The Seaforth News, 1938-04-07, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Our prices, April.7th to Apri1s113th CHIPSO, Large Pkg, 19C PER PKG. TOMATOES, Aylmer 2s squat 2 TINS DEL MAIZ NIBLETS CORN 2 TINS TINS OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 19c 3 TINS 25c Tall 3 TOMATO JUICE, Large TINS 23c 13c 25c PORK & BEANS, 21 oz. • AYLMER or LIBBY'S Quaker Corn Flakes (1 Shopping bag FREE with 3 pkgs.) ..... Durham Corn Starch per pkg. Salmon, Fancy Red Cohoe, Unicorn or Golden Net 'As is Tea Bisk, Med. Size per pkg. Woodbury's Facial Soap 2 cakes Hawes Floor Gloss Pints Royal York Tea Yes Royal York Coffee . , Is Superior Baking Powder 8 oz. -14c; 16 oz. Richard's Carbolic Soap per cake Aylmer Pineapple, 16 oz. sliced or crushed 2 tins 25c 10c 15c 25c 21c 15c 59c 38c 37c 23c 5c 35e Brunswick Sardines , . .... 5 tins 25c Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c jam, Red Plum, 32 oz. jar per jar 23c Aylmer Spinach, 13 oz. tin per tin 10c Beaver Blueberries for Pies per tin 15c Crother's Peppermint Wafers, 16 oz. long box each 29c Aylmer Lamb or Irish Stew 2 tins 25c Aylmer Boned Chicken per tin 27c Tuna Flakes, Yss per tin 15c Derby Cheese,112s, spreads or slices .... -. . ..... per pkg. 15c Prunes, large size Santa Clara 2 tbs. 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuits 2 pkg. 25c Amber Honey 10 tb pails 65c Maplt Syrup. pure Ontario per gal. 2.00 Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE 8 PHONE 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- • vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per thus. B.21c-t95c New Bodies for Old—Science's Growing Hope In the 'American Weekly, with the April MO issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, you will find an exceptionally interesting and informative article by Dr. E. E. Free, internationally known scientist, which reviews the latest achievements of seience •in its fight to give man earthly immortality. Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times for this and many other fea- tures. MONAGHAN BREEDER HATCHERY S. C. White Leghorn Chicks from two classes of matings. These breeders are sired by males from R. O. P. matings, and every chick sold is from an egg laid on our own farm. CUSTOM HATCHING in an all Electric jamesway Incu- bator Hatcher '2c per egg. We will brood your chicks at a slight ad- ditional cost D. P. MONAGHAN Phone 59. MITCHELL, Ont. Fertilizer Seaforth Farmers Club will be opening for the sale of Fertil- izer materials on Mon.. Apr. 11. Prices for ingredients and mixing: 0-18-6 27.50 2-12-6 ... . . 25.50 0-12-6 24,00 2-12-10 ...... 28.25 20% Superphosphate.. 22.00 British made Barbed Wire - 80 rod spool $4.10 Seaforth Farmers' Club K. E. Jackson, President R. S. McKetcher, Secretary CHANCEL GUILD Annual •nesting of the iChancel 'Guild of St, Thomas Anglican Church was held at Miss Clara Pinkney's on Tuesday evening. The treasurer's re- port showed a 'balance of 01,511. Mrs. J. H. 'Best presided .for election of of- ficers: Hon. Pres.. Miss Jessie Case, Miss .Guerra Brawn, Miss Emily Cresswell. Pres., Miss Clara Pinkney; viceores.'Miss Josephine Edge; sec., Miss L. Freeman; treas., ' Mrs. G. Thorne; committee, Miss C. Pinkney, Miss L. Freeman, Miss Mary Johnson. Lunch was served by the hostess. ALERT MISSION BAND The Alert Mission Band of 'North- side 'United Church met Tansday with the 'pres., genie Moffat, in the chair. The secretary Margaret •Pethiek gave the roll call. Miss Savauge told. a very interesting story of Korea. I -1y= 404 was sung. We played some interesting Chinese games and the, meeting closed. KIPPEN Mrs. Chesney continues very poor- ly with no signs of improvement. Several •from the village attended Seaforth fair. Mr. Rcht. McGregor is improving nicely after his recent accident Mrs, :Dalrymple of 'Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting with