The Seaforth News, 1939-02-16, Page 1There are two •aivgels .that attend unseen Each one of us, and' in. great 'books • record Our 'good and evil,'deeds. He wlho writes, dawn The good) ones; after every action closes lir . .. ,. HURON COUNTY'S LEADING N EW S PAPER His volume, and ascends with it to God. The other ceps • h dread All day- osen 1tl! nage.,, that we may repent; tvltisit -doing, The record t,f the action facies away. --Tie Golden Legend. WHOLE. SERIES, VOL, 61, No. 7 AUNT JE'MIMA Pancake Flour 17c Per Pkg, MAPLE SYRUP— .... ... . . YRUP— .,...... ,..:. , 45c small quart CHOCOLATE MARSH MALLOW CAKE 2 lb. 29c SW'E'ETENED FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT JUICE - 2 cans 25c AYLMER TOMATOES— Choice 3 tins 25c CORN OR PEAS— 3 tins 25c LIBBY SPAGHETTI— , . 10c tin SOCKEYE SALMQN— Country Club .... halves, 18c tin SWEET PICKLES— Large Jar .... ............ 25c ORANGE 1VIARMALADE Large Jar 25c PRUNES, Large and Meaty - 3 -lbs. 25a COLGATE'S HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY SOAP— ' 3 for 10c CASTILE SOAP, 10 bars 25e WASHING SODA— Loose 3 lb. 10c TOILET PAPER— .... 8 rolls 25c CAUSTIC SODA— Loose 10c lb. EPSOM SALTS, 6 lbs. 25c SULPHUR, 6 lbs. 25c Master Hog Worm Powder 50c pack. -. C.PhRoutledae ► 166 *'bine coal'�SA:. THE. SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT I E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 1111 a,nt. Life's Unexpected Shocks, • 30 p.m. Sunday School. p.m. Christian Self -Keeping. 7.45 p.m, Thurs., Prayer -meeting, St. Thomas' Church Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford. 1'1 am. Lent Series: The Church Furniture: I. ''The Font:" 7 pm. Lent Series, Figures Around the Gross: I. "Judas." Ash Wed., service at 8 p.nn.: 'The Meaning of Christianity." Sunday School at 10 a.m. • First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh jack, Minister. S. S. at 10 o'clock. 'Morning service, ,111 a.m, subject, "`The Forgiveness of Sin." Bible Class at 3 pm. Evening service, 7 p.m., subject "A Closer Walk with God." Midweek meeting on Thursday at 8 o'clock. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. '1111 a,m, "The Revelation of the Liv- ing God." 7 p. m. "'Our Attitude Toward Others." EN'G5''AGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glew, Clinton, announce the engagement of their only ;daughter Jean Margaret, to Har- old Munro Cummings, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John •Carmaniugs of Seaforth, The ' marriage will 'take place on Feb. '17th. ST. COLUMBAN • Many 'friends were present at the funeral son Wednesday afternoon of little ,Agnes Dalton, 'daughtet of Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Dalton, who died at The' Scott 'Memo'rial. Hospital, after a few days' illness: A short service was 'helld at St. Colyun!ban 'Church at 3 o'clock. The' pallbearers were Joe and Jack Malone, Lew Doyle and 'Jim Ducharme. We extend 'our sincerest sympathy to the (bereaved parents, and friends. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1939 TOWN COUNCIL The regular meeting of the towns council was held on, Monday evening in the council chanibers. Mayor Chuff presided, 'Me.ntbers of council present were Reeve .Scott and Coun- cillors R. G. Parke, H. 'E. Smith, F. Sills, and C. Holmes. The 'meeting was a short ,one, some items of bus- •iness being lair over to an adjourned meeting on Friday evening. A motion of appreciation for the services of Mr. Andrew Little as weighmaster was recorded. A comr•iti,ication from the Utilities Commission referred to joint use of of street poles for the hydro and tel- ephone. The Bell Telephone Co. this week started work on the poles and details of the agreement for elimin- ation of poles where joint use is pos- sible, were reviewed 'by council, A lengthy resolution on taxation from the Mayor's Association was read and after some discussion left over to the next -meeting. The request of the Salvation -Army Shelter, London, for the usual grant was also deferred to the next meet- ing, Some needed repairs to the town hall were outlined by the property ,committee. Resolution of Appreciation • A resolution of appreciation was moved by Mr. F. Sills, seconded 'by Mr. H. E, Smith, of the long services of Andrew Little, the integrity that was his, the public confidence he held, and the devotion to duty he maintained, with the hope that the remembrance of these may prove an incentive as they must have been an inspiration to m every walk of life and with the hope that God may favor him in his well earned rest with happiness and 'health, Carried. Motion: Smith -Scott, that the meeting ad- journ to meet Friday evening, Febru- ary 117th at 8 p.m. Report of finance committee: H. Snell, '$i7i0; J. Currie, $60; T, Storey, $60; D. H. Wilson, $66.43; A. M. Hudson, '$119.60; J. A. Wilson.