The Seaforth News, 1924-05-29, Page 4' getting the grant is that the Coupe- -
o -law,. abolish The following poem by a Colleg-
j� t first, 'by U>i a brief
}���t1-�1[��yy-- yb 4 �Q�� til netts -appoint a Lown- talc pupil, ]aures Ritchie, s
11:U11L ��� °� e labor and aplas told in
tt Troy •tettof
5 1 .fall
to tch a
f lie
is fee
ship road superintendent who
a. F. SNOWDON, Proprietor.
work under the supervision of lite \ eteco eeneid. 'rhe story is.
Township Council and under the here couched in a language which
Highways :Department, and no mens we can all understand,
w� ber of the Cottttell is eligible aitesaid
t 1 osition. The superiutenderti[ Must For brave long years the T rbjans
work under the direction of Count
k of whatever Had kept the Greeks at bay,
natiir5, tua all yvO1`d keep all time And ltow they hoped that•in the end
nature, moor ortt and t
and issue orders to the Council for The foe umnld sail away.
the paymento :11 expenditures.
General Obseryatioi s
Things must have changed very' , f t e P at
inrural'tife, if statement gi- compile the government reports
keeps his
much the end of the year
ven by the engineer, referred to a- books in shape under the different
Reeve F. , s1c correct,
letter on seas headings for inspection by Depart-
ment labor, is correct, that it costs stent officials at a tit® law relating
This is ,
h toget a a slight summary roads
yardarut three gravel
as mer to highway grants to township roe
aoflt woel by Thoseolabor mas m -by as it has been since 11121 Anil will
eontraet work. who remold be after n. 19�5. 't'ltthelrstatute
b'er the hard, hot days on the roads now is: \'Ta\'ill we1, con
f thirtyor forty years ago, will labor system in ;thef totwnsshi and
° bar the municipality hardly agree with the engineer. A road gi•atite or should the Council
• 1abolishing
c e.ou d
siways srel who was capable. pass a by-law ,tapetum
always rely on getting the farmers labor and appoint a road
living on the road to take a real in- tendent and g iturt thea30d 50 per epee
then et getting bene roade than I cent grantxonno salary of superut-
thr next '"brat." One wonders if the tendent. sta-
grants in the shape of "pap feed" 'tide Department claims that
have pauperized the people. Perhaps ttt•te labor, as now done in the most
it would be better to cut out the municipalities, is a very expensive
wa of maintaining our roads attd
grants and go back to the old way' that very hap
• rate
But, sad to say, the Greeks all said,
"We'll have another try,
For we roust lick those Trojan dogs,
So let ns do or die,'
re *
The leading men iu'council Whet,
The task .was not a joke;
A silence fell upon theist all
When brave Ulysses spoke.
"Look here, my boys, inc'got a plan,
1 thought it out last night
'And if my vision fails the not
t ht to workb"
thank their friends very sincerely, .Me.
Hoggarth is'seventy-six .years of age
and. Mrs. Hoggarth seventy-four.
h able to be
1 Sill- active and Both are t
r different duties' each day,
about tires d ff
They have always lived in this neigh-
THURSDAY;'MiAT 29, 1924,
ausmtarasavvsl+rtnruawlaer�^ to arxatsssaxv essa t'e
The meeting of the Bible Society,1
which was held. Oast week was well
attended, A very interesting address
by Rev. Mr. Smith, a returned this-
ciouary from China, was given. He
said that some people were saying °y
that the Bible was getting played out.
The Bible Society is now. printing the
Bible in over eight hundred languages
and dialects, twenty millions of
copies of the •Scripture every year.
It does not look as if it was getting
played out. The -views that Mr. Smith
showed of interesting places in China
were especially fine. He said that a
portion of Scripture Is given to every
immigrant in his owls language when
he lands on our shores,
Hill family,
• nd ;Vies.Jas.
t with
of Stratford, spent'the week et rl
friends here,
Mr. and Mrs, Will Baird and daugh-
ter, of Toronto, visited at the. home
of Mr. Baird's mother this week..
Miss Thelma Baird sang a solo in
the church last Sunday morning
which was much appreciated by the
The ordination and induction of the
Rev, C. Gordon Armour took .place
mi Tuesday, May 27th. with a large
attendance. Both of the schools were
dosed for the afternoon. Friends
were here trout Egmondv'ille, Sea -
forth, Hensall, Kippen, Clinton. Var-
na, Bayfield and Toronto, It was a
most impressive service. Rev. A.
