The Clinton News Record, 1937-12-23, Page 2AGE 2
THURS., DEC. 23, 1937.
O.?�n�0.4•.114.04111o4•WO_,.r11d_o_._11_n_:._.o_n_uo1,.M., o_o_ns€1 0af4M.6�_11.1.ned••••1,wJ411M.e,a f,'.
FIRST INSTALMENT "Atte boy, Monty," sorneone yelled her heels from the desk where she
Her father had been a newspaper
man. She knew the machinery of
news -getting. She would make him
play out his hand.
And- so when the cab arrived, she
named the office of one of the local
papers, bade the man drive swiftly,
"Now is that nice?" Monty grinned,
men about the record-breaking Monty I wanted to take you to dinner."
—whoever the night be—and carried "I thought so;" Natalie grinned im-
"You aren't really one of those writ-
ing women?"
'"I wasn't," the girl laughed. "I
was out of a. job. I didn't' know
where dinner was, coming from; but
with a story like this in my pocket,,
behind her.
Humming out of the east, the lit- "Yeah," came an answering shout.
•tle black plane sped straight for the
"An hour and a: half off the Eas
.landing field. Natalie Wade watched record. What do you know n-
it idly. She had nothing else to do. West ?"
Theplane had' held her' gaze mostly bout that.
� Y •Then. the girls' voices added .their
because of the directness of its flight. shrill note to the clamor. , A. bevy of
'Other bees from the busy hive a San gray creatures from the motor park
'Carlo Airport circled or looped oe div- beyond bdre down upon the knot of
ed as though in sheer abandon at"hav-
ing found their wings, but this black
ship droned straight for the search-
light towers and the sagging .wind-
sock as though all life meet perish if
it did: not reachthe field within the
• ;instant.
Then suddenly someone yelled in the
field office. Grease monkeys came Natalie recognized him, now, though
heads up at the cry, Then racing feet she had never seen him before. - This I have an idea that I've got a job as
pounded on the' concrete, where the rwell." •
;girl stood and shirt -sleeved • en rush eras Monwere Wallacelra yssShe had
m flights.. already famous. She had
seen his picture in a score of papers.
She knew now what the excitement
Natalie along with it. ,
He stood there, grinning, veiny but
happy. Beside the small plane he had
jerked of the helmet he wore and
the mark of it crossed his forehead
beneath a mop of tousled brown hair.
ed past her to. the open; field.
Crossing the light breeze, -the ship
skimmed low, its motor roaring more
and more loudly as' it neared. Then.
at the last possible moment, it seem-
•ed, the roar died, The ship sat down
-on the far tarmac but taxied straight
on as though it would crash the high
barrier' before the `.hangars.
Moved by the rushing feet about
her, the girl slipped through the bar -
"What if I run out on you?"
"Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't do that.
'You're a hero, you know. And, heroes
was all about Mont Wallace had fin- never act like that even in real life."
ished -another of his great flights. Ile And so it was that, when the taxi -
had broken the coast-tn--coast record cab pulled up at the newspaper office.
flying from east to, west. An hour• Natalie Wade led her youthful cap -
and a half, the excited shouter had tive straight to the editorial room,
declared. pounced upon an unused typewriter
And now he was reaping the reward and began pounding out the story of
of glory, the girl thought, and she the flight as she thought her father
laughed ,for the bevy of sweet young would have done. •
Tier gate. A burst of hoarse cheer- things had flung itself upon him,' had "Boy," she called presently. The
ing drew her on. Field men were caught at his hands and arms and loitering office -boy moved reluctantly
mobbing' the flier now as he clamber- were now taking turns kissing him. toward her.
ed to the ground. Natalie chuckled as she stood there When he stood at Natalie's side,
watching. Just like fool women to she spoke to him quickly
spoil a good-looking boy like this by "I'm new here," she said. "Tell
too .much adulation. .- the city editor I want a job and that
But the crowd was moving toward I'm writing Mont Wallace's exclusive
her. Girls and amen both moved down story of a new- record flight."
