The Clinton News Record, 1943-09-30, Page 81PJaGE 8 THE CLINTONNEWS-RECORD MACK ALL -CAST FURNACE NOW IS ',CITE TIME TO HAVE YOUR FURNACE OVERHAULED OR A NEW ,ONE INSTALLED We Carry a Full Line of Furnace anal Stove Pipes A FEW GOOD USED COOK STOVES SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Men's Fine Suits and Overcoats While our stock of Men's Clothing may not be quite as large as in pre-war years, it is never the less, a remarkable showing of high grade garments. They are mostly English Worsteds and Tweeds and are tailored up to the minute in style. We have a nice assortment of garments in each size from 34 to 44 and the prices are quite reasonable BUY THAT SUIT OR FALL COAT NOW while the assortment is at its best WINTER OVERCOATS are now arriving but our stock will not be eomplete for a couple of weeks. SEE THESE BEFORE YOU BUY. Men's Fine Shoes For the man who wants fine quality shoes we would say. See our Scott and McHale or Williams fine Welts in Black or Brown. They are beautiful shoes and the price is very moderate Scarce Goods Many lines are being shipped in very small lots so we advise early fall Shopping for winter needs Plumsteel Bros. Anew Sis its — Adam Hats -- Scott a McHale Shoes fee Mon Agents Tip Top Tallora. 1YPROINSULATION HICK - FIRE PROOF SANITARY EASY TO INSTALL YEAR 'ROUND COMFORT . Insulate your house now and be comfort- able both winter and summer. GYPROC WOOL Thick Insula- tion quickly pays for itself because it SAVES FUEL Let us measure your house and give you an estimate ora.. . Phone 97J V, D. FALCONER Clinton, Ont. Canada's Largest Rural Fair TEESWATER, OCTOBER 5th and 6th Trotting and Running Races; Western Ontario's Premier Horse Show; White Rose Concert Band, Petrolia — Lueknow Pipe Band Square Dance Contest — Freak Vehicles — Professional Clowns Hurdle Jumping — Slack Wire and, Juggling Acts Ladies' Calling Contest — Freckle Contest, Etc., J. J. Reid, Pres. Alex. B. McKague, See. Eva rtigelistic Centre C,1RNL It OF ALBERT .ST. AND PRINCESS ST., CLINTON Ford Family Will Hold Gospel Services: Thursday at 8 p.m. & Sunday at $.15 p.m. After Your Church is out SUNDAY SUBJECT: ON THE JERICHO ROAD ALL ARE WELCOME "Family Night" Meeting A.Fresbyterian Family night meet- ing was held at the horns of Mrs. Snider on Tuesday evening, when Miss.Webster, Field Secretary of Tor- onto: gave or-onto:gave a very inspiring address, taking as her theme, "The light of Christ." The light needed by the world, by Canada and by the Young People. Mrs. Wilson read the 121st Psalm, and all repeated the Daily Prayer in unison, Mrs. F. Mutch and Miss Jean Morgan representing the Girl's Club favored with a duet "He lifted me," accompanied by Mrs. Mc- Lean. Ann Shaddock, representing the Mission Band gave a reading "The Proving of I-luie." After singing a hymn Mk. McLean closed with pray- er. v When a farmer purchases a cow he is, in effect, gambling tbat one animal against his entire herd,' say Veterin- ary authorities, unless before being placed with the other animals' the cow has been tested by a veterinarian to ensure that it is not a disease car- r. Back to, School But First to us For Text Books and Supplies SCHOOL DAYS — SCHOOL DAYS MAKE TIIEM GOLDEN RULE DAYS Some for all and all get some is the idea behind your ration book. Ra- tioning is a nuisance, of course, but the alternative is unfairness in dis- tribution of goods in short supply— and that is worse. Without it some would have profusion and others little or nothing. When you buy your school equipment how about a War Saving Stomp er Two—or more. The W. 11 Fair Co Often the Cheapest --Always the Best al*fmuo:��i!IICIUu�iinm wII'lI iHll.