The Seaforth News, 1938-03-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Mr,INorman Sinclair of 'Toronto
spent the 'week end here with this par-
ents, Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair.
.Clarenee Su:Lillie and IHugh MccEw-
en 1J -r. left last week for- England.
They were in charge of several car
loads •,of .cattle. After delivering the
,cattle they intend visiting relatives:
and friends in England and :Scotland
for several weeks.
Mr. Ray IPatersoe of 'Toronto spent
the week end here with his parents,
.M.T. and Mrs. R, J. Paterson.
'Mrs. Orval 'Beaver and two little
daughters of the Thames Road visited
here over the week end with Mrs.
Beaver's parents, Mr. and Mrs Robt.
Mr. IlarveA Hudson has 'accepted
a position witlf..Mra games Smillie for
• a couple of months.
A reception alas tendered Ma and
Mrs, Harold Beaver, a recently mar-
riedyoung couple, in the town hall
here on /Friday cavening. It was one of
the largest receptions held in the hall
this winter. Over'300 of the relatives,
• neighbors and friends al the yeang
.couple were oat to enjoy the evening.
.Mr. and Mrs: Beaver were presented
with an address and a •:beautiful din-
• ing-room table and six 'chairs. The ad-
• dress was read by Ernest Chipobase
of Tuckers:11;th township. Mr, Beaver
it a very happy manner 'on behalf of
Mrs. Beaver and himself thanked their
rmany friends for the beautiful gifts
and good wishes. A very pleasant ev-
ening was spent in .dancing. The mus-
ic was furniahed by the Kestle Bros.
and Hank Green on the violins and
Tommy Walker of Exeter on the pi-
ano. At midnight •a dainty lunch was
W. M. S. Meeting—
The W. M. S. of Carmel 'Presbyter-
ian Church held their regular monthly
meeting in the school room of the
.church on Thursday afternoon at 3
'o'clock. The -president of the Society,
IVIrs. Colin Hodson, presided. The
• meeting opened with a 'hymn and
prayer led by Mrs. Hudson. Mrs, W.
A, 'Young read the Scripture 'lesson
from John 14th chapter. The minutes
of the previous meeting were read by
the secretary. The roll ,was called and
answered by the word "Love'. Mrs,
W. R Davidson gave the report of the
visiting committee for the month.
Mrs. W. A. McLaren sang a beautiful
solo, "Keep close to the Saviam".
MTS. Andrew Dougall gave a splen-
did report on the work of the Indian
mission school at .Birtle, Man. Melt;
Arnold gave a very interesting and
well prepared paper on '''Stewardship".
The meeting dosed with a 'hymn and
the Lord's prayer in unison.
The Hensel Senior Women's In-
stitute met at the home of Miss Beryl
/Pfa.ff on Wednesday evening last for
their regular monthly meeting. The
president Miss Mande MoLean pre-
sided. Some 05 mem'bera were orea-
ent. The opening ode was given which
was followed by comma:May ainging.
The roll was called and answered by
a favorite author or composer. The
motto. "He who cease's to learn ceases
to live". was given by Mi4 MeLean.
Mise Kathryn Drysdale and Miss
Helen Walker "favored with a -guitar
athet. Rev. W. .A. Young gave a talk
on 'Dent be tired". Mies Malldr Mc-
Lean gave a very interesting talk on
bnymanship. An exhibit of fancy and
work aprons was given. Among the
prize a inners were . Miss Beryl Pfaff,
who soon won two rfirst; Mrs. 'M. G.
Dryadale. Mrs. Roy McLaren and
14isa 'Gladys Passmore. The judges
were Mrs. John Sinclair of 'Molten,
and Mrs. IR. J. Patersan. At the close
of 111V Meeting a boleti was racrved
and a pleasant social half hour spent.
'Among Henaall relatives awl friends
alio attended the ftmeral of the late
Miss Lottie r)ester held at the Bay --
flea! canotary n Tueolay were Mr.
and Mrs. William laoter, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank •Coleman, Mr. Geo. Doug -
lag and Mr. Joseph Hagan.
.Miss •annie Moore of Eginondville
was visiting here last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore.
-many friend, of Mr. Robt.
Paraona will he glad h, hear that he
is reenacting nicely from his recent
Mrs. Willson Berry lias returned la
her home in Toronto after a pleasant
visit with 'Hensall relath es.
