The Clinton News Record, 1934-01-11, Page 8PAGE 8 CLTNTON NEWS-RECORT Shirtin the New Tear flight PEW "SPECIAL CLEARING PRICES" ON LEFT -OVERS FROM TILE CHRISTMAS BUSINESS. MEN'S WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, collar attached, special 69c MEN'S TIES, -full size. Special Price ...... „17c MEN'S SILK SCARVES, Special" Reduced Price ..25c, 39c and up MEN'S BLACK LEATI•IER AND HEAVY CLOTH GAPS, both with inside fur bands for cold weather, reg., ,$1,25, Special, 98c BOYS' L•EATHER AVIATOR GAPS, Reg. $1.00, for ...........?5c LEATHER GOATS, AND WINDBREAKERS at .less than Present Wholesale Prices. BARGAIN PRICES ON ALL LINES OF C•HOI'CE BOUDOIR SLIPPERS AND RUBBERS AGENTS FOR BAUER SKATING OUTFITS , . TIP-TOP AND BERGER •Made -to -Measure CLOTHING' .WITH A iumstee1 Bros. • 1,M111.1.1•1111•11111111111•100111111 HIND QUARTER OF BEEP., per ib, 80 DRESSED HOG, Whole or Half, per ]b, ... „• , • • , , , , , Ilc BACON, by the piece, per lb. 18c 20e SMOKED BACK BACON, per lb. 25c HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per Ib. 10c P. M. BACON, Back, per lb. CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 .Albert Street h oav oc o,------ao=ut=•_1oi 0 . u 0 1 TO CLEAR AT . $25. and $30. Coinplete O RADIO I3 BATTERIES, Heavy Duty, General ' $2.59 SUPER HEAVY DUTY a io argains WE HAVE A PEW SECOND HAND BATTERY RADIOS O $3,95 THESE ARE 30% LARGER THAN ANY BATTERY MADE. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF RADIO SUPPLIES. ALSO AGENTS FOR WESTINGHOUSE RADIO SUTTER & PERDUE Hardware and Plumbing. Phone 147w. , Clinton Ont. Stock Reducing Sale OF La es' Pure Wool -FINE KNIT SWEATERS ... , LADIES RUBBER 'OVERSHOES .. • • $1.99 CHILD'S RUBBER OVERSHOES $1.29 �M'EN''S 2 -BUCKLE WORK RUIBBERS . $1.19 MEN'S• RED HEAVY 'WORKRUBBERSi..... .. . $2.29 MEN'S BLACK LONG RUBBER BOOTS 2.19 $2.49 MEN'S ONE -BUCKLE OVERSHOES MEN'S BLACK LONG 'RIMER BOOTS with Red Soles $ $2.49 MEN'S TWO BUCKLE OVERSHOES $1.49 BOYS' LACE RUBBER BOOTS $1,49 $1.49 $1,39 19e 59c 49c and 59e 69c 33e $1.99 • MEN'S PURE WOOL COMBINATION PENMANS $2.19 MEM'S MEEIiV'O COMBINATIONS $1.99 MEN'S PUREWOOL EITHER SHIRT OR DRAWERS 939 9c BOYS' 1SAOKINAW WINDBREAXE.RS 3149 YOUNG MEN'S PU1 WOOL PULLOVER SWEATER ,$•1.39 SMALL BOYS LACE RUBBER BOOTS BOY'S BLACK LEATHER MITTS LARGE BOYS' HORSE-I3IDE PULLOVERS .MEN'S DRIVING MITTS. MEN'S HORSE HIDE PUtLLLOVERS ,MEN'S iMULESKIN PULLOVERS MEN'S PURE WOOL SWEATER, Heavy Weight MEN•'S ,MACKINAW WINDBREAKERS PRIZE WINNERS 1st PRIZE 5-IP1EC'E, DINNER SET, was won by Mrs. C. Streets and Family. • 2ND PRIZE -100 LBS. REDPATH STIGAR, won by Melvin Elliott. 3RD PERE-,167 LBS. FIVE ROSES FLOUR, won by Mrs, Ernest Rozell, 15 ONE DOLLAR PRIZES 'WON BY—Mrs. Ed. Smith, Mr. Bert Lobb, -Mrs. Raymond Whitmore, Mrs. David Deeves, Mrs. Ralph Oantelon, Mrs. John Deeves, Mrs. Fred Gilbert, Mrs. A. Fulford, Mr. Thomas Wiggington, Miss Laura Currie, Miss Zetta Bawden,Mr. Albert Colclough, Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Miss Bullen, Mrs. Fred Thompson. ]LOBE'S GENERAL STORE 0 What Will 'You, Do Now? Christmas and New Years have come and gone. We hope :t was a real success. Now what willu you do? Our next job is to get back to nor- mal. We suggest an easy chair, a book or magazine to read as means to profitable entertainment. Con, skier the miracle that is a book. It can take ySu in thought away balk in the past or ' to the far away reg- ions of the earth. It is perhaps the cheapest of all pleasures and consol- ations. If hot a sulistitute for trav- el it at least affords a mental change You remain at home but your medi- tations may be.,carriedmiles or ceV' furies away. What are the worries and cares of a reader compared with the adventures and dangers of a hero? What are his perplexities compared