The Seaforth News, 1958-01-23, Page 8Special. MEN'S SUBURBAN COATS REDUCED 25% Save now on all wool, quilt lined suburban coats at this big clearing reduction. Sizes 86 to 46 Reg. 17,95 for Reg. 19.95 for Reg. 22,50 for Reg. 24.50 for 13.45 14.95 16.95 18.40 Boys Suburban Coats reduced 25% Boys all wool or cotton will suburban Coats with milted wool linings. lizes 6 to 18 years Reg 9.95 for 7.45 Reg. 12.95 for 9.70 Reg. 14.95 for 11.20 Clearance Broken Lines WORK SHIRTS " I3ere's a buy for you! Odd lots of flannelette or cotton work shirts—they sold at 2.95 to 3.95• Sizes 1414 to 15. A real bargain! To clear 1.79 2 FOR 3.50 Women's Hospital Auxiliary ING AM DANCE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7th Community Centre Dancing 10 to 1 WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Old and New Tyme Dancing $1 a person, including lunch lli Students 75c THIS TO PAY BILLS THIS FOR SAVING Let these help you to Planned Saving 1 PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT Pay all bills by cheque on a Personal Chequing Account. A quarterly statement will help you keep your records straight. The low service charges are pre -paid, Your cancelled cheques are on file if you need them. 2 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Keep your Savings Account for ,saving. Add to it every pay. As your balance grows you'll gain peace of mind. Start Planned Saving at our nearest branch now. TIS CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 770 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU Seaforth Branch, G. C. Brightrall, Manager Dublin Branch -- W. J. Stewart, Manager l CROMARTY The :annual - congregational meeting of. Cromarty Church was bald on Thursday afternoon in bhe basement of the church with the minister, Rev. Samuel Kerr as chairman of the meet- ing. Eldon Allen was appointed secretary for the :meeting and was also re-elected secretary for ttive congregation. The mana- gers chosen to -serve three years are Gordon Laing, William -Har- per and Jambes Miller. 'Those formerly on the board fare:Gor- don Hoggarbh, Phillip James, 'Carter Kerslake, Donald ,Scott, Robert Laing, James Scott. 'Oth- er officers'appointed: Treas., Thomas Laing; 'Ushers, Mervin Dow,' Gordon Laing and John McDougall; Assistants, J. M. Scott, 'Carter _ Kerslake, Jack Boggarbh; Trustees. . Andrew 'McLachlan, Ernest Tem'plenwn and (Gordon Hoggaiibh; Library Committee, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old 'Coleman, Mid. end 'Mrs. El- don Allen 'and''Rev. and Mrs. Kerr; Cemetery 'Committee, T. Laing, A. McLachlan, J. Hog - gerbil, S. McCurdy, C. MoKaig, T. L. 'Sc'ott, and Ken McKellar; Rec. Sec., Mrs. S. 'McCurdy; Everyday Sec., Mrs.. 'T. Laing; Cradle Roll (Sec., Mrs. Andrew McLachlan; Sunday School Su- perintendent, Mrs. T. L. Scott; Assistants, Mrs. Lloyd Sors- dahl and Rev. S. Kerr; Auditors, J. IM. Scott and J. E Storey; Certifying .reports of the vari- ous •organizations were given iby the secrebaries: 'Session report, Ernest Templeman; Treasurer's, T. Laing; Trustees', A. 'McLach- lan; Auditors', J. M. 1Scott; W.1V S., Mrs. T. L. 'Scott; Mar- ian IRitohie, Mrs. 1M. Dow On ab- sence of Mrs. G. Casey; Ladies' Aid, Mrs. K. McKellar; Sunday School, Mrs. Lloyd 'Sorsdahl; Cemetery, T. L, Scott; 'Cradle Roll, ;Mrs. A. McLachlan; YPS, Mrs. L. ISorsdahl; Explorers' Group, (Mrs. T. L. 'Scott. A film strip "A 'Stranger in the House" was shown. The meeting voted unanimously to early on the Sector plan this year. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott and 'baby daughter ,and Mrs. Grace 'Scott, Windsor, spent the weekend with their relatives here. Mr. James Miller Sr. is d pa- tient in ,Seaforth Hospital. !Mrs. 'Otto 'Wander and Alex visited in Clinton on 'Sunday with a cousin of Mrs. ,Walker's. We extend our sympathy to the family .of the late Mrs. Jas. Howe, who passed away at the home of her daughter and son- in-1•aw, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mur- ray in Exeter on 'Wednesday. The funeral service was held in Mitchell on Saturday and bur- ial was in Staffs :Cemetery. The pupils of blo. 6 school with 'their teacher, Miss Camp- bell enjoyed .a skating 'party at the rink in Mitchell on (Satur- day, evening, afterwards return- ing to the school where lunch was served and games Played. Those of the Howe family from a distance who attended (Mrs. Howe's funeral were MT. and Mrs. Ed 'Howe and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Harmon and five chil- dren, 'Detroit; Mr. and (Mrs. W. Howe, Atwood and Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Murray and daugh ter, Rena, Exeter. The January aneeting of Roy's UnitedChurch WMS. was 'held at the home of Mrs. .Murray Christie. The president, Mrs. A. Christie had :charge of the wor- ahip period. 