Macfarlane, of Bayfield, Moderator
of the Presbytery, presided, Rev. Mr.
"We'll build a monstrous wooden
And fill it fuil•of hien,
And when we leave,. those. Trojan
\Vitl draw it to their dem
"(Inc al our men must stay :behind
work is done m a y t . Ansi hide here in disguise;
by a gree, ne, y •He'll say we beat him black and blue,
1 Payed way,
1 payers, and that the townships
chat We've got to tell same lits:'
given grants iced
Don't forget when pullingowild fnever orm oft work.So as an incentive, this hearers cheered and promised
dowers that if you take the roots you they have raised the grant and est him
•er • where They'd do what they were told
the plant for next year, It out completely
every grantfor the appointed ante
you must pull the flower be satisfied. statute labor is continued. Statistics..\nd wait L
with that and leave the plant. Others conilerledt byi,thdtctl Department
tentwho sen- Io smoke theta from their 1hold,
may leant to see the flower next -ear, trot
trots the this
ir gratiletling The y'l tad frlloon v c ung eplluing man,
- even if you may not: show that statute
(Dere Slue per tail per utile, in
toutpar1 o 11 to contract and per day
gravelling, at a cost of 35c to 38c
pee yard per utile, or about three
trines the cost ae compared contract
wort, done by C ut.cils and statute
iabur, Aea' r,linC to the engineer's
,te•inctnun: tont 12 pathntasters'
it l e � 1
[ t,
The frost during the past week has
been discouraging to those who hold
that sheep be -110ru nn May 24th.
Pretty hard ou the sheep this year.
* *
S' Grant, of Grand Bend, preached ell
They mussed him up and bled .111s sermon, Rev.Mr. McDonald, of Eg
1 mnndville addressed the minister and
'Rev • Mr, Hogg, of Clinton, the con-
gregation. The addresses were all of
a very high order. Mention was made
of the high standard of former min-
isters. Special mention was made of
the late Rev, John Ross, who was
known as the Man with the Book, A.
froth the Rev. \\ , D.
letter was read
and Mrs. McIntosh of Melton con-
gratulating the congregation on. their
early settlement of a minister. 'The
Rev C. G. and Mrs. .Armour begin -
their work under favorable circum-
stances as their call was a most un-
animous one, 1. stitptaous repast
was furnished by the ladies of the
And almost made hint cry.
Cly; t. with his trusty Wren
Ilid in the wooden horse;
The test embarked without young Si;
And sailed t° Tenetlos,
l 1' where all ' c rotted
I was when Troy t
heeling rattl ane a That night
What will Sraiortlt be witho,tt ( „trtpat.s.,n t � l out,
,r- deny rt ,,ur contract gravel- asleep
th • humps net Main street: Well, not l tin width was done at very healtt>> \\`ith torrhrs li
e '.lou
-_, I they
hire along
at like home without a mother." al lr Int , .luring the yt scuts \nd raised a mighty shout,
least, .trieon stood at u
$$ per yard per -utile haul, to 33 cents
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS Per utile haul. respectively. for
ByW. H. tattit labor. and contract or by
j ty ,ay work let by Council. there
•M of is that
roil n
$$ \natixn• tont
l • had enough „'., are many different methods under
Surely ar have a b statute labor :r each pathulaster has
for St
ice mountains. We pineIhie oevu idea, while :aider a super -
f intendant there w„ald he a certain
tor a little ltvi:a's coral strausi' ( township
• ***•••
uui:tral i& over r the
Some people wee, wintered r t
Grading and dragging tinder the
Florida- have come hack. Hal they si wilitt eieut woltltl be lone at the
nr,l,c sur, when it i- very uwec-
known how backward and cold the . •try t ,. marl ntaintemour. whether
-eases Vat: ening to he, they rbc surface i, nt gravel or clay.
would 4,«nhtle-s have stayed longer 'The grave! 1.N-ou11l besixsproead
Four noh!e people fled.
in the taxa, .,f balmy ars•: at :-aegec to a wilth of fr at present in t
feet ]t tett a as 11
and alligators. most paces antler statute labor, putt _\rues, with his father obi.* * * 1 t11, pi, `haps 111 the centre of His wife and little buy,
ed his
Job that is being dans the nit r'o'i each 1'itII .i ofelltudrl pared te Thcltrniu>tref lits 1'r,y,frirecer on
Main street has every appearance! I 1 red for many
The woolen shreiked. the children
The lurid flames rose -high,
The watchers on fair Tenedos
Beheld the glowing sky.
l'he Greeks dashed into every house.
