The Seaforth News, 1938-06-23, Page 8PAGE EIGIHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1938 MOON. IIENSALL 1......=.................. The Hensall 'Public and Continua- mewl il NG tion schools will close ifor the sum- I 1 G TV SPRiri mer .holidays at the close of this week. The continuation school will Ha`r St I i y es to suit . close •on 'Thursday laud the pupils will picnic a t Grand Bend' in :the af- ternoon. The ,public school will ,close N S Hats en e th Spring ...ats on Friday and they will hold their an - A preparatory service will be held nual picnic Oil 1Friday afternoon on ' Dr. Moir's grounds at Huron Springs. permanents in the United Church on Friday even- ing of this week and a communion service will be held on Sunday morn- ing. At the evening service Rev. Mr. Sinclair will give his farewell to 'the congregation that he 'has so faithfully ministered to for 'nearly fifteen years. He will leave here oext week for Blyth, where he will 8teome the pas- tor of the UnitedChurch. there. What might have been ksad accid- pecial Prices NOW ent happened to the little d tighter of Dr. and Mrs. Smith of St. arys, for- merly of Henna, 'who is a grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C, . Petty of Hensall. On ednesday Beauty Salon while islaying around the garden of her home M St. 'Marys s e wandered "The home of Better Permanents" • You may have your choice NO Machine Permanent or Machine Permanent Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 into a neighb.or.s garden,, Where there was a fish pond, Her Mother, missing her, made a hurried 'search and found her little daughter -lying at the bot - ,s the 'fish pond in about three feet of water. First aid w.as immedi- ately given by a neighbor woman, who understood resuscitative meth- ods, and medical assistance secured, and in a few minutes the child was breathing again and not inuch the worse from her startling experience. When found her face was black anal In a few more minutes life would have been extinct. The induction of the Rev, Mr. Brooks, who is comiog here from Blyth, to become pastor •of the Unit- ed Church here, will take place on Thursday evening, yune aatb. At the close of the service a recepticn will be tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Breciss by the congregation. At the Haron Perth Baseball lea- gue •game played at Goder?ch c r Monday evening, Goderich defeated Hensall by a score of 6 to 5. Quite a number of Hensall baseball fans ac- companied the tearo to ,Goderich. Mr. Rdbert Higgins spent a few days last week visiting with his dau- ghters at the Beach -.o -Pines. The milk patrons of Mr. Oliver Rowcliffe, and other citizens of the village and vicinity, were invited 'by Mr. and Mrs. Rowcliffe to be their guests on Monday evening at their farm, and inspect their model dairy and nevs pasteurizing plane. Nearly the whole village took advantage of the epportunity. The fine large barns and stables were first visited where the +milking is done. The -walls and ceilings are all whitened, and the iloors faultlessly clean. The large milking machine was inspected and its working Shown. The next visit was to the pasteurizing room, vrhere Mr. A. Fulcher of St. Marys who in- stalled the new machine demonstrated it, showing how the milk was heated to a high degree, and then cooled and bottled. After the inspection refresh - meats were served, tables on the lawn being laden with doughnuts and other god things. Coffee and lemonade were also served. Those assisting Mrs. Rowcliffe at the tables were Mrs. George Hess, Mrs. Bvrnett, Mrs, Reg Knight, Mrs. Elgin Rowcliffe, MTS. Lloyd 'McLean and the Misses Maude and Verna McLean. Mr. Rowcliffe has gone to big expense in fitting up his mcsdel dairy at his farm litis miles south of Hensall on the highway. He has a splendid herd of tested •Holstein cows and with the new pasteurizing equipment just installed, the people of Hensall can be assured of a pure and sanitary milk supply. Born — In St, Joseph's Hospital, London, on June '11621, to Dr. and Mrs. D. 'G. Steer, of Hensall, the gift of a daughter (Patricia1iMargaret). Miss Mae McNaughton of Toronto spent week end here with relatives. Born.—In Hensall on June ilth to Mr. and MTS. Alfred Smith, a daughter. The Wohelo Class of the United Church presented Miss Marian Sin- clair, a valued member of the class, with a 'beautiful silver dish. Mr, and Mrs. Owen Geiger, Ira Geiger, Mrs, E. 