The Seaforth News, 1958-02-20, Page 89 ►' r- A 4 1, 1' _WEEK END IAL. IN STEWART BROS. PE MEN'S DEPT'. CLEARANCE HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR REGULAR 5.50 REGULAR 4.95 Famous Stanfiel'd's Red Lalbeshirts and drawers in heavy weight ribbed all wool, that, sell everywhere •at $4.95. 'Good range of sizes left. E , clear at 3•a0. Each .., Heaviest weight Stanfield's Fatuous Blue Label all wool'rilblbed shirts and drawers, that sell regularly at $5.50. To clear at, each 9v MEN'S REG. TO 27,50 SUBURBAN COATS •We don't want to pack these fine suburban coats away, so if you need one, better get in now for yours. All sizes to 46. Regular values tip to 27,50 A bigspecial ecial P 9v to clear at ., 14• PENMAN'S reg. 2.50 FLEECE LINED SHIRTS & DRAWERS Heavy weight fleece. Good range of sizes 1.75 To clear at, each BROKEN LINE'S, reg. to $4,95 Men's Dress Shirts )dd shirts and broken lines of regular to 1.95 value that we must clear out -They're "dirt cheap" even if you wore them for work shirts. -The range includes plain shades. whites" and some patterns Sizes -14% to 17 To clear at ■V@U ODD LOTS Men's Work Shirts Both winter and summer weights. Size 14% to 18 To clear at ...............1.79 REGULAR TO 2.50 BOYS' DOESKIN SPORT SHIRTS Plaids, cheeks and Ivy League stripes in quality winter shirts for boys. Sizes 6 to 16 years. -A11 reduced to j.59 BOYS SIZES SUBURBAN COATS AND CLICKER COATS .A.11 this season's coats in sizes 8, 10, 14, 16 only, -Good range of shades and qualities Reduced 25% to clear 23 Regular to 5.95 Men's Sport Shir"ts Plaids, ivy league stripes and novelties that sell regularly at 4,95 and 5.95 Size h, M, L To clear at 3.95 F BROS. HENSALL Rebekahs Entertain 1.O.O.F, The members of Amber Rebe- kah Lodge 349 entertained the members of the I:O.O.F. Lodge in the Legion .hall on Friday evening. Progressive euchre was played with 25 tables in play. Prize winners were 1a'dies high, Mrs. Ross Richardson; consola- tion, Mrs, Clifford W e i d o Gent's high, lir. W. R. 'Dougall; consolation, Mr, Lorne Chap- man_ A. 'delicious luncheon was served at the 'dose, MORE SPECIALS AT THE Willis Shoe Store a• The Little Store with the Big Values Seaforth CROMARTY Mrs, David Gardiner, who is suffering from a heart ailment was taken to :Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs.. John Wallace and daughters Margaret and Debbie spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott, in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Har- burn and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Dick attended the funeral of a cous- in, Mr. Geo. Hatiburn at Flint, Mich., on Saturday. Mr. Har - turn was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. Harburn, formerly of Hensel]. The teacher, Miss 'Campbell and pupils of No. 6 School en- joyed a Valentine party on Frii• day afternoon, which took the form of a box social, (program, and exchange :of valentines, and ending with an hour's tobogan-. ning. The weather continues very i 1 Egmondville United Church Dr. S. Semple, Minister - The First Sunday in Lent General Subject: Through the Lenten Season with Christ 11 A.M. The Cost Mark in Religion. No. 1 7 P.M. Three Things Jesus Would Like to do for You. No, 1 Lent calls you to Penitence, Self -Discipline and Special Devotions ,sold and stormy, causing much 'difficulty in the operation of school, buses and travelling in general. Monday was the worst storm of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew (Mc- Lachlan entertained a number o8 friends and ,relatives at a fowl dinner on Thursday. DUBLIN Mr, and Mrs. Albert Kramers in IOhatham with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard (Casey. Mr. Jack (Costello, {Niagara Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Dan •Costello. Mr. W. Krauskopf is attend- ing the (Goad Roads Convention at Toronto. There was aro school at,Con- titivation School or (Separate .Schools on Monday or Tuesday, also ;Nye operetta The Pirates of Penzance was cancelled. Mr. Jerry Stapleton has re- turned from a trip to Calif. IMr. and