The Trojans flew to arms;
But ere they reached their swords
and spears,
They fell 0 mangled swarms,
Did every Trojan perish there
On that wild night so dread ?
Chit from the ruins of blazing '.l'roy
• gravelled. resent These four wande •,. years,
sf bring all that soul+l !. desire t rhe to a lice i,>ue at P
and nn a,ue eau grmubie at the ,,win,_ to the new township mad act Until at last were •seen
speed with which it is rushed along. wherer y tete township: retaining The rising wall, of stroug C'arthage.
When our (ltd Bove come home to statin labor are no longer entitled And Dido, the city's queen.
us it:August, they will find a• t>, ,d to the McKillop ans tt,.,uncilerhave the not nmoved t ear. \nd standing at the palace door,
it piece of roadway a- 'Lely leave tart to ab,.lisit statute labor, nor will She welcomed every guest;
with in all their :rave:,. I they this year, tlt,uglt urged by the So, after all those anxious years,
t: * * Department to do st, to ile in readi- The wanders found sweet rest, Ire motor J. G.
started last
snsne euterp is,s .n yes, next
full development of the
i 1 \\' ' alO('1.15 RITCHIE l \\edne..,' motorist
'There arc' Oct neer yea .�. [,Dolt Uv hattsa
which then engage. whie t, a they. To the *ratepayers o •sd'
Mr, l:, .Lawrence Reid, formerly of
Bruce -field, was successful in passing
his examinations 0 his course at the
t:)ntario .College of Pharmacy, Law-
rence attended Seaforth Collegiate,
later taking a position with a Gode
rich druggist.
tToo late for last wcek.t •
'l'he malty friend of :Its. Johns
McKenzie. of our village, will he
sorry' to heat• that •ire is now in.
Clinton hospital, taking treatment.
lin \Icluuzie has not been y
fr everal months. but we hope soon
t, hear of her recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Collins and Mr.
•end Mrs. i Moodie motored to
I ondoit last week. -
key. H. McMiltau, tti'to preached
here last Sunday, was the guest of
\lr, :end Mrs. \V. L. Forrest, of
lfrs JJ. Smith. of \\'ingharn, and
\ll J, Morrison, of llelgrave, were
the guests of 111 ".. Hugh r,erry this
i They intend
j f \Tchlltop I -------._..__ a and visit with Mrs.
would ask y•ts t , giv: us a ret1 we Kaiser's brother, Mr, J. Paine, near
were succeesfttl would 11 + conte. your statute!
STAFFA, Kansas •City, and expect to reach
oris particle of benefit, upon mankind. effort in performing Mr. and
that set out teoh,r during 1924 toe results sunder Lomdon, andlMVlt.�A- 1reffety anlittheiwillabe nutchtmtissed in #our from thevillage
Such are the expeditions p silt", to get better
to reach the north or the south poie. our present system than we have :Misses Maud and Doris Laweon, of , and community, Mr. Kaiser has been
Suppose they found tither pole,' been senting daring- the cpaet ould ten Stratford,
on Sunday. i\Ir, and bfrs, 5(lr resident
ofhcBirucefield many frieitdsthe
l wish,
PP we t : w • • new venture.
,chat good would r u But the t,ra' and increase airs, .,rant � i .
• of the late
Sione- s
All Woollens used in the manufacture of "STONE,BUILT
CLOTHES" are .treated with the famous Larvex Moth -Proofing
teed immune from the ravages of Moths under a
Process, and guarant
$250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond,
Demand This Bond. St is Your Protection.
o tl s are tee reatest factor in the destruction of
lift.' -\L Sl: 141a t g
Clothing that are laid away for even a short period.
cientific discovery—The Larvex Process—
entirely eliminates a y g
ravages of Moths and their Larvae,
STONE -BUILT CLOTHES with the added attrac-
tion of the Larvex Moth Proofing Process, is a com-
biealiou that defies all competition—that cannot ;bit
beaten, They are built to your individual reduire-
ments: There is no extra charge to you.
11LC L
t ne �ui
lot : hes
DR. H: HUGH,ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, .London, England. Special
e ear,
the e
es of ,
i eas Y
diseases attention to 1
nose and thl•oat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office •
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106,
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaford*.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
cast of the Methodist church. Cor-
oner for the County of Huron, Tele-
phone No, 40.
-DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay,
honor graduade of Trinity 'Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; anember of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR, F. J. R. FORSTER.'—Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine 'University. of Toronto, 1597.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefelds
Eye, and Golden !Square Throat Hos
Gominercial Hotel, Sea
third Wednesday in each month,
from 11, to 3 p.m, 53 Waterloo,
street south, Stratford. Phone 267;
'Mr. Waited
1 y • e+ and perhaps . d \I Thomas, of Sarnia,is a guest there success to their
witn,.u, t 1 M T M ller I The funeral { Who created the role of "Peg" and•
Th letter i of penned the village, 7 ,e:,ra Rev. r, Lundy. of
re iter v io ly' visiting attend a doctor's en, conducted the service aseie Terry, Nigil Barrie, Russell Simpson
zh!.- tt over eri0 ., ,
It rt.ntlly that +he town hipl convention at Toronto by Rev. C. lough, brother ofleen O'Malley prominent m the cast.
t 1i ,:h are von,ervant5 in
friends in Port AlbettMiller
Sunday.with autosewended their wayctosion-
the placle
,y get an f f t int Baird's cemetery. 8 REELS OF BRIGHTEST WITAND HUMOR.
have no alt ]rasa a,ta,nns t tat _rnts• at Mrs. t g, } i years continuously on Broadway.
be ;.,,,c •,}, i • J t , ,tar
1 payso use
For Furniture -Floor A Wo oris
Write Ao Head Office, Mt> for free
The best IcnoWn of all Irish plays
Peg 9 My He tis rt
Written by '3, Hartley Manners
Laurette Taylor
Hnthant, ,f 5trasbour Ste siren; was largely at�endel ;ut 1
culler t ',as u t thud. Sask., is orale t trend, to g , >
v iiy es rav,t beet "s rr: a come to p 1 s't'tecl Mahlon Hamilton Ethel Grey
.chile pan. 1 and weigh hart t
•ire• attempt.
I \Mrs
'Th, ra-se
starred in
General Fire,. Life,
Accident & Automobile.
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machin$•
North Main St. SEAPORT
Mutual Fir Insurance Gee
Goderich; Alex,
Connolly, ( L
James t
late 1 \ass. Beechwood, Vice Pres -
deist 1) F. McGregor, Seaforth;
Sec. -"L' e.astirer.
\\m, Rinn. Nu. 2, Seaforth; John
ilennewcis, Brodhagen; James Evans,
Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton;
Tame t'onolly, Goderich ; ;Alex.
llroadt ot, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve, 'No. 4, Welton; Robert Ferris,
1lam oke George McCartney, No, 3,
Seaforth; Murray Gibson: Brttcefield.
:\lex Leitch, R.R. 1 Clinton; R.
Seaforth; J.I. Murray, R.
R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo,
Holm ville; R G. Jarmouth, Born-
. holm, James Ketr.and Jtthn Goven-
eck Seaforth, auditors
-Parties desirous to effect insurance
( e ill b e
•r business w
t 11 t'sl
rt• t t t
promptly attended to by al,plication
to any of the shove °Ulcers addressed
to their respective postot9oes.
the plays record run of 3
earth an flyieg ma 1 :. 4:11, heyand t.:• ei, want+ Ile regular neons y meeting n c,1 m ermcn
t a the \\rumen Tnetit•,te is always held The sympathy of the entire commie -
the eatisfactic+. ..t .1,'.,-", arc, ,i,,r 1 ,, a ,.
\ t n the last Wednesday of each sty .s extended to Mrs. Stephens
dished tate feat +shat leas ':neer:
\\ ,i t2l \f,
which 1, in defiance „ the law-
i ,r,`
rravitatv,tl, w, si,.ay` be
1 RANK 1: t ). month. The meeting this week will and family 01 their sad bereave-
•: ted •' Narigei et rite air. Reeve. 'McKillop, be held at the home of Mrs. Lyle meat.