Kipper: friends MANLEY Mr. Leslie Beuerinann is busy mak- ing his rounds cutting wood. Mr. Alex -Mitchell is preparing to run his sasvmill to slo .cttstom work, Those who attended the Seaforth spring show report many •fine horses. The late cold .weather is delaying the spring work and the cold wind is hard on the wheat in April. The late Frank :O'Hara who. died in Scott -Memorial tHospltal ilast Mon- day after a short illness was 'born here about 70 years ago. He sold the homestead about 1115 years ago and re- tired from active farm life. He is sur- vived by the last surviving member of the .family, Mr. Brian O'Hara, of this place. BL YTH • ' Mr. ljames Dodds who has trof been enijoying the best of •health, has -dis- posed h -is entire stock to Messrs. Sei- gels of Stratford. They intend, open- ing the store recently occupied by Mr. Dodds on Thursday, April 7th, with a large stock ef ladies' and igents ready to kvear clothing, and hosiery. :Mrs, Chas. Murray and son Billy spent the week end at Toronto, . Mr. lAt. F. Webster spent the week end at Toronto visiting his daughters. Mrs. A. I.Pawcett visited her daugh- ters, Mrs. Lockyer and Mrs. Cuthbert. over the week end .a.t Toronto. The fallowing have :been elected of- fi.cers of the baseball club: Pres., J. Sims; vice press B. Gray, sec., E W•illows: treas., K. Lyon, manager, 13. MtArter, ground cern. , 8.•Hirons, L. Scrimgeonr. There passed away Th-ursday, Mar, 311Ist .WiLliam 13. M.oeritt, youngest 5-011 of Mr. and Mrs, Tames Morritt, aged almost .five menths. The .funeral was held .on April end from the family re- sidence on Dinsley street. ISend us the names of your visitors. TOWN TOPICS • ;'S Mr. Reddy Norris returned to Kilt- chener this week. He has been em- ployed with Mr, .Gaticlie for the past year. Mr. Thomas Mel/Warn who was .holidaying in Sesforth, on Saturday returned to Mt. Sorest owing to seri- ous illness of proprietor of the stare where he is clerk. • Mr. aud Mrs. Kenneth Harrison •of Dungannon attended the reception in Winthrop hall held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. iJaines 'Kerr. Miss •Margaref giackson who spent the winter in California is expected to return to her home in Egmontiville after a few days' visit in Toronto. Mrs. T. E. Shiels f •Detrolt who has been visiting her sister, .Mrs. J. A. Storey, has returned home, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart and Ken- neth and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Storey spent Sunday in IGoderich, Miss Frances Fortune is spending a few days in Detroit. Mr. Fred (Eckert visited friends in Stratford last Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Stanbury of Stanley has moved, into 'Egmondville and occup- ied the cottage of Mr. Henry Hend- erson. Mr. Norman Smith of Toronto viss ited in 'Eginonclville last Friday •Miss Bessie 'Grieve of Chatham spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Thos 'Grieve. Mr. end Mrs. Leonard Strong spent the week end with the 11ormer's sis- ter, Mrs. Carson Allen in Guelph. Misses Ida and Eva Love of To- ronto who spent the week sind with their mother in Egmondville, return- ed Sunday accompanied by lvIrs. Archie Campbell, who visited here. Mrs. Robert Strong -and Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenneth 'McLean we -re visitors Stinday in 'Kitchener and Waterloo. LIONS MILE FUND With •the Milk !Fund treasury emp- ty. and With a new request -for help for a needy family having reached on April Ind the committee feel that needy children cannot he disappointed and left without the very necessary milk for their daily food. Consequent- ly the .distrihntion of nilik will he 'continued until April MTh as in For- mer years and for the needed funds we will depend on the never failing generosity of the •people al Seaforth, especially when the actual need of un- fortunate children is presented. Thanking you