upon her and those behind her block_ The boy looked at her with a fishy
ed her retreat so that they suddenly- eye and then ambled off to the desks
stood face to face. where two or three men worked ap-
Natalie,smiledun, into his laughing pai'ently at getting out the sporting
unless at the option of the publish- eyes in their mask of oil and grime. extra.
rr. The data to which every sitb- She tried to step aside, but his band, One of these men with worn suspen-
ecrintion is Paid is denoted on the still holding the helmet, reached out ders and with his green eye -shade
label. to stop her. drawn doivn so' that it formed an ai-
ADVERTISIN,G RATES — Tran- "Come on," he laughed, "don't be most perfect mask, looked up in start-
•eient advertising '12c per count hie bashful. A few more kisses and my' led fashion. Ile reached for a piece
Yat first insertion. Sc for each nub- face will be cleats." �of paper, stared at it, and then sepia
, eequent insertion. Heading counts
alines. Small advertisements not to, Without ado, he bent to hiss her over to the girl's side.
,exceed one inch, such as "Wanted," I squarely on the lips and then swept I "What's all this about?" he de -
*Lost," "Strayed," etc., inserted once, her along beside him to the apparent mended.
15 35c, each subsequent insertion chagrin of the shrieking' admirers. I "I'm looking for 'a job," she jerked
ase Rates for display advertising At the hangar office, Natalie would . out between bursts of typewriter
made known. on application.
Communications intended for Ruh- have drawn away but the hero thrust pounding. "This is Mont Wallace who
dication must, as a guarantee of good her through the screened door. I just broke the East-West flight re -
faith, be accompanied by the name Screams and shrieks rose from the cord. I'm writing the story and he's
ani the writer.
.,. E. HALL
The Clinton News -Record
With which is Incorporated
41.50 Der wear in advance, to Cana-
dian addresses,. $2.00 to the U.S. or
ether foreign countries. No paper
discontinued until all arrears are paid
Proprietor. other girls when they were stopped
at the' entrance with the mechanics
Notary Public, Conveyancer
.Financial. Real Estate and fire
,eurance Agent, Representing' 14 Fire�
"insurance Companies.
Division Court Office, Clinton
Frank Fingland, ILA., LL.B.
-diarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
Successor to W. Brydone, K.C.
iSloan Block — : Clinton, Ont.
Electro Therapist, Massage
Office: Huron Street. (Pew Deere
west of Royal Bank)
.Hours—Wed., and Sat. and by
'by manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment
Phone 207
4.icensed Auctioneer for the County
' of Huron
Correspondence promptly answered
'Immediate arrangements can be made
for Sales Date at The News -Record,
Idfiton, or by calling phone 203.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction
STITT3I0=E. C. NICKLE, Phone 23w.
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
•1- Officers:
President, Alex. Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; Vice -President, Thomas Mby-
lan, Seaforth; Secretary -Treasurer,
M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
Directors—Alex. Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; James Sholdice, Walton; Wil-
liam Knox, Londesboro• Chris. Leon-'
ihardt, Dublin; James Connolly, God-
•erich;- Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W.
'R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex. Mays-
aEwBlyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton.
List of Agents: W. 3. Yeo, Clin-
ton, It. R. No. 3; ,Tames Watt, Blyth;
..John E. Pepper, Brucefield. R. R.
No. 1; R. F. McKercher, Dublin. R. R.
yNo. 1; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kincardine;
'R. G. Jarmuth, Bornholm, R. R. No. L
Any money to be paid may be paid
'to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank ;of
tloarrnerce, Seaforth. or at Calvin
Mitt's Grocery, Goderich,
Parties ' desiring to effect insur
anee or transact other business will;
be promptly attended to on applica- i
ion to any ;of the above officers ad -,
to their respeetivQ pest offi-
,ees. Losses inspected by the director
r e'ho lives ne•arest the scene.
Trains will arrive at and depart from
• Clinton as follows:,
Buffalo and 'Dederick Div.