Mr. and .\11o. Clan -ace Sheaherd
and little danghter of IHarriet;ville
were recent viaitors with Mr. Shep-
herd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and
-children and Mr. and Mrs. Norman
,Cook and children spent Saturday in
.Mr. 'John 'MdGregor who has been
-aerioualy ill at his home on the 2nd
con. of Hay township for several
weeks, was taken to St. %Joseph's
Hospital, London. Wednesday last,
for treatment.
The Mission Circle of the 1Tnited
Church met at the home of Miss
Margaret Tudor on !Friday evening,
for their regular meeting. The first
part of the evening was spent in knit-
ting for the bale which is being made
cup to ship to the West. Lunch was
then served. The devotional part of
the meeting was held. Mary iGoodwin,
Margaret Tudor and 'Pearl Ilarpole
read parts of the Scripture lesson and
June Saundra earl( and Elva McQueen
Iled in prayer. A very interesting
topic was given by Miss Irene Doug-
las on the 'second ,ehapter rof 'the sturdy
book. The meeting Olosed by singing
"Albride with Me" and the Lord's
prayer in unison.
Mrs. Brazier accompanied by her
son and daughter were Sunda-
ors with IDS:. and Mrs. Steer,
Miss Edna Cochrane who has been
in Torcmto for a few weeks taking
treatment for an injury on her head
received some time ago, was able to
leave the hospital and is at present at
the home of her sister, Mrs, Frank
•'Farquhar of town. Mrs. Farquhar had
been in Toronto with her sister.
Word was received by relatives in
'the village of the death of Mrs. Maria
Chamlbers who'passed away at her
borne in , Clinton on Monday Morning,
Mrs. Chambers' maiden • ,natne was
' mania Moore an.d she was a native
• of Tackersnlith township, where she
spent her early life. After her mar-
Of 'Household IFurnitore at the
residence of the late Smale,
Centre street, 5%1ot:tit, on Saturday,
March 26th at 4:30 p.m.
,Extension table, kitchen table, 2
small tables, Quebec heater with
oven; cook stove; srnallaoven; 2 burn-
er hot plate, electric iron, ironing
,board, 3 'bedsteads, mattresses, bed-
ding, rugs, mats, 2 wasb stands, 3
bureaus, lounge, 4 buffet, clock,
dishes, kitchen utensils, • 6 chairs, a
folding chair, 2 arm ,ohairs, copper
boiler, 2 rocking chairs, 2 lawn set-
tees, quanaity canned fruit, sealers,
,crocks, hoes, shovels, axes, saws,
square, level, etc., washing machine,
wringer, washboard, hammock, quan-
tity wood, 114 ft. ladder.
'terms cash.
G H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Executors, jainea Rivers, Albert J.
Solicitor. Elmer D, Bell, Seaforth.
Of Household Effects, 'Harold !Dale,
auctioneer. has been instructed to sell
by public auction at the home of S.
C. Chamberlain, Market atreea Sea -
forth, on Friday, ,March Lath, at 2
p.m., the following household effects:
(Piano ('Mason Sz Rich); buffet;
dining room table; 6 dining POOM
ell airS, 13 bedroom suites, Axminster
rug 4 Congoleum 1119;S, 2 wicker
chairs, 01aettee, small tables, verandah
chairs, sewing machine, pictures, kit-
chen table, kitchen -cabinet, kitchen
chairs, 'kitchen range, Quebec range,
dustless ash sifter and other house-
hold articles.
From now will he held on Fridays.
Next sale Mar..118th at 'Queen's Hotel,
Seaforth. Cows, cattle and pigs are
wanted. There will be a choice team
of sound homes, ae years old, e cows,
one fresh, other milking well. Pigs
from sackers to 140 lbs; '1 set double
harness; 1 M.H. cultivator, gray Dort
car, 'bed, rocker horses, 2 electric ,floor
lanms, Buckeye incatbator, 600 -egg,
Bring in whatever you bane to sell
and receive the cash. J. J. Coyne, Mgr.
Thos. Kelly, !Auctioneer.
Eight rammed house on E. William
St. to rent, Immediate possession.
Main Hays, Seaforth.
iFor sale, Tadhope ,Anderson riding
plow, single furrow, nearly new, with
combined rolling coulter ,and -Skim-
mer; or woukl he willing to make a
deal for a Durham cow. Phdn't 628 r
115,, Clinton.
Team of work horses, quiet and
reliable. 'Phone 11137.01111. Sea forth. ' W.
R Keyes.
