The Seaforth News, 1958-03-13, Page 5THE SEAFOItTH NEWS—Thursday, March 13, 1958 Tour Superior Specials GOLD SEAL FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON 74 oz tin 45c RICKS SWEET MIX PICKLES 15 oz. Jar 29e SALADA ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS pkg of 60 73c GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 1 lb -25c, 4 ib 97c HABITANT PEA SOUP McCORMICKS SODAS 28 oz tins 2 for 33c plain or salted. 1 ilii 33c CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE 63 Jar 1.21 SLICED SIDE 'BACON handless CLARK'S. SOUPS Vegetable 10 oz tin -8 for 99c Tomato 10 oz; tin -8 for 99c DARES FIESTA COOKIES Assorted .. 1 lb special 470 35 biscuits or over 37c CALIFORNIA ORANGES — MED SIZE 2 Doz. 95c PAT PAN PASTRY FLOUR 25 lb. Bag 1.39 Su erior Food Market Wright'sg p SELF SERVICE FREE DELIVERY KIPPEN EAST (The Kipper East W. I. will meet at School 10, Thnckersmith, (Wednesday, March 19, at 8:30 pan. The hostess will be Mrs. Verne Aide/dice, and co -hostess Mrs. Stewart (Pepper, Roll call is, an attractive feature in (farm life, The guest speaker is Carr Hemingway, fieldanan from Clin- ton. 'Music by Mrs. Ken McKKay. Motto is, "Let us look to there- sults of our labor and chart our course for the future", taken by Mrs. Robert 'Simpson. The current events, Mrs. Verne Ald- erdice. Contest is, how .good is your sense of smell?, taken by Mrs, Glenn (Slavin. Lunch. Com- mittee: om-mittee: Mrs. Winston Workman, Mrs. A. McGregor, Mrs. Fred Brock, Mrs. Eldon Jarrett, Mrs. W. Caldwell, "Mrs, R. Gemmell, Mrs. IRobt. 'Upshall and .Mrs. C. Eyre. The ,members are remind- ed to (bring their sewing to this meeting and their used Christ- mas cards, Seaforth Conservative Campaign O q i n Head uarters a IN THE INTERESTS OF L. E. CARDIFF ARE SITUATED OVER THE TORONTO - DOMINION BANK Phone 799 TOWN TOPICS Alvin Trewarbha is a patient„ in Victoria Hospital, London, having undergone an operation. He is recovering nicely. Miss iEibhne' (Duggan and Miss 1Phonsine Meagher of London were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher. Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Cleary and daughter, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cleary. Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Miller, De- troit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr's. John Flannery and other relatives. IDr. and Mrs. L. 3. Matthews and daughter, Detroit visited' re- cently with Mr. and 'Mas, J. J. Cleary. Miss Mary 'Lou Sills and Miss (Ruth Sills were weekend guests of IMrs. C. P. (Sills. Mr. Ron Williams, -Kitchener, spent the weekend, at his home, here. Mrs. S. .Benniger, London, spent a ifew days with her moth- er Mrs. IP. J. Johnson, IMrs. C. Farrow, IDolbibinton, is a guest at the home of M•r, and Mrs. L. Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. 'Borden Boise of Toronto, were weekend guests of Mrs. John Walsh. — TOWN COUNCIL Continued from page 1 had been done twice, Councillor Siablcirk reported for the streets committee, Cost totalled .$180. A couple of trees must came dawn .and; the P.U.C. might help. Their new ;aerial ladder for tree trimming is 187' '3" 'high, 'Coun- cillor Rivers told council. Cold patch work on roads will 'be done soon. Mayor 'Christie was named council's representative to the Midwest Industrial Assn. The town pays $130 annual member- ship. For the sewerage committee, Councillor Turnbull said snow had made some difficulty, - The annual grant of $700was made to 'Seaforth 'Highlanders Band. In a letter secretary F. C. 3. Sills reported that the new bandmaster is- moving to town, there are '29 new players prac- tising and results will show by next year. ,The instruments are 35 to 50 years old and will re- quire occasional repair. A grant of 6100 was made to the 'Chamber of Commerce to repair and scut up some street signs. Reeve Seems thought the houses should be numbered. A letter from Huron County Health Unit urged the town hay - ink garlbage collection. A, coni- plaint had been received, and Mahe alleys on 'both sides of Main Street had been, i n ssp e c t e •d. Councillors pointed out that there are at least two regular garbage collectors in Seaforth and no one has any excuse for leaving gaiibage around. KIPPEN Mr. Wm. 