The Clinton News Record, 1943-02-04, Page 7THURS., FEB. 4, 1943 HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS 041.04,11,00.04444,04 tie aatyOpecla/! `VAR STAMP S 8i¢ your GROCERS, i THIS MODEST CORNER IS DEDICATED TO THE POETS Here They Will Sing You Their Songs—Sometimes Gay, Sometimes Sad—But. Always Helpful and Inspiring 1 LET THEM. IN, Peter, they are very tired; • --Give them 'the couches where the angels sleep. Let them wake whole again to new dawns fired -With sun, not war. And may their peace be deep. Remember where, the broken bodies lie. And give them things they like. Let them make noise. God knows how young they were to have to diel Give swing bands, not goldharps, to these our boys. Let them love, Peter --they have had no time— "Girls sweet as meadow wind, with Dowering hair .. . They should have trees and bird song, hills to climb— ` The taste of summer in a ripened pear, Tell them how they are missed. Say not to fear; It's going to be all right with us down here. TODAY 'Look to this day, For it is life, the very life of Life, Por in its brief course lie - all the varieties' of existence; The Bliss of Growth, The Glory of Action, The Splendor of Beauty— Por yesterday is but a Dream And tomorrow is only a Vision But today; 'Well -lived snakes' every yesterday a Dream of Happiness, And every tomorrow a Vision of Hope, Look well, therefore, to this day. Such is the Salvation of the dawn. —The Sanscrit. A.CALENDAR ROMANCE 'Our hero was the common sort, when all was said and done; 11e worked his head off daily and was out to get the Mon. The reason for his diligence was coni- ntonplaee, 'tis true— He tried to swell his salary so it would suffice for TUE. Ana maybe that's the reason why one day he losthis head, And falling on his knees, he cried, "Oh maiden wilt thou WED." He may have thought this sudden but it seemed not so to her; She lisped a quick acceptance and said forcibly "Yeth THUR." But when they went to keeping house he feared that he would die; For, oh, that modern maiden could neither bake nor FRI. She could not : run a bungalow, or oven a flat, So on many sad occasions in a test- urant they SAT. But he forgave her everything—as man has always done, When she presented him one day a bouncing baby SUN. REMEMBER RUSSIA (Tune, Tipperary) It's a long, long way to Russia It's a . long way to go, It's a long, long way to Russia, But the want you all to know, This war today is our war, We must all remember that; TIIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CARE OF CHILDREN COOKING PAGE '7 PACE HEALTH "1 Sat Where They Sat" By "PEG" • These words taken from Ezekiel ly the same thing they have done. 3:16, give us plenty of food for i Anyway where does all this talk thought• get us. Does it do the one who has We have entero: the New .Year. done wrong any good? Take for in In it we will find much happiness but stance the young Man who will like - to many of us sorrow will find its ly "serve a term". After he has fal-= way, into our homes. There will be len does it do any good to talk about much give and take and many mus' • it , We may send a representative understandings. We will all need to 'to court and have his sentence leg - have a great deal of patience. There'sened but he will go through life are those whetare friends now, wvho'with that` stain upon his character. when nineteen forty-three comes toe an end will not be speaking and there He may he into a "far country" when are those who are not friendly now, perhaps he is ,not known and where who will by some means be brought he thinks it will never found out, together again. ` In other words' wee but nine cases out of ten some per- will have toput ourselves in thson of evil intent will learn where he is and after an "Now don't tell this" place of some one else before mis- will start the report understandings can be adjusted.going again When a person has done wrong they It is indeed very hard. to just get have suffered and are we without the view point of the other person. sin that we should consider that we On one occasion two friends went have any reason to keep -that one to hear a world famous pianist. They down, If we have never sinned and were not able to get seats together, and not likely to ever do anything one was in the gallery and the other wrong then it will be time enough to on the ground floor.," At the con- jtry to keep some one else down. elusion of the programme they met at the appointed place. On the way It may be that boy his always home one said to the ether "was that been granteda mischief, .but if someone, control of not wonderful