The Clinton News Record, 1936-02-13, Page 5'THIJRS., FEB.13,1936
Tomorrow is Ste Valentine e. Day
The number of fires repotted in the
mast few weeks should .have the ef-
fect of enaking all householders cafe
fel in regard .to flee. With extea
-heat needed in the homes, the danger
of fire is increased, 'but'. care and
:-thorghtfuhness may avert a tragedy,
In the death of Dr, A. H. U. Col-
• ••quhoun, for over'a quarter of a sen-
'`tury Deputy ,Minister of Education,
••on Sunday, Toronto,• the Prov-
-ince and the Deininion -lost a high
class; citizen. A Dian of many gifts
,and attainments, of retiring dispoei-
tion and of modest mein, .possessed
•of fine conversational powers, of a
'keen sense of humour, and of court-
- eons, manner, he was a, man whom it
was a pleasure to meet tend an honour
'to know. A very real and gallant
gentleman, whose passing leaves the
''world the poorer by "his absence,
'though his native land is greatly en-
riched by his sojourn in it for the
span of his life.
Forty years ago ,rhe News-Rocord
stated that it,refueed to tender for
the. county minting because the price
' was so low'thet it was andercost
price. It is a curious fact that this
class of work has iilways been done
"for less' hen' cost in Huron County,
and is being done at present. The
:News -Record during the 'past fifteen
'.years once put in a tender, at a fair,
:not by any ' means ani ' exhorbitant,
price. We were fan underbid and
have not since tendered. The only
reason wliy the county printing is
being done 'now. at the price It is,
is ‚that some .publishers would rather
keep their'staffs busy, even et work
which 'does :not pay,•'than ..,to.:have'
them standing idle and not •earning
.• even. half their pay.
But what we. can. never .get 'into
• our head is 'why' a wealthy county
like Huron is willing be accept work
which is not fully paid for from hard-
working,. taxpayers in the , county.
• Of course, the ,printers are themsel-
- ves tp blame. They should not do the
' work at • less than cost.
The Toronto Daily. Star Saturday
had the following nvith which we a-
• gree. If the' bareheaded guys have
trotible with their bad ears, neural
• gia and kindred ailments as they
'grow older they need not'look'far for
'the cause. Heads need to be protected
'in such cold weather aswe've had
lately, also during the" hot suns of
July and. August. The bare -headed
' fad should be followed with discre-
"On Bloor street on Thursday
about four o'clock' a young man
was seen—a tall, well-built, sane-,
looking young man—standing on
a corner facing the zero winds,
and he had bn a muffler, heavy
gloves, an overcoat and over-
' shoes. He was heavily garment-
' ed
arment-':ed against the blasts of winter
from chin to foot, but he was
'bare -headed. '
For many years fads have
come and gone, leaf this fad of
going bare -headed in all weath-
' ers seems the most foolish of all,
One can come across no reasoned
advocacyof it., You either do it
or you do not. But when one
'sees a man on a bitter cold day
heavily clothed,.overshoes, over-•
eoat, fur gauntlets, a walking=
• stick and all, yet bare -headed,
one always feels like following
- him home to see if he goes 'into
the asylum gate. And no matter
' -how' cold it is, one wishes it were
They should not do this unless
they are prepared to publish a
monthly ,journal explaining why
they do it, •They must know that
to ordinary people they seem
'nutty, If they left off their ov-
•sreoats, their overshoes, their
mitts and ' their mufflers . ono
could recognize them as defiers
• of the cold, But when they
e'rap themselves up like the rest
••of us in heavy clothing and for-,
-get their hats they just seem
nutty do the rest of us. No doubt
any one of them may say that
whether he wears a hat or not is
his own business, and to an ex-
tent this .is 'true because there
is no law to compel him to wear
a hat ,but he looks so 'unreas-
onable in zero weather that he
causes distress to kind-hearted
people. And ire shouldn't do that"
Young men are not the only ones
•Who go bare-headed„as we also have
come girls who leave their hats at
"home or carry, them in the hand. And
another thing which snakes us
marvel is the slight of girls, and -of-
+'ten women who should know better,
warmly wrapped up in a fur coat,
;hat, muff, fur. -trimmed goloshes, and
milling on the nether limbs between
the goloshes and the. bottom of the
".Cur coat butt a pair of hose of the
'weight:': and :warmth : of a cobweb,
Wo sero ':have taken a' lot of abuse in
•'their• time, as for instance the wear-
ing of tight -corsets for'several gen-
•. erations, but our guess is that the
;present generation of girls will not
escape the consequenses of this ex-
pospre of a delicate pairt'of the ent-
ony to the rigors of one northern
winters. Oh for soinebody with ln,
':fluence in the fashionable world who
would come opt with a light -weight,
warm legging to be worn onehe
street and ' taken off when indoors.