'Cooke of 'Goderich spent a 'few days recently with Mr. and Mrs, Elston Dowson. Mr. Charlie McKay was ad- mitted to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Sunday, in the interest of his health. His neighlbors and friends wish him a speedy re- covery -Mr. and Mrs. addle Taylor of Stratford visited (Saturday with Mrs.. Robert Dinsdale and Miss M. Whiteman. Mrs. Joe Ducharme of Dash- wood visited an . afternoon last week ;with bit +i itibheti Mrs: Mc-. Olymont. Tuesday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Long were Flt./ Sgt. Bob Perkins and Mrs. Per- kins and family oif RCAF Clin- ton, and on Sunday, Mr. iSam uel Oudmore and his nephew, Mr. (Marshall Stewart, .Seaforth. Mr. and IMrs..G. Vennema of Hamilton spent a weekend with Mrs. Vennema's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Binnendyk. VVoung People's (Union will be withdrawn until after the Easter exams are 'completed: Regular sessions will begin with further announcement. A fine communicant class is being eondncted for several iweeks, upon comgpletion'off/which Rev. MacMillan ,expects to have a .large (class ready to enter in- to church membership, A barge congregation was pre- sent Sunday for bhe morning service at St. Andrew's United Church. Deep interest is 'being shown in the Lenten sermons. A series: on "The sins that crubi tied. Christ", is being 'conducted during the month of IMardh. During the service a moment of silence was observed for the passing orf the late Rev. IN. D. McLeod followed'i by an appro- priate hymn. W.M.S. The March aneeting of the WrMIS was held at the Church on Thursday afternoon, 'March 6th with IMrs. Hugh Henderiok .and Mrs. A. Johnston as (hostesses, President, Mrs. R. Consittchair- •ed the meeting. ILrs. W. Work- man conducted the worship sec- tion, which was followed by prayer.'The scripture was tak- en by Mrs. Morley Cooper. 'Comr- ments on scripture applying it to ourselves was read by 'Mrs. :Workman. Prayer by Mrs. How- ard Finkbeiner. Mrs. John A. Cooper and Mrs. John Ander- son were appointed delegates to Presbyterial' held at Clinton on March 127th. A letter from the Snippy Secretary was read ask= ing'Kiippen for tiw'a boy's sweat- ers and mitts. Donation's toward the purchase of these articles would be greatly appreciated. A poem entitled "W'hat 'Success Is", was read thy Mrs. Morley Cooper. Mrs. Emmerson Kyle very capably took a 'chapter from the study; she was assisted by 'Mrs. Jahn A. 'cooper. 'Mrs. Harold Jones moved a vote of thanks to the hostesses and all those taking part in the pro- gram. The meeting closed by singing hymn 356 and sprayer by ;Mrs. Consitt. iSeveral from the district at- tended the Hensall District Co - Op annual meeting .and ban- quet at Zurich eommunity hall on March 4th. 1Mr. and /Mrs. J. A. Garneau and two children of RCAF Clin- ton are moving into Mr. 'Sam- uel Cudnnore's 'house on /Satur- day, (March 15th. HULLETT /On Monday 22 adults of the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hag- gett to discuss the topic, Ladies and Gentlemen, about the part women should play infarm or- ganization meetings. We believe the majority of women discuss 'problems more fre'ely in a meet- ing not attended by men, but we think 'farm organization meetings .should be open to both sexes se both are interested in the same problems and nwist nvgrk together to achieve suc- cess. Many think there are men who resent the presence of wo- men at their meetings but grad- ually women are taking more ac - live part in government, cilti- zenship work and farm gather- ings. Women Should study and become as well informed as pos- sible on all subjects of national and local interest. 'Many women are so tied down with small children 'and household chores that they cannot attend the meetings. In this locality women usually receive special invita- tions and do take an active part in farm forums, federation of agriculture and 'farm union meetings. We suggest women should attend more political meetings and obtain first hand knawledege on the candidates in their ridings, and there should be one woman official in each polling booth. Messrs. Eric Anderson, Jim Jamieson and (Don Buchanan were appointed a committee to plan a 'closing meeting. (Euchre winners: Most games, Mrs. The Babcock and R. Flynn; lone hands, Mrs. Holb Jamieson, and Don Buchanan; con., Mrs. Jim Howatt and Mrs. Starry Teb- butt. The •group is invited to the Boole of Geo, Carter next week. BLAKE •Mrs. i1VIenno ISteokle spent Sunday with Mr. Adrian sWeb= her and children of Wallenstein, Mrs. Webber, her 'daughter is in the hospital with 'a new grand- son. Mr. and dirs. Peter Gingerich and Mr. and /Mrs. Keith 'Ginge- rich and family visited Mr. and Mrs. -Musselsnan of Waterloo, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs, /Oscar Ducharme have returne'd after spending several weeks in Sarnia with members of their family during winter. Mr, and Mrs. Edmund 'Erb and family spent a day in Lon- don. Mrs. Mary Manson visited Mrs. Lydia Gingerich at Zurich. The Misses Joyce Sehivastzen- trurber and Alice Miles, of New Hamburg visited relatives and friends in tlhis vicinity recently. Mr. and Mrs. Sant Oesch of Bronson (Line N. visited ,Mr. and IMrs. Rudy O esch. BRUCEFIELD The Women's Association met on Tuesday afternoon, ,March 4. Mrs. E. Allan and Mrs. G..Rich- ardson ,conducted libel devotional exercises, the theme "Prayer". The topic "Gold Talking" was taken by Mrs. (Richardson. The President, Mrs. J. Broadifoot presided and the creed was re- peated in unison. Plans for cel- ebrating the .50th anniversary of the building of the church were discussed. Group two con- ducted Irish contests. 