99rs. J. Hocking read a poem "'the New Year". After some l i s c,u•e s i o n the W.M.S. programs for 19518 were 'made out. A letter from Rev. and Mrs. Russell Self of Shansi V. P. India was read in which they mentioned receiving thousands 'Of used tOhristmas cards which carried a scriptural message for non Christians and helps for young Christians. Mese are distributed free with Gospel portions added. Several hymns were sung and the meet- ing closed with prayer by Mrs`. Neil. TUCKERSMITH 'The Turner's 'Church W. A. met at :2.30 p.m. Jan. 15. intim 'church 'basement with the new President, Mrs. Alice Lawson in the chair. Ten members were present. The roll call was an- swered by "As a ,Ohurch mem- ber S resolve". The scripture was read by (Mrs, E. Townsend. ,Prayer was given by Mrs. J. Turner, . 'devotions by Mrs. H. Johns and the topic given by Mr•s.• Lawson. After the reports were given and a 'discussion period, lunch was served by :Mrs. J. Turner and MTS. Frank Falconer. BRUCEFIELD Tihe annual meeting of the +Brucefielkl United Church will be held in the school room - of the church on Wed. .evening, Jan. 29th. ' ( INIrs. Wm. (Smith of Exeter Spent last week with her sister Mrs. A. Rohner. Mr. Stewart Broadffbot, while on his road'to work in Bruce - field 011 Wednesday :morning, Jan. 15th- was in collision with Mr. Walter Smith of Varna, at the intersection of ,Conc. 2, of Stanley and the 'Hayfield Road. Neither of the' drivers were hurt hut 'both•.ars were damaged ex- tensively. 9 y road -AS blamed for the accident. Rey. S. !Davison deft on Sun- day to ,attend the funeral of a very 'dear friend, !Rex. Mr.•Smith of Victoria. The funeral and ,burial took place at Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paterson celebrated their ,80th- anniver- sary on iSnnday last at the home ;of their daughter, Mrs. Allan Hill. The 'guests included Mrs. Paterson's- mother, Mrs. ,Bert Sholdice,- 'Brinsley; IMr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson, London, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ronald Paterson and son Rode+riek, 'Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott, Mrs. G. Ham,' Miss M. E. ,Swan -at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. 'Geo. Hanley t0 Baird's Cemetery. Mr. ,and Mrs. Don JticKenzie of 1St. Thomas visited on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. 'McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie returned to St. Thomas with them where they will 'spend a few days. The 'monthly meeting •olf the W.M.S. of IBrucefield !United Church, was held Tuesday aft- ernoon, Jan. 14th., with 'twenty members answering the 11011 call. 'Dhe meeting opened with quiet music, followed by the Worship Service, the theme being the "'Second Mile", conducted by Mrs. W. Fotheringiham and Mrs, H. Dalrymple. Mrs. S. Davison took charge of the 'business ses- sion. Encouraging reports 'were read by the leaders of all, com- mittees for the year 1957. The treas, report showed we had ex- ceeded our allocation. Mrs. ]Ross Scott and Miss M. Swan were in chargeof the Study Book. The chapter taken was "Road Blocks to becoming a 'Christian". Rev. Mr. Davison' installed the officers for 1958 as follows: Pres., Mrs. S. Davison; lst Vice Pres., Mrs, N. 'Walker; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. P. Rothwell; Rec. Sec., Mrs. E Allen; Corr. Sec., Mrs. A. Ham; Treas., Mrs. L. Wilson; .Christian Steward- ship Sec., Mrs. T. B Baird; Periodical Sec., Mrs. A. -. Mc- Queen; Christian .Citizenship Sec., Mrs. L. Eyre; ,Community Friendship 'Sec., Miss IM. (Swan, Mrs. S. Mc$enzie, .Mrs. B. Thomson, Mrs. W. Moffatt; 'Supply Secretary, Miss E. Bow- ey; Associate 'Members' Sec., Mrs. IR..Allan 'Sr„ Literature Sec., Mrs. W. 'Scott; Expense Fund .Sec., Mrs. W. Douglas; (Press Sec., Mrs. J3. 'Dalrymple; Pianist, Mrs. G. 'Henderson; As.. sistant Pianist, Miss 1M. Mc- Queen; C!G.I.T. Leaders, ' Mrs. M. 