The Seaforth News, 1958-12-18, Page 4KIPPEN S. S. It, Stanley held, their an - lima Christmas concert on Tues- day ,wonigg-,,Ilee. 9,111 at 8.15 p.m. with their most capable teach, irs. Rive as instructress, Rov. Davidson of Brucefield was the Chairman and Mrs, AleKinnou of Clinton, pianist, The prograth op- ened with a clients by all the pu- Pile, 0 Canada, Welentil° Song, aced Christina Men Rejoice, Am Attention Fanners Farmers, interested in Curling are cordially invited to attend a meeting to be held at the Curling Club, Seaforth Friday, Dec. 19, at 2.30 p.m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHON tft35r 13 j3,114X :MP MS ON the Ratepayers of Seaforth 1 wish to express my sincere appreciation of the support given me at the polls on Election Day WILLIAM N. BALL CLEARANCE SEDC •s; Storage space needed No reasonable offer refused Chey S" Sedan Pontine Sedan O'it' "S" Coach Pont iao Sedan Tioni Stu \Vgn. A.T. Dotigt- St,tian Ford s:•'etlan Illymonth Sedan Cho'. Piok-up 11157 C'I1CV. Stn. Wagon Ii156 Oho' Sedan 111715 Pontine Sedan 1:)53 Monarch Sedan 1A13 Ford 'Coach A.T. 1.95! Obey. Sedan lit411 Vanguard 'Sedan lil53 Dodge "S" St'dan On elvan sale no sensible offer will be refused at Seaforth Motors Chevrolet -Oldsmobile Sales & Serriee mrronELL SEAFORTH Phone ti. Faw2121Sd Phone 541. 1111111111116, 111111111111111! , tttttttttttttt ttttttt filf11110 tttttttttttt f tttttttttttt f ttt f I if III Mit Ifttlftfll Ilf tttttt PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH • In at'cordam'e with a resolution passed by the Municipal Counoil of the Tomn Seafor:h. hereby protlaim that in view of ;he 7,reSert: rattles s: 22' dol.: Shall be aIlowe.1 :o ran Iitre.re, in the ToNkr. 'Of St,afore..1 fhriber thtsdate. N e'll*„1:tn• B. F. Christie Mayor .Save the Q1:0:7,1: PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH BOXING DAY RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL 1 HERERY PROCLAIM FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26th DAY Holltlay for •;7'..1..t", Tow -r1 :of . reques: 1..he ObeerVi, ame B. F. Christie 4‘. 'R id the Winter Snow and Here we Come. A'Whitling. Recitation; Two Tiny Wishes, by Kathryn and Karen Hendrick; Dance and play, The Throe little Pigs, by grades 1 and 2; A play, Tack and the Beanstalk, Act 1, Prinelpal charaeter,',"Jack'' by: Billy Far-, quhar; Recitation, Don't Pat To Much, by Gwen Hendrick which Was loudly applauded. Play, Jack and the Beanstalk, Act 2 and 3; Recitation, Ob For a Frolic, by Larry Gtbbs; Drill and song, tit- tlo Angels, Which Wes moat , ef- fective. A dance; The Merry go - makers, foRowed by a ming, "Santa Land". A P1aY, The Rest Room, principal character was Douglas Hyde. Instrumental Du- et, Trombone player, Douglas Mc - Beath, Clarinet player, Billy Far- quhar, very ably rendered. A play, A Christmas Carol, Act 1, Act 2, the prinoipal character, "Scrooge", Douglas McBeath. A Dance, and Song, Sun Bonnet Sal- ly, and Overall Jint, by Gertrude Toonk, Deanne Faber, Eleanor Wright, .Gwynn Jones, Gerald Johnson, Larry Gibbs, Douglas MoBeath and Bill Farquhar. Christmas Pageant, very effect- ive. Santa then appeared in his gayest and most benevolent Mood giving gifts and candy to all the eltildren. White Gift Service Sunday at St. Andrew's Putted Church Was conducted by Bev. Cook of Lucan in the absence of the pastor, Rev. D. A. Me.Millan, who is ill, and was largely attended. The seri-ice was arranged by the Sunday School teachers. The story told by Mrs. Ronald McGregor, David Noper read the scripture. The choir under the leadership of Miss Ran 'Mao% rendered an anthem. Little Sharon Strong of Seaforth. 05 guest Soloist sant "Away in a Manger" and 'Beau" tiful Garden of Prayer" which was much enjoyed by all present. The flowers in the Church were plated In memory of the late Mrs. Roger Rice, mother of Mrs. Pearson Charters. The S. S. Coneert et Kipper United ("hunt was held Monday evening. Dec. Stli 01 2,1; p.m. and a large crowd attended. Rev. Me - Milian chaired for the program which consisted of choruses. re- citation. Poinsetta drill, plays, solos, and instrumentals. S. S. 10. Tnekersaith held their annual school concert Fri- day evening. Dec. 12th and open- ed by the singing of God Save the Queen. A play, The mice and the Cat", Chorus by the whole school: solos by Katherine Maearegor. Mary Pitunb. Grace Riley. Doris Riley. Bryce Jacobi, !lulu hoop song. eaeh pupil tak- ing Turns at twirling the hoop. A "lar—Rest Room: Carols by the andiellee. Santa making his ap- rearance giving presents to the Euchre followed the n'ei-: with the winners being: Ladies 1st, Mrs. Ray Lee. conso- lation. Mrs. J. Drummond: Men's 1st. Mr. James Drummond. con- solation, Ray 1.ee. A delicious lunch was served. Mr, and Mrs. Rkhard C.