The Seaforth News, 1924-02-28, Page 3• The "big, brothers;' of the. Chatham Boy Scoutsare the members of the Chatham Lions and Rotary Clubs. Re- cently the boys challenged the Club members to a -game of indoor base- ball. The challenge was accepted„ the game was staged in .the local armories and the final score was 22 - 19 -in favor of the Scouts. The Scouts of the 1st Tillsonburg Troop were recently the hosts of the Sunday school teachers of the Avon- dale Presbyterian Church • and their wives,at a sumptuous banquet served by the,•boys themselves. The boys tea hold + of all arrangements like veterans and oarr'ded through the whole' affair phi splendid style. .Mayor Reflate, one of the speakers, express- ed keen interest in the Scout move- ment and stated. that the was ready to give the bays his support any time in ally way they could make use of it. ,. Scoutmaster Rey. E. A. Slemin of the lst Rayner Troop was recently the recipient of a fine arm chair, a. present from the Scouts and Cabs of Stayner in recognition of his work •with these. Renfrew is another Scout town re- ceiving fine help from the Rotarians. There are three troops there and one member of the Rotary Club attends each weekly troop meeting prepared to give the boys a ten-minute talk on some subject of intereet,'often about their own businesses orprofes•eions.. The Wolf ' Cubs f Prescott have W o .res e a Y skating rink of their own. The Scouts of the 2nd Prescott Troop helped them to put it luta shape. • Ottawa . now has a Rover Scout 'Droop, A !otter from Dominion Camp Chief Rodney C. Wood, read at the opening meeting of the new troop, ex- pressed xpressed his regret at being unable to attend, but expressed his gratitude that the troop was . being :started,; "Revering," he wrote, "Is sweeping through Britain and continental coun- tries axid other parts' of the Empire and is providing a programme of real- ly splendid activities. fee young men." Owen Sound now has a'"Women's' Auxiliary •to the Boy Scouts Associa- tion." And it is everything that the name implies. Fpr each church or or- ganization in Owen Sound which boasts of a Boy Scout Troop or Wolf Cub Peek, the Auxiliary has. named a Convener. each Convener• finds her own Coinniittee to assist In any un- dertaking of a social eharaeter or such like intended to ,promote the interests of the Trooper Packer her church or institution. Membership la the Auxili- ary costs 25 cents per annum. To aid the Owen Sound Boy Scouts Associa- tion financially the Auxiliary is now working on a musical play to be •pro• duced shortly, The new 1st Portsmouth Troop was presented' with its charter on one of the stormiest nights of the winter •by the officers and boys of the 1st King- ston Troop, wire tramped to Porte - mouth for a joint meeting Rath the new troop. There was a full attend- ance of both•treops. Honorary Field Secretary 0. R. Tednperton, of Toron- to, was also present and gave the boys an interesting talk on "Loyalty." Scoutmaster hall of the 2nd Kingston Troop conveyed' to the Portsmouth goys the best wishes of his troop. and the choicest of Red Rose Teas as the ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY T-1 HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Or, Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Healthmat- ters atters through this column, , Address him at Spadina House, Spadini, Crescent, Toronto Within the past quarter or perhaps half century man has taken a lively interest in health matters in the sense that attention to these matters can and does improve the health condition under which he lives. True, there have been instances of ancient races carrying out great schemes for the convenience of the people that to- day come under the head of public health work. For . example, the Ro- mans spent much time and labor, as well as large sums of money in build-, in g aqueducts in order to bring abun- dance of water into their capital city.' However, it was not with the idea of bringing a pale water supply that these great aqueducts were built, It was more to satisfy their aesthetic senses. They enjoyed their baths and delighted in the play of their foun- tains, but they knew nothing about the transmission of typhoid fever, dysentery, or Asiatic cholera by drink ing water When the Romans introduced win- dow glass they did it only for plea- sure and comfort -they never had any thought in their minds about the value of sunlight in killing the germs of tuberculosis, ` diphtheria and other diseases. The early draining of swamps in this country was done for economic and not for sanitary rea- sons. Now look at what is being done,! and has already been done in the mat- ter of Child Welfare, in the matter of controlling communicable .diseases, in the work that has been .done in in- dustrial hygiene