The Seaforth News, 1939-04-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, . APRIL 6, 1939, HATS Striking young hats, saucy Sailors Smartest for Spring! Shallow or high -,crowned Straws, Felts, Navy, gay colons 2.i95 DRESSES The strikingly pretty Prints you'll want for Easter. Fashion -hit frocks! Rayon crepes, sheers, adorable princess Basque. Jacket styles. Navys, lovely pastels, 14 to 44. 2.98 uP SUITS The mannish tailored Suit is the anode of the moment. Neat pin stripes See them to know how wonderfully becoming your new suit can be COATS 16.50 ttP They're smart .. square shoulders, tiny waists with swirl sldrts and chic belts or the new box coat with novelty and tuxedo fronts. Tweeds, polo cloths and novelty coatings. 9.95 ttP GLOVES .. Milady's ensemble requires Gloves for Easter. Our stock of kids and suedes will delight you 98c SWEATERS Add a gay note to your new Spring wardrobe. They're keen under suits to scramble with odd skirts and jackets. Fine woolens in glorious Spring colors—navy, green, white and lots of pastels. With romantic balloon sleeves and novel weaves. All sizes 1.19 SHIRTS That catch the spirit of Spring, in all patterns and fabrics. All collar styles. Every size. TIES Of new Spring fabrics. Silk and satin in all smart patterns. Color selection assures your satisfaction. SOCKS Of fine light cashmere and silk mixtures. Rib wools, plaids, checks, and clocked styles. 1000 029 19c VISH'S Seaforth Holywood Patterns Brussels HENSALL Miss Nellie Fee, who has spent the .past number of months in Milverton, returned to her home here last week, Mr. Dwight Fisher of Guelph was in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sparks of Bay- field visited on Saturday with the former's mother. Mrs. Marjorie Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks have just returned after spending the win- ter in 'Florida. Mrs. Annie Logan returned to her home here last week after spending the past several weeks with relatives in Windsor and Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Passmore of Thames Road visited on Mfonday with 'he latter's parents, Jr. and Mrs. Peter Moir. Mr. Fred Corbett has been confin- ed to his room owing to illness, but is somewhat improved at date of writing. Easter Thank Offering Meeting— The Easter Thank offering meeting of the Arnold Circle n -as held at the home of Miss Mabel Workman on Monday evening with a very good at- tendance. The president. Mrs, Roy Bell, presided over the opening exer- cises. Easter music was played 'by Mrs. Young, which opened the meet- ing. Miss 'Beryl Phaff gave an Eas- ter poem entitled "Thirty Three Years," followed by singing "Christ the Lord is Risen To -day." Mrs. Roy Bell led in prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted, and the roll call answered with an Easter verse. The business was discussed and arrangements made for a Mother and Daughter banquet to be held on the Monday following "Mother's Day. The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Bell, after which Miss Mabel Workman presided. Hymn "Rejoice The Lord Is King," was sung and the scripture, Matt. 28, 1-10, read by Miss Helen Walker. Mrs, Roy MacLaren gave an Easter reading entitled "'{other Wang's Easter." A beautiful piano duet was played by Mrs. Young and Miss Irene Hoggarth, Miss Workman then introduced the special speaker, Mrs. 33. C. Edward, who gave a very inter- esting address on Making the Most of Lite's Second Best." Mrs, Malcolm Dougall and Miss Margaret Dougall sang a beautiful duet. "The Hand that was Wounded For Me," accomp- anied :by Mrs. Young on the piano. A short play entitled "On Life's High - A DOMESTIC COMEDY "SIMPLE SIMON SIMPLE" Friday, April 14 HENSALL TOWg. HALL 8.15 P. M. Produced by the Young People of S. S. iNo. 9, Tuckersmith Admission 300 and 15c FOLLOWED BY .4 DANCE way," was presented by Mrs. Roy Bell, •Misses Irene Hoggarth, Han- nah Murray, Helen Moir, Margaret Bell. Violet Hyde and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake. Hynm "\\'hen I Survey the Wondrous. Cross," was sung and the meetng closed ,by repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. A