The Seaforth News, 1958-11-27, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 80
At 9 o'clock Tuesday night t
following had qualified for Se
forth council for 1959 and we
elected by acclamation:
Mayor, B. F. Christie.
Councillors, John Baldwin, D
P. Brady, Nelson Carcino, Sco
Habkirk, Thorpe Ravers, D
John Turnbull.
Two having qualified for reev
William Ball and D. E. A. M
Master, there will be an electro
on Dec. 10th, -
Mr. Cardno is a new memb
of the council. Mr. Ball is a me
-bel' of 1958 council, and Dr. M
'Master is a former Mayor of Se
The nomination meeting for
the town of Seaforth was held on
Monday evening with a good
number of ratepayers . present.
When the nominations closed a
public meeting followed with
Town Cleric A. H. Wilson presid-
Mayor Christie said:
I can scarcely realize that a
year has passed since I accepted
the honor of serving you as the
Mayor of our town. You will all
realize that we have hail a very
busy and eventful year. You also
know that the projects and und-
ertakings have involved a great
deal of time and interest of your
council. I can truly say that in
my 13 years of service on the
council I have never worked with
a more congenial group of men
around our eouncii table and I
would like at this time to extend
to *them 3110, sincere gratitude. I
think it would be a good idea to
outline briefly our year's work
and the chairman of each com-
mittee will go into more detail
on these.
The collection of taxes twice a
year has saved the town apliroxi-
mately $700.00 on interest. Then
we had the difficulty over the
Police Force. I'm sure you will
agree this Inas been settled most
satisfactorily. Our big project of
course has been the new shoe
factory, finding a suitable site
and making arrangements for the
property both for the factory and
the approaching street. It has all
meant a great many meetings
taking time, work and Coopera-
tion. The industries in our town
osafxer all the most important
features to be dealt with, as they
mean employment for our citi-
zene, and it takes happy busy
people to make any town, so I
don't feel we should be backward
abort boosting our industries and
giving the management a few
words of praise and appreciation
when we get the chance.
The sewer extension is another
Project and the council le work-
ing hard to get it under way as
soon as possible,
The milk question was anoth-
er item brought to the council
for discussion as was the Mait-
land Bank Cemetery. These mob-
lems are all things that have to
be looked into and dealt with as
they come along by the members
of council, The Union Gas com-
ing to town was another irnport-
ant transaction, You will agree
't has been a big asset to the
town and added to ettr facilities.
Many have made use of it and it
is available to anyone at anY
We will be voting' on the fixed
assessment of the shoe factory on
Dee. 10, I would like you to know
that both Council and Chamber
of Commerce have voted unani-
mously in favor of this. I hope
you will reach your local papers
where it is explained most fully
for you. We feel that this is not
only a benefit to the present fac-
tory but an inducement for any
new industry that might be con-
sidering our town to locate in.'
Reeve Norman Scorns told the
meeting the town's relief com-
mittee of which be is chairman,
would likely be within its budget
of $2300 by the end of the year.
This year's budget had been $300
higher than last year.
The reeve told of his work at
County Council as chairman of
the County Home Committee.
Plans have been macre for a large
addition to the county home at
Clinton. The county was spend-
ing about $114,000 a year for hos-
pitalization and much of this
oonld be saved by building the
new addition at the county home.
Reeve Seo•ins said he expected
the plans for the new addition
would be approved before the end
of the year.
13Ir. Scoina said the building
would cost a million dollars and
hall would be :paid by govern-
ment grant. This would leave
half a mullion to be paint by the
Tho reeve said the debentures
on the new court house would be
paid this year and new deben-
tures could bo issued for the
.county's share of the new addi-
tion without adding anything to
the county tax rate.
Reeve Scorns told the meeting
he desired to retire this year
'from public Ii,•fe, and would not
be a candidate,
WilliamBall, nominated for
reeve, had been chairman of the
finance and industrial aomniilt-
tees of the town council. Council
had budgeted for a deficit of
$2600 and would not be much
over that. Taxable assessment in
town was 31,600,000 and this
would be increased by $50,000; by
new construction this year. Total
taxes in town are $7.32,000, Cab
lectod so far this year $71,000
and 969,000
ar tl
aue in D
e ecember,
c -
Mr. Ball said arrears or taxes
collected this year was $12,000
Which left $24,000 in ay'rears.