It night save much 'suffering and
• Mean added health to the evoinee of
•-our land.
A lovely rose which was presented
to ,the writer over a week ago, which
has been "watched and tended„ care-
fully to keep from frost and is stili
quite perky, displayedwhen opened
that it had two .hearts. That was a
real St. Valentine rose wasn't it? We
like two -hearted roses and when ' or-
dering roses in future we shall stip-
ulate that they have double hearts.
New inventions are said to be so.
convenient that people will be able to
keep house without the aid of servants,
lead a teeth -the -button sort of an ex-
istence. But we have not heard of
anything yet which will get one out
of bed and dressed ready for ,the of-
fice on a cold morning -such as we've
had, this Winter without the exer-
cise of an individual will power.
An electric needle has been invent-
ed which, it is said, will start the
heart beating after it has stopped.
When the time comes for our heart
to stop beating of its own accord we
hope they will justleave it alone. We
do not wish to be electrically restored
to life, just to prove the efficacy of
any modern invention. Besides, we
fancyby that tine we shall have had
enough of this life and will be con-
tent to go on and try another. And,
truth to tell, this nice old world, which
has been more or less kind to us, may
be quite content to allow us to go.
. The Federal Parliament was opeh
ed last Thursday, with less pomp than
usual, as all the ladies present at the
opening wore black,in honour. of the
late King. As a .newspaper• pointed
out, there was a new king on the
throne, a new government in power
and a new governor-general as repre-
sentative in Canada. And, what may
be prophetic for this Dominion, there
were two women members present, in-
stead ofonly one, which. has. been the
case for the past three parlianments,
There was a second woman member
in the senate, also.
Montreal February 10th,—Define
ate signs of improvement h general
business conditions can be gathered
from the 65th Annual Report of the
Sun Life . Assurance Company of
Canada just released for publica-
tion by Arthur B. Wood, President
and Managing Director. The state-
ment. reflects the strength and sta-
bility of life insurance, a voluntary
co-operative movement which for
generations "has stood every test.
Life insurance companies' annual
statements always considered bat:•-
ometers of general business condi-
tions in the territories they operate
in,_have'been accurate indicators dur-
ing the depression and since 19333
have shown, in no uncertain terms,
that general business .s making head-
The Sun Life's financial statement
for 1935 shows still ferthur strength-
ening and improvement, just as the
report for 1934 showed progress over
1933, the year the depression reach-
ed its low point.
Another definite sign of improved
business and lessening of tniemploy-
ment, gathered at the meeting, is the
increase in Group Assurance, design-
ed primarily forcommercialand in-
dustrial plants. This phase of the
Sun Life's business shows an increase
foe the year of twenty-three per
Payment to policyholders and their
beneficiaries since the company was
organized 65 years ago exceed nine
hundred one sixty-eight million 'dol-
lars and during 1935 payments of
this nature were over eighty million
Mr. Wood, in commenting on gen-
eral business conditions in the coun
tries where the Sun Life operates and
the prospects for 1936 in the United
States, Great Britain: and Canada,
the three countries where the com-
pany secures most of -its business
that the world is slowly but surely
emerging from the depression and
that although many uncertainties as
to the future 'still exist and that
Him* will be setbacks from time to
time the significant factor is—that
all those indices' by which' business
improvement is judged clearly in-
n-dicate- that fundamental economic
forces are gradually having their ef-
feet in bringing about recovery and
that this continent, is steadily ap-
proaching' normal conditions.