Mrs. (Louis Looby have returned from Florida. Manager of the Bank of Com- merce in Dublin for the past 10 years, William ,Stewart, 'retires this week. He is succeeded ,by !Mr. E. J. Dean, who comes to Dublin from :the. Hamilton- 1Westdale (Branch of the Bank. Commencing his (banking a,areer in IChesley in 119116 Mr. Stewart Iserved at a nun,Iber of branches in Ontario. Ole and Mrs. Stew- art will reside in Kitchener and A message from your O.P.P. OFFICERS A great many people will be killed in automobile accidents in rural areas this year. But, with the co-operation of every ;notorist, we could cut down that number drastically. Start doing your part by driving sensibly, safely and within the law. February 24-28 is Rural Safe Driving Week: Observe it -then make it last all yearl RURAL SAFE DRIVING WEEK-FEB.24-28 SPONSORED BY THE ONTARIO FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY' OF HON. A. KELSO ROBERTS, ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR ONTARIO are leaving Dublin this week- end. While Mr. :Dean takes over his new duties in Dublin lbhis week Mrs. Dean and two child- ren. will not' irrive in Dublin un- til (March 1, WALTON t& very successful Valentine Social was held -in the Ibasemenitt of Duf'f's United Church on Fri- day evening Feb. 14th under the auspices of the Women's Auxil- iary. Rev. W. M. Thomas acted as chairman for the- following program: Piano solo, Dianne, Kirkby; Mems Chorus, Hit '.Par- ade of' -58 by the Sth and -Perth group; solo, iBanbara Turnbull; piano solo, Marylyn. Johnston; Pay, Never trust as, man, 17tn and boundary group; solo, Lin- da 1Bryans; trio, Pauline, IShir- Iey and .John ;Thamer; duet, (Mrs. Herb Travis and Bryan Travis; skit, The Beauty Parlor, McKillop group; solo, Mr. Henry Stryker; reading, 1Mis. Ross Mc- Call. Lunch was served by the 6.6th of Grey and Sth of Morris ladles. Mission Band The February meeting Of the Gleaner- Mission Band was held in the schooarooan of thechurch on Sunda'j, Feb. 16 with 56 members present. The opening hymn was followed with 'the lPuiipose repeated iii ` unison, Mrs. (Walter Bewley- - sumumar- ized the story of Kenjie for the older classes. The scripture les- son was read by Jean Walters from St. -bIa'tthew after which Pauline iBlamer led in prayer. The minutes of January meet- ing were read by Gerald Smith. Eileen Williamson was appoint- ed to play the piano for the; March meeting. The classes formed for study period after which the meeting' closed with the Benedicition. ITIhe ,C,G.S.T. met in the church on Sunday aftern'oon.I The meeting opened with the C.'G,S.T. hymn and the Purpose.' (Marilyn Johnston, vice-pres., was in charge of the business period. It was decided to hold a (bazaar on April 9 and to hold the affiliation service at this time. A skating party was plan- , ned for Feb. '22nd t9 be held in Brussels arena. Lunch to be 1 served in the church following the ,party. Mary Lou Kirkby read the minutes of the pre- vious meeting and Anne Achil- les gave the 'treasurer's report. The worship service was in charge of Mrs. (Wm. Coutts with (Ruth Ritchie reading the sat - time. The second past of the study on Japan was taken by Mrs. Coutts and the meeting closed with "Taps". CONSTANCE. Mrs. John- Wannmes and son - TENDERS WANTED Eddie, returned home after Township of Tuckersmith spending' holidays with relatives Tenders are invited by the at .Blenheim and ':Chatham. Township of Tuckersmith for Mrs. (Earl Lawsonsalt a crushing and hauling approxim- sP ately 12,000 cu. yds. of gravel to few 'days last week with her township roads in 1058, % inch daughter, Mrs. E. F. 'Warren in screen to be used. Work to be London. ' completed by July 1st, 1958, and clone to the e the M'r, and Mrs. 2 ennet i Presz- i township roadsatisfaction superintoendent. cator and family spent last Gravel will be supplied by the weekend with Mrs. Webb of township at three locations' and Dashwood. . i contractor must supply all other Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown requirements. Marked cheque for $300 must accompany each ten- ting girls spent Sunday with der or tender will not be consid- Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. Campbell and Bred. Tenders to be in the clerk's with Mr. Brown's mother, Mrs hands by 3 P.M., March 4, 1968. 