This was' $10;000 less than last
year at this time.
Mr. Ball made no statement as
to whether he would be a candi-
Councillor Scott Hablcirk said
the town's streets' committee, o8
which he was chairman, had been
very active. Four blocks of new
streets for the new factory had
been planned. The budget had
been $18,000 and over $14,000 had
been paid out to elate, and the
rest would be paid out before the
encu of the year.
Ili', Habltirk said he appreciat-
ed the co-operation he had re=
ceivsd from other members of the
committee and the .whole council.
IIe praised the work of the town
employees, and •Ilarold Maloney
as street foreman had been a
very good adviser.
Mr. ITablcirlc said he intended
to retire this year unless he
changed Tris mind before 9 p. g,1.
on Tuesday.
Councillor J. 0. Turnbull toll
the meeting that when he had
been appointed chairman of the
sewage committee this year he
had bad no idea the town would
he in a large scale sewer pro-
gram by the end of the year,.
Dr. Turnbull recommended the
town proceed with the program
which has been outlined. The
shoe factory is expanding and it.
will be necessary to offer dile-
(mate sewage if the factory is to
remain in town. The situation at
Scott Memorial Hospital was ser-
ious. The Water Resources Com-
mission had determined that raw
sewage was entering the creek
from the town storm drains,
The 'MacLaren firm 'had drawn
up a Complete sewage program
for the town, Dr. Turnbull said.
After many discussions about an
overall plan from a long range
economic view and provide lines
in general areas, Council had de- go ahead.
Councillor Tm'nbull told the
meeting he was not attempting
to review all the details at this
time, but he agreed with the de-
cision for the large plan rather
than the short plan. Future
councils should be able to pro-
ceed and complete the system.
In regard to the disposal plant
Dr. Turnbull said the lagoon
system had been discovered since
the town's disposal plant was
built. It was cheaper to bypass
the disposal plant and scrap it
rather than enlarge it to bigger
capacity. It was unfortunate WO
have a .new plant which Inas be-
come obsolete so soon, A. lagoon
would be cheaper and more effi-
cient, Council all agreed there
were many decided advantages
to have the Ontario Water Re-
sources Commission instal the
sower system and finance it.
In closing Dr. Turnbull said a
couple of months ago he had de-
cided to retire from couneil, but
with recent developments be felt
it was his duty to remain and
help complete the project.
Councillor John Baldwin said
11e is chairman of the property
committee and had .also been on
the police committee. The town
house at the old water works had
been closed and it was recent -
mended that next year's council
convert it into a garage for town
tracks and implements.
Everyone knew of the develop-
ments in regard to the police,
Mr. Baldwin said. He reviewed
the events during the year singe
the town had formed its own
force. Council had to feel its way
and get some experience. The
first personnel had proved un-
suited to the town's needs, and
there had been the problem of
car expenses. On the first of July
the present force had taken over
and the town bad bought a police
car. Chief of Police Hutchison
and Constable Sam Bates have
handled things well. A, Calder
has been acting as extra police-
man to give the men a day off.
The police budget was $10,000
this year, and might go a little
over it. The county officers had
Continued on Page 4
A new warehouseman K. S. 1Mc-
Intyre of Essex is in charge of
the Reliance Petroleum ware-
house at the railway and has ta-
ken up residence on East Wil-
liam street. He .succeeds Frank
Young who has moved to_ hon-
Mr. Albert Alexander of Hen -
sail, formerly of the Kipper
Road, brought to The News Of-
fice on Friday, Nov. 21st several
strawberry flowers from his gar-
den, with berries starting to
form. Mr. Alexander said his
strawberries had been flowering
-during the mild weather of re,
cent weeks,
The winners of Shopping Bag
Draws at Smith's Grocery:
Mr. Stan Nicholls, Mrs. Gordon
MacDonald, Wm, Taylor. Sea -
forth, R.R. 4, Mrs. Harry Stew-
art, :Mrs. Helga - Christensen, friss
Jean McIntyre, 'Mrs, Jean R.