'Mrs. M. Wilson igave a reading, A Tra- veling Pedestrian and Philoso pher. VARNA The friends of 0VIr. ,Murray Hohner are sorry to hear that he is confined to Victoria Hos- pital, London, and ,wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Dowson spent the weekend with rela- tives at Victoria Harbour. Mrs. T. J. Pitt is visiting rel- atives at St. Catherines. The entertainment (put on last Wednesday evening by the Clin- ton Junior. Farmers was much enjoyed by a large crowd that packed the twp. hall to capacity. The W. A. of the Goshen Un- ited Church intend having a erokinole party and entertain- nte'nt in the twp. hall on (Friday night of this week. A. good run of sap was re ported last weak and maple syr- up selling from $6 to $7 a gal- lon. WINTHROP The regular 'me'eting of W. A. was held on March 5. The presi- dent, MTs. 'Oscar Cuthill opened the 'meeting. 22 memlbers an- swered roll call, It was decided to have a quilting March 12th and a' bake sale in April. BORN Cardno — At Scott Memorial Tiosoital on M'aroh Gbh, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Canino, Seaforth, a daughter. Eckert—In St. Joseph's Hospital, Ma- th/are, on Feb. 28th, to Mr. and Mit James F. Eckert, Ridgetown, a daughter • STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE ONE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR COURSES are offered leading to an Interim Elementary -School Teacher's Certificate, valid in the elementary schools of Ontario. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 9, 1958. Descriptive book- let "Teaching in the Elementary Schools of Ontario," free on request. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT FOR ADMISSION: ONE-YEAR COURSE: Standing in eight Grade 13 papers, one of which shall be English Composition or English Literature. TWO-YEAR COURSE: Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course. INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the Committee of Selection. Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers' College should apply for interview through the principal of their secondary school. Other applicants should write to: THE PRINCIPAL, STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE WATER STREET Euchre - Dance Seaforth Community Centre Friday, March 21 AT 8.30 Seaforth Women's Institute will celebrate their thirtieth yearipf activity Norris Orchestra Adults 750 Students 50c Lunch provided. Comeand celebrate with us PLAY "A PAIR OF SIXES" St. Coluinban PARISH HALL Friday, March 28 8.30 P.M. By permission of Samuel French Euchre Party Sponsored by the Walton Institute Walton Community Hall Friday, Mar. 14 8.30 sharp Price 50c Institute ladies bring lunch Canadian Order of Foresters Euchre - Dance FORESTERS HALL CONSTANCE • Friday, Mar. 14 Card's 8,30 .pan. Admission 40e per person Lunch to Iba provided Everyone Welcome Kipper East Women's Institute Euchre Dance (Last dance of the season) Hensall Town Hall Friday, Mar. 14 Euchre starts at 8.30 • Norris Orchestra. Admission 75c Ladles please bring lunch Lucky lunch prize THE ANNUAL MEETING OF SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WILL BE HELD ON FRI., MARCH 14 AT 8.30 P.M. NURSES' RESIDENCE THE PUBLIC 15 INVITED TO BE PRESENT Scott Habkirk, Chairman Lloyd Hoggarth. Secretary FAIR PLAY FOR FARMERS John Diefenbaker has given you an Agricultural Prices Support Program Based on Costs of Production. 1957 CHEVROLET STANDARD SEDAN 1957 CHEVROLET DELUXE' SEDAN 1957 ,CHEVROLET COACH 1956 CHEVROLET COACH 1955 ` CHRYSLER HARD TOP 1952 CHEVROLET HARD TOP 1952 CHEVROLET .COACH 1952 MONARCH SEDAN, Ai• T 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1949 METEOR COACH MAKE US AN OFFER ,, No reasonable offer refused at SeaforthMotors Phone 541 OPEN EVENINGS Seaforth * Support prices determined by a committee of practical farmers, •* Floor prices related to production costs on products ALL farm •* Support prices announced well in advance of production period. 'CARRY ON, ELSTON AN ct Cardiff f r Published by Authority of Huron Progressive Conservative Association JOH uro ►►►►1►►A1►