300 hundred huShela of choice seed
oats for sale, .apply to Edmund 1L
Godkin, Walton, !Ont. Phone 348r3a,
.l'itre bred Durham hull. 12 months
old, !Phone 231 r 22. David Watson
Man to work on farm by the year.
Seed oats for sale. Peter Petersen,
Seaford:, 'RR. 4.
Dorhani eow duo in March, 3nd
rail. Cood milker. W. j,
House with '4 er 5 raoms_ week('
on or aboet Maya., with hydro. Ahem
an acre cal hied, with atable. Apply to
News Office.
A gond young Shorthorn bull, pre-
ferably roan. Apply at The News
Eight -roomed brick house on 'Mar-
ket street wiab new furnace, bath-
room, hard and soft ,water 'inside, gar-
age and hen house on 'property. Ap-
ply to IE. C. Chamberlain, Seaforth.
Massey Harris spring tooth har-
rows, 2 sections; almost new. An-
drew Crozier, phone 170 r 132, Seaforth
Ati S-tulhe Victor electric radio,
walnut and rosewood cabinet, in good
working order; cheap. W. C. IGoven-
lock, Egmondvalle,
One .Belgian colt, rising .1! year old;
I grade Shorthorn cow, due, in April;
also 215 yearling Leghorn Ihens. Apply
to W. T. Livingston. 'Phone 2417r31.
riage to Mr. C. Chambers she went
to Clinton to reside and had heed
there for over '50 years but made fre-
(mem visits lo diensall to see friends.
She is survived by one daughter, Miss
Maud iChambers at home in Clinton.
Mrs. Chambers was an aunt of James
Hoggarth, Miss Mary 'A. 'Hoggarth
and Mr. Frank Peart of Hensel and
had a great :natty fniends here.
The members of the Hensel I. 0.
0. F. lodge entertained the members
of Exeter lodge at the lodge rooms
here on Teesday evening, also the
members of the Exeter -degree -team.
After the baSiness period was over
a very pleasant social hour was agent
and lunch served.
Having been ,given power, of attorn-
ey, Edmund H:IGodkinaWalton, 'Ont.,
has instructed -1Geo. H. Elliott to sell
pulblic auction at Lot 16, Conces-
sion /10, •MdKilloIp, on Tuesday, Mar.
219Ith, VIM, at 1 o'clock the following
farm, farm stock and implements:
FARM !PROPERTY -a- roontaining
001 0/3 acres. No, 1: East part of Lot
116, Concession 310, in the towoship of
MieKillop, containing 175 acres of
heavy clay 'land in good state of cul-
tivation. There arefifteen acres fait
plowed, five acres seeded with .fa1,1
wheat, the balance in hay and pas-
ture. On premises is erected a 'brick
house and frame bank barn 1(I614,x44')
with stabling and drive shed ander-
neatia; also a 'drilled well with wind-
mill. This property is conveniently
situated to both school and church.
No. 2: Centre part .cif north half 01
Lat 15, ConceSsion 11114, in the town-
ship of MdKillop, ,containing 16203
acres. There is about 1113 acres of .hard-
wood 'bush, the balance in pasture.
Horses --Grey gelding, rising 6 yrs.
old; black ,gelding, rising 9 yrs. did.
Cattle-111.grey cow, S years old 'due,
to freshen :March 27th; al Hereford
cow, 7 years old, due to 'freshen March.
217th; 1 Hereford cow, 4 years 'Old, due
to freshen May 1118th; 3 fat heifers, ris-
ing 3 years. old; 1 fat steer, risihg 3
years; Ili -idler, rising.2 years; 3 steers,
rising 2 years; 3 calves, rising l' year.
implements—Massey :Harris ,birider,
'6 ft. out; Massey -Harris mower, 6 ft.
cut; Massey Harris manure spreader,
Massey - Bnrmis hay -loader, , nearly
new; Massey 'Harris seed drill; Mc-
Cormicic - Deering cultivator; Frost
and 'Wood horserake; Perrin riding
plow; Oliver walking plow; 2 -furrow
gang plow; 11 wagon; 11 set sleighs; 11
rcutter; Massey-lHarris cream ,separa-
tor, in good ,condition; 11 16 -ft hay
reek with •slide; 1 flat rack; 111 gSaarel
box; 4 -section Diamond laarrpws;
stoneboat; about GOO 3" tile; set Ren-
frew, scales, 2000 ab. capacity; Chat-
ham fanning mill; 1160 ,ft, hayfork
rope (new); hayfork car and pulleys;
4 .sling ropes; hayfork trip-lock...and
chain, 20 grain 'bags, oak barrel, 1
set double 'harness, rcrosscut
wheel 'barrow, 1927 IFord coupe, rib
goad rahming order, quantity of hay.
