The Seaforth News, 1957-06-20, Page 1The Seaforth News
$1.60 a Year
Authorized as Second Glass mall,
Post : Office Dent., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
AnotherAddition to Scott
Memorial .Hospital in the near
future isan urgent necggssity,
iMayor E. A. McMaster told Sea -
forth town . council at the :regu
Sar June meeting on Thursday
evening, Five patients, : some
serious, were now in the (hospital
halls, he said, tfor dock of proper
accommodation. The matter
came up during discussion of
• the resignation of the town's
appointee to the ;hospital board,
R. S. Box. Approximate . cost of
a 80 -bed addition iwoulcl 'be
around $150,000, the Mayor
stated. Provincial and county
grants would ,make available up-
wards of $50,000a towards a
hospital addition. ISea£or•bh and
surrounding townships would
snake- generous grants, it was
In his letter of resignation,
Mr. Box said he had been un-
able to attend the last three hos-
pital'board meetings and felt he
'was not doing justice to the ap-
-- Reeve Scoins reported shout
county hospital 'grants, On sug-
gestion of (Councillor Christie a
new appointment to the hospital
board was -left over to the mext
Mayor 1VIeMaster said since
the addition was built to Sea -
forth hospital, that'two additions
had 'been spade to Wingham
hospital, also Clinton and God-
erich hospitals had been added
Necessary street work was re-
ported by Streets 'Chairman
(Christie, whish included . sosne
sidewalk repair. 'Drain and catch
basin work had been done, he
The property committee re-
port was given by 'Chairman
Scott Hablrirk. New toilets in
the town hall were discussed,
also blinds for the new offices.
Authority -was granted to ..the
property committee to dispose
eepf the old stock scales •at the
rC,l3 x. to a farmer near Varna
for $25. The scales are no long-
er in use and the ICNR is anxious
to Have them removed from
their property.
'Councillor William Miall,
Parks chairman, reported that
the grass at Ibhe park had (been
cwt twice and flowers were ord-
ered for the park. The sugges-
tion was offered if tree stumps
at the park have decayed en-
ough, they might be - cut off at
greumd level.
Belief Chairman, Norman
Steins was granted authority by
council to pay for : insulin for a
local resident. The cost is esti-
mated at 75e a month to ' the
Reeve !Scoins reported on
county council matters, then in
session. 1County tax rate will be
1234 mills this year, up 3 mill.
There is a possibility of another
three mills later for roads, be
„asaid. On Monday the . county
council had visited bridge con-
struction in the northern part
of the county. On Tuesday they
had an informative tour of the
St. Marys cement plant wnere
;they saw cement bags emerge at
the rate of two per second, only
part of the output. At London
they were guests of (the univer-
sity. !Reeve 'Scoins said he had
discussed cemetery operation
with some of the other reeves,
and was impressed by the Ex-
xeter setup.
In reply to a question, Coun-
cillor Christie said he under-
stood the present cemetery
board would he willing to carry
on for the time being if the de-
ficit were met by the municipali-
ties. He
unicipali-ties.lHe would find out definite-
An application from the Mar-
ley firm to erect a billboard on
East -Goderich street on the lot
on the north side at the drain,
was refused.
The annual 'bylaw granting a
10 -mill tax exemption to farm.
lands within the corporation
was passed.
Authority was given Council -
kr Habkirk for Ibhe sewage com-
rtnittee to put a load 'of top soil
on 1L. Aberhart's lawn which had
been cut by traffic •during sew-
er work.
Councillor Christie recom-
mended that council clear .up its
account with Mr. Reid, sewer
engineer. (Council should be free
-of him -and would be well ad-
vised to get advice from some
other engineer on the Goderioh
street project, he said. -Council
}decided to ,pay one 'amount of
016.5 and hold back the balance
until smatters at the -disposal
plant are satisfactorily adjusted.
The police committee will con-
sult with the police about young
fellows swooping their cars
around at the station yard.
'Councillor Christie 'thought" a
stop sign .might help, Stones
have been ; thrown as lar as the,
middle of the bowling green by
cars making a quick !turn, he
Reeve Scoins said unpleasant
odors are caused by (burning
leather scraps in a field near the
idumnp. 'This was left to the pro-
perty connanittee.