'Kennedy and child- ren Ross and gune, Wm. J. Jones Reeve Shaddick and gas. Paterson at - ended the county council picnic held sit'Godericli on Saturday afternoon. They all report a 'big time. Mrs. Geig- er was •the oldest woman at the picnic. After supper, Mr. Geiger, being an ex -warden of the county, was one of those who addressed the gathering. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. A. 'Paterson spent a few days last week visiting friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. 'Oliver Fee ,were vis- iting for a few days last week with relatives at Marlette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parsons, and MT. Frances Ryckman were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Parsons of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and Miss Mavis Spencer of Toronto were recent week end visitors here with relatives. ,Miss Mettle 'Ellis and Mrs. Fred Smallacombe were recent visitors with 1Gue1ph relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Workman of Flint, Mich., 'Nero visiting relatives in this district last weeic and also at- tended the funeral of the late Alvin Wonkma.n, Mr. A W. E. Hemphill is making a number of improvements to his fine residence on Xing St. Dr. and Mrs. McAllister of George- town were weelc end visitors 'here with the doctor's brother-in-law and sis- ter, MT. and Mrs. 1Poter Moir. The funeral of the late Alvin Work- man took place on ,VVecinesclay after- noon last from the 1h.ome of his broth- er, ,Mr. William, Workman of Tuck- ersrnith township. Rev. Mr. Chand- ler Pastor of St„Andrew's United Church, Kippen, conducted the lburial service. 'During the service at -the home Mr. Thos. Sherritt sang "Jesus, Savior, ,pilot me." The pallbearers were all ,neighbours and friends of the deceased, being Walter Fainbairn, John. Cochrane, Robert Forest, Chas, Stephenson, Edgar Butt and Herbert Phone 50 or 18 Seaforth IN MEMORIAM In loving memory. of ,Grace, belov- ed wife of 'Frank Stagg, who passe'd away six years ago, gime 2,011d. Tient has changed in many ways, But .one thing changes never; The memory of those happy days When we were all together. —Ever remembered by her Hus- band and Son, Parents, Brothers and Sisters. John. Interment in Hensall Cemetery, Mr. and Mrs. Z. K. Hutton and lit- tle son spent Sunday visiting with re- latives in 'Usborne township'. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir visited on Sunday at the home of their son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Passmore of the Thames Road. , Mr. Geo. Fee is making a number of improvements to his residence on South Richmond St. Mrs, Wilson Carlisle has been vis- iting,- for a couple of weeks at the home of her daughter. Mrs, Wesley Richardson, Blind Line. Hay town- ship. Bcrn—On June 111th in Hay town - to Mr. slid Mr., Wesley Rich- ardson, a da',ighter, Carol Ann. Mrs. E. Rannie who has been vis- iting relatives in Detroit and Tor- c.nto for several weeks returned to her home here on Monday. She was accompanied home by her granddau- ghter Miss Jessie Paisley of 'Toronto. svho will visit here for a time. The Hensel!, school fair will be held in the school here on Friday, Sept. 16. Mrs. Howe and babe of Drum- mondville, Quebec, are visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. Mr. Harry McMillan of Tavistock who recently purchased the meat and grocery business of Mr, Errold Drummond took possession of the business Monday morning. A .ninn.ber of men friends of Mr, Errol(' Drummond gathered at the home of Mr. Garnet Case on Tuesday evening and presented Mr. Drum- mond with a beautiful easy chair. Mr. Drummond has taken a very active part in village affairs, especially the Band, sports clubs and the Chamber of Commerce, and if he decides to move from Hensall will he greatly missed. Mr. Drummond made a very appropriate reply, thanking those present for their beautiful gift and good wishes. A very pleasant evening was spent at cards and other amuse- ments. Mr. Norman Sinclair who has been attending the Toronto University for the last two years passed all 'his ex- aminations this term with honors. Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Fink of Han- over spent Sunday here with their son and his wife. Mr. and Mrs, Ed .Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepherd and daughter of Harrietsville spent the week end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bengough, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. L. Mer- cer and daughter, all of London, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Fred Mann. Mr. Kenneth Manns of London spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and family of Russeldale spent Sunday 'here vis- iting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed McQueen. Mr. Harold Sherritt of Toronto spent the week end here with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sherritt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Prior and son of Tillsonburg spent Sunday here with Mrs. Prior's grandmother, Mrs. Duncan McMartin. Mrs. 'James Troyer, her son Mr. Eldon Troyer and Mrs. Acheson of Toronto and Mrs. IGernmell of Tuck- ersmith spent Saturday here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .George Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Pairbairn of Tillsonburg spent Sunday here visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Hudson, Miss Marian Sinclair of Toronto spent the week end here with her par- ents, Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair, Harvey Hudson, Lloyd Brock, Roy Brock, Donald Walker and. Lloyd (Noakes 'have joined the Seaforth com- pany of the Middlesex -Huron batta- lion and 'have been training at Sea - forth several nights a week. They leave an Sunday with their company for the big military camp at Tine Hill near Thedford, where they will train for a week. It was Slower Day at the iUnited Church on Sunday. 'The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and canary birds. Rev. Arthur Sin- clair occupied his own pulpit both morning and evening. Large congre- gations were out to enjoy the services. Birthday 1Meetingz-- The Woman's -Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their annual Birthday 'gathering in the school room 'of the church on Thursday afternoon. The .president of the society, Mrs. COlin Hudson, 'pre- sided. The meeting opened by singing Psalm '1110, and prayer led ,by the pre- sident. The Bible lesson was read by Mrs. "John 'Dallas. After singing a hymn, the offering was received and dedicated 'by the presidetn. ,Mrs. W. A. Young 'and Mrs. W. A, McLaren sang a duet , accompanied on the piano by Mrs. John R. Murdock. Mrs. Young gave a short report of the ex- ecutive meeting held recently in Clin- ton. Mrs. D. J. Lane of Goderich was to have 'been the guest speaker of the afternoon 'but awing to the death of niorhing she was unable to.he pres- ent. Mrs. Barnett and Miss Tayillor ‘Goderich were present and each gave a very helpful and interesting address. The president welcomed the guests and introduced, the spealcers. Mrs. Barnett gave a splendid report of the provmncial eneeting' rec.ently held in Galt, Mrs. 3. W. Bonthron sang a very appropriate solo, "Sometime We'll Understand." Miss Taylor's ad- dress was on the work af the W. M. S. A hearty vote of tha'nlcs was ten-, dered the speakers on motion -of Mrs. R. G. McLaren and Mrs. Frank Far- quhar. A message of syniparthy was sent to Mrs. D. g. Lane 'of tGoderich The regular °meeting of the Ladies' Aid of .0armal Presby'perian church Was held Tuesday evening at 6:30 p. in. The 'following program was pre- sented by Mrs. Logan's group: Guitar instrumental by Miss Kathleen Mac- Gregor. A very 'delightful vocal soto by Mrs. ,John Cairns accompanied by Mrs. Snider on the piano. A. musical trio by the Misses MacGregor, San- ford and ...Mitchell, was much enjoyed. Simpsongave a paper on "Our Odd Moments.' A piano solo by Miss June :Murdoch concluded the program and a delicious lunch served. WOOL WANTED HIGHEST PRICES. PAID II. M. JACKSON PHONE 3W, SEAFORTH TOWN TOPICS— TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 313 horn has witl 'Cro sist day N.Y and Mis for Mr Lo pel rela an'd Na Fer Tu gar son the Ro To an Mr Jo a wo try ne thi Co Mi he Is sp in 313 do CO th ho isa of at iss Mildred Jones of Teronto is e for the summer—Mrs. Neely returned from a two week's visit Detroit friends. — Mrs. Jno. use of Lynden is visiting her ers.—Miss Edith Strasser spent a with friends at Niagara Falls, ,—Mr. and Mrs, 'James Beattie friends picnicked at Bayfield.