The Seaforth News, 1939-08-17, Page 8PAGE, EIGHT \I CLEARANCE I SHEERS Save $.3 on these. smart sheers! Nets, laces., chiffons with I]eats, tucks, gay trims! Prints, darks, dots1 122(t. Reg. to $5.95 $295 CLEARANCE! COTTONS Shc:p early for best choice! SwisSes, lawns, novelty wash prints, piques! Tailored, dressy! -Sizes to 44 Reg. to $2.95 9 ESIMMISIIN3gailliMISSM1111111111111111131IBODI FA ICS for FALL 'awe 3.8-5NCH WIDTHS A YARD So many different prints and broadcloths in so Many delight- ful colors that you will he mak- ing sewing plans the moment you see them. Sturdy and color - fat.. for aprons, bedspredds, r2rapes, kiddies' clothes and for house dresses for yourself. 1118815511ERVEZNYffegantlEalifin=0213161111 Hollywood Patterns memo McTAVISH'S SEAFORTH BRUSSELS HENSALL Mrs. R. J. Ferguson of Minneapolis, Minn., has returned to her home af- ter a very pleasant. visit with her sister Miss Emma Johnston and friends in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Harry readt of Tor- onto visited last week with the form- er's pareets, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius ,aook. Mn and Mrs. Dayinan of Simeoe spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Doerr. Mrs. (Dr.) D. G. Steer underwent an operation for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Sat- urday, and Is doing as well as can be expected, Mrs. Mark v Drysdale. who under- went an operation recently in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, returned to her home here on Sunday. Mrs. (Dr.) 3, G, Smillie has return- ed borne after a very pleasant visit with relatives and friends in Toronto. The girls' bridge club had a very pleasant picnicand outing reCently in honor of two visiting former mem- bers, namely, Miss Ethel Murdoch of Calgary, Alta., and Miss Emalie Mor- rison of Toronto. Council Meeting— The village council held their reg- ular meeting in the council chamber on Tuesday, Aug. 8tb, at 8 p.m. with all members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. J. W. Ortwein, A. L. (lase and W. 0. Goodwill appeared as a delegation from the bowlers asking the council to take over the bowling green and finance the same as they were in diffieulty. Twitchell - Shen, herd. that we grant the bowlers the sum of $50 to help defray expenses. Carried. Lee Hedden reported the pavement on King St. as needing repairs and was instructed to look after the same. also the repair of the low catch basins. Reeve Shaddick reported re John Fisher wishing to remove a decaying tree, seine grant- ed. Fred liter appeared as a delegate front the Canadian Legion re a wreath to be plat -ed on the. Exeter monument by the Legion an Septem- ber 25th, Action deferred. COTTSSIVI1- 4,--nee rend. Imperial Oil Ltd.. Mrs. Flossie Brock, N. C. Haym Co., Frank Donelly, Municipal Board, Depart- ment of Public Welfare, Department of Finance, Judge T, M. Costello, sante eonsidered and filed. Bills and accounts read and ordered paid, 011v- rr relief milk, $2; Harry McMillan, relief groceries. $10; Lee Hedden, salary, $55; James A. Pat- terson, cartage and telephone, 70e; Bank of Montreal. interest, $67.75; T. M. Costello, eourt of revision, $10; rent of ground. $1; Bouthron & Drysdale, supplies, hall, $35.74; N. Haym Co,, floor powder, $1; Roy Webber, supplies, street, $3.10; Verne Hedden. labor. shed, $2; A. Spencer & Son, szlindies, hall and rink, $32.79; J. Meelinchey, teaming, park, $5.20; Thos. Richardson, labor, park, 40e; Heneall Hydro, hall and motor, $4.72; Bowling Club, grant. $50. Jones & Shepherd, that we adjourn to meet Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. Carried. James A. Patterson, Clerk, Mr. Harry Mew of Goderieh and Mr. Wesley Butt of Windsor were in town on Sunday visiting with relae- ives and friends, lir. and )Jr. James Parkin visited over t ht week -end 01h their eon -in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn in• London. Mrs. Hereld Scruton and children, of Port Dover, are visiting with relatives here. lir. Wso. Fraser, wbo underwent an .operation in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, recently 'returned to his hone here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Higgins, sf Exeter called on relatives and friends in the village last week. Mr. and Mr, J. W. Bonthron