� Mrs. N. W. Trewartha is in Toronto this week, Miss R. V. Irwin spent a few days in Toronto this week. Mrs. J. Kyle has returned to her home after spending some time at her cottage at Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Murray and dau- ghter Gail, are spending this week a in Harriston. e Mrs. K. Axon has returned home af- M ter spending several days in Mit- a cheli, with relatives and friends. a papist for Miss Lois Draper, niece of the bride,.wbo. sang "When Song Is" Sweet" during the signing of the reg- ister. After the ceremony a reception, VMS held at the home of the bride's mother who with ` Mrs. .1. ‘Sunley, Guelph, sister of the .bridegroom, as-. oisted in receiving the ': guests. Mrs. Draper wore a black dress with cor- sage of sweet pease and Mrs. Sunley was also _in black with corsage of pink roses. For travelling the bride wore a coat of snatching blue trim- med with Krimmer fur. After visiting in. Western Ontario cities the couple willgo west to their home at Edmonton, Alberta. V— TURNER—FARQUHAR At "Fairsythe", home of the bride's parents, with the Rev. B. J. Lane of Clinton Presbyterian Church offic- iating. The marriage took place at 2 p.m. Saturday, September 25th, of Lois Margaret, daughter of Mr, and Mas. Ed. Farquhar and John James Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Turner of Clinton. The living room was tastefully de- corated for the occasion with baskets of autumn flowers while at one end tall standards of fern and gladioli were arranged to form setting for the ceremony. The bride entered the room to the strains of Lohengrin's Wed- ding March, played by her cousin, Miss Phyllis Shepherd Given in mar- riage by her father, she wore a white floor length gown of embroidered chenille marquisette. Her finger tip veil of tulle fell from a head dress in Queen Anne style, She carried a bou- quet of Hollywood roses. Her attend- ant, Mrs. D. Smith was attired in ice - blue satin with bouffant shirt of net. Her bouquet was of golden mums and she wore a circlet of matching blooms in her hair. The flower girl, little Miss Betty Lou Farquhar of Detroit cousin of the bride, was frocked in a long pink taffeta dress trimmed with blue velvet bows. Her curls were held in place by a halo of lace and plaited ribbon. She carried a quaint nosegay of pink and white flower& Mr. Tom Turner supported his broth- er, During the singing of the register Miss Shepherd acompanied Mrs. Jos- eph Clegg, the bride's ,aunt, wnile she sang 'Because." Following the ceremony the bride's mother welcomed the guests to the dining room where a buffet luncheon was served. She was dressed in navy embroidered sheer with shoulder bou- quet of red roses. Assisting her was the groom's mother, Mrs. Turner, in black crepe romaine with corsage of roses. The dining -room table was centred with the three -tiered wed- ding cake arranged en a bed of tulle nd myrtle, flanked by tall white tap rs. The bride's grandmother, Mr argaret Farquhar and the groom' unt, Mrs, Webster . Turner presided t the urns. TULIP BULBS We have a limited number to offer, They are'all for outdoor' planting' BARTIGON, SCARLET PROF. RAWHENHOFF, RED WM. COPE4LAND, MAUVE PRINCESS ELIZABETH PINK ALSO YELLOW DARWINS 60c A DOZEN ASSORTED DARWIN TULIPS 40c A DOZEN PREPARED SOIL. 25c A PAIL F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 111 --CL STPON. SPECIALS FOR Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2. SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA Package 5c BON AMI POWDER 'lin 12c DELTA FLO-GLO LIQUID FLOOR WAX, 20 oz. Jar 29c ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS 25, 40, 60, Watt 15c JAVEX 2 Bottles 29c LAUNDRY STARCH Pound 11c LEMON OIL, 12 ounce Bottle 25c CLASSIC CLEANSER Tin 5c DECK MOPS Each 35c GILLET'S LYE Tin 12c P. & G. SOAP 2 Bars 11c CAMAY SOAP 3 Bars 19c SINKO, Tin 25c TURPENTINE, 12 ounce Bottle s' LEMONS, Size 360s Dozen Mrs. J. Harrison and Miss Dora Har- rison attended the Burdge -Hey. th wedding at 'Blake on