with the problem of who killed the millionaire while at his desk and left-hisimoney untouched. Our magazine stand and ' book shelves display a reasonably com- plete assortment of what is in popu- lar demand. Tire W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 1 �����������1° 1olll151.111i4mal ipinllLL II II Mrs. L. Wiltse returned Monday af- ter a visit of some weeks with Mrs. M. Clark, Goderich. Mr, Clifton Procter is in Toronto this week taking a course in weld- ing. Miss Harriot •Gandier returned to Toronto on Saturday after spend- ing a couple of weeks with Miss Lucile Grant. Mr. Dodds Holloway, who spent the Christmas holidays with his mother in town, Ieft yesterday for Fleming, Sask. Miss Emnia Doan left Last week on her return to Buffalo after spend, ing the Christmas vacation with her sisters in town. Mrs. F. W. Andrews returned Fri- day evening after attending the funeral of her brother, the late Fled J. Hill, at Smiths Falls. Mr. W. E. O'Neil, Halifax, supervis- or of Burt,Business Forms fpr the Maritime Provinces, visited at the Mew Year with his mother, Mrs. W. T. O'Neil of town. Miss Donna Stevens, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Stevens of the Base Line, left Tuesday for Florida to spend some time with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Tay- lor of London, who are spending the winter at St. Petersburg, Flor- ida. Miss Clark of The News -Record re- turned from Toronto Friday ev- ening last after spending a fort, night in that city. Having gone down to spend the Christmastide with members of her family she had the nmisfortune to fall on an icy walk the day before Christmas ina juring the muscles of her leg so badly that a doctor ordered rest and quiet for ten days or so. Ey- , en yet the limb has to be favored somewhat but it is improving steadily. VARNA The monthly meeting of Varna Uniteid Church W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. 3. Rath'welI on Thursday, January 4th. Miss":Bertha Diehl, first vice-president,' presided. After the singing of a hymn the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Eleven members responded to the roll call with a verse of scripture beginning with the letter P. The financial report for the year was given by the treas. vier, Mis. Fled Reid. Mrs. Witham Stephenson then read a letter re- ceived by the president, from an AI, berta homesteader, living 25 miles. from town. He and his family had been burned out, losing everything, just the week before. So the cloth- ing, which they received from the Varna bale, was particularly accept- able. The members of the Society then divided into four groups, each grpup to, take turns in putting on the pro- gram of the meeting. The scripture lesson Ps. 121, was then read. Mrs. Fred, Reid gave a New Year's read- ing and Miss Violet Meklymont had charge of th4 study +hook. A letter of thanks for a .Christ- mas motto from the Society from Mrs. Diehl was read, Miss Bertha` ,.:� 1{eRS., JAN. 11, 1934 RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead FROM Jamary 11 1! rii tinu 3(I �I�fl yt 1: if 4i, +,11 , ,r• fiffif t ..iii i';�� t' 11. irdr. I!� t..i,{ 1.1 !1 i! ;111(:1((, E„i, l 7 tf'�( From SHELF to COUNTER --Everything to Go, at Lowest Possible Price ---While stock taking goes on EACH DAY, we will fill Centre Tables with SPECIALS for one day only ---DO NOT MISS ONE OF THESE -TABLE BARGAINS We need to Reduce our Stock and it is your opportunity to Buy Granulated Sugar, per Ib. 6o (With every Order of $1.00) Fridayt; Jan. 12th, Limit of'2 lbs. to a customer. Essence Vanilla, each ' 6c Large Vanillaeach 19c (Silverwood Milk, large size 8c Sea Wave Salmon, 1-2's 160 Cascade Salmon, Sockeye, large 15c (Angler Salmon, large 10c Prince Rupert Salmon, large 12c Dates, 2 lbs. for: 