Street oiling starts this week,
tOouneillor Christie reported.
The C. G, I. T. of First Pres-
byterian ,Clhurc'h are having a
tea, and sale of home made c•an-
•dy and cookies in the Sunday
School room of the Church on
iSaturclay af'termoon, : June 22.
Cardiff Official
Majority 3,453
The official count; of the vote
in Huron Riding was made at
the office -of Ibhe returning offi-
cer; Kenneth (Hunter, IGoderieb,
on 1Tuesday. Cardiff's official
majority, including the service
vote is 13,453.
Some small 'changes in the re-
sult are made from the unoffi-
cial results last week in polls in
Brussels, -Clinton, Exeter, God -
c -rich twp., Grey, Hullett and
There were 188 spoiled bal-
lots in the riding.
Mr. Cardiff's total vote was
12,3213,and'Mr, McLean's 8,870.
Total ballots cast was 21,381
out of a total possible vote of
25,128, making a percentage of
The result of the service vote
in Huron Riding is Cardiff 106,
McLean 317. Received on 'Sat-
urday from Ottawa by Return-
ing Officer Kenneth Hunter of
Goderieh the service vote .close-
ly follows the pattern of e to 1
Liberal all across Canada. One
riding, Yukon, was changed by
the service vote, from a Conser-
vative to 'a Liberal win.
Whipper Watson
Here July 5th
(By W. T. Teall)
The most important effort
put forth so far by the Athletic
Association to secure -funds to
pay off -last season's debt will
be held Friday night when the
Mart Kenny show and dance is
held at the arena.
The response received for this
show could possibly decide whe-
ther the effort put into promot-
ing these entertainments are
appreciated, and should be con-
tinued. The answer to this is
entirely in your hands now.
We have just received con-
firmation that "Whipper" Billy
Watson will be available to
wrestle in Seaforth on July 5th.
His opponent will he Gene Kin
iski, the tough guy,so disliked
by all TV wrestling fans. The
Whipper has consented to come
to Seaforth because the money
made' ie used for promotion of
minor 'sports. We are certainly
very pleased with his decision to
come here as he had to cancel
a previous engagment to make
this appearance.
(Be will be available for auto-
graphs to all ehildren so (bring
your pencil and paper, kids.
Besides _the main event of
Watson and Kiniski there will
be a full card of well known
Toronto TV wrestlers. Save
Friday, July 5th for Seaforth
A financial report will again`
be made following the Mart
Kenny Show. Please attend and
help us by enjoying yourself.
We will be seeing you, I hope.
The members of the 'Seaforth
Chamber of 'Commerce will (hold
their regular monthly meeting,
Tuesday, June 25th at 8 pats.
This is a very important
meeting in the life of the local
chamber. !Much has happened
since the last meetingand if the
local chamber is going to carry
on, your full co-operation is re-
quested andyour attendance is
urgently needed. All members
are requested to attend.
In a 'double ring ceremony at
First Presbyterian !Church, . Sea -
forth, the marriage took place of
Mavis Darlene Bennewies, daug-
hter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ben-
newies, iSeaforth, to William Jas.
Wilds, spnof bIr. end Mrs.
Clarence Wilds, Crediton. Rev.
Glenn Casnpbell 'officiated. The
Ibridesmaid was Mrs. Ralph Ben-
newies, sister-in-law of bride.