- $20; ilson:$20; Bell Telephone Co„ $14:62; W. G. Willis, $2.715; 7. H. Scott, $214.31; J. F. Daly, $9.40; Canadian National Rlys., Sh,ILa; Provincial Treasurer, in- sulin $2.93; Gore District Mutual Fire Ins, Co., $37; A. E. Wilson & Co., Ltd., prem., $226,22 Fidelity In- surance Co., prem„ $S, Law Union and Rock Insurance, prem„ $1111.40: E. C. Chamberlain, Canadian Surety Co., e120; cath relief, $256,39; P, U. C., electrical, $216,711; Kerslakes, $5.80; Wm. Montgomery, $32:40; H. W. Hart, :$1.60. SINGING EVANGELIST DIES Envoy Dougall of the Salvation Army received word that Envoy Fer- guson. guson. widely known as the Singing Evangelist, died in the hospital at London on 'Monday night after un- dergoing an emergency operation. Envoy Ferguson had intended con- ing to Seaforth to hold a special ten day campaign, starting this week -end. Arrangements were made to have Envoy Turnbull of London here for the week end, W. M. SOCIETY MEETING An open meeting of the W. M. So- ciety of 'North Side United was held an Thursday evening, Feb. 9th, in the basementof the church, with a large attendance, including some men of the congregation. The ,president Mrs. H. V, Workman, opened, with hyann :51111, "Lord of the Lands." Roll call by the secretary. The treasurer gave the monthly report, Miss A. Lawrence introduced chapter IIV of the study, book, 'Learning to live together. This was taken by four members of Circle 2, Mrs. 'Workman told' the story about what happened at the Church of All Nations, Toronto, "The Three Doors," and a pageant, "Tile 'Coronation 'of Friendsihip," she had seen in that church in wh'ic'h 14 nationalities took part, also the work at Sault Ste. Marie and Victoria, B. C., :friendship being the keynote. A paper taken by Mrs. Dale advocated that we should,overcome all antagon- ism with these different nationalities, anti 'learn to live on friendly terns with 'theist, that Canada may' be more truly ,a Christian nation, Hymn 398 "Rise Up 0 Men of God," was sung. Prayer was taken by Miss 7. Alex- ander. The scripture lesson; "The Good Samaritan," Luke '10, was read by Miss A. Wallace. The meeting closed with prayer 'by. Mrs, H. V. Workman. Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Modeland Mr, and Mrs, R, H. MIodelan•d cele- brated their golden wedding on M•ou- tay, Feb. 113th, at their home near Egmondville. This highly esteemed couple received the congratulations and 'best wishes of their many friends anid they were recipients of gifts and cards from the family and friends. The day was observed quietly at home. In the evening a few friends gathered :for a surprise party and presentation and spent •a social even- ing with theta. Mr. and Mrs. Mode - land are 'both members of pioneer families of Tuckersntith. Mrs. Mode - land's father, the late William Mt - Connell, cleared a -farm on the Mill Road and Mr. Modeland's family cleared the land on the farm where they reside. It was in 1548 that Mrs. itl,odeland's father carne to Tucker - smith. He .had come front Scotland to New York where he clerked in a store for a time before taking up land here. After procuring the land he returned and spent a year in New York, and then came baok and settled on his farm, which is the present Boyce farm on the Till Road, The first house was built on the bank of the river and some years later a new house was built closer to the road. Mrs. Modeland recollects that the river hank was much 'higher than now at this point. When she was married fifty years ago she had not far to go to her new home as the Modeland homestead was almost directly across the river on the second concession of Tuckersmith. When Mr. Modeland was tivo years old his father, the late John Mode - land, carne to the Tue'kersntith farm from Chinguacousy Township,near Brampton in '1861. They cleared the land .and it has remained in the pos- session of the family ever since. Bath lIr. and Mrs. Modeland are the 'last surviving members of their families. There were three 'b'oys and three girls in the 'McConnell familyand five girls and three boys