'Graham, Mrs. G. Clifton; Mission Band Supts., Mrs. E. Allen, Mrs. G. Swan; Baby Band Supts., :Mrs, 0. Triebner, Mrs. C. Henderson; Nominating Com- mittee, IMi'ss E. Bowey, ,Mrs. W. Fathering/lam, Mrs. J. (Broad- foot; Auditors, Mrs. J. (Cairns,. Mrs. H. Dalrymple. The , IC.G.I.T. meeting was held in the school room Of the IBrucefield United Church on Jan. 14th with 15 members and the leaders, Mrs. Mel Grahame and Mrs. Geo. Clifton answering the roll call with the offertory prayer. It was decided to hold a Valentine party and invite an- other ICGIT Group. • Committees were appointed to look after lunch, games and contests. 'A motion was made to order more copies of "Lift Your Voices". 'Mrs. Graham conducted the worship service and gave aread- ing on Japan. Mrs. Clifton read letters of Japanese children tell- ing of their life. Mrs. Davison showed some ''Gods' . `of Japan. &Tanne .Haugh conducted a con- test. 'Grace Clifton treated Ibhe group to dandy. The meeting closed with prayer and "Taps". WINTHROP A social evening will be held in flbe Church under the auspi- ces of ;the W. A. on Friday ev- ening, Jan. 124th. at '8!30 ,p.m. Films and 'musical numbers will he presented.- Circles 1 and 2 please 'bring cookies. 'Circle 3 and 4, sandwiches. Everyone is urged to attend. The C.o rr . meeting was op - I CARD OF THANKS Thefano y i1 of the a late. Mrs. William Ross wish to thank their. friends and neighbors for the kind expressions of sympathy and kindness during their bereave - merit COMING EVENT A, hot beef supper will be held Feb, 14 in Northside United Church under auspices of the 'General W.A. from 5 to 7 Auction Sale Of vaccinated Holstein cattle 'on Wed., Feb. 5th, at 1.30 p.m. at lot 5, Con. 3; Stanley twp., 114 west and 1y4 miles north of ISip- pen. 30 Holstein heifers 1 years old, due to freshen in February. 5 Hereford' spring calves. 3 Hol- stein veal 'calves. All the above cattle are, in ex- cellent condition. Terms cash Prop., Alex McBetb .Aust., Harold Jackson Clerk, E. P. Chesney" FOR SALE Six springing Guernsey heifers and some fresh milkers from Eas- tern Ontario and ,Ohio," all pure bred and vaccinated. Win. J. Dale, RM. Clinton FOR SALE One purebred Hereford bull, 3 years old, quiet, used to running in pasture. Herd accredited. Apply to Arthur Finlayson, Kipper rri FOR SALE Quantity of feed beans, would sell by ton. Apply Wilbur Keyes, phone 656x11 Seaforth FOR SALE Border collie pups 6 weeks old. 81x8 Dublin. (Fergus Horan A 'quantityy Aof baled straw. Wright & Leyburn, 283w Seaforth LOST Five white faced heifers about 700 to 750 lbs. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these animals please phone -24x3 Dublin Chas. Kleber, Walton RR1 FOR SALE Baby carriage, good condition, silver gray. Phone 693R Seaforth .FOR SALE Two lots of high ground in Sea - forth suitable to build on. Approx- imately 2 acres land with build- ings. Also will sell 6 room house, with insul-brick siding, hen house for 500 laying hens, stable with cement foundation suitable for 5 sows. Will sell or trade onsmall farm in vicinity of Seaforth. Also a Holstein bull, eligible- for serv- ice, from well bred stock, and a Jersey bull 1 year old, from good breeding. Also boar for service. Furnace wood for sale. J. R. Burns, Seaforth. Phone 69R mor- ning before 7, noon, or after 6 p.m. Also pick up garbage Sat. ` IN MEMORIAM Wietersen —In loving• -memory of a dear husband and father, Henry Wietersen, who 'passed away one year ago Jan. 23, 1957 We stood beside your bedside, Our hearts were crushed and sore We tended you with love and care 'Til we could do no more In tears we saw you suffer And slowly fade away And God knows Trow we miss you Gone one year today. —Lovingly remembered by his wife and family IN MEMORIAM In memory of Annie Watson who passed away Jan. 37, 1948 The pearly gates were open, A gentle voice said come, And With farewells unspoken She gently entered home. —Lovingly remembered by the. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the neigh- bors and friends for their help in saving what could have been a disastrous fire- on Saturday. . Mr. and Mi•s, Vincent Lane FOR SALE Five choice Yorkshire sows ready to 'breed. Apply to George Blake, rr4 Seaforth, phone 654r31 Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. On account of continuing heavy fire losses, the Board of Directors of the company have found it necessary to increase the rate per $100 of insurance on -rural property to 20 cents yearly effect- ive from Jan. 20th, 1958, on renely- als and new businese and also on second and third instalments of 1956 (numbers 1779 up) and 1957 (numbers 3166 up) policies and on the second and third instalments of those 1958 policies already taken out. There is no change in the rate per $100 of 15 cents yearly on Dwellings, Churches, Schools, Halls, etc. In Towns and Villages with fire protection, The minimum yearly premiums on rural risks will now be $3.00. Minimum on other risks un- changed at $2.00 yearly, E, .Clayton Colquhoun, President Arthur Fraser, Secretary -Treasurer ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the 'Os- borne & Hibbert Mutual Fire In- surance ,Company 'will be held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on Mon- day, February 3, 1958, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Aud- it ud• ito• for the raet ear for the 1 Y . election of two Directors for a ened with the hymn and Pur- pose. Our theme was, Taking a stand as a Christian. The call to worship was given by the President. Hymn 348 was sung and Jean (Hilden gave a short meditation. The scripture was given by Joan (Boyd. The pray- er by Marlene ,Pepper. The Mis- sion !Study was given by Mrs. W. Little: Rev. !Summerell gave the Bible Study. The offering was taken followed by response. We planned to have -our Christ- ian -Youth Night on Friday, Jan. Slat. East of the highway are to be bring sandwidhes and West to bring cookies. Our World Day of Prayer is to be (held on Feb. 115 at 2 p.m. The Mission Band will join us on this special oeca- si•on. The meeting closed by re- peating the Lord's Prayer and Taps.. Mrs. Toll was then pre- sented with a gift for her will- ing leadership and her interest in the 'C.G.iLT. organization. A 'delicious lunch was then served by the WJM.S. HENSALL Complimenting Mr. and "Mrs. Clarence Volland on their 25th wedding anniversary a family gathering was held at their home when a dinner was served by a •church group. They receiv- ed eceiveed many 'beautiful gifts of wer, china and furniture. Later in ,the evening a number of 'friends gathered when sari's were enjoyed and a social time enjoyed. At the annual meeting of South Huron Agricultural Society at Hensall on Saturday, Robert Mc- Gregor was elected first vice president; Jim 1Doig, Seaforth, second vice president, and Jim McGregor, Kippen, secretary trea- surer, Earl Dick is president. Di- rectors are Hay township, V: L. 1 Becker, Earl Campbell; Tucker - 1 smithJim Doig, Robert McGreg- or; Usborne, Sam Dougall, Harry Dougall; Hibbert, Jack Kinsman, Earl Dick; Stanley, Elgin Mc- Kinley, Bert McBride;. Stephen, Otto Willert, Russell Brown; Reneall, George Armstrong, Nor- man Jones, Lorne Luker, The annual spring show, form- erly held on the last day of May, has been set for June 13 this year. The' treasurer reported a bank balance of ,$350. It was decided to have as. ad- ditional feature at the 1958 fair of steer calves weighing between 700 and 900 pounds, open to any- one in the community that wishes to sell his calf along with those of the boys and girls of the Hen- sel' Calf Club. Special prizes will I he awarded for this group. -The president and secretary were ap- Pointed to attend the convention of the Association of Agricultural Societies of Ontario, at Toronto, Feb, 26 and 27, Mr, Dick was in the chair for the meeting three-year term, election of one Director for a two -Year term to complete the:terni of Harry Coat- es, election of Auditors, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company. ' The Directors whose .term of office expires are William A. Ha- milton and Milton McCurdy, both 'of whom are eligible for Yee -elec- tion. E. Clayton Colquhoan, President Arthur Fraser, Secretary -Treasurer SPECIAL OCCASION ? Place your order for freshly baked sponge or angel food cakes. Phone -r 6. Mrs, Gordon Muegge.. FOR SALE Bulova, pocket size Transistor Radio in smart leatherette, Was 69.95, priced for quick sale at 54.95. Savauges PAPER HANGING ,And Painting. See our 1958 Wallpapers. Doug Dalton, Seaforth NOTICE Guaranteed radio and TV. re- pairs. We give satisfaction. R. D. Scott, Radio -TV service, upposite Commercial hotel FOR SALE Flowers — Snapdragon, mums, carnations, potted planta. Baker's Greenhouse, phone 356, Seaforth FOR SALE Stoker coal and Hard coal. We deliver. Write, or phone 36r13 Dublin. Krauskopf Bros. CATTLE SPRAYING Cattle spraying for .lice, call collect Hubert Cooper, Exeter. phone 590J9 ESTATE Auction Sale Of Farm Property. There will be. offered for sale by public auc- tion at the premises on Wed„ Jan. 29th, at 1.80 p.m. The farm con- sisting of 50 acres more or less, being the west half of lot 18, con. 12, McKillop Twp., County of Huron. Terms, 10% down, bal- ance in 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Estate of late John Robertson; Executors, Joseph Holmes. Solicitors,- Crawford & Hetherington. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson TOWN OF SEAFORTH- NOTICE PARKING By order of police. to facili- tate snow removal or snow plowing operations, no ,parking will be allowed on the Streets of this Municipality between the hours of 2 A.M. and 8 A.M. This older will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act-1Sectiion 43, Subsection 9. Notice is hereby given` 'that the said Municipality will not be responsible for any damages' caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal or snow plowing operation$. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD one 7 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, January 23, 1958 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. 8eTAPLETON' Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforsh SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady. M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily - - except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and 'Sit• urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable TURNBULL & BRYAN VETERINARY .CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BR VANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M„ V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN 8. LONGSTAFF - OPiertm htt Phone 791. , Main St.. Seaforth Hours--Seaforth daily except Mon.. 9 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM, Thur. ems by appointment only.. Clinton HU -2.7060:. above Hawkins' Hdwe. Mon. 9 to 6.89 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates _'in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire - • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 384 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS- & LONEY Phone 673 or 332-R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SHAF,ORTH, ONT. oficere-President, Wm. S. Alexander; Viae -Pres„ R. Archibald: Manager and Seo.-Treas., ]Sf, A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth; - J. H. MoEwing, Hlyth • W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. S. Pepper, Brucefield • C. W. Leonbaldt. Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderleh; E. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister - BroadfoML Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeeboro; J. F. Procter, Brodhagen • Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. -- Parties desirous to effect Insurance os transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 Res. 2188 Gala. RADIO Rinexpensive and radio rpairs to all Idnds of radio.. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Oppoah• Dick House, phone 8475, Seaforth NOTICE If you want gravel. sand, top soil or excavating just phone 854 Seaforth. ED BOYCE ISRAESIDE REST HOME For elderly people and oonvalesaenta. Telephone Mrs. Boyce, 126 W Mitchell NOTICE For artificial Insemination informs. Hon or service from' all breeds of cattle, Phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Ae• iodation at: Clinton HU 2-9441 between 7.90 and 9.30 A.M. We have all breeds available—top quality at low cost. FOR SALE Authorized agent for Vildng Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub-. lin, Clinton and Hensall district. Repairing a specialty. A few good used ones on hand. Basil O'- Rourke, Bruceefild. Phone -Hun- ter 2.9131- Old horsesNwanted at 3%c ib., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once.. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 148374 or 148371 (Goderich). HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 686w NOTICE • Tuckersmith Township Dump- ing Grounds will he closedafter Dec, 28th,' until further notice