Saturday: tr Mr. Robert' McCartney and Mrs. A. T :L: Rodges and daughter Elizabeth J of Galt spent the week end at their S home in town. th Mrs. George Stevens has returned re home after spending a week with her brother, Mr. Frank Longman in and family of Hullett. ar Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Churchill of BI Detroit spent a few days in town m with his brother, Mr. Thomas Churchill and rMrs, Churchill, Mrs, A. L, Eagleson of Oklahoma City and Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Farquhar u and daughter Betty Lou of Dear- Sa horn, Mich., who returned for the ` Turner -Farquhar wedding are visit- M ing relatives in the community. w, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lever and dau- Ft ghter, Mrs. Meyer were in Hamil- M ton this week, having gone to visit Re with his brother, Richard Lever, who ce underwent an operation hi Hamil- ton General Hospital on Tuesday. eh V th Immediately after the receptio e bride and groom left on a mato ip to Toronto and Niagara Falls he bride's costume was blue woo ersey with British tan accessories he carried a camel hair top coat. 0 Cir return Mr. and. Mrs, Turner sail side in Clinton, Guests were present from Oklaho- a, North Dakota, Michigan, Niag- a Falls, Varna, .Seaforth, Auburn yth, Clinton and surrounding com- unity. . . V BURDGE—HEY POTATOES, n • Peck r COOKING ONIONS i •2 Pounds . CRANBERRIES n Pound Blake United Church, was the set - ng for a lovely autumn wedding on turday, September 25th, at 2 p.m, vhen Kathleen Mary, daughter of r. and Mrs. Samuel Hey, of Blake, as united in marriage to James 'ederick Bprdge, son of Mr. and rs, F. J. Burdge of Brucefield. Rev. ba Hern of Varna officiated at the remony. The charming bride entered the urch on the arm of her father to e strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Mrs. H. G. Bess of rich. She was attired in a floor - length gown of white sheer over taf- etta with V neckline, shirred bodice trimmed with fur and little white bows of the same material, with the skirt falling on soft folds from a torso waistline. Her finger tip veil was of french net, and' she wore a three strand necklace of pearls and a gold wrist watch the gift of the grown. She carried: a white Bible with Long satin .streamers, knotted with flower petals. Miss Elva Mae Hey, of Windsor was her sister's bridesmaid, frocked in pink sheer ovs er tafetta made on similar lines to that of the bride's with a finger tip veil of french net and she wore a gold locket and gold earings. Her bouquet was of pink, white, lavender asters Mr. Franklin -H. Young of Windsor, s groomsman and Mr. Mervyn Ick, cousin of, the bride, and. Mr. tor. Hey, the bride's brother, were ers. During the signing of the.reg- ister Mrs. H., G. Hess sang "I love you TruIy," accompanied at the or-, WEDDINGS Zu MCLEOD—DRAPER White anemonies and white gladioli in attractive arrangement in the chancel of St. Paul's Church, Clinton formed the setting for the pretty Autumn wedding of Myrtle Isabel Draper, daughter of Mrs. Draper, and the late R. J. Draper, to Lieutenant- Colonel George' B. McLeod, Edmon- ton, Alberta, which took place at 4.00 o'clock .Saturday afternoon. Rev. G. W. Moore, rector of the church offic- iated, The bride given in marriage by her brother, Caryl W. Draper, Clinton, was becomingly attired in an after- noon 'dress of dull blue with small hat and veil to match, and with a shoulder bouquet of 'red ,roses, The bride's sister Miss Winnie Draper, St. wa Catharines, was maid of honor, wear- Ste ing a dress of claret wool with small Vie hat to match and shoulder bouquet of ush Talisman roses, Mr. Stanley McFar- lane, of Guelph was best man, and Mr. Ashton Morrison and Mr Murray Dra- gan per were ushers, The ,wedding, music was played by Mrs. Theo Fremlin, the ate church organist,, who