and daughter Miss Jean Bonthron, of London, returned home after a very pleasant motor trip to Southampton, Callender and North Bay, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Corbett very quietly observed their thirtieth wed- ding anniversary let their home on Thursday with the immediate ,ment- bers of the family present, Mr. Watson Wood underwent an operation for .appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Mon- day and is doing as well as tan he expected. Mrs. Harold Bell underwent an operation for •removal of her tonsils on Tuesday. Mks Elizabeth Slavin is visiting this week with relatives and friends in Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLean and family and Mrs. A. Murray and laughter Mary of Hamilton, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. Fred Ronthron is having the rooi of hi: dwelling re -shingled. The work is being done by Mr. Jas. Walk- er of Briteefield. Mr. Wm. L. MacLaren underwent an eperation in Scott Memorial HT1S- pita!, Seaforth. on Friday and at date of writing is .doing as well as can he expected. MT. Oliver Joyce of Toronto •vent the week -end with Mr, Bob Passanore. Misses Lois and Marion MacLaren 'pent a few days last week visiting with their ,cottsin, Miss Alice Glenn, mar Clinton. Mrs, Ilia Vv'ocel 1 Santa Barbara, California, who has. been .visiting for the past several months with her mother. Mrs , John Dinsdele, and sister Mrs. El& Simmons returned home last .week. Mrs, Geo. Kerslake. of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Cann and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey and ilatighter, Ilene .of Thames Reid, and Mr, Wm, ijolms, of Elimville, visited ,on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Pasemore. Mrs. Steer, of Mount Brydges, is visiting with 'her son Dr. D, G. Steer. Mr. Peter Moir hes purchased ,the Property on South Richmond Se..frem the estate of the late Riehard Watch - ford and occupied by Mrs. Eva Stapleton. We underetand Me. Moir intends making extensive improve- ents. W. M. S. Meeting The W, M. S. of the *United Church held their regular monthly meeting in the church and Mrs. Carrie Reliant- yne ipresided in the absence of the ',resident, Mrs. iCross, The opening hymn was followed rhy prayer and Mrs. Cornelius Cook read the Scrip - me lesson.Avery interesting talk on .94.7 44, •qtaltli:l'• THE SEAFORTH NEWS The '13' Beauty Salon will re -open on Mon- day, August 2lst. 'B' Beauty Salop L. M. BOX '— Phone 50 or 18. Seaforth Tempetance was ,given by Miss Jen- nie Murray. The .topic ' Welding the World" was very ably given by Mrs, Geo, Hess. A' solo .entitled Still With Thee," was beautifully Tendered by Mrs. Thos. Sherritt, alter which the it.teeiting ,closed with prayer. 'Rev. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Young and family returned ihome on Monday after a pleasant lholieley at Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson a "Dor- onto, Mrs. Errol Dnummond and M'i'sses Dorothy and Marion Drum- mond of S•t. Marys ,called on ihriends here on Monday. Carmel Church W. M. S. Meet 'Phe regtiar 'meeting f Carmel Presbyterian Church W.M.S. wets 1101(1 on Thursday 'afternoon with Mrs. John Dallas presiding. The meeting opened by 'singing "From (reetileraDs Icy Miountain" hollowed by prayer led by Mrs, Dallas. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted land the roll call answered with"Tnrest" Hynin "1 To The Hills Will Lift Mine Eyes," was entre and the ib.uein.ces tliscuesed. It was .clecidecl to hold the n ext meeting one week earlier Sept. 7th owing io the Presbyterial meeting, ie duet entitled "God Will Take Care of Ylott" o as ,t111.0: by Mrs. Hanna Workman and daughter Miss Mabel Workman, accompanied Iby Mrs. W. A. Mac - Laren on the piano. The topic "Vil- lage Life in lndia," 'was given ,hy Mrs. Dalin!: and was very in teresting Mrs. B. C. Edwardea s 'led in prayr nti the meeting cilosied by .singing 'Work For The N'ig'ht Is Coming." hollowed hy the Lord's Prayer in ttnison. Rev. 1). C. Hill, ;of Exeter, .conduct- ed the service in Carmel Church on Sunday morning and the ,choir sang "Blessed is the Man." Miss Gladys 'Imker is holidaying in Stratford. Mr, Robt. Passmure took icharge oi the service in the United Church on Sunday morning and ithe choir sang a beautiful anthem, DT. 13. G. Smillie played the iorgan in the absence of the organist Miss Greta Laramie. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Of London, visited with Mrs. Mice Joynt on Sunday. Dr. Harry Joynt, of Byron, visited on Sunday with his mother MTS. Alice Joy n t. Miss Lettie Lore of Tomato is 'holidaying at the +home of her 'parents Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Love, Mrs. Hanna Workman visited this week with relatives 'Goderieh. Mr. Wnt. White, of London, was in town on Thursday. Mrs. Ray Pilaff and daughter Stiehl, of visited recently with Mrs. Wm. Pilaff. Bawden-I n g ram— In St. James' Anglican Church, Saint John, N.B., the marriage was solemnized of Stella Ruth, youngest daughter of Mr. Alex Ingram, Hen - sail, and the late Mrs. Ingram, to Mr. George Henry Bawden, only son of Mr. G. Bowden, Lucan, and the late Mrs. Bawden, Ven, Archdeacon 11, A. Cody officiated. The bride wore a street -length dress of white triple sheer with short shirred jacket of the same material, and a small white flower hat. She carried a bouquet of Sweetheart roses and sweet peas. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1939 The attendants were Miss Margaret McDougall, London; and Mr, Alexan- der never, Saint John. Mr. and Mns. Bawden Will live in Saint John, KIPPEN Wednesday, Aug. ilth, mite Babies' Day at St. Andrew's Church, when the babies with their mothers were the guests of the W. M, S. who were assisted in their entertainment by the Circle Girls, Mrs. Allen Johnston had charge of the programme assist- ed by Doris Alexander in the opening devotional exercises. The guest speaker was Mrs. Southcott of Ex- eter, Presbyterial Baby Band sm. Her address was one of helpfel and useful information on the work of her department. The church has proved to be one of the greatest fac- tors; in the building of a nation and the training of our youth for their life work. The first years of the child are most important and teaching should begin at the cradle, The im- pressionwhich a child receives in the first few years of his life will un- doubtedly play a most important'part in shaping his character for the rest of it. .As an illustration. of the proof or these facts a beautiful story was told of a child who as a result of early associations, later gave her life to the work of a foreign missionary. At the close of the meeting the girls served lunch over which we lingered, enjoying the -visit with our guests. On Sunday, August 13th, at St. Andrew's Church, Kippen, the sacra- ment of Baptism was administered to three little girls—all born this year: Elizabeth Ann Sinclair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair; Lois Marjory meLenan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McLellan; Elaine Marie Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, F. Bell, The anniversary services at Hill's Green this year will be held on Sep tember 17111, and the Hill's Green congregation feel fortunate in ob- taining the services of the Rev. 11, V. Workman for the occasion. Mr. Workman will be more than welcome at his old lone church. The Kippen anniversary services will be held on Sunday, October 15th. The popular former pastor of the church, the Rev, Roy R. Conner, has kindly consented to take (barge of the services for the day. Mr. Conner will have a most cordial welcome. HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 'Chellew ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear took a trip on Sunday, going around Lake Simcoe and among the Kawartha Lakes, oalling at Fenelon Falls and other places and on to Peterboro, returning home Sunday, having a very enjoyable day. Little June And Harry Lear boll- dayed at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Lear Watt for a few days. Master Billy and his sister Isabella Chowen of Clinton holidayed last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, and Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox. Little Jean Gibbinga holidayed at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchens and child- ren accompanied by little Joan Gloyn of Goderieh visited one day the be - glinting of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Watson, leaving Joan for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. W, McEwing and Jim and Mr. and IVIrs, Wm. Pepper. and Bert motored to Kincardine Al Sunday to spend the day with the former's daughter, Mrs, and Mr. Nor- man Lloyd, Mr. Jack McEwing is quite happy as Old Dr. Stork presented them with a young daughter Sunday night. Mo- ther and daughter are getting along nicely. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, McEwIng. Mr. and Mrs, Warren Gibbings and Kenneth accompanied Miss Eva Rap- son of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent Sunaay in Kitchener at FARMERS The best investment on your farm is a CONCRETE SILO, erected by Hugill Bros. Get im touch with us immediately, as the filling season is only a few weeks away. Save your grain for hogs and hens by taking proper care of your corn in our airtight silo. Will pay 100% on the money in 6 months HUGILL BROS., Contractors Phone 34-616, Clinton P.S.—We build Stables, Walls, Floors, Cisterns, Culverts, &c. ACT AT ONCE ••=nril DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY Horses, Cattle, Hogs, etc.—Courteous Service PHONE—SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 /COLLECT) DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. REGARDING CAR PARKING TOWN OF SEAFORTH Victoria Park will be lighted and available for parking on Saturday nights for the balance of the summer. Shoppers and visitors are welcome to use these parking facilities and avoid con- gestion on Main Street. Police will supervise as far as possible but motorists are requested to lock their cars, as the municipality will not be responsible for any missing article. PROPERTY COMMITTEE, F. S. SILLS, Chairman. AIIINEWE.M.IMMEtaiMMIZMILMVX0166.0.1.a.N800.8A111=1 BUY IN EGMONDVILLE We Save You Money SATURDAY SPECIALS 5 pound Shortening 49c 5 pound Lard 450 3 Ib. Crisco 59c Pastry Flour, 24 lb. 49c Bread Flour per 98 Ib. bag 1 89 Robinhood Flour 2.39 XXX Vinegar, gal. 35c Jelly •Powders, 6 pkges. 25c Fresh Bologna, 2 lb. 290 Fresh Soda Biscuits 2 pounds 19c Newport Fluffs, large pkg19c Rolled Wheat, 5 pound ....17c Peter Pan Catsup .OESSZIIASIMIMMINBOW.F. bottle 8c an the home of Mr, James Rapson wh is in very poor health, Little Jean Gibbings spent the day in New Ham- burg at the home of Mr, and IVIrs. Norman Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leiner Sr. and Miss Gldays visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Watson. Miss Kathleen Beacom in company with her cousins Miss Margaret pond (who was driver) and Miss Kathleen Bremner and a couple of other girls took a motor trip to Tor- onto, Hull and other points as far as Montreal Monday of last week, ex- pecting to return home Monday or Tuesday of this week, by way of St. Lawrence River, • BRODHAGEN. Ma', and Mrs. Albert Malebo and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Querengesser and Miss Dorothy Davidson -of Ros- tock visited with IVIr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser on Sunday, Misses Rose and Florence KTeSSIPT, MTS. Ed Kressler and Jackie of Strat- ford are holidaying with relatives. leir. Howard „Elligson of Stratford is holidaying with Howard Queren- gesser. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hiegel, and Claires and Glen, spent Sunday in Grand Bend. Mr. Frank Dantzer is holidaying in northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Miss Adelia Querengesser and Mr. Don Stanch spent Sunday in Grand Bend. left.. and Mrs. Herman Luft and family of Kitchener are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jacob. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Walton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Bennewies. Miss Doris Eisler of Seaforth has been holidaying with her cousin Miss Eva Beuermann. Carman Moglt, who has been in the Seaforth Hospital for the past five weeks, has returned home and is progressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wieterson and family of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Hillebrecht. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cleveland of Cleveland spent the week end with Mrs. Hannah Steiss. Mrs. Emma Querengesser of Mit- chell spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser. AUCTION SALE Lambert Saleyard, Strathroy, Sat- urday, Aug. 19th. 175 MIXED CATTLE. Usual run of Mixed Pigs and Calves, Those wishing to buy cattle privately, can do so by seeing Mr. McAlpine, any time during the week. Trucks to deliver. Terms cash. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. ROOMS TO LET Downstairs apartment, three bright rooms, furnished or unfurnished; with conveniences, furnace and bath- room; suitable for two business girls or teachers. Apply at News Of- fice. WANTED Will pay highest prices for old horses or cattle fit for mink feed. If dead, phone at once -5 on 622, Clin- ton. Orrin Dawson, Varna. FOR SALE A number of S.C. White Leghorn Yearling hens. Wm. Rutledge, TL R, 2, Seaforth, Ont, Clinton phone 616-2. PULLETS FOR SALE 30 Barred Rock pullets, 10 weeks old, for sale. A. Kramers, Dublin. NURSING WANTED I would like practical nursing by the day or the week, or would take care of an elderly person in my own home. Apply to Mrs. Joseph Thorn- ton, R.R.2, Walton. FOR SALE 6 choice pigs ready to wean. Phone '4473'22, Seaforth central. elIEW WOOD AND GRAIN We have a choice lot of good dry wood, hard and soft, which we will deliver in any quantity. We will buy your grain and truck it too at reasonable prices. We are buying for Thompson of Hensa]1 and can give you prompt service. Bags supplied promptly. Phone 136 r2, For Prices Sproat and Sproat VOW RHEUMATISM We know from testimonials of over 15 years, that this Remedy does bring results. its value proven by Inhere, its action is quick, a product worthy of your complete confidence. See your druggist or write THOMAS' RHEUMATISM REMEDY 21 Yale St., London, Ontario ELMER 11 BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays., SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Teesday, Thursday and Saturday 130 p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p, nt to 9 p. m. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Ore=Pgment Receipts For 1939 The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to Aug. 31/39 on all pre- paid 1939 taxes. Certificates and full particukrs may be obtained from the Town Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treas. TENDERS WANTED Township of Hullett Tenders will be received up to Aug. 18th at 8 P.M. for building a new cement Bridge on Con. 10, Side - road 35. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Lend- eshorm Also for reinforcing of two small bridges on Sideroad 10-11, Hullett. A marked cheque for $200.00 must accompany the tender. JAS. W. McCOOL, Clerk Mullett Twp, HONEY FOR SALE Clover honey in your own 000- tainers-8e. Also comb honey in small and large sections. Wallace Ross, North Main St., Seaforth. Phone 303 L FOR SALE York sow, Inc Aug. 26th, Apply to John Boyd, Walton. Phone 6 - 248. GRAIN WANTED I am buying grain for George Thompson of Hensel]. Am still sell- ing oil and grease. Sam Chesney, Eg- mondville. Phone 14811. RUBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, ETC. Mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mail-order catalogue. Nov. -Rubber PO., Dept., WA -9, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE Antique oval walnut table and 1 chair; 1 Seth Thomas clock; 1 ward- robe, 1 sideboard, 1 extension table, 1 kitchen table, 1 dresser, 1 bed and spring, 3 chairs, 2 rockers, 3 mirrors, medicine cabinets and book shelves, 1 small desk, 1 bed side table, 1 couch upholstered in black leather- ette, quantity of covers, suitable for chairs. also brown and maroon lea- therette. 1 two -wheel trailer. Thorne Repair Shop, Seaforth. ROOMERS WANTED Two high school girls to room. Two blocks from Collegiate. Apply to The News office. WANTED High School pupils for roomers. .Apply at News Office. FOR SALE One plain door 6',10"x3'2", one coal oil heater. ,Apply to 'Vies. James Sproat. Phone 148r4. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Informvion cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIEF ',none 134 w STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LINES STAMM TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8.26 a.m. and 6.26 p.m. Loaves Seitforttr for Goderieh patty except Sundity and Mil., 1.00 pan and 1.40 p.m. San. and kol., 1.00 p.m. and 9,20 p.m. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit., TaVistock, Woodstock Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick House •0011:11M1001811810AM51111020.1.