The Seaforth News, 1957-06-06, Page 7Election Issues
In response to- an invitation
to the candidates from several
local newspapers for an article
Informing the electors on party
issues, the following Is contrib-
uted by L. E. "Cardiff, Progres-
sive Conservative Candidate.
Yours sincerely,
During this election campaign,;
Canadian unity has been mention-
ed many times: The Prime Min-
ister has _taken the role of the
Great Mediator of national unity.
Let us look at the facts as they
exist today. Uncle Louis, as he ^10
so often called, no longer can
make claim to National Unity.
Even Quebec, the one. Province
which. through the years could be
counted on tostand behind the
Priine Minister have now kicked
over the traces and according to
reports will not any longer be a
solid blockfor the Liberal Party,
In this election, when: the Primo
Minister made his official visit to
Manitoba, the Prime Minister of.
that Province was not among
the Prime Minister's welcomers..
The Prime Minister has brand-
ed a new firm in Ontario, "Frost -
. Diefenbaker•," a better deal for
Ontario, at the expense of the
other•. nine Provinces. Not much
hope for unity in ,those remarks..
At one time Quebec was protect-
ed against the rest of. Canada.
But now the tide has turned and
the rest of Canada are to be pro-
tected against Ontario.
Sir John A. MacDonald, the
founder of Confederation, was a
man of wide experience and vis-
ion, and did more to unite Canada
than any other man. The present
Prime Minister has done more to
dis-unite Canada than any other
man. If this trend is allowed to
continue for another one or two
Parliaments Canada will 'be the
hot bed for Communism greater
by far than has any Duropean
The Emergency 'Powers Act,
when' it came up for revision a
year ago, was another example of
the attitude of the Liberal Gover-
nment when. they fought to make
the Act permanent. They have all
the powers that were granted
them in war time. The only con-
sideration the Opposition got out
of the debate was, the Bill must.
come back to Parliament every
three years for revision.
The C. D. kIowe statement that
Canada is bursting at the seams,
simply means the seams are leak-
ing so badly our wealth and birth-
right are leaking into the United
States at a fast clip., We have
now over '3000 U.S. owned subsid-
iaries 'operating in Canada and
only 24 of the executive man-
agement in the hands of Canacl-
ians. These subsidiaries are do-
ing so well that aur trade bal-
ance with the United States is
over 1000 Million Dollars deficit.
Heavy taxes and succession
duties are breaking down Canad-
ian estates and businesses. U.S.
capital walks in and picks up the
bargains as the stock is thrown
on the market in order to pay
succession duties. With the U.S.
laws making capital losses deduc-
tible U.S. capital can buy out a
Canadian company and run it at
a loss to beat Canadian business.
The Progressive Conservatives
under Diefenbaker can see these
conditions and will if given a
chance, work :for the betterment
of Canadians sand Canadian com-
panies. When a firm goes on
spending more than it makes it
is heading for bankruptcy and
that can happen to a nation. In
1956 the value of the Canadian
goods sold abroad was 14,86.2,-
000,000: in the same year Canada
Purchased% goods from foreign
countries worth $5,712,000,000.
The -foreign delft was -thus $860,-
000,000. Iu fact each year for the
past three years Canada's trade
deficit has been almost double
that 02 the previous year. Of
course exports have gone up also.
In 1956-. exports were. 11.2% up,
from,1955: But ever the same per-
iod, our . imports were up. by
21.2%•, The largest trade deficit
was with -the U.S:A..In 1954 the
value of goods we purchased from
the U.S. was 594 Million .more
t1Yan the value of the goods sold
.--to them. In 19'65, the figure was
up to 840 Million. Last year it
was. up to 1,288 million. To my
mind this is serious business. Re-
gardless of the fact it has bean
drawn to their attention many
times, the Liberal' Government is
doing nothing about if.
The other day the Ron. Lester.
Pearson said in a speech that, he
thought something should be
done about it. C. D. Howe was
asked. what he planned to do
about it. Re said as far as the
Department of Trade and Com-
merce is concerned, we plan to
take no steps. Finance Minister
Walter Harris; when 'aslcecl, rep-
lied, that his Department wasn't
planning to do any more than
that of Mr. Howe. The tact is as
a nation we are mortgaging our-
selves. We are importing Foreign
Capital- which is steadily buying
np•our assets, our mines, our oil
wells;, our manufacttriug plants..
The .TT.S. interests are assuming
more and more control overcan-
Thursday, June 6, 1957
ada's wealth both present and
The Liberal Government' is tax-
ing our people out'' of world trade
and heading the ',country into
The Canadian 21,i% Victory
'Loan Bonds are now only worth
$84.60; the 9th Victory Loan
Bond is now worth ($88.25, yotff
dollar only 60 cents. I hope on
the 10th of June the Canadian
people will come to life, realizing
what is going on.
NOW a word about Agriculture,.
the forgotten people of Canada by
the Liberal Government. Diefen-
baker. Policy is. a fair share for
the farmer. Agriculture and its
welfare is a basic cornerstone.
We will endeavor to develop
wherever possible effective trade
agreements with nether countries.
The Conservatives if elected on
June 10th will ease the Farm
Credit situation. We recognize
the need for a complete investig-
ation into the spread between
producers and consumer prices of
various farm :products.
We will appoint a Royal Com-
mission to study this inequality
and disclose to , the consuming
,public full and complete inform-
ation on this very important mat-
ter and on the basis of itsrec-
ommendations enact Legislation
These are a few of the things
that can be done by a change of
'Government without any increase
in Taxation, Vote Cardiff, for
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shep-
herd and family of Toronto
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Shepherd's mother, Mrs. J. •"Smil-
Mr. Roy Kyle of New .Lisk-
eard spent lihe past week with
This parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
In the Townships of McKillop, Tuckersmith, Hibbert,
I-hdlett and Stanley
They promise "adequate parity." They don't tell you parity means
either higher taxation for you, inflation with rising costs of the things
you must buy, or control of your agricultural production. Do you want
some government inspector to tell you how much gram you may grow,
or how many cattle, hogs and hens you may own?
They promise you protection. They don't tell you that high tariffs,
full protection mean an end to .Canadian trade which under Liberal
policy is the highest per capita in the world. Do you remember what
happened in the 30's when under a Conservative Government tariffs
were raised, conferences were called, trade slopped, .and you couldn't
sell your products at any price? Do you want to return to conditions as
they were then?
They promise you tax reductions. But. they also promise additional
expenditures, amounting to more than a billion dollars! You know
promises like these mean nothing. You can spend more; you can tax less,
but you CAN'T do both at the saute time.
Don't Bi Fooled! Don't Take a Chance!
Elect Andy cLean
-- Have a Voice on the Government Side --
(Published by Huron Liberal Association)
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