Dale, Seaforth. R.R. 2, i\'Irs, Ken
72cDon'gall, Auburn, R.R. 1, 1DI11-
ott Clarke, Mrs. Geo. R. Camp-
bell, Mrs, 'Mabel IYMcNichol, .Allan
Millman. Mrs, Edith H. Russell.
nfr?. Berl Gray, Miss Agnes 1I
O W R C Takes Over
Town Sewer Project
Preliminary approval of the
Seaforth sower project has been
granted by the Ontario Water
Resources Commission, In a let-
ter to the Council, the Commis -
sten states that before final ap-
proval is given- that a public
hearing must 11e held, as part Of
the project will be located out-
side Seaforth, in the township of
Tuckersmith. Estimated cost of
the project is placed at $412,000.
Approval means that the com-
mission is prepared to take over
tile sewer project, letting all con-
tracts mud providing finahrcing.
Repayment will be made by the
town over a period of 30 years,
it was explained at recent coun-
cil meetings.
Several Car Mishaps
Mark Weekend
With snow on the roads and
streets for the first time this fall
police investigated a number of
collisions and motor accidents
over the weekend.
Near the Goderich St. inter-
section 3. Leslie Oliver of Brus-
sels, R, R, 2, backing his car out
of a garage was in collision
with a car driven by Earl
Mills of Walton who was going
south on North Main street Fri-
day afternoon about 2 o'clock.
Damage to the two ears totalled
about $400, Constable Salle Bates
Cars driven by Oscar Tebbutt
and Mrs. Louise Durigey both
of Seaforth, were in collision on
Maint street near the railway
on _Friday about 5 p.m. Fenders
were scratched and damage was
estimated at about $100. Chief of
Police Hutchison investigated.
Early Saturday morning about
2 a,m, a 1957 model hardtop
driven by W. A. Hoggarth; 24, of
R.R. 2, Kippen, went off the road
a few miles north of Seaforth
and landed Upside down. Dam-
age to the top was extensive and
will amount to about $1,000, po-
lice said. Chief of Police Hutchi-
son was 'first called and he sum-
moned Cpl. 'Sayeau and Consta-
bre Don Westover of the Goder-
ich detachment, who investigated
Earlier in the week 1. car inv-
ert by John G. Nigh rammed into
the back of one driven by Airs.
Elwin Wilson, both of :Seaforth,
near the Boshart factory. Dam•
age to the Nigh car was about
$250 and to the Wilson car $100.
Constable Sam Bates investigat-
GOES TO ST. 11418711
Mr. Ronald MacDonald went to
St. Marys on Monday where he
has been transferred as account-
ant in the Province of Ontario
Savings Office. Mr. John Yuill of
London has been appointed ac-
countant here, Mr. MacDonald's
family will remain in Seaforth
for the present.
,llrs. A. Sillery was hostess to
the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club
on Wednesday evening, Nine ta-
bles o'f bridge and euchre were
in play. The prizes donated by
Mrs. P. L. Brady and 'Mrs. W.
Cameron were won by Mrs. W,
Bart and Mrs. 0. Johnston, A de-
licious lunch was served by Mrs.
W. Bart. Mrs. E. -A, Monaster.
Mrs. J. Patterson and .1h's. H.
White, Mrs. S. Ilablcirk offered
her home for the January bridge
and euchre.
\Villianl Jewitt has been re-
elected Reeve of Hallett by ac-
clamaton. He is a contender for
Warden of Huron in 1959. There
will be an election for council.
K. Stewart Heads
McKillop F. of A.
MoKillop Federation of Agri-
culture held a very successful an-
nual meeting and banquet on
Tuesday evening in the basement
of Winthrop Church. 123 sat
clown to supper.
Mr, K. Stewart was chairman
of the meeting, Mr. Elston Car-
diff, M.P., spoke on the good done
by the Federation. D. Miles,
Ag. Rep., spoke concerning Bruc-
ellosis, farm accidents and'rabies,
A sing song was led by San.
Scott, with J. li, Scott at the pi-
ano,, 5, •Elliott thanked the lad-
ies for the bountiful meal. This
was responded to by Mrs, Oscar
Cuthill. James Kays introduced
the guest speaker, Ray. He'gott,
field man for Ontario. Mr. kler-
gott spoke on Federation work
and plans and also touched on
vertical integration, or contract
farming. Gordon ?apple thanked
the speaker for his line: address.