The problem of transportation
over impassable roads in• sub -zero
weather was solved Tuesday,last, ac-
cording to a report from '•Seaforth,
when a wedding party from St. Col -
timbale passed through the town in
the body of a Forel car decorated with
placards and mounted on a bob-
sleigh. driven by a span of horses
tied with white ribbons.
The St. Felix de Valois Co-opera-
tive ,Egg• and Poultry Marketing As-
soeration, Quebec, in 1935 handled
251,000 dollen eggs which are sold to
pevehasers of ;all grades at an'aver-
aver -age • price for the entire year of 23:6
cents per dozen, This price was ap-
proximately three cents better` than.
that secui,edby producers marketing
through other ` channels• in the dis-
trict.'' Operating costs were approx-
imately four cents .a dozen. The as-
sociation hatchery sold 117,000 dozen
chicks during 1935, ', -
LAWSON—In Clinton community
Hospital on Feb. .7th, to Mr. and
Mrs. 11 C. Lawson, a daughter-
I' M NS ---In Clinton, on Feb.
8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fitz
simons, twin daughters.
KAISER At Tertleford, Sask., on
Feb. 7th, 1936, Mary Josephine
Ilolmes, wife of Rev. G. W. Kaiser.
The funeral will be held in Clinton,
on Saturday Feb, 15th, on 'arrival
of the noon train from Toronto,
Internment in the Holmes ' family
plot, Clinton Cemetery. •
Miss Gladys Beatty of London spent
lien week's holiday • with her mother,
Mrs, L. Beatty, and sister, Edyth.'.
Mr. and Mis: Garden Raymond of
Toronto, visited at the home of Mrs,
M. Beatty for a couple of weeks vaca-
tion. Glad' to see Gard"en looking so
'Very sorry to hear Mr.• Aldwinkle
had the misfortune to loose a valuable
horse last week.
The ladies of the W: M. S' of the'
United' Church "held their monthly
meeting at the Parsonage,with'a fair
attendance, owing to the old weather.
Mr. George Beatty the Treasurer
of, the township, has resigned owing
to failing health, after ' serving a
number of years.
Mrs. A. McConnell is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. J. Argo of Toronto.
Lots of snow for snowshoing 'these
A Practical Farmer's Opinion
The News -Record reporter was
strrick Tuesday by a statement in Tor-
onto dailies credited to the Hon. Mr.
Nixon, to the effect that cattle would
not suffer' from lack of water as long
as there was plenty of snow on the
ground, • ,
Having lived in the country the
greater part of a busy life and having
witnessed on many occasions the ex-
tra work undertaken by farmers in
order that cattle might have free ac-
cess to water during winter weather,
despite plenty of snow, this didn't
seem reasonable to us, but not feel,
Ing that our knowledge was suffic-
ient to warrant a refutation of the
statement, we consulted a practical
Goderieh Township farmer about it.
"Will cattle do without water in
winter when there is plenty of stow
on the ground?” we asked hire. "Oh,
they need water, too,” lie answered.
We then told him about Mr. Nixon's
contention. "He may mean cattle on
range," he said, "hut certainly cattle
which are housed need water and plen—
ty of it. It is one of the farmer's
greatest problems, supplying his stock
with drinking water during the winter
months. Sheep will do with less. But
cattle need both feed and water and
if anything, water is the most Import-
ant "
This farrier has water hi his stables
each beast ,having its own drinking
cup, (think of that, you kids who use
a common cup for drinking) but he
said that he had on many an occas-
ion dug out a drinking place in a creek
before getting the above convenien-
ces installed, so that his stock night
have a good supply of fresh water.