and requesting aid for the month of April. $50 'is neces- sary to tarry -through. Previously acknowledged, $1110.26; 1t. -CF,, $3; E, McL., l501c. Total $1,1112.716. The 'kid- dies depend on you this month. BORN lEckel---In Scott Memorial Hospital on Thursday, March 11, I938, to MT. and Mrs. Walter :Eckel, Zurich, a son. Riley --in Hullett on Sunday, April 3rd, 111928, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Percy Riley, a son °Kenneth Albert). Sholdice—Alt Clinton Hospital on Tuesday, April Sth, 191318, to Mr. and Mrs. Watson Sholdice, of Londes- boro, a son, DANCE! Friday,April 22 Auspices of Young Ladies' Sodality BENNY PALMER'S 'ORCHESTRA In the I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Seaforth Admission 60c EASTER AFTERNOON TEA AND HOME BAKING, CANDY AND PRODUCE SALE Thurs., Apr. 14 Odd Fellows Hall, Seaforth Doors .open at 3 o'clock. Afternoon Tea 1151c. Under auspices of Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Chnrc'h FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SACRED CANTATA "FROM ()LIVET TO CAL- VARY" Recalling the incidents in the last days of the Saviour's life on earth. Under auspices of the Choir Good Friday APRIL 15TH -8:15 P.M. le \.1,1 weicome. Silver collection Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Organist Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Leader OLD TYME DANCE! WATSON HALL, KITTEN Tues April 12 Auspices Nippen Foo•tball Club. Good music. '•Everylbody welcome. General Admission 25c Moving Pictures on the Life of Christ DE MILLE'S GREAT PIC- TURE "THE KING OF KINGS" EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH FRIDAY, APRIL 8 AT 8 P.M. Admission - 1215c and .10c ATTEND DINNER PARTY IN TORONTO 'One hundred and sixty representa- tives of the Toronto, Hamilton and St. Catharines agency .staffs of the Ancient Foresters' Mutual Life In- surance Company were guests last Thursday evening of the -directors at a -dinner 'party and dance in the York Masonic Temple, .Toronto. The event celebrated the tenth anniversary of the opening of the industrial branches of the company. The president, j. W. B. Ford, Ha- milton, as chairman and toastinaster, welcomed the guests. Charles G. Dynes, K.C., Hamilton, chairman of the iboard, addressed the gathering, giving many interesting and impres- sive facts and 'figures with regard to the ,Canadian and foreign life insur- an•ce 'business. He treated its develop- ment from the 'first •crude .policy .con- tract down to the varied plans issued by Canadian companies .of today, which make ample provision for the savings and ,protection needs of 'peo- ple in every walk of life. j. D. Bucha,nan, F.A.S., .of London, the actuary, •complimented the direct- ors and field staff on the splerdid gain in new •business itt 1i9317 which in•creased the volume in force by 412.6 percent. C. X. F. West, registrar of Tor - .onto, intr,odsited the head table guests and managers and superintendents as follows— a'. W. B. Ford, president, and Mrs. Ford of Hamilton; Charles Fry, 1st Vice -President and. Mrs, Fry of Tor- onto; H. W. B. Boynton, Cud Vice - President and Mrs. Boynton, of Tor- onto; C. G. Dynes, KC., cilairrnan of the board, of Hamilton; L. ID. Nich- olls, managing director, Toronto; A. Galbraith, director, Toronto; F. L. Box, director, and Mrs. Box, Sea - forth; W. R. Davis, directnr, and Mrs. Davis, Hamilton; M. M. West, director of Toronto; J. tD. !Buchanan, actuary, and Mrs. Buchanan, !London; E. 