very dainty dunch was served by members of the Circle, Mr, W. J. Jones has returned to his home here after .pending a few days at the home of his son Mr, Arthur Jones in Exeter. Mrs. Fred Stnallacombe has re- turned after spending a few days in Guelph with her daughter jean, Mrs. Arthur Boyd, who underwent an op- eration for appendicitis. She was ac- companied home by her grandchild- ren Mlarie and Jack Boyd. Quite a number irant town attend- ed the Exeter High school. dance on Friday night. The ladies of Chiselhurst Church will hold a sale of home-made baking on Saturday, April 8th, in the vacant store formerly occupied by Mrs. \Vm. Sangster. Mr, and Mrs. William MacLean and fancily of Hamilton visited with the former';; parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore on Sunday. Mr. F. W. Gladman has opened an office in the rear of the vacant store formerly occupied by Mrs, \Vm. Sangster and will be in the office as usual every Friday afternoon. )Jr. Thos, Welsh has purchased the dwelling property of the estate of the late Miss Clara ,Volland on Queen St. which has been occupied for the part number of months by Mir. and Mrs, Levi Rands, We understand that Mfr, and Mrs, Scott Welsh will move into this property in the near future and Mr, and Mrs, Rands will move into the house recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MacLarnon. Past Masters' Night— It ightIt being Past Masters' night at the Huron Masonic Lodge on Monday, April 3rd, the Past Masters conferred the third degree on :Bro. Fred Daw- son of Lebanon Forest Lodge of Ex. eter. A large number of brethren from Exeter attended the sleeting. Dainty refreshments were served at the close. Communion Service.— Communion ervice.Connnunion Service will he held as usual on Good Friday at 11 o'clock in Carmel Presbyterian Church and the Sacrament of Baptism will be held at the morning service on Sunday, April 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore of Delhi spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore. AUCTION SALE Community Sale at Queen's Hotel Stables, Seaforth, on Friday, April 74th. 20 head of Stockers and Fat Cattle. Fertilizer seed drill in good shape. Bring in anything you have to sell: Rates reasonable. Phone Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, for information. J. J. Coyne, Manager, G. H. Elliott, Auct., Gerald Doyle, Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and House- hold' effects, at Lot 117, South bound ary= of Stanley Township, 2 miles west of Hillsgreen, 3 miles north of :Zurich, on Tuesday, April 18th, at it p.m. consisting of the following: Horses=lntported 'Clydesdale Stal- lion (Torrs Advocate) rising 3 'years. Standard bred stallion Easter George, 8 years old. Matched team Clyde mares, 8 years old. Clyde mare 7 years old, Standard bred mare (Edna Grattan) 7 years old, Clyde 'duly colt rising 1year: Cattle — Pure •bred Durham cow, just •bred; Durham grade :cpw, just bred; purebred (Jersey cow, freshened 2 weeks, with calf at side; 3 Durham grade 'heifers, due to freshen in July; steer 2 years old; 4 yearling 'heifers; pure bred Durham bull, I year old; Pure bred Durham bull calf. Pigs -2 young sows clue in ;June. Poultry -4 turkey hens and :gob- bler Itbronze); 2 geese, 25 rock hens: Collie dog, Im'p'lements—Massey Harris bind- er, 7 ft, cut; Deering slower; Deering hay loader, good as new; hay rake; side delivery rake; cultivator; seed drill; steel roller; set disc harrows; new hay rack; Cockshutt riding plow; walking ,plow; cutter; light wagon; heavy wagon; set of scales 2000 1b. capacity; VA 'horse power gas engine; set of harrows; wagon box; gravel box; 3 stock racks; Essex car, 1927 model; set of •double heavy harness; set of double driving harness; circular saw; screw jack; anvil, vice, emery grinder; Winchester rifle, high pow- er; cook stove, near new; water trough; treat grinder; quantity of wood; quantity of household effects; 200 bus. wheat; 1100 bus, oats; about Id or 113 tons of hay; forks, chains, wvhiffletrees, neckyokes and numerous other articles, Terms cash, Every- thing to be sold i11 order