The Seaforth News, 1957-01-31, Page 4Northside United (Church ,
Minister, Rev. Bruce W. Mall,
B.4.„ IB.D., S.T.M.
111 a.m., Morning Worship.
Special guest preacher, Rev.
Donald B. 'Orth, B,'S.(A., B.D.
Toddler's (Group and Junior
7 -p.m., Evening Worship.
Rev. Mr. (Hall will speak on the
subject. `God's Return".
'8.15 p.m., Y.P.U.
Egmondville United (Church
[Dr. J. Semple, Minister
11 a.m., Setting apart the Of-
ficial Board and the 'Commis-
sioning of the congregation for
the work of 1957. Every Or-
ganization represented.
' 7.80, Special Subject.
"Do we need a Confessional in
the Protestant Church,"
10 a.m., The Church School.
10:15 a,m., The Minister's
Bible ;Glass.
11 a.m., Nursery 'Glass.
1'1.30 a.m., Jr. Church.
First Presbyterian
10 A.M.--Church School and
,Bible 'Class
11 a.m,—Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper
4.30 p.m.
"The People of the Law"
The annual congregational
meeting of St. Andrew's United
Ghureh, Itippen, was held on
Tuesday evening, Jan. 22nd
The meeting was preceded Iby
a spot -luck supper prepared and
served under 'the direction of
the four retiring members of
the Board of Stewards. Archie
Parsons, convenor, other anem-
hers, Wilmer Jones, Joe Lostell
and Elmer Turner. The supper
was a great success and was
ably served. The ladies were not
in evidence in the preparations
but it is suspected that they
were behind the scenes.
After the supper dishes had
been cleared away, a short pro-
gram of entertainment was pre-
sented, including songs from
the Jones boys and a violin solo
or two from Keith Anderson.
At. the piano Mrs. Jones and
Mrs. IBroadfoot presided.
The Congregational meeting
was called to order by the min-
ister, Rev. Norman McLeod, who
led in the devotions. In the ab-
sence of the •recording Steward,
Mr. Ross 'Love acted as secre-
tary of the meeting.
The minister's report review-
ed the work of the year. A va-
cation School had been held
with fine success, the minister
had visited 2 schools every week
throughout the term, a commun-
icants class had (been held and
five members of the Sunday
School had joined the church on
Profession of Faith. The mem-
(7.30 P.M.)
Questions asked by the People
NO. 1
Do we need a Confessional in the
Protestant Church?
Gospel Singing Evangelistic Preaching
McKillop Federation
of Agriculture
Seaforth High School Auditorium
AT 8.30 P,M,
Progressive euchre — good prizes
Election of Officers
Guest Speaker, Gordon Greig
Others: Douglas McNeil, Carl Hemingway, Bert Lobb,
G. Montgomery, Wilfred Shortreecl
All married couples from McKillop are especially
invited. This is an' opportunity to secure firsthand
knowledge concerning YOUR Federation of Agri-
Everybody welcome. Admission free
Acting President, G. Smith
Sec.-Treas., A. R. Dodds
Women's Hospital Auxiliary
Gingham Dance
Community Centre
DANCING 10 TO 1.30
Mu$ic by Melody Masters
Old and New Time Dancing
$2.00 per couple, including lunch
Students 75c
11Dollars and Sense
How can YOU benefit from
having a Current Account?
You'll find it much easier to keep an accurate record oI
your current expenses when you have a Current
When you pay all bills by cheque on your Current
Account, you receive back, at the end of each month, all
your cancelled cheques as well as a bank statement
showing every withdrawal and every deposit you have
made. Furthermore, they are much easier to file away
than receipts and take less room to store. With them
and your bank statements, you'll find it far easier to
get an exact picture of how you spend your money.
So it's a goocimove to use a Current Account for paying
all current bills—and keep your Savings Account for
actual savings.
Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager
bership roll had shown a . -de-
crease of two, there had, 'been
nine 'baptisms, four marriages
and seven burials. A period of
silence was observed in memory
of those who had passed away
during the year, they were Mrs.
,Fairbairn, Mrs. Henderson;, Mrs.
Tomlinson and Miss Dick.
Mr. McLeod thanked all, the
officers of the 'church and espe-
cially the choir and choir lead-
er and organist, (Miss Ivison for
faithful service during the year.
Reports were presented as
follows: W. A., Mrs. Harold
Jones; WMIS, IMrs. Morley Coo-
per; Mission Band and Baby
Band, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot;
Sunday School financial report,
Marie Sinclair; Y. ''P.. Phyllis
Lostell; Y. P. Financial, Harold
Parsons; Board of (Stewards,
Arehie Parsons. 'Session Report
was included in the minister's
report. as the clerk was unable
to be present. The Treasurer's
[Report was read by Mrs. !Bell in
the absence of Miss Ivison, the
treasurer and showed a success-
ful year.