Mr. Nixon said he knew what he
was talking about when snaking this
deivery about the thirst problem on
farms, but here at least is one prac-
tical faience who disagrees. Later on
in the spring, when the Snow begins
to thaw and rue in furrows and hollow
places, no doubt cattle which ave al-
lowed to run out for a period each
day might easily find drink, but in
the weather we have had unless they
ehoul'eat the snow, and no doubt•if
they were thirsty they might do this,
they would suffer for want of drink,
Malcolm MacDonald , Secretary' of
State for the Dominion, who was de-
feated in the General • elections a
few weeks age, was returned in a by-
election in Scotland: on Mpnday.
The Provincial Legislature opened
Tuesday, shorn of sornd of its "frills"
ns Premier Hepburn said it would be.
NM's. Bruce, wife of the Lieut-Gover-
nor,'svas the only lady on the floor
el' the chamber and she was gowned
in blank. The Lieut, -Governor, al -
blemish wearing his court relies, wore
.a band, o�crepeon his
mourningo the late Ring. .
A couple of Hien were ar-
rested this " week, one in Tor-
onto and another in London,
charged with a big bond swindle, and
it may lead to the uncovering of a
bond -swindling ring in the United,
States,' The prime mover here. is
Herbert Wilson self-styled Clergy -
um and author, who has made his
home in London since being paroled
last "spring from' San Quentin where
he was sent on a murder .'charge, on
condition that he should leave the
United States,.
There are in Canadian prisons only
two girls sunder twenty-one, years of
Jin„"•_, �,:rtr,., w
Chas.' V. ` Cooke
Phones: 66w end. 663
age, :while there are 266 boys under'
that age: General Ornsancl, superin-
tendent of pennitenitaries, in his re-
port to the House of Commons ' this,
week made these figures known. He
recommended the separation of these
young offenders from older and more
hardened criminals. "Tee great maj-
ority of young convicts,'.' the report
reads, "find themselves in, penitet-
iary due to a weakness or inhibition
arising from inappropriate early
training, their greatest defeet being
lack of self-control;' .
The Reeve of Sandwich East, who
last week refused to take the oath of
allegience to Ring Edward VIII, sign-
ed a shorter oath this week. He'ex-
plained that the oath prescribed by
the Ontario Department of Municipal
affairs, contains an oath to bear arms,
that another one, the one taken by
members of parliament, is shorter
and reads as follows: "I do swear that
I will be faithful and bear true alleg-
ience to his majesty, King Edward
VIII, his successors; accord-
ing to law, so help me 'God." The other
oath he described as "a military oath
unlimited in scope." The members of
the council of Sandwich East also sub-
scribed to the 'shorter oath.
John Trewin, a Toronto man and six
others, whohave been engaged in
missionary work in the Soudan In-
terior Mission, are reported as being
held captive. • The Ethiopian Gov-
ernment has ordered their release.
Kisses sometimes come high. A
Sudbury man kissed a pretty girl as
she was returning from early mass
last Sunday morning and was hauled
up in court and find $20 and costs,
amounting to $15, or a month in jail
The girl said she had never seen the
man before.
Definate announcement that legis-
lation will be introduced allowing
Ontario separate schools a share of
corporation taxes was madein the
speech from the throne which marked
the opening of the Ontario Legista-
tene On Tuesday. It was also suggest-
ed that township school boards will he
brought into being to improve the or-
ganization of rural schools. Another
highlight was the announcement that
"arrangements have been made to
construct 800 miles of rural hydro
lines to serve 6000 rural customers."
Rt: Hon, R, B. Bennett leader of
the opposition in the House of .Com-
mons the other day asked that the
Robert Simpson Company be probed.
He charged that the president of this
company was a heavy contributor to
the Liberal cause in the last two elec-
tions and that wages were withheld
from the staff to bring up profits.
That employees were compelled to
take holidays without pay. The Simp-
son Company has since denied these
charges, giving the amount of wages
paid in several years.