and in the fields of sanitary engineering, and laboratory facilities. In the Province of Ontario, as in every otherpart of the country, a pure water supply is one of the essen- tials in maintaining a high standard of public health, and the results of a firm and progressive policy by the Di- vision of Sanitary Engineering, in improving water supplies and sewer- age facilities, can be observed in the low death rate from typhoid in this , province. In the cities of Ontario) the death rate is 4.3 per 100,000 and in rural districts 4-5 per 100,000, fig- ures tar below the records of any of the other provinces, or of the United a es. In Child Welfare, elthrough the work of the PublicHeath nurses, infant clinics and demonstrations, the infant death rate has been reduced in some cities from dyer 100 per 1,000 births to as low as 65' per 1,000 births. Cor- respondingly good results have also been obtained in some rural districts. In every branch of Public Health work at present, the maintenance of health is ever the goal in view, as well as to increase the span of human life and promote the comfort and, hap- piness of all classes of the community. As He Were. The supply sergeant bad just issued the last assortment of shoes to• the colored 'ontfit. There were plenty of kicks, but she loudest and niost pro- longed came from ' Private Indigo Snow, who,. failing to receive setis- faction elsewhere, betook hhnself to the captain, •. "Cap'n, stile" he announced, "mall shoes am too big fo' me." "You'll have to make the best of it," answered the captain. "Plenty of men have shoes that don't quite fit" "Don't quite fit!" ejaculated Indigo. "If yo' says "tenehuu, cap'n, Alt comes to 'teushuu. Den if yo' Bays to right about face Alt right about faces, but Isiah shoes stays at 'tenehun. Doha quite fit? Fluh!" - Canada imported goods worth $565,000,000 from the United States, and $165,000,000 from Great Britain, in the year ended October, 1923. GIRLS! A GLEAMY MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR 35 -Cent "Danderine" So Im- proves Lifeless, Neglected Hair. -An abundance of l;i I' luxuriant hair Lull of gloss, gleams and life shortly follows a genuine toning up of neg- lected scalps with 'dependable -"Dan• derive." Failing h a 1 r, itching scalp and the dandruff dr-"` ' corrected irntnodiately. Thin, dry, wispy, Qr lading hair 1s quickly invigor ryisd, taking on new strength,' color and youthful beauty. "Danderine" Is delightful on the hair; a refreshing, stimulating ' tonic — not sticky or, greasy! Any drugstore. No Improvement. Wiley- "You've ,never been the same to me since we married." Hubby -'Yes. You'lve made a new. man of me.' "As you grow in your art," said Gonnod to a young poet,"you all ;judge the great masters of the past as I now judge the great musicians of former times. ' At your age, I used to say '•I'; at twenty-five I said 'I and Mozart'; at forty, 'Mozart and. L' Now I; say 'Mozart'." Charged' with begging in a London street, a young man was reported to have "made up" his face with theatri- cal grease -paint to appear as if he }vas frozen with cold. Cannibals recently discovered .in New Guinea are reported by an ex- plorer to have features of a distinctly Jewish type, although their skins are bronze, CHILDHOOD INDIGESTION Nothing is more common. in child- hood than indigestion. Nothing is. more dangerous to ` proper growth, more'weakening to the constitution or more likely to 'pave the way to,dan- gerous disease. 'Fully .nine -tenths of ell the minor ills of childhood have their root in indigtstion, ` There is no medicine for 'little ones too equal Baby's Own Tablets n relieving this trouble. They have proved of benefit in thousands of homes. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Lunette, Immaculate Conception, Que„ writes: "My baby was a great sufferer from indigestion,. but the Tablets soon set her right, and now I woould not be without them:' Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. A Mysterious Bill. Although the King summons Perna - meet, it may not he generally under- stood that the Speech from the ,Throne does not bind Parliament to consider the measures mentioned therein nor to proceed at once to the consideration of any of them. Before the King's Speech is read by the Lord Chancellor in the House of Commons, when the two Houses are resumed in the afternoon, it is the practice to read some Bill as a mat- ter et form, in order to assert the right of deliberating without reference to the immediate cause of summons. In tbe, Tsoiise' of Commons a bill en- -titled "The Clandestine Outlawrfes Bill" has been used or this purpose or more than a hundred years. Noth- ing.is ever heard of it during the re- mainder of the session. • , Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. We could use a lot less cranks and a few more self-starters in our com- munity.