playing? I never hope , a cuts, had just takeot n a personal to hear anything finer"Oh,' said interest in him had lived such a life the other "I never heard such tin that the boy would look up to him and pan playing in. my life. I thought had sort of made a pal of him the he was never going to get through". : story of that lad would in all probe - Somewhat taken back the first one bility been much different from said "Well I cannot understand that"1 what it was' the other replied "My head ached so terribly that if I had not promised There are many boys and girls, to meet you I would have gone home." men and women who have fallen into The situation was at once understood sin, who would never be in that pos- when the first friend sat where the ition'if we had just put forth an ef- other one had sat. fort (when we saw that they were 1 thought I would bring my knits being tempted) to lead them right, ing along and spend the afternoon" we may be the one whom God has The. reply of her hostess was not chosen to give them a fresh start in very cordial and conversation lagged. life, but we have been so busy about Finally the visitor said, ''1 goo trifling things in our own life that will go on I want to call on Mrs. X. we have no time to put ourselves in When she got to Mrs. X the visitor'the place of some one else and just. told of what had happened andend- see how they felt about thugs. ed by saying "She certainly gave me A man of great age in giving a a cold shoulder and it will' be a long press report recently said it always And we 11 send a bomb or two from time before I' go back there again." gave hint a great deal of pleasure Clinton Could she have seen Mrs. i.4 as she to confer degrees to start young men That will knock old Hitler flat. went to her room after her departure and women off to a good start. --.—= and heard her as she sobbed her It was•God's wish that we should heart out over some family affair all have good happy lives, but sin DESIGN she would have been more charitable crept into the world and in order to Unlookud for are the Joys we value in her judgment. •She could not put ensure for as life eternal with Him, herself in her friends position and God sent His only son into the world most, ; go through the agony which was her to die for us. Christ trained his dis- Dear daily Happenings,nothing lot. How thoughtless we are at times! eiples, eleven of whom went out into really planned, The unexpected gift, the flower, the "I certainly am gong to that the world'to teach what .they had note teacher to ive her a piece of my learned from Hint. It has been our That comes to us, sent by a well mind. The very, idea of hien punishprivilege to be among those taught loved hand. ing John, who had not done anything and we should do tai best, to help wrong, and letting Jim off, others along the straight and nar- • g Unearned is so nmeh Sweetness that when he was the cause of all the row way. Life brings. (trouble." So away that Mother went 'LEAN HARD The friend who just drops into to the teacher only to have it proved tea, and stays ,Ito her that her boy was in the wrong Child of any love, lean hard, To chat of pleasant things; of coon- and had get off very lightly with the And Iet mefeel the pressure of thy try walks; ' ;punishment he had received. All ore. ' Of books we've read; of music, pia -'that mother could see was that her 1 know thy burden, child; I shaped it, tures, plays. (son had been badly treated, She Poised it in Mine Own hand, trade no could not understand the side of the proportion These weave a Pattern into Daily Life teacher at, all. in its weight to thine unaided And later we look backward down strength; That the years, wonderful ebaaaeter Jean val Foi•, soon as I laid it on, I said, And see how sweet: and ordered the Jean, the hero of Victor Hugos "Les I shall be ever near, and while she Design, iMiserables" spent many years- as a leans on rue, How+balanced were its sunshine and galley slave in the prison',ef Talon. This" burden shall be mine, nothers. its tears! - What was the primary cause of this So shall I keep my child within the circling arm Of 'mine own love. Here'lay it down, ANSWERING HITLER'S CHALLENGE Mary Eversley. unjust imprisonment? He had tramp- ed all. day in order to get work that he; might support his. sister's family. Then fearing that starvation was their lot he had broken,a baker's win- dow and had stolen a loaf of bread. This one wrong step bad led on front one thing to another until the best part of his life was spent behind pris- on bars. "That boy always was the worst scamp in town. His parents never could do anything with him and now look at the trouble he has got him- self and all . belonging to him into He will likely serve a"term for that." I One 'could go on and on recounting ' instances where we can see faults in :A giant 4 engined Stirling Bontberdeposit her 8 ton load on a vital tar- ., setting out from an R,A.F. station toget in Ger.