Groomsman was Mr. Frank
Glanville, Crediton. The bride
was dressed in white taffeta
with fitted bodice, long Lull
skirt with tiered nylon net ,over-
sleirt. Her chantilly lace jacket
had long lilypoint sleeves and
was fastened at the waist with
rhinestone (buttons. Her waist -
length veil was fastened to a
headdress set with lily of the
valley. (Her necklace and ear-
rings were rhinestone. Sete :car-
ried a bouquet of rosy - anauve
clhrysanvthemunts. ' The ibrides-
inaid's dress was powder blue
taffeta, fitted [bodice ,and
short "'sleeve shrug bolero. Her
,full skirt was ankle -length'' with
matching net overskirt set off in
diamond shape with shirred net
frilling. She wore a headdress of
,blade flowers and ,carried iyellow
The wedding dinner and re-
ception were held at the home of
the bride's ' ,parents. The bride's
mother was dressed in navy ny-
lon sheer, with pink accessories,
The groom's another was dressed
in Shadow blue with pink acces-
sories. Mrs. George DeJong and
Mrs. George Tunny' served. '
Guests were presenttfrom Cre-
diton, Goderich, Gowanstown,
Listowel, _ Toronto, Brantford,
Woodstock, iBeaohvil'le and Brod-
Anagen. The couple will reside in
Presentation to R.ev.lAnnual Meeting of
and Mrs. Holden Hospital Auzciliary
Marking ilhe (close of a highly
succeseeul: year the Women's
Auxiliary to 'Scott .(Memorial
Ho;apital anet an Tuesday, June
11th at the Victorian Inn, Strat-
ford, 'when 56 members enjoyed
dinner and• asocial evening.
Court Whist was played with
prizes being won by Mrs. R.
Whiteley, Mrs. P. L. Bradyady andMrs. Grahame, Other prizes were
won during the evening by Mrs.
T. Flynn, Mrs, D. Stewart, Mrs.
J. Crich and Mrs, E. Larose.
Mrs. E. A. IMeMaeter presided
over a short business meeting
when all reports were submitted.In the past two years the mem-
bership has increased by 831 so
that now there are 65 active
members. There were 9 regular
meetings in the last year and 2
Regional meetings, one at Wood-
stock, 'Sept. 1956 and one at
Exeter, Ape. 1957 at which the
Seaforth Auxiliary ;was well re -
resented. Thehe net Regional
meeting• will be in Seaforth, on!
Oct. '2, 195'7,
The major ,fund raising events
which ,netted approximately
$1200 were Tag Day, Rummage
Sale, Bridge, 'Turkey Raffle,
Gingham Dance, and a Penny
A quantity of linens abd a
Sitz Bathwere .purchased for
the 'H•oseital 'and 14 (bedroom
Chairs for the residence.
A. Bursary of $125.00 will be
dtreeeuted yearly to a S.D.H.S.
student entering the nursing
profession. This was won this
year by 'Miss Sally Nott.
Treasurer's Report
A large number of members
of 'Cavan. Church 'net in the
school Toone on Tuesday evening
to honor, (Rev. and :Mrs. Holden
and 'family prior to their moving
to London. Rev. W. M. Thomas
of Walton; was chairman. The
following, program was present-
ed. 0 Canada; solo, jLinda Som-
erville; film, One Little Indian;
piano duet, Marlene Pepper and
Elaine Beattie; •film, The Beav-
er makes •a con -hack,
Mr. Thomas called on the
Holden family to come forward
and Mrs. 'Ernie Toll read an ad-
dress testifying the esteem in
which this fine (family was held
and expressing the regret the
congregation feels at their leav-
ing this Charge. 'David Haase,
IRonald Little and Toni Somer-
ville presented each of the boys
with a pen and pencil set. Robt.
McClure and R. K. McFarlane
presented the family with a eine
kitchen set. "The Queen" was
sung after which a sing song
wets enjoyed. Lunch was served.
and a pleasant evening ended.
'Teen-agers Fly
Model Planes
Flying model airplanes has be'_
conte quite a hobby among the
teen-age boys in Seaforth. At
present aibout a dozen boys are
engaged in the sport and'their
nuniber is constantly increasing.
-The -old recreation ground on
South Main Street is used quite
a lot for a flying field. The oth-
er evening over 20 cars gathered
to watch, attracted by the
squealing motors.
One lady in the neighborhood
says the motors sound just like
bumble bees.
'The wing spread of the model
planes varies from 16 inches up
to 40 inches. All planes are
built from plans in hobby books
or kits of parts ready for as-
sembling. Motors are of various
sizes according to the size of the
planes and use a special fuel
comprising a mixture of ether,
castor oil, menthol and other
(Mosquitoes iust love the smell
of this special fuel and are at-
tracted in swarms when flying
is in progress the boys claim.