—Sam. ate Cate, Land Olt this W Sf i oar Our S M'8P Pearl Ware Wash Board is so strong, tough and durable that a full-grown man or woman can stand on it without doing the rubbing surface or any part of it the least harm! The enameled sur- face won't chip, flake or peel off. Think of the wear there is in, such a wash board! There is the same wearing qualities in all articles iii SMP Pearl Ware. Try out the fvash board and be .convinced. �r slick SM Pearl Ware NAOS bV of GN..M v"eSijaar 'METAI. PRooUCTS:Co ,.tairae MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG EDMONTON vasasuteR CALGARY cc The Hem. The earth had sinned, and she hail Her flower children fair, And levied tribute on the trees . And stripped the, gardens bare, Deserted bythe fickle sun And shivering dis•niayed Beneath the'norther's :stinging lash, Disconsolate, .she prayed'. • "Lord of tee seasons, unto deeds. Of evil I confess But I am poor, take pity, now Upon my nakedness. ' ' Bide with thy mantle's'apotless hem My Withered breast," and lo! The earth was covered with the white Compassion of•the sndw. • -"-'Minna Irving. EOYOO$ II(91 ESTION Some of Its,Causes and,JIow I e - lief May be Obtained. Many people suffer from nervous in- digestion. The commonest'oausee are worry, over-work,lack of exercise, or, a general rust -'down condition of the system. It is a disease of the nerves ratter than of the., digestive organs, and is corseted by giving needed nous ishment to the nervous system and. building up' the blood.' The treatment consists largely in rest, recreation and the use ofa true tonic such as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.. In addition, the patient should •follow a careful diet, and avoid coffee and stimulants., these being unsuitable for nervous people. As one's nerves rely for nourishment upon the blood, the latter must be built up and made rich anis pure, which is just what Dr. Wil- liams" Pink Pills do, If there is loss of weight and pallor, 1)r. Williams'. Pink Pills are especially helpful. Mrs. Adolphus Villeneuve R., R No. 2 p Apple Hill, Calle as follows how she obtained relief:—"I was so bad with nervous indigestion that I could not digest anything I toolc, and as a .con- sequence was a great sufferer. I doc- tored for four months, but seemed to be gettingworse instead of better, I lost strength to such an extent that I could hardly go about. Then my mother cense to see me, and urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills; and I' followed her advice and got a supply. at once. After taking a few boxes I felt my strength returning, and Icon - tinned their use, until at the end of a few months I could eat anything I de- sired'=had regained my old time health and strength, and was in every way a well woman. 1 am so thankful for what Dr, Williams' Pink Pills did, for me that. 'I always advise • their use when anyof my friends are run down or ailing." • You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 600 a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brookville, Ont, The History, of Copper. There is a chapter of history con- ceased in the word "copper." Copper was named after theplace where it was first found—the island of Cyprus. From Cyprus the mineral was ex- ported by the enterprising Phoenician traders, who also ventured out of the Mediterranean, up the European coast, and north to the British Isles. Here—in what is now the Duchy of Cornwall — these pioneer mariners found the natives mining a white met- al"now called tin. They took cargoes of this tin to Cyprus, and there, by combining the copper with the tin, they turned out the metal called bronze,. After all the intervening centuries since the initial visit by the Phoeni• clans, perhaps more than 3,000 years ago, tin 1s still one of the main pro- ducts of Cornwall. What the Package Does. Tea growers have found from experi- ence that it is necessary immediately to pack tea 1n air -tight metal -lined chests, to preserve the flavor and ,good- ness of the leaf. Equally so is an air- tight package necessary for the small lots of tea for individual' consumption; Bulk tea is always inferior tea because It is exposed to.alr, The "SALADA" airtight aluminum package is . the Most etietent way of preserving tea known. Old Cara and Ndw,; Among exhibits creating. the great- est interest at motor shows, are those comparing, aide .by.side, the early motor cars and those of to -day. The. high -wheeled vehicles with lead axles and solid rubber tires were far from being cars of comfort or prattienbility, yet they represented progress. • The White Kitchen. If yours ie a white kitchen, you will find It .easier towipe off soil and grease as they appear, rather than when they accumulate