'eVorden, The summer delegate, Mrs. The new books for the. Pruceheld
llewett, London. will address a library have arrived and are now
MANLEY. meeting at the home of Mrs, A. W. ready for distribution. Tickets for
T. S ott's store. The
orris all the evenut , of June 3rd. ale at \I1. c
L,_VERN. ..- r. bichrrt Sack and his bis?- Mrs. Norman Mitchell, of Centralia, Board.of Directors 1'egttest any
the, wl'o ar..yvl here from Ireland sent Sunday with her mother, :VTra, former members having honks be -
and wit_. have been engagedP. , Norris, longing •to the Library m return
STATUTE LABOR with \f e red h. t, have return- J Mr. George Miller is in Toronto at theta at once and save further
_ Woods the [,a,t month, resent, tt•otthle as they intend checking up
To the
Editor er The t1NeNvs. ed tr, their native land. the. work gotey o P Mr. and Mrs.. F. Congdon, FIamil- the books. .��
With your the notice
1 a he like hard compared they had been 100. visited friends and relatives' here TWALTON,
To ers go to the notice ,t act eta•- used , .tar over the week -end,
of gislat lop a t,•t, taco: a "•- used 't°' bus. making Mr, and hire, W. Drake, Strafford-, Miss Madeline Ryan. who is teach -
payers• visited at. Mr. R. Earbour's on Surl-
cermng legislation enacted «luring Mitchell Bros. arewu°dy itlg in Goderich towitsltip, wag bonne
the list session relating t„ town- their rounds >; day, Mrs, Drake remained for few for the 24th,
\t" K to Fckart has been vksrt-
ah the extreme.
ship roads saint enactnlyut, ct+mma in = her sisters, �Irs. T, McKay and days.
n force after osi t.f an _ re Mrs.W. Manley before she leaves. Mr. Crane is visiting his daughter.
No doubt MOST of you are aweMfrs, Jones, at the parsonage, this
that commencing tof 4 the yea,- ways f,iraGoor*eapMunnel residence few
nceno holidays.h week,
and up to end of 1924 the Highways Mr. George fire on
Department of Ontario have given
ive of foh here was destroyed ta ueu£bthe fire i1
township council, on all construe-
bort and maintenance expenditure, unknown.
(exclusive of statute labor) a grant'
of 20 per cent yearly anti, if the
township 'had a road superintendent
a grant of 40 per cent. on his salary.
The McKillop Council availed them
selves of'this grant in 1921 when
we received $1.081 in 1922 we not
$989; in 1923 the sun 01 eltiat, The
Council appointed Inc. as Reeve, the
road superintendent with salary nil.
I have during those years looked
after She work in conjunction with
the Councillors, compiled the reports
under the different headings in tripli-
cate to forward to the he Department
in o er eel the grant, and dur-
ing the three years ..our rreasitrer• .tment
bas received from the Depa
the stun of $2,940 in brants. This
aost the township $50 as an honor
ariutn to myself for compiling the
yearly reports for three years. At
the ]eat sessfou•a 13111 was passed,
in force after January 1, 1925, where-
by the Government grant has been
raised to 30 per •cent, on all road
expenditure one construction and
niatotenalloe, but the condition for
The council met on May 21st to
hold court of revision on the 3'Mc-
Uongalt and Melady dram assess-
r,!ents. There being n14 appeals to
'teal with court of revision closed and
by-laws read a secend tinter. Orders
,vcre issued amounting to d7. 0,
t;ravel contracts were awarded
the following coutraLl0 11 ,: Dan. Bents
t .
50 yards at 40c per yard on sideroad
10 and 11, concession 6,
Alex, James, 50 yards at 54e per
jcd. out sideroad 5 and 6, cot. 6.
LeonardLeonardP and , 6, con. 7.utsolt 100 yrls, ; at 50c
'yd. on si'rleraad 5.
Gordon 4)cllirivtgc, 50 yards at 55c
er yd. on sideroad 5 5,1(1 5, "cons.
and. 10.
Elmer. Colquhotjn 55 yds. at 68c
per yd, on. sideroad 10 and 11';coir. 1
Butson, 20 yds, at 50c per
yrl, on siderceed 10 and 11, con. 9.
lCouncil then adjourned tilt May
28th at 10 o'clock a.m.
---.James Jordan, , Clerk,
.Mr. S. A. Miller and son Lloyd left
on Thursday for Timmins where
they will spend the summer working
with Mr, A. Miller.
Mr, and Mrs, Henry Weber, Wood-
stock, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. R. Hoggarth.