+Going East, depart 7.08 a.m.
Going East, depart 3,00 pan,
....Going 'West, depart 1145 p.m.
Going West, depart 10.00 p.m.'
London, Huron & Bruce
'om o
G ' North/ ar 1125 ive 1147 p.m.
going to sign it if I do a good job.
Does that rate a try -out froom you?"
and queue of 'loitering boys. The email man peered up at Wal -
Inside, Monty lifted the girl quickly lace. Then he thrust out his hand.
to one of the desks. "I got a flash on the yarn from the
"You aren't really one of those writing women?"
"Row stay put there, he , laughed
down at her. "I'll give you that in-
terview in -ft few minutes. Got to
clean tip first and sign the papers."
Natalie stayed put." There wasn't
anything else to do and, after all,
what did it matter?
The brown -haired Monty had (118-
am:sared into the wash room. Pres-
ently she could hear Kinn sloshing
the water over himself with much
puffing and splashing. A gray-haired
man who seemed to be the port man-
agerwas yelling questions at him and
writing in a big book. Monty bellow-
ed back the details of his flight.
His wrist watch was handed out to
be compared. with the office clock and
the watches. of other men.
When, presently, he came back in-
to the office, his face was clean and
the touseled brown hair had been ruth-
lessly plastered back froin his fore-
head.. Natalie saw now that his chin
was cleft in a somewhat fascinating
"You're with the paper, he said,"
he offered with a chuckle and a
and you can da your story there." '
he e.".wink. "We'll go down to the office
Natalie made no response but phis,.
grin was so infectious that'she smil-
ed. The man worked fast, she thought.
Ilei was lust as swift with adorning'
femininity as he was in breaking re -
He was 'at the telephone now order-
ing a taxicab, Offers of other cars
he spurned lightly,
There would be 'a fast ride into
town, the girl knew, and she thought
she could guess what carne afterward.
She must match wits with him and 'a
'Going South ar. 2.50, leave 3.08 p.m.. daring plan came to her as she swung!
airport," he said. "My men were
late at the spot and they told me some-
one else had grabbed you. If you'll
give the young lady your story she
goes' on the pay -roll right away. I
can't promise how long she'll stay
there, but she'll get a trial." '
Wallace grinned.
"About how long," he questioned,
"would the trial last?"
But the girl spoke up quickly.
"It doesn't natter aboutt that," she
said. "If I can hit the ball I'll know
it quickly enough and so will they. My
name's Natalie Wade. Put in on the
payroll anal let me draw enough when
the story is done to take the big boy
here out to dinner."
"I'm Mack Hanlon," the city editor
said, glancing wisely at the flier. "The
dinner goes' on office expense account
if you keep on the way you're going.
Slap her out fast. We go down in
twenty minutes."
Sitting across from Mont Wallace
otter the very excellent dinner that
was to be charged to the San Carlos
Express, Natalie laughed merrily.
"This," she explained, "is what I.
call getting the breaks. No job, no
money,. no place to go. I wander out
to the airport because it is a long
walk and 1 like to watch the planes.
Then' oubuzz Y t in rh'
ss - me sweetly,
and carry me off. I use yon to mus-
cle into a -good job and a good dinner
with the hero of the hotu•. Isn't life
a joke?"
:'All perfectly sensible," Monty as-
sured her. "You ase young. You are
beautiful'. And you have a head on
your shoulders. That's all any girl
needs in this world."
"The evening will soon be com-
plate," bantered Natalie. "You don't
by'gny chance happen to have fallen
in love With me? !That's about all
that could possibly occur to add to.
the 'occasion."
"Well," the youth 'laughed, "you
can add that up, toe, I guess. Some-
thing happened to ane when T saw
you standing here at the field. That's
why I kissed; you. And if it isn't love,'
it's sure a perfect counterfeit, You
might as well give it the benefit of
the doubt."'