until extreme measures are required to remove thein. It is easier on the paint and it means a neat, clean kitchen all the time, not just following housecleaning, The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order.. British boys sent to Australia by the Salvation. Army go through a spe- cial farm training, are found 'posts in 'the new land, and are looked' after by the army for at least two or three years. Roderick• Msclean;: who fired a re- volver at Queen Victoria in 1882, died only two years ago.' Ask for Minard's and take no other. The appointment of Mr. R. C. Vaughan, Director of Purchases and Stores, Canadian National Railways, has been announced by Sir Henry Thornton, Chairman- and President of the System. EASY TRICKS No. 828 Perplexity This le hardly .a trick, but it will be as interesting stunt to try some time. It will not'always, it should be said, be successful, but you will be surprised to and liow often it works just as it should.. Write on a slip of paper the numbers 7, 13 and 15. Ask a spectator to hold this•sllp of paper, but not to look at what you wrote until you give him the word to do so. • Ask another, spectator to ment. tion any number • between .6 and 10, another to mention any num- ber between 10 'and 15 and: an- other to mention any number be- tween 10 and 20. More often than not, the num- bers 7, 13. and • 16will be given. Almost • invariably, at least; two of the answers will be in accord with your. prediction. (011p this ma'am! paste it, with other op the series, ix a scrapbook,) I'am not at all concerned about. the Lord being on our side, but it is my most constant anxiety that I' shall be on the Lord's side. --Lincoln. .CZ EM A of .the akin and orals 1s an 011ie- .tion thatwe have been successfully treating by mail and be our entree here for ores AO years, If afflicted, erste u, es. pleining your ease tuns, We atm treat at home Pimple,, Blotches, Blackhead,andotter non• contagious deo troubles. Superfluous Nair, Moles, Warts, elm, Permanently eradicated by, the only method—Sleetr4)11'hs Write for Booklet "F" Hiscott Institute Limited Hiscott Bldg, 61D College St. - Toronto Mother! Give Sick Baby "California Fig Syrup" Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and Bowels of Baby or Child. Even constipa ed, bilious, fever - tab, or sick, colla Babies and Child- ren love to take genuine • "Califon NoFig Syrup," No other :axative. regulates the ten- der little bowels , a'i� ` - so nicely... It ac `.. sweetens the stomach and starts the liver and 'bowels acting without grip- ing. Contains no narcotics or'seeth- ing dregs:' Say "California" to your druggist and avoid counterfeite1 In- siat upon genuine "California rig ne F#id' Invalids Delicious, strengthening beef -tea and dozens of other tasty'and nourishing dishes may be easily and quickly prepared with 1v thiu cf 16, 50 asd 1(110. rad nate I 1 se 'i The Perfect eme y Graduate of National Temper- ance Hospital tells of re- markable Cases Where Tan lac Has Proved Effective. "From my long experlenee as a pro- fessional nurse, I' do not hesitate to say I consider TANLAC the most ef- ficient and natural stomach medicine and tonic to be had. It is undoubtediy Nature's most perfect remedy," is the far reaching statement given out for'. publication recently by Mrs. I, :A. Bor- den, Seattle, Wash., a graduate of the National Temperance hospital of Chicago. •. "I have used TANLAC often in treat- ment of my patients and myexperi-, ence has beenthat for keeping the stomach, liver, kidneys andbowels functioningproperly, and for toning up the system in'general, :.it has ii equal. Tells "About a year.aofgoCase; Ihad a lady patient who oculi not keep a thing co her stomach fifteen minutes, not even Water. T prevaiied �n her to try TAN - LAC and after the sixth bottle she could: eat absoiptely anything she wanted without the slightest bad after effects, "I had another patient woo simply could not oat. I got him started on TANLAC and by the time he finished; • three bottles he was eating; ravenous- ly and had regained suflcieht strength to return to work. "These two instances• are typical of my experience with TANLAC, . My confidence in TANLAC is unlimited,". TANLAC is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 40 million bottles sold. Accept no substitute:. - Take'Tanlac Vegetable Pills, Thomas A. Edison. • Noted inventor, recently celebrated his seventy-seventh birthday. In hon- or of the occasion he tools two hours at mid-day from work in his New Jer- sey laboratories, One Nigeriantribe believe that every man has at least three souls— the ethereal body, the sons, and the spirit. London may have begun life as the port of St. Albans, which was, centur- ies ago, the great British stronghold of Vorulamium, Beware of Imitations! Classified Advertisements FOR SALE OOLGROWERS, YOUR OW? wool manufactured or exchang- ed 'for yarn or blankets. Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. L ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pay, work sent any distance, charges paid Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. "Jumped -at" conclusions usually look frightened: J ,1411,1, F Fa R Vow? 1 i S Refreshes Tired Eyes WrircMurine Co„Chicago ferEyeCarnnoctc Unless you see the name "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets yon are not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre- scribed by physicians over twenty- three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin". only.' Each unbroken package con- tains proven directions. Randy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell batten of 24 and 100. ,Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Idonoaceticacidester of Salicylioaeid. While It. Is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist. tate public against imitations, the Tab- lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ed with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." - WET FEET lead to colds. Avoid thins by rub- bing with Minard's Liniment, The great preventative. Does Your Blood Ned Iron?. How to Make the Test •Thai Tells.. APALP! face, , a nervous, Irritable disposition, a lack of strength and endurance—these are the warning sig - mile that Nature- gives when your blood is getting thin, pale, watery And starving for iron. 'Iron is constantly leaving the body, especially toward the period of middle age and you must make up for this Iron deficiency if you want to escape disease and bo strong and well. • When the iron in your blood runs low signs. of old age creep into your' system. In such oases ordinary Iron, containing foods seldom supply a suf- ficient quantity of this important ele- ment to make up for the waste, There- fore, many physicians now prescribe a concentrated form of organic, Iron— Nuxated Iron—which contains iron like the iron in year blood. • It you .are not sure of your condi- tion, go to your doctor and have him take your blood -count, or else make. the following tort yourself: See how long you can work or how far you iron walk without becoming tired; next take two five -grain tablets of Nuxmtod Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks, Then test - your strength again and eco how much you have gained. , All good druggists sell Nuxated Iron, on the, distinct under, standing that Sf.'you arenot satisfied our money X10111 be refunded, ,hculd 10 takenat encu for speedy relief of baokaN,e,. headache, avanine, dizziness, lark of ambition, and numerous other complaints dun to improper kidney and liver action, En hottest remedy cold for ad mare. At rev dials, or direct from WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO, Toronto, Ont. • Thick Lustrous Hair Kept So By Cuticura At night touch spots of dan•.dtn8 and itchingg with Cuticura Ointment. Nextnloming shampoo with a suds of Cations Soap and hot water. Rinse with tepid water. Keep your scalp clean and healthy end —ora Bair will be hlxuriant. Soapl5e. galotent25 mina. Talo m2k. Sold throughout theDominion. CansiianDepot: Llama, Limned, 344 St. PudSt., W.. Walsall.• ,WWW-"Cuecurn Soap shaves without mos. 3160.1101.1•Ter AMINO WOe ANSUFFEREB FOR MONTHS Weak and Nervous. Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Webbwood, Ont.—"I was in a very* weak and run-down nervous conditioro, slways tired from the time I got'up, until I went to bed. Sleep did not test me at all. My 'ulster recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound to me and others told me about, it, but it was from my advice that I took it. It did not. take Tong until I felt stronger, headaches left me and my appetite came back to me,' I am a farmer's wife and have many things to do outside the house such as milking, looking after the poultry, and other chotes. I heartily recommend the Vegetable Compound'to all who have the same trouble I bad for it is a fine medi- cine for women." -rears Denis F. Eases-. SER, IBlorest'Farm, Weibbwood, Ont. Another Nervous Woman Finds Relief Port Huron, Michigan.—"I suffered for two years with pains in my side, and if I worked very much• I was nervous and just as tired in the morning as when went to bed.' I was Slee + alt the da I e IY g and didn't feel like doing anything, and o nervous 1 would bite, myfinger was s Eng mails. One ofmyfinends told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Come pound, and it helped mo so much that I soon felt fine. "---Mrs, CITABUSS BEELsist,. 601-1Qth St, Port 'Suron 'Mich. • Women who o'si'er fi om •lilyy' feminine aitmentshauld try ,Lydia IL Pinkham'0,,; Vegetable Compound. C ;'i•„ -ISSUE No, 1 --??.4, i:.c •