The Clinton News Record, 1936-04-30, Page 4:PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD- THURS., APRIL 30,-1936 FOR THE LADIES NEW HATS NEW D SSSS NEW. LINGERIE. You'll . find our Assortment New and Complete. Compare Our Prices— They . Stand Comparison. BARKER'S LiE'LIGIOUS CAKES AND THEY ARE DELICIOUS, YOU'LL LIKE THEM.' LAYER CAKES 15c and 25c JELLY ROLLS 10c CHOCOLATE CAKES ::...,.. 15c and 25c ANGEL CAKES' 25c SPONGE. CAKES 10; 15c and 25c ALWAYS FRESH WILLIZAZINIz SHOES NEWEST SPRING FASHIONS IN .FOOTWEAR LADIES' TIES — in Newest Spring Colors . and Styles in Grey, Brown, Black and Blue $2.48 TO $3.48 MEN'S OR BOYS' GUNMETAL BLUCHER OXFORDS' BOYS $2,25 TO $2.69 MEN'S—$2.95, $3.95, $4.95' Phones .36w,36j. li 2 tAi .v 1: ,n it% u Poultry Farm Proven. Fed to thousands and thousands of Baby Chicks, annually. Promotes Rapid Growth, deep yellow pigmentation and full uniform feathering. 3 Maintains Rugged Health and Vitality; Strong,sturdy bone development — full of vim and vigor. 4 It eliminates the Hazard and Guess -work in you Chick Feeding Program. 4 You can feed Vitafood with full assurance that it will produce better chicles at less cost. RADE FA.MS MILLING CO., ATWOOD. ONTARIO STARTER054" IIE F�IiSIdIIUHG CO. �1Wi0D,llr Represented locally by -- RUSSELL L. JERVIS, - CLINTON ;ra FOR CHILDREN' CHUMS is the 'Sjioe For Wear and Comfort. $1.25.TO $2.19. ton' The Store With the Stock. HOLMESVILLE Mas.. win. Mulholland; who has been spending the winter in Detroit with her' daughters;; returned ,home to the- village on Saturday. We wel- come Mics. IVIulholland back to our, midst. Mr. S. W: Millar is, at time of writ- ing, very ill, at his home, but we hope that he may begin to improve now that warmer weather is here. Several ladies from , Houilesville church attended the W. M: S. Cen- vention of the Huron. Presbytery which was: held in Ontario Street Church, Clinton en Tuesday. Mr. Donald Palmer has been vis- iting with relatives in. Detroit. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harry l'ZcCool and family are sorry to lose them from this community. We heartily attend our good wishes which will follow thein to their new home near Blyth. The W. A. concert which was given at Porter's Hill on Thursday of last week' was keenly' enjoyed by a full house. The program hasalready been described in those celmnns so. we need not enhu ge .upon it at this time.' Rev. Mr. Gale made a very fine chairman and the various . num- bers on the program held the de- lighted audience spellbound. At the' close delightful refreshments. were served by the,. Porter's Hill ladies who did justice to their ,,reputation as charming hostesses. Miss Margaret Grieve of Egmond- Crabbit. keeps Company," it. was quite amusing and we feel Mies Me Math deserves great credit.: "In a Broadcasting- Studio," was also very amusing and created a good laugh. About twenty eight took part in the program. The basement of the church wase comfortably filled and the young People were delighted with the suc- cess of the evening. Misses Helen and 'Evelyn. Cox, of London spent the week -end at the home of their parents.. Miss Irene Woods;. London, also, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton 'Woods. Mrs. Woods who has been quite ill is. slightly improved. We were very sorry to learn that Miss Marion Porter, our school teach err' was taken to Goderich ' hospital as a result of measles. Mrs. Will Mc- Donald is in charge of the school at present. viile, a popular ex -teacher - of our village, school,' called at the home of Miss S: Acheson on Sunday. The meeting• of the Y. P. U. on