"That," she chuckled, "is what I
consider the response of a gentleman:
1 wouldn't call it'an impassioned de-
claration but it certainly fills the bill'
I am very greatly obliged to you."
"Never kid an aviator, . Natalie
Wade," Monty laughed. "Give' me a
few drinks- and I'll make it just as
impassioned as you like. What say
ego, somewhere to dance after din-
"That would be very nice," Natalie
accepted. "But please omit the drinks.
T am quite satisfied and I don't•know'I
you well enough est to try hopping',
up our acquaintance with cocktails."
"All right," he agreed with evident
reluctance. "Just as you say. But
you have ea idea tow a few drinks
ripen the affections."
When dinner was over' he became',
host. He insisted on hiring a car
and they drove first along the beach
road.At length they found an at-
tractive spot where . an abandoned
lighthouse had been turned into a
sort of roadside inn and there they
sat • for a long time looking out to-
ward the Pacific.
It was not till the girl found that
they were sitting side by side•without•
speech that she realized something
unusual hacl happened to her. This
was no ordinary evening, no _common-
place flirtation. There was something
about their sudden acquaintance that
turned night glorious and that made
the first strains of the small string-
ed orchestra send them into each oth-
er's arms without realizing it.
They had risen when the music
sounded and stood upon the tilted ter-
race. It was only a step from the
shadow that clothed them to the moon-
lit outdoor dance floor. But for long
moments they did not take that step.
Other couple began moving from the
tables 'within but the two were not
aware of it. When he bent his head,
her lips Piet his without shyness or
confusion. It was as though the
moment were preordained.
Then she gave a low laugh..
"Aren't we supposed to be clanc-
ting?" she asked gaily.
He kissed her agaitn, quickly.
Perhaps we are," he chuckled as
he swept her out onto the floor with
swift -rhythmic strides, "but it seems
like a waste of time and of very ex-
cellent music that might be much bet-
ter employed."
He danced, she found, with grace
and ease. It was as though he really
enjoyed the music and as though there
had been nu need for him to learn the
steps through which he guided her.
For the first time, she reminded her-
self, since her high school class dance,
she was enjoying—really enjoying—a
party like this.
Canada's Imports Of
Ground nuts, the fruit of a tropical
to sub -tropical annual plant are so
called because the nuts nature in
the ground;; they are also known as
earth nuts, peanuts — because the
kernels grow inside pods like peas—
and monkey tuts. The nuts are used
for human food, as food for live
stock—chiefly- pigs which are turned
into the field to, do the harvesting—
or crushed for oil and oilcake: All
but a small propoetion of the ,ground
nuts entering world trade are destin-
ed for the production of oil. India,
China, and West Africa, along with
the United States remain the princi-
pal sources of supply.
Canada differs from most other
industrialized 'countries in that she
has onlya small 'seed -crushing indus-
try and, apart from linseed, imports
almost all the vegetable oils she util-
izes. However, there were nearly 36
million pounds of peanuts imported
last year, China supplying 31 million
pounds, British India nearly three
million and Dutch East' Indies over
one pillion.
Australia is increasing her produc-
tion of ground nuts and in 1931 a
trade agreement was made with Can-
ada which will' give the Australian
market the preference when. the Cont-
monweaith is able to supply all Can-
ada's requirements. At present there
is a duty of one to two cents per
pound on ground nuts imported from
other than British Empire countries
but this preference has not 'yet re-
sulted in any appreciable import
from Empire sources.
Canada's, cattle, sheep and pig
population supplies much of the ani-
mal fats which form more than one-
half of the oils and fats used in the
manufacture pf soap in Canada and
limits the consumption of vegetable
substitutes. Nevertheless, it is clear
that the great bulk of the ground nett.
oil imported isr
c ode oil for, refining
for edible purposes; the amount im-
ported last year was 653,000 cwt. and
carne from the United Kingdom, China
and. some from the Netherlands. Oil
for the manufacture of soap :or can-
ning fish was 544,000, gallons. Last
year's import °f ilthis particular item
was only one half that of the year
before, that from China dropping
from 383,000 gallons to 41,000.