A. R. Dodds, sec.-treas., read
pthe minutes of last annual meet-
ing and gave the treasurer's re -
The election of officers was
conducted by Douglas Miles and
resulted as follows:
President, Kenneth Stewart:
1st vice In'es., ,Tames Keys; 2nd
vice Pres„ G. Elliott; Hog Produ-
cers director, G. Smith, with G.
Elliott alternate.
Russell Bolton spoke of the ac-
complishments of the'Wheat alar.
keting Board. Robt. 37c.1tillan,
farm fe'nm director, gave an out-
line on radio and television for -
m18 in Huron, Gordon Mcdaidn
showed 'films of his trip to Ger-
Seaforth 0 E S
Elect Officers
-Mrs, Chas. Reeves was install-
ed as Worthy Matron and Chas.
Reeves as Worthy Patron of Sea -
forth Chapter, Order of the East-
ern Star. Mrs, Wm, Middleton,
PDDGM of Exeter acted as in-
stalling matron, Belmar Snell of
Goderich as installing patron,
and installing Marshall was Mrs.
Doris Kerr, Ingersoll. The off!,
tees were installed as follows:
Assoc. Matron—Mrs, Reg. Wat-
erworth; Assoc, Patron— James
Dolg; Secretary — Miss Thelma
Forbes; Treasurer—Mrs, Dolena
MoGuaig; Cond. — Mrs, James
Doig; Assoc. Cond.—Mrs. Albert
Baker; Chaplain — Mrs. F1or'a
Dalrymple; 1'Iarehail—oMrs, And-
rew Crozier; Organist—Mrs, Ad -
in Forbes; Adah— Mrs. Gordon
MoGavin; Ruth—Mrs, Agnes Me.
Clinohey; Esther — Mrs, David
McLean; Martha -- Mrs, Winni-
fred McPhail; Electa—firs. Edith
Daley; Warder— Mrs. Al, E.
Clarke; Sentluel—David ;Wilson,
'Miss Thelma Forbes was pre-
sented with her past matron's
jewel by her mother, \Irs, Actin
Forbes and Mrs, Doris Kerr, In•g•
ersoli and James Doig was pre•
sonted with his past patron's
jewel by his wile,
Other members of the install-
ing board were Mrs. Carolyn
Munroe, London, Ilrs, Ray Vin-
cent, Clinton, Miss Jean Scott, of
Seaforth, Mrs, Harold Phillipps,
Blyth, and Chas. Adams, of God-
Assisting in t11e East were Miss
Madeline Schreiber DDG3I, Lon-
don, and airs, Sidney Thompson
PDDGM, Parkhill
The sum of $470.92 has been
collected at the local banks for
the Springhill Disaster Fund of
the Chamber of Commerce in -
eluding money from the Hung-
arian Relief Fund, In addition
bo this substantial amounts have
been sent in by local churches,
Golden, Wedding of
the Joseph Storeys
On Sunday, Nov. 30th, 1951,
Mr, and 1'Irs. Joseph Storey, 115
Dunbar Road, Preston, Ontario.
formerly of Seaforth, will be cel-
ebrating their 60th wedding An-
niversary. They are now` residing
at the home of their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr, and Mr's.
Harry 1-ial't. '-
They were married at Duff's
Presbyterian Manse in McKillop
by the Rev. Peter Musgrave on
Nov. 30 1803: The late Miss Bella
11, Love and Mrs. Susanna bins -
grave officiated es witnesses:
They tools up residence in lit.
Kiliop, later moving to Seaforth
in 1910 and remaining in Sea -
forth until 1949 when they mov-
ed • to Preston, They have three
daughters, -Mrs. harry Hart
(,lean) of Preston; Mrs, Jamnes
Dunlop (Ruby) of Galt, and'Mrs.
Cecil Colclough ,(Edna) of Niag-
ara Falls Ont„ six grandchildren
and six great-grandchildren.
„bit's.- Storey is the former El-
izabeth Coombs, daughter of the
late Emma and Thomas Coombs.