— s Celia Horan of Hanovr is home the summer,—John Salsbury of ndon spent a clay here—Mr, and s. D. McLeod ansi child of Hes- er spent Tuesday in town with tives.—Mrs. Geo. E. Henderson her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Me- ught, are spending a few days in gus.---Rev. F. H. Larkin left on esday on a month's trip to Cal - y. --Dr. and MTS. Atkinson and of Detroit, were visiting the for- mer's mother.—The late William wtstree, Whose death occurred- in ronto on June 07th was the husb- • of Bessie W.hiteside, a niece :of s. :Samuel Boyd, of Seaforth.—Mr. hn Turner is the proud possessor-ef walking stick made of bog oak, a od 'that is rarely seen in this coun- . This cane was sent to Mr. Tur- r by Mr. George Shells of Ireland. A. K. Chittenden is in Brantford s week.—Paul Freeman of Port lborne was in town over Sunday.— es Della .Gillespie of Guelph is me for 'her holidays.—Mr. George rael was a Detroit visitor this week. Mr. Leonard Cantelon of Toronto ent 'Sunday with friends in town.— rs. Thos. Case 1cif Toronto is visit - g with Mrs. F. Case, Maple Hall.— iss Della Thompson of Water- wn, visited her parents here for a uple of weeks.—Thos. Piercy of e Canadian Soo, is visiting at the me of Mrs. George Smithers.— rs. Raymond and Miss Aileen Ray - and of Landon are visitors at the ommercial.—Miss .Florence Laidlaw Toronto is spending her vacation 'her home on tGaderich Street.- AUCTION SALE At the home Or if. Burrows, iGoderich St., Seaforth; o •Ttiescly, June 06, at .130 pan. A 'Clearing Sale ,of household .furniture, garden and stable tools, inclu.ding: Walnut conch, 2 'walnut chairs, to match; drop leaf walnut tables w'alnet 'den table; thin- bination bookcase "an.d secretary; +Oak writing 'des1k; narroW , oak table;, 6 rocking chairs; 8 straight iback chairs; oak chest .of drawer's; IV -folding lied; 3 piece oak bedroom •suit; 2 iron beds, all with springs and mattresses; a an extension ,couch with mattress; several small tables; pictures, .electric Hotpoint stove, laundry mangle, "'Singer" sewing Machine, lawn mow_ .er, wheelbarrow, 4 five -gallon demi- johns, gasoline 'and oil 'containers, garden tools, pine house doors, ..some 2" lumber and other articles too 'num- erous to mention, garden hose. If the afternoon is wet the sale will be 'held at 1.30 pm., Thursday, june '30th. 'Terins cash, George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, E. C. Chamberlain, Clerk. Dr, F. J. Burrows, Proprietor. 8ATIJRDAY BARGAINS Stockade Animal Spray gal. Tins 85c Block Salt, 50 lbs. 25c Epsom Salts, 7 lbs. 25c 'Surprise Soap, 5 cakes ... 21c Comfort Soap, 5 cakes 21c P. & G. Soap, 5 cakes . 21c Pearl White, 5 cakes ..... 21c Many Flowers, 5 cakes 21c . Five Roses per bag .... ....... 3.69 Pastry, 24 lb. 47c Granulated Sugar per bag , 4.39 Vlos excise tax King Bug Killer , 10 lbs -40c. ..20 lbs. ,70c Sudden Death Bug Killer 10 lb. -40c. 20 lbs....70c McCormick's Popped Wheat, Large Pkge. 20c W. J. Finnigan ELMER D. BELL. B.A. AUCTION SALE Administrator's Sale of -valuable Residential, Property. On Thursday, the 30th slay of June at the hour of 2 p.m. there will be offered for sale .by public auction the residence of the late Mary Jane Brown and lands con- taining one acre of land more or less and .beiog composed of part Lot 19 in the South Thames Road Conces- sion in the Township of 1Ustborne and being situated in the viflage of Farqu- har. The said property will he offered for sale at the premises, by undersign- ed auctioneer, subject to reserve bid. Terms, cash, balance in 30 days. Harold Dale, Auctioneer. James Rivers, Administrator, by his solicitor, Elmer D. Bell. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario TENDERS The Public Sohool Board will re- ceive up to ljune 08th tenders for sup- plying paint and sealer for painting of outside and inside of- school. Tenders to specify price per gallon, M. MoKellar, Sec. Patrick D. McConnell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Seaforth, Ontario FOR SALE . A quantity .of 'slabs et the 'Walton Sawmill, at l60 cord piled, .and '811,310 unpile.d. Duncan Johnston, Walton. FOR SALE One 6 -foot McCormick biecier in good repair. Also a quantity of hay in the field near .Wirsthrop. W. G, Mc- Spadden, R. R. • No. 1, Seaforth. Phone 2.37 ring 414. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court 'County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Offioe hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:1310 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday evening, 7s30 p. m. to 9 p. m. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE 'Good fruit at current prices. Mrs. Glenn .McLean, 31 on 64, MEN FOR DIESEL POWER Diesel sales double yearly. Diesel offers betterspay jobs. Transport mar- ine aod power -plant maintenance. Immediate 'opportunities. Many graduates employed as erection, over- haul and operating mechanics 'report wages S200monthly upwards. Electricity and machine shop train- ing included in old established, all practical, modern 'shops. Men seleeted must be mechanically minded an.d wdling to commente pre- paration at once. Write, ,giving age occupation, education, .to Box D, The Seaforth 1News. STRAYED ,Froni Lot 25, Con, 2, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, June 21, a two -months' old 'heifer calf. Phone 141. r X. Henry Dayman. WANTED Man wanted for farm work for two months. Apply to The News 'Office. FOR SALE 11 rebuilt Frost and Wood 7 foot binder, good as new. Also 111 .01iver single furrow riding plough. Phone 46 r 112, Dublin, V. j. Lane, Sea - forth R. R.15. LAWN MOWERS We will give you a liberal allow- ance on your old mower, so trade it in en a new one. Come an.d see our new mowers. We also sharpen and re- pair lawn mowers. Louis Eberhart. her father which occurred the same Clearing Sale OF NEARLY NEW AND REBUILT FARM EQUIP- MENT AND WASHING MACHINES 1-1937 3 -section Bissel Spring Tooth Harrows with vanadium steel teeth, complete ....... • • • • • • $40P0 1—Nearly new McCormick Deering 2 -section Spring tooth harrows, 17 teeth, complete $25.00 1 -7 -foot M. H. Binder . $45.00 1—Electric drive Primrose Cream Separator , , ...... $50.00 1—Tised Cockshtttt Walking Plow • $ 8.00 1—Nearly new No. 232 McCormick Deering Plow ....$12.00 $15.00 $25.00 $25.00 1 -2 -furrowed Oliver Sulky Plow $50.00 1—Deering Ideal "Mower 150.00 1—M. H. 13 Disc Drill $30.00 $25.00 $40.00 $20.00 $ 8.00 1 -12 -disc M. H. Disc HarroWs • 1 -14 -disc McCormick Deering Disc Harrows 1—Quebec Sulky Plow I ---Electric Beatty Washer 1 --Electric May Tag Washer 1—Rebuilt used Electric Washer —Several Hand Washers, your choice THE ABOVE MACHINES ARE ALL IN PERFECT CONDI- TLON. WE ALSO liA.VE NUMEROUS MACHINES WHICH WE ARE REBUILDING AT THE PRESENT TIME. TWINE PRICES McCORMICK DEERING TWINE Cash On or tbefore Oct. fllst 650 It. to lb $10.00 per cwt. $11.00 per cwt. 600 ft. to lb. 9.00 per cwt. 10.00 per cwt. JOHN BACH MAIN STRRET. SEAFORTH neemesor FOR SALE One china cabinet, 'one solid oak book case, ,both iii plendid ..s'hape. Cheap. Apply to the News Office, FOR RENT 715 acres grass for rent, or will sell hay crop. Apply to Elmer D. Belli Seaforth. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 'Estate of Elizabeth McIn- tosh, late of the Town of Seaforth, Widow, w'ho died on or about the 251h day of February, 1936. Take Notice that all persons hav- ing any claim or demand against the estate of the said deceased must .for- ward particulars and proof of same under oath to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of lJuly, 19136, after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate hav- ing regard only to those claims of which they shall then have received notice. Dated at Seaforth this 31st day of June, '1938. Robert T. McIntosh, lExectitor, care, Hays & Meir, Seaforth, 'Ont. PENNSYLVANIA PRODUCTS Nearly all kinds \of .oils and greases. Motor oil, cream separator oil, mach- ine oil. Prompt free delivery. Grain •bought, SOM. Chesney, Phone 16014, Seaforth. NO TRESPASSING Persons wishing to use the privil- eges of the dump provided by the Town of Seaforth for its citizens, on the farm of H. Kellar, must first se- cure a permit from the Town 'Cleric. Otherwise they will be prosecuted for trespassing - By order of the Town Council. PROPERTIES FOR SALE h House and Lot in the Town of Seaforth belonging to Rebecca ,Davie Estate. Comfortable dwelling. 2. Part of Lot 24, Con. 3, MoKillop, containing 5 acres. Comfortable house and small barn. Suitable for poultry' ranch. 3. Lot 7, Con. 113, ,Grey Township.' 