At the assize court. held in London
this week it was brought out that
Henry Walker had supplied inform-
ation to Premier Hepburn that the
highway payrolls were padded during
the. Conservative regime,'but when
asked to come before a committee and.
testify he demanded $1.000 in pay-
meet, which was.refused,by=the Prem-
Prime Minister Mackenzie Ring in-
timated in his speech on the address
in reply to the speech from the throne
that he would recognise but two part-
ies, the government and those who
supported the leader of the opposition,
R. 13. Bennett. All others
'would be grouped to-
gether ea "inclepen.dants," no matter
by what name they called themselves.
Arthur Slaght, r member!. from Par-
ry Sound, in which riding resides the
famous 'five ' sisters and Dr. Dafoe,
gave the members of the House of
Commons a warm invitation to go up,
to Callender and see the Quiets.
The Ontario member drew a laugh
from the House when he extended
particular invitations to Premier
King, , Conservative Leader Bennett,
Postmaster -General Elliott, and De-
fense Minister Mackenzie, four
bachelors. If they went to Callender,
Mr. Slaght assured them, they would
find "five of the most charming young
ladies in the world.
Lord Tweedsmuir will be called to
the bar and made an honagy bencher
of the Law Society of Ontario when.
he visits Toronto in a week or. so.
The only other honorary bencher of
the society is Ring Edward VHS who
was called to the bar on August 27,
t919, when he visited Toronto as
Prince of Wales.
Feathers Wanted
and Duck
Always w ys in the Market
for good Chickens
and Hens
Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w
Cherry, Raisin, s Mince
and Beef
5c each
Bartliff ? Crich
Makers of Dainty -Maid and
Whole -Wheat Bread
Phone 1. Clinton.'
Since 1893 'we 'have been success-
fully handling .collections for an ever
increasing number of clients. Surely
this indicates that we are efficient
and responsible..
-Send in your list me notes and ac:
counts. If we fail to collect we
charge nothing for our services.
The Collection Specialists
Orangeviile, Ontario
"The Night Owl'
An unusual mystery comedy
will be presented by
Tuesday, Feb. 18th
Town Hall, Bayfield
at 8 p.m.
Admission, Adults 25c; Children un-
der 12, 15e, °
Come and Enjoy an evening of
thrills and laughter 65-2.
Our hatching program includes
Govt. Approval, sixth year., Blood -
testing for five years and Special
feeding of Breeding Stock for vitality
in the chicles.
It includes the setting of choice
eggs carefully incubated and hatched
to preserve their vitality.
It also includes a practical sanita-
tion program to protect their health.
That's why they live better.
That's why they grow better.
That's why they pay better.
For further information, call, phone
or write. The Hatchery is located on
the Goshen Line, Stanley. The phone
number is 971:11, Hensall. The ad-
dress is Zurich, Ont,
We appreciate your enquiries, and
Boarder Wanted
An elderly lady or gentleman in
private home, with modern convenien-
ces, reasonable board, washing, in-
cluded. Please inquire tit this office.
o6 -2-p
Houso For Sale
Large frame house, Huron street,
Clinton, three-quarter acre of garden,
barn fitted to house two cars, also
a 1928 Chevrolet coach for sale and a
good piano for rent. Apply to Mrs,
A. L,. Carwiight, Clinton, or Duncan
Cartwright, Goderieh. 66-1f.
For Sale
A new Ballbearing Vesset Feed
Grinde.r Price Reasonable. Apply to
II. W. Charlesworth. Phone 199, Clin-
ton. 66-2-p
For Sale
One new kitchen cabinet. Will ex-
change for wood. Apply Bert. Lang-
ford, Clinton. 1-p.
For Sale
One colony house, 10x12, Apply
.to Janes Walker;, Bvucefield. Tele-
phone 629r32, Clinton central. 65-2.
Applications for the position of
Day Constable' in the Town of Clin-
ton, will Fe received by ,the under-
signed up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Feb-
ruary 14th, 1936. Salary $5.0.00 per
month. Particulars of duties may be
ascertained at the Cleric's office.