15c Corn Starch, 2 pkgs. for 19c Peanuts, per lb. lOc Tapioca, 2 lbs. for 25c Klenzine, 5 pkgs. for 25c Matchless Bleach 9c Moody's Lye, each 10c Figs (Cooking) 3 lbs. for 23o Apricots, 2 lbs. for 350 Corn Beef, 2 tins for 25c Boiled Dinner 15c Quick Dinner 25c Jam. (Peach and Apricot) 25c Fancy Cookies 15c Corn (White) 3 for 25c Peas ,(Red and White), 3 for 30c Tomaoes, each. 10e Holmes'vlle Cheese, 2 lbs. for 29c Soup (Heinz) 2 for 29c Fancy Shue Rose Rice, 4 lbs. for 25c White Beans, 6 lbs. for I3ig Five Cleanser Red and White Pastry Flour Red and White Pastry Flour, 12's Bulk Macaroni, 2 lbs. for Broken Sodas, 2 lbs. for Pineapple, 2 cans for 19c 5c 15c' 30c 9c 19c 29c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Texas Grape Fruit, 5 for 25c Lettuce, per head ,....lOc (Spinach, 2 lbs. for 25c Cauliflowers . 25c Oranges, per dozen 19, 29c and 35c Lemons, per half dozen, 15c FISH White Fish, 2 lbs. for 25c Fresh Filletts, per Ib. 17c • Red Salmon, per lb. 15c Oysters, per jar 25c Chase and Sanborn's Coffee lb. 40c Bargain. Tables at lOc and 25c masaarammermanzarszzemastimicsaam Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails e ��® Bring Your Coupon Card for FREE DENBY DISHES CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 Diehl gave a reading and the meet ing closed with a hymn and prayer. Mrs. Rathwsll, the hostess, serv- ed afternoon tea and a social hour was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Smith and family have moved on to the farm of Mr. C. Ward. Mrs. Robert Armstrong and her sister, Miss Lissy Ward, have moved into Miss A. J. Keyes' house in the village, Mr. and Mrs. D. McNaughton of Kit haler has been spending the past few days with the former's mother, DO YOU WANT TO MAKE THE DREARY HOURS CHEERY? From C1nin,1 7 "lac /GREENHOUSE PHONE 176 'z\ FLOWER 5110P PHONE 31 who is very ill. I Miss Emily Beatty of London spent Sunday at her name. IStanley District Orange Lodge met in the township hall, Varna, on Tues- day, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: I= District Master: Fred McClymont. { Deputy Master: Louis Clark Chaplain: C. C. Pilgrim. Rec,-Secretary: George Clark, Fin,-Seeretaiy: Elmer Webster. Treasurer: Ben. Rathwel1. Lecturers: J. W. MacLeod, D. C. Galbraith. Marshall: 3. Castle, IIuy a Stove or .neater This Month 10 PER CENT OFF ALL RANGES. AND HEATERS In Stock A PEW ALLADIN LAMP& LEFT AT BARGAIN PRIOES.' 1' MENIFINICIONNINIMILINEWIVAIMINIIIIMEMMINIMINIMIIIIIIINIO 111 SPECIAL INGERSOLL SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES S,eciaI List of GROCERIES EACH WEEK AT SPECIAL PRICES Just watch this ad. each week --also our hand bills. Telephone and you will receive Choice Groceries and Real Service. FRY COCOA, tall tin 19c ROBINHOOD RAPID OATS, per pkg. ... ° ; 19c LIFEBUOY SOAP, 2 cakes for . ,. , , 15c CHOICE' BLUE ROSE RICE, 3 lbs. for 23e DURHAM •CORN STARCH, per pkg. ...... ...... . . 10o RED PITTED OHERRIES, 2 tins for 25e CROSSE and BLACKWElLL STRAWBERRY JAM, 40 ozs. far 49c MALTED CHEESE, 2 pkgs. for. 25c RED ROSE KETA SALMON, large tin . , , .. , 10c NII -ELT COFFEE, with Cup and Saucer FREE ..... 450 HihcrestShortening Ile Drummer Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 57c •`I: •.,, KELVINA10'R SPECIALS' .. SAUSAGE, per Ib. ....... ...I5e.and 190 WEEVERS, per 1•b. .......... ..... . .....r......... , . .,15o FRESH PICNIC HAWS, per lb, PORK CHOPS, Per Ib. - 23e HEADCHEESE in Jars, each ,. , ..................10e: OYSTERS, per - jar 85c 19e BREA FAST B•AIOON,iece alb . .. ............ . 19e 'PEAM,EAL BACK BA.CO . , . CELERY HEARTS per bunch ...... ,... 15c HEAD LETTUCE . . 10e ,J. T. McKN I HT & SO You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. T. lia' HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244