1G. Storey is a son of bhe late Mrs. Geo. Hoggart; piano solo bi•
Mrs. Wm, Jewitt. Solo by Mrs,
Geo 1Tc Ih din
Mrs, Brown asked the special
speaker of the evening, Dr. Mc -
Kitchener Couple's
Silver Anniversary
On the :occasion of their 2ntll
wedding- anniversary the family
and friends of lir. and 'Mfrs. Pat
Flanagan gathered at their home,
170 8th Ave„ Kitchener. They
were married at St. Patrick's
Church, Kinlcora, the home of
.firs. Flanagan, formerly Cather-
ine Coughlin. They resided in
Dublin until conning to Kitchener
five years. ago. They have a fain-
tly of six sons, all residing in
Kitchener; Frank, '188 9th Ave..
Bob, 20 Heins Ave.. Fergus, 20
Woodland Aye„ Ben, Austin and
Joe at home.
The main feature of the even-
ing was a diene' given by their
family at which Fr. C. 3. Weiss
and Fr. Wm. Banco offered their
congratulations 'and best wishes
to the eelebrants, They also re-
ceived a papal blessing, from his
Iloliness •'Pope John XXII1.
Progressive euchre and danc-
ing were enjoyed the remainder
of the evening.
Mrs. Andrew Dantzer, North
Bay, the bridesmaid and airs.
Jee McDonnell, the flower girl of
the wedding 98 years ago attend-
ed together with friends and rel-
atives from Toronto, North Bay,
kDublin, St. Columban and Kin
firs. A. M. Looby attended the
wedding of her nephew in Sagin-
aw on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, P, Oroseck and
children and Danny Costello, of
London,' with Mr. and Mrs. Dan
-lir: and Mrs. Geo. Goettler in
Mr, and 3'Irs, Clayton Looby in
Miss Monica Byrne in London.
11 s, Loretta Schmidt has re-
turned after spending a month in
Miss Rose Marie Feeney, Kit-
chener with Mrs. Catherine Fee-
Mrs. ,Tin. Noweolnbe, Cadet
Jimmie Newcombe of Royal 1Iili-
tory College, Kingston, with 3I.'.
and ,ears. William Stapleton.
The November meeting of the
PTA was held in the Continua'
tion School at Dublin with a re-,
presentative attendance. lar. Geo.
Goettler presided at the meeting
in the absence of the president.
Mrs, Joseph Delaney read the
minutes of the previous meeting.
Louis Coyne gave the treasurer's
report, Plans were discussed for
future meetings. Mr, Goettler in.
trodueed the guest speaker, 1lrs.
•Enzensbeigeh' of Gode'ieh who
gave a very interesting resume
of the workshop that she had at-
tended in London recently. A
vote of thanks was tendered Mrs.
Enzensberger and the meeting
was adjourned with the singing
of the National Anthem,
By Marie •Schoonde'woe'd
Everyone is busy now prepar-
ing costumes, speeches and
Fomes. The m01111 organ band is
playing quite well. and the girls
have now reinforced it. There is
no time to be lost now, because
exams are also On the way and
review has started. The girls are
getting, experience in sewing by
Making and relnodelling cost-
umes. The result of this can
clearly be seen during noon holo'
and spares,—more and more cos-
tumes are appearing on tihe reek.
Question of the week: Who
needs a wheelchair?
Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent last
Thursday and Friday at the Roy-
al Winter Fair.
Messrs. Charles MacGregor of
Guelph and Tono,Whyte of Ricl-
getown spent the week end at
their respective homes.
Another in the series of ench-
res sponsored by the local men's
Court of 0.0.10. will be held Fri-
day evening, Nov. 2Sth.
Mr, and -Mrs. W. H. Parker of
Exeter visited with Ml'. and Mrs.
Howard Preszcator and family
on Sunday.
:lar. and -lirs. Donald Buchanan
were hosts to a family dinner on
Saturday evening, Nov. 22nd in
honor of the for'mer's parents'
40th wedding anniversary, lir,
and Mrs. Alf Buchanan were 're-
eiTlients of a beautiful pot of
bronze chrysanthemums front the
grandchildren and an electric fry
pan from the family. Those at-
tending were 1l'. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Buchanan and family of I'M -
erten, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cook
and family of Goderich and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and son.
Congratulations and best wishes
are extended to lir. and 1:1:s. Bu-
chanan by the community on thisoccasion.