House ToRent
,Comfortable brick house, Alueri
street, Clinton, furnace, bath, all
modern eonveniienoess Iminedla}ee
possession, For particulars apply
to Rev. 'G. W. Sherman' or Mrs: W
C. Brown.
Grand Opening 1
of Clinton's
.Two reigning favourites inthe' realm of muical comedy present a
,brilliant new song and dance attraction
"Shipmates � ' 'r�" ever"
with a balanced program of entertaining shoat subjects
co-starred in 'a touching modern dramatic production ,
"Little Big Shot"
featuring Sylviae ,son the new child wonder
COMING—Charles Dicken's greatest story "SCROOGE"
Matinees Saturdays and holidays at 3 1. m. '
G'oderich—Phone 47
New: •'11K1itALE'S" by Gene
Stratton Porter
... Mon. Tues. and Wed. ..
starred in Fannie Hurst's daring
"Imitation Of Life"
Thursday and Saturday
Pat O'bricn and Jean Muir offer
a talo of showdom's mecca
"STA:` -S OVBit iisiiO.ADWAY'r
Friday Night Only
Oa the, stage! Not a picture:
£eatuftrit Red Newman and Pat
Rafferty with other favorites from
the old revue.
Coming ',Little Big Shot"
Mat: Wed• and Sat, at 3 pm.
Now.: Fannie Hurst's. Imrnitation
of Life
Mon. Tues. and Wed.
Fred MacMurray and Madge Ev-
ans present a thrilling adventure
between "G" men and desperadoes
"Men Without Names"
Thurs., Fri., Sat.
George Raft and Edward Arnold
portray a story of brotherly love
and. racketeering
"The Whole Tbwns Talking"
Coming: The Wedding Night
Mat.: Sat. at 3 p.m.
To our already great variety of fuels, we have now
added a 'smokeless variety of bituminous coal.
dustless treated
*xw �
P 0 CA El
Patronize the old reliable Coal Yard with the full
stock of all fuels For' any emergency.
Call the aittPoticS for
Phone 74.
Clinton, Ontario
S �
ONLY 10c
Phone 68.
A reliable dealer to handle complete
line of Farm Implements for Clinton
arid surrounding territory. Apply to
Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brantford.
In the Estate of Thomas Henry
Cronyn, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
estate of Thomas Henry Cronyn, late
of the Town of Clinton, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who
died on or about the 23rd day of Jan-
uary, A.D. 1936, are 'required to der
liver to Arthur J. Cronyn or Frank
Fingland, the Executors of the said
Estate, or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on
or before the 22nd' day of February,
A.D., 1930, a full statement of their
claims together with particulars
thereof, and the nature of thesecur-
ities, if any, held . by then all duly
verified by affidavit.
• AND TAI{E NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned elate the Exe-
cutors will proceed in distribute the
'estate of the said deceased amongst
the persons entitled thereto having
regard only to suth claims as shall
have received due notice and in ac-
cordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this
3rd clay of February, A.D,, 1936.
F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario,'
52-tf-2p, Solicitor for the said estate, 65-3,
'From the start to finish your ex-
posed films receive careful attention
when you leave them with us for
developing and printing, Every pre-'
caution is taken to secure the best
results possible.
As for enlargements, you will be
surprised how inexpensively we can
make them from your own snapshot
negative. Let its show you.
"Photographs Live Forever"
Phone 115,
Fresh Eggs and Crea
Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh
Cream shipped regularly.
Good Prices Pa14,
Phone 231.
Good maple, white ash, and bass-
wood logs, delivered at our yards, in
Bayfield, Clinton and Thos. Wal-
ahlis', 4th concession, Goderich town-
Phone 624r4, Clinton. 61-tf.
Cottage For Rent
Jenkins' cottage, on Joseph street.
Apply to J. E. Howard, Phone 178,
Clinton. 58-tf,
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned,, up to the 15th of Feb-
ebruary, 1936, for the purchase of W%
Lot 22, and S1/2 Lot 23 (less Railway
part), Concession 9, Township of
Hullett, containing 95 acres more or
less, Mrs. Emily McGill,` Clinton,
Ontario. 61-6.
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits, Coats and Dresses
If not open work may be left at
Mantes Barber Shop, i