4010 bushels of oats, 10 cord of maple
body wood 114" long, 00 ,cord of maple
body wood '1/6" long, also forks shov-
els and other articles rtoo numerous
to attention.
Terms on chattels, strictly cash.
Terms on iParm—Theae lots will be
sold sithject to a reserve Ibid. and WM
be offered ,for -sale together or in scIa-
carafe parcels , tcasuit .purchaser. Ten
()ercent (l101%) nf the purchitae mon-
ey to be paid down. at the time of stale,
the balance to he paid in thirty (30)
Positively ito reserve as proprietor
is giving 1.111 farming awing to 141
health, Geo. IT. Elliott, 'Auctioneer.
'Wm. Bolton, !Proprietor,
of Farm Stoek, Imalements, Grain
.Honsehold Effects,—At lot 26,
con. 111, Stanley townaliip, .11/..! miles
north of Brucofield, on Thursday,
March 34th, at 1 o'clock, consisting of
o raes--Agricul te rad brow n mare,
12 avara; agriealtural bay horse, 147
years old; 'driving hors115 years old,
Cattle-1)nrhant grade cow al years
old, due Juiu 14. Ditrhant grade cow
6 years old, Inc to. freshen May 2S3
Roan cow 8 year; old, milking. Dur-
ham grade cow '8 year, Blue
grade cow. ao years old. due to fresh -
'11 Jane 10. Durham heifer, 3 years
old, freshened Jan. 30, Black heifer, 3
years old, due to frealien Dec. 13.
Roan row 13 years old, due to freshen
Oct 20..Durham grade heifer, 3 years
old, due to freshen Nov. 29. Black
cow 6 years old, due to freshen Sept.
30. Black cow, MG years old, millcang.
5 yearling heifers, 1 yearling steer.
4 fall calves, 3 young calves.
Poultry -60 Hampshire, red, pul-
lets. 26 Leghorn 'pullets.
Implements—Massey ,Harris bind-
er, 7 -ft tot; Massey Harris 13 hoe
-drill; 'Massey Harris spring tooth cul-
tivator; Massey Harris 14plate disc;
Frost aiz Wood mower, 6 foot cut;
McCormick Deering steel rake; 2 set
diamond harrows.; 3 drum steel roll-
er; Cockylautt walking plough; Cham-
pion plough; .gang plough; pulper;
Premier riding plough; bean harvest-
er and scuffiler -combined; Chatham
wagon; wagon rake; fanning mill;
Renfrew scales 2000 Lbs capacity; De
Laval, cream separator in A -ll shape;
rubberatired buggy; steel -tired bug-
gy; cutter; set of sleighs; set of dou-
ble breeching rharness; set of single
harness; ntiorber of horse collars;
quantity of hay and grain; 11510 feet
hay rope; hay fork car, pulleys, grain
'Quantity of house effects including
Heintaman piano -(square).
Forks, chains, shovels, whiffletrees,
neckyokes and numerous other arti-
cles. If weather is unfavorable sale
will be conducted in doors. Every-
thing is to he sold as proprietor has
rented his farm.
Terms cash.
W. A. Stanhury, Proprietor,
Geo, H. Elliott, tAactioneer. .
• Of House and Household Effects of
the 'Estate of Susan. Smith, at her
late residence, Walton, bn. Friday,
March 215 at 01:1310 p.m.:
2 woodenIb'eds; 1 iron •bed ;'•
'sorings, .3 mattresses, 3 dressers, 3
stands, e toilet sets, 2 crook staves, 1
box stove, 14 alining room table,
kitchen table, 4 small tables, 6 dining
room 'chairs; 5 •kitchen chairs, a sew-
ing machine, 1 washing anaehine and
wringer, 11 glass • cupboard, wash
tub; 4 writing desk; 'I clotheshorse, a
sideboard; 4 rocking chairs; I parlor
suite; organ; 6 'lamps, kitchen clock;
hall rack, 'quantity dry wood, quantity
coal; 'flower 'stand, 31fi sealers fruit; 2
rugs; piece of carpet; 2 ,piecesof lin-
oleum, wheel barrow, lawnmower,
dishes and other 'articles too numer-
ous to mention.