The planes are flown on a
control wire which may vary in
length from 25 feet to 52 feet,
snaking a flying circle up to 104
feet. Sixteen times around with
the 'long line makes a anile, the
mathematicians say.
Me anodel,planes can be made
to stunt fly in loops and rolls
just like Teal planes,: by manipu-
lating the elevators on the tail
The boys say they are now
looking forward to flying radio
controlled model planes.
High School Singers
To Appear on TV
The Seaforth District Aires,
a group of high school singers
will appear on IOKNX television,
Sunday Showcase at 5 p.m.,
Juno 28rd, The (pianist is 'Caro-
lyn (Neil, !first prize winner at
Goderich Music Festival. The
singers are eight boys and eight
girls: Stan Brown, Gerald Sloan,
Ken Ryan, Ray ,Scoins, Donald
Morris, Barry IH•oegy, Harmon
Brod'hagen, Bob Binnendyk, Ma-
rie 'Sinclair, Betty Muegge, Ca-
thy Basher', Ellen Gorwill, Mar-
garet Wood, Bonny McLeod,
(Bernice Glanville, and Virginia
The regular monthly meeting
of the C. W. L. was held in the
school room on Tuesday evening
with 28 members present. The
president, Mrs. M. Etre opened
the meeting with the League
prayer. The secretary's report
was read by Miss M. Fortune.
The first vice pres., Mrs. J. Ma-
loney reported 89 anembers. The
second vice, Mrs. A. Pretty re-
ported 22 certificates given to
the (children who made their
first eoanmuniomti The third vice,
Mrs. M. Williams reported three
boxes sent to the Sisters of
Service. The treasurer's report
was given by Mrs. J. Bannon.
The correspondence was read by
(Mrs. J. Devereaux. Mrs. M.
Etre gave a very interesting
talk on the Annual Diocesan
Convention held at St. Thomas
in May. The meeting closed with
prayer. Lunch was served by
Mrs. J. Flannery and Mrs. A.
Ellen Hawthorne Neilame, for_
merly Ellen McGill, a life-long
resident of Hulett township and
district, died in :Seat (Memorial
Hospital on Friday. She was the
eviclow of 'Thomas Neilans, who
died seven years ago. She was a
member of (Burns United
Church, Hullett township. She
married her late huslband on
January 6, 1904. !Surviving -are
one eon, Seines, of 'Hullett;
Iiahree brothers, James McGill of
!Clinton; John of Goderich; Lind
William, who lives in 'Colorado.
The funeral .took place from
the funeral house of !Ball and.
IVlutch, ''Clinton, where service
was ;conducted Monday, June' 17,
at 2 p.nt. Rev. J. T, White, of
Londeeboro officiated and (burial
was in Maitlandbank Cemetery,
The .pallbearers were: Jobe
Rapson, John Taylor, George
Case, 'George Smith, Bob Dodds,
James (McClure.
Bank Bal. Sept 56 , . $ 822.69
Bank Interest ...... 16.21
Tag 'Day proceeds ,. 127.50
Membership .. - 18.25
Rummage Sale 233.4-5
Bridge 37.75
Turkey Raffle 169.55
'Gingham Dance 167,72
Penny 'Sale .. 565.25
Beauty Goons. refund 114.00
Collection 54.56
Association Fees . ..
Beauty ,Counselor ...
(Convention Exp. , .. .
Bedroom chairs ..
Bed 'linens
'Christmas gifts 26.91
2 Turkeys for reffle 20.30
Hospitality cards ..:6. 2.50
Baby 'Cup 6.00
Penny Sale 12.20
Advertising 164.18
Miscellaneous . 9,58
Bank Bal. June 57 " ry1148,11
New Officers for 1957-58
Pres., Mrs. Harold Whyte; 1st
vice Pres., Mrs. Ray IBoussey;
2nd vice Pres., Mrs. Stewart
Gordon; Sec., Mrs. John Long-
staff; Treas., Mrs, A. Sildery;
Correspondence Sec., Miss Glad-
ys Thoanpson; Menabers'hip Rep.,
Mrs. Don Brightrall; Press and
Publicity, Mrs. John Patterson;
Social 'Convenor, Mrs. Frank
Silas Jr., Ways and Means IC'om-
anittee, Mrs. Harold Free, Mrs.