to• wind sup the estate, At ;the sante time and place the farm which consists of 111'8 acres with good bank barn, I18 acres of bush, 17 acres fall ploughed, 6 acres of fall wheat, balance seeded to hay and and grass. This farm is well watered, well drained and well fenced, Terms on real estate, 10% of the purchase money paid down on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Property sold subject to reserve bid. Clarence Parke and Sant McBride, administrators to the estate of the late John Baker. George H. Elliott and • Harold Jackson, Auctioneers, TENDERS WANTED Township of Hibbert Tenders will be received by the Council of the Township of Hibbert up to Monday, Apr. 17th, at eight o'clock P.MM. at Staffa Township Hall, for crushing .and delivering ap- proximately 60:00 to 8000 cubic yards of •gravel. Gravel to be taken from four different pits. Tenders to he submitted for the en- tire operation of crushing and truck- ing at a flat rate per cubic yard, con- tractor supplying entire equipment. Tenders may be submitted for trucking only at a rate per yard by the block or a fiat rate delivered on the road. Tenders may be submitted at per cubic yard for crushed material plac- ed in the bin. Contractors to supply entire equipment, All Gravel to be screened through a three-quarter inch mesh. All gravel to be taken out the full depth of the pit and the contractor to be responsible for keeping the pit in flood condition. No gravel to be paid for that is unsuitable for road pur- poses. All work to be done under the supervision of the Road Superintend- ent and to his entire satisfaction and that of the Council, ',Work to com- mence as soon as weather conditions permit and to be completed not later than Sept. 15, 1939. A deposit of two hundred dollars will be required of the contractors whose tender is accepted for the dine fulfilment of his contract. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. THOS. D. WREN, Clerk of Hibbert, Cromarty, FOR SALE OR RENT Property of the late Robert Dodds, on No. 8 Highway, west of Seaforth, 8 -roomed frame house, Hydro, stable and chicken house, also raspberries, strawberries and black .currants. Ap- ply to Miss Mary Dodds, Seaforth. FOR SALE Seed barley. A quantity of ,O.A.C. No. '21, six -rowed barley. Apply to Russell Coleman, .Phone 1150-41, Sea - forth. FOR SALE A .quantity of timothy seed for sale. This seed was cleaned twice by the Exeter seed cleaner to remove all light and inferior seed. W. V. Jef- ferson. An Engaging COIF Plot romantic things for the Holidays! Push your glamour ahead with a fresh permanent, a hair -do in the feminine mood and those extra beauty services our reasonable prices mean you can afford. SPECIALLY PRICED PERMANENTS 7.00 Wave for 5.00 6.00 Wave for 4.00 5.00 Wave for 2.75 School Girls' Curl, 2.50 for ... , . 1.75 'B' Beauty Salon L. M. BOX Main St., Seaforth Phone .50 or 18 AUCTION SALE Community Sale at Dick's Hotel Stables, Seaforth, on Friday, Apr, 7th. Usual run of Pigs, Cattle, Poultry, Furniture, etc. Bring in anything you have to sell, Rates reasonable, Horses — Matched •team of black :fillies, rising 3 years old. General purpose mare,'•5 years old. Cattle— Several fresh cows, 18 head of Here- ford and Durham cattle, from 4150 to 800 lbs, Number of young calves. Pigs -1 Yorkshire sow due last of April; 60 chunks front 60 to '11215 lbs. 1 good set of !backbend harness; Vega separator '(small size); pair buggy shafts; 35 anchor and brace posts: 2- h.p. M.H. gas engine, also a small gas engine. Furniture — Bedroom suite, settee and chairs. Glass cupboard and small table. Homer Hunt, mgr., phone 228 - 12. Geo, H. 'Elliott and Harold Jack- son, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE Of the late \V. E. Chapman's house and contents on Jarvis St., Seaforth, on Saturday, April Sth, at 1.30 p.m. 4 bedroom outfits; 5 bedroom chairs:7 rockers; 1 dieting room suite; 2 serving machines; 1 couch; 1 'kitch- en table; '5 kitchen chairs; 1 kitcbeni stove; li lining roots stove; 1 'parlor suite; odd parlor furniture; 7 tables; 1 sectional 'bookcase; 2 small ,book- cases; books; b electric heater; 1 electric 2 -plate burner; 1. oil heater; 1 oil range; rugs. pictures, curtains, cushions, dishes, garden tools, hand washing machine; cupboard, Terns, cash. If not sold prior to the sale, prop- erty to be offered on reserve bid. McConnell & Hays, Solicitors. G. H. 