The election of Officers was
then held and four Stewards
were elected: Mr. Lorne Hay,
Mr. Ross Broadfoot, Mr. Robert
McAllister, IMr. Harold Jones.
Ross Love and Mr. Harvey Tur-
ner were elected as Lay repre-
sentatives to Presbytery. ,
A. letter was read from the
Official Board urgently request-
ing Rev. and Mrs. McLeod to re-
main with the (Congregation and
was unanimously endorsed by
the meeting. The meeting closed
with the Benediction.
Mr. and Mrs. 'William Jewitt at
tended the Seaforth Agricultural
Society Fair Board banquet last
Tuesday evening in the Egmond
ville United Church.
Mr, Reg. Lawson spent a couple
of days in London last week and
visited his sister and brother -in
law `Mr, and Mrs, E. F. Warren
and family.
The congregational meeting of
Constance United Church was
held Thursday evening in the
Sunday School rooms of the
church with. a fair attendance
Rev. T. White opened the meeting
with all singing a hymn and pray-
er. Reports of the various church
organizations were read and
showed progress in every direc
tion. Officers are: Sec., Charles
Dexter; treas„ Wm, Jewitt. Par-
sonage board, George Addison,
Earl Lawson. Elders—Ross Mc-
Gregor, Wm. Britton, Earl Law -
sou, George Addison, Charles Dex-
ter, and Wilbur Jewitt, Stewards
— Ross McGregor, Earl Lawson,
Wnr. Jewitt, Wilbur Jewitt, Geo.
Addison, Alvin Dodds, Ernest
Adams, Win. Dale, Lorne Lawson,
Borden Brown, Ken Hulley. Org-
anist, Mrs. Frank Riley. Assist-
ants—Mrs. Wnr. Jewitt and Miss
Marilyn Taylor. Anniversary com-
mittee, Wilbur Jewitt and George
Addison. Rev. and Mrs. White
were moved a hearty vote of
thanks for their untiring efforts
and spiritual leadership during
the year in all departments of
the church work. The meeting
was closed with the benediction.
At the conclusion the lunch com-
mittee men: Borden Brown, Earl
Lawson, George Addison and
their wives served sandwiches
and pie with tea and all enjoyed
a social hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Bordeu Brown,
,Ioyce and Elaine, attended the
birthday party Saturday evening
of Mrs. Brown's father, Mr. Thos.
Brigham, who celebrated his 89th
birthday at the home of his dau-
ghter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
George Campbell of Hanover, and
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Brown, also of Hanover.
Mr. Wnr, Dale spent last Wed-
nesday in Toronto where lie at-
tended a Directors' meeting of
the C.N. Exhibition.
Miss Joyce Jewitt of Thorndale
visited with her parents Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Jewitt over the week
Misses Mary Whyte and Janet
McGregor of Stratford Normal
School and Miss Helen McIllwain
of the Stratford nursing school,
spent the weekend at their par-
ental homes.
Several of the young people
from here attended the High
School Formal Friday evening.
The W.A. of the Constance U.
C., held a quilting Tuesday after-
noon in the 8`.S. 'rooms.
Farm Forum
Farm forum met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor on
Monday evening; discussion, re-
view night. Progressive euchre
was enjoyed with prizes going to
high lady, Mrs. Verne Dale; high
man, Wilbur Jewitt; low lady,
Mrs. Earl Lawson, low man, Wm.
Dale, Hostess for the evening was
Mrs. McGregor. Next home will
be Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson.
Mr. Wm. Jewitt spent Tuesday
at Goderich.
Many friends of Mr. Dave Mill -
son are sorry to learn that he is
not as well as they would like
him to be.
Mr, and Mrs, 'Wm. Dale and
Wilma spent Monday in London
where Mr. Dale attended the Di-
rectors meeting of the Western
Counties Guernsey Club.
Ivan Lee, Borden Brown, Wm.
Jewitt and Wm, Dale attended
the Frog. Conservative conven-
tion in the Legion hall, Clinton
Monday afternoon, when Mr. Car-
diff was again elected for his fifth
term as candidate for this riding.
Constance Young Peoples Soc.
The Young People of Constance
U.C. held their meeting Sunday.
evening at the home of Mr. -and
Mrs. Wm, Jewitt with 12 present.