•many. • nor fear To impose it on a shoulder which up - hold's The government of worlds. Yet clos- er come; Thou art not near enough: 1 would embrace thy care • So I might feel my child reposing on my breast, Thou lovest Me! I know it. Doubt not then; But„ loving me, lean hard! "PEG" • Art Irishman presented himself at others and how prone we are to a police court, and addressing the /criticize, probably rightly, but never- magistrate, said: theless without avail. We gather to- "Your Honor, the water pipe's burst- , gether with our friends and talk eel in my cellar and drowned all the !these things •over. We are quite cocks and hens. What'll 1 do?" • ready to find fault and to say. "I tell The magistrate replied that he was ; you I would not have done that, 1 sorry, and suggested that the appli- would have planned it so and so" cant should see the water company. 'Does it ever occur to us that if we I •.'Sure, your Honor; I've' been," re; were placed in the exact circumstan plied Pat, "and they said I was a fool ces of the one we are criticizing we to keep cocks and hens -I ought to would in all probabilities do exact have kept ducks." ay ANNE ALLAN Hydro Home :Economia "ONE STEP" MEALS SAVE TIME AND ENERGY t Hello Homemakers! Tackling a job cheerfully hakes it easier, doesn't it? Nowthat you want toreduce kitchen " time to a minimum, your meal -getting will be simpler if you make good uses of your well -cooker or Dutch Owen. A friend tells us when she has put her whole meal into her well -cooker, she feels so good she does a one-step all around the kitchen. She is free for war work or anything else. Yes it's easy and it's economical. Just snake sure your meals are "nutrition -checked" and the family is sure to feel right because the food will be cooked right. Here's the cor- rect use of the swifches for the well - cooker: (1) "High" for ,browning meats, bringing foods to steaming point and baking, (2) "Medium" for sterilizing ,and (3) "low" for main- taining point after steam appears at vent, for soup cookery, for cooking dried vegetables and fruits. NUTRI-THRIFT MEALS Seventy „Baked Beans; (Moulded Beet .Salad), ,Steamed Apple Pud- ding. Vegetable Soup, (Grated 'Carrot Salad), Bread Pudding. London Style Lamb, Steamed Potatoes, (Grated Cabbage and Horseradish), Carrot Pudding, Meat Balls and Brown Potatoes (Grated Turnip Salad), Prune Pud- ding. Spaghetti with Tomatoes, - (Celery and Apple. Salad), Holy Poly Pad- ding. Puddings are steamed above the "one step" meal.. Bracket foods are prepared and chilled in electric refrigerator. All menus may include whole wheat rolls'` or biscuits or "Canada approved"bread, and milk for the beverage, RECIPES Spaghetti and Tomatoes 3 cups spaghetti (uncooked), 5 cups canned tomatoes, 1% cups grated cheese, it tsp. cayenne, Ifs tsp. salt. Combine ingredients and place in the well -cooker of electric range. Cook on High until steam comes actively from the vent about 30 minutes, Allow to continue cook- ing for 1 hour on Low. Total cook- ing time 11�• hours. (Amount--=. about 6 to 8 servings.) Meat Balls ..1 lb. ,hamburger, i/ cup cooked rice, 1 medium sized onion (chopped fine)', 1 medium green pepper (chop- ped fine) ,1 egg, i% cup milk, salt —Combine Combine ingredients and shape in- to balls. .Place in the well -cooker of electric range. .Brown well. .Add 2 cups .of .stewed .tomatoes, .Cover Cook on High for approximately 20 minutes or until steam comes from vent. . Continue cooking on Low for approximately 1 hour. , ... . Prune Pudding 2 cups dry bread crumbs, 1 cup milk, % cup sugar, 1. cup chopped prunes ' (or dried apples), Vs cup melted butter, 2 eggs beaten, salt, Add bread crumbs to hot milk and set aside to cool. When .coal add all other ingredients and pour into greas- ed baking dish:'. Bake approximately 1 hour in 350 deg. oven or steam about 1 hour in well -cooker of elect- ric range. TAKEA TIP: 1. Heat rolls or ',muffins in the top of your double 'boiler and save time .and. electricity. This Method freshens the pro- duct. 2. When we snake a chocolate cake or cookies, we stir a"little of the sugar ,• (one-fourth cup) int the pan in: which we have melted 'the chocolate:The sugar gathers "up all the rest of the chocolate and saves