls do do do Children's school "parade and drill will form up at the exhibition gronnnds,1.30 Baby Contest 6 mos. and under, value 5,00and 2.00 1 yr. do 7.50 do Best Lady Driver Best pony and outfit Seaforth llighaiers Admission Z5c * Children • l5c Carriages 25c Dr. Harburn Pres. R.M _Jones M. Broderick Uil Treas. Secy.