R. Whiteley, Mrs. T. Atkinson;
!Buying Committee, ivIiss 'Drope,
Mrs. II. E. Smith, Mrs. J. Tal-
bot; Mystery Box, (Miss D.
Institute Holds
Panel Discussion
The regular meeting of Sea -
forth W. I. met at the home of
Mrs. Gordon Popple .on Tues.,
June 11 with a good attendance.
Co hostess was Mrs. R. M. Scott.
Pres., Mrs. R. J. Doig opened
the meeting with the Institute
Ode and Mary Stewart Collect,
and Lord's grayer in unison.
Roll .call, name a way you can
be of assistance to a retarded
or handicapped person or their
parents. Minutes of last.aneet-
ing were read and adopted. The
treasurer's report was given. by
Mrs. Earl Pimple. Mrs. Les
Pryce and Mrs. Ross Gordon
were chosen to attend the train-
ing school and learn rug mak-
ing, and we are also considering
the anillinery coarse.
The Institute is having -a
booth -at the fall fair. 'Commit-
tee: Mrs. Earl Papple, Mrs. Har_
old Hugill, (Mrs. AndrewCro-
zier,,iMrrs. Gordon Papple.
Mrs. 'toss Gordon then took
over her part of ithe sheeting.
"This is ,my song" was sung
and motto, "what we are is
'God's gift to us: what we snake
of ourselves is our gift to God",
was given by Mrs. Eldon Kerr.
A panel discussion on retard-
ed, -children was given by Mrs.
Ross Gordon, Mrs, James Keys,
Mrs. Gordon McKenzie,
Reports of the district annual
at Dashwood a short time ago
were given by Mrs. Eldon Kerr
and Mrs. Wilfred 'Coleman. Mrs.
Rose 'Gordon thanked Mrs.. Pape
pie for the use of her home.
Meeting closed with "The
Queen" and lunch was served
by ;the hostess and lunch come;
mittee and a social (half thour
was spent.
The W. I. are having the an-
nual Ilnstiturte °picnic at the.
'home of alt. and ieirs..'Rolbert,
'J. Doig on Monday evening,
Jame '24th at 8 o'clock. Each
member is to bring a dozen 'tarts
unless otherwise contacted.
Everyone welcome.
Presentation Made
'by C. W. L.
A party was held at the hoane
of Mrs. Arthur Devereaux when
mieinbers of the IC,W,L. and
neighbours gathered to honour
Miss Mary Van Den dlengel pri-
or to her leaving to enter rbhe
St. Joseph's Order of Nuns in
Londom, Bingo was played. An
address was then read by Mrs,
J. J. -Cleary and Mrs. Jos. Dev-
ereaux presented Mary with a
suitsble gift. Mary in her quiet
sincere way expressed her
'thanks and all joined in sing-
ing "For (She's a Jolly Good
Fellow," after which lunch was
served. The address was as fel-
lows: -
'Dear Mary, -We have conte
here tonight to congratulate you
on the ,decision you have made
to become a OReli:gious in the
congregation of the Sisters of
St. Joseph, London.
The prayers at Benediction of
our zealous pastor, Father We-
ber, and of the conngregation
have not been in vain. The
splendid example of your good
.parents has also done much, for,
do we not know that vocations
(begun in the home?
God bas stoopeddown and
whispered "(Come follow me".
"You have not chosen ane but I
have chosen you" Says our Lord.
You have not turned aside but
lave 'heeded the call. We trust
that your example will help
others who are probably waver-
It will mean a sacrifice for
you, dear (Mary, and for your
loved ones. God will not be out-
done in generosity. Has He not
said, "Those who leave father
and another, house or lands for
my sake will have happiness a
hundredfold in this life .and eter-
nal happiness in the next."