the Modeland family, • Mr. and Mrs. Modeland have one son and one daughter, John Ws of Egmondville, and Mrs. R. C. Hend- erson, of Toronto, who though unable to be present for this wedding anni- versary, celebrates •iter own 'birthday an the sante day, Feb. ;113th. Mr. Modeland is t known to his many friends as ''Amm:ond" or '"R.H," Hisname correctly is Richard Her - mond Modeland. He will be 211 in May Of this year, dors. Modeland was Miss Susan McConnell before her marr- iage. She will he 76 in April. The wedding day fifty years ago was very similar to Monday, bright and cold, the ,one difference being that there was quite deep snow then in contrast to the almost 'bare roads on Monday. The ceremony tools place at the bride's home. Rev. Joseph MIc- Coy of the 'Egmondville Presbyterian Church, was officiating minister, Miss Mary (Polly), 7sfeGeoch of the '22nd of '1 uckersinith, was br'desmaid and William 'James Chesney of Tucker - smith was groomsman, The +brides- mrid later became Mrs. Mitchell and now lives in Philadelphia. The groom- sman has since passed on. After the wedding they drove in style to the railway station at Seaforth in a "pleasure sleigh," which was a three - seater holding six .passengers. The sleigh carte from Forbes' livery. The 'bridal couple left on the afternoon train at 3 o'clock for Toronto where a brother of -Mr. Modeland was then living. They enjoyed a two week's honeymoon in the city. HURON OLD BOYS ATTEND CHURCH .SERVICE The 10th annual Church Service of the Huron 'Old Boys' Association of Toronto was held Sunday evening at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church with about 400' mem'b'ers of the Association being in attendance. Rev. R. C. Vlcllermid, chaplain of the Association, conducted the serv- ice and took as his subject '"Elijah." He stressed the importance of old friendships and elaborated on the theme that what the world needed today was faith. A fireside service was later held in the schoolroom with a very large at- tendance. A program of old-time hymns, choir selections, 'vocal and piano solos were much enjoyed by the members. Short addresses were given by members of different ; parts of the County. Lunoheon was served by the ladies of the congregation. NATIVE OF SEAFORTH DiES AT 'OWEN • SOUND A resident of .Owen Sound for 312 years, Mrs. Robert A. Breckenridge died there last week in her 166th year. Born in Seaford -I, she was a great granddaughter of the late General` William Buller .of United Empire Loyalist :fame. She was also :a des- cendant of the 'Ormand family, of Which the Duke ,of 1Ormend' was one 'time lord 'lieutenant : of Irelands She lived in Seaforth, Hamilton and St. Catharines, where she taught school before her marriage' to Robert Breck- enridge of 'Owen Sound. • Phone 84: $1 a year. DWELLING LOSSES LOWER IN McKILLOP MUTUAL The annual meeting of the McKil- lop 'Mtttmal Fire Insurance Company was held in the town 'hall, Seaforth, on Friday afternoon with a good at- tendance. In his report the secretary - treasurer, Mr. \1. A. Reid, said: "I have :pleasure in advising that yott have had a successful year, that your financial position is improved, all of which is very gratifying. An analysis of your losses shows that two farm .barn fires have been the largest losses, Unfortunately, the one had to be listed as unknown, although it was presumed to have started from child- ren playing with matches. The other major loss was a dwelling, and was caused by a defective chimney. This is a serious question and one which should he considered by every policy- holder, in 1537 our dwelling losses were .heavy, and the 19315 improve- ment leads me to believe that you considered seriously my request to use every precaution and practised faithfully the following precautions: Clean chimneys and pipes regularly; keep stove -pipes away from all tvood; remove all rubbish; ,deposit ashes only hi metal containers; avoid use of gasoline; do not use kerosene to start fires; watch and clean coal oil stoves and lanterns; smokers, be careful, ex- tinguish and break your match 'be'fore you throw, it away; practise fire .pre- vention methods daily. Your efforts undoubtedly saved a heavy property ,lass or the life of one or titore dear to you, which is the most dreadful dis- aster of all dwelling fires." The total losses from fire and light- ning were $5,72393, which is a re- duction of A5,808,163from the previ- ous ous year. Under liabilities is a claim unpaid, $3,600. The 'board of directors for 19138 was re-elected, .as follows; Officers, president Thomas Moy- lan, Seaforth; sec.