'Elliott, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. Mr. G. H. Elliott has been instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 36, Con. 3, McKillop, P4 miles north from . o. 8 highway, on Hullett-Mc- Killop boundary, on Thursday. April 113th at 1.30 o'clock, the following stock and implements: Cattle -3 cows, three years old; 1 cow. four years old; 1: cow, eight years old; 11 cow, nine years old, to freshen time of sale; 4 heifers, 2 years old; 1 steer, 2 years old; 6 yearlings; 2 calves. Pigs -4 brood sows; 116 chunks; 1 hog, 9 months old. Im:plencents. M.H. binder 7 ft., mow- er; side rake; hay loader, dump rake; roller; combination bean puller and scuffle-; tractor plow '(new-); 14 -disc harrow; 2 ten -inch bottoms; fanning mill; cotter; hay fork and car, rope and slings; hayrack with sliding at- tachment:; cream separator; post hole auger; woven fence stretcher; corn marker. About 10 or 12 tons of hay. • Everything to be sold as farm is being seeded to grass. Terms, cash. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. John McNay, Proprietor. EARLY WARBA POTATOES Wonderful cookers, good yieliders. 'Blight resisting, and 2 'weeks earlier than the, coblbler. This stock cost $4 per bag in '1937. 'Our 'bin run price is $1150 per bag (supply limited), A few bags cobblers at 811125. Also a few bus, 'Red Clover seed, free from bad weeds. Hugill's Specialty Farms, Phone 34-646, Highway 8, west of Seaforth, FOR SALE Erban seed oats, for sale. . Harald Jackson, phone ]2-1141 FOR SALE A quantity of Improved Banner Seed Oats, and O. A, C. No, 2111 seed 'barley, and a quantity of Katandin seed potatoes. .Apply to 'John Hille- brecht, phone 1144 r Illi. SATURDAY ONLY Spot Cash Barb Wire 80 rod roll 3.15 Formaldehyde 16 oz, bottle 20c Western Queen Bread Flour 98 lb. bag 1.89 Rolled Oats 80 lb. bag 3.39 Corn Starch, 3 lb. 23c Australia Seeded Raisins 12 oz. pkge..... 2 for 25e 2 pounds Pure Lard .. , , ..17c Perrin's Soda Biscuits 2 ,pounds 17c Bologna, per lb. 12%c Tomatoes, 2 tins 15c Fancy Biscuits 6 kinds..,.,... per Ib. 15c Cowan's Cocoa 1 lb. Tin 21c W. J. Finnigan IN MEMORIAM In memory of a dear aucle, Frank .O'Hara, who passed away April 4, 1938. —Mrs. Ed Rowland and Children. CARD OF THANKS Mr: William Trott and family wish to express appreciation for sympathy and 'kindness shown them during their bereavement. NOTICE Applications for the office of Assessor for the Township of Mc- Killop for the year 1939, will be re- ceived by the undersigned until Sat- urday, April 113. Applications will .be opened at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on above date at 11.30 p.m. JOHN McNAY, Clerk, Seaforth, R,R, 2. FOR SALE Good top buggy, single 'harness. Also .2 h.p. gasoline engine in :good running order. Mrs, Ed Rowland, St. Coliunban, , ALL YEAR INCOME Selling large line spices, extracts, toilet requisites, stock and other farm products. Our combination off- ers open every door. Nd experience needed. Pleasant work. Steady repeat orders from old and 'ne'w customers, A small amount puts you in lttisiness for yourself. 'NO RISK. Excellent opportunity to right party. For free details and catalogue, FAMIILEY CO., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. FOR SALE 10-20 Titan tractor—.$60, This trac- tor is its good mechanical condition. Also a cow due to freshen 'May 1st. Jno. L. Coyne, Staffa. Lot 31', Con, 6. Hibbert. WANTED Work on the farm by the mouth, \wanted. \fill Wright, Egntondville, FOR SALE A quantity of Red Clover seed for sale. 