4G-5WASR'f+4WWVC--K WCZCOT-Z a $MCO ,'k,'`t° OCIVCI=Tg'l6'•£.'+"' M@7 t l C:c MOVFCCIT
Tom Avory's dress -suit was hav-
ing its annual . outing. Smelling
faintly of moth -balls, he fidgeted im-
patiently under the brushing and f4s-
sing which his, wife and daughter
were inflicting upon him.
"Good-bye, my dears. I wish y
were both coming, too,";
Torn buttoned his overcoat roun
his slight form, crammed an ancien
opera hat on his head and plunged
out into the fog. Coughing g little,
he boarded a bus which crawled past.
As the bus slid slowly past, win-
dows gay with Christmas decorations,
he thought how nice it would be to
pop inside and buy Christmas pre-
sents for Mary and Jean.
The thought. of the dinner to which
he, was going filled him with melan-
choly. On previous occasions it had
been a convivial affair, and he had
looked forward to it keenly, but to-
night he was to dine alone.
It was 3ii years, he remembered,
since Jeremy Caldicott had instituted
the bachelor dinner. They were all
unmarried then, and Jeremy had
made a pact that they should be his
guests for dinner, on that date, his
birthday, every succeeding year,
whilst any of them remained alive.'
Whatever worries and ties the ,years
might bring, for that night at any
rate they would be gay, irresponsible
bachelors once more. Ile had named
them the "Evergreens"
Jeremy himself, whimsical and
generous, had- been one of the first
to drop out. But he had left a suns
of money so' that his birthday dinner
might continue to be celebrated, malt-
ing the rather eerie stipulation that
an empty chair should be placed for
hint at the head of the table, and his
place laid as usual.
Year by year the numbers had
dwindled, and now there was onl
Tont left. The previous year then
had been George Baker to keep him
company a. stout, hearty man, wh
had seemed good for another twent
at least; but a motoring acci
dent had carried him off, and tonight
on Christmas Eve, Tom would din
alone with the empty chair. Th
thought gave him a chill feeling.
The bus conductor set him down
outside Garston's hotel. Pushing his
way through the revolving door, he
stood for a moment blinking in tho
light and warmth of the lounge. Aa
old waiter shuffled forward, a wel-
coming smile lighting up his tired
"Geed evening, sir. Glad to see you
once' more, sir."
Tom peeled off his coat and hat,•
"The last of the Evergreens, Joe. The
Fates must have overlooked me for
the nt.oment, but it's lonely business
when you outlive your pals"
"That is so, sir. I've been here
nearly forty years, and I've seen some
changes in ney time. 'We've put you
in, the small dining -room tonight.
Thought it would be more cosy -like."
The old waiter ushered Tom into a
small private apartment, and he
hustled off.
are." He turned to the waiter. ',Pour
yourself out a glass, Joe."
"Thank you, sir,. but it's against
well," y , said Tom, easily, "just
as you please. But you may never
au get the chance again. Something tells The' stranger drew up his chair
me this will be the last of the Ever- and sat clown, laying' a bundle of pa-
d green dinners." -, pens on the table in front of him. He
t When the mean was over and the signed to Joe:—
waiter had withdrawn, he addressed
the vacant chair:—
"You know, Jeremy, this was a
great idea of yours, this annual ba-
chelor party, a generous idea; but it
is time now that it came to an end.
You were right when you said that
A stranger stepped :forward, a
spare, elderly little man, wearing a
monocle at the end of apiece of black
"My dear sir," said the stranger;
" 1 amp exceedingly sorry to have start-
led you. It seemed ;a pity to disturb
you,. so T sat down, and waited for
you to` wake up. Also, I had the im•
pertinence to drink a glass of wine
which I found already poured out."
Tom smiled feebly, "That was in-
tended fpr Jeremy," he murmured.
"But—you are wearing his .ring?"
"Quite right, Mr. Avory, I am, M.
Caldicott left me the ring in his will.