The group leader for the evening
was Ronny Jewitt and he was in
charge of the devotional period.
The meeting opened with a sing-
song followed by prayer by Den-
ise Jewitt. Scripture lesson by
Marjorie Hoggart. The young peo-
ple: are invited to attend a Fire-.
side Service at Ontario St.
Church, Clinton, Sunday evening.
'rile topic or tae evening was giv-
en by itouny Jewitt on Keep my
Uonrmanuments. The next meet -
mg will be;herd at the home as
lvir, and Mrs: Wilbur Jeyvitt,
High School News
('t .:Moylan)
,January has rolled awaY
pretty quickly and we (vili soon
Se into the 'February slump",
with reports yet to come..
Grade 10 provided a very in-
teresting programme for 'assem-
bly last Friday, opening with a
debate on a very debatable top-
ic "Boys are 'better citizens
than girls". 'Keith, Frank, Jimmy
and (Billy held down the affir-
mative side while Marie, Cath-
erine, 'Cecilia and Viola took up
the negative. They. both put dip
amusing and convincing argu-
ments and since the judges were
two boys and two girls it was a
Joe, 'Nancy, Margaret, Jack
and 'Theresa starred in a short
play, "Not 'Quite Such a Goose",
family life behind the scenes,
with a son and daughter in their
teens; was the theme of this ex-
citing comedy.
The (highlight of the week
was. a very interesting assembly.
Bill !Hough, a Y,C.W. leader
from Windsor made a special
trip to Dublin. Bill was origin-
ally from Ireland, and began his
career in England. •In a very im-
pressive speech he told us of the
techniques of the Communist to
enlist .young workers from a
new ,country in their ranks.
Young people are won, he told
us by the fellow who is (willing
to serve them unselfishly and
cheerfully extend a helping
hand. We, who have far (better
motives than they for serving
others are often less willing to
do so: Dedicated young people,
willing to serve, are needed for
the cause of Christianity.
It looks as if Pinafore is on
again! This' time all sails are set
for Mount Carmel next Sunday.
Question of the week: Who
was talking 'albout a "slump"
around here?
Note: It was called off for
lack of tine!
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Ramsay vis-
ited on Sunday with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen in George-
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar,
Doug, Bob and Laurie visited
with Mrs. Don Wallace, Seaforth,
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Allen,
Sheila and Mary Lynn, Mitchell,
attended church services on Sun-
day and visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Carter Kerslake and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Iloughton
and family visited on Saturday
with his mother Mrs, M. Hough-
Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker visi-
ted !Sunday evening with 4VIr. and
Mrs. Gerald Cockwell, peter,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLach-
lan entertained a few friends on
Friday evening,
The Y,P.S. members enjoyed a
skating party at the Mitchell ska-
ting rink on Saturday night:
The Brodhagen Band sponsor-
ed their second euchre and
dance in Hinz's hall on Thurs-
day evening. Prizes went to
Mrs. Herman 'Hinz, Leonard
Rose, ,11VIrs. Lavern Wolfe and
Lavern Wolfe. 'Music for dant
ing was again supplied by Gary
and Warren ISholdice, Don
Wolfe and 'Lyle and (Barry Ritz
with Manuel Beuerman as floor
manager. Hot dogs and coffee
were sold in charge of 1NIr. and
Mrs. Reuben Buuck.
Quite a number from here at-
tended the At Biome dance at
the Seaforth thigh School on
Friday evening and also a show-
er for Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Fis-
cher of Stratford in the town
hall, Mitchell.
Mrs. Chas. Iiiillebrecht of Cal-
gary, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs.
John Mueller and Ruth Ann of
Hamilton with Mrs. Aug. Hille-
!Mr. and Mrs. Erlyn Wilkey,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe, Mar-
cel and Darrell of Stratford
with IMr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
on Sunday.
,Flowers were placed in the
chancel of the church for the
Sunday service from the funeral
of Aug.. Rillebreclrt and Henry
Calvin Diegel, Waterloo Sem-
inary, Miss (Grace Fischer, of
Teachers' 'College, Stratford, at
their homes.
Mr. and `Mrs. !Alfred Beuer-
man, :Larry and Diane, Mrs. Ed-
ith Beuerman, (Seaforth with
Mrs. L. iHillebrecht.
Skating and hockey are 'be-
ing enjoyed, on the ice In the
church sheds.
Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Hinz and
son Gerald' and grandson Ran-
dall Adams. of Mitchell spent
the weekend with Mrs. Hinz's
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Klinkman in 'Elmira.