Golden Wedding.—One of those
rare and happy " events which tend to
draw friends, old and young closer
to each other, occurred on Monday
evening, the occasion being the cele-
bration of the anniversary of the wed-
ding of Mr. and Mrs, 'Richard Hog-
garth, which event took place fifty
years ago 00 May _5th. About eight
o'clock their friends in the village
surprised them by trooping in with
good wishes and well-filled lunch has-
kets. After a very enjoyable hour
spent in chat, an address was read by
Mrs. Tufforcl and the presentation of
a goldbandcd'Waternran fountain pen
to Mrs. 'Hoggarth and a soflid leather
wallet to Mr. Hoggarthwererespec-
made Mrs, Norman , P.arl:
and Mrs, 'Win. Houghton, Mr. and
Mrs. Hoggarth, although greatly sur-
prised were able to reply and to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling, of 5t,
Marys, spent Sunday at :1r. Joseph
We are sorry to say Mrs, Taylor,
who has been in bed for some little
time, is not improving as speedily
as we would wish, but hope a good
rest, coupled with 'medical aid will
sonic restore'her again to her normal
Mr, P. Gardiner's hay press has
been about, pressing up the remain-
der of 1923's hay crop;
The little two-year old sort of Mr,
and Mrs, A. McCall, white playing in
bed, in some way or other, broke his
left arm below the' elbow.
Mrs. Robert Woods, of Exeter, vis-
ited her daughter, Mrs. J. I3, Mc-
Laughlin, through the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Langside,
daughter of Mrs. A. Gardiner visit-
ed at the parental ihome over the
week -end.
Mr. and :vers. R. ,McLeod of our
village anticipate a pleasure trip to
British Columbia this summer. We
hope they won't be so taken up with
the coast that we will lose thein as
citizens of our burg.
Mr. D. Johnston and Mr, John
Williamson, of this: locality, have
the contract of erecting a modern
barn for Mr, John Mills, of Hutlett
township, They have 'the work well
SAT., 3 P.M.
and EM
under way and
this week.
Owing to bad weather conditions
the week -end holiday passed off
very quietly in our 'burg..
Mr, and Mrs. Sawyer and Master
Kenneth accompanied by Mrs, Geo.
Clark motored to Sintcoe on Friday
to spend the week -end with the
former's sister.
Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Smillie motored
t(i Woodstock to spend the 24th
with relatives.
The tenth annual meeting of
MaitlandPresbyterial Society of the
W.M.S. was ''held on Tuesday, May
20th, in Walton. The morning ses-
sion commenced at 10 a.m. and after
the opening exercises the reports
of the Messenger, : Y.W., Home'
Helpers and Supply secretaries were
read,each showing mach activity in
their departments. The reports of
the Strangers' and Social Service,
Literary, Mission Band, Press and.
Corresponding secretaries and the
treasurer's statement was also read.
The morning session adjeurne I a
noon, when Illnc'heon was served by
the Walton ladies. Address of tad -
come was given by Mrs. Oster gird
replied to by Mrs. Clark. The af-
ternoon 5e551011 contained an: ilter-
estiiig address from the president; a
most interesting retrospective survey:
of the Maitland Presbyterial work
from the time of its: inception to the
purpose raising it
Ilrttseen. At the evening ,ession a
fine address was giver, by Dr. Taylor,•
of India, and music by the choir.
The I'resbytery of 'Maitland islet,
Tuesday last in Walton. Rev. Chas,'
Cumming, of St. Helen's was eiested
moderator for theeusuing six montle..1
Rev. Dr. Harkness, of Ripley, the tee-,
tiring moderator, gave a thoughtful
paper on the conflict to -day between
modernism and fundamentalism. The
paper provoked a vigorous discussion,
many of the brethren taking part.
Fifteen minutes were spent in the
examination of the records of session
of the various congregations. These
were attested hi terms of the com-
mittees examining theist,
The attention of the court was call-
ed to the 30 years of pastorate of
Dr. Petrie, of St. Andrew's church,
Wingham, and the congratulations
of the presbytery extended to Dr.
Jerrie for his long and . successful
pastorate. In reply he thanked the
members for their greetings so
kindly expressed.
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by Mrs. Langford, ptowiilCial 'II;H,
secretary; 'a solo by Mrs, McLead, weakened.
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Brown sells us
our groceries
,•"Where do you buy your
groceries ?" we heard
Mrs. Parke ask her
"Ohl Brown sells us our
groceries," the friend re-
plied. "He calls up every
morning between 9.80
and 11 and 'cool' knows
by that time what is
Brown is proud of his
grocery business. He
should be. It is growing.
He doesn't depend on
"the telephone." He has
three. One to buy with;
one to sell with and one
to take orders over.
He knows the value of
"adequate equipment, in-
telligently used."
:Are our facilities ode -
quote?'• •,
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