The fail thenkoffe'ing of Con-
stance W.i5S. was held Friday
evening with a good attendance,
lbs, Dail Lawson and Mrs. Geo
Leitch received at the door.
B. Brown presided with Mrs. D.
Buchanan reading the Scripture.
.itis, W.L. Whyte led In prayer.
Mrs, Brown welcomed everyone,especially the societies or Walton
Winthrop, Londesboro and Burns
anread a thanksgiving poem by
Edgar Guest. .firs, 'Wilmer Glom
shot' and Airs. Earl Nott took up
the offering and Me.
'Mrs. Verne Dal
gave the Offertory prays', Pro-
gram consisted of a number by
a choir of Jr, girls, reading by
Margaret and Joseph Storey. lir.
Storey is in his 87th year and
Mrs, Storey is in her 82nd year:
01.60 a -Year...
Authorized as Se and Claes mail.
Yost Office llelrt Ultslsa
Snowdon Bros., P•.1111nnerx
,11,111,1,111,1 , • i ijiiI,i,llllme, all„11111111,11,11,,,1„„„1,1,,,, I
1,1,,,II„„„,,,„ l tit. l„„IIsite Amt....sera
}111111" :r:l1i
The brilliant new
oddess of True
How she'll love the way this fI(4 ccastss OF TIME "r
new watch -and -bracelet flow
like a golden caress around her
An exquisite from only
selection in white $ 75
or yellow. 17 jewels`
Come in and see that Bulova
011.1......... lllan111111alnn111a11nna1Ils11bp
i,nn ull,I'1,lum•1111nllflbll„m.HMI llu1gall,Ilnl1111t1 ,F'
`faster of Seaforth to come for-
ward. He showed films on his
trip this summer to Japan. and
gave a very educating and in-
spiring talk oh his visit which
also showed us plainly that we
don't realize how other people
really live and exist in the world.
Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt thanked
Dr. McMaster and all who took
pant for their part in the pro
pram, Rev, T. 'White gave the
Benediction. Lunch was sewed
and a vote of thanks was given
by the Societies present and was
responded to by Mrs: McGregor,
after which the Mission hand
held a bazaar. Several men of
the community attended the
meeting and enjoyed the films
and talk given by Dr. McMaster
There will ire n dance on Sat
urday evening, Dec nth at tin
Forester, Hall here apmmlso e'.
•by the local Court of C.O.F.11
Aid of their Hockey team. \\'at.•il
the papers for further ammonn/':
Mr, Wm, .Tewitt attended the
Opening Ceremony in ilowisk
Township when two new brad e
were opened on Tuesday after
deer, a hear and a wolf: Elm'Monsseau, herb lions eon. Jim
Parkins, Jack' Bannister. Reran d
Graneur, Douglas ,Sheppard.Jun,
Robinson, Tont Sherritt, Jack
Walper and Dr. Addison.lir. and Mrs, Moore of Toronto
visited over the week Incl with
11r. and Mrs. Tom llunree.
Mr. and Mrs, ivas Wren Bill
Laurie of Hanover spelt the
week end with 111e former's par-
ents, -131'. and Mrs. Gordon Wren.Sympathy from the eora
is extended Mr. and -Mrs.Vora-
Alderdiee in the sudden
et a dear sots. Brian.
1l'. and Mrs, G. Vemnev` r. it -
nlilton. silent the week evil ith
. their Parente, lir. and Mrs, Mr,-
- neudyk.
1L', and Mrs.I life r c of
gtratfor+l vi -.ted S• 1110, eith
Robert obert t '.n elate a,ni
Mabel R'hitem ru
.lir, and Mi o Els! 1 1 n
attended the 11uul,d .,i
The late dl's. Pere t' n ...
W4010111 10 rest on \\ eIn
last Reel,. Mrs,
n•'. :hP
: fernier Mart I'r'wso . ,1 0011i0 of
lir. John Deis oI Grand 111.aP-
ids was a week cud guest of his
mother. :sirs. Lydia Deig. and
sister Janet. who returned with
hint to Grand Rapids to SpeBil the
winter months.
A pleasant surprise visit-
Paid 11r. N. Lona' nn \\ in :I;:r-
aflernnon when S of his 1 1 :ler
1 neighbors and friends t . en Es-
sex (smutty called in en t11 r way
hone from deer hunting in the
Parry Sound the t ri,a.
