The Seaforth News, 1939-04-06, Page 1O King of Kings, we Hail Thee now, This Resurrection Morn, The %victor's crown upon Thy brow Replaces'one of thorn, That Thou didst wear in. agony, 'Upon a Cross on Calvary. Thy Hand is still outstretched 'to save Thr ' hN HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER With power from above: The. Hand that bridged the awful grave. Is still a Hand of love, •Where nail -prints once were • made• for me, Upon a Crosson Calvary. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 61, No. 14 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1939 Phone 84, a year. IEMPHILL Wheat Berries The Best For 21 c. 'bag ,HEI'NTZE JUNIOR SOUP for children from 2 to 5 years old Tilt .... 13c LIBBY PORK & BEANS 3 Tins 25c EARLY BREAKFAST COFFEE 29c lb, FIVE POINT MARMALADE 18c Jar ORANGE MARMALADE 32 oz. 25c jar ORANGES, sweet and juicy . . , , . . 10c doz. GRAPEFRUIT, medium size 8 for 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE - 3 can 25c PREPARED 'MUSTARD 16 oz. jar , 15c LIBBY .SPAGHETTI 26 oz. size 15c AMMONIA, Handy or Snowflake 59 •pkg. SNAP CLEANING POWDER 13c CAUSTIC 'SODA 10c Lb. CLASSIC CLEANSER . , . 2 tins 9c Masters. Chick Starter—none better, $2.60 cwt. A. C. Ro viledge Phone 166 *!blue: coal9. THE SOLID FOE..FOR SOUR COMFORT. E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister, l0 am, Sunday School. le am: "Christ is Risen" 7'p.m. "The Risen Life." Special 'Easter Music. Egmondvife United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A., B.D. 30 a.m., Sunday School, I11 a.m., "'What Does Easter Mean to Us?" 7 p.m„ "The Great Companion at Emmaus." St. Thomas Church Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford. Good 'Friday, :1.I a.m., Rev. H. Jack. Easter 'Day, •8.30 .a.m. Holy Com- munion, 111' a.m, Holy Communion, Easter Sermon, 7 p.m. "The Risen Companion." Sunday School at 10 a.m. First Presbyterian Church 18 a.m. "The Power of His Resur- rection." 7 p.m. Easter Cantata, "The Living Christ," by the choir. S. S. at +8.0 can, Bible Class at 3 p.m. McKillop Charge Easter services Bethel, '1'0.30. Caven, 11,30 Duff's, 3.115. Baptism will be administered. R. W. Craw, Minister. ALERT MISSION BAND The Alert mission band 'held their meeting on Tuesday after school with a good number attending. Hear the Pennies Dropping, was the opening •hynrn, following which Mrs. Barber led us in prayer, Barbara Russell and Gladys Hopper sang God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall. Eleanor Weaver read the scripture. Donna Burke sane an Easter song. The story was Doris and Jahn visiting Sidney, told by Mrs. Christie, Harold R. and John Robert sang a duet, All the Birds Are Here Again. The meeting closed with the mission band hymn and the M.iz- pah 'beneclictfon, WIN FIDDLER'S. CONTEST In the old time fiddler's contest et Cardno's Hall on Tuesday night night, Frank Kenny'af Dublin won first pride; William Hyde, Hensall,; won second prize and Frank `McCaw - third prize. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Bessie, youngest daughter of the. late. Mr. and 'Mrs. John 'F. iMacK'ay . of T•uckersmith, and 'James Howe Jr., sort of Mr. and Mrs. James Howe of Cromarty, the wedding to take place Thursday, April 16th. JUNIOR W. I. The •annual meeting of the junior W. I. will be hold at the home of Mrs. Wiil`ram Oldfield, on Wednes: day, April 1112th, , at 2:310 p.m. The roll callwill be answered by "A Program Suggestion for the Neev Year." Y. P. U. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held .in Northside United Church on Tuesday evening, April filth, with Miss Edith Hoag, in the absence .of Miss Vera Mole, the devotional con- vener, in change. Meeting opened by singing hymn 1210, "S'tand up for Jesus," after which Miss Edna Rob- freitsch led in prayer. Miss, Agnes Wilhelm read the scripture lesson. We were favored with a vocal duet from Misses Irene Workman and Alma Lawrence, •accompanied on the piano by Miss Winnie Savauge. Af- ter repeating the pledge, 'Blest be the Tie that tBinds" was sung. Mr. Sam Scott. the president, then took charge -.af the business meeting and the min- utes o'f the last meeting were read and adopted and the roll teas called. The meeting closed by repeating the Mtizpah ;benediction, On Wednesday, .April 19, the Brucefield Y. P. is pat- ting on a play in the basement of Northside Church under the auspices of the local Y. P. U. MRS. PETER BALE The death occurred on Tuesday, April 4th, of Mrs. Peter Bale, Ord street, at Scott Memorial Hospital, after an illness of some months. _Mrs. IBale had previously undergone an op- eration at London. Born in McKillop 36 years ago, she was formerly Martha Jane .Brewster, youngest dale- ghter of Mr. and. Mrs, ,Tames Brew- ster of Winthrop. She was married in 1906 to Mr. Peter 'Bade. For six- teen years they lived at Chaplain. Sask., and eight years at Windsor, and about six months a't North Bay, 'before returning to Winthrop. Sines last July they resided in Seaforth. Surviving are her husband and a brother, 'James Brewster, McKillop, and a sister, Mrs. john Taylor, Tuck- ersmith. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon irons her late residence, 'Ord street, at 2 o'clock, Rev. R. W. Craw of McKillop offic- iating, Interment will take place in Maitland 'Bank Cemetery, the pall- bearers being Ross Murdie, Wilmer Scott, Archie Kerr, John Kerr, James Riley and Andrew Houston. MRS. WM. TROTT There passed away on Sunday, a highly respected resident of Seaforth in the person of Mrs. William Trott, following a stroke from which she succumbed before medical aid reached her. She had been recovering from a brief illness and had been up about the house again as usual Sunday morning before taking ill about '12.30 o'clock. Mrs. Trott was before leer marriage Emma Wright, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Wright of McKillop, and .lived north of Sea - forth, where she was born on Decem- ber 22, '11873. In 15.99 she was married to Mr. William Trott of Seaforth, and settled in Seaforth. They moved to Heneall and after a year there re- turned to Seaforth. Mrs. Trott had been a partial invalid for some years and though unable to leave the house had been able to be active about the house. Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, Clifford and Clarence Trott, Seaforth, and one daughter, Mrs, 'William McKay, Sea - forth, also by two sisters, .Mrs. Har- ry Bowen, of Blyth, Mrs, Jacob Whiting, of Carndiff, Sask,, and • one brother, Wesley Wright, of Sussex, Englan d, The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon; April 4th, from the home of her daughter, Mrs. McKay, High street, Rev. H. V. Workman of ,North Side United C'hurc'h officiated. Inter- ment took place in Maitland Bank Cemetery. The pallbearers were Al- lan Reid, 'J. A. Westcott, J. J. Cluff, Robert Joynt, Ed Mole and Robert Pinkney. Among those from a dist- ance were Mrs. H. Bowen, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs: Charles Pridille and sen James of Tillsoniburg; Mrs. W. Goetz, Waterford; Mr. and Mrs, Jack. Hearne, Tililsonburg; Mr. and Mrs.• Frank Ullman, Hamilton; Alrs, Jahn Hamilton of Waterdown. SPLENDID SHOWING AT . SEAFORTH SFPRDN'G FAIR Seaforth spring show was held on Main street on Tuesday afternoon. with a large attendance and an excel- lent showing of horses. The parade of animals, led by the Seaforth High- landers Band, opened the show. The weather was fine, although there was a cold wind. The Agricultural and General Pur- pose classes were up to average, also the Heavy Draft class was well fillet, Altogether there were fifty horses ent- ered in the show.. The light horse. classes were not as good as formerly. classes were not filled. There was more competition than usual in stal- lions, two or more being entered in eachclass. J. E. Falconer, who has moved to Hi'b'bert from Petrolia this spring, has a large limber' of horses and cleaned up on all the Clyde stallion classes. He showed I-ochin- var, grana champion at the. Royal Winter fair for many years, The prize winners were Clydesdale Stallion any age, J. E. Falconer, 'Hibbert; T. J. McMichael. Seaforth. Clydesdale, over h year, J. L. Fal- coner and 2nd. Percheron Stallion, Dan Ross, Hen stntl, Wen. Schrag, Zurich. Clyde sweepstakes, T. E. Falconer. Roadster Stallion, \Vm. Govenlock, Geo. Reilly, :Mitchell. ,Agricultural brood mare, Russell Scott, Cromarty; Pearson Charters; Fred Roney, :Mitchell. Filly or geld- ing, any age, N. Schantz, Platteville; R. Scott: W. J. Dale, Clinton. Filly or gelding, 3 years, N. Schantz; Fred Roney; R. Scott. Filly or gelding, foal, 19937, W. J. Dale: Glen Cornish. Clinton; Harvey Turner, Varna. Filly or gelding, foal, 1038, Geo. Coyne; OWL. ANNUAL MEETING At'.the anneal meeting of the Cath- olic 'Women's League, held in the vestry of St. James' Church, a suc- cessfiel year 'was reviewed, .donations having been given to national, dioces- and and parochial work. Several crates of eggs were shipped to char- itable institutions in London .at Eas- ter, Our social service committee sup- plied 'needy. families with clothing and treats when necessary. Prizes for Christian doctrine and highest stand- ing in entrance examinations were awarded the children. A .generous •da - nation was ,given toward a beautiful painting for our church. In the ab- sence of the treasurer, Mrs. J. J. , leary, the financial statement, read sy Miss Margaret Kelly, showed re- :eipts of $449,98, expenses $•10340. ntlance $45,89, Rev Father 'Hussey was present* Ind complimented the league on it, splendid work and wished those about to he elected every ,uses;, \fre, F. Devereaux, the retiring pres- ident, expressed her thanks to Rev. Fr. Hussey for his kind assistance, and to her executive and members for the co-operation received during her term of office: Votes of thanks were also extended to the retiring offic- ers and to the retiring president, Mrs. F. Devereaux, for her untiring ef- forts, its the interests of . the league. Miss Loretto Faulkner, convener of the nominating committee, presid- ed during the election of officer., which resulted as follows: Chaplain, Rev, T. P, Hussey, Past President, llrs. F. Devereaux; President,- Mfrs, \Vm, Devereaux Sr., vice presidents, Mrs. C. P. hills; res.. set Mrs. Wm. Hart; `car. sec., Mrs. G. Reynolds; treasurer, Mrs. J. 11. McMillan; traveller' aid, Mrs. T. D. O'Neil; press sec., firs. Leo Fortune, W. Schrag; W. J. Dale. Team in harness, N. Schantz; R. J. Scott; Fred Roney. Sweepstakes, N. Schantz. Heavy Draft—Brood mare, Jas, Scott, Cromarty; Harvey Turner. • Filly or gelding, any age, Jas,' Scott and 2nd;' N. Schantz, Filly or gelding. foal, 1938, J, E. Falconer; W. J. Dale; Fred Roney. Team in harness;—Jas, Scott. Sweepstakes, Jas. Scott. General Purpose, any age — W. Decker, Zurich; C. W. 'Kent, Enrbro, and 3rd. Filly or gelding, foal, 1937, 1f. Hooper & Son, St. Marys; N. Engel, Yankton, Filly or .gelding, foal, 993'8, M. Hooptr & Son; L. Car- ter, Team in harness, W. Decker, C. W. Kent; Cosgravcs' Dong. Brewery, Toronto: Sweepstakes, Wnt. Decker.1 Township Special -1. Blenheim (syr. Schantz); 2. Hibbert ('J. Scott); 3. Huilett (8/. Dale). Boys' Judging IL Edison Forrest, Kip.pen. 98 pts. 2. Wm. Turnbull, Brussels, 87 pts. 3. Cameron Shantz, Platteville, 85. 4. Cliff. Henderson, Clinton, 84 pts. a: 'Jack Henderson, Clinton, 89 ,pts. 6. Ten Betties, Seaforth, 716 .pts. 7. Rob#: 'Kirkby, Walton, 69 ,pts. HOLD SPECIAL SERVICE On Sunday morning at Northside United Church a large congregation shared in a service inaugurating a Young Worshippers' League, as a method of relating, more definitely, the children to the Sunday worship services. The membership of the Lea- gue already embraces the majority of the children up to fifteen years of age. Misses Helen Moffatt and Lo McGavin, as directors of the League, have charge of the membership roll and ' supervision of the attendance cards. A feature of the service was the .splendid junior choir directed by Miss M. Turnbull, The choir led the service of praise, and contributed an anthem entitled ."0 Worship The King." A dtiet, by Misses Dorothy and Edna Gallop, "The Old Rug- ged Cross," was 'pleasingly rendered. The minister, Rev. H. V. Work- man, expressed delight that the homes; the Sunday 'School staff and the children themselves •had so fully co-operated in an endeavor to capture the iniagitiation, love and loyalty of the children as the promise of the future Of the church. Trade in your old watch now! Bulova values were neves greater,., the models never smarter! HORATIO . Hand- some, accurate, depend- able. ependable. This fine Bulova only. , $2475 CLEOPATRA ... Square is the latest! Precision Bulova jeweled $ 75 movement . Z4 .t PRESIDENT... ' 2I