House: '3 ,story bridk veneer resid-
ence in goad shape with frame kitch-
en; also small frame stable; good
Terms: Household lEffects, cash,
Terms on House, '10 per cent cash,
balance in 30 day's; subject to reserve
Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
lj. Humphries, Adam Sholdice,
Aid Illinaatrators.
• Of Farm Stock and Implements, on
31ill Road 'Vs. mile west of ,Egmond-
villa, Toesday, March Mod at 1
o'dock Sharp,
•alHorses—One mare 6 years old in
foal: IOne matched' team of 13elgians,
rising 14.years One black ifilly .ris-
hag 3 years; two fillies rising 2 years;
1 standard bred gelding rising 4
years. Ill standard bred filly rising 3
ye:ars—this one vill make a show
mare. 41 colt rising ,T year old,
Cattle -41 !Durham cow due April
and, '4' years old; 11 cow dee Italy 6t1i,
4 year's nld; al heifer freshened' 'in
Dee.; 1 pure bred Dunham helfer doe
*Tilly list; 1 heifer 'due ljuly 46th; 1 pure
'bred" Durham 'bull calf, 4tr months old.
1 Steel', 2 years old; 11 heifer,' 2 years
olcl, 3 heifers rising 3 years, .
Pigs -2 braiad' sows due March 26:
1 brood saw dafe April Bodo 1 yating,
registered Yorkshire hog.'
30 barred Rock pullets.
Implements—,Massey Harris 'spring
tooth cultivator; 6 sections diamond
harrows; a, Fleury ,(211) walking plow;
.1 Imperial walking gang plow*; 1. Far-
mer's 'Friend two furrow riding plow:
1 spring tooth citltivator • with :Iced
box; a ve gaS engine ill good shape;
Oratruck Amgen with steel wheels; 1i.
haYorack; flwagon with triple 'box;
al Set sleighs, 01 buggy, 1 cutter; 2
gravel 'boxes, 1 fanning mill, 1 De-
laaVal cream separator, 11 large .strel
stock treugh, 13 sets backhand harness,
1 set double driving harness. 1 set
single harness, 1 45 -gal. drum, quan-
tity of grain bags, whiffletrees, neck-
yalces, chains, forks, other articles too
nannerons ao mention.
l'erms Cash. 'Every.thing will be
;old as prnprietor is giving up farm-
James Boyes, Proprietor; G. H.
Elliott, Auctioneer,
MoRillop Township
Tender.; will be received by the un-
dersigned for crushing and trucking
8,0010 to 10,000 cubic yards of gravel.
Contractor may use his awn equip-
ment nm -crusher and drag line may
'be furnialted by township, Tenders
i:1 he conaiclened on crushing and
trucking together or separately. Speci-
fications may be had at Clerk's office,
lat .36, Con. 3, MoKillop.
Tenders will he opened .at 8 p. m.,
March 211. Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted. Bond. $200 re-
John MeLNay,
Clerk of McKillop,
Seaforth, R.R.'2
Phone 036 r 35
PHONE 34 - 616
Clic ton
For a good covered wagon
and a delivery horse. Also a
couple of Veal Calves.
Get your orders signed now
for Concrete Walls, Tanks and
Silos. This is a big year for
concrete work and late orders
are apt to be disappointing.
Highway 8, Seaforth
Tax Pre....Payment
Receipts For
The Town will pay 4 per cent per
annum up to Aug. 31/38 on all pre-
paid 1938 taxes.
Certificates arul full particulars
may be obtained from the Towna
Clerk's office in the Town Hall.
Christie's Sodas, 2 pkges....19c
Weston/I Sodas, lb. • 18c
Deluxe Sodas, 2 lbs 21c
McCormick's Jersey iCream
Sodas, 2 pound
6 bars Pearl White Soap23c
3 tins ,Comfort Lye 25c
1 tin Snap Powd.... ... . .. 10c
4 pkges. Arm and Hammer
Wash Soda . 25c
Bulk Soap Chips, 3 lb 23c
Limit 3 pounds to one customer
First Grade Creamery
Butter, kb. 38c
Pure Lard, lb 12c
Shortening, lb Ilc
Lipton's Tea, lb. 590
Red Rose Tea, lb. 55c
&lade Tea, lb. • 59c
,Gokl Medal Tea. lb 59c
Morning Cheer Coffee, lb.. 21c
Spearmint Gum. 3 pkges , /Gc
W 1 Finnioan
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
No. 11 timothy seed, also Spy apples
and potatoes. Phone '622-24, .Fred
McClymont, Varna,
'Frame house on lot 0, con. 9, Mc-
Killop. Also in Seaforth frame house,
barn and 12a4 acres land, modern Coll.
venieaces. J. C. Laing, 'Seaforth.