100 acresinGood 'brick house and barn, driving ited, good well, 34 mile front school. Property of late Wm. Wodds. Particulars may -be secured from Mrs - Kate Woods, Walton, 'Ont. Apply ,Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth, Ont. NOMINATION MEETING Under and by :virtue of authority 'of a warrant given under the hand and seal of °has. MacKay, Reeve of Tp. of Tuckersmith, a meeting of the electors of the said Tp. of Tucker - smith will be held in Walker's Hall, Brucefield, on Monday, June 27th. be- tween the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of nom- inating a. candidate for the Council for the balance of .11938 to fill the of- fice rendered vacant by the death of MT. David.,Gemmell, and if a poll he necessary the same shall he held, on Monday, guly 4th, between the hours of 9 a.m. and a p.m., at the ,following places and by the following officers: Poll No. 1-1Firinigan's vacant store, H. Stewart, D.R.10., Joseph McLellan, clerk. Poll 1No. 2—School House No. 8, Edward Brown, D.R.10., Roy Mc- Geoch, clerk. Toll No. 13—Sohool House NO. 4, 'Jos. ,G. Crich, D.R.0., Roy Brown, clerk. Poll No. 4 ---School House No. .3, Thos. Chapman, D.R. 0., J. W. McIntosh, clerk. Pall No. 5—School House No. 1, R. D. 'Bell, D.R.O., M. Traquair, clerk. Poll No. 6—School House No. 9, Hugh -Mc- Millan, DIRJO., W. J. Martin, .clerk. D. F. McGregor. Returning 10fficer. FOR SALE 1040 International tractor; semi - steel plow points for International, Fleury,' Verity , Q.uebec and Cook- shutt. We still. have some genuine Deering and MaCormick repairs; Cockstutt farm Machinery and re- pairs, also Lister cream separators. Louis lEberhart. FARMERS' ATTENTION Money To Loan, Mortgage loan on iinproved farm properties at 5%. No, valuation fees or .chattel mortgage required. H. J. Cotty & Co., Farm Sales Service, Stratford. NOTICE Destroy these noxious weeds — Sow Thistles, 10x -eye Daisy, Wild :Must- ards, Bind Weed, Blue Weed, Pepper Grasses, Bladder -Campion, Hawk- weeds, Stinkweed, 'Canada Thistle, Common. Milkweed, 'White Cockle, Wild Carrot, Wild Lettuces, Com- mon IRagweed, Dodder, Common Burdock, Poison Ivy, .Chicory, Docks, Russiao Thistle, Tam -being Mustard. Cinquefoils, Spurges, Hemp, St 'John's Wort, Arkansas Bedstraw. 'The Weed Control Act s tates— Clause 4. Every occupant of land, or if ,the land is unoccupied, the owner alftiAl destroy all weeds desiinated noxious by the regulations as often in every year as is sufficient to preven1 the ripening of their seeds. 10Muse 22. Any person vrho contra- venes any of the provisions of this Act or refuses or neglects to obey any lawful order' of an Inspector giver, under authority of this Act, shall in- cur a penalty of not less than 1010 not more than $50, for every such offence, Weeds have no place in a progres- sive municipality: de your share 'to prevent their sorowd. :ROLAND KIENiN EDY, 'Weed Inspector .Municipality of Tuckersmith NOTICE Farmers buy your twine from your awn company. The Huron Farmers' Co-operative Co., Ltd. Wm. 'Pepper, Henson MILTON FORDER (27688) Enrolment ,No. 3506 Farm 3 Monday noon will his own stable,. lot 33, .con. 3, Logan, and go to John IvIalone's, lot 114, con. 4, MoKillop, for night. Tuesday—To Joseph iO'Rourke's, lot 4, con. 6, MdKillop, for noon, thence to Rock Bros., ,Brodbagen, for night. 5 Wednesday—T,o John Dietz, lot 8, eon. 10, McKillop, for noon, and thence to Geo. Bennewies, lot 8, con. 112, MaKillop, for night. Thursday—To Amos Wickle's, lot 09, con. -114, Logan, for noon, thence to Larne Smith's, lot '116, con. 117, Elma, for night. Friday--1To 'George H. Sieman's, lot 24, con. 1Il Logan, for noon, and night. Saturday to his own 'stable. Terms, 1$112, Feb, lTht, 11939. 9. Hignell, prop. tSt man., Mitchell. ROYAL CARBROOK [21101] Enrolment No. 31500. Form 11. Route for season of 1193.9: Monday—Will leave his own stable Lot 3, Con. 3, Hallett, to go north to Walton to Herb. iKirkby's for noon; to his own stable for night. Wednesday—Will go east as far as Beechwood; home for night. Friday—Will go south 2/2 miles, then west to Stam S,vritzer's school, then south. to Mill Road and home by way of Seaforth. Terms -41115 payable Mar. 1, 1039. T. 3. McMichael, Prop. & „Manager INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto; Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Dominion Bank Building, Seaferth Phone 334w