jewels; streamlined! ;?w?; Curved to fit the wrist. MRS. JOSEPH KEATING After an illness of ten weeks, Mre. Ellen Keating, widow of the late Joseph Keating, passed away at her home on Church Street, Seaforth. on Wednesday, April Sth. Mrs. Keating, whose maiden name was Ellen A. O'Keefe,. was a daugh- ter of the late Michael and Margaret O'Keefe, She was born in Hihbc•rt Township, July 14th, 118(:8. On June 17, 1891, she was married. in St. James' Church, Seaforth, to Joseph Keating by Rev. Fr, Cook. Mr, Keat- ing predeceased her in March, 1038. One son Edmund predeceased her in !larch, 11937. Surviving are one dau- ghter, Mrs. Arthur Foreman, of Fort William, two sisters, Miss O'Keefe, of London, and Mrs. John Dever- eaux, of Seaforth, and seven grand- children. Mrs. Keating always took an active part in social work. She was presented with the life member- ship of the Red Cross and was first president of the Seaforth subdivision of the Catholic Women's League. The funeral will take place Satin, day morning at 10.311 to St. James' Church, interment at St.'Jamcs' Cem- etery. MRS. M. O'CONNOOR :\ lifelong and highly regarded re- sident of this district, Mrs. Michael ()'Connor, passed away shortly be- fore noon on Monday, at the home of her son-in-law, Mfr. J. M. Eckert, McKillop, after a brief illness. Mrs. O'Connor was in her 'Sth' year. A daughter of the late J•aaeph Montgomery and Ellen Flan- nigan, she wa. born in Colborne Township near Benmilier. When she she was '114, the family moved to Hib- bert and in 187:5 she was married at St, Coinmhan to Michael O'Connor, who predeceased her in 1032. She re- sided in Hibbert until December, 1937, when she came to live with her dattghte1, llrs. t 1 art Three sons and three daughter nr,li'e: Thoma London, En,.; Michael, San Mateo. Calif.; Joseph, on the homestead in Hibbert: 11re. 11. J. Crowley. Sea- forth; Mfrs. James McCluskey and Mrs. John 11. Eckert. McKillop. The funeral took place from St. James' Church, Seaforth, on Wednes- day morning. Requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. Father T. P. Hussey. Rev. Father Danteer of St. Coltnnban was in the sanchtary, 1m- erment was in St, Columban Ceme- tery. The pallbearers were Con., Jim and A1die Eckart and John, f nee•ph and James O'Connor. PENNY BANK REPORT Seaforth—Total amount on deposit at end of February, 1939: $1,'5410.7-t. Comparative figures of a year ago: $1',370.191 . BOWLERS MEET The annual pre -season meeting of the executive of the Seaforth bowlers was held in the coancil chamber on Wednesday evening. The different committees were appointed for the year, and the elates set for the big open tournaments, The four dates are June 21Doubles, July 10 Double,, Aatgust 9 Doubles, and on September 13 the annual Tip Top doubles. Charles P. Sills and H. E. Smith were given charge of the grounds for . the season. They have already been active in this capacity and have se- cured the former caretaker, Mr. Robt. Joynt, who has been in the service of the 'bowlers .10r a number of years. The roller of the bowling club will be out to roll lawns in the .town in the near future. There were reports nn the condi- tion of the grounds and all seemed to think that they were in the best of condition. The crass at the greens 1125 wintered well and there is every in- dication that the club will have a successful season, The club decided to enter the Pro-, vincial Lawn Bowling :\isoc'n again. The members of the executive were in favor of co-operating with the (fife ferent clubs around this district in an effort to stimulate interest in the game, It was brought up that there should be more local zone tourneys, so it was passed that every Tuesday evening there would be staged a local twilight with no fees and no prizes. There would-be points gii'en -for a win or tie end the bowie- or bowlers having thi- nnest hemost points at the end of the season would receive a prize. Bang! Bing! BINGO! rt IN "D" COMPANY ARMORIES, Seaforth; commencing. 8.30 Sharp. Tuesday Evening, April 11 Be On Time. ADMISSION 101, First 4 Games Free DOOR PRIZE—SET OF DISHES. Prizes Galore, Chickens, Chairs, Blankets, Case Oranges, Apples, Groceries, Etc. THIS IS YIOUR INVITATION. We Are Expecting 'You. WELFARE BRANCH, CANADIAN LEGION 19o. 156