-treas., M, A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; James Sholdice, Walton; William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhartlt `Dublin; Jantes C'oitnolly, Goderich, Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex Mc - Ewing, Blyth; Franck MacGregor, Clinton. Steady 'progress has been made 'by the company. In the past six years assets have increased eight tines. Over one million dollars in new bus- iness has been added in that time, SHALL WE BELIEVE OR BELITTLE? An address 'by Rev. A. W. Gardin- er, B.A. B.D., at the Lions' Club on Monday evening. Of one thing was Will Roger; proud. He said, "When the: time comes to stake out a grave stone for me, stake sure you put upon it this one thing I can claim to have done. Say about toe, 'He never knew a man he couldn't Bice'." He so arranged itis life that in every life he met, he could find something to respect and admire. How far from the characteristic tem- per today, that sunny disposition of his wast Some of you remember when the Titanic was stink years ago, ripped in the midst of a calm night by a hidden iceberg, sent to 'the bottom with hun- dreds on 'board, never to be seen again. When we heard how the people died, we had a thrill of pride. How quietly and unselfishly many of them prepared for death, urging women and children to get into the life boats! Another ship was ruined off the At- lantic coast, the Morro Castle, burst- ed urned into a ruin. Bart what a different story! Something .had happened to men and women in the interim. They clambered on top of one another to escape. Heavy 'boots went crushing on the prostrate 'bodies of women .and children. Half filled boats 'fouaci their way across the water, while oars were used to beat upon the 'heads of those struggling to save themselves, The world is in a vicious circle of mutual distrustand manual resent- ments, Of course, there has been a war, .and in a war people are taught to hate one another so that they will keep on killing one another. Of course there has been :a depression. You have noticed ltow easy it is to be mannerly when there is enough ,of ev- erything to go round. Have yop not- iced how easy it is for courteous manners to slip off when supplies are scarce, and nobody :knows where there are jobs enough to go round? These things have contributed to a general 'temper of distrust. T'hin'k how we talk about each other these days in our ordinary and hitter conversations, Don't 'be surprised if in this vicious circle -of mutual distrust yott blame somebody else, and somebody else 'blames somebody else, you discover that somebody is pointing to you in blame. That is the way it happens, and dr ire ch ot'dwn 'tilt levelwe of dotre anod distrtotusts. When we look 'back across the years to see if' it has aver happened (Continued on - Page Four.) I".'unmu',""urtun"u,niun,nuurnnm"nnnu"unn, Pickin's of Sport with "Gusto" „e„1„111111 mlinnitinotimillilimintatiniticirtsmoitillitiii,. Hockey Scores. 0, H. A.'Intermectiate. "13” Clinton 0, t,tiderich 3. Seaforth 8, .Mitchell 3. Goderich 2, Tavistock tl. Seaforth 4, Clinton 3. Tavistock 4, Mitchell 2. Seaforth 2, Goderich L Seaforth 4, Goderich 3. Junior Farmer's, Kinburn 4, Winthrop 2, Londesboro 6, Egtttottciville 4. Duncan Cup Athletics 6, Argos 0. Bisons 2, Beavers h Americans 4, Aces 1, Bears 8, Bruins 0. Standings: Intermediate B. P, W, L, T.pts, Seaforth , , , , , 15 9 '5t 1 19 Tavistocic „ „ . b4' 8 3 3 !l19 Clinton „ „ .,., 111' 8 3 0 16 Goderich , , ., •115 410 1 9 Mitchell .. ., .. ll? 2 9 1: -5 junior Farmer's W. L. T. pts, Londesboro , . 4 0 1 9 Dublin ... 2 0 2 6 Kinburn 2 2 1 5 Egmondville . , , ,s..14 .3 1 3 Winthrop...........0 4 1 11 Duncan Cup Group W. Is T. pts. Athletic, 4 0 II 9 Americans .. , . , 3 0 ,•? Aces 4! 4 0 3 Argos , 0 4 11 11 Group "B": 8 W. L. T. pts.. Bisons...... ......,, 4 '1 1 9 llruins . .3 2 1' 5' 2 .5 0 4 Beavers , , . , .... 