We are going to miss you for
you have been a good Socialist,
a faithful ghoir ,member -and
helpful in all activities. And
now we wish you, dear Mary, to
accept this gift which is encircl-
ed with our prayers and good
wishes for your happiness.
In return we ask you in your
new 'home to remember in your
prayers your many friends in
Seaforth. God love you to -day
and every day."
The Seaforth Sub -Division of
the C.W,L. and your many
One of Ibhe older and highly
regarded residents of this vicin-
ity, Mrs. Addie IColclough, died
at her (home in Hullett Town-
ship, near Kinburn, . about 8 o'..
Trimming, cock, Friday June 14,
in her 89th year, following ail-
ing health for the past ten
years. Formerly Addie •Thuell,
she was (born in Morris twp. end
came to Hullett 67 years ago.
She was married to Henry ICol-
clough who predeceased her in
1919. Surviving are three ,sons:
Ernie IColclough of Saslgatch-
ewan and Arnold and Clifford
•Colelough of Hullett, 'also -a sis-
ter and brother, Mrs. Forbes
Laurie of Buffalo, and Robert
Thuell of Palmerston. The fun-
eral took place on Monday aft-
ernoon from the G. A. Whitney
Funeral (Home, Rev. J. W, But-
ton of Tavistock -officiating. In-
terment was in Maitland Bank
Cemetery. The pallbearers were:
Luxton Thuell, Stratford; Ken-
neth Thuell, and Tud Thuell, of
Palmerston; Hans Edler, Sea -
forth; 'Howard Armstrong, Kin -
1111 1111111111{8 1 ... "Mir ..... 1.111111111,IIIY,1111,11,11111111 .stns 1....
Check these features for
outstanding value
as above but with leather band
as illustrated above with
matching expansion bracelet
ALL above features
plus goldplated case and
matching . expansion bracelet
Also a complete line of Bulova, Gruen, Elgin,
Westfield, Elco, Certina and Cornell Watches
at attractive prices
NOTE; All watches serviced and repaired on the premises
by our own certified watchmaker
to, received a prize for her quilt
in the recent Toronto Star
Weekly Contest.
Mr. and (Mrs. Jerome Nichol-
son, London, with Mr. and Mrs.
James Krauskopf.
:Mrs. Frank Kistner attended
-a Retreat at Brescia Hall last
Miss Loreen Looby, R.N., of
St. Joseph's (Hospital Staff, in
London, spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard -Casey,
Illhamesville, with Mt, and Mrs.
Albert Krame's.
burn; Russell Colclough, Varna. and Mrchildren,andMrs. of WJackest Mon'ktonCostello,.
with 'Mrs. Loretta Jordan.
'Miss 'Beatrice Murray, Brant-
ford, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John E. Murray.
Ryan -Dillon
A quiet but pretty wedding
was solemnized in St. Patrick's
IGhureh, Dublin, when Rev. J. B.
Ffculkes, 'D:CJL. united in mar-
riage Madelyn Loretta Rose Dil_
Ton, daughter of Mrs. Louis Dil-
lon and the late Louis Dillon,
to Mr. Sylvester (Ryan, son of
Ibirs. William Ryan and the late
William Ryan.
The (bride: given in marriage
by her (brother, Mr. Maurice
Dillon, St. Thomnas,:wore a pink
suit of wool and rayon fibrene
with white hat and accessories,
and she carried a white prayer
book topped with white roses.
She eves attended by her sister,
Miss Dorothy Dillon in a suit of
Aqua with white accessories;
she also carried a prayer book
with pink roses. Mr. Joseph Ry-
an, brother of the bridegroom
was groomsman.
Following an extended honey-
moon :Mr. and Mrs. Ryan will re-
side on the groom's fara`n in El-
Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Brick,
Detroit, with Mrs. Kathleen
Mr. and Mrs, (Frank, Evans at-
'tended the Biggins -Bene wed-
ding in Toronto on !Saturday.