just that much. 3. You can make twice as much meringue if you add a teaspoon of water for each white, while you are ,beating it. Lemon juice instead of water ' gives an un- usual flavour. THE QUESTI,ON ; BOX Mrs. D. B. asks: "Do you grind liver before or after parboiling for liver loaf? Please send recipe." Answer: Liver Loaf 1% lbs. pork liver (ground after parboiling), % Ib. ground beef (rather fat), 1 cup hot water, % cup; bread or cracker crumbs, 1 egg beaten 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. sage, 1 onion min- ced. Melt 1 tb. fat ' in frying pan and add onion, liver and beef. Brown thoroughly. Pour hot water over crumbs and mix all ingredients to- gether. Shape into loaf and bake in a greased pan for 35 minutes in electric oven at 360 deg. Halves of onion or potatoes may be bakedin the same pan. Anne Allan invites you to write to her % Clinton News -Record. Send in your questions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies. V BLESSING ON THE WOODS Reprinted from The Conning Tower in the New York Herald Tribune of August 29, 1933, in memory of -the author, Arthur Guiterman, born Nov- ember 20, 1871; died January 11, 1948 Blest be our woods of hemlock, maple pine, Balsam and birch, dear Lord, our woods and thine! Blest be their bubbling springs their rippled lakes, Their ponds, and every laughing brook that makes Rainbows and foam and crystal hopes for trout; Blest be the trails that wander in and out Among gray boulders , drowned in soft green seas Of velvet moss; Oh, blest be all of these! Blest be the woods and they that dwell therein: The scolding squirrel and his gentler kin, The friendly chipmunk and the timid hare; Blest be the graceful mink, the sham- bling bear, The beaver on his dam, the drum- ming grouse, The hawk that loves the sky, the white -foot mouse. The antlered buckthat paces,proud they all! With doe and dappled fawn, blest be thy all! K • Lord bless the woods for perfect love. Buses, For balm that heals the soul in care and stress! Keep them forever fragrant, cool and sweet! From 'thunderbolt and flame, from gale and sleet, Front avalanche, from torrent, drought and blight. From all that is unclean, from ruth- less might That gives to desolation valley, glen And mountainside. God bless our woods! Amen. HAPPINESS Our happiness mainly depends on the freedom that reigns within us; a freedom that widens with every good deed and contrast 'beneath acts of evil. —M. Maeterlinck. LtSNAPSI-10T GUILD INDOOR' PICTURE MAKING • This •excellent informal portrait was made tttumtnation. A MONG the photographic news of 1I, recent weeks, none has been more heartening than the disclosure that despite the scarcityof flash and flood bulbs, it is possible to look forward to uninterrupted indoor picture making for the duration. The reason is that with today's fast pan films; ordinary household lamps can be satisfactorily used for photo- graphic lighting purposes. The question, of course, is "How?" And the answer, in short, is "Just place the bulbs in regular cardboard photo reflectors and give longer ex- posures than those required when using photo' lamps. There's nothing at all 'difficult about it. For instance, with one 100 -watt W and one 160 -watt bulb in •photo- graphic reflectors, the. exposure should be just about four times as long as would berequired for similar ,lighting:set-ulps using "a No. 1 and. No. 2 floodlamp. Therefore, if you want to get approximate exposures for your own indoorpicture making, you•could follow one of those handy ten -cent; indoor pocket exposure cal - with ordinary household. eulators which are designed for pic- ture 'making ic- ture'making with two floodlampe--- providing that you remember' to give four times the exposure recom- mended by the calculator for each. specific • lighting set-up. If you ,don't have an exposure cal- culator, here's a lighting arrange- ment which will give you good re- sults for informal indoor portraiture or small group pictures. Place a 150 - watt bulb, in reflector, to the right of the camera and about five feet distant from the subject. The light should be high enough so that it shines down on the subject as light front the top of•a window might do. Next, place a 100 -watt bulb, in re- flector, about five feat from the subject, but this time to the left of the camera and in a low position. The purpose of this light is to brighten the shadows cast by the more powerful bulb. The correct ex- posure with extra -fast pan film will the be about 1/5 second at 1/8, or one full second at the largest opening on a box camera, > 6 John vait Guilder