Friday night was •under "the direction of Miss Norma Potter, . Social Con- vener: Miss -Ada' Finlay was pian- ist for the evening. • -Miss Charlotte Trewartha read the Scripture lesson. Mr. Herbert 'and Bill played a beau- tiful' duet ---violin and ,guitar. This was heartily applauded and we 'do hope that they will play forus a- gain in the near , future.. Mrs. S. Walter gave a very interesting talk on "The Light of the World." .Mrs. Lorne Jervis in her usual good voice contributed a. solo which was actors panied by Miss Norina Potter. This; too, received well-deserved applause. In the absence of the President, Miss Jean Webster, Mr. Norman Trewartha took charge of the busi- ness discussion. During the social hour a "Sing Song" was held and "The Broadcast- er", our Y.P.U. paper, read by Miss Norma Potter. This' is always a Popular feature and eagerly awaited by the young people. PORTER'S HILL Last Thursday the Y.P.A. put on a very successful evening, when the ladies of Hoiniesville gave a splen- did program. The first part of the program Was a play, written and con- ducted by Miss Helen,MeMath, Miss VARNA- Mrs. White of Detroit carie over to be' present at the sale of her broth- ers,' Robert arid Norman Campbell, which was a real success. Mrs, Margaret. Reid has •returned home after sper;ding a few days in London. - Miss Helen Bandy, teacher In Mimcy. Reserve, is spending a few weeks at her home. Mrs. Jessie Stelck is spending a few weeks in London, the guest of Mrs. Annie McNaughton. Very sorry, to hear Mrs. Coltas has gone. to Clinton Hospital for treat- ments. ' Mr. Watson Webster is wearing a smile these days, a little 'girl has conte to brighten their horse.- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hayter and family spent . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and family. BRUCEFIELD friends in Stanley. The many friends of Mrs. Win.. Berry will regret to hear that she re now underthe 'doctor's care. Mr. Austin Zaphe is now .'recover- ing from his recent illness his many, friends will be glad to hear. Three. aitQ loads of women from Btheefield congregation' attended the Kinnon Presbyterial of the Woman's Missionary Society which was held in OntarioStreet Church; Clinton, on Tuesday. They reported 'a most in- spiring services. r It certainly was a. most wonderful sight to -see the large auditorium:' filled to capacity „with - consecrated women, interested in the great work of winning'the 'World for Christ. Mr. :end Mrs.. Harry Bovey and sons, Elnier and Lorne, of Galt spent Sunday ' with' Me. and Mrs. John Grainger. Mr. and Mrs. , Geo. Swan. spent Sunday in Shakespeare with Mr: and \ Mrs.W. Clements. ' -- Mr.. and Mrs. F. Davidson of De- troit aind'Mrs,' Davidson and son of Bayfield speflt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe. Mr. and Mrs. T. ; 1. Wheeler spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. C: Hal- stead. Miss Harrison of Clinton spent e the week -end with her sister, Mrs. F. Burdge. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wallace spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker, Mi•. and Mrs. Joe Richardson vis- ited with Mrs. Margaret McKenzie one day last lveek. The Women's Association held a very successful quilting last week, three quilts being quilted. The W. A. is certainly getting it's name up, as one quiltwas to go to England. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Retry and Genevieve spent Sunday in London. The young people's Union will hold their anniversary text Sunday, May 3rd, when Rev. Mr. Moore of Grand Bendwill be the speaker for the day. Morning service at 11 arm. and even- ing at 7.30. Miss M. Martin, of St. Thomas, Missionary, home on furlough, veno has spent the past fifteen years in India, gave an interesting address onLiher work last Sunday,' which was much appreciated by the eongrega.- on, The many friends of Mrs. Wilfred Ross will be glad to hear that she was able to come to her home in the village last Sunday after undergoing a serious' operation in Seaforth-Ment- oriel Hospital. Mr. Ed. McLeod, a former teacher in No. 10, Stanley, who underwent two operations in Seaforth Hospital recently, . has been visiting with 'We are a to reot ii dt that Mrs g p. Wilfred Ross is home from, Seaforth Hospital,' much improved in health. Presbyterian Slimmer School Dates Arranged. Dates for summer schools at Da- vid Perri° Memorial Camp at Kin - tail, conducted by the synod of Ham- ilton and London of the Presbyterian -' Church have been set. The boys' camp will be the first opening on July 2 and continuing for a week, with Rev. W. A. Young of Hensel]. and Rev. A. R. Gibson :of Mitchell, in charge. The young people's summer school will continue from July 0 to 16, with Rev. C. H, MacDonald of Lucknow, in charge, and the season will con- clud° with the girls' camp, from July .16 to 23, with Mrs. Arthur Leggett. of Molesworth in charge of the camp. THE FAS}PION SHOPPE Phone 67. Bringing to you the Best Styles at Savings that are Worth Coming Miles To Get—Our Complete New Stock. of Coats-Shits—Dresses—Hats, Etc. Gees to the Bargain Block to be Cleared before the end of May—Price Crit to Rock Bottom—This is Your Chance To Save Money—Don't Miss It—Scores of Other Big Savings—BUY NOW! AT ROCK. BOTTOM PRICES"! REG. 14.50 SUITS Smart Styles -All the new colors and Fabrics —Full 'length Coats-Silklined-All sizes— Every One a Big Value At REG. 18.75 SUITS You cannot afford ,to miss these values in all the new colbrs'and materials — Priced away down to Clear Quickly at REG. 26.50 iSUITS Wonderful` Quality Fabrics in all the New Colors and . Patterns - Extra .well, tailored'— Silk linings—Saerified to Clear pit' , r ,,�"vr' 0 6 4, R a crYp r1 r 1$i° �. ei s yryr-. �i,t».i<f�i� i�'�,�;��nk<F.. rr�?a��..� � .raids �I� i;:i4' `tib ,,,;. STA TINGIDA c ME AN1 AEK N •REAL SAVINGS ON EVERY GARMENT IN STOCK --SEE FOR YOURSELF SKIRTS A nice range of new cloths to choose from—All sizes ---They are real value at these clearing prices. See them! 25 DEG. tO IR29EG. 2.49 3,49 BLOUSES. New Styles and Fabrics ---,Just what you are looking for -Big Values Cut from $1.75 and .$2.95- to - 98c & 1.85 • SILK HOSE "CORTICELLI" make first quality- Full Fashioned—Service and Chiffon : —All colors. REG. 59c79c •a'ki?ar a REG. TO 5.00 DRESSES This'is a Real Bargain Group Folks—. Polkadots—Silk Prints—Plain Colors —Flurry, they will sell out %kiddy at this give away price "of . REG. TO 6,95 DRESSES A Big -Group.. of Smarb'New Spring Styles—All colors and `Sizes,—Don't fail to see thein—On sale sow at ,only REG. TO 9.95 DRESSES Better Dresses for All Occasions - New Style -- Stuart Fabrics - the color you want is here at the .Bargain Price of Only " a fv4'tt',i n',7,- v.f"254, , `E�41� a..u, P;, ,,J NEXT DOOR TO ROPY THEATRE. ‘Nammensimormartimmoirl SELLOUT PRICE ON NEW SPRING SELLOUT ON SPRING 0 1' The Season's Choicest Styles and Fabrics are here for your selection in 3' sensationally, low priced groups—These are give-away prices. Don't Miss Them. REG. TO 12.75 REG. TO 18.75 A® REG. TO 24.50, NEW SPRING Scores. of New Straws and F,iglit Weight Siunnier Felts A11 calors' and sizes—Spec- ially Priced to Sell Right Out . Quickly At . 49 REG. TO 5.75