1930.. W. R. IS1nO'blt' has purchased 'the Scott (block in which his store is located The following officers cd! the ,Alumn'aet. of Scott Memorial Hospital were elected.: Ulan, (pies., IM4ss IMargaret Wilson; Hon. -Member, Mrs. Dan Stec- kle; pries., Miss Ella R:onlston; vice pres., Miss Anne Downey; treas., ,Miss Mona. 'McGregor; 'se-. eretary, 9Liss Edna' 1Breinner. Conveners, Mrs. Weaver, 'Miss Esther Trout, FORTY YEARS AGO From 'the (Seaforth News, February 1918 A. H. 'Musgrove, MJP.P. has been appointed • postmaster tat 'Wing'bam. - Mn.. /and Mrs. , ldarno'clran, who have been visiting' in this vicin- ity have -return d..to their home at (Saskatoon. . BORN O'Rourke -At Scent Memorial Hospital on Feb.. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. William O'Rourke, r l l Dub- lin, adaughter Schenk - At Scott Memorial Hospital on ,Feb. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. David Schenk, Seaforth, a daughter • Loney -At Scott Memorial.. hos- pital on Feb. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Loney, iSeaforth, a daughter Notice to Creditors In the Estate of DANIEL PATRICK CRONIN All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of. Daniel Patrick Cronin, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Hur- on, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 21st clay of January, 1958, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of March, 1958, after which date the assets will be distribut- ed, having -regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 19th day of February, 1958. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors TENDER Township of McKillop Tenders for supplying 1000 pounds, more or loss, of Warbi- oide 5% Rotenone Warble Fly powder, will be received at the Clerk's office, up to March 1st, 1958. J, M. Eckert, Clerk RR1, Seaforth, Ont. TENDER Township of McKillop Tenders for spraying cattle, by the head, under the Ontario War- ble Fly Act of 1957 anal Regula- tions in the Township of Mc- Iiillop, will be received at the Clerk's office, up to March lst, 1958. A certificate, from the Workmen's Compensation Board, showing that all accounts are ,paid up to date, must accompany tender. A marked cheque of $100.00 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. M. Eckert, Clerk RR1, Seaforth, Ont. Jos. Brown; all of Hanover,Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Mr. Wm. Jewitt returned Contractor to state price per home after' spending a couple yard delivered on roads. • of days in Toronto attending E. P. Chesney, Clerk the (lural Municipalities icon- R.R. #4, Seaforth, Ont. vention at the'King (Edw-ard TENDERS WANTED Hotel. Township of Tuckersmith Tenders are invited by the School has been closed for Township of Tuckersmith for three days due to the storm, spraying cattle for warble fly (The 'Canadian (Order of For control under The Warble Fly esters atControl , ua- Constance had a very tions and amendmentsAct1952and theretoreg.l successful evening in the form' . Contractor to state a Rat price of a (box social and dance last Per head per spray. Township Friday night despite the ,bad will supply, Warbicide repaired and contractor must supply all weather fuer (during the week. This other requirements including Friday might they i91 hold a' labor and equipment. Work must euchre. I be done to the satisfaction of an " The World may of Prayer inspector appointed by the town - service wil'1' be held at Constar ce' ship.necessarily Lowest or any tender not accepted. United (Church on Friday after -1 Tenders to be in ,the clerk's noon from 13 to 4 p.m. Members hand by 2.30 P.M., March 4, 1958. of the W1VIS are asked to come E. P. Chesney, Clerk earlier. Clerk, R.R. 4#4, Seaforth, Ont. TWENTY -:FIVE YEARS AGO From The ISeaforbh News' February 1933 A test ease against the Sea - forth .meat ,bylawis being made by Carl Dalton and has aroused much inter dst. Alex :M4regor of Kippen un - dement .an;, operation for ap- pendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital. f` - Bert (Beacom cif IHarlock is in charge of the 'barlber shop of Mr. Hearn (during his illness. IA total sof 11712,000 forest trees for wlinidibrealfers were ob- tained by Huron ,county farmers in 1952, a -jump from 5,000 in USBORNE.& HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INS 'TRANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President ' E, Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Vice President Alex J. Rohde, 10113 Mitchell Directors Martin Feeney,RRZ Dublin Robert G. Gardiner, R1 Cromarty Milton McCurdy, RR1 Kii•kton Timothy B. Toohey, 11,1t3 Liman Agents Clayton Harris, Mitchell Harry 'Coates, ,RR1 Centralia Stanley Hocking, Mitchell • Solicitor W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter 1 -CARD OF THANKS I .wish to thank diose who so kindly rentem'bered, me with cards, while I was a patient in the hospital, ,and • since returning home. - Wally McEleth CARD OF THANKS T wish -to .express deepe'st grati- tude to the neighbors, relatives and friends who so kindly reniem- bered me with flowers, cards, let- ters, treats and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Mrs. Geo. R. Campbell TURKEY SHOOT Wednesday, Feb. 26 -Basement of the Town Hall at 8 p.ni, First prize Turkey. Other prizes, Shoot- ing fee $1. Open sights only FOR SALE 1000 square bales, good quality mixed hay. Apply to Bill Fother- ingham, HU -2=9196'' Clinton FOR SALE One good red Durham cow 5 years old, to freshen March lst. Torrance Dundas, Walton, phone- 90r5 hone90r5 Brussels LOT FOR SALE Lot of the late Sid Dolmage on West William street, Seaforth; with a frontage of 58 feet and depth of 150 feet; also 12x24 gar- age. Apply to Ronald Dolmage, 2243 Seaforth, or Mrs. Ross Mc- Nichol, rr3- Kippen, phone Hen - sail 679r13 FOR SALE 40 pigs, nils to ten weeks old. Jim McGregor, Kippen, phone 693115 Hensall FOR SALE A choice' bunch of York pigs. A. R, Dodds, phone 833r14 NOTICE If excessive moisture is a prob- lem in your barn correct it with a siclewall ventilating fan, effici- ent and economical. For details and estimates call Sharp's Main- tenance Service, Seaforth RR 2. Phone 851x6 • FARM FOR SALE 150 acres on No. 8 highway 3% east of Seaforth. 1% story frame house, hydro, drilled well. Cheap for quick sale. Harold Jackson, Seaforth. Phone 474 FOR SALE Frigidaire stove, large -size, in good condition. Low price, for quick sale, Phone 10 Seaforth Auction`Sale The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auc- tion 'Feb. 26 at the hour of 12.30 o'clock, from John A, Eckert at Lot 35, Con. 6, Logan township, 3% miles north of Dublin on county road, consisting of: 9 Holstein cows; 18 Hereford & Durham cows due in March & April 33 Durham & Hereford steers and heifers weighing from 600 to 800 lbs. 10 Hereford & Dur- ham steers and heifers 500 to 600 lbs. 8 =Holstein heifers 600 to 800 lbs, 1 reg. Polied Hereford bull 2 years old, W.H.R. Proud Mixer breeding. 1 reg. horned Hereford bull rising 2 year's' old, Stanway and Domino breeding. 2 reg, Poll- ed Hereford bulls 5 months old, W.H:R: Old Proud Mixer breed- ing. Implements -3 new heavy duty short turning roller bearing wagons. 5 tons mixed grain, Terms cash. - Prop., John. A. Eckert Anct„ Joseph L. Ryan Clerk, Sohn E. Siemon Mulholland's_ trucks available for delivering cattle at reduced rates FOR SALE 120 acre farm at Kippen, four bedroom brick house with bath, basement and furnace. Large L shaped barn on wall, imp. shed and garage. This farm is tiled and is one of the earliest farms in district. Owner will carry mortgage. 