'Fraser Bowie, oilier medical exam- iner, 'rormito; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Penoyer, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hunter, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Nicholls, Toronto; Miss Meen, Toronto; Mr. and. Mrs. tV. 3. G. Gardner, Toronto; Mr. 19', J. Castle, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Chris Ham- mond, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Broadhurst, Toron-to; Mr. .4nd 'Mrs. J. H. Miller, St. •Catharines; iSofr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Hamilton, •and. Mr. and Mrs, (Tames Baird. Hamilton. FORMER McKILLOP RESIDENT PASSES Friends learned with great regret the death of Mrs. Roger McClure of Morris Twp., who passed away in Clinton hospital cm Saturday about noon. Mrs.. McClurehad undergone an operation nine days previously and seemed to be improving until that morning. :Formerly Rosera Mae Al- lison she was •born at Sydenham, London, ;England, in '11396 and came to Canada in 11.907. In Septensber, 1920, she was married to Mr. Roger McClure of MdKillop, where she re- sided until going 'to the fifth con- cession, 'Morris Tp., near Belgrave, three years ago. Besides her husban-d and one son George, at home, she is survived by three brothers and three sisters, all in England. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon. Ap- ril 4, from the residence of her father -in -1 -ow, MT. V01111 MC re, at Winthrop. Rev. Mr. Townsend of Belgrade United Church, assisted by Rev. R W. Craw of the McKillop charge. conducted the service. Inter- ment took .place in :Maitland Bank Cemetery. The pallbearers Were RobL ert M.caure„lames McClure, George Smith, Rolbert Smith, ,Gannet Taylor and john Beattie. Th -e .flower hearers: Arthur McClure, jobn Adams, Har- rery McClure Nelson McClure, (Gar- ner ,Nicholson and Albert Maddox. Floral tributes included -the following: Husband and- Son, Mather and Dad, grothers and Sisters, William Mc- Clure and .farn•ily, Mrs. yam 'Smith and farnily, Mrs. Tyndall, Mrs. Ley - born and, 'Mrs. Wallace, Bel -grave Un- ited Church W. M. S. •and W. A, of Duff's Church, McKillop, neighbors and friends of Sth' line of Morris; old neighbors and friends of fith an.d 7th line McIKillop, .Seaforth legion. Want and For Salle ads, 3 wks, 50c, 0 0 P 0 Cis C‘OCS I 4?›..90 SIRED' i Barred Rock Chicks SCOTT'S NEW HAMPSHIRES Are the result of years of intensive breeding work. Not only high pro- duction of large eggs is taken into consideration in our programs, but also livability in chicks and parent stock. Lack of vigor in stock, with steady mortality, eats into the heart of profits. When you buy Scott's Chicks or Breeding Stock you are achieving in one purchase what has taken us eighteen years to attain. Our Plant is open to visitors at all times i • Get a copy of our Large Illustrated Catalogue SPECIAL. Barred Rock Cockerels from one to four weeks of age at reduced prices SCOTT'S POULTRY FAR SEAFORTH Phone 251 - 32 AMATEUR NIGHT — AND DANCE — Cardno's Hall, Seafolth FRIDAY, APRIL 8 A few reserved seats left—act now to avoid disappointment. An International CHAMPION - - - BUILT FOR CANADIAN CONDITIONS FLEURY TRACTOR PLOW This plow, designed by experts on tractor plowing and built by the makers of the famous FLEURY Walking Plows, has been constructed for use with all standard tractors UNDER CANADIAN CONDI- TIONS. It has won international championships in competitive plow- ing matches. It has enduring strength in every part, ample clearance and EXCEPTIONALLY LIGHT DRAUGHT. It is adjustable and convertible and covers surface growth exceptionally well. Rear wheel depth control, newly designed coulters, Arguto oilless bearings, full floating hitch, finer adjustment for lever and greater depth control— s\ quality product representing 79 years experience in plow making Ily a famous Canadian firm, Write for illustrated descriptive folder to Fleury -Bissell Limited, Elora, Out Fleury -Bissell Limited LOCAL AGENT, V. J, LANE, Phone 46- 12 Dublin Tractor and Walking. Bows. Feed Grinders and 'Hammer Mills. Crushers and Flakurs. Root Cutters and 'Ensilage Cutters. Disk Harrows isHorse and tractor types), Spring -Tooth Lerer Harrows. Seed and Smoothing Harrows. Scufflers and Weeders. Spring -Tooth Wheel Cultivators. Land Rollers, Packers, Stoneboats, lEtc„ etc. etc. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler an4 Donald of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Miss [retie Snider of London spent the week end at her home here. Miss Greta Mustard of Hearst spent a few days with relatives here. Miss Marks is visiting Miss T. Bahd Mrs. O'Brien attended the Corbett and Jones wedding at Hensall on Sat- urday. Miss Anna Cornish spent the week end with Miss Dorothy Deitz of trips pen. Mrs. and Mrs, B. Kaiser of Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. Ti..Zapfe. Mn. and Mrs. E. Schilbe of Zurich spent Snnday whit Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan. 3, -Er. C. Brandon spent a few days in Bayfield. Dr. Wm. Swan and Billie of Hamil- ton spent the w -eek end with his fath- er and sisters. Dr. Swan has been on a trip to Clear Water, Florida, in the in- terests of his health and we are glad to say is feeling fine. Messrs. Ross and Bill Scott atsd J. R. -Cornish .and 11, iDalrymple are tak- ing in the St111000 Convention and ban- quet at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sturgeon spent a few days in Toronto. Rev. C. Cismmirig of Walton ssill conduct the services here next Sun- day. • Mr. and Mrs. D. Cornish of Detroit visited MT. and Mrs. j. K. Cornish. The ministerial Association' met at the manse here on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Douglas attends ed the Ifuneral of the late MT. William MeAsh of Hensall on Wednesday. VARNA Members of the township council met in the hall Tuesday. Miss Jean Mosso -p of Detroit spent the week end with her mother and sister. Lenten service will be held in the United Church every night this week; Rey. Mr. Hunt of Exeter was in charge of the service Monday night. Rev. Mr. 'Gale af Bayfield -had charge of the service Tuesday night. The W.A. of St. 'John's Church met Spring SALE We ask you: IS 10 TO 20% GOOD INTEREST? Then don't overlook this chance to save money. There will be offered for sale at BRODI-IAGEN HARDWARE STORE from April lith to the 23rd, both dates inclusive, at a discount of from 10 to 20% on the. dollar off the regular sale prices on all lines: Household supplies, kitchen utensils, aluminum, tin and granite ware, pails. spades, shovels, forks, axes, saws. stable brooms, curry combs, etc., paint brushes, polishes, house paints, floor paints, enamels, wax, varnishes. all other lines of shelf hardware, ready roofing, building paper, patent medi- cines; electric irons, light bulbs, Alad- din lamps, etc., driving lanterns, etc., wash boilers, tubs, stoves, pipes, el- bows; belting; eavestroughing, etc.; farmers'. carpenters' & builders' sup- plies, barn door tracking and hangers; plow points; machine repairs, etc.; disinfectants, etc., laying mash, calf meal; shotgun shells; many other lines too numerous to mention which are in daily need on the farm and in the household. Barb wire 4 pt. 4"—$4.65 80 rd. spool. 4 pt. 6"—$4.35 80 rd. spool, net price. Woven fence wire -2 cts. rd. off reg. selling pricer steel fence posts -3c per post off reg. selling price. Goods bought at Sale cannot be re- turned for credit but will he exchang- ed, Customers to furnish their own containers for oils and greases. All goods in first ,class .condition. Come early. Terms of sale, strictly Cash. Louie G. Rock BRODHAGEN. at the home of Mrs. M. Reid Thurs- day. Miss Frankie Mossop is spending a few days in Detroit with her .sister. Miss Bessie. Watson is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mossop. Mr. jack Smith jr. ',entertained a number of his friends Friday night. Mn. M.. Elliott company with his daughter Lillian, .Mrs. 'Herd, of God- erich .and Mrs. M. G. Beatty spent a day in London last week. TUCKEKS4HTH an•d Mrs. George jenlcins arid son Reg. and his friend, all'of Clinton, spent the tea hour and -evening with Mr. rand Mrs. H:arry M Chesney on Sunday.