16 -plate out -throw Bissal 'disc, in
good ,shape; also a grinder, 9 -inch
'Veasot. Warned, !Li inch Gilson silo
'filler, for repairs. Thomas Dale,
'phone 31424/7.
Two seed drills, -one a 10 -hoe, .the
other a I112 -hoe; both have grass
seeder attachments Roth are in good
working shape. William Alexander,
phone 16, r 842, 1Hensall,
A couple of young Registered .H'er-
'eford !bulls, fit for service. Ap'ply to
Bert :Allen, Blyth, fla phone 23,5.
• Grass seeds of all kinds. ,A few ads
of :double team harness. Harness re-
pairs. All ,kinds of fence material,
posts and wire IA full line 'of rMaster:
Poultry Feeds and Starters and 'Mas-
tery Pig Feed. W. 'E. Butt, !General
Merchant, Ripper'. !Phone Henaall
411 - cm.
linnse, 7 rooms, pantry, clothes
closets, good cellar, cistern, levet'
failing well of hard water at door,
township taxes, telephone; 5 minutes'
walk to church, school or store; bons(
newly shingled, papered; everything
in good repair; excellent garden
Price reasonable, aFor sale or ren
MTS. Alex .Gordon, or write P. 1)
Box 5111 Seaforth, Ont.
Quantity of turnips, also Clycli
mare, '14 years old, in foal. Jame
Landsborough, Phone 40416,
100 acres of first class farm land
consisting of Lot a of the 4th conces
skin of Hallett Twp.. between Sea
forth and Clinton. 'On the premise
are large bank barn, house near13
new, and a garage. Some ploughing
done. 'Poaaession given April jet
Mrs. 11. j. Dodd, Clinton.. '
To supply power sufficient to oper-
ate at full capacity the stone crusher
and drag line for the. Township of
Turkersmith daring 51038. Tenders 1,
be at price per 'hour and to 'be in thc
hands of the Clerk on or before Marc!
D. F. rMdGregor, Clerk,
In the Estate of Thomas Smale,
late of the Town of Seaforth, in du
County of Huron, deceased, who diet'
on or about the 27th day of janti-
acry, IA:D..11193S.
Take Notice that all persons hav-
ing any claims or demands against
the estate of the above deceased mus:
forward particulars and proof of
same to the undermentioned Solicitor
on or before the 26th day of March
next, after which date the under-
mentioned will proceed to distribuo
the, estate with regard only to those
claims which they shall then have re
ceirved notice.
Dated Seaforth this 1st day of
Marclit. AD. 11938,
James Rivers, Seaforth, !Ont. -
Albert j. Smale, Staffs, Ont.
By their Solicitor,
Mmer D. Bell, Seaforth, Ontario.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully .given
Dominion bank Boalding, Seaforth
Phone 334 w
The Second Division Court
'County of Harem
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and 'Saturday
1:130 p.m. to' 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. an. to 9 la m.
Consisting of 3. acres good choice
land, good 6 roomed frame house,
barn, large hen house, colony house,
hard . and soft water, hydro, small
fruits; cheap for quick sale. Apply to
Chas. Theobald.
aoo acre farm with good buildings,
spring creek and bush. Priced, right
for quick sale. Apply to The Seaforth
Fifty acres of good fanning land
on Con. 9, 'Hallett, has been pasture
for 8 years 'On -premises are 8 room -
led house and bank barn, alsa supply
•of good water. Apply IF. E. Phillips,
43 VVoodmount Ave., Toronto.
Enjoy yourself.
There's no need to isteirIce your.
self to the tiring toa of Granary
laundry methods.. . no need to
give up the pleasures you enjoy
even on washdays! With a
Westinghouse Cushioned -Action
washer the washing is through
in about an hour. Then you're
free to enjoy yourself! 'There's
a real satisfaction too its knowing
that your clothes are really dean
. . no telkale grey . • . no
yellow tinged likens! For actual
tests have proved that the exclus-
ive Westinghouse Cushioned ac-
tion not only get clothes cleaner
but is also quicker and saves your
clothes front wear and tear.