The Stanley Twp. Federation of
Agriculture held their first meet-
ing of the year at Clarence Park's
on Jan, 28th with Pres. Alex Mc -
Beath in the chair. The following
appointments were made: Mrs.
Alex McBeath, lady director; Geo.
L. Reid, sec.-treas.; Allan Arm-
strong, to cream producers; An-
son McKinley, to, beef producers;
Les Armstrong, to wheat,,produc-
ers; Elgin Porter, to hog produc-
ers, Jack Taylor, the alternative;
Bob McKinley, to poultry produc-
ers; Elgin McKinley, to the Hur-
on -County Association. The sec-
tion directors were asked to check
the mailing list of the rural co-
operator. A resolution to be sent
to the next] county meeting ask-
ing for a floor price of 35c per
dozen on eggs to the producer.
Misses. June Hackwell and Ver.
da Watson, nurses in training at
Stratford General Hospital, spent
the week end at their homes.
Neil McGavin of the O.A.C. at
Guelph spent the week end with
his parentg'iVlr. and Mrs, Gordon
Mrs. Hilda Sellars is visiting
with her brother-in-law and sister
Mr, and Mn.sArnold Kernick,
Lucan. •
Mr. John Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Ritchie, Mr. Kenneth
Ritchie of Seaforth, and Mrs. Cal-
vin Cameron of Cranbrook at-
tended the funeral of the late
Wm. Ritchie of Hamilton on Sat -
day. The deceased who was in his
88th year, is survived by one'ais-
ter and three brothers, Jean, Jim
and Pete of Zealandia, Sask., and
Mr. John Ritchie, Walton.
The annual congregational
meeting of Duff's United
'Church was held in the school-
room of the church on Tuesday
evening, Jan. 22nd. About 75
members enjoyed a pot -luck
supper served Iby the ladies of
the 17th of Grey and Boundary.
Rev. W. M. Thomas acted as
chairman for the meeting and
Mrs. (Harvey Craig was elected
secretary. The minutes of the
last annual meeting were read
and adopted. The treasurer,
Mrs. H. Craig gave a statement
of the Ordinary Fund and Mis-
sionary and Maintenance Fund
showing total receipts of $6610.-
50. Messrs. Jas. McDonald, W.
J. Leeming; B. Johnston and
Harvey Craig were re-elected
on the committee of Stewards.
Rev. W. M. Thomas gave the
session report. The Sunday
School report was given Iby Don
Achilles. Donna 'Smith reported
for the YPU and Marion Turn-
bull for the Mission Band. A
piano duet was played by Mar-
ian and Barbara Turnbull. Jas.
Smith and Douglas Fraser were
elected auditors for the coming
year. The financial statement for
the W.M.S. was given by Mrs. R.
Achilles and Mrs. Frank Kirkby
gave a summary of the year's
work. Mrs. R. McMichael favored
the members with a reading, The
secretary for the W.A., Mrs. Bert
Johnston, gave an account of the
work done by this organization;
Mrs. Frank Walters read the tre-
asurer's report, also the W.A.
manse fund, Mrs. Geo, Love fol-
lowed with a reading. The baby
band was reported by Mrs. Gor-
don McGavin and Shirley Ros-
man gave the CGIT report, A pi-
ano solo was played by Anne Ac-
hilles. Following collectors were
re-elected: Ken McDonald, And-
rew Coutts, Rae Houston; assist-
ants, Barrie Marshall, Jas. Smith,
W, J. Leeming, Don and Jerry
Achilles were appointed ushers
in place of Herb Kirkby and
Wayne McNichol. A vote of
thanks was moved by Torrance
Dundas to the ladies. Mr, Silas
Johnston thanked Rev, and Mrs.
Thomas for their faithful work
THE SEAFORTH NEWTS -Thursday, January 31, 1957
Regent TKeafr
Mohawk Scott Brady - Rita Gain
Startling tale of primitive love to the throb of war guns
Halls of Montezuma Richard Widmark - Skip Boulder
The"one great story to come out of the wan in the Pacific. The
rugged, roaring saga of the Marines who fought to the last fax
hole — the unsung heroes of World war lI
Audie Murphy - Barbara Rush. He was tough enough to live
the gutter and tough enough to fight his way out. The story of a
champion who was born with guts andtwofists that won him
fame and love •
Walter Brennan - Phil Harris
Frida and1ST SAND'SND aaturd
yFEB. y
51.20 off
also S l .00 off
The Little Store with the "Big Values"
during the past Rve years, Mr.
Thomas replied, and also express-
ed his appreciation to the care-
taker James Clark for his work.
Douglas Fraser was appointed re-
presentative to Men's Council.