71 4 0 2 The Seaforth Intermediates have von five straight games to tie Tavis- tock for the top notch of the group. With nne more game to play they may end up in first place. but Clinton Colts have five gamer- yet to play, Tavistock two and Mitchell 'four: Monday night on a water.covered surface tate Beaters beat the Sailors at Goderich by 2-V scare. In the last 'few minutes of play a free-for-all broke out between the players. Skip- per McDonald cif Goderich was knocked out when a teammate missed Shroeder and 'hit the Skippers It was noticed the following night in Sea - forth that Art Doak was playing with what looked like two black eyes, so Goderich must have cone out second hest in the scrap. In the Junior Farmer's. Lntdes- bnrn seems to be out o' their class, and are leading the second place Dublin team by three paints. On Saturday night they trounced Eg- montiville by a 6-4 score, while Kin - burn moved into third place 'by de- feating Winthrop 4-2. This leaves \Vinthrop in the cellar with one point. The Londesboro-Egmondviile game was really a hard=fougt•.ht bat- tle, 'being fairly even on the play. Loatdesbora scorers were G. Fairser- vice two, 13. Riley two. Arthur and Gray one each, while Egmondville scorers were H. Nicholson two, Ven- us and Flannery one each. The iKin- hurn-\h'inthrop game was faster with Kinburn having the edge in the play. Carter and Dale ;cored for Winthrop while Kinburn scorers were Dorrance two, singles were scored 'by B. Riley and A. Riley, Iu Duncan Cttp hockey the lowly Bears surprised the Bruins by giving them an 8-1) shellacking. The Bruins played up the ice too much and al- lowed many Bear breakaways which resulted ,in goals, The scorers were (Cguttnued on rage Five) ATTEND FUNERAL Word of the passing of Mrs, R. Morrow of Hamilton on Sunday night was received, Her husband, Mr. Rob: ert Morrow, 'brother of Mrs, Robert Wright, of Hu•llett, has been on the Hamilton teaching staff for nineteen years, Amongthose who were in'Ha- ntilton. attending the funeral which took place at 2 o'clock Wednesday„ were: \ir s, Earl Roes. \\int, Wright, Jr., R. E. MacKenzie l;os. Dorsey and Henderson` 5initit is, ey 0\ Noun • 5r, t 'ta\ oa ,t` \: � t5 \� a,\ Tat • C+ N \ti''''',1\\g' ivy c� .tr v , ss r,a\ cao \� 1'' eco . s ty \o, ▪ ®oto Gay cute\ eas' mat • ._�a�''� tbts� e • S cess ) C\c \e ct Y ,\h LADIES'.ry `oma\eh u STYLE pry.• r � SHOP AT SAVA UGE IT PAYS SAMUEL SCARLETT From the Vancouver Province. of J amtart 311st: Last rites for Samuel Scarlett, aged 82, who died at his home here on Saturday, Jan. 28, were held from the Chapel of Chimes, Harron Bros. Ltd it the place of interment in Mountain View cemetery. The service was largely attended—a splendid tri- bute to one of the prairie pioneers. Rev, D. A. Fowlie and Rev, J. S. Pat- terson ;care officiating clergymen. Pallbearers were R. 'McKillop, D. MacDonald, A. Mayer, A. White, A. and E. Gourley. Born in Ontario, the son of the late Samuel and Mary Scarlett, Mr, Scarlett was a success- ful and well known .pioneer rancher of the Calgary district. He retired to Vancouver twenty-six years ago. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Emma Grierson of Ottawa, Ontario; a sister, Mrs, Margaret Kelly of Blyth; and a brother Robert, of Sea - forth. EXPRESSES APPRECIATION Mr. Andrew Little intends leaving on Saturday ,o spend the remainder of the winter with his son Mr. W. H. Little, in Brantford, Mr. Little re- tired this month from the position of weighmaster as the town weigh scales, which he has held for the past seventeen years. ' "I wish to express my deepest ap- preciation," Mr. Little stated to The News on Monday, "for the kindness and co-operation of the Public Utili- ties Commission, the coal dealers, teamsters and public generally during the long term of my service," FUNERAL OF R. T. DODDS The funeral of the late Robert Tor- rance Dodds took place on .Saturday afternoon front his late residence in Harpurhey. Rev. Haugh Jack of First Presbyterian ,Church officiated, In't- ernt•ent took place in Maitlandban'k Cemetery. The pallbearers were Gor- don and Frank Reynolds, J. R., Scott, H. G. Wankel, Jack Nash, Chas. Dodds '(Homer, Mich.) ; fiower bear- ers, ;Tames Reynolds, Wtn. Harrison, R. B. Scott, Attending 'the funeral from a distance were the deceased's brother, \Vni Dodci's, New Rockford, N.D., and nephew, 'Charles Dodds, of Homer. Mich. VOCAL RECITAL .An event of unusual interest to music lovers of Seaforth and district will he held on Monday evening, Feb. 20th, in Northside United. Church, when guest soloists from Stratford and•'Mitc'hell will appear in a recital. with Seaforth pupils of W. B. Rothwell, music 'Master of Strat- ford Normal Sehool. Most of the pupils appearing on the 'pi+ogram will compete in the Stratford ntiisic 'festi- val from Fe -b. 23 to 'March 4.