Let ine explain,"
Y table at the glass of wine placed for digest the news, but you will both
e Jeremy Caldicott. His heart gave a be hearing from us soon."
"Don't go yet. I rather think this
matter concerns you also." He clear-
ed his throat. "I am Robert Withers
of Grant &Withers, the Late Mr. Cal-
dicott's solicitors. As you may: re-
member, Mr.Avory, our late client
was a somewhat eccentric man. He
the last man will not dine alone. He left a portion of his estate in trust,
does not; all the mistakes and fail-
ures of his past life come to the table of his friends at this annual dinner.
to mock him. Your life, short as it To keep his_memorygreen,' as he
was, was a successful one, Jeremy — stated. Ila also instructed us not to
but leak at me. I am a poor sped- advise the beneficiary of his legacy
Wren to represent the; last of that the usual way, but to hand over
bright society you formed 83 years the documents personally. I am hap -
ago." py to have been spared to perform
this pleasant task, though I am afraid
He took another drink . and Contin- my clumsy way of setting about it
ued: caused you distress. If you are feel -
"Possibly you intended that your ing sufficiently recovered perhaps you
ghost should keep me company to- will glance through these papers,
night. But as a ghost, Jeremy, you "As you may read here, Mr. Avery,
are a distinct failure.' There is your
Y you will inherit a sum of round 8,000
pounds. Likewise" -.he focused his
monocle on the waiter, standing' stif-
fly in the background—"Joe Mullins,
if still alive, is to receive 500 pounds"
"What -ane sir."
"You are Joe Mullins, I under-
stand ?"
"Lord love you, sir. I—I've been
chair -e -empty; and your wine un-
tasted. -There is no one tonight to
drink my health, so I must do it my-
He drained his glass, then slowly
and appreciatively smoked the cigar
which was provided.
The redolence of the dinner hung sacked this about the room, mingling with the week. Christmas week,
fog and cigar smoke. In the heavy too. Garston's is to be polled down
atmosphere Tom began to nod, to make way for new shops and I'm
A coal dropping on to the hearth too. old to get another job."
awoke him. Confused, he opened his The solicitor rose, and gathered
eyes and stared mistily across the the papers. "I'll leave you now to
Garstcn's was an old-fashioned ho-
tel, solidly comfortable. The room in
which Tom found himself was primly
cosy. A big coal fire burning in the
grate dispelled the gloom of the yel-
low fog, which had found its way in-
door, and hung in .a cloud round the
Dinner was laid for two, Tom Av-
ory, in his worn dinner -jacket, took
his seat: at the foot of the table op-
posite the empty chair and a chill ran
down his spine. He missed the absent
Maces, the vanished life and laughter.
In imagination he could see them all
now, and Jeremy, their host, beaming
at his guests from the head of the
table, a ruby -ring, which he always
were, flashing fire as he raised his
glass and gave the toast -"Here's to
the Evergreen!"
Jeremy 'had once said jocularly:
"Trust nie, boys, I'll stick by you to
the end. The last of the Evergreens
will notdine alone ..."'
But tonight Tom was alone—with
the empty chair.
He sighed, and a sense of melan-
choly swept over him. The last of
his friends, and the least succees
ful, he alone of .them had not made
good. ,He had muddled things'sotne
how, laelted confidence and initia-
tive, and allowed others to climb over
The dinner as uexcel-
x • -
sunk, was a -.cel
lent and the wine even better. Joe
hovered at his side, showed him the
label of the bottle:—
"Will this suit you, sir?"
"Chateau Latour -1912 vintage, It
should do, Joe". A. sudden; whim seis-
ed him. "Fill up Mr. Caldicott's glass
The waiter looked. startled,
Whether my ' host is present or
not, I cannot say,' said Tom gravely
''He certainly does not appear to be
here, though he " promised' he would
come, But fill 1 up: his glass. Be
would appreciate that."