±rnish and faintly of Goderich visited Sunday with Mr. Rober; Thom- son. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dicker; at- tended the first of Mr. Dick - errs aunt. 7he late Mrs. Chas, Dicker: of 2t2'25 '0 Funeral fro.:1; riLutheran N with ,7•!s:e.7 ar.41 ile..ember \VMS ZE he:a :hi :::Ern1Ners we7e F...tgar A A wene R • WARNING SIGNALS • 1" 7.; 1...7.ce;;•i., or • A ;;.,-.. in the or elsewhere • A Soes not heal • rers.eein hotra • De TE: el eta or • rei-sis:en; • e or noic ANADIAN CANCER SOC11-7TY PRANCH CROMARTY Mr. Lloyd Crawford, of Toronto spent the weekend -with his par- ents Mr, and Mrs. W. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning, Richard and Robert, Uitchell, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar. Ur. and Mrs, Ross Houghton visited on Sunday -with Mrs. M. Houghton. Messrs. Mervin Dow, Gordon Laing and Lloyd Sorsda.h1 at, tended the final ,ineeting of tile -Sector Project'in Exeter on 'Sun- day evening. Word has been received or the death ,of Mr. Hugh IVIoLit,chlan of Seanorth who was.former14^ a re- sident of Cromarty. Mrs. Robert Laing is confined to her home with a tooth infec- tion. 01rs. D. Moore was hostess for the Christmas meeting of the WINIS. Mrs, T. Laing presided for the meeting and also for the elec- tion of oThicers. The Christmas program in the Glad Tidings was followed and Mrs.. Houghton led in the Glad 'Ridings Prayer, Mrs. Moore read an article on the Christmas season. The roll call was answered with a verse from a Christmas hymn. The, secre- tary, Mrs. T. L. Scott and Treas., Mrs, W. Harper gave their an- mualreports reviewing the year's work. All other secretaries re- ported. The °Ulcers elected are: Hon. Pres„ Mrs, Sadie Scott; Pres., Airs. T. Laing; lot Vice Pres., Mrs, 0, MolCaig,; 2nd Vice' Pres., Mrs. M. Lamon,d; Sec., Mrs. T. L. Scott; Assistant Sec., Mrs. IC. Mac:eller; Treas., Mrs, W. Harper; Supply. Sec„ Mrs. Sadie Scott; GlaTil Tidings Sec., Mrs, M. Houghton; Horne Helpers 'Sec., Mrs. T. M. Scott and Mrs. M. Houghton; Press Sec., Mrs, IC. McKellar; Literature See., Mrs. J. 111. Scott; Welcome Welfare, Mrs, L. Sorsdahl; Pianist, Mrs. 'W.,Miller; Assistant, Mrs. J. Wallace; Nominating Coinmittee, Mrs. F, Allen and Mrs. E. Moore; Auditors, Mrs, Grace Scott and Mrs, L. Sorsdahl; Exchange Sec., Miss M. Currie. The Y.P.S. met in the cturch school room on Sunday evening with. Alice Sorsdahl presiding. The scripture lesson was read by Mildred Howe, and Margaret Wallace led In prayer. The topic was given by Alice Sorsdahl and Rev. S. Kerr conducted a Bible quiz. An invitation from. Staff& young people to attend their Nev Year's Eve panty was 'accepted, Phe meeting closed with the Benediction. The December meeting of Roy's Chureh WIMS and W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. T. Colquhoun with a number of associate mem- bers present, Mrs. Murray Chris - THE SEAFORTH MOW December 18, 1058 tie presided and opened the meet- ing with .a hymn and 1110 Lard's Prayer In unison. Mrs, Harold Pridham read a passage of scrip- ture after whiCh Mrs. M. Christ- ie; Mrs, 11 Dow, Miss B. Dow and Wm: C. Clirata prdSented Skit which told of the way Christmas is spent In 1111$010118 aeross Canada. Christmas Carols Were sung and Mrs. A. Christie ttttttt 118.111101101111111 ttt t 1111111 ttt I tt 11110110111111111 t led in prayer. aVtre, S. Crahni used a Chrlidimas Messag'e for her topic, Mrs, N. Dow will be in charge ot the aext meeting which Will he held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Cow, A. number of arti- cles far the Christmas offering or. layettes for Arab refugee ba- bies were received. Mrt M. Christie closed the meetdng with prayet. ttttttt tttt ttttttttt First Presbyterian Church REV. D. LESLIE ELDER, IVIInIsCler 10 a.m. Church School and Youth ,Followship Class 11 AM., TH1I2 initsusTra THE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Music Duet "Asti There Wore Shepherds" , Mrs. F, Kling Mr. James '1'. Scott NT/ . Anthem: Senior Choir -r - "Christians Awake, setae the Happy Morn" Soloist, Mrs, 11'. Kling 7 P.M., CANDLELIGHT SERVICE "A Dream Accoinplished" by the Yonng People's Society and the All are welcome to join with us at these Christmas Services H. A, ICDMPSTDR, Organist and Choir Leader tttt ttttttt flil ttttttttt I t tt 111/1111..1011 tt I tttttt 11111.111.M11.01ff,1,1""ff.11111111131111, ttttttttttttttttttt 11111011111116 550 Gold Bond Stamps (1 EARY'S ICA MARKET 3rd Anniversary Sale •IFISVWVISWAIWO•WINAAWAr .7171:S. 100 EXTRA Gold Bond Stamps with PraV•ass Ti= Schneider's Picnic Hams 0-1p;GAJa.PWWWWAWAAAAAPOVIAAAN, 100 EXTRA Gold Bond Stanips 7, Fm-rz1-..s.se 7.1 b'axwe Hcuse fret. 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