200 acres at Brucefield, four bedroom brick house with bath, automatic furnace, full basement. Large barn on. wall. This farm is tiled and has 25 acres of wheat. Equipment may be. bought with farm. Owner will carry mortgage. H. IL Arnold, Real Estate, Kip - pen. Phone Hensall 672r 13 FOR SALE - Half Price -30 Aluminum com- bination windows, several 'wood- en storm doors, various, sizes. Jackson Homes Ltd., Seaforth 'DEKALB STARTED PULLETS FOR SALE ' A number of Dekalb started pullets, vaccinated for Newcastle and bronchitis,: ready for immedi- ate delivery at .12` and 14 weeks of age. Price list on request, Dis- count on is-count-on large orders. Moore's Poultry Farm RR3 Seaforth, Ont. TOWN OF .SEAFORTH NOTICE PARKING By order of police. to' facili- tate snow removal *or 'snow plowing operations, no parking will be allowed on the Streets of 'bills Municipality (between :bhe hours of 2 A.M. and 8 A.M. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic. Act--IS'ection 43,' Subsection 9. Notice as thereby '..given , Mat the said Municipality will not ;be responsible for any ldamages caused to parked vehicles as 'bhe result of snow removal or snow plowing operations. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTDTuckersmith Township' Dump- ing Grounds will be closed after Phone 47 Dec. 28th, until' further notice, • THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, February 20, 1958, • BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth • JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W, Seater* SEAFORTH CLINIC H. R. MCMaster, B,A., M.D.. Internis, P. L. Brady, 21.D., . Surgeon Office Hours; 1 p,m. to, 5•• p.m„_daft -- except Wednesday and Sunday, Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in • advance . an desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBULL, D,V,M., V.S. , W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAiN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN B. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St„ Seaforth. Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon.. 9 to. 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. evs- by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to pr. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected et lowest rates in First- Class irstClass Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E.. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE'• OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 673 or 332-R The McKillop Mutual Fire'' Insurance Co. BRAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Wm. 0. Alexender l Vico-Pres., R. Archibald ;• Manager and'l ' Sec.-Treas., M, A. Reid, Seaforth. Dfrectora-J• L. Malone, Seaforth; 1. 8. McEwing, Blyth ; W. S. Alexander, Walton ; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; 3.11. Pepper, Brucefield ; C. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm ; IL Fuller, Goderich i �•.. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot,. Seaforth. Agents - Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro i . J. F. Praeter, Brodhagen; Selwyn' Baker, Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or • transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the• above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. AND FUEL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 Res. 286 • Quick -Intensive and guaranteed, radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at. TE'RRrs RADIO REPAIR.' Opposite - Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth If you want graa elCwnd, top soil- or excavating just phone 854 Seaforth. ED BOYCE' , NOTICE' For:,. artificial .insemination informa- tion or service from allbreeds of cattle. phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU -8441 between, 7.30 and 9.80 A.M. We have all breads, available -tap Quality et low cost FOR SALE Authorized agent tor Viking. Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and Hensel' district: Repairing a specialty. A few good Used ones on hand. Basil O'- Rourke,.Bruceeflld. Phone Hun- ter 2-9131 Old horseWANTED at 3r/zc 1b., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros: Mink Ranch. Phone collect 148334 or 148331 (Goderich) NOTICE Guaranteed radio and TV re- pairs. We give satisfaction. ---R. D. Scott, Radio -TV service, upposite Commercial hotel Earn Inked HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 686w NOTICE