Mr. arid 'Mrs. Joseph E. Feen-
ey, Louis, Jerome and Planer
Feeney :Miss Anne Roach, Mr;
and Mrs. Martin Feeney and
'Mrs. Kathleen Feeney attended
bile' funeral of Mrs. Thos. Feen-
ey in London one Tuesday.
elr. Percy Stapleton, Toledo,
Ohio, Mrs. Jinn -Newcombe and
son Jim, Port Credit, with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill- Stewart, of
Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Stewart.
(Rev. A. Durand, -St. 'Peter's
'Seminary, ,London, with Rev.
Dr. Ffoulkes.
Mrs. Elsie Jordison, who is
visiting her daughter in Toron-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Prase -
cater and family attended a re-
ception Saturday evening in
honour of IMt. and Mrs. Howard
Clarke, newlyweds, of Crediton
and also spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Glanville of
Crediton and Mr. and (Mrs. Roy
Baynhant of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter,
celebrated on -Saturday, June 15
their 471h wedding anniversary
and entertained their family and'
close relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman. Brock
of Thorndale spent Sunday aft-
ernoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wnt.
Jewitt and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson
spent Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs.
E. F. Warren and family of
Sunday visitors with rely. and
Mrs. Ken Preszeator and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pfaff
and family of 'Crediton, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Jennison and family
of Grand Bend, and Mr. and
Mrs. Mervyn Webb and Darlene
of Dashwood.
;Mr. and Mrs, Borden Brown
and girls, on Sunday afternoon,.
attended a family picnic in hon-
or of Father's Day in the Han-
over Park, ;and visited with Mt.
and :Mrs. Joe Brown, also of
bit's, Fred Buchanan and in-
fant soil returned home from
Scott Memorial Hospital on Sue -
Many friends of 1Vir. 'George
Hoggar:t, who etas 'not been well
of late, wish him a speedy and
complete recovery to good
The !Sunday School Anniver-
eery of IC-onstance United Church
was held Sunday afternoon. Mr.
special speaker and gave a very
understanding topic both for the
Sunday School children and the
parents and teachers as well,
bringing -out that 'Character' is
your greatest asset, and that
we should grow up and live as
the word in the Bible. The choir
of the Junior :Sunday School
children, under the leadership
of Mrs. Frank Riley rendered:
two choruses with Marjory Hog- •
gart taking the solo part in the
latter, and a solo by Mary Mc,
W.A. and W.M.S. Meefing
The W.A. and W.M.S. meeting
of Constance United Church
was held last Wednesday even-
ing in the Sunday School rooms.
Mrs. Vern Dale opened the W.
A. with hymn 152 followed by
the Lord's Prayer. Minutes were
read and roll call and business
transacted and given over to
the WaM.S.
Mrs. (McGregor presided over
WMS and read "There is no
sorrow to Light", followed by a
hymn. Minutes were read, and
scripture read by Mrs. William
Jewitt. YPhe Stewardship paper,
"Stewardship of Tilne" by Mrs.
B. Brown. A Temperance read-
ing by Mrs. Wsn. Jewitt. Study
book was taken by Mrs. W. -L.
Whyte and Mrs. Geo. Hoggant
on 'Hong Kong and Formosa,
stating the need for more help
of Doctors, teachers, books,
.Schools, IChurehes, evglrything
to further more education for
Christian help. 'Hymn 2-21 closed
the program followed by the
The July meeting' of the W.
A. and WMS will be held in the
basement of Cavan Church on
Wednesday evening, June 26th,
at 8.15 pen. Please note change
in. date and time. This is the
(Christian Citizenship meeting
with Mrs. Wm. Church in charge.
of the .li rogram and •Circle 3, will
be in charge of the handle
Congregational and Sunday
School picnic of Cavan Church
will be 'held at Jowett's Grove,
Bayfield, .Saturday, June 22.
Mrs. Norman Ohanahait. of
London was a guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. McIear-
lane over the weekend,
Mr. David (Reis :of Ypsilanti,
Mich., and formerly of Sheldon,
North Dakota called on Mr.
and Mrs. R. K. McFarlane one
Mi•. .and 'Mrs, Middaugh 'and
son of London were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Hawley of Winthrop and Mrs.'
Same Scott of Seaforth was the. C. Hawley of Egnondville.