The old waiter glanced uneasily at
the empty chair as he poured out the
wine, He remembered Mr. Caldicott
well. A hearty gentleman, always
very lavish with his tins. It was dif-
ficult to imagine him as a spirit.
Toon raised his glass: "Thank you,
Jeremy, my lad, for 35 good dinners,
Your very good health, wherever you
sudden lurch. The glass was empty. The old waiter ushered the solid -
tor out into the foggy night, then he
Boney white fingers graspotl the
stem, and on the little finger blazed•shuffled back to the parlor, trembling
a ruby ring. Jeremy's ring. with excitement,
Mr. Avory, sir. Is it really true?"
"So you've come ok1 msp-" he Tont grasped the old man's hand.
whispered. Then suddenly he slump- "We, true enough, Joe, unless we're
ed clown in his chair. both drunk or dreaming." He stood
Out of what seemed a long blink up and faced the empty chair.
and silence, but which in reality was! "Thank you, Jeremy, old man," he
only a few minutes, came voices: said huskily. "It was like you to
"Here, sir, drink this," I help the last two lane dogs over the
Toni sighed and opened his eyes.: stile."—London "Tit -Bits."
The old waiter was bending over hint'
and was holding a glass to his lips.'
Gently, Toni pushed him away. ( The advertisements are printed for
"No, thanks," he muttered, "Had your convenience. They inform and .
too much already .. . Been seeing
things." ' save your time, energy and money.
Have a heart-to-heart talk with yourself! Double exposure, accurately
planned, will let you.
DO you remember the wonder tales
you read when a child, the for-
bidding castles filled with ogres, the
huge jinn of the Arabian Nights,
the trolls that lived under bridges
and the fairies that haunted myste-
rious woodlands?
You can use your camera to re-
create those childhood memories.
Yon can make giants walk through
your pictures. You can hold yourself,
or a tiny version of yourself, in the
hollow of your own hand. You can
pose in intimate conversation with
the Irish "wee people," the elves and
fairies and the cobbling leprechaun.
Ire not, hard. The method is to
use our old friend, the double ex-
xposure=two shots on the same film.
All that is necessary is accurate pos-
ing and careful control of the light.
A black background is necessary or
you cap pose your subject before
the door of; a dark roam.
Note the picture above. Although
it was made with a camerahaw g in a
ground glass for focusing, which
simplifies making such pictures, you
can get the same effect with your
own small camera. First, pose the
subject fairly close to the camera.
with his empty hand extended. Snap
the picture and ' nark the position
of the hand en the glass view finder,
very carefully, with a tiny dot of.
ink. .
Now, without winding the film,
move the camera back several feet,
so the subject appears small in the
view finder.' Let him stand, facing
his former position, 80 that his feet
appear right on the ink dot in the
finder. Arrangethelight so the feet
are not too brightly illuminated.
This will help eliminate evidence of
slight errorsin the position of the
subject. Snap the shutter a second
time and the final picture is made.
When the picture is developed, •
presto!—there are the little man and
the Trig one, facing each other on the
same film.
You will probably make mistakes
in placement on your first tries, be-
cause the view finder is small, but
this is part of the fun of trying
trick photography - and some of
Your errors may give a funnier pic-
ture than the one you carefully
planned. It is well to remember that
only the figures in these shots can
be lighted—if surrounding objects
show up, they will spoil the picture.
If your camera has an "open" •di-
rect view finder, without glass, it is
best nit to try this sort of work, If,
however, you have a camera with
ground glass back, you cap place
figures wh greater accuracy.
With this technique, you can make
a fairy dance on the table in front
of you—the fairy being your small
daughter in herballetdress. If you
tonrake the little fi aro
want g s trans-
parent, shorten exposure a little.
You can, if you like, do costume
work, illustrating the fairytales you
enjoyed as a child. Try Jack and the
Bean talk, with an intrepid small
boy chiding the grasp of a fierce
ogre. Or get an old hlkiug brogan
and a copy of Mother Goose and
picture the Old Lady Who Lived In A:
162 John van. Guilder