'John Shannon, phone 242 r 23. SILOS, CISTERNS, WALLS AND FLOORS Get' your order in now, as our past years of satisfactory work, in these lutes, makes it necessary for intending builders to get your contract signed at once while our books are opect. Phone us, 314.6116, Clinton, or call at the farm of J. E, Hugill & Sons, Highway 8, Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE Improved Banter Oats, extra qual- ity. Also a quantity of mixed hay. .Apply to Archie Theodore Dale. phone 1"S - 636, Clinton. PIGS FOR SALE Three young pure bred Berkshire sows. Also one young pure bred Berkshire hog. Howard M. Crich, R., R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 3-6114, Clinton. FOR SALE A quantity of good clean timothy seed, for sale. Apply to T. G. Wheat- ley, phone 240 r 34. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Inrplentents. Mr. G. H, Elliott Inas been instructed to sell by public auction at Lot .115, Con. 3, Stanley, 1;, miles west of Brucefield, on Wednesday, April 12th at 1 p.m. the following stock and implements, Horses: q ,pair choice geldings, 3 years old. Cattle -2 cows due time of sale; 1 cow 4 years old due Apr. 20th; 1 cow freshened 3 weeks; heifer, freshened last November; 3 steers rising '2 yrs.; .3 heifers rising 2 years; 5 heifers rising 1 year. Innplements—M, H. binder; Deer- ing mower; M. H. cultivator; 12. H 13 -hoe drill; M. H. 10 ft. rake; Cock- shutt riding plow; 2 furrow gang: plow; set iron harrow 4 sections; steel land roller; Baits wagon, 2 sets of wheels, drat rack; Clinton fanning mill; root pulper; set stales 10010 lbs:; set tlou'ble harness; collars, collar tops and other things 'too numerous to mention, Everything to be sold as proprietor, has rented farm. Terms cash. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 'John McEwen, Proprietor. ;ELMER U. BULL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours,— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. nt, to 9 p. nt. TOWN OF SEAFORTN Tax Pre=Payment Receipts For 1939 The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to Aug. 31/39 on all pre- paid, 1939 taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town. Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treas. FOR SALE' Early Mandarin Soy beans, suit- able for seed. Arthur .Wallace, Phone 1315 r 25, Seaforth. FOR SALE House and lot on Goderieh Street, Seaforth, for sale. Apply to W. J. Pullman, Seaforth. WOOD FOR SALE About 12 or 115 cords of dry hard wood at '$3!'80 a cord, delivered in Seaforth; also a bunch of limb wood at $2 a cord, 7'. 3. Richardson, shone 1148 r 22, Seaforth. HOUSE AND LOT On John St., for sale or rent, or will sell an extra solid frame, (could be moved at the price asked). For -" Particulars apply to Ebner D. Bell, �►.1 Barrister, etc., Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE Frame hoose, seven rooms, pantry, clothes closets, good cellar, cistern, never failing well of hard water at door, township taxes, good garden, land perfectly clean, some fruit trees. All ,in good repair. This property will be sold on reasonable terns; if not sold would consider renting. Apply on premises or write Mrs. Alex Gordon, Seaforth. FOR SALE Early Alaska seed oats, Govt. grade No. It germination 97; free of noxious weeds; 65c a bus„ free bags. W. L. Chapman, R.R. 1•, Exeter, phone 83r 113, Heasall central FARM FOR SALE 150, 100 or 30 acres, part Lot 10, 111, Morris Twsp. near Blyth, Brussels, Walton. Clay loam and gravel; • well fenced, tiled, good' bush. Brink house, new roof; 2 bank barns, stables, 'hen house. Spring water. Gravel pit on corner.'C. E. Ennpey, Melbourne, 'Ont FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 130 acres, mile east of Walton,. Lots 4 and 5, 1,8th Concession, Town- ship of Grey, Large -bank barn, frame house, excellent .gravel pit, Apply to Frank Fingland, Clinton, Ont. INSURANCE Life. Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable: All risks placed in first class companies, 1nfermation cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIEP Phone 334 w STRATFORD - GO.DERICH COACH LINE'S 'Under New Management TIME TABLE. Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8.25 a.m. and fi 2r p.m, Leaves. Senforth for Goderich: Daily except' Sunday & bol., 12.55 nim:.. and 8 P.m. Spin. and hot., 12.55 p.m. and 10.15 11.111r Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton,Buffalo, London, Detroit Agents + Queen's Hotel, Commercial Hotel, Dick House