The W.A. of St. Andrew's Un-
ited Church held a successful ba-
zaar, tea and bake sale in the
S.S. room of the church Sar. af-
ternoon, realizing approximstl='v
the'snnl Of $200,0(1. Rev. lea, 1111-
len derlared the bazaar open for
everyone at 3 o click. In les than
an hour everything was sold. A
delirious tea was served 1 the
ladies hi the basement C enwOl-
ers of the booth, were Tv',. tab-
le, Mrs. Darold Jones, Mrs; Em-
merson Anderson: lunch 00111..
Mrs. John Sinclair, Mrs. Sohn 31,
Cooper.:Mrs. Allen Johnson, Sirs.
John A. ('soler: baking booth,
Mrs. Eldon Jarrett, Mrs. Robert
McGregor,Mrs. Wilmer .;ones;
fancy work, Mrs. Eddie Mri,ride,
311s. Lloyd Lovell; bonne else—nice,
Mrs. Stewart Pepper,\irs Ernest
Whitehouse: touch and take. e Mrs.
11oward Finkbeiner, Margaret
Elgie candy. Dorothy Turner:
Xmas cards, firs. Bert Faber:
fish pond, Mrs. Ralph Turner and
Marjorie, Ladies from Varna,
IIeneall, Egrnondville, Senior 1*,
Exeter and Goshen attended.
Rev. and Mrs. Sidney Davison
visited fora few days last Reel:
with their daughter and sou -in-
law anti family. Dr. and Mrs. Jno,
MacGregor of Owasso, ltich,
1L'. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott o2
Newmarket spent the weep end
with relatives in Brucefeltl and
Among those who attended the
Royal Winter Fair, Toronto,
were Mr. and. Mrs, Geo. Hender-
son, Miss 11. Swan, Mrs. Trieb-
ner, Mrs. T. A. Dutton, Miss K.
Elliott, Mrs. \V. -Moffat, Mrs, Ber-
ry, Mr. John Broadfoot, Mr. Wm.
Fothe•inghanl, 1l'. Jack Broad -
foot Jr., and Dewayne Elliott,
A large number attended the, supper at Varna Thurs-
day night and report a fine meal
and excellent social evening.
Mrs. Cioldie Graham is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. FredRobin-
son, Toronto. She was ylcecmPan-
ied by her son Melvin and Mrs.Graham and Mr. and 1Irs. V. Har-
greaves, wino attended the Royal
Winter Fair,
Group 4 W.A. Mehl a quilting
arty- et the home of Mrs. -Lind-
sey Eyre last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mae Wilson. Mrs.
W. Stackhouse spent Suurlar in
Mrs. Janet Watson visited over
the weekend with her parents,
Air. and Mrs. Roht. Watson,
•Mt', and Mrs. Ross Scott spent
the weekend in London.
Mr. and firs. Geo. Pinkney of
Walkerton spent Sunday with
Mrs. Pinkney's mother, Mrs, 'W.
Il. Pepper.
bits. C. Ilam and Miss liar'. E.
Swan spent a 'fen' days with
their sister-in-law Mrs, Dl', \\'m,
Swan, Hamilton.
Mr. A. R. Mitchell and friend
of Clinton visited Saturday even-
ing' with 3l'. and Mrs, Emmerson
Kyle and Jim,
Mr. and Mrs. Te. Kyle, accom
:panted by Mrs. Kyle of Clinton
spent Tuesday in London,
The following deer hunters re-
turned home Sunday from Mani-
toulin Island bringing home S
Miss Eertltera Sturgeon ,spent
the weekend in Clinton
.Hiss Vicki Chaff, Lontlesls,se,
spent elle weekend a( her ho,.:e,
Mrs. Thomas Postans returned
borne on .Sunday after spending
two weeks in Detre%
Bob Thompson, Detroit. anent
the weekend in the village.
.Mrs. Wm, Sturgeon is a pa-
tient in Clinton Public Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. lied Davidson,
Detroit, are visiting their broth-
ers Melvin. Russel and Lyle.
firs. Hazel Murray returned to
Toronto after visiting her daugh-
ter, '111s. Mae McLeod.
Air, and Mrs D. A.5eatherston
spent last week in London.