The Clinton News Record, 1937-11-04, Page 8AGE 8 Pork Chops, per lb. ` 20c Veal Ch(Vs,per. ib.' Veal Cutlets, per lb 22c -.25c Dressed Hog, by half, per lb. 13c Hind Quarter of Beef,,. per Ib. 13c CONNELL1 & TYNDALL CLLNTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street STOVES See the New McClary Escort This undoubtedly thebest buy in a Cook ose 6 C today. Enameled Front and Warming Closet. With Reservoir and Full Polished Top. • A BIG STOVE FOR THE MONEY. We have just received a Shipment of Water Sets and Glass and Tray Sets, in Attractive Designs. Also Chrome and Nickle Tray Sets. These will make ideal Christmas Gifts. COME EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. 40 and 60 Watt ELECTRIC BULBS -2 FOR 25c—TRY THEM. TWO SECOND-HAND RADIOS AT BARGAIN PRICES $12,00 AND $15.00. SEE OUR SPECIAL ADV. ON PAGE 3. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMITRING, ELECTRICAL Phone 147w. _ WIRING. P.O. Box 48 iff Guns i3 Ammunition DUCK HUNTERS ATTENTION!—Bring in your rifle or shotgun for a thorough cleaning and check-up before going on your next trip. NEED AMMUNITION? —Just received a new shipment of Rifled Shotgun Slugs. These are something new. Make your gun do double duty as a shotgun or rifle. Very accurate ' All kinds on hand. Then we have Duck Decoys, Duck and Crow calls. A new ship- ment of rifles just arrived. Easy terms to suit everyone on our new and second-hand stock. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Epps' Transport Building—Next Door to Creamery, Phone 13w. 1 GLARES Ranges 8z Heaters LEAD SEE THEM ON OUR FLOOR BEFORE BUYING. HAND -MADE PIPES ARE THE BEST. USE THEM AND BE CONVINCED. T. H.autins Hardware and Plumbing Phone 244 L,00K t DeForest-Crosley 67ab, &U,ERY 1100a Cabinet Large Enough to Hold All Batteries. EASY TERMS—$44.95. See and Hear These Models at EEATTIE'S A. W. GROVES Social Evening ST. JOSEPH'S HALL, CLINTON on the evening of Tuesday, November 9 MUSIC BY CLEGRORN RADIO ORCHESTRA Admission 25 cents. 56-1. Millionaire's Night LEGION HALL, CLINTON Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 8.15 Spend 25 cents and be a millionaire for one night. :Under auspices Ladies Aux. Legion. 56-2, Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. 19c SALE NOV. 4-5-6 Matches, Ige. boxes, 3 for .... , 19c Salman, Maple Leaf, half's, tin 19c Soap, P. and G., 5 cakes 19c Sardines, Brunswick, 4 tins 19c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for 19c Pease Polly Prim, 17 oz., a tins , 19c Jelly Powders, McLaren's Invincible, 4 pkgs. ...... .,19c Tomato Juice, Aylmer, 25 oz., 2 tins for 19c Park and Beans, Aylmer, 22 oz. 2 tins for 190 Sardines, Glazier, 2 tins 19c Black Pepper, per lb. 19e Cleanser, Big 5, 4 tins . , .19c Clothes Pins, 6 dozen ....19c Rice, Blue Rose, 2 lbs. 19c Spaghetti, Catelli's, 2 tins 19c Tomatoes, Aylmer, 2's set., 2 tins 19c Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs. 19c Catsup, Happyvale, 2 btls. 19c Flusho, Cleans Toilet Bowls, tin 19c Salmon Cascade, half's, 2 tins , 19c o TAMP soN Free Delivery THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Outstanding' FALL. BOOKS FICTION NORTH WEST PASSAGE—Kenneth Roberts. •This fall's leeoing'seller. Recommended by the Association of, Canadian Book men. Price 32.75. AND SO VICTORIA — by Vaughan Wilkins. Chosen by the Book Soci- ety. A delightful tale of ,glamour from the eighteen -twenties. —Price $2.50. TURNING WHEELS — by Stuart Cloete. This herioc novel by a new author is predicted to be most suc- cessful. A. story of South African Transvaal. Price $2.50 JOHN—by Irene Baird. An exquis- ite adventure in character study, comparable to James Hilton's writ - Mg. Price $2.25, JANE OF LANTERN; HILL—by L. M. Montgomery. Price $2.25. • THE LOST XING—by Rafael Sabes- tini. Price $2.50. HEATHER OF THE HIGH HAND -- by Arthur Stringer. Price $2.25. DEAD MAN'S MIRROR—by Agavha Christie. Price $2.25. I'VE BEEN TO LONDON -by Tem- ple Bailey. Price $2.25. ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY — b y Philips Oppenheim, Price $2.00. NON-FICTION How to Win Friends and Influence People—Dale Carnegie, Price $2.00. How to Lose Friends and Alienate People—Irving Thressler, 1998th edi- tion. Price $1.75. Live Alone and Like It—by Marjory Hillis. Price $1.75. O?chids on Your Budget—by Mar- jory Hillis. Price$1.75. In the Steps of St. Paul—by H. V. Morton. Price $2.50. In the Steps of the Master—by H. V. Morton. Price $2.50. Salute the King—Arthur Mee. Price $1.00. The IC D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Lip / pouitll!IIIIIIIullillumnn o 4imiwUll olllll Mr. 0. L. Paisley spent the week -end in Kirkland Lake. Mr. and 1l4rs. C. G. 141iddleton spent the week -end in Toronto. Mrs. Ralph Hewson left this week to spend the winter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Steven of Toron- to were week -end visitors with Mrs. C. H, Bartliff. Mrs. McDougall of Luean spent Sun- day with Rev, K. and Mrs, McGoun at the Rectory. - Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cook returned to Toronto this week, after visiting friends in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin G. Zinn and fam- ily visited the lady's mother, Mrs. Geo. Holland on. Sunday. Miss Edith Stewart spent Sunday with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Aus- tin Dexter near Constance. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. McTaggart left last week for Toronto, where they will spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Ferguson of Windsor spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs'. T. H. Leppington. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Roberton of Lon- don spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, G. D. Roberton. Mrs. T. H. Leppington splent the past week in Elora, owing to the illness and death of her brother, Mr. Will Tonilrins. Messrs. Thos. Churchill, Jake Mac- Donald, Bill Glew and Freddie Mil- ler leave today on a deer hunting trip to Northern Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. John Layton and Miss Muriel and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hed- den and children of London were guests on Sunday_ of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton. Rev. G, R. Thompson of Kentville, N.S., spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Thompson of the 16th con. of Gaderieh township. Mr, and Mrs. James Livermore were callers with Dr. and Mrs. Shields in Kitchener on Saturday. They also visited Rev. C. J. and Mrs. Moorehouse in London. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Layton of Exe- ter were in town a couple of days, last week visiting at the home of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seeley spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johns of Newmarket and called on their son, Harold, in Tdronto. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Landesborough in Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs John William and Mrs. Frank Anderson and Miss Sadie Anderson, of Kirkton; Mrs, Ceber Hodgins and Miss Audrey Ander- son of Fullerton, and Mr, and Mrs. W. Fulford and Master Lloyd were Sunday visitors with Mrs. El- len J. Cox. Rev. J. R. ,Thompson, Mrs. Thomp- son and babe of Point Edward and Miss Emily Thompson, Reg. N., of 'Stratford, spent a few days last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Thompson' of 16th concession of Goderich township. SEAFORTH RECTOR TO RETIRE It has been announced by 'Bishop C. A. Seeger that Rev. Canon E. Ap- pleyard,'reetor at Seaforth Anglican Church since. 1932, will retire on sup- erannuation at the end of the month. Canon Appleyard formerly was rec- tor of the Church of the Ascension at Windsor, and prior to that was at Woodstock. He has a distinguished war record and is the holder of a Military Cross. - Bishop Seager has also announced the appointment of Rev. R. M. Weekes, vector at Dresden, to the Blyth, Auburn and Belgrave charge. The change is effective November 21. ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER E„,,,x lira THURS., NOV. 4, 1937. November th. 6th i We have decided to Sell a Limited Quantity of Our Stock for Cash at new Low Prices. These Goods will only last for a Limited Time, and Cannot be Replaced at these Prices Clark's Tomato Juice, large size, 3 for Heinz Soups, 48 tins, at Eagle Brand Milk, 24 tins only, at Dominion Granulated Sugar, per sack 25c 13c 19c (A limited number of bags to be sold.)$5 • °75 Cascade Salmon, 24 tins only, at 2 for Rolled Oats, limited quantity, 6 lbs. for Yellow. Sugar, 5 lbs. for Seedless Raisins, 100 lbs., per lb. (All New Fruit.) 25c 25c 29c 11c Mixed Peel, to clear, Lemon and Orange, at ••2gc Shelled Walnuts, per lb. Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. for Libby's Pork and Beans, 2 for Walker's Sodas, 2 lbs. for Broken Sodas, 2 lbs. for A quantity of Fancy Biscuits, per lb Pure Bulk Cocoa, 2 lbs. for Blue Ribbon Coffee, limited quantity, lb. Chase and Sanborn Coffee, per lb. 39c 25c 15c 23 c 19c 15c 25c 39c 39c FRIGIDAIRE Beef Roll, per ib. Spare Ribs, per Ib. Veal Cutlets, per lb. 15c and 1$c 18c 30c Bologna, 2 lbs. for Fresh Picnics, per Ib. Pickled Roll, per lb. Lard, per Ib. 25c 20c 25c 16c Australian Pears, 2 for Australian Peaches, 2 for Quaker Oats, each 29c 29c 21c Our Own Baking Powder, limited, per tin Grab Bags of ',Special Value 15c 25c Special Price Paid for Eggs During This Sale. If you wish to secure these goods, Cone Early or Phone your orders to us. Where "Sells for Toss" Price Prevails vv T. 1 aEarNrnnlinnia CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERt Phone 48 RILEY'S GROCERY. Special Announcement WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKES AND PLUM PUDDINGS. All New Fruits, Seedless Raisins, New Seeded Raisins, Valencia Rais- ins, White Raisins, New Peels, Or- ange and Lemon and Citron Peels, New Cut Peel with Green and Red Cherries, Pineapple Rings, White, Red and Green, Bulk Cherries, Red and Green, New Almonds and Wal- nuts. ALL ON DISPLAY NOW. We Buy and Grade Eggs for which WE PAY lc A DOZEN MORE IN CASH OR TRADE All eggs graded by an experienced candler. MILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells PHONE 39. FREE, SNAPPY DELIVERY. ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Berg and children from Grimsby, spent a day with Mrs. Berg's father, Mr. Mockries. Mr. and Mrs. Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Joe McIntosh of Vineland, and Mr. Neely. Todd, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Dave Todd over the week -end. Mrs. Lorne Woods is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Gardiner of Ashfield, for a few days. The Young People's Union held a masquerade social alohg with guests from Whitechurch Y.P.U. on Monday evening. A very enjoyable time was spent, CONSTANCF. There will be no service • in 'Con- stance United Church on Sunday, as there will be Anniversary at Londes- boro.` Mr, William Millson and his mother of Cleveland, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay. The W. A. and W. M. S. will hold their monthly meeting in the base- ment'of the church on Thursday af- ternoon of .this weak. Mr. and Mrs. David Millson, Mrs: Pollard, Mrs. Frank Riley and Mrs, .Geo. Riley were in Stratford on Tues- day. Mrs. Pollard and Mrs. Millson were in London on Saturday Of thi' week. ' 1`1,0 ..^w'.^^''' 41.1 »: ,41,18:44:444.84 44 :.4.4844:14:4.:4-04 44144141414:4414:144144:14:4 4« ..+04.414.471W4•fi BARBARA'S BEAUTY SALON Mums are now to be had in ab- undance and in a splendid assort- ment of colors. We have large, medium and small. OUR SPECIAL Baby Mums and Singles in Yellow, Pink, Bronze and Rust. 50c A BUNCH. POTTED MUMS in good bloom with lots of buds 75c EACH AFRICAN VIOLET PLANTS 75e and $L00 EACH. There is still time to plant Cro- cus Bulbs in your rockery. They will reward you well in the Siring and for many Springs. 20c A DOZEN Limited Number of Chinese Lanterns -15c a Box. F. R. CUNINGHAME Florist Phone 176. Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. SCOTT'S GROCERY Phone 86 — — Free Delivery Green Tea, excellent quality, lb.39C Black Tea, excellent quality, 14.43c Coffee, freshly ground, lb....: 25c Chase & Sanborn Coffee, lb. _On (Freshly Ground Bean) +Dmf Pumpkin, Choice 25c 21.-2 Size tin, 2 for Ga(�➢ Golden Wax Beans, 2 for 19c Clark's Pork and, Beans Tic 11A Size Tin, 2 for , Pie Cherries, -2 tins for 23c Rolled Oats, 5 lbs. for ... 25c 25c Cracked Wheats 4 lb. bag Macaroni, Ready -Cut, Ib. 6c Minmeceat, 2 lbs. for 25c Supersuds, Ige. plcg, and 3 bars 25c Soap .. C; Castile Soap, 10 berg for 25c. Scott's CroCer j :x After 15 years in business at my home I have opened a new Modern Salon in the Williams Block. We are now equipped to give you better and more efficient ser- vice at no increase in price. A. D. FORRESTER, ELLA FARRELL, Proprietress. Operator. Phone 212 for Appointment. «µM:4.44«« «4 : +: is « « «*+ +4« ««4444+ 4H4,W H. «»:»:::« «,'»:«44.4.::».»:...4:;4, GRACE McDONALD, Assistant -Operator, '35 . 's' • Cash Specials Vel -Raisins, 3 lbs. for 25c Dates, with Pitts, 2 lbs. for . 13c Clark's Soups, 3 tins for 23c Libby's Tomato Juice, 6 tins for 25c Cowan's Pure Perfection Cocoa, lb. tins 23c Red Rose Coffee, per Ib. 39c Lipton's Mixed Tea, per lb. 59c g ,per lb. Our Special Small -Linked Sausage, 15c Smoked Picnic Hams, per lb. 23c Bologna, 2 lbs. for 25c TRY OUR "OLD-TIME" KNITTING YARN - 2 -Ply, Charming Shades and only 10c per ball Our High -Grade Washed and Shrunken Wheeling Yarn will' be sold this week -end at the Small Price of • 89c per lb. Try it once and you will ask for it again. Children's Snow Suits at $3.29 to $3.59 Children's Sleepers from 1 to 6 years, each 8g'c Children's Woollen Knitted Suits ... 9 c to $1.39 Children's Woollen Sweaters 75c Clifford Lobb '"'The Store With the Stock"