was also accom- eve by Miss Jean. Hey o£ London, T •church was beautifully decor - d for the occasion with a large rgreen arch entwined with flowers • 25c 43c 48c 15e 15c I. R. THOIVJPSON at the front of the church and on eith- er side were two large evergreen wreaths. The altar was banked in a semi -circle with autumn flowers and the guest pews were marked with pink and white flowers and stream- ers. Following the wedding a recep- tion was held at the bride's home with the bride's mother receiving dressed in black -figured sheer with black ac- cessories and a shoulder corsage; she was assisted by the groom's mother dressed in navy crepe with black ac- cessories and shoulder eorsage. Tho house was gaily decorated with pink and white streamers and the table was decorated in pink and white cen- tred with the bride's three tiered wedding cake. The wedding dinner was served to twenty guests and assisting were Mrs Melvin Brown, Mrs. Mer- vyn Stelck and Miss Kathleen Hey. The happy couple left amid showers of confetti and rice for points along Lake Erie the .bride travelling in a brown hand tailored pin striped suit with brown accessories and brown Martin furs. Guests were present from Windsor, London, Centralia, Bruce - field; Seaforth,, Clinton, Zurich and Goderich. The best wishes of the commanity.. go to Mr. and Mrs. Burdge in their new home. V Early Run of Perch At Goderich Harbour Small catches of perch are already being made from the piers and break- waters at the harbor, in Goderich and indications are for an early run. 10 days to two weeks in advance of the average. So far, however, there are no minnows for bait, Commercial perch hauls have nearly doubled in the past week. I Sea -Lett MACKEREL POST BRAN FLAKES 35c Tin 2 for 23c 'THURS.,SEPT. 30, 1943 VALUES FOR OCTOBER lst and 2nd ROUND GRAIN GOLDEN SPRAY RICE, 2 lbs 23c CHEESE, pkg. 21m. SOAP, SUNLIGHT, 4 cakes • 25c KEEN'S 41112. CLARK'S GOVERNOR MUSTARD, sm, tin 10cr SAUCE, Bottle 25e RED & WHITE Combination Offer COWANS COCOA 1 Jar R.&W. Peanut Butter COCOA TIN LB 15c MJa&W. ootrh 25c xN 25C AUNT SALLY'S PLUM WAGSTAFFE S ORANGE Jam Jar • 33c Marmalade, Jar 39c SOAP, LIFEBUOY, 4 cakes 25c BIG FINE AERO PASTE Cleanser, Tin 5e Wax, ib tin • ,... 27c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CHOICE SWEET CHOICE LARGE Potatoes, 2 lbs 29c Cabbage, each • 15c CHOICE CALI. RED CHOICE CALIFORNIA Grapes, lb 23c Lemons, 6 for 23c cII,OICE PEPPER _ CHOICE STALKS Squash, 2 for 15c Celery, 2 for 27c — CAULIFLOWER — PEPPERS — TOMATOES — CARROTS — ORANGES — CRANBERRIES — LETTUCE — TURNIPS — C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON A Large Assortment Of Bedroom Suites has arrived recently, also steel beds, springs and mattresses, so that you will have a good assortment to select from at attractive prices JUST ARRIVED A NEW STOCK OF TABLES, FERNERIES, MIRRORS, LAMPS AND WARDROBES BABY CARRIAGE$ AND PLAY PENS BALL & ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. ZAPFE) Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 CHICKEN HADDIE 35c Tin JAVEX 15c Bottle TODDY 1 lb Tin 45c LOOSE COCOA 19c Lb. WHITE WINE OR CIDER VINEGAR 47c Gal. Interlake TOILET RUBBER RINGS TISSUE 3 rolls 25c 4 pkg. 25c Rose BAKING PWDR. METAL RINGS 17cnI lb Tin 25c Dozen SPECIAL Flo-Glo liquid self polishing Wax•29c BtL RAINBOW Noodle Soup 2 pkg 21c TILLSON'S OATS 17c Pkg SURPRISE SOAP 5 bars 23c Quaker CORN FLAKES, 3 pkg. for 23c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 19c LB. Orval Lobb Gr. ter FREE DELIVERY STOP YES, WHY NOT STOP NOW AND •SEE OUR WINDOWS. We are sure you will find many things you have been going to buy for sometime. PYREX IS FILLING EVERYONE'S NEED FOR THE KITCHEN. We have a good supply on hand and will be pleased to show yon our stock at any time. TtiFlliw1iins IIARDWVARE and PLUMBING Phone 244