The Young People's Union of
Duff's United Church attended a
young people's rally in Brussels
United Church Sunday evening.
W. M. S.
Officers for 1957 were in-
stalled by Rev. D. G. Campbell
during the January meeting of
the WMS held Tuesday after-
noon in First Presbyterian
Church. After the installation,
Rev. (Campbell told the life -story
of John Geddie, pioneer mis-
sionary to The New Hebrides, of
whom it was said: When he en-
tred the field there were no
'C'hristians there, and when he
left in 1872 there were no
The president, Mrs. D. ' G.
Campbell, presided. The scrip-
ture lesson was read by Miss
Belle Campbell, and Mrs. D.
Ritchie led in prayer. During
the business period the treasur-
er, Mrs. J. McGregor, gave her
annual report which showed an
increase in 'the givings during
1956. Christmas cards will be
sent to our missionaries, and
members are asked to leave
them at the church.
The officers installed were:
Honorary Pres., IMrs. James
Kerr; 'Pres„ Mrs. D. G. !Camp-
bell; Vice Presidents, Mrs. J. L.
Bell, Mrs. D. iRitchie; Sec„ Miss
Jessie Fraser; Treas., Mrs. John
McGregor;roup leaders, Mrs.
MacTavisli, Mrs. W. J. Thomp-
son, (Miss M. Gray; home help-
ers, Mrs. H. R. (Scott; welcome
and welfare, Mrs. F. Wigg; Glad
Tidings, Mrs. W. E. Butt; Sup-
ply, Mrs. H. McLachlan; library
and literature, Miss B. Camp-
Ibell; Social, (Mrs. W. Drover and
Mrs. J. Gordon; flower and gift,
Mrs. G. Ferguson; pianist, Mrs.
E.Geddes; Press, Miss B.
Campbell; 'CGIT, Mrs. R. 'Kers-
lake and Mrs. K. Sharpe; Ex-
plorers, Mrs. C. Reith and Mrs.
D. Stewart; 10.10.0., Mrs..(
Campbell, iss E. ;Rivers�rrr-
Miss Jessie Fraser.
�..�... .-r.sw.e
Auspices of Northside W.A.
From 6 to 7 o'clock
Adults $1.00.
Children 40c (12 and under)
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
Glenafton Milestone V.G.
Is the leading Honor List Sire for 1956 in Canada
with seven of his daughters winning eight places in the honor list. No other
bull has had as many as seven daughters in the honor list since 1941
1956 Honor List Producers by Waterloo Unit Sires
Elmcroft Monagram Duke
Monogram Duke Dutchland
A. Musselman, Elmira, Ont.
Speedside Duke Topsy
L. D. Witmer & Sons, Preston
Perrinholm R. A. Dora
W. R. Perrin, Ayr
Glenafton Milestone
Grahaven Milestone Mona
W. K. MacLeod, Disraeli, Que.
Susan Alice Milestone
I. Bechtel, Hespeler
' Friary Farm Milestone Prescilla
D. G. Gething, Orton
Barnholm Linda Milestone
J. A. Barn, Stratford
Ah'vue Rag Apple Carmen
F. M. Snyder, Waterloo
Flo -Mar Milestone Verla Pabst
B. Oliver, Branchton
Lulu Dewdrop Milestone
F. L. Smith & Son, Brownsville
Selling Wing Double
Meadowbrae Wing Rose
Q. D. Whale, Alma
Blair Wing Double Patricia
Ira M. Good, Blair
Sr. 4
Jr. 4
Jr. 3
Jr. 4
Sr. 3
Jr. 3
Jr. 2
Jr. 2
Sr. 2
Jr. 2
't306) 12847
(305) 12929
669 211
828 2X
720 2X
878 3X
7.38 2X
811 2X
723 2X
651 2X
577 2X
553 2X
(3) 173BCA 148
(1) 177 (2) 190
163 (6) 184
(4) 186
(2) 191
(2) 173
(4) 11.7
(3) 207
(2) 190
(3) 166
(6) 170
Sr.2 16841 737 2X 158 (1) 189
Sr. 2 (305) 12702 568 2X 136 (4) 165
Macdonald Rag Apple Ajax
Dickieholme Wilda Rag Apple 9 (306) 19833 650 2X (9) 170
J. H, Gillespie, Galt
Please Note:, The numbers in brackets indicate their standing in class..
Congratulations to the people who made these records.
For high production with good type, use the bulls we have in service,
For service or more information, call collect
Clinton' HU 2-3441
between 7.30 and 10 A.M. on week days
7.30 and 9.30 A.M. on Sundays or holidays.